Mama Bear Doula

I'm passionate about all things pregnancy, labour, birth and babies!

I feel every women deserves to be empowered and supported during her most vulnerable stage in life.


If you're expecting and curious about natural pain relief options, let me introduce you to the TENS machine!

What is a TENS machine, you ask? Well, it stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and it works by sending small electrical pulses through your skin. This safe and non-invasive device helps to ease labour pain by stimulating the production of endorphins, our body's natural painkillers.

What I loved the most about using a TENS machine was having complete control over my pain relief. You can adjust the intensity of the pulses according to your own comfort level, making it a personal and customizable experience.

Another fantastic benefit is that you can use it anywhere and anytime. Whether you're at home during the early stages of labour or in the hospital, the TENS machine is portable and easy to use. It even has a handy clip so you can attach it to your clothing without any hassle.

One of the best parts? It can be used from the beginning of labour until the baby arrives, providing consistent pain relief throughout the entire process. No need to worry about potential side effects either, as using a TENS machine is completely drug-free.

So, if you're curious about enhancing your labour experience with a safe and drug-free option, I highly recommend giving the TENS machine a try. Trust me, it made a world of difference for me and I hope it does for you too!


Delayed cord clamping refers to the practice of waiting before clamping and cutting the umbilical cord. This allows the baby to receive an extra boost of blood from the placenta, which is rich in oxygen, iron, and vital nutrients. It's like a little gift of health and vitality for our newborns!

So, what are the benefits of delayed cord clamping, you may ask? Well, let me share a few with you:

Increased Iron Levels: Delayed cord clamping has been shown to significantly increase a baby's iron stores, which are essential for healthy brain development and preventing iron deficiency anemia.

Improved Immune System: The additional blood received during delayed cord clamping contains important immune cells and stem cells that help strengthen the baby's immune system, reducing the risk of infections and diseases.

Better Respiratory Transition: Studies have found that delayed cord clamping can lead to improved lung function and a smoother transition to breathing on their own, especially for premature babies.

Reduced Risk of Anemia: By boosting iron levels, delayed cord clamping can help prevent anemia in newborns, which can have long-lasting effects on their growth and development.

It's important to note that delayed cord clamping is a safe and simple procedure that can be done in ALL birth settings. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends waiting at least 30-60 seconds before clamping the cord, or until it stops pulsating.

So, if you're expecting or know someone who is, I encourage you to discuss delayed cord clamping with your healthcare provider. It's a small but impactful decision that can have long-lasting benefits for your baby's health and well-being.

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with delayed cord clamping in the comments below. Let's spread awareness about this wonderful practice and empower parents to make informed decisions for their little ones. Together, we can give our babies the best start in life!


You know that feeling when you leave a doctor's appointment and 10 minutes later as you drive away you think of another 100 questions you wished you'd asked?

A bonus of having me as your birth doula is that we can always do a "debrief" call/sms after your doctor or midwife appointments. This brings me up to speed on anything that's going on AND, more importantly, gives you a chance to talk through and process anything that came up and ask questions.

While I'm not a medical professional, I'm pretty good at explaining the medical "stuff" that they talk about at these appointments.

Just another benefit of having a birth doula on your team!


💜Beautiful Hypnobirth💜

This beautiful couple enlisted me as their Doula early on in their pregnancy for their first baby. We discussed, planned, researched and delved into the Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth course. They approached the birth with a calm and positive mindset, an openness to all options and a readiness for whatever turn their birthing takes.

When the day arrived this new mumma-to-be was cool, calm and collected. Her and hubby spent the day relaxing, watching movies, playing board games and setting the scene for their labour. When it was time for me to join them, I was greeted with a calm mumma and a relaxed dad as they worked through each surge. We spent a few hours at home, had some toast and showered. The we headed off to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, mumma rested in the bath and welcomed each surge and the sensations going through her body. Her body opened and stretched and moved baby down. The time had come! She reached down and felt her baby's head, the joy that filled her was amazing. They were so close to meeting their baby.

Every surge was bringing baby down and closer, mumma stayed strong and calm. Dad had never ending love and support for his wife as he held her and spoke calmly to her and encouraged her every step of the way. Their beautiful little daughter arrived and immediately they feel in love.

Mum had several hours of skin-to-skin with her daughter and took in every little detail of her. While mumma was feeding baby, dad was busy feeding and nourishing mum!

Congratulations! Im so proud of you both 💜

Photos from Mama Bear Doula's post 04/03/2024

💜Trust and Instincts💜

This beautiful couple approached their second birth with a fire in their belly to have better. Their first birth was tainted with fear mongering, cascade of interventions, and inevitably severe birth trauma for both mum and baby. However, this mumma knew she could have better, she deserved better; and thats exactly what she got!

She trusted her baby and her body and allowed the process to happen in its time. She labored through the early hours of the morning and I joined them when mum decided she was ready to head off to the hospital. We got in our cars and made the 10 min drive down the road.

Upon arrival at the carpark, mum made it very clear that she did not want to move and couldn't possibly make it inside! We trusted her instinct and followed her lead. Within in a few short moments and with group of patiently waiting midwives watching on and holding space, this mumma birthed her baby there and then in the carpark!

Even though there was a flurry of activity after her birth, mum and baby were undisturbed and maintained skin-to-skin for several hours. This little bub began to feed and eventually had skin-to-skin with dad while mum showered.

I am so proud of this mumma, she trusted her body, her instincts and birthed her baby like a badass women that she is!

Photos from Mama Bear Doula's post 20/02/2024

💜Strength & Determination💜

This beautiful first time mum was an absolute powerhouse during her labour and birth.
Her strength during surges and openness to the sensations moving through her body was immense. Her determination to stay upright and active even with an epidural was amazing.
She approached her caesarean with a calm and positive mind, she welcomed her baby boy earthside with her husband by her side. He was her never ending pillar of strength throughout the entire pregnancy, labour and birth.
I couldn't be prouder of such a strong and determined couple.

📸Mama Bear Doula


I want to talk about a truly magical moment that happens right after birth - skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her baby. This simple act holds incredible benefits for both mum and baby, creating a bond that will last a lifetime. It's a beautiful way to welcome your little one into the world and begin the bonding process. But did you know that it offers numerous benefits for both mum and baby? Let's take a look:

For Baby:

Regulates Body Temperature: The warmth of the mother's body helps regulate the baby's temperature, keeping them cozy and comfortable.

Stabilizes Heart Rate and Breathing: Being close to the mother's heartbeat and breathing rhythm helps regulate the baby's own heart rate and breathing patterns.

Boosts Immune System: The mother's skin contains beneficial bacteria that help colonize the baby's skin, promoting a healthy immune system.

Enhances Breastfeeding: Skin-to-skin contact stimulates the baby's natural instincts to breastfeed, leading to better latch and increased milk production.

Reduces Stress and Crying: The familiar scent, touch, and sound of the mother's voice provide comfort and security, reducing stress and soothing the baby.

For Mum:

Releases Oxytocin: Skin-to-skin contact triggers the release of oxytocin, the "love hormone," which promotes bonding, relaxation, and helps with breastfeeding. The baby's presence on the mother's chest stimulates the uterus to contract, reducing the risk of excessive bleeding after birth.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety: The calming effect of skin-to-skin contact helps reduce stress and anxiety levels in new mothers, promoting a sense of well-being. Skin-to-skin contact allows mothers to feel more confident in their ability to care for and nurture their newborn.

Whether you're a new mum or soon-to-be mum, I encourage you to embrace the magic of immediate skin-to-skin contact with your baby. It's a beautiful and natural way to connect, nurture, and create a strong foundation for your journey together.




💜Hypnobirthing Client Birth💜

Hi Katherine! Our baby daughter Alyssa arrived yesterday! We had a beautiful planned home birth with Westmead Public’s caseload program.
Early labour started at about 3pm the day before. I actually doubted it was early labour because the surges were more in my pelvic floor and weren’t anything like what others had described to be their experience. By 9pm they were starting to bother me and by 2am were getting intense so I woke Conan up and he called the midwife. She arrived in 30 mins and did a cervical check and I was 7.5cm dilated. Labour went on from there. I used the Tens machine the entire time and listened to my hypnobirthing tracks on loop. Our second midwife showed up an hour later and we set up the birth pool. I didn’t get into the pool until it was time to push as I was too scared to take the Tens off (best $70 ever spent)! When I got in the pool it was time to push. I tried my best to “breathe baby out” but literally became possessed and turned animalistic. There were groans, moans and all sorts of roars. Baby’s head kept popping in and out and then finally after two hours her head came out and the rest of body followed one surge later. The entire time I had noise cancelling headphones on with my hypnobirthing tracks playing.
Overall such a positive and empowering experience that I’ll never forget. Hypnobirthing and your classes and words of inspiration definitely helped make this happen. I am so proud that I was able to give birth vaginally and unmedicated. And bonus that we got to do a home birth!! Baby breast fed immediately and we are doing well bonding as a new family. Minnie hasn’t eaten her little sister yet!


I love this quote!

Dr. John Kennell, who said this quote that is famous in the doula world, was a pediatrician and researcher.

Dr. Kennell did one of the first studies on birth doula support that showed outcomes improved when birthing people had continuous support from a doula during labor.

Lets chat about how I can best support you and provide continuity of care 💜

Photos from Mama Bear Doula's post 05/01/2024

Hi, I'm Katherine. I'm a Birth Doula and Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner and here's 3 things you might not know about me:

1. My husband (who is my biggest supporter) and I have been married for 15 years, together for 21 years! We have 2 beautiful children.
2. I'm a Learn to Swim teacher and Aqua fitness instructor.
3. I gave birth in January 2023 as a Surrogate for friends.

Tell me 3 things about yourself!


The holiday season is a joyous and magical time filled with festivities and family gatherings. But, let's take a moment to debunk a common myth - using the holidays as an excuse for inducing labor.

Here's why you shouldn't let the holiday season become a reason for unnecessary interventions:

Respect for Natural Timing: Your baby's arrival should be guided by nature's timing, not the convenience of the holiday season. Inducing labor for non-medical reasons can increase the risk of medical interventions and potentially disrupt the natural progression of labor.

Unnecessary Stress on Your Body and Mind: Inducing labor is a significant physical and emotional event. Rushing the process can put additional stress on your body and may lead to a more challenging birth experience. Trust in your body's ability to know when it's the right time.

Respecting Your Baby's Readiness: Babies have their own timeline for when they are ready to enter the world. Your baby knows when the time is right for their grand entrance, and interfering with this process can potentially interfere with the physiological and developmental benefits of letting labor start on its own.

Prioritizing Your Well-being: Your health and well-being should always come first. Inductions carry risks and may increase the likelihood of interventions such as epidurals, cesarean sections, or forceps deliveries. It's important to carefully evaluate the necessity of induction and make an informed decision based on medical advice.

As the holiday season approaches, remember that your baby's arrival is a precious and individualized journey. Trust in the natural process and honor your baby's readiness. Surround yourself with a supportive birth team who respects your desire for a positive and empowered birth experience.

Share with me: What strategies have you found helpful in navigating pressure to induce labor during the holiday season? Have you encountered any misconceptions about inducing labor? Let's support each other in making informed decisions!


I want to shine a spotlight on a topic that may not be on everyone's radar when it comes to prenatal care - chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Chiropractic care during pregnancy focuses on maintaining proper alignment of the spine and pelvis, which can help alleviate discomfort, improve overall function, and support a healthier pregnancy. But what are the specific benefits for mum and baby?

For Mum:
Reduced Pregnancy Discomfort: Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts such as back pain, pelvic pain, sciatica, and round ligament pain.

Improved Pelvic Alignment: Proper pelvic alignment can optimize the space for the growing baby, reducing the risk of breech or posterior positioning.

Enhanced Nervous System Function: Chiropractic care helps ensure that the nervous system is functioning optimally, promoting overall health and well-being for both mum and baby.

Easier Labor and Delivery: Proper alignment of the pelvis and spine can facilitate an easier and smoother labor, potentially reducing the need for interventions.

Faster Postpartum Recovery: By addressing any misalignments or imbalances, chiropractic care can help speed up postpartum recovery and support the body's natural healing process.

For Baby:
Optimal Fetal Positioning: Chiropractic adjustments and techniques like the Webster Technique can help encourage optimal fetal positioning, reducing the likelihood of breech or posterior presentation.

Improved Nerve Communication: A properly aligned spine and pelvis can enhance nerve communication between the brain and body, supporting the baby's growth and development.

If you're considering chiropractic care during pregnancy, I recommend seeking out a chiropractor who specializes in prenatal and postnatal care. They can provide gentle and safe adjustments tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience.

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with chiropractic care during pregnancy in the comments below.


I absolutely love preparing parents to be. I love when they leave the course feeling prepared, empowered and excited for their birth.
You to can have a positive birth experience 🥰


Childbirth - Sometimes, unexpected complications arise, plans change, or emotions run high. But let me tell you, it's completely normal and okay if things don't go exactly as you imagined. But fear not, because there's a wonderful source of support that can make a world of difference during this unpredictable journey - Doulas!

A Doula provides emotional, physical, and informational support to expectant parents before, during, and after childbirth. They are like guardian angels, guiding you through the ups and downs of the birthing process, regardless of how it unfolds.

One of the most significant benefits of having a doula by your side is the reassurance and comfort they provide. They are there to listen, validate your feelings, and offer guidance when things don't go as planned. Their presence alone can help ease anxiety and create a more positive birthing experience, no matter the circumstances.

Moreover, doulas are a wealth of knowledge. They can educate you about different birthing options, pain management techniques, and help you make informed decisions along the way. Their expertise empowers you to advocate for yourself and your baby, ensuring you have a voice in your own birth story.

Research has shown that having a doula present during childbirth can lead to shorter labor, reduced need for medical interventions, and increased satisfaction with the overall birth experience. They are there to support not only the birthing person but also their partner, creating a harmonious and supportive environment for everyone involved.

So, if you're expecting or know someone who is, I highly encourage you to consider the incredible benefits of doula support. Remember, birth is a beautiful and transformative experience, regardless of how it unfolds. Having a doula by your side can make all the difference in embracing the unexpected and finding strength in the journey.

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with doulas in the comments below.


Hello, wonderful friends! Today, I want to talk about a topic that often gets overlooked but is absolutely crucial during pregnancy and the postpartum period - self-care. Taking care of yourself during these transformative times is not only beneficial for your well-being but also for the well-being of your baby.
So, let's dive into the importance of self-care and some ideas to nurture yourself along the way!

Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be filled with joy, excitement, and love, but they can also bring physical and emotional challenges. That's why it's essential to prioritize self-care, allowing yourself the time and space to recharge and nurture your own needs.
Now, let's explore some self-care ideas that you can incorporate into your pregnancy and postpartum routine:

✨ Take relaxing baths or showers
✨ Practice gentle prenatal or postnatal yoga
✨ Engage in deep breathing exercises or meditation
✨ Enjoy a soothing massage or prenatal/postnatal bodywork
✨ Connect with loved ones and seek emotional support
✨ Indulge in your favorite hobbies or activities
✨ Prioritize quality sleep and rest
✨ Treat yourself to a nourishing and delicious meal
✨ Practice positive affirmations and self-love
✨ Seek out support groups or online communities for new parents

Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's a necessary act of love and compassion towards yourself and your baby. By taking care of your own well-being, you're setting a beautiful example for your little one and creating a foundation of love and self-worth.

Feel free to share your favorite self-care practices or any tips you have for nurturing yourself during pregnancy and the postpartum period in the comments below. Let's celebrate the importance of self-care and support one another on this incredible journey of motherhood!


🤰Are you pregnant?
👫Are you wanting to prepare yourself and partner for birth?
🙋‍♀️Are you wanting to prepare for a Positive Birth outcome?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then now is your time to book into the Australian Hypnobirthing™️ Positive Birth Program.

The Positive Birth Program is a comprehensive, immersive and hands on course that covers an extensive range of topics from the stages of labour, breathing and comfort techniques, birth partners role, hormones, birth preference/wishes, bonding with baby and SO much more.

Not only do you get 12 hours of face to face preparation, you also receive over $100 worth of materials such as - your booklet of resources which also provides you with access to a comprehensive online library of resources (including educational birthing videos, relaxation MP3s, extra tuition, PDF downloads and so much more) PLUS ongoing support from me.

I am offering this course each month over 2 consecutive Sundays in Toongabbie.
Get in touch and lets book you in to begin preparing for YOUR Positive Birth, today.


👶🏻💖 Did you know that doulas support dads too? 💖👶🏻

While doulas are often associated with providing emotional and physical support for birthing woman, they also play a vital role in supporting dads during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. Here's how I support dad's-to-be:

Emotional support: Doulas are there to listen, offer guidance, and boost confidence for both parents. I create a safe space for dads to express their fears, concerns, and excitement about becoming a parent.

Education: I provide dads with valuable information and resources about pregnancy, birthing options, and newborn care. I help dads understand the birthing process, so they can be prepared and actively participate in decision-making.

Advocacy: Doulas act as advocates for both parents, ensuring their preferences and birth plans are respected in the birthing environment. I also help dads navigate the medical system, providing clarification and support.

Practical assistance: I provide guidance on comfort measures for labor and offer suggestions for supporting the birthing individual.

Postpartum support: Doulas continue to offer assistance after the birth, supporting dads through the challenges of early parenthood. I help with breastfeeding, offer guidance on newborn care, and provide emotional support during the postpartum period.

Remember, dads play an essential role in the birth experience, and having a doula by their side can enhance their confidence, knowledge, and involvement. Doulas are there to support the entire family during this transformative journey into parenthood!


Hello, amazing friends! This simple yet powerful tool has been used for centuries and offers a range of benefits for birthing mums. Let's explore why a birth comb can be a valuable addition to your labor toolkit!

A birth comb is a small, handheld comb with wide teeth that can be used during labor to help manage pain, promote relaxation, and provide a sense of grounding. Here are some of the benefits it offers:

Pain Management: The gentle pressure applied by the birth comb on specific acupressure points can help alleviate pain during contractions. It can provide a distraction and focus point, allowing you to shift your attention away from discomfort.

Relaxation and Stress Relief: The rhythmic combing motion can induce a sense of relaxation and calmness. It can help release tension and promote a state of deep relaxation, allowing your body to work with the natural process of labor.

Sense of Control: Holding and using a birth comb during labor can provide a sense of control and empowerment. It's a tangible tool that you can use to actively participate in your birthing experience.

Grounding and Focus: The comb's physical presence can serve as a grounding tool, helping you stay focused and centered during the intensity of labor. It can provide a point of focus and stability amidst the waves of contractions.

Connection and Support: Using a birth comb can create a connection between you and your birth partner or support person. They can assist in combing your hair, providing a soothing touch and a sense of comfort.

Remember, every birthing journey is unique, and finding tools and techniques that resonate with you can make a significant difference in your experience. Whether it's a birth comb, breathing techniques, or other comfort measures, trust your instincts and create a birthing environment that feels right for you.

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with using a birth comb during labor in the comments below.


Photos from Mama Bear Doula's post 29/08/2023

One of my favorite things to do for my clients (that they often don't even realize) is to help create a calm environment for birth.

This means everything from dimming the lights, closing the curtains and using battery candles or twinkle lights to making sure the music you requested is softly playing.

It also means setting the tone with my own calm body language, lowered voice and slower movements.

It's hard to stay relaxed and focused when the lights are bright and the people around you are loud. A big part of my role as your birth doula is to keep your surrounding environment calm so that you can relax and just focus on laboring.

DM if you'd like to know how I can support you during your pregnancy, labour and postpartum period.

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You know that feeling when you leave a doctor's appointment and 10 minutes later as you drive away you think of another ...
I absolutely love preparing parents to be. I love when they leave the course feeling prepared, empowered and excited for...
World Breastfeeding Week1st - 8th August 2023I am so humbled to get beautiful messages like these from the mumma's I don...
A favorite part of my work as a birth doula is getting to know my clients during our prenatal meetings. We linger over c...
A favorite part of my work as a birth doula is getting to know my clients during our prenatal meetings. We linger over c...



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