Nadine Bertalli kinesiology & wellness

~ Change your life! Be calm, clear and inspired ~
Kinesiology and holistic wellness in Melbourne. Welcome! Thanks for dropping in.

I'm Nadine, a kinesiology and holistic wellness practitioner in Melbourne. Offerings:
* holistic kinesiology
* sound healing - tuning forks
* flower essence consultation

Specialising in:
* emotional wellbeing
* soul growth
* life and career direction
* stress management
* preventative health

Located in the heart of Brunswick, Melbourne

Book your appointment online!


Todays vibes … the joy of hanging round (and round!) on the hills hoist. Weeeeeeee!! Looks like summer (she said in a winter jacket and gloves hehe) and feels like fun. The sky even matches the wall today!

Enjoy this scene in the car park next to clinic ☀️


There’s a new kid on the block! Welcome Calophyllum, the latest Australian Bush Flower Essence, supporting ~

✨ leadership
✨ inspiring and supporting others
✨ integrity
✨ resilience
✨ stepping out of your comfort zone

I wonder if you’ll meet Callophyllum in your next session? 🤔

You can also purchase Calophyllum (and any other essence!) without a consult. All 70 (yes, 70!!) Australian Bush Flower Essences are in stock.


I’ve been an accredited practitioner of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) since 2013. Now, with more than 10 years continuous membership, I’m a Fellow of ATMS. Nice!

But what does this mean for you? Among other things, it means:
⭐️ My training/qualifications are legit and meet a national standard
⭐️ I follow a code of conduct (good things like ethical and professional practice)
⭐️ I keep my skills up to date with ongoing education
⭐️ I have professional insurance and current first aid certificate
⭐️ That I’m accountable (important as a solo practitioner)

Most industries have their own professional associations, and natural health is no different. Although it’s not a requirement for (most) natural health practitioners to join an association, I reckon it’s a good idea - for you and for me!


I’ve been an accredited practitioner of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS) since 2013. Now, with more than 10 years continuous membership, I’m a Fellow of ATMS. Nice!

But what does this mean for you? Among other things, it means:
⭐️ My training/qualifications are legit and meet a national standard
⭐️ I follow a code of conduct (good things like ethical and professional practice)
⭐️ I keep my skills up to date with ongoing education
⭐️ I have professional insurance and current first aid certificate
⭐️ That I’m accountable (important as a solo practitioner)

Most industries have their own professional associations, and natural health is no different. Although it’s not a requirement for (most) natural health practitioners to join an association, I reckon it’s a good idea - for you and for me!


I discovered quite by accident yesterday that my website wasn’t secure and that it was opening with warnings, or not at all in Safari 🤦‍♀️ 🫣

I’m all secure again and you can now actually open my website. Read about moi and book online. Yay!

I also learnt that the ‘S’ in https stands for secure. Who knew! I think I need to raise my tech-geek game hehe.


When things visit 🧚‍♀️

Patience visited me
And it reminded me
That good things take time to come to fruition
And grow slowly with stability

Peace visited me
And it reminded me
That I may remain calm through the storms of life
Regardless of the chaos surrounding me

Hope visited me
And it reminded me
That better times lay ahead
And it would always be there to guide and uplift me

Humility visited me
And it reminded me
That I may achieve it
Not by trying to shrink myself and make myself less
But by focusing on serving the world and uplifting those around me

Kindness visited me
And it reminded me
To be more gentle, forgiving and compassionate toward myself
And those surrounding me

Confidence visited me
And it reminded me
To not conceal or suppress my gifts and talents
In order to make others feel more comfortable
But to embrace what makes me me

Focus visited me
And it reminded me
That other people’s insecurities and judgements about me
Are not my problem
And I should redirect my attention
From others back to me

Freedom visited me
And it reminded me
That no one has control over my mindset, thoughts and wellbeing
But me

And love visited me
And it reminded me
That I need not search for it in others
As it lies within me.

~ Tahlia Hunter
Art ~ Jungsuk Lee


Lights, camera, action! 🎥
A sneaky behind the scenes look at online sessions. All my healing bits and bobs are in easy reach on the table and in the bookshelf. And look, you still have your session on the massage table 🤣

Remember when this was our only option?!? 🫣 Thankfully those days are gone, but we can still meet online if you’re an existing kinesiology client. Perfect for emotional well-being and self-growth work.

Fun fact - I started offering online sessions in 2016!

Skype kinesiology is available Tue, Wed, Fri (and Saturdays in special circumstances). Book online at my website ☝️


I’ve been restocking supplies of goodies for you! My cup of crystals runneth over 😍 There’s some new items as well as old favourites … and more to come!

Purchase at your session or make a time to pick up.


It’s been another terrific year in clinic and I wanted to take a moment to express my joy and gratitude to YOU for being in my clinic community. Thank you!! 🙏

A lovely client gifted me these rose quartz string lights. So pretty! They’ve been filling clinic with all the good vibes and festive cheer 🧚‍♀️

I’ll be back in clinic on Tue 9th Jan 2024. Book your new year session online via my website. Link ⬆️

Happy festive season and new year!


Gift vouchers are available for sound healing and flower essence consults, hooray! Kinesiology sessions can also be gifted to existing clients 💕

Give the gift of relaxation and balance 🧚‍♂️✨

Purchase by Sat 23rd Dec to receive your e-voucher before Christmas. DM for more deets.

Photos from Nadine Bertalli kinesiology & wellness's post 15/12/2023

This week I picked up a bunch of clinic resources from a lovely colleague who is closing her clinic. So much good inspiration - crystals, chakras, energy healing. I can’t wait to share them with you!

I also picked up some fun new (old!) chairs for us. They’ve been lovingly refurbished by a maker on marketplace.


It’s exam month at acupuncture school 🤓 and I’ve been using flower power for brain power! 🧠

This ‘study’ blend contains:
🌼 paw paw - THE essence for study and integrating information
🌼 dog rose of the wild forces - calm and centred
🌼 old man banksia - motivation
🌼 fringed violet - energetic protection
🌼 five corners - confidence

Flower Essences are a wonderful support for emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. I offer Australian Bush Flower Essences with and without a consultation. Drop me a DM for more deets!


... and have you recharged yourself?

If you'd like to support my art and work, please check out:
🦄 Shop:
🌈 Etsy:
📖 Book:

Timeline photos 29/10/2023
Photos from Nadine Bertalli kinesiology & wellness's post 28/09/2023

Learning laser-acupuncture and electro-acupuncture at acupuncture school today⚡️🤓

Protective eyewear for everyone is a must with laser. Safety first!

This was a fun class, learning more ways to support the body to balance and heal. Acupuncture+ will be coming to clinic in the future!

Thanks to for the image and co-learning 🙏


Aim for good enough and regularly fail in tolerable ways ... wisdom for parenting that can be applied to other areas of life 🌸

The phrase "good enough mother" (parent) was first coined in 1953 by Donald Winnicott, a British pediatrician and psychoanalyst. Winnicott observed thousands of babies and their mothers, and he came to realize that babies and children actually benefit when their mothers fail them in manageable ways. (I'm not talking about major failures, such as child abuse and neglect, of course.)

The process of becoming a good enough mother /parent to our children happens over time. When our babies are infants, we try to be available constantly and respond to them immediately. As soon as they cry, we feed them or snuggle them or change their diapers – in other words, we do whatever it takes to help them feel better. This is important because it teaches our children that they are safe and will be cared for.

The thing is, we can't sustain this level of attentiveness to our children forever, nor should we. That is precisely Winnicott's point. He believed that the way to be a good mother is to be a good enough mother. Children need their mother (or primary caretaker) to fail them in tolerable ways on a regular basis so they can learn to live in an imperfect world.Children need to learn, in small ways every day, that the world doesn't revolve around them, that their every request won't be honored, and that their behavior impacts other people.

They need to learn – through experience – that life can be hard, that they will feel let down and disappointed, that they won't always get their way, and despite all of that (or perhaps because of it) they will still be ok.

If our children never have these experiences, and if their every need is met every time, they will have no ability to manage the challenges that will inevitably arise. They won't learn that it's ok to feel bored or annoyed or sad or disappointed. They won't learn, time and again, that life can be painful and frustrating, but they'll get through it.

In short, building our children's resilience is the gift of the good enough mother.

Carla Naumberg
Art by Llore Pemberton


I start everyday by airing out clinic - yes, even on these chilly winter mornings! ❄️ Bringing in fresh Qi (energy) is super supportive for health and wellbeing and the overall vibe of your space. The plants love it too! 🌱💕

Photos from Nadine Bertalli kinesiology & wellness's post 17/07/2023

💕🐶 Puppy love 🐶 💕
Exploring my new ‘hood today I stumbled across a wall of puppy mugshots (and delicious cupcakes!) at .cakes . I think I spy a bird-dog in there too?!🐦 This was not long after I’d discovered a puppy photo gallery in the park. They (we) sure do love doggos in the West!

Although a move, and especially one across town, wasn’t on the cards until very recently (thanks rental crisis 😒), I’m pretty happy with where I landed. It feels right.

Sometimes change feels unwanted but it’s what we need. Uncertainty around our survival needs (e.g. housing) can be really destabilising. Base chakra stuff. I had to call on all the tools in my toolkit to stay grounded, trust and flow with change. The key was having intuition guide the way (surprise surprise eh 👼). Now, I wonder if my intuition can unpack the boxes?!? 🤣


NEW MOON in Ta**us is rising on new ground… Fertilized by the offerings of our former embodiments, a new expression takes form!

Jupiter, the giant planet of expansion, just moved into Ta**us on May 16th and will be expanding all of the Taurian themes.

Not only will the SUN and MOON join in Ta**us today, but a whole gathering is afoot with Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus there together with the North Node, which is our current evolutionary compass.

We have just come through quite a time riding these massive waves of growth and evolutionary change together.

This past week many of us might have been feeling the momentum building, as we have been activated to implement the changes that we have been guided to make.

It takes courage to do something new, to shift the way we have done things, to make choices that will impact the trajectory of our lives.

But this how we grow, and it seems these kind of leaps, when Life undeniably asks us to make choices, are the ones that ultimately expand us in all the ways in which our Soul wants to flourish.

+W E A R E T H E S E E D S+

We are the cosmic seeds ready to bloom.

Spirit has been nudging me
to create a sacred space
where i can pour the love
that flows uniquely

I will now be sharing my full transmissions� over on 𓆃


As the 14th Century Sufi mystic Hafiz once said:


there are some things
that must be treasured
and held close

I hope those that those who are able to join me will, and those who cannot, please know that…

this love of ours
is always here

with endless love!

ART: ANANDA, 2023. MYSTIC MAMMA | MIJANOU MONTEALEGRE | Limited Edition Prints and more >


“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.” — Aberjhani

The most amazing full rainbow on a walk today in the always lovely Darebin Parklands. If you look closely you’ll see it’s a double rainbow! 🌈 🌈


“Slow progress is still progress!” 🖌 Wisdom from a spray can in the alley opposite clinic.

It can be easy to forget how far you’ve come if the forward movement is slow or paused. The mind wants to push forward and be at the destination like yesterday; a recipe for frustration!

It was actually a client who told me about this art, it was really relevant reminder for them pre and post session. 💥


🍂 Happy Autumn Equinox (Mabon) to those of us in the Southern Hemisphere.

Today, day and night are of equal length. There’s a balance between light and dark - both without and within ⚖️

Today also marks the start of Aries ♈️ season, the first zodiac sign. Moving into the new astrological year represents new beginnings. What magic do you want to create going forward?

✨Tuesday the 21st of March in Australia we usher in the Autumnal Equinox, the festival of Mabon & the beginning of the astrological New Year. This is the point in the year when day and night are equal in length.

This brings us a moment of balance and equilibrium. A return to a zero-point state as we honor equal hours of night and day.

It is said that the veil between the worlds is thin at this important balance point between the dark and the light. It occurs with the entry of the Sun into Aries.

Aries is the beginning of the Astrological wheel; the starting point of the zodiac is associated with action and initiation and sets the tone for the year.

The month ahead is full of new beginnings and the Equinox is just the tipping point. The energy of creation is high, so keep this is a time for us to tune in, open our hearts and expand our minds.

Depending on where we live on our glorious planet, the March Equinox also brings the arrival of a new season. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, it represents the start of Spring. For us in the Southern Hemisphere, it represents the start of Autumn.

We have zero major planets in retrograde motion. This means we have some strong, forward-moving energy for getting things done and making progress.

A few days ago, Mars, the ruler of Aries and the planet associated with action, motivation, and getting things done left its post-retrograde shadow phase, sending a burst of energy to invigorate this forward moving energy.

Just after the Equinox we usher in the Aries New Moon on March 22nd. There is so much forward moving energy, this is the perfect time to propel ourselves into whatever we desire to manifest in our lives.

The Cosmos is boosting us to dive right in. The Sun and Moon in Aries and the Equinox all in the very beginning of Aries is the key to this initiating forward moving energy.

Celebrating Mabon 🍂

During the celebration of Mabon, it is the time of the year for deep magic and for opening to the mysteries within us and all around us.

It was at this point in the year that we can hear the wisdom of our ancestors, nature spirits, and our spirit guides, guiding us forward or signaling to us what needs to be done.

The energies of the Equinox were said to be a magical time, where harmony fell on the planet and where we could embody an equal balance of dark and light.

Just like a yin and yang symbol, we can’t have one without the other. We need darkness to see the light and we need the light to recognize the darkness.

The Equinox is about honoring both of these qualities that live within- our shadow and our divine light. It is about acknowledging that working with this duality is part of the journey of our souls take here at Earth School.

Our earthly experience is so complex that it allows us to experience, pain, trauma, and grief, but also love, beauty, and kindness.

It is moving through the dark and the light that we are able to grow and create deeper meaning. Perhaps it is transversing these states that ultimately allows us to lead a richer life.

The Equinox symbolises a time to face our own darkness, as we head towards the death (endings, blankness, spirituality) represented by winter.

A time to balance the light and darkness within us. Far too often, we fear the dark and adore only the light…. This is a time to take a look at our own inner darkness hiding within us, the shadows…. this is a symbolic period of journeying.

The Equinox is a time of inner reflection and preparation (before the colder months arrive). This is a time for inner work and going within. Honour your journey as you reflect, rebalance, and recalibrate.

Autumn also is a time of harvest (after summer fruits) where we are guided to be grateful for the seeds that have already been sewn.

As we watch leaves fluttering to the ground in the fall, we are reminded that nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives.

Autumn is a time for letting go and releasing things that have been a burden. Fall is the right time to practice getting out of the way and letting Spirit take charge of our lives.

This year we are experiencing two Aries New Moons, this one after the Equinox and then another in April which is a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Celebrate the Equinox and Mabon as a time to recalibrate, look within, aligning in harmony with our higher selves, focusing on renewal, and creating balance.

We have a huge amount of forward moving energy, let's all jump on that wave!

Love and Blessings ❤️CH xx

Artist ~ Unkown


Unboxing delights! Restocking my Australian Bush Flower Essences dispensary today 🌸

And what else is in the box?!🤔I’ve now got the White Light Essences for us! 🧚‍♀️

If you know what flower essence you’re after, they’re available to purchase without the need for an appointment. Drop me a line with your order.

If you need some support with the flower essence selection, we can do this in your kinesiology session. I also offer stand-alone flower essence consultations! 🙌

Photos from Nadine Bertalli kinesiology & wellness's post 27/01/2023

✨ta-dahh✨Say hello to these pretty letters on clinic’s shop front. It’s even easier to find me now!

Created with 🤩

Photos from Nadine Bertalli kinesiology & wellness's post 12/01/2023

✨Clinic got a makeover to welcome 2023✨Sparkle and shine! ✨

There’s a new seating arrangement for us, bringing more spaciousness and flow, and plants and art have new homes.

I’ve been wanting to refresh the space for sometime. Huge thanks 🙏 to the ever lovely for the inspiration and help with the glow up today!👸💪

Book your new year session online ::


Wishing all my lovely clients and Facebook pals a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!! 🎄🌟

It’s been another terrific year supporting growth and wellbeing in clinic. It’s such an honour to be part of your journey. You really are the best! 🙏

Catch you again on Fri 13 Jan 2023.

Book your new year session online ::

~ Nadine 💜


Yep, I offer gift vouchers for sound healing! 🎶💆‍♀️ The gift of relaxation is a popular Christmas gift. Order yours by Fri 23rd Dec to ensure you receive the e-voucher in time.

Kinesiology gift vouchers are available for existing clients.

Email or DM to order! 🧚‍♂️


✨Saturday session✨
11:00am tomorrow has become available!
DM or book online 👇


I'm super happy to share with you not one, but two, exciting milestones ... [insert drumroll] 🥁...

🎉10 years in practice AND 1 year in my sweet Brunswick clinic! 🎉

Hooray! 🎈

Back in 2012 I opened my first clinic at my then home in Brunswick. I subsequently landed in some pretty special clinic spaces at Clay Carlton North, Thornbury Acupuncture Studio and Inside this River Northcote. Now I appear to have come full circle back to Brunswick! 💜

Setting up my own clinic has been a long held dream. I was very happy to manifest this dream and open my beautiful Brunswick space in Nov 2021.

A huge THANK YOU for your ongoing support, no matter if we met 10 years or 10 days ago 🙏

Here’s to another 10 years and beyond!


It’s a short week for many in Melbourne town with not one but two public holidays!

Clinic is OPEN this Thursday and will be closed Friday & Saturday. Wednesday it’s business as usual 🧚

Fancy a session? You know what to do, book online 👇

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



7 Edward Street
Melbourne, VIC

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