C'MON - creative writing workshop
Schulen/Universitäten in der Nähe
Wada Sodonka
C'MON! is a creative writing workshop that destroys the romantic image of the artist by embracing interactivity and collectivity.
“Patrick), 19.01.2022, 10:31AM” got published in March in under the pseudonym Ingrid Verena.
Looking back to my past works, I venture to say it’s probably the text that got closest to being autobiographical. It was written as a response to another text published in entitled “Ingrid, 18.02.2021, 11:52AM”, written by Patrick Nietzscher.
And yeah, Patrick is another one of my alter-egoes.
You’ll meet the rest in 2023.
Be well,
I get a little sentimental during the SECRET SANTA x poetry exchange. I’m spending my holidays sitting behind a screen, reading poems from strangers and smiling at each and every submission.
Yeah, that’s my definition of the festive season. That’s what truly warms my heart.
And for that, I want to personally thank all of you. You’ve opened up a door to your own microcosm and invited us to peek into it.
That takes courage. That takes kindness.
Thank you for choosing that. ❤️
This is Will. Will submitted a poem and is hyped about receiving one in return. Will is kind. Will is enthusiastic.
Be like Will.
Only a few hours left to submit your poem for SECRET SANTA x poetry exchange!
Here’s a recap of how it works 💌
This is an invitation. An invitation to share a glimpse into your inner world. An invitation to peek into someone else’s.
SECRET SANTA x poetry exchange is an initiative that encourages participants to share heartfelt verses with each other. Whether you choose to stay anonymous or reveal your identity, you become part of a community that dances to an orchestra of harmonious voices, meanings, and thoughts.
Submit your poem by December 23rd here:
Photo by no one else but Cherie Birkner Photography
SECRET SANTA 2022 just got serious.
{ code == poetry; }
Two years have passed. But you’re all still on my mind.
Keep an eye out to see where your verses wind up at! ☁️
It’s time for the long-awaited bad rhyme: C’MON! IS TURNING ONE! I cannot believe I've started my first-time business on April Fools' Day and in 2020. Double trouble. Pfah, I guess it makes for a good story.
Now… Buckle up your seatbelts because I’m about to get lengthy. It’s my baby’s 1st anniversary and mama got a tad emotional. You can swipe to read more about C’MON!’s birth, but since I care about your eyes, I also uploaded the text on the blog:
10000 x THANK YOU!
*kalm* here are the answers to a frequently asked question about our initiative 😇 Let's help your friend with a lil' push!
📖 Read more on our website: www.cmon-workshop.com/womens-march
WOMEN'S MARCH x emerging writers
Should you be the friend of an up-and-coming female writer, don't miss the opportunity to give her a gentle push! 🧡 Our goal is to support, promote and guide 14 female writers in the upcoming weeks on our social media platforms and in our creative writing community.
As a friend, all you gotta do is recommend her via our online form: www.cmon-workshop.com/womens-march
C'MON! Let's blossom, writers!
C’MON! CALLING ALL THE FRIENDS OF EMERGING FEMALE WRITERS! Let’s open up a space where women can receive support and showcase their work!
emerging writer = in our community, any writer who has published less than 3 works (all writing genres and styles are welcome)
WOMEN’S MARCH is an initiative that aims to encourage, promote and support up-and-coming female writers from all over the world. All you gotta do is fill in the form on our website and recommend *this woman that has already popped up in your head*. I’m pretty sure we all know one.
After receiving the applications, we will select 14 writers who will receive our guidance and support in the upcoming weeks. The initiative is open for writers of all genres and styles, and our major criteria for the selection process is diversity. If you have not been selected, we still wanna support you, so we will send out our personal feedback to each and every person who has been recommended.
Let’s carry the 8th of March’s celebratory spirit for longer – for much, much, muuuuch longer.
C’MON! team
Alexandra Gheorghe, Emma Mmaar, Nina K Yakimova, Raluca Dorofte
📸 Cherie Birkner
🎶 Simeon Loth
The plot is simple: 2020 died and you're at its funeral. Find in the link in bio at C'MON - creative writing workshop this 2020-not-so-serious-booklet that ignites your creativity, writing skills, silliness, and perhaps self-reflection.
💙 💀
C’MON! Writing can be scary as f**k. Publishing what you wrote? Even scarier. Like a train that hits you at 90 miles per hour. And you’re fully naked. Ugh. I was sick of letting this fear derail my creative ambitions. And here I find myself pushing other people in front of the train.
“DISLOCATION” is C’MON!’s first joint collaboration that got published in FRAGMENTED, a NYC-based magazine. An exploration on punctuation marks and the loss of space written by Alexandra Gheorghe, Lula Dahringer, Mela Çağla Aribal, Teodora Mişcov, and Ioana Hodor.
This is not a one-time-only sort of thing - I’m stoked to announce that I wanna push more participants in front of this train in the following year. Hope there’ll be a queue. Ok? Ok.
took the poetry exchange to the next level 🎨
My heart pounds at such news. Iris Nuțu, a beloved C'MON! graduate, received the "Best MA Thesis in Humanities" award from The Senate of the University of Bucharest. Her thesis is entitled "The Novel's Long Journey into Films. Representations and Reconfigurations of Depression in Film Adaptation".
Proud of you!
Mândri, bucuroși! Iris Nuțu, alumna în 2020 a programului nostru de masterat „Societate, Multimedia, Spectacol”, a primit astăzi premiul pentru „Cea mai bună disertație în Științe umaniste”, acordat de către Senatul Universității din București. Titlul lucrării: „Lungul drum al cărții către film. Reprezentări și reconfigurări ale depresiei în relația literatură-cinema”.
„Subiectul proiectului de cercetare – reprezentarea culturală și artistică a depresiei – este abordat nu doar din perspectiva `literarității` literaturii și din cea a specificității limbajului cinematografic, ci și prin prisma procesului critic al adaptării transmediale – un fenomen complex (opus noțiunii mult mai comune de `ecranizare`), înțeles pe rând ca `traducere` intermedială, remediere, teorie critică, suport al unor teorii din studiile de gen, ‘queer studies’, teoriile afectului, trans-codare culturală”, a argumentat în cuvântul de susținere a disertației pentru premiu îndrumătorul principal al lucrării, lector dr. Cezar Gheorghe.
Iris, suntem mândri de tine și îți suntem recunoscători, pentru că, prin contribuția ta științifică, programul SMS are acum și el în palmares un premiu la această categorie, precum programul CESI „Teoria și practica imaginii” (la ediția I). Disertațiile CESI contribuie substanțial la consolidarea studiilor culturale vizuale, așa cm noi le-am inaugurat în România în urmă cu 20 de ani.
Mult succes în continuare și spor la lucru, în pregătirea pentru publicare a disertației în colecția CESI „Text și imagine” (EUB), seria Disertații.
Woah! 😳 93 people have already signed up for the SECRET SANTA x poetry exchange. I'm soooo stoked! You can still sign up by tomorrow, 18.12, 11:59PM *CET* on www.cmon-workshop.com
Please don't forget to confirm your subscription since you will receive a follow-up e-mail (which might unfortunately end up in Promotions or Spam due to the large number of participants).
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon, let's hit 100!
C’MON! Gift a microcosm and receive one in return.
This Christmas, I want to encourage both writers and non-writers to immortalise a moment in time by participating in a world-wide SECRET SANTA x poetry exchange (English only).
You can sign up on www.cmon-workshop.com
After enrolling, please make sure to check your e-mail for more info ✍
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