The Jocelyn Centre

The Jocelyn Centre provides holistic, effective and safe solutions for all your reproductive and gen

With our team of highly qualified and respected natural and medical practitioners, as well as a range of products, books and kits, The Jocelyn Centre brings you a truly integrative approach to modern health care. Founded in 1996 by Francesca Naish as a clinic and outreach service to carry out specialised natural therapy treatments & educational programs for reproductive health – which she pioneere

Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance 19/06/2023

Synthetic human embryos created in ground breaking advance.

Trouble is – they won’t have been treated with preconception health care!!

Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance Exclusive: Breakthrough could aid research into genetic disorders but raises serious ethical and legal issues

MyNFM 12 Months Access – Your Natural Fertility Management Resources 16/06/2023

While other cycle tracking apps often rely on guesstimating your cycle, our MyNFM app is designed to empower the user by helping them to understand their personal symptom pictures and patterns.

You are able to interpret your fertile signs – such as mucus to predict ovulation and show the likely build-up of fertile cervical mucus preceding this, as well as the temperature rise to confirm that ovulation is over.

The ability to also track a number of cyclical symptoms can add further understanding of endocrine, hormonal and nutritional issues. A great help in your fertility journey.

MyNFM 12 Months Access – Your Natural Fertility Management Resources The MyNFM charting app is available as a stand alone product to support menstrual cycle awareness, and is a powerful tool to assess therapeutic interventions.

Many Australians use period-tracker apps for convenience, but experts warn they could come at a cost 15/06/2023

As we know only too well, so called “fertility” apps are not, generally speaking, very accurate as they rely on regularly recurring patterns of cycles to predict when ovulation may occur.

Many Australians use period-tracker apps for convenience, but experts warn they could come at a cost Many Australians use phone apps to help track their periods, for convenience, contraception or to better understand fertility and reproductive health, but privacy experts warn they're not without risk.

Eating well for reproductive health, fertility and pregnancy - Natural Medicine Week 25/05/2022

A short Easter break from the socials went a bit long but we're back to let you know about a Zoom session Francesca is holding as a part of Natural Medicine Week. Check it out and pass it on to any friends you think might be interested.

Eating well for reproductive health, fertility and pregnancy - Natural Medicine Week PLEASE REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT BY EMAILING: [email protected] or by clicking the register link above and completing the form on the website.


A happy Easter to all, we hope you have a most delightful and relaxing few days off around Easter surrounded by loved ones.

Just a reminder, The Jocelyn Centre will be closed for the Easter long weekend, opening again on Tuesday 19th April.

Also, going forward, reception will no longer be open every second Saturday. Both Jacintha and Francesca will continue to see patients every second Saturday, but reception will process all appointments and orders the following Monday.

We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.

All the best from the team at The Jocelyn Centre

Fathers’ food choices influence future health of babies 05/04/2022

Today at 10am on ABC Sydney 702, our own Francesca Naish will join Cassie McCullagh, along with other guests, to discuss a new study that looks into the importance of the father's diet during pregnancy.

Fathers’ food choices influence future health of babies What fathers eat has a lasting effect on the future health of their unborn children, new research has revealed.


Endometriosis is a painful and debilitating disease, which sometimes requires surgery. However – help is at hand! We have wonderful herbs and nutritional remedies that can relieve the underlying causes and painful symptoms of endo, relieving the inflammation that underlies the pain, and helping to rebalance the oestrogen excess which is a major cause.
Other herbs can help to decongest the uterine tissues, and relieve the painful premenstrual and menstrual symptoms. We can also help to improve recovery if surgery is required, and reduce the chance of recurrence, by attending to the underlying causes. Our naturopaths have decades of experience and many grateful patients!
Please contact us for more information about how we might be able to help you.

Preconception Health Care Success Rates – Your Natural Fertility Management Resources 03/04/2022

Considering IVF? Thorough preconception health care has been shown to more than double successful IVF conception rates, as well as help to prevent any increased health risks to mother, pregnancy and baby. See the significant success rates shown in these studies on preconception health care.

Preconception Health Care Success Rates – Your Natural Fertility Management Resources At the Jocelyn Centre for Natural Fertility Management we have been working with women and their partners to help them achieve a healthy conception, pregnancy, birth and baby since 1977. Our conception program has drawn strongly on the work done by Foresight – the British Association for the Promo...

Recycled plastic bottles leach more chemicals into drinks, review finds 30/03/2022

Just in case our warning about using any form of plastic has been forgotten – here’s some more evidence – this time showing how “Environmentally friendly / recycled” plastic is still a health problem.

Remember, if the label says BPA-free, this will have been replaced with BPF, BPS, etc. – all proven endocrine disruptors. So make sure no food or drink– especially if hot, wet, fatty or acidic – is in contact with any form of plastic as the chemicals will be leached into your food or drink. Try stainless steel, ceramic, glass, brown paper and those lovely fabric and bees’ wax wraps.

Recycled plastic bottles leach more chemicals into drinks, review finds More chemicals being released by reused plastic could indicate need for ‘super clean’ recycling process

Record funding for endometriosis clinics, treatment and education 27/03/2022

Welcome news from the government that more funding will be available for the diagnosis and management of endometriosis. As we know from the thousands of endo sufferers we have helped over the years at the Jocelyn Centre, an integrated naturopathic and medical approach is the most successful for both prevention and recovery.

The medical interventions for diagnosis and surgery can be necessary in many cases, but naturopathy, with our wonderful healing herbs and nutrients is the best way to improve those underlying causes such as hormonal imbalance and inflammation, in order to restore real uterine health.

Record funding for endometriosis clinics, treatment and education The federal government will commit $58 million to help treat the condition that affects one in nine women, including specialised treatment centres and education.

‎Womb Room: Special Episode! Why Does It Matter What You Do In The Three Months Before Conceiving? - with Francesca Naish on Apple Podcasts 25/03/2022

Check out Natural Fertility Management founder, Francesca Naish speaking with Laksmi Wilson on the Womb Room to discuss the benefits preconception health care. Check it out on either Apple or Spotify.

‎Womb Room: Special Episode! Why Does It Matter What You Do In The Three Months Before Conceiving? - with Francesca Naish on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Womb Room, Ep Special Episode! Why Does It Matter What You Do In The Three Months Before Conceiving? - with Francesca Naish - 15 Mar 2022

Study reveals decrease in child allergies 18/03/2022

More evidence that introducing potentially allergenic foods early in a baby’s life is the preferred way to reduce allergic reaction later.

Allergy has also been shown to be less likely in babies and children whose parents undertake good preconception and pregnancy health care – with especial emphasis on parental microbiota.

Study reveals decrease in child allergies Allergy guidelines have helped reduce serious reactions in children.

‎Womb Room: Special Episode! Why Does It Matter What You Do In The Three Months Before Conceiving? - with Francesca Naish on Apple Podcasts 17/03/2022

Francesca joins Laksmi Wilson on the Womb Room to discuss the benefits preconception health care. Check it out on either Apple or Spotify.



‎Womb Room: Special Episode! Why Does It Matter What You Do In The Three Months Before Conceiving? - with Francesca Naish on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Womb Room, Ep Special Episode! Why Does It Matter What You Do In The Three Months Before Conceiving? - with Francesca Naish - 15 Mar 2022

2022 - Global report validates safety and effectiveness of naturopathic care - Southern Cross University 15/03/2022

A major global report on the efficacy of naturopathic treatments was recently released. Here Southern Cross Uni talks about their contribution. You can find a link to the report itself at the bottom of the article.

2022 - Global report validates safety and effectiveness of naturopathic care - Southern Cross University Global report validates safety and effectiveness of naturopathic care Published 14 February 2022 Professor Jon Wardle is a lead editor and author for the Health Technology Assessment - Naturopathy. Researchers from the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University have made....

2022 - Clinical trial investigates group naturopathic program for endometriosis - Southern Cross University 13/03/2022

Southern Cross University will be running a trial of group naturopathic treatments for endometriosis. If you are interesting in taking part, check out the link.

2022 - Clinical trial investigates group naturopathic program for endometriosis - Southern Cross University Clinical trial investigates group naturopathic program for endometriosis Published 18 February 2022 For the one in nine women suffering endometriosis in Australia, access to specialised care is not always readily available. Those managing the symptoms of endometriosis now have an opportunity to part...

Can you spare a minute to help Albion Harrison-Naish? 11/03/2022

A petition that came to our attention recently.

Can you spare a minute to help Albion Harrison-Naish? Better, safer maternity care for women: count babies as patients and give us safe ratios.

When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong 08/03/2022

When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong

The false positives aren’t mentioned in the brochures for these blood screenings, which are sold by some of the biggest labs in the country.

According to this article it may be worth having further tests if your pregnancy is diagnosed with a rare disorder. However, thorough preconception and pregnancy health care can give you optimal confidence in a healthy pregnancy and baby. Start your preparation early!

When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong The false positives aren’t mentioned in the brochures for these blood screenings, which are sold by some of the biggest labs in the country.

British Journal Of Midwifery - A qualitative exploration of the media's influence on UK women's views of breastfeeding 06/03/2022

Alas there is still much too much stigma and judgement associated with what should be a normal and everyday occurrence. Although we've come a long way in recent times, there is so far still to go!

British Journal Of Midwifery - A qualitative exploration of the media's influence on UK women's views of breastfeeding Five main themes were identified that influenced women's perceptions of breastfeeding and their planned or actual behaviour: family influence, privacy, media as a double-edged sword, negative exposure to breastfeeding and planned behaviour versus experience..

Have you seen this petition yet? 04/03/2022

Following up from our post the other day:

is an Australian campaign to create legislation to ensure all ingredients are listed on product labels of feminine hygiene products.

This is to ensure all women and girls know exactly what we are exposing our bodies to when we are using these products. On average, a woman uses 11,400 tampons in her lifetime, that is exposure to potentially harmful ingredients 11,400 times. Let that sink in!!

Have you seen this petition yet? Create legislation to list ingredients on all feminine hygiene products.

What's in your tampons? Manufacturers legally don't have to answer 01/03/2022

“There are so many alternatives to these dangerous products! Organic pads & tampons, menstrual cups, period underwear – it’s so important to protect your va**nal membranes from harsh, toxic chemicals!”

What's in your tampons? Manufacturers legally don't have to answer An allergic reaction to feminine hygiene products prompts law student Christine Stephens to campaign for manufacturers to list the ingredients.


Pick ups from The Jocelyn Centre are now contactless.

We hope 2022 has been good for you all and you are managing to stay safe and well.

As a small team we are doing what we can to minimise the chance of any Covid related disruption to reception support for our patients. As our practitioners are still conducting their appointments from home, we will be conducting a contact-free clinic until further notice.

If you wish to collect any medicines from the clinic, please call in advance. We will take payment over the phone and then place your order outside the door to our suite just before you are due to arrive.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

All the best from the team at The Jocelyn Centre

Caesareans or va**nal births: should mothers or medics have the final say? 23/02/2022

Good pregnancy care is the best prevention against all interventions – though unexpected things do happen!

The most important way to make sure your choices regarding whether or not to have a C-sec are respected, is to make sure you have the care of a midwife team throughout pregnancy, and talk this through with your obstetrician (if you are seeing one) right at the start.

Also when possible, have the help / care of a doula to support you and liaise with your medical carers, and also when possible, choose a public (teaching) hospital rather than a private hospital, where interventions rates are so much higher.
If you do need a C-sec, ask your naturopath to help you with good preparation and recovery treatments.

Caesareans or va**nal births: should mothers or medics have the final say? More babies are born by C-section than ever, causing alarm at the WHO. But some believe the option should always be offered

Air pollution may affect s***m quality, says study 21/02/2022

No surprises here – just more confirmation that toxic environments are a major threat to fertility. If we can’t avoid air pollution, we need to take lots of antioxidants!!

Air pollution may affect s***m quality, says study Research into samples of 30,000 men in China suggests ability of s***m to swim in right direction could be affected


The Jocelyn Centre is moving.

Just a reminder, The Jocelyn Centre will close at the end of tomorrow (Wednesday 29th September) and re-open on Monday 11th October in our new premises.

If you need to make a booking or move an appointment, please call us asap and if you need to place an order before we close, please place any orders by 2pm Wednesday 29th September.



After almost 13 years in our current lovely offices, we are moving. But don’t worry, we are only moving around the corner.

Our new rooms will be at Suite 102, Level 1, 60 York St, Sydney, NSW 2000.

Our phone number will stay the same.

But this means that the clinic will be closing for a week while we move across. Our last day open at Clarence St will be next Wednesday 29th September. We will open again at the new premises on Monday 11th October.

If you have an appointment during the week that we are closed, don’t worry our practitioners will still be carrying out those appointments from home as they have been since the whole Covid situation started. We will simply need to process your appointment and any order you may have once we reopen.

If you need to move your appointment or need to contact us urgently during that week, please email your practitioner directly and they will help.

If you need to place an order to get you through to when we reopen, please get your orders in no later than 2pm next Wednesday 29th September.

Apologies for the late notice, we have only just confirmed the dates for the move.

We thank you for your understanding and patience during this time and look forward to welcoming you back into the clinic soon.

Screening Survey for Menopause Study 02/08/2021

Do you suffer from menopausal symptoms?

At The Jocelyn Centre we treat women with herbs and nutrients for all manner of menopausal symptoms, with often considerable relief from flushes, “brain fog”, poor memory and focus, insomnia, anxiety and depression, painful in*******se and dry va**na. So it’s good news that there is now some research being undertaken by the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University – see their invitation below if you would like to be involved:

Screening Survey for Menopause Study Experiencing menopausal symptoms can be distressing for women, particularly when they start to occur when they have important roles in society, within the family and the workplace. Menopausal symptoms can start to occur in women up to 6 years before the cessation of me**es or their menstrual periods...

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Suite 102, 60 York Street
Sydney, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm

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