Montreux Vevey Coaching Holistic by Gaile Lüthy

Physical and mental balance, pattern improvement, pain and stress management, happier you


🌿 Rejoignez-nous pour un après-midi de détente à Glion ! 🌿

Date : 15 et 29 septembre
Heure : 15h00 - 19h00
Lieu : Parc de l'Hôtel Righi, Glion
Sans inscription

29.09.2024, je présenterai mes massages pour la deuxième fois ainsi que les exercices. Ensuite, tout sera accompagné musicalement en direct avec un handpan, joué par Raph Horn.

Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter à un événement spécial consacré à la détente et au bien-être. Profitez de massages de 20 minutes. Le prix est libre, à partir de 30 francs suisses.

À 17h00, nous organiserons un atelier gratuit axé sur la libération des douleurs lombaires. Veuillez apporter votre propre tapis et vous habiller confortablement pour cette session.

C'est l'occasion parfaite pour se détendre, apprendre quelque chose de nouveau et prendre soin de votre corps. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité !

RSVP et marquez vos calendriers. Nous avons hâte de vous y voir!

Dr. Wayne Dyer's Life Advice Moving Forward & Letting GO - Don't Miss This one! 19/07/2024

Dr. Wayne Dyer's Life Advice Moving Forward & Letting GO - Don't Miss This one! Dr. Wayne Dyer the next principle I call giving up your personal historyand I learned it from a man named Carlos Castaneda who once said that one day hesaid ...

The power of believing that you can improve 30/05/2024

I tend to say: They are no stupid kids or adults. They just see things in a different way or they are still on the way to see, understand and do things in the way most of us do.
This TED talk is about not being there "YET".

The power of believing that you can improve Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk, she describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it … or have you just not solv...

The Real Cause of Procrastination Explained 15/04/2024

Do you find yourself procrastinating often?

The Real Cause of Procrastination Explained In order to overcome procrastination (or the passive putting off of important work even though you know it’s hurting your life) we need to understand why it ...


Transposition BREATHWORK

Experience your own journey in to , reduction, and -awareness through this

Breathwork can be practiced by general interest for and letting go of general and . Not only by .

Event place: Yogacenter By Patrick Nolfo, Av. du Casino 48, 1820

Pre-registration only!

Dates:   19:00 - ca. 21:00 April 19th 2024 / Register latest 17th

19:00 - ca. 21:00 May 3rd 2024 / Register till April 19th 2024

19:00 - ca. 21:00 May 17th 2024 / Register till 3rd 2024

19:00 - ca. 21:00 May 31st 2024 / Register till May 17th 2024

19:00 - ca. 21:00 June 14th 2024 / Register till May 31st 2024

on the Website: 

or mail to: 
[email protected]

Maximal 6  

Price p.P. and : CHF 90.- 

Organized by: 
Life - Art - Touch  

Rue du Simplon 48, 1800 Vevey


Avenue du Casino 36, 1820 Montreux

+41 76 334 39 54

Praticien certifié en

classique, ® diplômée et en

certifiée ®


Transposition BREATHWORK

Friday, April 5th 2024 at 19:00

With Gaile Lüthy

Event place:
Yogacenter By Patrick Nolfo
Av. du Casino 48
1820 Montreux

Registration till March 20th 2024:

Save your spot Maximal 8 participants

Transposition Breathwork integrates consciously connected breath and body-mind techniques to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. Repetitive and rhythmic music encourages the breather to enter an altered state of consciousness.

Proponents of the technique claim that this altered state allows people to access parts of consciousness that are not normally accessible; memories of past events may also resurface.

This is one of my favorite mind-body practices!

If you can't make it this time, further events are planned

Keep the spirit high 🫶🏽

Narzissten erkennen – Wie umgehen mit der krankhaften Persönlichkeitsstörung? | Puls | SRF 05/02/2024

Interessante Docu

Narzissten erkennen – Wie umgehen mit der krankhaften Persönlichkeitsstörung? | Puls | SRF Wer in einer toxischen Beziehung mit einer Person mit narzisstischer Persönlichkeitsstörung ist, leidet oft ein Leben lang unter psychischen Konsequenzen. Wi...


What if ...

you take a moment to reflect and realise how far you've come and how much work you've already done?

you stop for a moment, look around and compare your current situation with that of a year ago? Do you recognise the difference?

you start to recognize your own efforts?

you stop comparing your life with the lives of others and realise that they will never have the same experiences as you and that comparing is pointless?

you take a moment to pat yourself on the back and appreciate all that you have gone through to get to this point?

Make a note of everything you've done in the last year; you may be surprised:
What do you consider your personal garden - a project, a hobby or another activity?

How far have you come in terms of your goals and achievements?

What rewards have you received for your work recently?

If you harvest too early, it can diminish your yield or even ruin the whole project. You've made it this far. You can be patient a little longer. You're so close to the reward that you can already smell it. Hang in there a little longer and success will be yours.

Take a moment to congratulate yourself.


May you feel loved everyday
Also after this festive.
May you experience your 2024 as a fabulous one

Mögest du dich jeden Tag geliebt fühlen
Auch nach diesem Festtag.
Möget Ihr 2024 als ein fabelhaftes erleben


Puissiez-vous vous sentir aimés tous les jours
Même après les fêtes de fin d'année.
Que votre année 2024 soit fabuleuse.



What I learned and experienced

Embracing the gift of drive while embracing the gift of joy:

Do you also think, whatever you resist, persist?
Is it hard for us overachievers to make it to the word acceptance? True self acceptance?

Acceptance is also love. Cause, how do you get to accept something?

A lot of us think happiness is enjoyment. How about seeing enjoyment only at a higher level of happiness? It's only one texture of happiness. If all of it has to be only enjoyment, it's gonna be kind of exhausting.

When you want that enjoyment, it's harder to go from pisst off to enjoyment, than going from pisst off to acceptance. Once we learn to accept something, we can learn to appreciate it. Once we appreciate it, we can feel grateful for it. Once we feel grateful for it we can love it. Once we love it, the game is over and things transform.

And all that's left is the truth



Ce que j'ai appris et expérimenté

Accepter le don de la conduite tout en acceptant le don de la joie:

Pensez-vous aussi que, quoi que vous résistiez, vous devez persister ?

Est-il difficile pour nous, les surdoués, d'arriver au mot acceptation ? La véritable acceptation de soi ?

L'acceptation, c'est aussi l'amour. Car comment accepter quelque chose ?

Beaucoup d'entre nous pensent que le bonheur est le plaisir. Pourquoi ne pas considérer le plaisir comme un niveau de bonheur plus élevé ?
Ce n'est qu'une texture du bonheur. S'il ne s'agit que de plaisir, ce sera épuisant. Lorsque vous voulez ce plaisir, il est plus difficile de passer de l'énervement à la jouissance que de l'énervement à l'acceptation. Une fois que nous avons appris à accepter quelque chose, nous pouvons apprendre à l'apprécier. Une fois que nous l'apprécions, nous pouvons en être reconnaissants. Une fois que nous nous sentons reconnaissants, nous pouvons l'aimer. Une fois que nous l'aimons, le jeu est terminé et les choses se transforment.

Et tout ce qui reste, c'est la vérité.




Wonderful story, that could be part of yours

Is It Normal to Experience Loneliness as a Private Practi... 05/11/2023

loneliness comes in different forms. It doesn’t just happen when you don’t spend time around others. You can also feel lonely when you spend time with people but lack a community or sense of belonging.

Spending time with family, friends, and other loved ones may not help resolve workplace loneliness, but it can help you maintain important connections in your personal life. This can have a protective effect by reducing the impact of isolation at work and helping you maintain emotional wellness.

Is It Normal to Experience Loneliness as a Private Practi... Isolation among private practice professionals, including therapists, is not uncommon. Here are some strategies for dealing with the associated loneliness.

Photos from Montreux Vevey Coaching Holistic by Gaile Lüthy's post 03/11/2023

About today's and

Sweet and shredded. Mixed and 🤤

with powder and



être patient, doux avec moi-même et mes projets, et aussi être bienveillant avec moi-même lorsque je fais des erreurs. Avec suffisamment de patience pour que mes rêves deviennent réalité. Les erreurs sont des rappels, pas de l'étiquette. Elles sont la preuve que j'ai lutté pour faire des choses qui n'étaient pas appropriées pour moi à ce moment-là, j'étais incertain et j'ai pris des risques. J'emporte avec moi la sagesse que j'ai acquise grâce à toutes ces expériences ; la sagesse qui m'a appris que les erreurs se produisent lorsque nous forçons quelque chose qui n'est pas fait pour nous et parce que nous essayons d'obtenir quelque chose que nous n'aurions probablement pas dû avoir.

J'ai lâché le contrôle de ma vie et j'ai laissé la vie suivre son cours.
ce n'est pas grave si je n'ai pas toutes les réponses ou si je ne suis pas là où je voudrais être.
la vie me donnera ce dont j'ai besoin.
traiter la vie comme une amie ; essayer de la comprendre, l'aimer quand elle est difficile, l'accepter même quand elle me frustre, et apprécier les expériences qu'elle me donne, les souvenirs qu'elle m'offre. Les moments de bonheur et de tristesse qu'elle me permet de vivre pour grandir.

de prendre les choses à bras-le-corps, de regarder la vie comme une personne qui essaie de comprendre. C'est ce que j'apprends.
Et j'apprends que je suis une personne qui veut s'améliorer jour après jour, en échouant certains jours, comme tout le monde.

.. Gaile Lüthy



à laisser les choses arriver
quand le moment est venu, l'univers me les apporte sans les poursuivre ; poursuivre signifie qu'il ne veut pas rester immobile, qu'il ne veut pas être attrapé, qu'il ne veut pas s'arrêter à la porte. J'ai confiance dans le fait que ce qui m'est destiné me trouvera, où que je sois. Sans être passif et sans mener une bataille perdue d'avance.

Je laisse l'amour me trouver et je l'accepte. Le laisser grandir. Recevoir le message clair, le message qui est si évident et facile à comprendre, le message qui ne vous laisse rien à remettre en question ou à deviner.
Laisser partir ceux qui ne veulent pas de moi dans leur vie, je leur tiens même la porte ouverte. Je ne veux plus de visiteurs temporaires. Je veux partager mon lit avec celui qui veut passer chaque nuit avec moi. Partager mon cœur avec celui qui veut le protéger. Sentir l'amour. Son authenticité, sa simplicité, sa réciprocité et sa passion. Avec tous les hauts et les bas.
Partager la table et l'espace uniquement avec ceux qui apprécient ma compagnie. Garder l'oreille ouverte et dire mes mots à qui en est digne.
..Gaile Lüthy ...


Short cut from my todays morning about :

is made out of how we think, how we act and how we feel.. From to experience to
From mind to body to
From learning it with the to applying it with the to knowing it by
Beginning to make new experiences in the environment creates new thoughts. New thoughts create new emotions. New emotions create new knowledge.
Synchronizing heart, mind and action, gives us an experience, that keeps us more present, , allowing and we create the world in and around us, that is beyond our past.
We get greater outcomes, why we do what we do and assign more mining to it. We create new , new pertains, new combinations and things get easier. Nothing is then left to conjecture, nothing is left to , nothing is left to dogma.

The Benefits of a Healthy S*x Life | Center for Women's Health | OHSU 27/08/2023

One of the most important things for our health and that we often avoid talking about: S*x

The Benefits of a Healthy S*x Life | Center for Women's Health | OHSU "All women deserve to enjoy a healthy s*xual life," says Nicole Cirino, M.D. She helps women who are struggling with emotional or mental health barriers to a healthy s*x life.

7 Necessary Elements of Bodyworker Self-Care 19/08/2023

Are you as well a Bodyworker and your profession requires taking care of others to recover and are you working with all your being (body, mind, spirit/ physical, mental strength and empathising)? And are you doing all the other things that are required for networking, marketing, daily self study and what as well is needed to do in your private life by yourself?

Then you give a lot of yourself and need to even take more care of your rundum health than others, so that you can carry on for a long time doing what you love and needs to be done. Slow down, take brakes when ever you can, to make space to focus on what you need to do for your self and also for doing repediatly nothing than just breath and be.

For your body, mind and spirit 🪷

I know, it's sometimes challenging to find that time, when nowadays life it's all about functioning and "doing" as much and fast as possible... What in our way of working is very distracting for the health and can lead to a brakedown. We need to accept that and be with people that understand or at least just accept that as well.

I found this site that shows some wonderful solutions of selfcare for us Bodyworkers (there is a difference between a Bodyworker and Masseur 😉) and Coaches:

7 Necessary Elements of Bodyworker Self-Care As a massage therapist, you probably spend most of your time helping clients improve their well-being. But what about you? Do you take the time to focus on your wellness needs? While it can be over…

Photos from Montreux Vevey Coaching Holistic by Gaile Lüthy's post 12/08/2023

Consciously connecting breath and body-mind techniques to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of being. An experiential and transpersonal therapeutic practice. Thats wat my "Transposition Breathwork" is.

The seasons take hand in English or German.

Keep on breathing ☺️ 🙏🏽🪷

The biggest myths about emotions, debunked | Lisa Feldman Barrett 18/07/2023

Nicely explained

The biggest myths about emotions, debunked | Lisa Feldman Barrett No, emotions don’t happen TO you. Here’s what happens instead.❍ Subscribe to The Well on YouTube: ❍ Up next: What trauma does...

Photos from Montreux Vevey Coaching Holistic by Gaile Lüthy's post 15/07/2023
MASSAGE - MOVEMENT - COACHING MONTREUX VEVEY BY Gaile Lüthy would love your feedback 20/06/2023

If you have already been or are my client, please feel free to leave a review 🙏🏽

MASSAGE - MOVEMENT - COACHING MONTREUX VEVEY BY Gaile Lüthy would love your feedback Post a review to our profile on Google


I can’t change my self. I am who I am. What I can do, is to improve my self.
What if life is about improvement? What feels better for you, in your mind, body and soul; to focus on the word change or improvement?

Photos from Montreux Vevey Coaching Holistic by Gaile Lüthy's post 15/04/2023

When release happens. For body mind and soul.

How it looks like this Saturday morning after a 105min treatment with coaching and massage ✨
Thank you 🙏🏽

Avenue du Casino 36
1820 Montreux

Allow change with an open heart.
Change is the only constant 🌍🌎🌏✨

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Avenue Du Casino 36

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