Nicky, NS Nutrition

Nicky, NS Nutrition

CEO: NS Nutrition
Host: Nutrition Spot Podcast
Helping women heal their relationship with food!

Gaining weight, Pressured to say "yes" to food - Addressing These Food Freedom Challenges 05/02/2024

🔥 New podcast episode!!

Gaining weight, Pressured to say "yes" to food - Addressing These Food Freedom Challenges Today we talk in depth around the pressure to "give yourself permission around food" in order for Intuitive Eating to "work" ... and we argue actually there ...


This is important 👇

Trying to micromanage every bite of food you eat is working against you.

Because your body wasn’t designed to work that way.

✨Your body is sent AF and it has systems in place to regulate both the macro and micro nutrients you need AND the total energy you need.

All based on:
💤 the amount/ quality of sleep you got
😖 the amount of physical/mental stress you are under
🏃‍♀️ how active you were the previous days
🍌 what and how much you ate the previous days
🧬 your biology- and what your body requires
❤️ your hormones and body cycles

And allowing it to eat a variety of foods, in a varied way ensures that you get all the nutrients your body needs.

Let go reigns. Learn to listen & trust your body. Let eating become easy & fun!

Small Frequent Meals vs. 3 Meals A Day | Which is Better For Blood Sugar Control? 04/25/2024

🔥New Podcast Episode!

Small Frequent Meals vs. 3 Meals A Day | Which is Better For Blood Sugar Control? Small Frequent Meals vs. 3 Meals A Day - Which is Better For Blood Sugar Control? On today's podcast episode we answer a question regarding which way of eati...

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 04/23/2024

💜 this post if you think these are amazing outcomes of healing your relationship with food!

And share what other things have improved in your life since starting your Food Freedom journey 👇

Never really feel hungry? Re-regulate Your Hunger Cues for Balanced Healthy Eating 04/18/2024

🔥 NEW PODCAST episode:

Never really feel hungry? Re-regulate Your Hunger Cues for Balanced Healthy Eating Do you feel like you're never really hungry and want to find a way to eat in a healthy balanced way sustainably? This podcast is for you. We cover what cause...


Let go of the guilt and shame around food‼️

It’s not serving you!

🧁all that shame and guilt is much worse for your health than the dang cupcake!

Hands up 🙌 if you agree!

P.s. share this post if it resonated with you!

The Remarkable Positive Life Effects of Healing Emotional Eating 04/10/2024

🔥New Podcast Episode: The Remarkable Positive Life Outcomes of Healing your Emotional Eating!

The Remarkable Positive Life Effects of Healing Emotional Eating Join us weekly LIVE Wednesdays 11am PST


‼️Most of it stems from your childhood.

Which one do you resonate with?

These eating behaviours have become so deeply engrained into your subconscious brain 🧠 that you most likely don’t even realize that it is why you can’t stop eating.

AND this is also why you when you try to diet, portion control or diet it doesn’t seem to work long term.

✅Instead you need to be able to change this subconscious programming from happening.

Unlearning this narrative you learned as a child and creating new programming that allows you to feel 100% in control when you are eating.

So you can STOP when you feel:
✨comfortably full
✨and content even if there is still food on your plate!

Imagine being able to stop eating, even though you still have 1/2 a slice of your favourite cake in front of you.... no willpower - effortlessly because your new programming allows you to do this.

👆 So you never have to go on a diet again AND you get to eat foods you love 💕

Ready to learn what else is driving your overeating and the steps you can take to stop it? Leave “childhood” in the comments and I will send you my over eating checklist and guide!

P.s. Share this post if you were told these things as a child!

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 04/05/2024

Can’t even hide the tired anymore 🤪

What ridiculous things have you seen or heard lately?


‼️What you ate yesterday has nothing to do with what you “can” eat today.

👆🏻This shift in thinking is 🔑 key to stopping your over eating!

Because thinking that you can just get back on “track” tomorrow (or Monday) is the switch that puts your brain into over eating mode.

Because now your are in a:
🚩what the hell mentality- you don’t listen to your fullness or hunger cues because you can eat and eat and “undo” it on Monday

BUT when you learn how to switch out of that thinking and into ✅ I can have all foods, anytime so there is no need to over eat these foods right now- mentality… over eating is no longer an issue.

Because you literally have no reason to over eat in that moment.

🧠 It all starts in how you think about food- change your thinking- change your eating (for good).

💜Save this post if you needed to hear this today!

Follow if you are over the restriction- over eating cycle and want to heal your relationship with food for good!


📣 Food isn’t the problem!

And it’s not until you see this- will you be able to heal completely 💔

Because food rule and meal plans heal your perfectionism thinking. They don’t stop you from feeling your anxiety nor do they undo your past traumas.

👆🏻your eating struggles will continue to resurface until you are able to unlearn, heal and manage these deeper things that you struggle with.

And this is why Food Freedom is about ✨healing✨ your relationship with food—- is means healing all the deep down, inner things that are CAUSING your food struggles.

The relationship between your thoughts-feelings-behaviours AND food.

📌It’s not a quick temporary fix.

It’s doing the work to heal completely. And it manifests into all areas of your life- not just food.

And it gives you FREEDOM from:
💔obsessing over your body
💔creating high, unrealistic standards for yourself
💔trying to please everyone around you
💔never allowing yourself to fail
💔constant anxiety and stress
💔not prioritizing yourself

🖼️ It’s a much bigger picture than just the food.

The food was just a symptom.

P.s. my Food Freedom coaching program starts in 1 week! And then the doors close until October!

Message me if you want to apply and start living your healed and free life 💃🏼

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 03/20/2024

Over eating doesn’t have to be a lifelong struggle.

Nor does it have to be a prescription for food rules, plans or eliminating food groups.

Instead, look at it as a symptom- something telling you that there is a problem.

‼️and it’s not the food‼️

It’s a sign that you are:
🪧disconnected from your natural hunger and fullness cues🪧have been conditioned to over eat
🪧your brain is overpowering your body

🛠️ and you just need to fix those things and you will be able to effortless stop eating ANY food from here on out.

And you can enjoy any food without worry 🎉

👉🏻Learn what you over eat and then take the steps to fix it.

✅ find out other reason why you over eat using my new over eating checklist!

Leave “sign” below and I will send it to you for free!

P.s. doors close to my April Empowered Eating Method session in 10 days- don’t miss out on your chance to learn everything you need to feel 100% in control around all foods before summer!

Next session doesn’t open until Oct! 🎃


Hands up 🙌 if you agree.

The thing is, most women won’t realize how much stress their diet/ lifestyle was causing AND how much harder they were making the pursuit of health for themselves— until they have stepped away and healed from it.

👀 Hindsight is always 20/20

But that is why, everyday when you open this app you see more and more women talking about Food Freedom and Intuitive Eating.

Because they have experienced life on the other side of diets and see just how much easier it is to be healthy!

Health comes more naturally when your not:
🚫stressing about every calorie, macro or bite of food you eat
🚫thinking about what you ate or what you can watch most hours of the day
🚫restricting all day to only binge or over eat at night
🚫basing how much you can eat on how your body looks or what the number in the scale was that morning
🚫forcing yourself to exercise and feeling stressed if you didn’t
🚫obsessing over every inch of your body

These behaviours go hand in hand with a health focus based on restriction, rules and limitations.

‼️But there isn’t only one way to health

There is a way to be healthy that come from:
✨Eating with intention
✨Listening to your natural body cues
✨Healing your over eating triggers
✨Coping with emotions without using food
✨Allowing your body to naturally crave variety & balance

👉🏻so you can feel healthy, happy & energized eating foods you love.

And when you experience it- you will want to shout it from the roof tops too! 🗣️🗣️

Ready to experience health the Food Freedom way? My next coaching session starts April 1!

Achieve your optimal health, without having to diet, in 12 weeks! 👉🏻message me to apply!👈🏻

P.s don’t forget to save this post as a reminder that you can achieve your optimal health without ever counting a calorie again!


What if that scary thing is actually what you needed all along?

That the key to ending your over eating, yo-yo dieting and weight he fluctuations was in fact healing your relationship with food?

👆🏻That has been the case for not only myself but my clients.

The women who have done the scary thing!

Because what their body needed wasn’t another meal plan or more food rules ❌

What they needed was to:
✨heal their metabolism
✨Learn how to eat for true hunger and eliminate false hunger
✨learn how to effortlessly stop eating when they are full
✨Learn how to stop emotional, stress and boredom eating
✨Stop intense cravings and eliminated evening eating triggers
✨Crave fruits, veggies and balanced meals!

👆🏻 Which comes from healing your relationship with food using my Empowered Eating Method!

And you can finally stop spending all your energy trying to lose the same 10lbs over and over and instead live the life you want, eating foods you love!

With no regrets!

🫶🏻Don’t miss out on your chance to get in with our Early Bird rate… only 4 days left!

Message me if you want to apply!


‼️How much of your eating is done when you are ✨not actually hungry✨?

You see, women come to me feeling like they need to diet, cut out carbs or track macros to be more in control of their eating….

❌ but it doesn’t work long term — because dieting, calorie counting or tracking macros doesn’t fix the problem!

If you are feeling out of control around food & that you are eating more than your body needs…. it’s likely that you are eating when your -not actually hungry-.

I call this ✨False hunger✨.

And instead of dieting, calories counting or tracking macros, you just need to learn how to stop 🛑 the false hunger!

Here is what to do:
1️⃣Stop eating on autopilot and be able to identify ✨why✨ you are triggered to eat.
2️⃣Learn how to spot the difference between actual hunger and false hunger and identify what your body 🔥actually🔥 needs in that moment
3️⃣Provide your body with what it is truely asking for! Not only do you stop the extra eating but you get to discover what your body needs to thrive!
4️⃣Become so in-tune with your body that you know exactly when you are actually hungry and how much food your body needs!
WITHOUT dieting, calorie counting & tracking macros.

You have been programmed your whole life to use food as: comfort, a mood booster, something to do when you’re bored or lonely, or to eat out of habit.

It’s time to break 👆🏻 that old programming and allow yourself to feel 100% in control around food again!

Which false hunger driver to do notice the most in your life? Let me know in the comments👇

P.s. save this post when you are feeling false hunger as a reminder that you can stop it!


When you hear statistics about 6 year old girls wanting to change their body - it can seem like there is no way that is true 😞

But it’s not rare for my clients to say that they were put on their first at 10.

Or that they purposefully changed how they ate at 8 years old.

For some, it wasn’t until their teenage years or even their twenties when they started.

For me, I was 20- after back packing for a year and experiencing gain for the first time in my life.

When did you start? Leave you corresponding heart in the comments- and did you choose it or did someone choose it for you?


🌟 Let’s talk about the real key to reclaiming control around food - HEALING from the ROOT 🌿. It’s time to break free from the cycle of overeating and discover a profound sense of empowerment!

🚦 Sure, quick fixes and diets might provide temporary relief, but if you want lasting change, you’ve got to dig deep. Addressing the root cause of overeating is like tending to the soil of your soul. 🌱💖 Here’s why:

1️⃣ Unveil the Triggers: Healing allows you to unearth the underlying triggers that lead to overeating. It’s not just about the food; it’s about the emotions, stress, or unmet needs driving those cravings. 🧘‍♀️🔍

2️⃣ Break Free from Guilt: Healing helps you release the guilt and shame attached to overeating. When you understand the why behind your actions, you can replace judgment with compassion. 🤗💕

3️⃣ Build Lasting Habits: Healing addresses the habits and patterns that keep you stuck in the overeating loop. It’s about rewiring your relationship with food, creating a foundation for sustainable change. 🔄🍽️

4️⃣ Embrace Self-Discovery: Healing is a journey of self-discovery. It’s about understanding your body, mind, and spirit on a profound level. 💫

Ready to embark on this transformation journey 🚀💫 Share your tips, support and experiences in the comments below! Let’s create a community of empowered women committed to healing from the root and embracing a life of balance and joy. ✨🌟

If you are done with living with over eating, restriction and frustration and ready to heal you eating from the root cause so that you can shift the power from food back to you and be able to eat in a way that makes you feel amazing, effortlessly 👇👇

My April Empowered Eating Session is open to applications! Early bird pricing ends soon! Message me for the application 🕊️🐦‍⬛

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 02/20/2024

You hear about intuitive eating or food freedom, but you don’t really know how your life will look with it.

So here it is… in 3-6 months you will:
✨Have zero stress or anxiety around food
✨Will not be eating out of boredom, stress, emotions or because food is out (99% of the time)
✨Will stop eating food when you are comfortably full and satisfied (99% of the time)
✨Can keep your cupboards stocked with chips, cookies, chocolate, ice cream— whatever you like— because food has no power over you.
✨You eat whatever foods you enjoy AND you don’t have to worry about it.
✨You crave fruits and veggies and balanced meals because you can listen to your body’s intuition.
✨Your body heals from the years of restriction, food rules and deprivation.
✨You live in the moment because you’re not worried about what to eat, how much to eat or any of that stuff anymore.
✨You enjoy moving your body again.

👉🏻 I could keep going, because it really transforms your whole life.

💜Because you don’t realize how much of your life was affected by your relationship with food and your body…. Until you heal it.

I have broken down the step you can take to become an intuitive eater and have food freedom in the easiest and quickest way possible!

👉🏻I call it the Empowered Eating Method and it has transformed 100’s of women’s lives 🤍

Applications are open for my April session! ☀️ you can be food freedom by summer!

Mëssagê me for the application!

P.s. save this post as a reminder that in 6 months, you could be living a totally different life around food!

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 02/14/2024

I wrote you some poems ❤️


📢 It’s not your responsibility to make people happy by what you eat or how you look!!!!

And letting go of those ideology is one of the most ✨freeing✨ things you can do!

You will be happier when you start living for you and not for everyone else 💜

So this is your sign to let it go….

🪧 let go of people pleasing
🪧 let go of the fear of judgement
🪧 let go of trying to fit into other people’s boxes!

And if you need a helping hand to shift your mindset around food and your body, 👋🏻 let me help you with that!

So that you can free yourself from it all, heal your relationship with food and live the life you want (eating the food you love)!

Check out my bïo for all the info!

And follow for all your food freedom and intuitive eating info!


Here’s the catch👇🏻

If you are hungry or you want to eat in the evening, go for it! 🙌🏻

There is no rule that you CANT eat.

✨But✨ if you are someone that has a lot of evening cravings and you don’t want to eat (because it’s causing you to eat more than your body needs), then this is for you 👇🏻

😐Because nothing can be more frustrating than not feeling in control of your eating in the evening.

And then going to bed regretting everything you ate 💔.

And feeling like food controls you! I have been there. And it wasn’t fun 😢

☀️When it comes to evening cravings, what you do during the day matters!

❓Are you eating enough? Are you eating carbs regularly? Are you mentally restricting foods you enjoy?

❓And what is your programming like? Are you eating out of habit? Are you eating because your bored, sad or lonely? Are you eating as a reward for a long day?

❓Are you eating because you see food on TV? Or because you know that there is chips in the cupboard and ice cream in the freezer?

Here’s the thing‼️ Dieting, calorie counting or trying not to eat doesn’t work to stop these cravings.

⚠️ It actually makes them worse ⚠️

Instead need to stop the cravings before they happen. Get to the root cause.

👉🏻Whether that is physical or mental (or both), there is always a solution.

And once you understand why you have cravings and what to do, nighttime eating will no longer be a problem!

I teach how to identify and fix the physical and mental causes of cravings (and over eating) in my Food Freedom Program, so that you can feel 100% in control around ALL foods ✨all the time✨.

Follow the lïnķ in my 💕bïo💕 to learn more.


Which healthy eating process do you want to follow? 👇

#1️⃣ The one where you can’t eat a bunch of foods, you can’t eat at certain times, you have to portion/weigh/measure/track everything you eat, you feel guilty for eating food, you have to use willpower & discipline to make it through your day.


#2️⃣ You know exactly how much food your body needs without tracking/measuring/weighing, you eat all foods without over eating, you crave veggies/fruit, you eat what you want - while feeling amazing, and you don’t have to think about food (until you feel hungry)

👉🏻 I helped 100’s of women shift from 1️⃣👉🏻2️⃣ and these are the things they say:

✨”the cookies no longer call my name from the kitchen”
✨”I am actually craving veggies, right now it’s cabbage. It’s so good!”
✨”I said no to cake, I just didn’t want it. That has never happened before.”
✨I am eating everything I feared before and I feel amazing.”
✨”Not feeling guilty when I eat has made it so I don’t binge on those foods anymore”
✨”my only regret is that I didn’t learn this earlier, I wasted so much of my life feeling obsessed with food. I hurt for my younger self.”

Healing your relationship with food and becoming an Empowered Eater is giving you the skills to be able to eat what you want, in a way that makes you feel healthy, happy and energized.

Without food obsession, stress & guilt!

👉🏻If you are ready, start with my proven Empowered Eating Method (the most affordable Food Freedom program available online)!

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 01/23/2024

Are you stuck on the portion control/over eating teeter totter?


You gotta feel your feelings 💜

Food rules, diets, meal plans, willpower 👉🏻 none of that works to stop emotional eating.

It actually fuels it. Because when you spend all your energy trying NOT to eat- you run out of emotional energy.

🧠 You know that “f-it” point where you give in and lose all hope?

If you want to stop emotional eating- you need to learn emotional regulation skills.

👎Something our generation wasn’t taught very well.

But the cool thing is that when you learn these skills, you realize pretty quickly that your body doesn’t really want to eat everytime you feel sad, anxious, lonely, frustrated, mad, bored, happy etc.

And that food was really just covering up your true needs.

It doesn’t take long before you figure out what your body needs and soon the desire to eat when those feeling surface, is the last thing in your mind.

✨So you no longer have to try to “convince” yourself not to eat. You just DONT want too!


Food Freedom is all about the mindset shifts!

👉🏻Getting out of your old way of thinking that was making you feel stuck and out of control with food.

The mindset of restriction, guilt, frustration and perfection.

🧠Because eating starts with your head- and if your thoughts and feelings around food are negative 👉🏻 you will will struggle with your eating.

My clients are always so surprised when they spend a week or two reframing & shifting their thoughts how quickly:
✨Food loses its power over them
✨Their cravings decrease
✨They stop wanting to eat all the “bad” things
✨Easy is to stop over eating!

📣 It’s not the food, it’s how you think about the food!

And believe me, a little brain re-wiring is much easier than spending a lifetime restricting, counting, tracking, portioning and feeling like you can never get it right!

P.s. save this post for when you need a reminder to shift your mindset around food!

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 01/10/2024

👆🏻You were born to eat this way too….

😞 unfortunately d.iet culture, family, friends, school and the media trained you to not be able to eat this way anymore.

BUT thank goodness for neuroplasticity and the ability to UNLEARN the eating behaviours that are not serving you!

✨So you can resurface the empowered eater inside of you!

✌🏻bye over eating
✌🏻bye food obsession
✌🏻bye annoying cravings
✌🏻bye emotional eating
✌🏻bye yo yo d.ieting

🙋‍♀️hello feeling amazing around all food!

Are you ready to shift the power of food back to you? Are you ready to become an Empowered Eater?

P.s. save this post as reminder that you CAN be this person!

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 12/13/2023

There is a dark side to Food Freedom….

It’s that you will never be the same again 🙅‍♀️

Because you will learn exactly:
♥️what in your life is driving you to use food for comfort
💚why you use food to distract or suppress your feelings
♥️what in your life is making food & eating so hard

And then you will learn ✨exactly what to do about it✨

👉🏻what in your life needs to change
👉🏻what part of your soul needs to be healed
👉🏻what beliefs you had need to be u learned
👉🏻what steps you need to shift the power from food back to you

And ☝🏻 those things will change you. Because you will realize just how much of your life you were letting happen TO you.

Not on your terms, not the way you want it too….

Food Freedom is about so much more than JUST what you are eating.

It’s about giving you the skills you need to go from living in autopilot, struggling with food, over thinking eating & stressing about food & your body too ⬇️

Food and eating becoming part of the background of your life.

So that you can live ice on your terms and food just ✨compliments✨ it.

It’s shifting the power.

But you have to be ready to open up all your life. To take a step back and see what’s really happening.

❗️Because if you are struggling with food or eating— that is a symptom of deeper issues (it’s not the problem).

Is that something you are ready to do?


The ONLY détox you need this Holiday Season! 🎄

🙌🏻 Like and share if you agree!

For more Food Freedom and Intuitve Eating info, follow Nicky, NS Nutrition

Photos from Nicky, NS Nutrition's post 12/06/2023

🎄December doesn't have to be a month of Over Eating for you.

🎁SAVE this post as your holiday reminder!🎁

This month doesn't have to be a month of over eating for you...

🥳Even if you are going to a million holiday parties.

Or if you are having potlucks at work every week!

When you learn how to stop your over eating from the root cause (hint: its not the food)--December & holidays are just like any other time of the year!

Are gone are the days where you:
❌Feel like you have t o skip meals to "make up" for what you are eating
❌Fill up on veggies so that you don't "want" the other foods
❌Need to cut out foods as an attempt to stay in control around food
❌Feel "gross" after the holidays and need to start a new plan

Once you stop your over eating triggers for good, you get to:
🎄Eat normally, whatever you are feeling like having
🎄Go to all the parties and potlucks and not think twice about it
🎄Eat your fav foods without worry
🎄Head into the New Year feeling great!

🎁Gift yourself freedom from over eating, worry and stress around food for the rest of your life!

Its the gift that keeps on giving 🎄🎄

Me.ssage me to learn more!

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