Rewire Your Brain

Rewire Your Brain

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Rewire Your Brain, Alternative & holistic health service, Ottawa, ON.

The Rewire your Brain Transformational Coaching Program uses the principles of neuroplasticity, targeting the neural networks in the brain, as well as the nervous system to rebuild new neural pathways in your brain. The Rewire your Brain Transformational Coaching Program offers revolutionary, neuroplasticity-based, one-on-one coaching programs to treat chronic, hard to treat illnesses such as Chro


Have you ever imagined that your life is like a movie, and you are its director?

🎥 It may not feel like you're the director of your movie if you've had lingering symptoms like fatigue, sensitivities, and brain fog (to name a few) however it's been proven that we can turn on the stress hormones in our body just by thinking alone!

Positive thoughts and healing imagery are part of neuroplasticity. Alone, they can trigger the release of neurotransmitters like endorphins and serotonin, activating the parasympathetic nervous system which promotes relaxation. This, in turn, reduces stress hormones like cortisol. The immune system responds positively, supporting the body's defence mechanisms.

🌟The brain's command centre, the hypothalamus, communicates with the body through the autonomic nervous system, influencing just about every function of the body.

Harnessing the power of thoughts and imagination isn't just about positive thinking; it's leveraging the brain's influence on our physiological responses.

For many, addressing the emotional stressors that led up to their symptoms is part of their healing journey, which is why I use TimeLine therapy as one of my coaching tools. TimeLine Therapy is a potent emotional release technique and helps to eliminate old negative emotions and limiting beliefs (both subconscious and unconscious) from the past, empowering you to shape a future where you control your thoughts and emotions.

✨You can teach your brain and nervous system a formula for calming down, feeling safe and healing your body.

If I healed from 15 years of chronic fatigue syndrome, you can heal too. Recovery is possible, and you have more control over your recovery than you give yourself credit for! 🌟


If you have any of the chronic illness symptoms listed in this post, you may have been told by a practitioner at some point that there are issues with your cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, or endocrine systems.

💢Or perhaps the main issues have to do with your reproductive, skeletal, or immune systems. Perhaps your bloodwork shows hormonal problems, detox issues, heavy metals, or candida overgrowth.

So the problem must stem from the body right?

Wrong. Physical symptoms often attributed to various systems often have their roots in the brain and autonomic nervous system (ANS).

🧠Chronic stress can lead to trauma, causing the brain and ANS to be stuck in a fight-flight-freeze response.

The Perfect Storm, a culmination of stressors, triggers a maladaptive stress response, with the brain and ANS remaining on high alert. This neural network impairment can result in a range of symptoms, from chronic fatigue to emotional issues.

🧘Healing involves rewiring the brain through neuroplasticity and implementing tools to calm the ANS, shifting from a chronic stress state to a state of growth and repair.

Personalized coaching with tailored brain rewiring techniques can address the unique patterns and history of stress or trauma in each individual, providing a lasting path to recovery.

Find out if the Rewire Your Brain Transformational Coaching Program is the missing piece of your healing puzzle:) Link in bio. ❤️


For me, being recovered means that I get to do whatever I want. This included a recent dream trip of going to Universal Studios and Disney World with my husband and our 7 year old son.

It meant that I could go on rides that spun me, shook me and flipped me and created the sensation of falling, colliding and racing. It meant I could eat copious amounts of junk food everyday (like this Butter Beer: are any of the ingredients even real!), and be surrounded by fragrances without having a reaction. It meant I could deal with large crowds, long lines and walking in the hot sun for 12-14 hours per day without feeling wiped the next day.

Being recovered means that within all the triggers that are around us everyday, we have the physical strength and emotional resilience to enjoy life, to choose to see and experience the good that is always around us; the beautiful views, the shining sun, kind people, tasty treats, and all the other good things that are often impossible to experience when we are unwell with chronic symptoms.

Once you're well, you may or may not choose to go to an amusement park. But brain rewiring empowers you to make that choice, and others: to choose life paths based on desires rather than self-defense mechanisms, so that you can live from joy and presence vs fear and anxiety.

What have your symptoms stopped you from doing in your life? What will you do when you're well? Think about this often, and know that with brain rewiring it is possible to live your dreams!

Receive the latest in neuroplasticity information in relation to chronic illness, and be the first to receive our blogs! Link in bio.


We all have unique stories - this includes our past life experiences, our thought patterns, behaviours, and emotional responses to the world as well as the way in which we experience symptoms- and these all contribute to our health.

Neuroplasticity reveals that rewiring our unique thoughts, behaviors, and emotions can reshape brain structure and function. From both my personal experience as well as working with numerous clients, addressing our individual thought, emotional and behavioural "trigger patterns" is key, and often what's missing, in healing from chronic illness symptoms.

Living with chronic illness often keeps us in a perpetual fight-flight-freeze mode, even in less stressful lifestyles. Our brains register past stressors as constant threats, compounding the stress of being unwell.

In my latest blog, I share real-case examples of some of my clients who heal years-long symptoms after addressing their unique thought, emotional and behavioural trigger patterns, rewiring their brains for health and happiness.

One-on-one coaching focused on your unique trigger patterns, incorporating brain rewiring exercises and holistic modalities can be a game changer for your health!

Individual and package rates available. Your first session is completely free! DM me for more info.


It wasn’t until I’d been sick for many years and not having found the answers “outside” myself that I started to look within for answers. I realized that it was me that needed to change “inside” before my body could reflect the change on the outside. At the core of this were my thoughts, which fuelled both my emotions and my behaviours.

🧠 When your emotion gets hooked, you pay more attention and remember the event more. This is why we talk about our pasts so often, including painful past memories, which includes the emotions that (understandably) accompany being unwell for long periods of time.

We do the same with our futures, often projecting or fearing what may or may not happen into our futures.

This repetitive thinking creates continual loops inside of the limbic part of our brains, mostly old and unconscious loops, that keep us stuck and feeling unwell. ❤️

But we can create positive looping too! We just have to know what to do and how to do it.

If you try to think positively when you are busy or stressed, it will not work. Healing can only happen in a relaxed state.

This is why we need to learn to calm down our autonomic nervous system, so that our brain will be receptive to the new messages we tell it.

This is all part of brain rewiring and takes practice. Remember that anything you do repetitively is strengthening your current neural pathways in your brain so be mindful of the messages you tell it! ✨

Want to learn more? Check out my blogs on my website, or sign up for my newsletter and join the RYB community. Links in bio. 🧏


Back when I was still not fully recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I started to notice how much better I would feel on vacation. I would have exhaustion and many other symptoms for weeks on end during my everyday life, but when I was on a vacation, I generally felt healthy and happy. 🧘

I started to ask myself, “if there isn’t anything in my external environment that is making me feel better, what is happening on vacation in my internal environment that is making me healthier?”

🌟This deep dive of questioning eventually led me (years later) to neuroplasticity where I learned that how we think, feel and behave actually alters the neural pathways in our brains and influences our health.

It’s often hard to think, feel and behave more positively when at home but on vacation it’s usually quite easy. Our brains are stimulated and enlivened by new sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and often, people we meet.

✨We become more present to the moment, where our brains have a chance to get off auto-pilot mode. Auto-pilot mode is where we typically spend most of our days and it’s where our brain gets stuck in its looping patterns.

But since living on permanent vacation was not possible, I was on a mission to manufacture “the vacation feeling” in my normal living situation at home.

🤝After much trial and error with neuroplasticity exercises, and other healing modalities such as mindfulness, supplementation and dietary adjustments (while healing) I finally recovered.🤸‍♂️

I then became certified as a health and life coach and created the Rewire Your Brain Transformational Coaching Program where I now guide others 1:1 how to rewire their brains and gain back their health.

Want to learn more? Check out my blogs on my website, or sign up for my newsletter. Links in bio. 🧏


☀️Most of my clients have never had a specific diagnosis for their symptoms. Instead they experience many lingering symptoms which are a result of an impaired neural network and nervous system. 5 of the more common symptoms are:

1) The tests that your doctor has done all come back normal, or tests that your alternative health care provider have done show imbalances like candida, heavy metal toxicity, hormone imbalances and so forth, but when these issues are treated, you still suffer from many of your symptoms.

2) You feel exhausted throughout your day, and have a hard time holding down a full-time job, exercising, maintaining family or social commitments or other things that you used to be able to do.

3) You have worrisome, ruminating thoughts about your future, or anxiety about your past or present. You may experience nervousness as well.

4) You have developed sensitivities to your environment such as scented products, electromagnetic radiation, moulds or foods.

5) You have sleep issues, either falling asleep, waking up throughout the night, or awakening feeling unrefreshed.

There are of course many more symptoms of chronic illness but these are some of the more common ones. Unsure if you have a chronic illness? Check out the quiz on my website. Link in bio. 🌈



After several requests over the past few months, I’m super excited to now offer one-on-one sessions in addition to my regular package program (12 sessions) for the Rewire Your Brain (RYB) Transformational Coaching Program. 🧠

One-on-one sessions are for you if you experience several symptoms of chronic illness (check out my quiz - link in bio if you’re unsure) and you:

· Want to go at a slower pace and have a longer gap in between sessions.

· Have already done an online brain rewiring program but still have some unresolved symptoms.

· Have or have not already done an online brain rewiring program but would like to do some deeper work to heal any unresolved issues, such as negative emotions, beliefs or behaviours that are not serving you.

· Are unsure if a brain rewiring coach will help you achieve your health goals and want to have a few sessions to find out.

Sessions are available in person at the Ottawa Holistic Health Centre, or online. Check out my website for testimonials or more information on the RYB Coaching Program (link in bio) or DM me for more info. 🌸



🧠Our brains thrive on consistency and gradual adaptation. When we make small changes daily, they become ingrained habits that our brains can handle without overwhelming stress.

This sustainable approach allows our neural pathways to slowly adjust and build, reinforcing new behaviors over time.

In contrast, large changes often trigger a stress response that can hinder our brain's ability to absorb and retain information.

🧘‍♂️The gradual nature of small changes also aligns with our brain's preference for familiarity and reduces resistance to new behaviors. This way, our brains can allocate resources more efficiently, leading to better long-term retention and learning.

🍃Small steps form a solid foundation upon which our brain can build lasting change, ensuring that growth becomes a sustainable part of our journey.

The same principle applies when rewiring our brain for improved health. 💪

When healing from chronic illness, you'll often see the best results when:

1. You use a brain rewiring formula that's been tested and is applied in small manageable chunks on a daily basis.

2. When you have 1:1 support that's tailored to your unique symptoms, history of stressors and the patterns that are keeping your brain locked in illness.

Keep at it, and you'll be amazed at how far those small steps will take you! ✨


🧠The brain's inherent plasticity, its ability to reorganize and form new neural connections explains how we can reshape ingrained thought patterns linked to emotional pain and trauma.

I want to first say that if you are experiencing trauma and it feels overwhelming or if it is in regards to a specific event from your past that has a real hold on you, then working with a licensed therapist will be helpful to do alongside brain retraining.

If on the other hand, you experience generalized anxiety, doing brain rewiring alone may be all that's needed, or may pave the way for being able to emotionally handle more intense trauma in therapy later on.

💢When we experience emotional pain, because it's a strong emotion, we tend to hardwire the memory, creating automatic responses that perpetuate suffering.

The first step in leveraging neuroplasticity for healing involves awareness. By consciously recognizing and acknowledging these ingrained patterns, we can begin interrupting them.

🧠The brain can be rewired through intentional, repetitive actions. When you deliberately engage in new, healthier thought patterns, you initiate a rewiring process. This involves creating alternative neural connections that gradually replace the established pathways associated with emotional pain.

🧘Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness is one way to help us to heal unwanted pain/pathways. Observing our thoughts without judgment allows us to interrupt the automatic response cycle.

Mindfulness helps in breaking the grip of past trauma by redirecting attention away from habitual negative patterns to the present moment. This redirection fosters a space for healing.

By consciously replacing self-defeating thoughts with affirming ones, we can mold new neural pathways. This intentional reprogramming addresses the root of emotional pain, gradually diminishing its impact.

🧠Consistency is key in neuroplasticity-driven healing. Regularly interrupting and redirecting thought patterns reinforces the formation of healthier neural connections. Over time, this contributes to a profound shift in both emotional and physical well-being.


I made these 3 mistakes while attempting to recover, which I believe added years to my 15 years of chronic illness symptoms. I'm sharing them with you so that you won't make the same mistakes I did!

1. Follow or participate in "support" groups or online forums to chat with people who have the same chronic condition as you do:

It took me years to finally realize that an online "support" group for chronic fatigue syndrome I'd been part of actually worsened my health. Initially supportive with some tips on how to detox and heal, it later became overwhelmingly negative and to top this off, the story that I heard most often was that people were still sick!

2. Keep doing a healing modality for months or more in spite of seeing zero to little results:

🌷There were so many healing modalities that I tried in my early days of illness— from detox cleanses, infrared sauna sessions, NAET treatments, micronutrient testing leading to years of supplement use, to energy therapies, and more. What I wish I knew is that while these methods may benefit some, persistent symptoms after multiple sessions is a tell tale sign that it is highly likely that they are not going to work for you.

3. Post-pone fun:

During my days of constant exhaustion and malaise, the last thing I wanted to do was try to elevate my mood or do something fun. I was sick after all, so I felt quite justified to lay in bed and feel sorry for myself. Now, understanding neuroplasticity's healing impact, I would do that differently. I would reach for a better thought as hard as it might be. I would try to connect with someone (in a positive way) or attempt more smiles and laughter.🌼

I hope these tips helped you to avoid some timely mistakes!!


🧠Although it's the daily RYB brain-rewiring exercises that ended up being my main recovery tool, there was one other healing modality that I also implemented daily that was a game-changer for my recovery: meditation.

If you've read my blog, "Is meditation helping or hurting me?", you'll know that although I do believe that meditation can hold the key to unlocking a deep well of inner peace, I’ve also come to recognize is that meditation can look vastly different for everyone.

Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each person’s emotional landscape is unique, and as such, meditation must be tailored to suit individual needs and personalities.

Meditation is a potent tool for calming the mind and nervous system. However, for those with deep emotional wounds or trauma, it can be a double-edged sword, potentially triggering a flood of suppressed emotions and painful memories.

If this happens then it is often more beneficial to begin with brain rewiring, to get the brain and nervous system into a place of safety before embarking into one’s inner landscape.

It's also for this reason that I've crafted a variety of meditation styles—mindfulness, guided, walking—with or without music, recognizing individual preferences. Tailoring each meditation for individuals ensures a personalized fit. In one-on-one sessions, I identify the most effective approach, acknowledging that customization is key to meeting each person's unique needs.

In my experience, both personally and with clients, I've observed various benefits that can result from just 20 minutes of daily meditation including:

🧘 It dissolves stress, easing the burden on the body.
🧘 It helps to build new neural connections in the brain for calm and ease.
🧘 It helps to manage anxiety, anger and other strong emotions.
🧘 It enhances concentration and brings clarity to your thoughts.
🧘 It cultivates a profound sense of tranquility and well-being.

🕊️ Want to listen to samples of my Guided Healing Light Meditation, or my Return to Presence Meditation to see if either resonate with you? Check them out on my programs page on my website. Link in bio.❤️


Are you prone to anticipating the worst-case scenario, with your health, job, or other life situations?👀

Engaging in 'awfulizing', as described by Joan Borysenko in a workshop of hers that
I attended years ago, involves jumping to conclusions and fearing the worst outcomes, even in situations with minimal or no threat.

Awfulizing is a common cognitive distortion that may be a symptom of depression or anxiety. It's also common when we've been feeling unwell for a prolonged period of time since our dopamine and serotonin levels are often low. (Check our previous posts for more on this!)

⏭️ Predicting negative outcomes soon becomes a habit—our brains create scenarios, feeding into this cycle.

🌟But, guess what? We have the power to change these habitual thought patterns! That's where brain rewiring comes into play.

🔄 Changing these loops starts with recognizing the patterns of negative-predicting. We can then teach our brains to respond differently. By cultivating positive emotions, nurturing new thoughts, and slowly altering our habitual reactions, we embark on a journey of healing and transformation.

Anticipating the negative might be a habit, but it doesn't have to be our default setting. It is absolutely possible to retrain our brains to embrace optimism, hope and possibility believing that we can into the best version of ourselves. 💪

If you have a chronic illness, it could be because your brain is continually responding to your negative trigger patterns and reacting to a problem that doesn't exist anymore. I can help you figure out your trigger patterns and teach you a formula to rewire your brain to break this cycle. DM me for more info. 🥰


Back when I had chronic fatigue syndrome, I used to get super stressed very easily (which often accompanies chronic illness). Since stress only adds to any illness, I wanted to learn tools to cope with the stress and overwhelm that I experienced daily.

🧘‍♂️Throughout my healing journey, I learned about the importance of building self-love and self-compassion, and how these emotions are intricately linked to stress-reduction.

These feelings of love and compassion flood our bodies with feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.🌷

When I worked with a therapist many years ago, she taught me a powerful exercise which I've since passed on to my clients, and I'll now share with you. It's purpose is to help us release any strong emotional hold over us, to reduce a trigger, to connect with self-love and self-compassion. Don't be fooled by its simplicity because it can be super powerful!💆‍♀️

Do this exercise anytime you feel anxious or triggered for any reason. It could be a general feeling of anxiety you are experiencing, or perhaps you've just had a fight with a loved one. I used to use it when my toddler would throw his food on the floor (this was pre-recovery when this sort of thing would bring up strong feelings of anger in me).

1. Find or purchase a doll or a stuffed animal that you like (you'll know it's the right one if it makes you smile or you want to hug it:).

2. Go to a private space (a bedroom, or even the bathroom or your car if you're in public and don't have access to a private room).

3. Imagine this stuffed doll or animal is yourself when you were a child. Whatever age comes to mind is the right age. Hug and comfort this child and give feelings of reassurance to it. You might say things like, "It's ok, I'm here for you, I'll always love you, I'll never leave you" and so forth. You'll know your words are the right ones when you start to feel better.

If you have any questions about it, send me a DM!🌺


🧠During my exploration into brain healing methodologies in my mid-20s, prompted by the discovery of my boyfriend's inoperable brain tumor, I discovered 2 books that I still refer to this day; Jose Silva's 'Silva Method for Mind Control' and 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' by Joseph Murphy.

Both books are definitely dated, and since their publication, medical professionals such as Dr. Norman Doidge, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Candace Pert have accumulated a wealth of new information and insights, specifically in the field of neuroplasticity, that surpass or better clarifies the information presented in these 2 books.

✨However, the transformational stories of individuals who applied the principles outlined in these initial books and successfully healed their illnesses provided an initial glimpse into the inherent capabilities of our minds and brains to facilitate the healing process.

This incredible ability called neuroplasticity is our brain's secret weapon. It allows our brains to adapt and rewire, creating new neural connections even as we age. This means our brains aren't fixed, they're adaptable, and this is a game-changer when it comes to health!✨

I spent years researching the brain and how to apply these principles, eventually creating a brain rewiring program called 'The Rewire Your Brain Transformational Coaching Program'.

🧠In my program, we harness the power of neuroplasticity for healing, together. By engaging in targeted brain-rewiring practices designed to stimulate neuroplastic changes in your brain combined with tailored mindfulness and meditation exercises, and holistic practices such as belief-shifting and sleep recovery techniques, I guide you in reshaping your brain's connections, signaling your body's innate healing capacity for growth and repair. DM me for more info. ❤️


❓ Most clients I work with have never been diagnosed with a chronic illness. They grapple with persistent symptoms (fatigue, sensitivities, anxiety, "odd" or "invisible" symptoms, etc.) for years, having tried numerous remedies without success, ultimately learning to cope with these health challenges.

🧠This is why I created a quiz - so people that are unsure if their brain and nervous system are at the root of their symptoms can read through the list and find out.

Take the quiz and find out if rewiring your brain could be the missing link to your healing journey! ✨ Link in bio!


🧠Our brains tend to cling onto thoughts, especially those rooted in fear. Unfortunately, when we are unwell, many of our thoughts stem from fear, and can become toxic over time, affecting our mental, emotional and physical well-being.

🔄These unchecked fears create looping patterns in our brains, trapping us in repeating cycles of anxiety and un-wellness.

These fears keep us living as a small self until we become aware of them. When we gently confront these fears and acknowledge their existence, we take the initial step toward freedom. 🌿

When we start to relax, gently face our fears with kindness and compassion, and to begin to nurture more positive and loving thoughts, reprograming the way we’ve been thinking for so long, we set our brains and body up for growth and repair. 🌼

Everyone has varying levels of "chronic thinking"/ beliefs or emotions that perpetuate their cycle of un-wellness. In our 1:1 coaching sessions, we get to the root of your individual patterns and rewire them with programs of vibrant health, and happiness.

Unsure if you have chronic illness? Check the quiz on my website! Link in bio. ❤️

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🌸What I forgot to mention in this video and I think is important to say is that the cause of the reaction that I had to ...
🌞Fun vacations and new adventures offer more than a change of scenery; they reshape our brain!This is because when we ar...
I think everyone believes to some degree that stress causes disease but I’m not sure how many people really get how the ...
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It took 3 years to get a diagnosis for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the first time I had it.
The longer you’ve been unwell, the longer your thought-patterns for ill-health have been hardwired.
A lot of people feel discouraged when they not only get 1 diagnosis but multiple.
I’m so excited to share a clip with you, from my brand new meditation, The Healing Light Guided Meditation. 🧘‍♂️ Guided ...
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Neuroplasticity shows us that what we tell our bodies, and how we think, act and respond affects our health.
It wasn’t until I’d been sick for many years
Healing from a chronic illness...


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