Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation we are motivated by God's love for all people regardless of race, religion, gender or ethnicity. Our Values

1. We are stewards.

Maryan the Divine Mercy Foundation, MTDMF, is a Canadian advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice in Iraq . We work tirelessly to help underprivileged children, families and elderly in Iraq, doing whatever it takes to ensure their survival and wellbeing. Our programs include: emergency and long-term medical care for the el


For people who are coming for our next event on Dec 16 ‏a day of celebration, giving, and joy.

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 09/01/2023

Together with other parties we were able to provide electric generator for Dar Al-Nour for the care and rehabilitation of orphans centre/
NGO located in Baghdad/ Iraq , provides care and education in addition to skill building programs for over 100 orphans.
The need is great.
If this cause touches your heart .

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 09/01/2023

صباح الخير اصدقاءنا الأعزاء عمل المحبة هو عمل السلام ... نحن المبشرين بالصدقات وان الأولاد الـــ 33 الذين نعتني بهم بمحبة يسرنا ان نقدم لكم جزيل الشكر لقلوبكم الرحيمة واستمرار ذكركم لله الآب... نحن سعداء جدا لكل لاعمالكم وجهودكم للاعمال الجيدة التي تقومون بها وتقدمونها للفقراء. في الخامس من أيلول سنحتفل بعيد قلب امنا Jeusa of Caleutta وسنذكركم جميعافي قداسنا الذي سنقيمه بهذه المناسبة والاعمال المجانية العظيمة التي تعملونها.. شكرا لجهودكم الكبيرة والرب يسوع وامه مريم يرعاكم ويحفظكم .....
جمعية الام تيريزا / حي الوحدة - محلة 904- زقاق 5 دار 12 بغداد- العراق.....

This morning, we'd like to introduce you to a project that deeply resonated with Maryan's charity committee. It has been embraced as one of the initiatives we wholeheartedly endorse.
Our committed agent takes on the entire process, assessing the needs within homes, compiling a list, procuring necessary supplies, and ensuring their delivery.

Today, on September 1, 2023, our mission is to deliver essential food supplies to those in need. This includes items like baby formula, cereal, baby food, milk, cream, cheese, dry beans, rice, and tomato paste, all delivered directly to the home.
The Missionaries of Charity were profoundly grateful and deeply touched by this gesture. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all previous donors whose support made this mission possible. We also encourage others to join us in this noble cause, as every contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of those we aim to help.

Dar Al Mahabha, or "home of love" in Arabic, visitors enter a world of laughter and warmth as they step into this whitewashed mansion next to a church, Indian nuns in their distinctive blue-bordered white saris are doing what their Roman Catholic order does best, caring for the needy.
Carrying on the legacy of Mother Teresa, who died Sept. 5, 1997, the nuns at the Missionaries of Charity have quietly helped hundreds of handicapped and ill children at a home in the upscale Baghdad neighborhood of Karrada.

All 33 children now at the home are either physically or mentally handicapped. Each was orphaned or abandoned. Children who recover are given back to their families or turned over to orphanages.
If this is a project that touches your heart and would like to donate.
You can follow the link
Or E transfer to [email protected]


Come join us and make a difference ,Ladies night at Nai Restaurant

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/30/2023

We all can do our bit. Let's feed the hungry and help the less fortunate among us. Together we can make this world a better place. Try to help others who are in Need, You will get help when you are in Need.Back to school , supplies for kids in need in Lebanon


One of the greatest gifts you have is the ability to help those in need.


المساهمة بتجهيز دار النور للأيتام في بغداد بمولد كهربائي بسبب ضعف الكهرباء وحرارة الصيف شكرا لجميع المتبرعين

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/23/2023

لا تستصغره اي مساعدة في دعم المحتاجين توزيع المساعدات على العوائل المتعففة في لبنان ، شكرا لكل المتبرعين على كرمكم وثقتكم
Maryan’s dedicated helpers spreading joy everywhere they go.
Food packages distribution for displaced people in need


🎉 Exciting News! Introducing Our New Website Launch! 🚀

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new website! 🌐✨ Whether you're a long-time supporter or new to our community, we invite you to explore our revamped online home.

🔗 Website Link:

Discover a fresh design, user-friendly navigation, and a wealth of exciting features that will make your experience with us even more enjoyable. From insightful articles to interactive tools, there's something for everyone.

Join us in celebrating this milestone by visiting our new website and sharing your thoughts. We greatly value your feedback as we continue to enhance your online journey with us.

Spread the word and invite your friends and family to join the excitement! Simply click the link above to embark on a new adventure with us.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Here's to new beginnings and endless possibilities!

Warm regards,

Dr. Farah Rassam

Founder and President

Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation

Business/Registration Number:

MTDMF 834055204RR0001

[email protected]

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/18/2023

On August 15th, 2023, we joined at the Divine Mercy Catholic Church for a splendid Mass officiated by Father Manhal Habash. Our gathering of 120 attendees made this event truly special.
Following the Mass, a joyful celebration unfolded in the Church hall, meticulously arranged by Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation. This vibrant occasion was an outstanding triumph, and we owe it all to the dedicated volunteers who prepared delectable food, adorned the sanctuary altar with flowers and bread, and managed every detail flawlessly. A heartfelt appreciation goes out to the choir members, the kitchen team, and all those who contributed their time.
Indulge in the delectable treats from Made with love by M&M, especially their mouthwatering pastries. A shoutout to Jarvis Family Dental Office for their unwavering support in maintaining our church building and services. Their assistance on the event day, from setting up the lunch buffet to aiding in the kitchen, was truly invaluable.
A special mention to LD Group Wedding videography & live streaming for their exceptional service, capturing the essence of the event beautifully.
Last but certainly not least, a heartfelt thank you to our remarkable community for your continued support, generosity, and dedication to the Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation and The Divine Mercy Syriac Catholic Church. Your ongoing commitment is the cornerstone of our mission's success!
The Divine Mercy Catholic Church Maysoon IskanderGhassan GhaliBasima SayeghJanan Farah KassabGhada RassamEman Nasser Eman Al Sammak Maha Haitham Antowan Marta Baraz Franswaz Hamamywe

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/16/2023

🎉🍰 Exciting news! The wonderful team at Made with Love Bakery by M&M has successfully raised $500 during the Feast of Assumption celebration held at Maryan the Divine Mercy Church. These funds will go a long way in supporting underprivileged families and children in need. Thank you for your incredible generosity and support! 🙏🤗

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/16/2023
Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/16/2023

Feast of Assumption Aug 15.

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/16/2023

Feast of Assumption The Divine Mercy Catholic Church

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 08/16/2023

"Maryan generously distributed school supplies-filled backpacks to underprivileged children in Northern Iraq, helping to brighten the futures of these young minds."

Matthew 25:40 NIV
“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. '

"كل ما فعلتموه لاخوتي هؤلاء الصغار فلي
قد فعلتموه" متى ٢٥: ٤٠

نشكركم من القلب باسم أحبتنا الصغار لأنكم قدمتم لهم لوازم القرطاسية.
شكرا جزيلا لكم . ليبارك الرب كل فرد منكم وليبارك جميع المتبرعين ب ثلاثين وستين ومئة. ويمتعكم بالصحة والسلامة لعمل الخير ونشر رسالة المحبة للأخوة المحتاجين والمستضعفين.

البث المباشر للقداس الاحتفالي بعيد انتقال مريم العذراء 08/15/2023

البث المباشر للقداس الاحتفالي بعيد انتقال مريم العذراء كنيسة الرحمة الالهية للسريان الكاثوليكPowered by LD Group photo video - 647-236-1970


Feast of Assumption
Tue, Aug 15, 2023
Mass@12 pm.
The mass is open for public.
You need to buy tickets if you like to join the lunch and social event following the mass.

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/31/2023

Day 4
•Saint Joseph Oratory of Mount Royal
•St Ephrem Syriaque Catholique Church mass lead by Bishop Antoine Nassif and followed by mass provided by the church community .
We would like to thank them for their hospitality and generous lunch. Maysoon IskanderStJoseph SyriacChurchGhassan GhaliBasima SayeghLailak GazalaJanan Farah Kassab Wasan Bitti Saint Ephrem Syriaque Catholique Canada مار أفرام للسريان كاثوليك كندا


بيان استنكار من جمعية ماريان للرحمة الخيرية في كندا
توّجه جمعية ماريان للرحمة الآلهية الخيرية في كندا استنكارها الشديد للقرار الذي أصدره رئيس جمهورية العراق بحقّ غبطة الكاردينال الدكتور لويس ساكو راعي الكلدان في العراق والعالم أجمع وطنياً ودولياً ، كما وتعلن جمعيتنا عن أسفها الشديد حيال المواقف الباردة التي اتخذتها الحكومة العراقية ازاء ما جرى من مخالفات صريحة للاعراف الدينية والقيم الوطنية والتقاليد التاريخية السامية في التعايش السلمي الاجتماعي واحترام سكان البلاد القدماء وكنائسهم . ان مثل هذه التصرّفات والسياسات تعني المزيد من الاذلال لهؤلاء السكان الاصلاء المتبّقين وجرح مشاعر العراقيين في الداخل والخارج، ويعني أيضاً عدم الكفّ عن تهجير المسيحيين العراقيين الى الشتات للاستحواذ على ممتلكاتهم وأراضيهم والعبث بتراثهم المجيد وانهاء وجودهم في العراق منذ الاف السنين . اننا نستنكر ما يجري ضد الكاردينال ساكو في العراق . اننا نحييه ونبارك له صلابته ووطنيته وتضحياته ، وهو يقف ضدّ كلّ التجاوزات والتحديات في بلادنا الحبيبة . ان جمعيتنا الخيرية كانت ولم تزل لها دورها الوطني والانساني في الوقوف مع أهلنا وأخوتنا في أرض الوطن وهم من كلّ ابناء الطيف العراقي سواء كانوا من المسيحيين او المسلمين او اليزيدية وغيرهم على امتداد الظروف الصعبة والدامية التي عاشوها خلال العقدين المنصرمين من الزمن . وأخيراً ، فاننا نهيب بالمسؤولين العراقيين ان يتراجعوا عن هذه السياسة ضدّ غبطة الكاردينال لويس ساكو ورعاياه ، وننبه الى انها "سياسة" ستؤدي للأسف الى نتائج لا يحمد عقباها .. ربنا يحمي العراق وأرضه وأهله وأن تتحقّق امنياتنا في أمنه وسلامته وتقدمه وتطوره في الحاضر والمستقبل .

جمعية ماريان للرحمة الخيرية في كندا

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/30/2023

Day 3
Mount Tremblant resort
Fun time with the awesome group and blessed with the presence of
Bishop Antoine Nassif and Fr. Manhal Habash . StJoseph SyriacChurchBasima SayeghJanan Farah KassabMaysoon IskanderGhassan Ghali


Thank you to the people that already donated and to the participants of Montreal-Quebec- St Ann De Beaurpre Cathedral tour July 27-30’ 2023 that donated to this cause.

Hello Everyone
We want to let you know that group of Maryan Divine Mercy foundation are going to Lebanon to help people (Iraqi,Lebanese and Syrian) in need (provide food basket and medixal care ) if anybody willing help you can send email transfer ([email protected]) or through our website (
make a note (Lebanon Mission).
مجموعة افراد مؤسسة ماريان الرحمة الإلهية ذاهبة إلى لبنان لمساعدة المحتاجين (توفير سلة طعام ورعاية طبية) إذا كان أي شخص يرغب في المساعدة يمكنك إرسال بريد إلكتروني للتحويل ([email protected]) قم بتدوين ملاحظة ( بعثة لبنان)

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/29/2023

St. Joseph Syriac Catholic Church and Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation Montreal-Quebec- St Ann De Beaurpre Cathedral tour July 27-30’ 2023

Day 2
•St Ann De Beaurpre Cathedral
•Canyon Ste Ann falls
•Old Quebec visit
We had a great day with wonderful people.
The bus ride had a mix of activities, prayers, entertainments, Bingo and more.

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/28/2023

St. Joseph Syriac Catholic Church and Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation Montreal-Quebec- St Ann De Beaurpre Cathedral tour July 27-30’ 2023

Day 1
•1000 island boat tour
•light show at Notre Dame •Montréal/ a luminous experience in the heart of the Basilica
•Downtown Montreal / enjoy a walk and food at Montreal’s lifetime.Janan Farah KassabGhassan GhaliLailak GazalaMaysoon IskanderZaid Rassam Basima SayeghSarah Sahecha-Alchi StJoseph SyriacChurch

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/27/2023

تم تجهيز دار النور للأيتام في بغداد مواد غذائية مختلفه الأنواع والكميات شكرا لجميع المتبرعين

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/25/2023

In July 222’2023 the dedicated members of Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation, and together with the angels from the Mission to the Poor and Homeless and their families gathered as a compassionate team of individuals who work tirelessly to make a positive impact in the lives of the less fortunate to celebrate two momentous occasions, Lenny's 65th birthday, the founder and Mission Angels director and to acknowledge the milestones that Mission to the Poor and homeless has achieved over the past 25 years.
The Mission to the Poor and Homeless unwavering commitment to serving the underprivileged has touched countless lives, providing warm food, survival kits and hope to those who need it the most.

In this event, I introduced some of Maryan’s charity members and friends that works behind the scene and the heart and soul of our joint mercy work with the mission to the poor and homeless – my parents, Zuhair and Zuhoor.
It is with immense pride that I shared that Maryan’s contribution towards the Mission to the Poor and Homeless operation runs from their very own home, making it a place of love, hope, and transformation.
Happy birthday, Lenny, and here's to many more years of transforming lives through Mission for the Poor!

Sharing some photos for the well organized, fun filled event. Ghassan Ghali Janan Farah Kassab Basima Sayegh Faris Edward Al Sayegh Eman Nasser Maysoon Iskander Ghada Rassam Patrick Brown Fatin V Hanoudi


مجموعة افراد مؤسسة ماريان الرحمة الإلهية ذاهبة إلى لبنان لمساعدة المحتاجين (توفير سلة طعام ورعاية طبية) إذا كان أي شخص يرغب في المساعدة يمكنك إرسال بريد إلكتروني للتحويل ([email protected]) قم بتدوين ملاحظة ( بعثة لبنان)

Hello Everyone
We want to let you know that group of Maryan Divine Mercy foundation are going to Lebanon to help people (Iraqi,Lebanese and Syrian) in need (provide food basket and medixal care ) if anybody willing help you can send email transfer ([email protected]) or through our website (
make a note (Lebanon Mission).
مجموعة افراد مؤسسة ماريان الرحمة الإلهية ذاهبة إلى لبنان لمساعدة المحتاجين (توفير سلة طعام ورعاية طبية) إذا كان أي شخص يرغب في المساعدة يمكنك إرسال بريد إلكتروني للتحويل ([email protected]) قم بتدوين ملاحظة ( بعثة لبنان)

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/10/2023

On July 8, 2023, we gathered with gratitude and joy, guided by God's grace and love, to celebrate the momentous occasion of the Grand Opening and Blessing of the altar Ceremony at Maryan The Divine Mercy Community Church. We are immensely thankful for Bishop Antoine Nassif whose support and guidance have been instrumental in this journey.
Our heartfelt appreciation goes to Fr. Manual Habash, whose unwavering dedication and spiritual leadership have served our community tirelessly. We also extend our gratitude to Father Nael Barbary, the deacons, and the altar servers who participated in the ceremony.
We are deeply honored by the presence of Reverend Canon Richard Moores, whose ongoing support has been a source of strength for us. We express special thanks to the Carmelite Sisters for their generous contribution to the altar furnishings.
To our beloved family, friends, and esteemed guests, your presence reaffirmed our strong and united community. We want to recognize the army of volunteers who selflessly devoted their time and efforts to make this event a success. The choir members, with their beautiful voices and exceptional performance, added a touch of enchantment to the celebration. The youth did an outstanding job barbecuing for hours, while the dedicated kitchen staff served with utmost care. The photographer that captured the moments. Personalizeis for the beautiful Divine Mercy theme backdrop.
The hardworking crew, who labored tirelessly the day before, completed the outstanding renovation tasks and ensured the building was clean and sanitized.
We would also like to acknowledge the continuous help and contributions from the ladies at Jarvis Family Dental Office, who have supported the daily needs of our church building.
Lastly, we express our gratitude to our community partners and well-wishers for their generous contributions. Through this event, we raised $10,400 for the Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's work of mercy. Together, we have created a sanctuary overflowing with love, mercy, and compassion.
Thank you all for gracing us with your presence today. May the Divine love abundantly bless each and every one of us.Maryan The Divine Mercy Community Church StJoseph SyriacChurch R.I.P. Maryan !

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 07/01/2023

Amother thankful letter all the way from Syria

Hello ,
I’m Dr wajed assaf from Syria , a dentist in the charity “generation over crisis”
I wanna say thank you all for your donations for supporting our non-profit organization that provides help for the underprivileged.
I am gonna send you a pictures from our job in Lattakia, in the earthquake region ;
God bless your work 🤍
Wajed Assaf


Hello Everyone
We want to let you know that group of Maryan Divine Mercy foundation are going to Lebanon to help people (Iraqi,Lebanese and Syrian) in need (provide food basket and medixal care ) if anybody willing help you can send email transfer ([email protected]) or through our website (
make a note (Lebanon Mission).
مجموعة افراد مؤسسة ماريان الرحمة الإلهية ذاهبة إلى لبنان لمساعدة المحتاجين (توفير سلة طعام ورعاية طبية) إذا كان أي شخص يرغب في المساعدة يمكنك إرسال بريد إلكتروني للتحويل ([email protected]) قم بتدوين ملاحظة ( بعثة لبنان)


Another thankful letter all the way from Jordan شكرا لكل من ساهم بتغطية احتياجات ١٥ عائلة من النازحين
وشكرا ل Maryan kids بتغطية ٦ عوائل منهم

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 06/27/2023

بمناسبة عيد الاضحى اعادة الله على الجميع بالفرح والسلام
تم توزيع هدايا العيد على ١٠٠ يتيم في دار النور للايتام والارامل
فرحة العيد في عيون الاطفال الايتام ،لتبقى خيوط الأمل والفرح ممتده من كندا الى البلد الأم العراق من خلال جمعيه ماريان شكرا لكل المتبرعين والداعمين

Eid gifts were distributed to 100 orphans at Dar Al Noor for Orphans and Widows
The joy of Eid is in the eyes of orphaned children, so that the threads of hope and joy remain extended from Canada to the mother country, Iraq, through the Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation.
Big Thank to all the donors and supporters.

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 06/14/2023

تجهيز عائلة مكونة من ٥ اطفال ايتام بكافة اللوازم الاساسبة من مأكل ومشرب وملابس قبل عيد الاضحى المبارك تراعهم عمتنم بعد وفاة والديهم يضطرون لبيع الخبز في الشارع من اجل المعيشة شكرا لكافة الداعمين والمتبرعين لادخال الفرح في قلوب الاطفال


Everyone is welcome to join!


شكرا Khalid Nabeel Mukhtar على جهودك المبذولة بمساعدة العوائل المحتاجة

Photos from Maryan The Divine Mercy Foundation's post 05/14/2023

Sincere and meaningful thank you letter from the schools of Jordan for supporting Iraqi children in aspect of Clothing for Easter

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Bouna Michel Rouhana
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