Win Or Learn

Racing Training Lifestyle

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 08/15/2024

When I connected with Charlie he said “mom, you might be disappointed with 35th, but I am SO proud of you for doing your best”. Truths from a 10 year old!

He’s right and I earned that my finish line smile that day on the gruelling course in Paris. As I crawled up the 14% hill cursing my legs that felt like bricks I thought of my people at the finish line and what they would say “all you can ask of yourself is the best in the moment”. I came to the race fit, healthy, happy and supported - it tested me and I answered.

I am grateful for the opportunity to represent Canada over two decades and to be the oldest finisher in the field. The marathon is a test of so much, and every finish is a success. Being able to share it with everyone both on course and cheering from home was so special, so thank you everyone I heard you loud and clear!

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 08/08/2024

It’s been 40 years since the first women’s marathon at the Olympics and that long since I fell in love with running.

1984 - when I began to race my sister to bed, inspired by .

I was the age my son is now when I started running track for my elementary school. Wow.

30 years since coach Mike took me under his wing with the promise to help me be the best I could be. And he was in Tokyo as a team coach and will be at the finish line on Sunday too. I couldn’t ask for a more dedicated mentor and friend, always there when I need him.

It’s been 20 years since my Dad cried with me when we achieved my dream of making the Olympics, back when I was a 1500m runner.

There have been highs of highs and lows of lows but here we are, in Paris with my heart full of gratitude and appreciation for everyone who helped me get here. And I can’t wait to see my friends and family who came to Paris to be part of this epic experience! Thanks for being here for me!

My deepest affection and gratitude to for being the best partner, coach and Dad to our kids - if I win a medal he deserves at least half (good thing we like sharing!).

My parents continue to be my pillars of support and invaluable in helping us with the kids so we can make it all work. (I am sure they wonder if I will ever retire!).

After so many years I have so many people to thank for being part of the team - this round shout out to physio , S&C , and my formidable training partner over the last 3 years . I also send love to for inspiring me with her fierceness and graciousness - I wish she was here.

To my Charlie and Oliver - who get to be waiting at the finish line - you are everything.

To - thanks for believing in me as a masters and for the fastest shoes out there!!

Going into “social media lockdown” tonight so will see you on the flip side.

I feel all the love and cheers loud and clear - thank you!!!!

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 12/22/2023

After 5 marathons in 17 months I decided to step out of my comfort zone and trade road for cross country this past November at . Seventeen years after my last Nationals cross country race (2006!) the hills - up and down and all around - and rough and icy patches were a massive a shock to the legs. SO HARD! Definitely felt like a fish out of water!!!!

It was fun to try something different this fall but…not as fun as going on vacation to Hawaii for 11 days right after! This was the first time in years I took a “real” break from training and life and really soaked it all in. I think we all know (at least in theory!) the power of time for rejuvenation.

It’s a big year ahead - got more big goals to chase and hopefully a big race in Paris in August so I know this break will pay dividends.

I hope everyone around here is planning some downtime and quality family time leading into the new year.

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 09/26/2023

48 hours is about how long it takes post marathon before you start looking up the options for next races, right?!!!

Reliving the happy moments racing the streets of Berlin where I tried - in Kipchoge’s own words and passed on to me by Graham - “run a beautiful race”. I focussed on staying confident, relaxed and controlled from the first 30 Km and racing the last 12 Km. I channeled the very VERY loud (borderline deafening) cheers, music and drums that followed every step of 42.2 Km.

I ran my last 12 Km solo trying to pick people off and finish as strong as possible and dug deep the last 3 Km when my legs were screaming at me to slow down, knowing I was getting the most out of every step.

Boy - they say the marathon is addictive and they are sure right about that. Can’t wait for the next one!

Photos sent to me from very nice people on course, please do not repost #1 without permission from

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 09/05/2023

How many shots does it take for your kids to stop moving and look at the camera??? Six and counting…

Big year with both kiddos at same school - one drop off and pick up!! Woo hoo, can’t wait.

Oliver is in for a shock when the kindergarteners aren’t allowed to hang out with all the big kids whenever he wants. I wonder if he will sneak into Charlie’s classroom???

After the fires, Ollie has changed his mind from being a Dad or Jays player to being a fire fighter when he grows up; Charlie is still keen on being an “engener” or Jays player. All great options 👍

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 09/01/2023


Ready to have some fun and roll some runs.


Here we go again! Four marathon builds inside a year - getting used to my Sunday long workout routines!

I believe the key to success is healthy and consistent training layered with solid recovery, some long hard work with sprinklings of speed.

Not every day is “rainbows and unicorns” - some days are grinds - but overall I love the process of dreaming big and working hard.
And always gratitude for all the help and support along the way!

Thanks to for the best shoes and gear and for the best coaching and bike support!


Running is so great it gets it’s own day!

Love this sport and the people involved.

So many ways to do it on your own terms - fast, slow, far, short, solo, social, competitive, recreational, young, old….everyone can have a place in this running world.


Photo credit Victah Sailor


Definitely stealing this gem by way of penned by :

“You don’t train for the race to feel easier, you train to go faster”. LOVE IT!!!

So here’s to all of us training hard so we can run fast when it counts.

And don’t worry if it still hurts, because that’s how you know you are getting to most out of yourself!

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 04/24/2023

No action shots but some pics while heading home after a 5 day whirlwind trip to Gifu, Japan, where I blown away once again by the beauty and hospitality of the Japanese people.

I love so much about Japan - the kindness of the people, the beautiful countryside and delicious food and the well organized and competitive races.

After a few races where I have gone out hard, I focussed on being more relaxed and patient in yesterday’s Gifu Half Marathon. This is a strategy that suits me usually, but can me hard for my personality because I also like to get after it! With about 5-6 Km to go I felt better than I ever have before in a half and decided to throw in a surge to breakaway from the pack I was with. I was quickly running down 2nd spot (although I thought she was leading so I was even more pumped!) and was pretty excited about how strong I was feeling in the latter stages of the race. Then I kinda hit a wall with a Km to go and went into survival mode and unfortunately dropped back a spot and lots about 14 seconds, losing grips on sun 70 pretty quickly, but I was thrilled to run a PB by a minute and hold off charges from behind. It gives me great optimism that, at 43, I will have more in the tank and can take a swing at sub 70 on a future (and flatter!) course. Onward to my last five weeks of marathon training before my next big adventure .

My boys are pumped too because I am bringing home authentic Pokémon trading cards in Japanese so it’s a win-win! Thanks to race organizers and for making it happen!

Arigato! (Thank you!)
Ganbatte! (Do your best!)

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 04/21/2023

One of the best things about sport is the opportunity to travel and meet amazing people. Japan has always been a favourite for me, as I try hard to recall some of my grade 11-12 Japanese language!

I am fortunate to be in Gifu again to race this weekend; in the exact place where we spent 2 weeks prior to the Olympics training. At the time we were in heavy lockdown so we’re very limited in movements. However, this time I was able to visit a local school where 68 grade 6 students welcomed me graciously. They prepared two lessons for me - one to learn the art of calligraphy, here I learn the kanji work for “Victory”. All the children cheered as I made my tentative brush marks and very patiently showed me how to do it. After we had an organic lesson and we all made a paper crane on culturally significant mino-washi paper which was later strung together for me to take home and hang in my doorway for good luck.

I wish I could always visit school when I travel to race - children are such wonderful beacons of hope for our future and make my heart so happy.

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 03/26/2023

The sun sets on another season for our family and while we’re already looking forward to next year I’m excited about my spring race schedule! Looking forward to having some fun on the roads and putting these ski legs to good use.

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 02/20/2023

Yesterday fits neatly into the “learn” category of marathons at the Seville Marathon. Wheels came off early on (26 Km) and it was not going to be the day I had hoped for.

What was my best “build” on paper, resulted in my most disappointing outcome on race day. Thankfully I have been around sport long enough to know that after the initial sting of the disappointment, the most important thing is to move on positively. We will also take the time to analyze the “whys” - this is what makes sport and performance so addictive.

If things went perfectly every time, what would we learn about ourselves and the sport in the process?

It often comes back to understanding our core values - what makes us tick as athletes and people - to get us back on course again.

Of course, it’s human nature to feel we have “let people down”, but I know my people have my back through thick and thin and they signed onto the ride with me! I owe them my gratitude always. Big thanks to who is the best coach, support and partner, and who flew around the world for 3 days to be with me on race day; and to my parents who love and care for our kids while we are gone. My team is loyal: Longtime coach and advisor, who always offers sage advice; Physio Greg of 20+ years coming always fitting me in and sharing ideas; Chris at helping me stay strong in the weight room with great stories; for meeting me for all the ridiculous winter runs and treadmill workouts, and finally and his beautiful family joining me in Spain for this adventure. And to all the folks I have the privilege to coach - you all inspire me with how you navigate the ups and downs of pursuing your own goals and I try to tell myself the same things I would tell you in these situations!



When Ryan rode by me about 15 Km into a (13km) uphill grind, with a headwind in the pelting rain, I admit I wasn’t experiencing the most positive inner dialogue. As he shouted out my name, I immediately thought of the title of his book “Run the Mile you are in”, and it was what I needed to help refocus and accept that it’s not always awesome, but you break it into chunks and focus on the moment. I stopped worrying about how far I still head to go - of course I would cover the rest of the course as fast as I could, even if my toes were numb from the puddles and my quads were cold. Because that’s what we do when we race - we show up, we grind when we have to, and we do our best on the day. I did come out with a win but was hoping to pop a PB soon in the half! Keeps me coming back for more!


Proof that cross country racing is actual, laugh out loud, fun.

Let’s do it again soon.

Team is gearing up for and National Championships.


First marathon in Canada in the books! My second fastest ever (2:25.14) on pace for a PB til I hit the proverbial marathon wall….you know how they say the race really starts at 35 km!! Grateful for the opportunity to race at home at the - the 6ix put on a show show today!

I found a big pack to run with and loved the banter in the group through 25 km until the race started to get real. was the best and most energetic pacer ever - I have big plans for us Kevin;)

So many people to thank - and his crew and volunteers for putting on the first TSC Toronto Marathon since 2019. Thanks so my great sponsors and for the support.

And of course as always to my dream team and family for holding down the fort for my training! It was fun to have Charlie on course today ringing his cow bell.

Boy this marathon biz is addictive. I can hardly walk tonight but already ready to sign up for the next one!


My kids aren’t so little anymore but still my favourite little crew to find at the finish line!

For so long I thought that once I had kids, my best athletic days were done. My big kid is now 8, which means I have had as many “post baby” years than “pre” baby years as a pro athlete (triathlon then road). My years with kids have arguably been more consistent and healthier - physically and mentally than when I was a young trackster. Knowing they are there cheering me on gives me both motivation and perspective, allowing me to really focus on the process and enjoyment of training and competing. I am thrilled to run a PB at 42 in the 10km road race…another perk of rotating events and distances over a life time of sport! Now my aerobic strength as a marathoner is making me stronger at 10km than a speed approach did 10 years ago.

To all you folks out there trying to balance kids and athletic goals - keep it up 👍 I love hearing all your stories and find inspiration in this tribe!!

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 08/13/2022

Doing whatever it takes to get in the marathon miles with my !

No one’s said running 160 km per week would be easy with kids home for the summer but where there is a will there is way - and goals help make it happen too :)

Lots of afternoon doubles down here on my TM…which is also a nice way to avoid the smoking hot late afternoon runs! Pro tip: set up your machine near a window so you can watch the clouds and light change. Time flies on .

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 08/07/2022

One year ago since the Olympics! It was a race I dreamt of for most of my life (well actually my real dreams included something around my neck but top 10 is still solid and I will take it!).

The billions of steps over 25 years got me through every step of the 42.2 km race. It was a day that took everything I had to get to to finish. All the gruelling training got me through 2/3rds of the race and the last 1/3rd was all mental - one step at a time chanting all the mantras I had prepared. “Be strong, be grateful. Be relaxed, dig deep, think of your boys, make them proud.” I have never been so exhausted and sore in a race before and I thought the last 200m would never end. Thankfully it did and I crossed the line as my first top 10 finish at an Olympics at 41 years old, 17 years after my run in the 1500m in Athens.

It was so amazing to celebrate the day with teammates and other competitors. I am so grateful for the Canadian squad in Sapporo and my team at home who were with me every sweaty step of the way!

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 08/02/2022

Guess where my next marathon will be?????

In case you can’t tell, we are fans of ALL the sports in this great city :)

Pretty cool Kinvara kicks for kids, wish they came in my size. I think Charlie thinks he has the shoes that he’s coming with me to race too :)

Let’s go, 11 weeks til race day!

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 07/15/2022

So I may have challenged to a friendly race on the weekend…suffice to say my efforts to go out hard and hold on did not pay off!!! Good thing we seem to be on the same race schedule these days so I can challenge him again in the future. Stay tuned :)

Btw I think little Ollie has a new hero :)


Is this a pre race shake out photo???!!!

First race in a while! 8 km burn coming up in the most beautiful place ever, called home (Kelowna!). Anyone else around and want to join? Still a few hours left to register for the Midsummer 8 km -proceeds to the UBCO cross country team . There’s even a kids race after with donations , a local charity that supports families in need. You betcha my kids are pumped to run!!


No Excuses.

The workout always gets done.

Thankful for GoZwiftRun] on crazy days of juggling kids and summer heat and marathon training. I always get in the groove in my pain cave on my TM hammering out a good session, sweating the good life and dreaming big.

Thanks GoZwiftRun] for being a great training buddy!


Happy 50th Birthday Title IX!

This little kid has been loving the athlete life for 30+ years. I am grateful for opportunities for women in sport though Title IX legislation, including access to education as a university student . I love the fact that I get to still play in sport while also making it a lifelong career! There is work to be done still so let’s keep pushing for more opportunities for female athletes in sport.


Most days are some form of chaos and logistical challenges for our family. Almost everyday takes careful planning of how to fit everyone’s needs into the day without burning us all out. That’s modern day parenting, right?!

I couldn’t do it without full buy in from the gang which means turning weekend workouts into family affairs. It’s hard for working parents to pursue their own goals outside work and family but I hope it also teaches our kids values of hard work, commitment and dreaming big. I love when my kids can double up bottle duty on my runs so I can get mid run high 5s and cheers - keeping it about the family and our goals as a team.

Photos from Win Or Learn's post 06/13/2022

Happiest of birthdays to my sprightly four year old. Oliver brings constant entertainment to our house, usually comedy and drama but a far bit of thriller too.

Oliver loves (in his own words): candy, to make a mess, riding his bike and his big bro. He’s usually up to something with a little twinkle in his eye - we are never quite sure what is up his sleeve. Four years gone in a flash and can’t way to see what this kid brings us this next year!


What an honour to join an all star line up for a panel discussion at ACSM on issues in women’s sports over the years since Title IX brought in legislation to increase opportunities for participation of female athletes 50 years ago. While much work has been done in the space, there are still major gaps in equality, access and research that impacts the health and participation of women in sport.

We can do better by providing more funding for quality research using female participants (the vast majority of scientific studies use male participants to control for hormonal fluctuations), pushing for coordinated and interdisciplinary healthcare, increasing equality in funding and access to sport and reducing barriers to sport for girls and women.

I am inspiring by the research and advocacy being done by many - including these wonderful humans , Missy Parks, .webster, Kiki Williams and .


There is no great honour than wearing the Canadian kit at a major championships. I am so excited for our team of marathoner, race walker and 10,000m runner who were named today to World championships team! It’s an honour to have these athletes on our team and I will be cheering loudly for them. They will be amazing!

My recovery post Boston was taking longer than expected so I knew it wouldn’t be prudent to rush back into a training build so soon again. In the meantime enjoying life and watching others tear it up! Go .sexton .preisner


We all have our own timelines for recovery post marathon. I am one of those “need more time than less” types. I usually feel beat up for a week or two post race and then really like to build up slowly again - starting with frequency of runs (ie daily and then adding in my doubles) at low intensity, then gradually adding more volume and workouts again. In the meantime looking after body through strength and Physio.

Today is 3 weeks post marathon and finally feeling physically and mentally ready to ramp again.

The big take always is to listen to your body and remove expectation for a timeline when in recovery mode.

Happy to get back on my treadmill for some easy runs with my cuties cheering!

Oh gotta go…drug testers are here 😂


Dreaming about what’s next while learning from the past. Isn’t that what life’s all about?

Taking my time getting back into my running routine again post Boston. I love my recovery / low training time before biting my teeth into another build.

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Videos (show all)

🎥 Video #11: Overcoming An Achilles Injury 🦶In this video, I talk with Jessica about how she rehabbed her Achilles.  Hav...
🎥 Vidoe #11: Process Oriented Training 🏋️‍♀️🏃‍♀️🧘‍♀️For many of us, it can be very easy to focus on the results only whe...
🎥 Video #10: Pre-Race Anxiety 🏃🏽In today's video, I talk with Jess and Erin about pre-race anxiety.  We discuss differen...
Do you suffer from anxiety before you race?Well come back tomorrow for a link to my newest Win or Learn video, and learn...
🎥 VIDEO #8: Running Form Tips with Nikki Reiter🏃🏻While everyone has their own running form, there are key principles tha...
Are you looking for some tips to change or improve your running form?⁠⁠Then be sure to check back tomorrow when I will d...
🎥 Video #7: Secret Sauce Strides 🏃🏻‍♀️Do you know what one of the most overlooked components of running can be?IT'S STRI...
Want to know what is one of the most overlooked components of running?STRIDES! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏼Check back tomorrow for a...
🎥 VIDEO #6: Dynamic Drills 🏃🏻‍♀️Sprinters spend as much time warming up as they do running sometimes (or at least that’s...
Dynamic Drills.Tomorrow, a new Win or Learn video drops on YouTube.  Come back to check out some of my, @grit_coaching, ...
🎥 Video #5: Recover Like A Champ 🏅Are you over-trained or under-recovered? Our bodies need to adapt well to “stress” (ie...


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