Shawn Robertson Hypnosis I'm a hypnotherapist who can help you get free of useless pain, irritable bowel syndrome, or make changes you want in your life.

Hypnosis with me is safe and enjoyable and you can do it right from your home, online. Your body has an unbelievable ability to heal itself once you ask it in the right way. You may be surprised at your own strength.

Self-Hypnosis for Arthritis Pain - Shawn Robertson Hypnosis 11/03/2024

Time is running out to register for the Self-Hypnosis Workshop for Arthritis Pain. Although the Saturday session is full, there are still places in the Thursday session. Learn to turn pain down or off, by working with your own inner healer, the unconscious mind.

Self-Hypnosis for Arthritis Pain - Shawn Robertson Hypnosis This self-hypnosis workshop will show you how to immediately reduce or eliminate pain due to arthritis


Start getting a little more out of life


Let me answer a question in many people's minds: Can I be hypnotized?


Not panic attacks or chronic pain, but getting a song stuck in your head is annoying. Here is how to get it out of your head.


I just made a little video of how to get a song that's stuck in your head, out of your head

Photos from Shawn Robertson Hypnosis's post 26/09/2023

I'm working on some flyers. Does anyone have some feedback about them? What looks good? What do you not like? How could they be better?


Best physician blogs | Valerie Brooke, MD 20/09/2023

Ran into a very cool blog by an amazing doctor. Valerie Brooke really cares about her patients and listens to their stories. I think we can encourage "miraculous healing," when we learn what our bodies are doing for us (sometimes to us) and why. Definitely worth reading some of her posts.

Best physician blogs | Valerie Brooke, MD Dr. Valerie Brooke's writings about her work as a physician, how she uses exercise and play, spending time in nature, and doing activities she loves to create balance in her life.


Free chronic pain workshop! I'm giving this on Thursday, September 7th. 3:00pm CET (2:00pm England/9:00am New York). Many people will lose much or all of their pain just by following along. All will learn how to go about losing their pain.
Sign up here:


𝐈 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐚 𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐨𝐨!
I am always touting the benefits of hypnosis, so my wife said, if it's so good, why don't you go to a hypnotist to solve some of your own problems? Good point. It is always easier to help someone with their problems than see your own. I've seen a hypnotist now, and had amazing results. And I even knew exactly what he was doing. I'm more confident than ever about the power of hypnosis to help people now.


I just found out some disturbing news (to me) about smoking, and quitting smoking. The limiting beliefs most smokers have about smoking, that I try to undermine when I talk to smokers, is that quitting smoking is hard because ni****ne is addictive and that smoking helps them relax or focus.

I had always read that ni****ne did not actually do anything for you. And that was one of the key points of my pre-talk. According to the Huberman Lab podcast about ni****ne, however, ni****ne actually does increase focus, and relaxes the muscles. And there can, in some cases, be real physical symptoms of withdrawal. Uh-oh.

That doesn't change the success rate of hypnosis, which Huberman actually touts on the podcast, but it might change my approach to the pre-talk. Ni****ne is still not addictive, just extremely habit forming. After all, it still takes months of practice to learn to smoke, the way you learn any habit. You really have to press through some unpleasantness to earn this habit.

It's just that I can no longer say that ni****ne does nothing for you. To be sure, most of the "benefits" of cigarette smoking are not ni****ne related: removing yourself from the stressor, going outside, doing breathing exercises, taking a break, remembering those fun times with friends, etc. But ni****ne cannot be completely discounted.

The hypnosis doesn't change. Parts negotiation can convince the brain to drop the cravings, which is essentially a protective mechanism. Your unconscious does not want you to suffer stress, so it will do whatever it can to make you smoke, until you convince it that you want a new solution. The brain can drop those old pathways just like it can end chronic pain messages. I'll just have to rethink the way I talk about it.


Most people just don't believe it.

I was struggling to understand why it can be difficult to get clients to try OldPain2Go and related hypnotic techniques for their chronic pain. So many people are suffering! It seems incredible that they would continue to spend fortunes on surgery, pain killers, physical therapy, and more, without at least trying a one time, inexpensive method of completely getting rid of pain. And finally I realized the completely obvious.

They simply don't believe it.

Hypnosis and mind methods may be something for people with psychosomatic pain, but not for their pain. Because their pain is real.

I've read so much on the subject, that I forget most people don't know that all pain comes from the brain. That is true whether you have fibromyalgia or you just hit your thumb with a hammer. The body sends signals, but only the brain can make pain. And because we can literally change the brain with our thoughts, it is possible to remove pain completely, even with significant tissue damage. One just has to know how to go about it.

But for most people that is simply unbelievable. I always thought that if I had a miracle cure for something, that people would flock to my door. Now I know that's not true. Advertising laws would not even let you talk about it!


When working with clients, and especially my most difficult client - myself, I've noticed one thing again and again. That we cannot rise above our internal image of ourselves. We all have a kind of picture or idea of who we are. We know what we can do and what we can't; what we would do and what we wouldn't. That belief holds us locked up in our current pattern.

Affirmations and positive thinking work for some people, but not others. The reason is, if the positive thinking doesn't match up to what you really believe about yourself, it just comes off as a lie or a ridiculous fantasy. Trying to force yourself to believe something you don't just doesn't work.

The answer is to actually change our belief about who we are. We don't do that through book learning or through taking courses, but through experience. It has been shown that the human body really can't distinguish between actual experience and imagination. That is how a phobia works. The body reacts to the imagination as if the snake (or spider or button) were actually in the room.

The key to enlarging our internal image of who we are, is to remember our successful experiences, enlarge them, and relive them - and forget the failures. We can also imagine a perfect version of ourself, before we believe it. Get comfortable seeing that vision until we believe it.

Happiness and good self image is not the goal, it is the way to the goal. We need to start there.


Concentrating on feelings, instead of the problem

Lately I've been experimenting with ways to combat anxiety, in myself and others, with remarkable results. A lot of times, when we have a problem that creates anxiety for us, we spend all of our time focussing on the problem. We talk about the problem, how hopeless it is, how stressful it is, how infuriating it is.

The problem makes us feel so terrible, and so anxious, sad, or angry, that we don't have the real mental skills available to actually do something about it.

A strange solution is to bypass the problem completely, and go straight to the feeling it produces. First, you have to even notice what you're feeling. If you say "I'm so angry," my question for you is "How do you know?" Of course "you just do" is the first answer. But really, how do you know? What do you actually feel in your body?

Is it a tight feeling in the chest? A pain just above the stomach. A black fog across your head? This is the time to really get specific, and describe as accurately as you can, what it feels like. Then think about what shape it is, and what color it has. Give it some time. If it doesn't have a color, what color should it have? Is it moving or spinning?

Once you've described the feeling perfectly, you can begin to mess with it. Make it bigger, redder, more threatening, maybe. And then make it smaller. Have it spin, spin more slowly or more quickly. Change direction. Change the texture. Change the color. Shrink it. Send it outside your body so you can watch it. Do whatever you need to do with it.

You will notice that it no longer bothers you in the same way. If it is still there, but has changed, try messing with it some more.

For me, depression is always a feeling in my head, like a black, weighted cloth. When I notice it, I bunch the cloth up, spin it, change it to green, spin it the other direction, and finally have it dry up and blow away as dust. Try it yourself.

Once the feeling is gone or much less intense, you have a lot more resources to deal with the actual problem, if it's even still there. Good luck!

3 Secrets for Chronic Pain 24/03/2023

I just uploaded a new video on Chronic Pain, and a way to think about it that can help you get rid of it.

3 Secrets for Chronic Pain Learn about a completely different way to look at chronic pain that will absolutely help you get rid of it. http://shawnr...

Hypnosis Rap Battle: Milton Erickson vs. Dave Elman 06/03/2023

Just for fun, I made a tribute video to some of my hypnosis heroes in the style of a Rap Battle (with some surprise guest appearances).

Hypnosis Rap Battle: Milton Erickson vs. Dave Elman I put this up as a tribute to several amazing hypnotists, in the spirit of fun.


New IBS group hypnosis sessions. One this Thursday and one March 11. It is crazy what a difference 90 minutes can make in your life!


Wim Hof method! My wife enrolled us in a class last weekend and a group of about 40 people walked into the Sempach Lake. The water was 6 degrees Celsius (43 F). We did it again on our own the next day as you can see in this picture. Yes, I'm wearing a hat! The day was windy, rainy, and freezing cold.

Why am I doing this? After initial reluctance I find myself actively investigating the ability of the pre-frontal cortex to re-interpret signals usually coded as pain. I was quite skeptical, but by breathing calmly through the nose, I was able to walk right in and feel comfortable. Ok, the first few seconds sent my breathing near panic, but I quickly got it back under control.

Most situations are not this crazy, but slow, deep breathing through the nose can do wonders to relieve pain and panic, by essentially telling the body and brain that everything is ok.


Migraine Stopping Audio File - Shawn Robertson Hypnosis 29/01/2023

If you get Migraines, I've created a free audio file that can stop a migraine from coming. It is also good for any kind of stress or anxiety. Check it out!

Migraine Stopping Audio File - Shawn Robertson Hypnosis FREE AUDIO GUIDE The Ultimate Migraine Stopping Audio File Listen and breathe along to this audio file to prevent migraines or stop one that is coming. Get the FREE Audio! Just tell me where you’d like me to send it. If you suffer from migraines, here is what this audio file can do for you. … Mi...


The IBS hypnosis session repeats on the Second Saturday and Third Thursday of February - that's February 11th and 16th. Sign up is at

You will learn:
-what may have started your IBS
-how your gut and brain are connected
-how you can start controlling IBS symptoms
-techniques to calm the gut and the mind
-the simple breathing technique that changes everything


Join the group hypnosis session for IBS next Thursday, January 19, at 1 pm EST (7pm CET). This session will get you started on the road to recovery from IBS symptoms. Start to feel good again!

Go to the website to sign up. Don't miss this chance to invest in your health.


Either one can come first, it turns out. When you're happy you smile. So when you smile (and really get into it) your body kind of assumes that you're happy and makes the adjustments. This is true of most, maybe all, of our physiological/emotional twins. That is incredible, because it gives us an amazing tool to get us out of all kinds of bad feelings.

This is not news to most, but who doesn't need a reminder? When I am slumped over with woeful thoughts, the hardest thing for me is to decide to do something about it. I usually give myself a little rope. I tell myself "Ok, you've got another two minute to really feel sorry for yourself, really get into it, plan the funeral, whatever, but then we're moving."

I stand up, literally grab the bad feelings with my hands, lift them up in the air and blow them away. Because when you're standing up, with your arms in the air, looking at the sky - your mind/body suddenly assumes you scored the winning goal.

This works for anything. Figure out the opposite posture or activity for what you don't want to feel, and take it on. What's the opposite of a panic attack? A contented or resigned sigh. Andrew Huberman has made this famous. Sniff big, sniff again, then give a long sigh. Instant cure. Repeat if necessary.

Find your own opposite. Try it out and let us all know about it!


Fun fact. The gut microbiome (mostly bacteria) can hold up to 1,000 different species or more and usually weighs around 0.2 kg (almost half a pound). No two people have the same bacteria in their gut. Babies have the fewest microbes and the number and diversity grow with age. Where you live, what you eat, and even your levels of stress greatly influence the makeup of the gut microbes, but the microbes can influence us as well. Much more on this topic later.

Gesunder Darm Kongress - Online & Kostenlos 10/01/2023

I started attending this series of videos for free, but ended up paying to keep the access. A lot of good tips and interviews with gut experts. All in German, however, which may limit access to many, but I'll share whatever I pick up!

Gesunder Darm Kongress - Online & Kostenlos 8 Tage, die dein Leben verändern - Erfahre in 28 Experten-Interviews alles über deine Darmgesundheit

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