The Neurodiversity Family Centre

An inclusive centre providing Neurodiversity affirming counselling to children, teens, couples & adults.

Although each practitioner uses their own unique set of skills and therapy styles, as a centre, we believe in collaborative problem solving approach by Dr. Ross Greene and the family connections approach by Dr. Allison Reese. Our center offers support for children, youth and families in order to provide education, build connections, and foster success. We offer services for Neurodivergent youth as


🌟 Introducing Our New Course: The Basics of Neurodiversity 🌟

Unlock a deeper understanding of neurodiversity with our beginner-friendly online course, "The Basics of Neurodiversity: Through a Neuroaffirming Lens." Perfect for caregivers, support workers, employers, and educators, this on-demand, self-paced course will enlighten and empower you in just 1 hour!

✨ **Course Highlights:**
- What is Neurodiversity? Understand the significance and celebrate the variety of human neurological differences.
- Understanding Neurodivergence: Dive into the common aspects and meanings of being neurodivergent.
- Neurodiversity Affirming Practices: Learn the importance of affirming neurodiversity and creating inclusive environments.
- Types of Neurodivergence: Explore various types, including Autism and ADHD, and appreciate their unique strengths.
- Support Strategies: Gain practical strategies to support neurodivergent individuals at home, in schools, and at work.

πŸ’Ό **Instructor:** Mary Klovance (BEd, MA, RCC, ADHD-CCSP, ADHD-CE)
πŸŽ“ **Level:** Beginners Course
πŸ•’ **Duration:** 1 hour
πŸ’΅ **Cost:** $99 (Including GST)

Join us and be a part of building a more inclusive and understanding community. Let's foster environments where everyone can thrive! 🌈

πŸ‘‰ **Sign up now and start your journey toward neurodiversity awareness and inclusion!** Link:


🎨✨ "Being Autistic to me is like everyone else got instructions on how to be a person and I just didn’t." This powerful quote captures a common feeling among many neurodivergent individuals. πŸ§©πŸ’¬

In a world tailored to neurotypical standards, neurodivergent folks often experience communication as a different landscapeβ€”one where the paths are less traveled and the signs less clear. πŸŒΏπŸ›€οΈ It's not that the way neurodivergent people communicate is wrong; it's beautifully unique, but often misunderstood because it diverges from the mainstream.

🌟 Let's shift the narrative! Instead of expecting everyone to follow the same communication playbook, why not expand our understanding and appreciate the diverse ways people connect and express themselves? πŸ“šπŸŒ

By embracing and valuing these differences, we can create a more inclusive and understanding world where no one feels like they're "doing it wrong" just because they're following their own directions. πŸ€πŸ’–

Let's celebrate every way of being and communicatingβ€”it's how we all grow together! πŸŒ±πŸŽ‰


🌟 Discover the world through the eyes of ! 🌈✨ Lyric Rivera, the dynamic voice behind, shares their journey as an autistic adult, delivering insights, tips, and a vibrant perspective on life that enriches the neurodiversity movement.

πŸ“˜ Through engaging blog posts and compelling videos, Lyric advocates for embracing your authentic self and promotes a deeper understanding of neurodiversity. Whether you're neurodivergent, know someone who is, or simply interested in diverse experiences, this platform is bursting with inspiration and advocacy.

πŸ‘€ Dive into 's world on Instagram and their website for enlightening and empowering content. It's more than just a resource; it's a celebration of being uniquely you!

🌟 Discover the world through the eyes of ! 🌈✨ Lyric Rivera, the dynamic voice behind, shares their journey as an autistic adult, delivering insights, tips, and a vibrant perspective on life that enriches the neurodiversity movement.

πŸ“˜ Through engaging blog posts and compelling videos, Lyric advocates for embracing your authentic self and promotes a deeper understanding of neurodiversity. Whether you're neurodivergent, know someone who is, or simply interested in diverse experiences, this platform is bursting with inspiration and advocacy.

πŸ‘€ Dive into 's world on Instagram and their website for enlightening and empowering content. It's more than just a resource; it's a celebration of being uniquely you!

Join Lyric Rivera in celebrating the rich tapestry of neurodiverse minds! πŸš€πŸ’–



🎨✨ Discover a world where neurodiversity meets creativity at! This incredible platform showcases the talents of autistic artists and writers, providing them a space to express their unique perspectives through art, poetry, and more. πŸ–ŒοΈπŸ“

By visiting The Art of Autism, you're not only immersing yourself in stunning artworks and inspiring stories, but you're also supporting a community that thrives on inclusivity and understanding. Whether you're looking for a dose of inspiration, to learn more about the autistic experience, or to support autistic creators, this site is a treasure trove of beauty and insight.

Why wait? Explore today and see the world through a wonderfully different lens! πŸ’–πŸŒ


In today's digital age, finding a balanced approach to screen time that respects neurodiversity and individual needs can be challenging. That's why we've crafted a workshop, "Screen Time” & The Neurodivergent Brain: Modern Day Mental Health Considerations" designed with the understanding that not all screen time is created equal, and its impact can vary widely among neurodiverse individuals.

This workshop isn't about labeling screen time as inherently bad; instead, it's about understanding and harnessing it to support positive development, learning, and well-being. Through a neurodiversity-affirming lens, we explore strategies that respect individual differences, recognizing the unique ways in which digital media can serve as a tool for engagement, creativity, and connection.

We invite educators, therapists, and anyone working with youth to share this opportunity with families seeking a balanced, informed approach to screen time. Our goal is to empower participants with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions that honor the neurodiversity of each family member.

Join us in creating an environment where digital media is a part of our lives in a way that's healthy, balanced, and positive. For more details on this enriching workshop, please visit our website. Together, we can navigate the digital landscape in a way that celebrates and supports the neurodiverse community.

Course Format: On-Demand, Start online now and finish at your own pace!


Cost: $75 Per Family (Including GST)


"The unexpected are accidents and incidents that happen in daily life. People are late due to car accidents on the road. There is no way to plan for an unexpected vehicle accident.

Other than expected are deliberate choices that go against what is planned or expected. For example, someone being late because they decided to stop for a coffee. It is especially bad when someone who is late due to poor decisions is the one who degrades others for being late for any reason."

- Joe Klovance, 60, AuADHDer reflecting on the assumption that Autistics are "inflexible". Instead, he describes here that he can be flexible when the unexpected occurs, but when the other-than expected occurs, that is when it's hard to handle and big emotions start flooding in.


🌟 Spotlight Feature: 🌿✨

In the spirit of fostering understanding and acceptance, today we're shining a light on an incredible ally and resource in the neurodiversity community: . πŸŽ‰

Based on the crossroads of empathy, knowledge, and creativity, is provides an amazing platform that offers a wealth of resources, insights, and support for neurodiverse individuals and their allies. From educational content and personal stories to empowering artwork and advocacy, she's a beacon of positivity and understanding in the digital space. πŸ“šπŸŽ¨

Her content not only educates but also uplifts, reminding us of the strength found in diversity and the importance of seeing the world through various lenses. 🌈

Whether you're seeking resources to better understand autism, looking for ways to support the community, or simply want to follow a page that fills your feed with educational resources and insightful content, is your go-to.

Let's support and celebrate the work she's doing to make the world a more inclusive place. Follow on Instagram and Facebook for your daily dose of neurodiversity affirming content. 🌍❀️


🌈✨ It's Autism Acceptance Month! πŸŽ‰βœ¨πŸŒˆ

Here at the Neurodiversity Family Centre, we're all about celebrating the diverse tapestry of human minds, and this month, we're turning the spotlight on Autistic voices. πŸ—£οΈπŸ’¬

Our journey this month is one of learning, sharing, and growing together. We're here to amplify the experiences, insights, and creativity of Autistic individuals, because understanding comes from listening to the real expertsβ€”those who live the experience every day.

πŸ“šπŸŽ¨ From enlightening articles to personal shares, we're curating a collection of resources created by Autistic creators. Our goal? To dive deep into the Autistic experience, challenge misconceptions, and celebrate the strengths and unique perspectives that autism brings to our community.

So, get ready to explore, learn, and connect. Stay tuned for a month filled with stories, tips, and resources that shine a light on the vibrant world of autism. Let's embrace the beauty of neurodiversity together. ❀️🧩


🌟✨ Identifying Strengths & Skills 🌈🌟

At The NDFC, we're committed to guiding our clients towards their personal aspirations with a nurturing touch. πŸš€ At the heart of our approach is a commitment to identifying strategies and skills that not only align with our clients' goals but also build on their inherent strengths. πŸ› οΈπŸ’ͺ

Our practice is deeply rooted in a client-centered, strengths-based, and trauma-informed framework, ensuring that every step we take is tailored to the unique paths of those we support. 🌱

We believe in the power of listeningβ€”truly listening. When our clients express that something isn't working for them, we're here to adapt and explore alternative approaches that resonate more closely with their needs. πŸŽ§βž‘οΈπŸ’‘

Our practitioners are not just professionals; they're passionate individuals with a rich tapestry of knowledge and personal experiences, making our community a wellspring of diverse and empathetic support. 🌈🀲

Finding the right counsellor is key to a successful therapeutic journey. That’s why we encourage you to delve into our counsellor profiles to discover the perfect match for you. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈβ€οΈ We understand that therapy is most effective when the fit feels right, ensuring a pathway to achieving your desired outcomes. 🌻

Together, let’s navigate your journey to fulfillment with compassion and understanding. Your path to personal growth starts here. 🌈✨


🌟 Together, We Break Barriers and Build Bridges! 🌈✨

At The Neurodiversity Family Centre, we believe in a collaborative approach to enhancing the quality of life for our clients. We understand that every journey is unique, and together, we work to identify and remove environmental barriers that stand in the way of our clients' well-being. 🚧➑️🌿

Whether it’s adapting environments to better suit our clients' needs and strengths, or providing psychoeducation to their circles to foster deeper understanding and support, we're here every step of the way. πŸ‘πŸ’‘

But that’s not all! We empower our clients to advocate for themselves, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met, paving the path to success on their own terms. πŸ—£οΈπŸ‘‚

Your journey, your strength, our support. Let’s work together to create environments where you can thrive. πŸ’–πŸŒ


At The Neurodiversity Family Centre our practitioners are passionate about working alongside our clients and their support networks to uncover and amplify the unique strengths each person brings to the table. 🌈πŸ‘₯

Instead of zeroing in on deficits, we focus on the power of strengths! 🌟 We believe in the beauty of diversity and the potential that lies within each individual. By identifying and building on these strengths, we help our clients navigate through barriers, paving the way towards enhanced personal well-being and fulfillment. πŸ›€οΈπŸ’ͺ

Our approach is all about collaboration, empathy, and empowerment. We’re here to support you in using your distinct talents to flourish in every aspect of life. πŸŒΏπŸ’–

Let’s celebrate each person’s unique journey and work together to create a world where everyone’s strengths are recognized and nurtured. πŸŽ‰πŸŒ

Join us in this empowering journey. Your strengths are your superpowers! βœ¨πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ


✨ Empowering Clients to Discover Fulfilling Life Paths!

Our approach is simple yet profound: identifying what matters most to the client. Together, we identify personal goals by delving into the parts of their life they wish to transform and craft a roadmap to success alongside them based on their strengths, values and beliefs. πŸ—ΊοΈβ€οΈ Therapy isn't done TO our clients, it's done WITH our clients. We see our clients as the drives and our practitioners as the backseat drivers, we may have some thoughts and ideas on where we could go but the client gets to choose where they want to go and exactly how they feel comfortable getting there.

This journey is more than goal-setting; it's about aligning life with what truly resonates at the core of our client. From career aspirations to personal relationships or self-esteem, we stand by our clients, cheering them on every step of the way. πŸŒˆπŸš€


🌱 Understanding Ableism 🌱

Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities, favoring non-disabled individuals.
But what about internalized ableism?
It’s when individuals with disabilities unconsciously adopt these negative beliefs about themselves and see themselves as "less then", "bad", or "wrong" and feel that they need to change in order to "fit in".

At the Neurodiversity Family Centre, we guide our clients through the process of identifying internalized ableism. By recognizing these ingrained biases, we foster a journey towards self-acceptance and empowerment. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to be, even though most neurodivergent folk have been told this. Ableism tells us that "sitting quietly" means you're listening -- but my ADHD will tell you that actually means I'm likely daydreaming and not listening at all!
Direct Eye contact-- Ableism tells us we must maintain eye contact to show we are listening and/or engaged, however, for me, eye contact can make it too over stimulating because I'm not only processing my own thoughts/feelings but also processing the other person's at the same time, and that's A LOT!

Why is it important?
Because it is the first step in dismantling barriers to self-worth and embracing one’s abilities and identity fully. It can help clients to stop trying to "fit in the box" and instead embrace that they may do things "differently" but it works and there is nothing wrong with that!



🌟 Learn more about how we provide Neuro Affirming Care! 🌈

At The Neurodiversity Family Centre, we're excited to peel back the layers and show you the unique ways we support and celebrate neurodiversity. πŸ§ πŸ’«

Over the next week we will be sharing the different ways in which we aim to provide neuro affirming support. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches! 🚫 Our care is as unique as you are, embracing a person-centered, strengths-based, and trauma-informed methodology to increase client's quality of life and achieve personal goals. 🌱

Our team of independent contractors brings a rich tapestry of approaches, education backgrounds, and life experiences, ensuring care that's truly as unique as you are. 🀝

Curious about how this translates into their practice? Want to dive deeper into the personal styles of our dedicated practitioners? πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Feel free to reach out directly with your questions, or book a complimentary 15-minute consult with those offering it, to discover how we can support your journey.

Stay tuned as we share more insights and stories from our centre, designed to empower and inspire. 🌺

Your journey to self-empowerment starts here. Let's explore it together! 🌍✨


🌟 Affordable Counselling Sessions with Hannah Steed! 🌟

Looking for quality counselling that won't break the bank? Meet our practicum student counsellor, Hannah Steed, who's here to support you and your loved ones.

πŸ”Ή Hannah specializes in working with children, youth (ages 5-17), and families. She's passionate about helping clients navigate life's challenges.

πŸ”Ή No waitlist! Enjoy in-person sessions every second Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Take a step towards mental well-being on your schedule.

πŸ”Ή Rates that won't stress your wallet:
- Individual Sessions (50 minutes): $55 (Including GST)
- 2+ People Sessions (50 minutes): $75 (Including GST)

Don't miss out on this opportunity for affordable counselling. Reach out to Hannah today and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you! πŸ’™


🌟✨ Happy Holidays from The Neurodiversity Family Centre! 🌈❀️

Wishing you all a season filled with love, laughter, and moments of joy with your loved ones. πŸŽ„πŸ’• Remember to take some time for yourself, rest, and recharge so you can be your best self for those you love.

A heartfelt thank you to our incredible clients who have entrusted us with their care, and to our dedicated practitioners who embody continuous learning and provide compassionate, person-centered, trauma-informed, strengths-based, and neurodiversity affirming support.

Gratitude also extends to our amazing neurodivergent community in our Parenting support Facebook group and our budding community within our app. πŸŒπŸ’™ Your strength and support make our journey so much richer.

May your holiday season be safe, restful, and filled with warmth. Cheers to creating more connections and fostering understanding and advocating for change in the coming year!

"We live in a world of stairs, where there should be ramps, because ramps work for everyone." -Mary Klovance, NDFC Owner



Welcome to our newest child counsellor Annabelle Picard Registered Clinical Counsellor!

MA Counselling Psychology
BA Psychology
Works with children, teens, individuals and their families aged 5+

In-person: Thursdays 12:00PM - 7:00PM

Online: Tuesdays 9:00am-4:00pm and Wednesdays 9:00am-3:00pm


Emotional regulation
Parenting support
Behavioral challenges

Annabelle strongly believes that everyone is doing the best they can with the strategies they have. She is deeply committed to meeting every person where they are at and supporting them through exploration, that is both collaborative and proactive in nature, towards a more fulfilling path forward.

Annabelle is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with over 6 years of professional experience supporting neurodivergent children, teens, young adults, and their families. With an educational and career background in community-based mental health support, school counselling, and classroom support at a school for neurodivergent youth, she has a deep understanding of the challenges individuals and their families face, at each developmental stage, in and out of the home.

By focusing on the child, rather than their behaviour, and the parent, before their parenting, we can appropriately examine the impact of misplaced demands and expectations that lead to conflict and shame. Informed by Ross Greene’s Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) approach and combining cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and solution-focused therapy, Annabelle is committed to helping individuals and families identify and reach their goals. Her approach is devoted to steering support for neurodivergent folks away from punitive and exclusionary practices. She feels strongly that the counselling process should be positive and focused on enhancing connection between individuals and their families.

To work with Annabelle check out our website:


Welcome to Tyler Shaus Registered Clinical Counsellor!

Registered Clinical Counsellor. MACP, BA
Works with: youth ages 12+, parents, adults, and couples.

In-person/Virtual: Sundays 10:00am-5:00pm

Gender identity
Gender expression
Sexual orientation
Life Transitions
Parental support

Tyler is a q***r, transgender person, and an adoptive parent to a neurodiverse child; with German (paternal) and British (maternal) ancestry, who as an uninvited settler has been living on the stolen lands of the lΙ™kΜ“Κ·Ι™Ε‹Ι™n, Wyomilth, and WSÁNEΔ† peoples, for the past 17 years. Tyler acknowledges that self-locating and territory acknowledgements are but one way of decolonizing his ways of knowing and being, and is committed to continually learning, growing, and self-educating, to show up in a good way.

Tyler has been in the helping profession for over 25 years and prioritizes seeing people as complex, nuanced, and unique beings. They strive to keep their practice holistic and avoid β€˜one size fits all’ approaches that attempt to fit folx into little boxes. Life has probably done this enough already, so people deserve a space where they are seen for who they are and their ways of being in the world.

Through a person-centered, trauma-informed, strengths-based, and collaborative approach, Tyler creates a space for you to explore what matters most to you, where you are the expert in your life, and he is here as the guide to support you with your goals.

Tyler’s approach is primarily informed by: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness Self-Compassion, Neurodiversity Affirming Care and influenced by Narrative Therapy, and Somatic approaches.

Tyler aims to create and provide a space where people feel seen, heard, supported, and empowered to make connections and continue to grow and heal.

If you want to work with Tyler please check out our website:


We'd love to introduce you to Isaac Dellabough Registered Clinical Counsellor!

Works with children and youth 5 -15yrs old and their parents/caregivers.

Fridays 9:00am-4:00pm

In person:
Saturdays 9:00am-4:00pm
Mondays 12:00pm-7:00pm

Anxiety & Stress
Interpersonal Relationships
Grief & Bereavement
Behavioural Challenges

Isaac believes each person is unique in their life experiences, yet shares a collective thread of humanity with others. Isaac’s practice uses a combined approach of psychoanalytic, somatic, narrative, solution-focused, and play therapy. He will work collaboratively with you to explore your present concerns, help you learn more about yourself, and guide you in finding realistic and suitable next steps.

Isaac’s varied life experiences help him to create a comfortable and understanding environment to explore all aspects of life. He has worked with a variety of neurotypical, neurodivergent, and physically disabled people for 13 years at organizations such as The Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health, Victoria School District, Autism Funding Victoria, and Royal Roads University. Isaac has always had a passion for working with others and helping them succeed in the life they want to live.

Isaac has a MA in Counselling Psychology and has completed workshops in Trauma Informed Practice, Attachment Theory, Becoming a Behavioural Detective, and Decoding Autism. Isaac uses his lived experience with ADHD to inform the way he works with other neurodivergent people, understanding the importance one’s environment plays in emotional and behavioural regulation.

To book with Isaac go to our website:


Welcome to our newest Art Therapy Student Cynthia Provost who is starting to work with Families January 1st at a REDUCED STUDENT RATE!

Cynthia (she/her) is a passionate second-year art therapist intern at the Kutenai Art Therapy Institute in Nelson B.C. In addition, she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Victoria and a Diploma in Photography from Fanshawe College.

With a deep commitment to inclusivity, Cynthia focuses her art therapy practice on children and youth with diverse abilities, as well as parent-child family art therapy. Her approach is grounded in trauma-informed principles, emphasizing client-centered techniques and strength-based methods. Cynthia firmly believes in the transformative power of the creative process and psychotherapy as tools for facilitating self-exploration. While she has a passion for all forms of art, she particularly enjoys mixed-media collage and clay molding.

Outside of her role as an art therapist, Cynthia has a passion for holistic well-being. Every week, you can find her taking a cold plunge at Dallas Road or trekking up Pkols with her rescue dog, Midge. Additionally, she is a dedicated bookworm, finding endless creative inspiration within the pages of fantasy novels.

To book check out our website here:


The centre's founder and owner Mary Klovance will be facilitating a FREE workshop next Wednesday through The Foundry. Make sure to register!


Meet our team of low cost counsellors for an affordable alternative to registered counsellors. Our team specialized in Neurodiversity Affirming Care and between the three of them support children, youth and adults of all ages.

All students & interns are supervised by Mary Klovance RCC.

Students are in the practicum phase of completing their masters, they may be in the first year or second year of study.

Student Rates are:
Individual Sessions: $50 (Including GST)
2+ People Sessions: $70 (Including GST)

Interns have completed all of their required practicum hours and are often finishing up or are already finished their course work and are waiting for their applications to the BCACC to process.

Intern Rates:
50m Individual Sessions: $105 (Including GST)
50m 2+ Group Sessions: $125 (Including GST)
80m 2+ Group Session: $187.50 (Including GST)

To learn more about our practitioners and/or fill out a referral form click here:


Our very own Mary Klovance was featured in The EPLS Advantage Newsletter at Uvic! In the interview she shares about her career path and provides tips to new grads!

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Videos (show all)

🌟✨ Happy Holidays from The Neurodiversity Family Centre! 🌈❀️Wishing you all a season filled with love, laughter, and mom...
Part 2: Registered Dietitian Services
Part 1: Registered Dietitian Services
We are so excited to announce we have just signed a two year lease starting March 1st at our NEW location!#300- 1627 For...



300/1627 Fort Street
Victoria, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 6:30pm
Thursday 9am - 6:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 7pm

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