Scope Nutrition

Scope Nutrition are experienced Accredited Practising Dietitians that focus on weight management, sports nutrition and chronic health conditions.

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 30/09/2020

Scope Nutrition are offering a great deal...........3 consultations for the price of 2.

Do you have any weight loss goals?

With just over 12 weeks until xmas, Scope Nutrition have a great offer.

Buy 2 dietetic consultations and receive a 3rd consultation entirely free.

Attend 2 consultations with us from 01/10/20 until 24/12/20 and receive the 3rd consultation for free – that’s a saving of $80.
The 3rd consultation is valid until 31/03/2021.
Bookings can be made on our website.
Additionally, we have opened up in Scarborough for consultations on Saturdays for your convenience


Friday Foodie:

These are great winter vegetables. They include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and turnips.
These vegies contain substances that are thought to protect again cancer.
While these veggies grow in all different colors, shapes and sizes, they share several nutritional benefits.
Health benefits
Most cruciferous veggies are rich in vitamins and minerals such as folate and vitamin K. Dark green cruciferous veggies also are an excellent source of vitamins A and C.
They’re also rich in phytonutrients — plant-based compounds that may help to lower inflammation and reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Cruciferous vegetables also are rich in fiber and low in calories, a combination that will help you feel full and satisfied without overeating.

So google for some great recipes using these vegies to get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients!

The Dietitians at Scope Nutrition assist clients with gut issues or intolerances, those with a cancer diagnosis and also give general healthy eating advice for all the family
We also assist weight management and cardiovascular health
So make an appointment today with Scope Nutrition


Wednesday Word of the Day:


• Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats
• Contains large amounts of antioxidants, that may reduce your risk of chronic diseases
• Strong anti-Inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is thought to be a leading driver of diseases such as cancer, health disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimers, arthritis and even obesity
• May help prevent strokes
• Protective against heart disease. The antioxidants in olive oil may help fight inflammation and help protect your blood cholesterol from oxidations – two benefits that may lower your risk of heart disease.
• Olive Oil may be highly protective against type 2 diabetes, when combined with a Mediterranean diet. Consumption may help reduce joint pain in arthritic conditions. Beneficial effects are greatly increased when combined with fish oil

What type of olive oil?
Choose the extra virgin olive oil.
It is the fresh juice squeezed directly from the olive fruit. Its natural and not refined or extracted using chemical or heat, leaving it high in natural antioxidants and healthy fats which are beneficial for health.
So, make good quality extra virgin olive oil part of your everyday diet. It has powerful antioxidants and benefits your heart, brain, joints and more..

Do you have type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol or any cardiovascular issues?
Are you looking for some advice and guidance for healthy eating?

The dietitians at Scope Nutrition can help so make an appointment

Interested in finding out a little more about the Mediterranean diet?
Look no further than the dietitians at Scope Nutrition

1. Panagiotakos, D. B., et al. (2006). “Association between the prevalence of obesity and adherence to the Mediterranean diet: the ATTICA study.” Nutrition 22(5): 449-456.
2. Perez-Martinez, P., et al. (2011). “Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil and obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus.” Current Pharmaceutical Design 17(8): 769-777.
3. Panagiotakos, D. B., et al. (2006). “Association between the prevalence of obesity and adherence to the Mediterranean diet: the ATTICA study.” Nutrition 22(5): 449-456.
4. Perez-Martinez, P., et al. (2011). “Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil and obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus.” Current Pharmaceutical Design 17(8): 769-777.
5. Waterman E, Lockwood B. Active components and clinical applications of olive oil. Alternat Med Rev 2007;12(4):331–42.

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 27/04/2020


Have you run out of ideas… Time to pack some healthy lunches for the kids this week as they transition back to school?

Look no further than some tips here and from the live lighter website
They have great tips for building your own lunch

More Ideas for lunch?
Just google lunch recipes on the live lighter website

Consider these options…
- Revamped sandwiches 🥪🥙
- Winter toasties or cheese gozleme
- Wraps with leftovers for fillings
- Hearty salads – walnut lentil and feta salad 🥗
- Leftovers – reheated 🍝🍲🍱
- Soups to get some extra vegies – think creamy cauliflower, sweet potato and lentil soup 🍲
- Slaws or mason jar salads
- Mixed Asian grazing plates – think Japanese sesame tuna rice bowl 🍱🍣🥟

And if the kids are transitioning back to school…
Remember the 6 key components of a great school lunch!
1. Wholegrain carbohydrates for sustained energy 🍞🥪
2. Pack some protein 🥩🥚💪
3. Fluids – remember some water
4. Fruit is great with lunch or as a quick snack 🍎🍐🍌🍉
5. Snacks – think crunch and sip
6. Pack what your children enjoy – remember we eat with our eyes, so do our children. Pack cherry tomatoes that won’t go soggy, think colour – use vegies and get the children involved in packing their lunch

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 22/04/2020

Wednesday word of the day:
One of the main components of bones is calcium.
Eating and drinking calcium rich foods or drinks is important to help our children grow strong healthy bones. This is essential during childhood and young adulthood and for maintaining bone strength and mass as an adult.
Calcium also plays a role in regulating muscle functioning, such as contraction and relaxation, regulating heart function, blood clotting, transmission of nervous system messages and enzyme function.
Good sources of calcium include:
- Dairy foods such as milk yoghurt and cheese 🧀🥛
- Green leafy vegtables 🥬🥦
- Fish with edible bones such as salmon and sardines🐠
- Some nuts and seeds🥜🥜
- Soy products such as tofu
- Calcium fortified products such as some plant based milks such as soy milk and breakfast cereals
So what’s our recommended dietary intake of calcium?
Well its different for people of different ages.
Check out the link
If in doubt make an appointment with the Dietitians at Scope Nutrition 🥛🦴🥛

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 20/04/2020

Its school holidays and the kids are wanting something different for breakfast…. Look no further than some recipes from our friends at live lighter…
Get into their website and type in breakfast for stacks of great healthy breakfast options, hot and cold. Even your children can join in the cooking.🥚🍳🥞
Bon appetit

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 17/04/2020

Friday Food of the Week:
Banana Brilliance! 🍌🍌

I admit I’m a banana fan!
Why wouldn’t you be? Check out the table below for some great facts on bananas… 🍌

Eat bananas fresh. They are great in fruit salads or as an accompaniment to meat and curry dishes. Freeze them if overripe and then use them mashed in cakes, muffins and smoothies… or freeze them on a stick for a great sweet treat.
Remember that fruit is good for you, so have a variety in your diet. That way you are consuming a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals which can assist in keeping you healthy. 🍌🍎🍐🍉🍓🍌

Check out and for great banana recipes!

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 15/04/2020

Wednesday Word Of The Day: Dietary Fibre
Fibre is the indigestible parts of plants foods (carbohydrate). Sources are our vegetables, fruit, grains beans and legumes 🥦🍅🍞
Fibre keeps our digestive system healthy and helps ensure regular bowel movements.
Fibre can improve our cholesterol and blood glucose levels and therefore its thought that it may assist in the preventions of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Because fibre can keep us full for longer, a high fibre diet is suggested for those wanting to lose weight as well! 💪
The recommended daily intake is approximately 25g for women and 30g for men

Some additional tips….
- Drink plenty of fluids to help make bowel movements easier to pass, especially if you are constipated.
- Increase your fibre intake gradually to reduce potential side effects such as bloating, excess wind, constipation or too frequent bowel movements.
- Add a higher fibre food to one meal per day or a new high fibre food every few days.

Eating vegetables and fruit is better than drinking the juice. If choosing juice, ensure the whole vegetable or fruit is used by stirring through any remaining pulp or by blending whole vegetable or fruit pieces, including edible skin and seeds.

So what foods should I eat? 🍞🍝
Choose wholegrain, wholemeal and or high fibre varieties of grain-based foods such as bread and pasta.
Choose a variety of wholegrains such as rice, oats, barley, quinoa and buckwheat
Eat 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables every day🍎🍌🥦🍆🥒
Add legumes to your meals
Enjoy the taste sensations……

If you need some advice, make an appointment to see one of the dietitians at Scope Nutrition @


Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 08/04/2020

Wednesday Word of the Week
IRON 🥩🥚🥦🥜
Welcome to the Wednesday word of the week. Today we will be taking a closer look at our good friend, Iron.
Iron is an important dietary mineral that transports oxygen around the body. It is stored in haemoglobin which is found in red blood cells.
If you don’t have enough iron, your levels may be low. You may feel tired and lack stamina, have pour concentration and an increased risk of infection. Stay healthy and eat a range of iron rich foods each day,
Iron in food:
There are two types of dietary iron.
1. Haem iron (from animal foods)
2. Non-haem iron – from plant foods known as heme and non-heme.
Animal sources of food, including meat and seafood, contain heme iron. Heme iron is more easily absorbed by the body.
Plant-based sources of iron include beans, nuts, soy, vegetables, and fortified grains.
While it can store iron, your body can't make it. The only way to get iron is from food.

If you believe you are struggling with iron deficiency, make an appointment to discuss your options with us!


As we move into mid-Autumn and school holidays, let’s look at some great ideas to have your meals and snacks sorted. Both links below are to the healthy food guide website. 🍂🍁🍌🍉🍇

Firstly, stock your pantry with great food

Secondly, are you needing some meal ideas?
Check out the link below to great meal starter ideas

These meals are versatile and economical…. And the kids can join in with the cooking too!
If you have these pantry staples you can make over 14 dishes.

The healthy food guide and live lighter websites have hundreds of free healthy meal and snack ideas to choose from. So, get cooking and enjoy yourselves! 😀😁

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 03/04/2020



Apples are a delicious and popular fruit eaten fresh or in salads. They can be baked in pies, crumbles, sauces and feature as a delicious addition to cakes and muffins.
They are a great nutritious and portable snack. They contain fibre that feeds good bacteria in your gut. They also contain vitamin C, potassium and polyphenols which may have numerous health benefits.

Avocados are a fruit, likely originating in Mexico. We can enjoy their lovely creamy texture and taste… just eat them in moderation. Avocados contain
• Powerful antioxidants
• Vitamins such as C, E, K and B vitamins like B5, B6 and folic acid
• Anti-inflammatory and cholesterol reducing phytosterols
• Valuable minerals like manganese, copper, magnesium and potassium
• Beneficial levels of dietary fibre.
They can be an enjoyable ingredient for any meal. See the link below for more fast facts

For some delicious recipes containing apples and avocados, check out the live lighter website

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 29/03/2020

March Madness
As we navigate these unprecedented times, many people are wondering how to manage their self-isolation with healthy habits. With the current uncertainty, it can be difficult to stick to a healthy eating and shopping routine.
So, let’s look at 2 key areas!

Grocery shopping:
Shopping online or heading to the shops?
Be careful of advertising and local store enticer marketing!
• Half price junk food is still junk food. 🍫🍬🧁
• Junk Food displays at the end of each aisle or online advertising
Here are some tips to help you make healthy food choices when shopping.

1. Make a list. Before you go food shopping or organize your online shopping list, plan your meals for the week. Most importantly, stick to the list and nothing else! 🗓✏️🖊
2. Do not shop when you are hungry. Head to the shops or sit down and order online after you have eaten. This will help to prevent sudden urges and hunger cravings for junk foods which will only add to the food bill and the waistline!
3. Choose healthy fat options. Think oily fish, nuts and seeds, avocado and plant oils such as extra virgin olive oils, sunflower, canola, soybean and grapeseed oils. Select low-fat dairy.🥑🥜
4. Buy leaner cuts of meat. If unsure, look for the Heart Foundation tick of approval.🍖🍤
5. Beware of salt hidden in processed meats. Limit your consumption of salami, ham, corned beef, bacon, smoked salmon and sausages. There is a surprisingly high amount of salt hidden in these foods. 🧂
6. Fruit and vegetables. – Try for fresh or frozen. If you buy canned, choose unsweetened fruit in cans and watch the salt content of vegetables.🌽🥦🥕

Health eating routine:
Below are some tips to help you develop a new “at home” routine.
1. Eat 3 meals per day. 🥗🍝🥪
It is important to begin your day with a good breakfast. Plan your lunch and dinner too. Eat from a plate and avoid distractions so you look at your food and enjoy it as you eat.
2. Healthy snacks. 🍎🍅🥕🥑
Plan for these and display them on a plate. It will help you to visualize exactly what you are eating and stops you from going back to the fridge/pantry. Make sure you are eating healthy snacks. Fruit, vegetables, low fat dips, yogurts and muesli bars are all great snack ideas.
3. Keep unhealthy foods out of the house 🍔🍟🍫
4. As the saying goes, out of house, out of mind.
Avoid buying these online or from the supermarket. If you have no unhealthy snacks in the house, you have nothing to turn to but healthy foods when you need a snack or energy boost.
5. Now about your drinks 🥤 Choose water first. Try adding fresh fruit/vegetables to your water. Mint, strawberries, blueberries and cucumber are great ways to make water taste a little better. Avoid sugary drinks including fruit juice as they add liquid calories to your diet that you don’t need. Choose healthier options of a variety of teas and coffee in moderation.
6. Exercise.🤸‍♀️⛹️‍♂️ It is important that all people try and get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits.

In times like these it is crucial that we look after our health😀 For more information, recipes, tips and resources check out the live lighter website:
They have an awesome post released on 27/03/20 – 18 easy meals you can make with pantry staples!


To all current and potential clients...
Scope Nutrition are working towards offering Telehealth or Zoom appointments from next Monday 30th March 2020. We will be available for appointments all day Thursday and Saturday mornings. We will provide more details next week regarding our expanded consultation hours. Please check our Facebook and Instagram for regular recipes and nutrition advice.
Best wishes and stay healthy,
The Dietitian team at Scope Nutrition

Which weight loss diet or lifestyle plan is for me? 24/02/2019

How are you weight loss goals shaping up this year? 🥝🍏

Which weight loss diet or lifestyle plan is for me? There is no one plan or change that fits us all. It helps to find a program or plan that fits your lifestyle, so you stick to it. Contact us, we're here to help you!

Enjoy Alcohol in Moderation | Scope Nutrition 16/01/2019

Cheers!!! Oh dear, how many drinks have I had??? How hard am I going to have to work tomorrow for this one last drink? Read on to discover how to choose wisely!

Enjoy Alcohol in Moderation | Scope Nutrition Cheers!!! Oh dear, how many drinks have I had??? How hard am I going to have to work tomorrow for this one last drink? The table below highlights the calories in some standard drinks, in comparison to a slice of bread and how much you will need to exercise to burn it off!!! So choose wisely for your...

Keep your 2019 Healthy Eating New Years Resolutions 27/12/2018

Keep your 2019 Healthy Eating New Years Resolutions What can you do to make your snack choices healthier? Find out in our guide to keeping your 2019 Healthy Eating New Years Resolutions.


Breakfast of champions 💪
✔multigrain bread
✔cottage cheese
✔cherry tomatoes
✔boiled eggs .


It's National Nutrition Week!
This year are powering the campaign Tryfor5🥕🥦🥒🌽 and encouraging Australians to eat the recommended 5 serves of vegetables per day. 🍆Did you know that only 4% of Australians are meeting the recommended number of serves of vegetables each day?!!!
For ways on how you can increase your daily vegetable intake, head to


Happy world egg day! 🥚🥚🥚🖐
Eggs are are great source of protein, choline, Vitamins A, E, B12 as well as omega-3 fatty acids! They can be a perfect addition to a healthy breakfast or as a healthy snack!

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 07/10/2018

Over the weekend we were fortunate to be invited to speak at the WA Ostomy Association event. Loretta spoke about ten top foods to include in your diet. 🐟🍎🥕🥑

Head to for the list!

Blog | Scope Nutrition 16/09/2018

Spring is in the air ☀️🌼🌻
Head to the blog to learn how you can kickstart your weight loss journey.

Blog | Scope Nutrition


Truss tomatoes🍅🍅🍅🍅
Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, an antixodant linked with preventing many chronic diseases as well as cancer. Simply add Extra Virgin Olive Oil,fresh thyme and pepper then place straight into the oven 👌👌👌


WINTER❄🌀🌨 = 🥘🍜
Loretta has whipped up some amazing to keep the at bay. 🥕 Carrot
🥣Zucchini and Cauliflower


Winter vegetables🥕🥦🥒🌽 how great is this seasonalbox we put together.😊😊👌
Winter meals don't have to be drab and boring. Incorporating a variety of vegetables in a soup or casserole, can help you achieve the recommended 5 serves of vegetables per day. It can also provide a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants and fibre. .
Stay tuned for our favourite recipe at


Repost from the
A great pictorial of how easy it is to increase your daily dietary fibre intake 👌


Seasonal Produce🍊
There is nothing more delicious than eating fruit and vegetables that have been grown or sourced locally.
is not only good for the environment and our , it can also contain larger amounts of vitamins and minerals that would often decrease through transportation and storage processes in produce grown overseas.
is a great website that provides information about what's in season in 🍏🥑🍌🍊🍍🥦🍆🍄🌰


SNACKS🍎🍏🍎 We are often asked about healthy snack ideas. There are lots of healthy food choices that can be used as snack foods that are not bland and boring.....

• Select fruit that is in season (e.g. an apple, a banana, a peach, a pear, 3 apricots, 1/2 a cup of grapes, and 1 cup of strawberries).
• Frozen fruit
• 1 small serve of dried fruit

Salads & Vegetables🥦🥕🥗
• Vegetable sticks (e.g. celery, carrot, capsicum, snow peas) with 1 tbsp low fat dip. • Celery boats filled with 2 tbsp of cottage cheese and tomato

• 30 grams of mixed or unsalted nuts
Dairy Products🥛
• 1 tub of low-fat yoghurt • 1 cup of low-fat custard
Head to for a comprehensive list of healthy and 'creative' snack ideas 🥑🥝🍏

Photos from Scope Nutrition's post 13/07/2018

For the final days of , Loretta cooked up a storm and made a couple of healthy meals for the . Chicken and Sweet Potato Curry as well as Shakshuka are quick, easy and healthy meals.. perfect for the or .
🥣Source of fibre
🥣Quality carbohydrate's
🥣Rich in antioxidants


Diabetes and Exercise🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️
Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial in regulating blood glucose levels as well as improving insulin sensitivity in individuals with T2DM. Emerging research has looked at the benefits of a specific form of training, known as Eccentric.
Eccentric training is based on the muscle lengthening during a contraction. It has been shown incorporating eccentric exercises on a daily basis, can help to decrease resting glucose, improve glucose utilisation and improve insulin sensitivity in individuals with T2DM.

Eccentric Exercises include; 💥Walking down stairs
💥When performing a bicep curl, gradually lower the dumbell (or resistance band). This is considered the eccentric phase. 💥Sit to Stand - the eccentric phase is when you lower your body to sit on a chair or bench. By performing this action in a slow and controlled manner, places more load on the quadricep, resulting in improved strength and an increase in lean muscle mass.
An increase in lean muscle mass = overall improvement in T2DM management as well as other health benefits.

For more information and references to the research; head to

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