Sunflower-Power Coaching & Healing
Gesundheits- Und Schönheitsfirmen in der Nähe
Rue des Voisins
Rue des Voisins
Chemin des Marbreriers
Rue Prevost Martin
Rue Prévost-Martin
Place des Philosophes
#energytherapies #massagetherapy #eft #laughteryoga #healthcare #veganproducts
And a Very Happy New Year from me as well, thank you all for being you, thank you all for the pleasure of being a part of this journey I’ve embarked on -life truly is what you make it, stay the course, believe in you and pls do spread the word for others too - tag, you‘re it
We are the same in our hopes to be happy and healthy and in our needs to be fed, loved and accepted
Merry Holidays to one and all
And a warm welcome to December 2019, and the launch of my new website (link in bio) :-) The name of the game and message for today is: Trust your inner wisdom :-)
I still have a few spots available for December for those wishing to start the new year off strongly, whether it be relaxation, coaching or invigoration that is needed -do get in touch and we'll get you scheduled in!
Have a beautiful start for the brand new month -the last month of the century :-)
Good Morning world :-) Do you believe in your thoughts creating your reality...? Do you focus on the best case scenario and stick to that image, no matter what is appearing in your life...? I have a number of examples how this works, So many times that an appointment that you have a hard time making gets pushed to another day by the initiative of the other party... So many times when without prior knowledge I sprint to the bus stop thinking I best run otherwise I miss it -and get on the bus straight after... tiny little things but significant to their frequency... I've also tested it the other way round, and what is true is this: whether you think you will or whether you think you won't -you're right ;) Today, let's put this to the test... think of a person you'd like to talk to, or an appointment you'd rather like to be changed for example to be earlier or later than it is now set..... and see what shows up in your life
To anyone needing a bit of a boost of energy and focus in your day, here's a healthy dose of Orange Galore - have a beautiful day :-)
Here’s some orange energy to bring a boost of balance to your life! Orange is an excellent color to use when you want to feel more centered or focused. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, orange helps to bring the imbalanced aspects of our consciousness into equilibrium. In doing so, orange also helps us bring our intuitive sense to its highest possible level.
If you feel scattered or stressed, look no further than orange. To utilize some of this energy for yourself, visualize it, wear it, or intentionally notice the color as you move through your day. 📸
Today on 11/11, the coast is clear astrologically speaking to start trusting our inner calling, to lower the possible masks we have been carrying and reveal our innermost core selves... I may well be a Nomad as I can now reveal that I have been working on my move between countries, and even if it may have been a relatively quick move, it wasn't a quick decision even if it wasn't the first, second or even the third move of countries for yours truly... Many loose ends to sort still, but all in good time... The main message today being: Trust the process of life... when we are in alignment with our true core self, things happen quite quickly and quite easily at the end of the day... and once we trust the direction to be for the highest good for us and our loved ones, that's when you enter a good rhythm and flow into everything you do... and if you would like to have some help in finding your flow, do get in touch
Long time no hear - how’s everyone doing? I’ve been busy preparing my next adventure and so this comes at the perfect moment ... what is life but a journey and the enjoyment is exactly in that: the movement, the adventures, the people we meet, the places we see... since we‘re all already filled with love, the more we let it shine in every encounter, the more we‘ll also receive back... so today, why not buckle up, as it may be a bumpy ride but it’ll surely give you more in experience that it takes 😍🙌 🌻✨ 🌹✨
Yrittäjän päivä to 5.9.2019 Megatarjous: kaikki 45-min hieronnat ja energiahoidot 29e !! Nappaa tarjous verkkokaupastamme 6.9.2019 puoleenyöhön mennessä!
Right...? And really, it’s all part of the Law of Attraction: the balance of the Universe and the energy of all things... in order to receive, we need to put the energy out there first... and many times as we give, we may think we will then get to receive something too from the same place but then the law of karma steps in and it may well change the place where the good is coming back to us...
Today, let’s listen to the little subtle signs the Universe is giving us... feeling tired? let’s cheer someone up... feeling worried? let’s make someone else’s day a bit easier... feeling a financial burden? let’s give out, surprise someone with something from your heart... and see what that brings you😍🙌 🌻✨
Sleeping in a cold room helps you go to sleep quicker and removes stress. Sleeping hasn’t been that easy ever since I decided to move in with my wife. After being used to sleeping alone in a double-sized bed, I had to figure out how to make room for two. Besides the bed problem, here is another issue that we had in the beginning when we first started living together. I ...
Hei Kaikki!
Tilaa työpaikallesi, koulullesi tai organisaatiollesi luento: kaksi uutta luentoa nyt saatavilla verkkokaupasta joissa käsittelen positiivisen ajattelun voimaa, sekä toista arkaa ja ajankohtaistakin aihetta, koulukiusaamista, ja keinoja asioiden käsittelemiseen sekä yksilötasolla että kollektiivisesti.
Molemmissa luennoissa käsitellään myös meditaation ja itsesuggestion voimaa arjen auttajana.
Soita 044-9556062, ja kysy lisää!
Aurinkoisin terveisin,
Here’s the thing: nobody was good at anything before taking those first steps and repeating them tenaciously, again and again, week/month/year after year.... that’s how marathons are run too: by taking one step at the time.... today, start something, do that one thing that makes you feel alive, makes you believe in that dream you have... and see where that takes you 😍🙌 🌹 ✨
Hey everyone ❣️
September is here and so is the Sun Salutation Challenge!
Let’s hop on the good wagon and do this!!
- 10x Sun Salutation each day
- every day from 1-30 September (if you missed yesterday, pls do 20 today 😉
Aaaaaand GO!! 😍🙌
Hei kaikki❣️
Erinomainen artikkeli, suosittelen lämpimästi !
Ja pieni muistutus vielä tämän viikon la 31.8. asti voimassa olevasta ”UUSIASIAKAS” -koodilla saatavasta -50% tutustumistarjouksesta mm kaikista Reiki-hoidoista: mukaanlukien etähoidon.
Mikäli et päädy ostamaan suoraan verkkokaupasta, soita/tekstaa 044-9556062 niin varataan aika, maksun voi suorittaa aina paikanpäällä 🌹✨
Lämpimästi tervetuloa ❣️
Fyysikko ja energiahoitaja Johanna Blomqvist: Energiahoitojen käyttöön pitäisi kannustaa Fyysikko ja energiahoitaja Johanna Blomqvist kertoo, mitä tiede sanoo energiahoidosta sekä omista kokemuksistaan aiheesta.
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Jardin Botanique
Geneva, 1202
Constellations en petits groupes ou en séances individuelles.
Avenue De Châtelaine 97
Geneva, 1219VERNIER
L'institut TARA Hypnosiscenter propose des formations en hypnose, régression en âge vie antérieure avec une approche psychocorporelle et des formations continues dans les domaines ...
ZOLA Wellness Clinic, Rue Rousseau 1
Geneva, 1201
MEET YOUR ZENITH 💫 Geneva's private clinic on a mission to taking your vitality to the next level.
Rue Des Glacis-de-Rive 15
Geneva, 1207
Voyages au cœur de l’Inde Lifestyle Ayurvédique🕉| Yoga meditation🧘🏻| Ayurvedic healing massage💆🏼♂| Ayurvedic food🥙| #ashaexperience
Geneva, 1208
Ateliers consacrés à la parole et bien-être entre femmes. Partager ses préoccupations sur ce qu?
Boulevard Du Pont D’Arve 28
Geneva, 1205
NIBBĀNA THÉRAPIES | Daniela H. M. 🌞 Heal your soul 🌱 Kinésiologie - Psychologie - Yoga Thérapeutique
Centre Paramédical Genevois, Avenue Henri-Dunant 2
Geneva, 1205
Thérapeute Diplômée en Médecine Esogetics de l’Institut International Peter Mandel - Agréée ASCA
Quai De Cologny, 86
Geneva, 1223
Thérapie craniosacrale Médecine chinoise énergétique/acupuncture Du Lundi au Samedi à Genève
à Domicile
•Soin énergétique( reiki shamballa) à distance ou en présentiel • constellation familiale et systémique
Chemin Lullin 28A
Geneva, 1256
Marion Milesi, Homéopathe uniciste, agrée RME-ASCA