Carole L. Trepanier

Carole is an animist ritualist and global transition consultant specializing in endings & awakenings Carole L.

Trepanier of “The Death of Me” is an animist ritualist and global transition consultant who specializes in endings and awakenings--forms of Death. A small-town Franco-Ontarienne trained in Indigenous community care and counselling, Carole worked for over 20 years in community/international development engaged in holistic community care and transition/loss work (colonization, food security, climate


It’s International Day. When someone you know has died as a result of substance use, your may be more complicated. has a module tailored to support you.


Adventure indeed.

“My next great adventure, aged 90, is going to be dying. There’s either nothing or something. If there’s nothing there’s nothing, that’s it. If there’s something I can’t think of a greater adventure than finding out what it is. I happen to think there is something because of the experiences I’ve had, because of experiences other people have had. Very powerful ones.”

What an incredible way to view death from Jane Goodall, who has been a global figurehead for international conservation for 6 decades! What an inspiration she is.

With love

From the wonderful Jane Goodall being interviewed on Channel 4 News.

To Be In Awe - Wisdom from a 96 year old 08/13/2024

This brought me back to myself today. Enjoy.

To Be In Awe - Wisdom from a 96 year old What gives you a sense of awe? You might imagine standing on a wide-open plain with a storm approaching, or holding the tiny finger of a newborn baby. That w...


Belly to the ground, child.

On Jealousy and Sisterhood...

Woman-When you envy another woman and covet what she possesses... instead of slinging hate or swallowing the bitterness that poisons your soul.. instead of trying to knock her down....

imagine worshipping her as an emanation of the Goddess.

Throw flower petals at her feet.

Anoint her belly and third eye.

Bow your head low to behold the beauty of this jewel.

The one she possesses that moves your heart so deeply it burns with the searing pain of wanting.

Pay respect to the frequency you admire so much it hurts.

Though your honest adoration and celebration has been spoiled for generations and twisted into hatred and resentment...

A legacy of scarcity and competition between women throughout the ages battling to survive...

Realize that the seed of this poison is profound devotion.

Wake up to the true heat of this wanting as your burning love for Her.

Get down low to the ground and expose your own heart to the passion of your longing.

This wild love wearing the drag of envy

Here in this position of aching humility

Of sincere and open yearning

No longer hiding behind the bitter mirror of your unlived life.

Let your pride die into the ground you lay on.

Anoint the goddess.

The goddess in the form of the woman you so badly want to hate.

Let envy Surrender to the flow of Desire.

Here is where you become open to become what you covet.

Here is where you become available to recieve.

Throw flower petals at the feet of your desire.

Be honest and humbled in your Awe.

This is how we heal the wound of sisterhood.

~ Maya Luna

Art by Jessie White


This Thursday the beautiful souls from Gather in the Grove, my spring/summer ritual healing series, will meet for our last gathering of the season. For 20 weeks (10 sessions) we've been exploring the theme of "building" (Beaver Medicine). True to the last gasp of Capricorn energy, we've been deep-diving into what it might mean to Master our own lives through reverse-engineering, being present/conscious to our lives and legacy, having an unshakable focus on the Healed Outcome/Dream, engaging community (also Spirit), understanding energy leakages, creating structure, solution-bringing / daily practices, and healing (Ancestral patterns, trauma) barriers to all of it. It takes courage to get real. It takes courage to not run when faced with our own unconsciousness in these times of great distraction, dissociation, dodging, denying, delusion. Deep bow to your gorgeous and brave hearts, Gather in the Grove family. It's always better when we're together. ❤

“We have lost the knowledge of our power: What it is, how it feels, how to access it, its dimensions. We have forgotten that it has its source in freedom and integrity. But more than this, manukind has stolen from us our knowledge of its amazingly cumulative nature. Witches have always known that women must come together to raise power. But by coming together periodically, they were merely simulating women’s ancient ways. Women in the archaic world of the goddess lived the whole of their lives together, every aspect, every day. It is not enough for us now as we set about creating a new world to come together now and then. It is time to be together in large numbers for the rest of our lives.”

-Sonia Johnson, The Ship That Sailed Into the Living Room; S*x and Intimacy Reconsidered

Art by Arna Baartz


Here's what a participant in last year's Spiritual Death Planning series had to say about her experience:

"The SDP series was so, so wonderful! I loved how each session had a theme informed by your psychopomp work. There was an organic element which helped things land deeply for me compared to if the content had come strictly from an academic perspective (i.e. here's the research on what dying people want). It thoroughly addressed layers of death preparation/fuller living that don't always get as much attention and I just so appreciate your approach, skillfulness, humour, beautiful voice, and all around magical wonderful being that you are. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The fear exploration was a big one for me and the final session was!! Your ability to "eff the ineffable" is brilliant and so appreciated by both hemispheres of my brain, along with my heart & soul. I anticipate revisiting the entire series." - Heather,(SDP 2023 participant)

The journey starts on August 26th. Giddy-up. :)

(See the FB event and registration details in the comments.)

Photos from Novice's post 07/29/2024

So beautiful.

"Keening" from "The Hunger" 07/10/2024

This animation/video interpretation of keening is haunting, compelling, heartbreaking and marrow memory. (You'll want to go full screen with it.)

"Keening" from "The Hunger" "The Hunger" is available from Nonesuch Records is a video interpretation by Deborah Johnson of Keening from "The Hun...

Photos from Rose Colored Lens Photography 's post 07/08/2024

The power of bereavement or end of life photography.


"Surrendering to Grief" by Amber Samaya Gould


“The Keening woman is known by many names in cultures around the world, leading the community through their grief, and guiding the soul home.

Throughout the highlands and islands of Scotland and Ireland, there were the women who stepped into the role of the keening women. Liminal figures, living on the thresholds, pulling their black shawls tight around them they stepped between the worlds and let their voices express the grief of all those gathered.

She held her own grief tight breathing through it and into the words she sang, her voice breaking, cracking, melodies splintering into shards of grief. Those present were invited to join her together in expressing their loss, despair and deep grief.

In her liminal place, between the worlds, behind her stood all the keening woman who had ever lamented, each ancestor who mourned, back thousands of generations. With the power of all that accumulated anger, and despair the keening woman cries, roars and grieves. She keens for all the mothers, fathers and for all injustices and every wrongdoing against women and children, four-leggeds and winged, grasslands, seas, forests and mountains.

We too are invited into the circle, to feel our grief and let our voices speak, for it is only through grief that we can weave ourselves back to life and become truly alive again. It offers a resilience, a rebirth for an uncertain future.

Within the keen, there is a word of magic to keep the soul safe, as it moves from this world to the next. Let us utter the word and keep woman safe, keep deer and otter, salmon, seal and orca safe. Keep mountain, loch and ancient forest safe, keep standing stone and corrie safe. Let us embody the word so that our dancing and lamenting weaves protection.

Gather the keeners, for we need new rituals. We need each other, we need the tears, laughter and love, we need the magic and lamenting as the world unravels.”

-Jude Lally, excerpt from “Death is an Old Woman” – featured in Wounded Feminine: Grieving with Goddess - forthcoming from Girl God Books. Pre-order at

Keening Doll by Jude Lally


Joining in prayer/contemplation/propitiation and ceremony today in Spirit connection with The Turtle Lodge and Misiwe Ni Relations Healing Lodge for "World Peace and Prayer Day". Wherever you are, connect with your heart and join us in ceremony. Make your offerings. (Don't be stingy!) It's an important, powerful time for dreaming in and aligning with a life/world which reflects our Highest potential and Remembering.

Also, the next 2 full moons in Capricorn remind us that we are no longer helpless children. The themes of maturity, growth, a healthy relationship with structure/purpose and Self Mastery are alive now. (You can have expanded awareness and not yet be grown.) You are supported more than you know to this end, and more help is possible.

Deep bow to you. x

National Day of Prayer - A Call for Spiritual Unity

On National Indigenous Peoples Day
Friday June 21, 2024

Starting at 10 am at Turtle Lodge (Sagkeeng FN, Manitoba) OR in your respective Homelands and Territories

The National Turtle Lodge Elders and Knowledge Keepers Council are calling for a National Day of Prayer and Unity to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day:
Friday June 21, 2024

Anishinaabe Elder Allan White and Knowledge Keeper David Courchene III recently received direction from spirit to offer a collective prayer in the spirit of unity, lifting our Sacred Pipes, Lighting our Sacred Fires, Sounding our Drums, and Singing our Songs.

Join us on Friday June 21, 2024 at 10 am at Turtle Lodge (Sagkeeng, MB). We will begin Ceremony at 10am, lifting our Sacred Pipes for day 2 of the Gizhewaadiziwin (Way of the Great Spirit) Eagle and Condor Gathering. Please bring a dish to share for the lunchtime Potluck Feast!

For those unable to make it to Turtle Lodge, join us from your Homelands and Territories, uniting in spirit and prayer, in your own way.

In the spirit of Prayer and Unity,
National Turtle Lodge Elders and Knowledge Keepers Council

Grandmother Jane Meader (Mi’kmaw Nation)
Hereditary Chief Stephen Augustine (Mi’kmaw Nation)
Elder Allan White (Anishinaabe Nation)
Elder Vern McWatch (Anishinaabe Nation) Elder Ed Sackaney (Cree Nation)
Elder Harry Bone, LL.D., C.M. (Anishinaabe Nation)
Grandmother Florence Paynter (Anishinaabe Nation)
Elder Philip Paynter (Cree Nation)
Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud (Dakota Nation)
Grandmother Mary Maytwayashing (Anishinaabe Nation)
Knowledge Keeper Robert Maytwayashing (Anishinaabe Nation)
Elder A.J. Felix (Cree Nation)
Grandmother Patricia Felix (Cree Nation)
Elder Morris Little Wolf (Piikani Nation)
Grandmother Betty Ann Little Wolf (Piikani Nation)
Chief Darrell Bob (St’at’imc Nation)
Elder Dr. Barney Williams (Tia-o-qui-aht Nation)
Elder Stephen Kakfwi (Dene Nation)
Knowledge Keeper Antaurko Patsakamaq (Inka Nation)
Knowledge Keeper David Courchene III (Anishinaabe Nation)


Blessed Solstice, everyone! Today we celebrate, with gratitude, Peak Light. Many of us in the Northern Hemisphere will be in ceremony and holding healing ritual on this longest day. I'll be with the gorgeous Souls of "Gather in the Grove" as we come together for our 12th week of healing ceremony. Celebrating the Solstice need not look this way, however.

Perhaps, also, we might simply notice and acknowledge this Light in ourselves, in those we “other”, in the glint of a lover's eyes, in water sparkles, in vibrant blooms, in peaches, in the buzz of bees. Perhaps we might hold each other in the Light, sing another’s Divine Song back to them, speak warmly of others, share our Light. Maybe we hold today’s Light in our hearts so it is not lost as the days grow shorter. Maybe we indulge in the lush, balmy, slippery yum of summer while we can--make offerings of our delight and joy. These things, too, are ceremony.

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. Love. x

Also whatever's going on in this meme. 😀


Literally my job. :)


Deep bow to those who met me in the wee forest to gather, hold healing ceremony and be in gratitude with the Earth yesterday morning.


IN-PERSON Ceremony this Saturday!

A while ago I promised to start inviting Ottawa-area folks to some of my regular jaunts to the forest, river, neglected spaces (etc.) for personal ceremony. This has proven harder for me to do than I thought, as these mostly daily jaunts are spontaneous and personal acts of self-care, ritual tending, and relationship-building with non-human-kin.

That being said, if anyone wants to meet me in front of the Vanier Library, 310 Des Pères Blancs Ave., on Saturday, June 1st, at 11am-1pm, we will have some sweet sweet time together in the trees. :)

This isn’t an “event”, per se. I’ll be out there doin’ ma thing, and I'm happy for you to join me to begin or maintain your personal Earth-honouring/animist practice (with some guidance, if you wish). If you’ve been wanting to get offline, go “out there”, and make Offerings, express gratitude, tend to neglected/ravaged kin and spaces, make your heart prayers, sing/dance (everything is optional), propitiate and honour Spirit, heal, be healed, and listen, listen, listen…come. There will be some facilitated bits if Spirit calls for it, and I’m open to offering healing ceremony (energy work, guided journey) for those gathered if you wish. I’m thinking of doing this monthly while we’ve the weather for it. It’s always better when we’re together, yes?

Everyone welcome! Bring Offerings (we will discuss if this is new to you), a blanket/chair/yoga mat (for being comfy in circle and in healing), kindness and clear intention. Donations appreciated but not necessary. (This is not a rain-or-shine event. If it’s raining, we’ll regroup on another day. Yes, I AM made of sugar!)

These times are for gathering. Blessings to your hearts!


The local Star Lodge Lodgekeeper here, Julie Vachon, always says, "Tears are your first language. You should never be ashamed to speak your first language." Indeed.

“I am amazed how little women cry nowadays, and then apologetically. I worry when shame or disuse begins to steal away such a natural function. To be a flowering tree and to be moist is essential, otherwise you will break. Crying is good, it is right. It does not cure dilemma, but it enables the process to continue instead of collapsing.”

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Art by Jessie White

CIPSRT | The Moral Injury Guide for Public Safety Personnel and Leaders 05/17/2024

As someone who spent over 25 years in "issues-management" for the international affairs/development sector, environment/resource management sector, grassroots community service and high-level government life-or-death programs, I can tell you that moral injury is not only a thing...moral injury can take you out. As with other forms of workplace trauma/injury, it is important that people get the help they need, and that light be shone in the darker corners of our workplaces. Several of my clients and peers are people who have "seen some s**t" and/or "know some s**t" (some have "done some s**t") that needs to be reconciled in some way. Healing ceremony is especially good for this kind of wounding. Here is some 101 info about moral injury.

CIPSRT | The Moral Injury Guide for Public Safety Personnel and Leaders News & Events May 6, 2024 The Moral Injury Guide for Public Safety Personnel and Leaders New guide seeks to shed light on invisible epidemic Regina, SK — Today, the Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and Treatment (CIPSRT) is proud to announce the release of the Moral Injury Guide for P...


For those in the Ottawa area...stay tuned! I've decided I'm going to start letting y'all know when I'm holding ceremony in the forest, river side, in a meadow, etc. ( least some of the time ;)) that you might join me "out there." We will make Offerings, express gratitude, tend to neglected/ravaged kin and spaces, make our heart prayers, propitiate and honour Spirit, heal one another and listen, listen, listen. Everyone welcome; bring kindness and clear intention.

I found out my husband was having a relationship with my sister | SBS Insight 04/27/2024

What a beautiful afternoon of heartfelt conversations at the Community Deathcare Ottawa community gathering. I love that moment when people realize I'm safe space for the spiritual wonderings they hold, the "buckets of nightmares" they carry, their unspoken longings for earth-honoring death ritual, and/or the paranormal, mystical and Ancestral experiences they hide. I love this work!

Upon returning home, YouTube recommended this show to me about Deathbed Confessions and Promises and the impacts of these on those left behind. (You know too much, YouTube!) If you need a dose of raw-beautiful humanity, give it a watch!

I found out my husband was having a relationship with my sister | SBS Insight Insight delves into the impact of deathbed confessions and promises on the loved ones left behind. Bronnie, a former palliative care nurse, shares insights f...

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