Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen

Helping women transform into their fiercest + most confident selves through fitness + self care. 💪

Online Nutrition & Fitness Coach

� 1:1 Coaching
� Group Coaching
� B***y Building Workshop


Not being able to move after a workout is not a sign of an effective session. Neither is "how many calories you burned"💅💅



Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.

What took you years to gain will (annoyingly!) take more than just a few weeks or months to lose.

Reminder to:

1) Give yourself the gift of patience on your fitness journey. ✨

2) Find out how to lose weight in a way that’s not restrictive, extreme, or starvation-esque in nature so you can actually enjoy + stick to it! 👌

DM me “GUIDE” for my free nutrition guide! 🍎


‘Imperfect Consistency’ is the most magical thing in the world. ✨

Showing up how you can, as often as you can, with full intention + zero self judgement / bullying …

will get you a million times further than trying to be “perfect” 24/7.

Once you realize there is no such thing as *perfect*, you can embrace all the *amazing* that awaits you.

P.S. this is me at the lake, embracing imperfect consistency in my own form: enjoying all the lake snacks with a kettlebell in tow.

I worked out twice (for like 15 min each time) out of 4 days in the cabin, got in a few short hikes, lots of beach time, and was happy as a damn clam, making memories with my family☀️ 🌊

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/31/2024

This isn’t a weight loss program.

This is a transformation program. 🔥

Swipe to read the words directly from my beautiful client, Pam!

✅44 lbs + 30 inches down in 4 months
✅more confidence
✅more strength
✅more energy

And all without extremes or restrictions. ❤️

Just trusting the process! 👌

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/28/2024

Have you ever been tricked into believing any of these 5 diet myths?!

Don’t worry, you’re not alone if you have ❤️

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to transforming your own body and health!

Be sure to follow for more BS-free info for your fitness journey 💪🩵

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/23/2024

Size 00 Kim had a lot of good lessons to teach me in life.

The best one being, I am worthy of a life in which I take up space and freely express my strengths.

And so are you. ❤️

Once you abandon the self-built death-trap of forever trying to restrict your appetite for food…

(and life—cuz let’s be real, your relationship to your body is just a massive reflection of your relationship to everything else in life) …

the game changes.

Fuel yourself in all the ways you crave, babe.

And I suggest starting with some good quality protein and a nice focused gym sesh. 💪✨


Feel free to reinvent yourself as often and as outrageously as you like. ✨

P.S. I’m ready for more tattoos and less Fs.


Cannot get enough of Jenn’s Transformation ✨💪

This beautiful client of mine is a busy momma of 4, a creative entrepreneur and an owner of multiple businesses!

In other words, she is extremely busy. (Like all of us!)

Yet, she decided to PRIORITIZE HERSELF and her own health + confidence when she signed up for my fitness transformation program, Strong A*z Women. 💪❤️

She has absolutely SLAYED our program and is now at a point where maintaining her results is EASY!

No magic pills.
Just beautiful consistency.
And sticking to the plan!

So proud of you, Jenn!

Keep showing up for YOU ✨✨✨

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/16/2024

💅 💅 💅

Ignore the toilet in the background.


Been showing up consistently at the Iron Church, putting in the reps but not seeing any change—and feeling stuck in your current body and strength levels?!

It might be time to increase your weights 💜💪.

These are the top 3 signs that you’re ready to lift HEAVIER:

1) Your reps feel easy-breezy.

If your last 2-3 reps of each set are not challengingggggg you, to the point where it’s a struggle to complete with good form, boost that weight up. 💪

The last 2 reps of every set should feel like at least a 7-8/10 or 80% of full effort for intensity, but still be doable with good form.

2) You lift the same weight routinely every week.

Showing up to the gym and doing the same reps and sets with the same weight for weeks upon weeks?

Your body has adapted and has stopped getting stronger. ❌

Your body needs continual progressive stimulus to adapt and get stronger— challenge those beautiful muscles by attempting to increase weights every couple weeks, even if you must shorten the number of reps.

3) You’ve plateaued and are no longer seeing changes in the mirror 🪞

Nothing is more frustrating than putting in the work and not seeing the benefits in your physique and strength.

When your body is no longer responding to what you’re doing, time to crank up the stimulus—and lift heavier babes!

What do you think? Do you struggle with any of these 3 signs? Have you plateaud in your results?

Don’t let your progress stall out on you. Drop an emoji if you are ready to AMP IT UP 🔥🔥🔥

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/08/2024

Now THIS is Motivation Monday!

My beautiful client, Rebecca, has seen amazing results working with me.

Drop some fire for this busy badass momma of two! 🔥🔥🔥

So proud to be your Coach!

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/07/2024

Sooo amazing to hang with our Strong A*z Women Community face to face 🩵✨💪

Celebrating these ladies and their dedication to themselves!

I love being your Coach and watching you step into your healthiest, happiest + strongest self.

Can’t wait for our next one ✌️

Photos by
Catering by

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 07/04/2024

Pam is down 44 lbs and 30 inches in just 4 months of working with me. 🎉🎉🎉

This busy momma is killing her program 🔥🔥🔥

✅ Stronger than ever
✅ Improved confidence
✅ Better relationship with food
✅ Still enjoying foods she loves—minus the guilt

Also! Improved s*x life with the hubby and multiple compliments on her “popping booty” 🍑🔥💪🎉

Pam has realized she does not need to be “perfect” in her eating or workouts to see wild success.

She realized that to see weight loss, she doesn’t need magic or extremes.

She just needs to keep showing up. ❤️💪🎉

Can’t wait to see where the next few months take you, Pam!

Drop some fire for this beautiful lady in the comments 🔥🔥🔥

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/30/2024

A very powerful thing I love to do lately is to ZOOM OUT and look at my life from a million miles above.

To SEE it laid out like a crumpled and well-used coffee-stained roadmap of all the streets I have walked and allllll the people I have been.

And to just endlessly LOVE on it.

To love on toddler me, huge blue eyes and white-blonde hair, a super sensitive soul, a sponge for all things and an empath at its truest meaning of the word.

A kid that had a shocking appetite for life and would stun anyone with how much I could EAT in a single sitting.

A kid whose number one goal in life was to be “the fastest woman in the world” and who would sprint my acreage lawn alone, day in and day out, and be wildly entertained by pushing my body to its physical limits.

A kid who could lie on the grass and commune with the skies for hours.

Then, the pre-teen version of me who just wanted to feel “cool” and accepted.

But who never felt even mildly close to either.

Who felt too book smart, too tom boy-ish, too flat-chested, too competitive, too un-pretty, too innocent and sheltered to be ever considered attractive or cool by her peers.

Who then decided to be “badass” instead once high school hit.

Who threw herself into partying, smoking, blazing, boys, skipping classes, hanging out with 20-year olds with cars.

Starving herself as a means of control.

Who thought fighting girls at school and snorting lines with people a decade older made her interesting.

Who lost all sense of self, but knew she was “wanted” by plenty of people around her.

Who got pregnant at 17. Single. Completely alone.

A teenage mom to a 2 lb preemie.

The version of me who fought so hard to be the best mom I could to my little girl, but who still got black-out drunk almost every weekend, was stuck in starving and bingeing cycles, and still thought she was wildly un-cool and unloveable.

Andddd the version of me who put herself in University and fell in love with learning again. Who slowly started to see her own passions and strengths popping up.

The 21-year old me who lost her mom to cancer, then my entire family as they moved across the country and globe.

Continued in comments

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/19/2024

We are taught to fear fat.

To obsess over the amount of fat on our bodies.

And to seek extreme measures to eradicate fat from our bodies, often at the cost of true health and wellbeing longterm.

While it’s totally OK (and often very healthy) to want to lose some body fat, it is so important that our goals are not build primarily on fear of fat.

Our goals need to be centered on supporting our health, all aspects of it.

If your weight loss journey has you bullying your body, picking your physique apart, and going to the extremes to lose weight at the cost of your metal and physical health, it is not healthy. Period.

Do you feel you struggle with fat phobia?

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/18/2024

Today Paige and I shared a bit of our personal stories in our 14 day Fit + Thriving Fitness and Mindset Challenge and I wanted to share with y’all as well ✨

Our personal stories are our greatest power.

Our pain is our greatest tool for growth + expansion, if we allow it to be.

So thankful for the opportunity to grow and shift in unexpected ways, for the rest of my days.

(I can rhyme some of the time 😉)

and unbelievably BLESSED to be sharing these 2 weeks with the incredible Paige and our crew of 85 beautiful, lit up ladies working towards their own fitness transformations and happiest, healthiest mindsets and lives ✨💜💪

Thank you for investing time into yourself and trusting us with a tiny bit of your journey. ❤️

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/11/2024

We are taught to focus on the WRONG things.

How many calories a specific workout burns is truly the least important factor, ever.

So stop obsessing about the number on your Apple Watch.

Let’s stop viewing workouts as a way to “burn fat” or “burn more calories” and start viewing fitness as a way to increase our quality of our m***a freaking life—forever.

Use fitness to build muscle and strength, support your metabolism, improve your heart health, boost your mental wellness + feel goooooooood in your skin.

Then, focus on NUTRITION for your “burning calorie” needs!

AKA eat appropriate amounts of food for your goals, eat enough protein, balance your macros, get a variety of micronutrients and fibre.

Tag someone who needs a reminder that the number of calories burnt does not freaking matter. Thank youuuuu!


“A girl should always be two things: who and what she wants”—CoCo Chanel.

Your life. Your rules.

Have the best weekend ever ✨💪🖤

Also! Last chance to get into and my FREE 14-day mindset, nutrition and movement challenge.

LINK IN BIO or just say the word “THRIVE” in DM or comments 🔥

It’s your turn to THRIVE. Claim it.

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/05/2024

Spotlight on the amazing + beautiful Kelsey! 🔥

Her results speak for themselves!

This busy momma of 4 is a complete champion. 💕✨💪

✅In just 4 quick months, she is down 10 lbs + 15 inches while gaining muscle!

✅ She is learning how to eat MORE(!!) + has ditched the “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to food.

✅ She knows she can fit in any food she loves and still lose fat and gain energy.

So flipping proud. Keep going, Kelsey! ❤️

👉Drop some 🔥 in the comments for her.

👉 If you’d like results like this, DM me or drop the word “RESULTS” in comments.

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/03/2024

Growth feels scary.

But the only thing to fear is remaining the same.

Decide you are worth it and take the next step. ✨

Your future self will thank you. ❤️

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 06/01/2024

Happy Friday and first weekend of June, beautifuls!

Like the song says “life is life! Lalallalalalalalala”

Remember to ENJOY the eff out of it.

You never know when it ends.

Eat the donuts.

Love the people (especially yourself)

Do the things that set your soul on fire. ✨💜🍩

What’re your weekend plans to help you enjoy your lalalalalalalife a little bit more!? 👇👇

Mine might just include a stop by 🍩

(And no I am not sponsored by them in anyway 😂 I just love them this much).


Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 05/30/2024



Goooooooo! ✨


✨ 11 days out ✨

From our Fit + Thriving FREE 14-Day Challenge!

Swipe to see our own personal transformations 👉👉💜💜

We must teach what we know.

We must share what we’ve lived.

We must own our stories and take pride in the lessons learned to get us to where we are today.

Paige and I are SOOOOO stoked to share our passion for self care, self love, and empowerment—mind, body, soul—with other women who are ready to step into the happiest + healthiest version of themselves, as a community. ✨

Together we rise ❤️

👉 Click the LINK in Bio to join us!

💜 2 weeks of free co-coaching, fitness, nutrition, mindset.

💜 An opportunity to connect with amazing ladies on the same journey as you.

💜 A chance to win over $1,000 in local prizes—all centred on health, wellness, beauty and empowerment.

You don’t want to miss this one!

We start June 10th.

Sign up today! 💜✨🎉

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 05/27/2024


We, Kim Garman, Fitness and Nutrition Coach, and Paige Bautz, Mindset and Empowerment Coach, have come together to  create an amazing offer for you! 

Our Fit + Thriving FREE 14-Day Challenge 💜✨💪

This includes: 

✨Nutritional guidelines (and recipes) to support you with your unique health and fitness goals

✨4 weekly in-app workouts (home or gym) complete with demo videos for every exercise

✨Mindset prompts and reflection questions to support you in intention setting and action steps

✨A private, supportive, and fun Facebook Community of like-minded women

✨2x weekly livestreams hosted by your Coaches, Kim and Paige, that center on fitness, nutrition, and mindset guidance (and include a Q+A portion to answer any questions you have!) 

✨Ongoing support and check-ins from your Coaches

💅🏻This challenge is perfect for you if you are a lady who is ready to prioritize self care, level up her mindset, and feel motivated and supported in her fitness goals.

We start June 10th and spots are filling fast! 

To apply, drop the word “THRIVE” into the comments or DM “THRIVE” to Coach Paige or Coach Kim / Click the Link in BIO! 💜✨💪


“I don’t change, I simply become more myself” — Joyce Carol Oates

And myself is pretty bomb ass lately. ✨💪🖤

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 05/23/2024

Strong A*z Women. It’s who we are. ✨💪🖤

Celebrate your inner and outer badass in our comfy tee or tank. 🔥

$44, includes delivery to your doorstep.

$4 from every purchase goes directly to Saskatoon Interval House, helping women and their children experiencing domestic violence.

Choose from back slogan, “be a badass with a good ass” or “peace, love, and protein” ✨🖤💪


Photos are by the incredible

Sunkissed Glow by the best in the industry

Beautiful space is

Hair by

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 05/22/2024

My beautiful client, Heather and her amazing results.


❌ brain fog
❌ irritability and mood swings
❌ debilitating PMDD
❌ no idea how to train or eat for her goals


✅ losing inches and pounds
✅ gaining lean muscle and tone
✅ feeling amazing in her clothes
✅ reducing her PMDD + avoiding medication (!!)

This girl is on 🔥!!

So proud of you for choosing to prioritize yourself and your health. ❤️

Keep going, Heather! ✨


✨Gauging interest…

Drop an emoji if you would want to do a FREE 14 Day Fitness Challenge 💪🖤✨


✨ Sassy post warning ✨

My face when people want to fight on the internet about nutrition.

(Go to my last reel, scroll the comments, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the sh*t show 🍿)

Aye yi yi. Donut donut donut.

Life is short. Time is precious. Donuts are delicious.

The FACTS are that you can eat any food you like and reach your fitness and body compositon goals—as long as calories and macros are accounted for.

I repeat, this is a FACT. Not a feeling. Not an opinion. Simply SCIENCE. 🤓

Donuts can fit into your diet if you want them to!

Orrr nachos.

Orrrrr wine.

Orrrr ________ (insert any and all foods that bring you joy).

OBVIOUSLY I am not suggesting that you ONLY eat donuts or only choose foods based on taste alone…🙄

but that you feel ✨free✨ to *include* foods you love into a balanced diet that is mainly comprised of whole foods, balanced macros, and contains a wide range of micronutrients.

I mean, I shouldn’t have to repeat the obvious facts of nutrition here—-but people love to insinuate that I am shoving donuts down the mouths of innocent carb-less victims while promoting….I don’t know… devil carb worship? 💀

or that my saying you can freely enjoy all foods without fear once you understand your nutritional needs is somehow disordered (its SSSSSSCIENCE!) 🤓


If you are sick and tired of the mega confusion and relentless fear-mongering and “rules” around what you should and shouldn’t eat, and you want to find a way to just enjoy life in balance while reaching your goals, hit me up!

I have a donut and a life-changing program waiting just for you ✨🍩💜

📸 Photo:
☀️ Tan:
🍩 Donuts:

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 05/17/2024

What is the best fat loss workout?

Literally any one.

Instead of worrying about how many calories you are burning in any given workout, focus on strength training to increase your lean muscle mass (and burn calories all the time, even when you’re sleeping). 🔥💪

Then, eat in a calorie deficit so you ensure you are losing fat.

And add in cardio as a way to protect your heart, lungs, and mental health.

Let’s stop complicating fitness and do what actually works.

Photos from Kim Garman-Vitality Vixxen's post 05/15/2024

✨What if ✨

You stopped WAITING for perfect timing?

You stopped WAITING to feel ready?

You stopped WAITING for ______ (fill in the blank, we all have about ten thousand excuses why we aren’t yet ready).

And simply…..DECIDED?

DECIDED that today was the day to take action?

DECIDED that today was the day to honour that little shakey voice deep down in your gut that tells you you are deserving of more?

DECIDED you are worthy, right now, exactly as you are?

Messy and complicated and terrified and fully human?

Cuz you are.

You are more than ready.

You are more than worthy.

You have more than arrived.

Your desires and dreams are not lying to you. They are speaking directly to you. Be brave enough to listen.

Alllllll the amazing things you desire live on the other side of your fear.

Step in, sista.

You got this. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


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