Coaching with Caroline

Hi, I'm Caroline, mother of two wonderful children, dedicated yoga practitioner, Life coach, and registered and certified Yoga Therapist.

As a support worker and Yoga therapist, my mission is to help my clients build confidence and self-worth so they can live a fulfilled life and reach their potential. Before I discovered yoga in my early forties, I was crushed by a negative self-image, low self-worth, and low self-confidence. Right up until my early adult years, I had no self-confidence and didn’t like myself. I thought everyone el


Quote by Jana Kingsford.

For me, meditation and yoga are heavily involved in creating more balance.
What about you?



That’s fantastic♥️


🌸✨ When days are tough, sometimes the best thing you can do is look forward to your next cup of tea. 🌿🍵 It's a simple joy that brings comfort, warmth, and a moment to pause and reflect. Here's to finding tranquility in the little things and cherishing every sip. 💛


I haven’t posted much lately, I will be more regular - not sure what frequency yet- but this one jumped at me.
Make sure you get weird at least once a day. Happy weird.


Apple's recent policy means 30% of my live stream donations on Insight Timer will be taken away towards their commission. I'm sharing this to and to advocate for our entire teaching community. Please share!

Classes at Coogee Buddhist Centre 20/03/2024

Please do check out wonderful offering! Among other sessions I will definitely attend Phil’s mindful writing workshop!

Classes at Coogee Buddhist Centre Meditation and Buddhism Classes at Coogee Buddhist Centre in Coogee.


Quote by Anne Lamotte.


This is worth being aware of. Very important message from Christopger Plowman, CEO of Insight Timer.
Two weeks ago, after months of negotiations, Apple blocked Insight Timer from submitting updates to the App Store. Consecutive attempts by us on 7 and 13 February were both rejected. Today Insight Timer can no longer operate its business normally. We can no longer release new features. We can no longer improve our services. And our ability to raise funding is at risk. It is an impossible situation. Either we comply with Apple’s demands or Insight Timer will die. These are our two choices.
This morning, worn out, we conceded. I asked our team to submit a compliant update and we are now waiting for Apple to grant us access again.
The Issue
Apple regards donations made to Insight Timer teachers during Live events and meditation as tips for “digital content”. Apple said it would block Insight Timer from accessing the App Store until we agreed to pay them 30% of these donations.
We see things very differently. Just as homeowners don’t pay 30% of their Airbnb income to Apple - imagine the outrage - teachers shouldn’t have to pay Apple 30% of their donation income either. Many Insight Timer teachers are doctors, nurses and educators who return home from their day jobs to work in the evenings on Insight Timer for critical supplemental income. They give up their personal time recording audio replies to classroom questions, responding to user reviews, hosting live events, writing music, creating guided meditations and leading discussion groups. There’s nothing ‘digital’ about these experiences no matter how much the definition is contorted. The more teachers work, the more they earn. The correlation is obvious and the term ‘digital content’ simply does not apply.
The Solution
Everything rests on Apple’s interpretation of the words “digital content”. When Apple wrote clause 3.1.1 it was most probably intended for Apple’s gaming developers. These companies make billions selling virtual items like ammunition upgrades, sharper swords, bigger shields, extra lives, golden coins and cooler Fortnite skins. These items are ‘digital content’ because they have no inherent value and cost nothing for gaming developers to digitally replicate. If Apple wants to take their 30% cut, fair enough. But virtual coins and ammunition upgrades are light years from the time spent by teachers working to engage with Insight Timer’s community. No reasonable person could miss the difference here.
In other words, Apple’s guidelines haven't caught up with today’s creator economy and so our teachers find themselves caught in a definitional crack. A no-man’s land where, from today, thousands of them must now give one third of their donation income to Apple because Apple hasn't yet figured out a way to differentiate virtual digital items from a teacher’s precious time.
A Constructive Path Forward
I have spent enough time with good people at Apple these last few months to know that they are willing to listen. The optimist in me believes this can be solved and that we can convince Apple’s leadership to bring about change.
Importantly, our disagreement with Apple should be expressed respectfully and constructively. We must speak up without speaking down. We’ve spent too long building an alternative platform - one that values generosity and compassion over greed and anger - to throw it all away now. As a quiet place of peaceful contemplation, let’s make our case by unifying our beliefs and experiences into a single Insight Timer voice. One that rises above toxicity and brings about change with respectful, intelligent debate.
So reply, share, repost and add your views to this conversation. But please do it constructively. Be heard. Tell Apple your Insight Timer story. Explain what this community means to you. And if you’re one of our 20,000 teachers who relies on your income, say it.
Communities work best when they work together. If we speak together as one, constructively, I believe Apple will join us.


“Do you have a hard time saying No? Well, this is a reminder that when you say No to one thing, you are actually saying Yes to something else. Here is what I mean...
The professional boxer Muhammad Ali was asked what was the central part of his training? Was it jogging? Was it sparring? He answered, “The central part of my training isn’t running or vitamins or punching the bags; the central part of my training is avoiding the nightclubs, the parties, and the girls. You want to know the truth? The central part of my training is being in bed by 9pm.”
Although I am not a boxer, when it comes to training the mind or living in line with my values and staying on the path, my spiritual practice is more deeply supported by what I choose NOT to do than by what I do.
When we say “No” to one thing, we say “Yes” to something else. Each decision is a navigation choice, either out of alignment with the life we want, or toward it. Enlightenment and Alignment go hand-in-hand
Whether you are just starting out on your spiritual journey or you are a seasoned traveler, tempting as it may be to add more practices to support your path, it’s equally important to contemplate what we need to stop doing for reasons that may not be clear until after we stop.
When we think about quitting something, we naturally focus on what we will be missing, but there is also much to be gained. The problem is, we often can’t know what that “something” is until we try.
So, rather than thinking you need to do more, what can you stop altogether, if only for a while, in order to discover what would fill that void instead?” —Timber Hawkeye
And this, my friends, is one of the many reasons I quit online coaching. I needed more room to rebuild my life in ways that would build my mental fitness rather than weaken it.
But it’s not until I completely stopped that I started seeing the possibilities...


A few months ago, a family friend told us the story of how a friend of theirs had gone to the doctors only to find out je jad only 3 days to live. And sure enough, a few days later he was gone. It shook everyone and even though I don’t even know this person, that real life story stuck with me.

And here I am this week, running around like a chicken with its head chopped off, wishing the week to be over and waiting for the weekend to finally enjoy myself.

But if I only had 3 days left to live, I would want for this week to last as long as possible and enjoy every minute of it.

So that’s what I’m doing. Regardless of the task, I’m enjoying the fact that I’m getting it done. I’m enjoying my cats, my husband, daughters, the rain, food, cleaning, friends, all the people that are here for me, everything.

Because in the end, we have no idea what lies ahead of us, and all we ever have is now (gee now I sound like Ekhart Tolle).

And that’s exactly what we’ll practice in tomorrow’s yoga class. Enjoy every minute of it: the good parts, the challenging parts, the wobbly half moons, the tight hamstrings, the achy hearts… all of it.

Much Metta everyone❤️❤️❤️


As I sat there this morning contemplating why so many things are so difficult at the moment, I came across this quote.
Call it the Universe sending me a reminder, but it’s so accurate and a great reminder, and I’ll definitely keep it in the back of my mind.

Timeline photos 18/01/2024

They're always valid, but they are NOT facts.
They change more often than we change our underwear and socks, and are based on nothing real.

We can feel big or ugly or skinny or stupid or incapable when we're not. Those feelings come from wrong beliefs inherited from the past.

And the truth is, your brain is constantly looking for confirmation of what it already believes.

So the next time you catch yourself feeling awful, or inadequate, challenge the feeling and ask yourself the following questions:

Is it true? Why do I believe that?

You're on a journey of self-discovery and growth, and every emotion is a stepping stone toward a more empowered , authentic, and emotionally intelligent YOU. 💙


People come into your life for a reason, or a season, or a lesson. some stay for our lifetime.
But sometimes we hang on to people with whom we have a history, but no future.
All this to say. Just like you choose the best foods for your body, you need to choose the best inputs for your mental health. And that includes the people you choose to hang out with.
Note: I used the word "choose".


This actually comes from The Buddhist Bootcamp page on Facebook.

I couldn’t agree more so I thought I’d share it with you.

2024 for me is all about simplifying. Going back to the things and people that really matter in my life. In order to do this, I have to let go of other things and activities.

For this reason, i will be posting a lot less. Less social media, more face to face connections.
« On New Year’s Eve, there is so much buzz about setting new goals, starting new habits, and buying new stuff. In an effort to combat high levels of stress, people say they’ll start meditating, doing yoga, and exercise, which can be great, but they do so without addressing the existing causes of stress. As a result, what could be beneficial ends up being detrimental because it just adds to our already overflowing plates. So, before we talk about what we can add to our lives, what habits can you leave behind as you start the new year? »


Currently on holidays (in case you hadn’t noticed 😊)


Moral of the story:

💪 Recognize your intrinsic value and worth beyond external opinions.🔥

That's all I gotta say on this glorious Friday 😊😊


Now, many of you are online creators, wellness experts, meditation and yoga teachers, sleep specialists, anxiety gurus. Many of you can, and should, share your art, share your knowledge in the area you are expert at.

I am not talking about sharing your opinions about anything. So may people do this already, and it's often not very useful (oops that's my opinion 😊😊) and makes this online world, very, very noisy. Exhausting. And leaves us feeling depleted and empty.

But when you, online creators and wellness experts, spread your goodness and knowledge, then you are contributing to creating a better world. This is why I want to help you spread your goodness, because we need it desperately.

For this, you need to build your reach.

How? One post at a time.

Consistency breeds trust. When your audience knows they can count on your regular content, it builds a sense of reliability. Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, and in the online world, your relationship with your audience is no exception.

Algorithms are like digital matchmakers! They love consistency! Frequent, regular posts signal to algorithms that your content is relevant and valuable, giving your posts a better chance of appearing in feeds and reaching a wider audience.

Consistent posting keeps your audience engaged. It's like a conversation – the more regularly you speak, the more engaged and responsive your audience becomes. Sparking conversations and building a community around your content becomes second nature when you show up consistently.

👉 Consistency is the gateway to growth. As your audience grows accustomed to your rhythm, they're more likely to share your content, bringing in new eyes. The snowball effect is real – the more consistently you post, the more momentum you build.

👉 Consistent posting establishes you as an authority in your niche. It's not just about what you say but how often you say it. Regular content creation showcases your expertise, positioning you as a go-to source in your field.

👉 As you consistently share content, you have the space to refine your message, experiment with new ideas, and evolve with your audience's needs.

So, let's embrace the power of consistency.

Your journey to building a devoted following begins with that first post.
Stay committed, stay authentic, and watch what happens.

Here's to the beauty of consistency on your content creation adventure!



It's the end of 2023, and time to reflect and project ourselves in what 2024. What would you like this new calendar year to bring?

Not just in terms of "things" that you would acquire or do (like going to the gym, getting new clients or more followers, etc...).

The most important aspect of any goal is to start with: "How do I want to feel"?

Personally at the end of this year I realised I needed more space in my life. More mental space. A more simple life. More time to connect to who I really am, and work in a way that ailgns with the "Me" who I really am at my core. In 2023 I realised that there isn't a single way to do what I am truly gifted at.

Let 2024 your time to shine. From the inside out.

Believe fiercely in your capacity to create something extraordinary. But most importantly, take the time to reflect and check whether what you are aspiring to is truly aligned with who you are at your core.

Trust in your ideas, honour your unique perspective, and... let your passion take the driver seat.

Because ultimately, without passion, life is pretty dull and boring.

I can't wait to witness your magic blossom. You've got this!

# femaleentrepreneur


When in the thick of it, it’s hard to see the growth opportunity.

But luckily there’s hindsight, and after feeling like a moron, we can ask ourselves the questions:

- Is this true?
- How else could I have reacted to this event?

Here’s an example. I have been taking salsa classes for a while. Believe me, I am not a natural 😂😂The classes always start with what they call « the shines », which basically is a short sequence you can do on your own when dancing with a partner, for fun.

Those shines were my nightmare because I couldn’t learn them for the life of me. I just wanted to cry, and yes, felt like an absolute moron.

Then I realised it was my inner bully talking, and I decided that from now on, I would have fun with the shines- regardless of how I was doing with them.

And guess what. It’s so much more fun AND I can actually learn them… better.

So. Keep in mind, your inner bully PREVENTS you from learning and growing. Curiosity and playfulness ALWAYS facilitate learning and growth. 😊

Photos from Coaching with Caroline's post 05/12/2023


Remember as the holidays come: you might feel sad one minute and hopeful another. You may be numb and go into freeze, then come back to your body and feel excitement. Most likely you’ll have a festival of contradicting emotions. This may be the first holidays without a dear one. The holidays can trigger our bodie’s held memories.
❤️Your only job is to be kind to yourself
❤️And remind yourself that it’s all completely natural to experience.
❤️ We’re all in it together.


🔥 Thoughts for the weekend 🔥
Have you ever been in a situation. where someone said something, and you immediately said something back, and later on you reflect and think "why did I say that? I didn't even mean it" or something like that.
We do that ALL.THE.TIME.
But in reality, there is a space between what is said and our reaction. And in that space lies the opportunity to respond rather than react.
So for example, your are looking at job ads, see a role that you would really enjoy, but your immediate reaction is "I don't know enough", "I am not educated enough, or I am not -fill in the blank- enough.
What IF
You took a breath.
Noticed your immediate reaction
And then shift to:
🔥What would I need to know how to do for this job?
🔥What do I already know that would be useful for that job?
🔥What do I need to learn for this job?
We only live once (I think?)
❤️ Time to let go of the negative beliefs and start doing things that spark you.
👉 What will it be for you?


This is for the perfectionists out there!!
😐 Are you stuck doing and redoing something because it's NEVER good enough?
😐 Or are you stuck not doing anything because you feel like you don't know, and you keep on looking for answers outside of yourself, when in fact you KNOW but don't trust yourself enough?
💚 Imagine how life would be if you stopped setting impossibly high standards for yourself and punishing yourself for (perceived) failure?
What if, instead, you asked yourself whose standards you are trying to meet?
➡ Are they yours?
➡ Are you trying to impress someone?
Often, it's our peers that set the standards: demanding parents for example. OR we set the standards ourselves to impress the demanding parents (so indirectly, it's still our peers).
So what if, just what if... you stopped trying to please anyone, but instead went full on in what you want to be doing for the sake of doing and learning in the process... Coz if we don't do anything, we don't learn anything.
and some part of you knows that.


Anyone has someone like that in their life?


It’s a work in progress for everyone of us.
Before I made the decision to put my current form of coaching aside and focus on support work, I had a few questions to ask myself.
- Do I keep on this path because I want to prove something to myself or someone else?
- will I feel unworthy or like a failure if I take a different path?
- How can I be most useful?

To be honest, I do feel like I was trying to prove myself that I was “capable”, amd this worth was linked to a certain amount of money to be made, and recognition from- I don’t even know who. I do believe part of me wanted to make my dad proud. And my Dad passed 5 years ago. But he is still as present in my life as ever.
When I realised that, I let go of this need for validation. Because I know I am capable. When I look at my clients past and present, I know that what I have to offer is valuable amd can change peoples lives for the better. And I am so grateful to be able to share this gift.
Now I no longer need anyone else’s validation. I just know.
Therefore I feel free to follow my path, one that is more aligned with my values.
So ask yourself: does your self-worth rely primarily on what others think of you?



Whenever you work with a coach, they’ll ask you “what’s your big why? What’s your purpose?”.
That question is very hard to answer and we are tempted to go BIG. And then feel lost and useless.
The thing is, there is a big chance that your purpose is already here, or at least partially here.
The problem is, we don’t give ourselves credit, we dismiss it as “too small” “insignificant”.
When I became a mum, my purpose was to break the cycle of trauma I was in and not pass on what I lived through.
Mission accomplished.
When I went into yoga therapy and coaching, my mission was -and still is- to share simple tools to help people live better lives- mission accomplished.
When I started support work, I had no mission. No purpose. But after doing it for nearly a year, I realise that this work that seems insignificant and menial to many is very important.
I’m actually contributing to improving the quality of life of people that are not within our range of “normal”, and for the ones with the more severe disabilities, supporting them in feeling safe, have their own purpose, and living with dignity.
So. Where can you find purpose right here, right now?


Hi all,
As some of you already know, this year I started doing support work in addition to my online coaching business. The reason was that working from home all the time was not working for me. I realised I needed to see people in "real life", get out of the house, leave my computer, and attend to people who need help.
It turns out, this experience has been so much more rewarding than I thought.
I went into teaching yoga, and then coaching, because I wanted to help people live better lives. I wanted to help because life is short, and we need to make the best of it while we're here. After all, no one really knows what's after. I wanted to help because too many women suffer from low self-esteem, and it can make life really difficult or not-so-enjoyable. It keeps them stuck in "I am not capable" mode. I have had great success with the clients who worked with me, and I am very grateful for having led a few of you to a much more enjoyable path.
But then I discovered the world of people with "disabilities". I discovered that "disability" can be invisible. I put the word in quotes because I don't like it and in the end I don't really know what it means.
I discovered "disability" refers to people who are not able to live within our very narrow range of what is considered "normal".
Past a certain age, we all become more or less "disabled" because the growth of technology leaves many of us behind and helpless.
But I discovered people who want to live their life to the fullest of their capacity. People willing to go all in, people who want to learn, people who want to try new things, people who are fun, smart, capable...
You got it, I LOVE my clients.
For this reason, my online coaching business is going to take a back seat, and I will dedicate more time to working with my "3D clients" (meaning, not on screen). I do remain available for my past clients though.
Next year I will be doing a Certification IV in Mental Health so I can attend to people with more complex needs.
So what does this mean for this page?
As I keep learning and growing, I will keep sharing insights. I want to keep using social media for spreading goodness and inspiring others whenever possible. It just won't be as often.
Much ❤️❤️❤️ to you all ❤️❤️❤️- I mean it.


Having said that, sometimes loving ourselves is too much to ask.
Before loving ourselves, we need to accept ourselves just the way we are.
Not wishing to be any other way.

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Yoga and meditation turned my life around. From an anxious, depressive and stressed out person, I became calm and clear minded. I became a better mom, wife, friend, daughter, and sister thanks to a sustained practice for over a decade.

If I can do it you can do it too. I support you become the best possible you, and tackle the challenges of motherhood with more ease. Imagine how your life could be if:

  • You get to know, understand, and respect your own body. How it moves, how it can become more limber, more open, stronger. Mindful movement creates new pathways in your brain and body, allowing you to advance in age gracefully!

  • Learn to take care of yourself, from the inside out!
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