Emotional Athleticism
Self Development and Spiritual Evolution
Gnostic Intensive sessions avaliable:
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Seminar Duboki PEAT - Letnji popust
Because money is one of the crucial parts of contemporary life, it demands the encompassing approach and resolution.
Individuals ordinarily have wrong thoughts and ideas regarding money. They groundlessly believe that owning the money will make wanted inner states. The fact of the matter is obviously the opposite - conditions of awareness choose about inflow of money and about the ability to get it, have it and direct it.
As usual, in the connection between the inward world and the external world, the inward world is the reason and the external world is the outcome. The money is no exemption to that standard.
The most fundamental polarity in the money field (which everybody must encounter) is giving/receiving. The whole universe is built on it. (To give and receive at one's very own will, not to receive or get conducted by the charge existing on your polarities.) The Trouble with most of attendants in workshops centered to teach life achievement furthermore, money making, is in their attempt to make success or positive results result from negative identities. They try to swim over a wide stream wearing an overwhelming winter coat.
Creating adequate identities is what they need to swim well in the "cash stream". Luckily now it is possible with methods such as Deep PEAT and Universal Process.
July 20th,21st. 2019. - Certificated Deep PEAT Online Seminar 👉 https://bit.ly/2ZIn8XJ
In the past stages of spiritual evolution, it was necessary to experience charges in much longer periods. Now that's rapidly accelerated. At this point, a man can experience the charge for several seconds, which is enough to spread beyond the extremes of that feeling, and once before such an experience was acquired for months, years or lives.
Free method: 👉https://urlzs.com/BZwf
Naredni seminari i predavanja
☯ Duboki PEAT Seminar u Beogradu ☯
Obuka za sertifikovanog procesora Dubokog PEAT-a
Oslobodite se obrazaca ponašanja koji vas sabotiraju u postizanju ciljeva. Eliminišite neželjena stanja, traume, fobije, kompulsivna ponašanja.
🌊🌊🌊 Savladajte meotd ličnog i spiritualnog razvoja i otkrijte da lični potencijal nema granica.
👉 https://bit.ly/2KnVH1Y
Postoje dve faze na putu spiritualne evolucije - silazna i uzlazna. Za vreme silazne faze susrećemo se sa različitim nabojima koji obrazuju naš ego. U ovoj fazi ego je neophodan alat koji nam pomaže da razvijemo svesnost - spoznamo sebe odvojeno od ostatka egzistencije.
Duboki PEAT: Uvod u metod ličnog razvoja i spiritualne evolucije - Share Square 12.5.2019.
Share Square Share Square is a physical space where you can share your knowledge, skills and ideas similarly to the way you do on social media. You can imagine Share Square as a YouTube or Udemy of the real world. Share Square is also an anti-cafe, which means you pay only for your time and you can consume whate...
PEAT introduction
Dok je Sunce idalje na nebu, gusta oblačna obloga nas sprečava da ga vidimo. Kada se oblaci raziđu, postajemo svesni da je Sunce tamo sve vreme. Naši oblaci - maja koja se pojavljuje kao egoizam, sebičnost, mržnja, pohlepa, ljutnja - kontinuiranom primenom PEAT procesa nestaje i vidimo našu pravu prirodu. Dosledno delujemo i razmišljamo na način koji manifestuje naša istinska priroda. Primenom procesa mentalno pročišćavanje odvlači oblake maje i omogućava našoj istinskoj prirodi da sija.
After a number of Deep PEAT and Universal Method processes, the consciousness of the practitioner generates something like a hologram of wholeness. From that moment on, whenever one thinks of a thing, phenomenon or features, their polar opposites appear at once in his consciousness as its Siamese twin.
PEAT uvodno predavanje, 17.3.2019.
Share Square Share Square is a physical space where you can share your knowledge, skills and ideas similarly to the way you do on social media. You can imagine Share Square as a YouTube or Udemy of the real world. Share Square is also an anti-cafe, which means you pay only for your time and you can consume whate...
☯️ Seminar Dubokog PEAT-a u Beogradu ☯️
Oslobodite se obrazaca ponašanja koji vas sabotiraju u postizanju ciljeva. Eliminišite neželjena stanja, traume, fobije, kompulsivna ponašanja.
🌊🌊🌊 Savladajte meotd ličnog i spiritualnog razvoja i otkrijte da lični potencijal nema granica.
▶️ https://emotionalathleticism.net/seminar-u-bg/ ◀️
Ego is the basic source of our emotional and spiritual problems. The consequence of this fact is that Ego is the bases for a polarised being to have a dualistic experience of the world. Keeping our Ego separated, we project our unpleasant, negative and bad characteristics to outer world. Unavoidable consequence of such projection is our division and the unconsciousness of parts of us, which we project to others, feeling that we are blocked and limited, forgetting who we are as a whole. This feeling of alienation becomes even stronger when we label our experiences. Experiences become either good and desirable or bad and undesirable, more or less acceptable: mine and his, us and them, good and bad, love and hatred etc.
Becoming conscious of our rejected parts, enables us to start reacquiring and reintegrating them. As long as we are not ready to do that, as long as we have resistance to those parts and push them back into the darkness, the universe will repeatedly give us the same experiences, which we already lived, because their source is still active. Therefore we will go on passing through identical unwanted states, wondering what the causes are.
To learn how to use some of the methods created to find the solution of this problem or book a session click here: https://eathleticism.simplybook.it/v2/
We want to get each part to open up to the other and exchange their secrets if possible. If nothing else, each one can appreciate something about the other for purely selfish reasons. Each side has something the other side wants. But we need to gradually move towards the recognition that the other part is a part of itself. Sooner or later we will start realizing the ridiculousness of splitting ourselves up into two imperfect packages that are in conflict with each other.
Once we have recognized that both parts have positive qualities, and we have put them on the road to being more willing to deal with each other. Now we need them to learn from each other.
✨Unification process✨:
🎇 https://eathleticism.simplybook.it/v2/ /service/7/ 🎇
Deep PEAT Basic Structure
Deep PEAT is a transpersonal therapy method that enables quick, easy and elegant removal of the entire problem chain without emotional abreaction.
The word PEAT is short of: Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence. The word Deep describes deepest levels of content. Z. M. Slavinski considers it to be the best and deepest method that he ever made.
Running blocked energy flows in the aura, PEAT refreshes and neutralises the most distasteful content from inconspicuous times such as problems, destructive fantasies, obsessions, compulsions, possession, phobias, blockades, energy concentrates endowed with consciousness and many more.
Applying in-depth process, we strive for the highest state of consciousness and the deepest roots of the problem, our primordial polarities.
Deep PEAT PEAT is the method of personal and spiritual development. Deep PEAT is the most complex method ever made by Z.M. Slavinski. Word PEAT is short of: Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence. Word Deep describes the processing of deepest levels of content. For this reason, Slavinski considers it....
✨ Little Magical Method ✨
☯The basic mechanism of this method is the collapse of a wave to a particle, which we can easily manipulate.☯
Free Instructions Here ►https://emotionalathleticism.net/freemethod ◄
DP2 - DP2 Deep PEAT2 is one of the easiest methods and in some cases also the most powerful method above all Spiritual Technology methods. This method is especially beneficial when working with so called “Intellectual” clients who have tendency to rationalise. This methods goal is to help us remove ch...
Negativity Bias - Negativity Bias This phenomenon called “Negativity Bias” has an evolutionary hypothesis behind it: Negative experiences and traumas often carry a much higher survival cost (like death) that typicially far outwieghs the potential benefits we might gain from positive experiences. And so our brains...
Most of us have a knee jerk reaction to pain and suffering. We cower away from it. Try to hide. Try to push it away. We want it to end as quickly as possible, and thereby we miss the important lessons it can teach us.
Why You Should Embrace Suffering and Use It All of us suffer in some degree. Even Buddhist monks with decades of meditation experience suffer. The important question is how do you react to suffering? Most of us have a knee jerk reaction to p…
Vanishing of the problem - integration of two opposite polarities
George Orwell created the word doublethink in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (published in 1949).
Doublethink is the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts.Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy and neutrality. Also related is cognitive dissonance, in which contradictory beliefs cause conflict in one's mind. Doublethink is notable due to a lack of cognitive dissonance—thus the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.
Thoughts, feelings and sensations are as real as any physical object, and one should not allow ones self to use them as a means of escape, as there is no escaping the prison of life. It is not that you can’t escape, no-one has succeeded in this endeavor. Instead, you must put yourself into a position where you no longer feel the symbolic realm as a block.
Manifestacija prirode se ispoljava u konstantnoj promeni, u težnji duše da doživi svaki oblik iskustva, od najnižeg do najvišeg. Samo onda kada duša dostigne potpuno iskustvo, kada prihvatimo stvarnost onakvu kakva jeste ona postaje slobodna.
Main fields of human activities where we can apply ST methods
"Dvadeset godina je prošlo od kada sam stupio na svoju spiritualnu stazu. U svesti mnogih, spiritualni razvoj još uvek je povezan sa asketizmom, napornim radom i potiskivanjem svih vrsta. Povezan je sa odricanjem od zadovoljstva, uspeha, od svega što normalno ljudsko biće želi.
To je dosadan i beživotan crno beli film, lišen sokova života, u kojem aspirant sedi u neudobnoj i besmislenoj lotus pozi, stisnutih zuba, ozbiljnog i fokusiranog izraza lica, kao da pokušava da potisne poslednju iskru života, koja je nekako uspela da preživi i postavi se između aspiranta i njegovog ozbiljnog Boga, ili njegove sumorne Nirvane.
Ne, hvala.
U mom slučaju, moj put bio je i još uvek jeste, oslobađajuća, nenaporna i uzbudljiva kosmička avantura, u pravom smislu reči avantura. Više p**a, osetio sam ono uzbuđenje koje će doživeti budući svemirski istraživači, kada budu otkrivali nove svetove, nove dimenzije, nove oblike života...
Bez potrebe da u bilo kom trenutku ustanem iz svoje udobne fotelje, istražio sam i proputovao bezbrojne skrivene i udaljene delove svog univerzuma, njegov prostor i vreme, slojeve i dimenzije. U borbi sa njegovim čudnim stanovnicima, oslobodio sam mnoge delove sopstvenog Bića i doveo ih kući, tamo gde zaista pripadaju."
Vladimir Stojaković autor knjige // Put u sebe // (profesionalni praktičar Spiritualne Tehnologije, sa više od 25 godina iskustva i dugogodišnji student Živorada Mihajlovića Slavinskog.)
Uncover, make conscious and Neutralize your Primordial Polarities
Deep PEAT Introduction by Zivorad M Slavinski Презентация техники ПЭАТ Живорадом Славинским, английский язык http://lifing.info
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