Momoko healing - Transformation and liberation through energy work

Energy healing and transformation

My method is a combination of shiatsu, bodywork, somatic experiencing, neuro-affective relational-model, reiki, shamanism, radical compassion, energy and breathing exercises and meditations, and are available in person and online. If you wish to commit to a full transformational program, and are willing to dedicate the necessary time and energy over a three month period, you can apply for a free call here:

Photos from Momoko healing - Transformation and liberation through energy work's post 30/05/2024

One client touched me particularly today: after her daughter got diagnosed with a terminal illness, she started to trust her daughter’s intuition regarding healing their relationship.

She started to acknowledge the impact of things she had done to her in her childhood, stopped dismissing it as not important, or justifying it through her good intentions. She started to receive her daughter’s experience.

They both received a lot of healing from it, and there is now so much love between them. Her daughter is still alive, much longer than the time that she was given.

The mother has become very committed to healing. She came today to work on her own childhood wounds. Wounds that lead her to terrible guilt feelings, send her in extremely painful loops and prevent her from connecting.

The beauty of this intergenerational reconnection moved me deeply.

We as humans are only starting to truly understand child’s psychology, how emotions work and how to have respectful relationships.

At the moment, most of us have to do our healing alone and with the support of a therapist. But I wonder how it will be for the next generations: maybe they will be able to create healing relationships with their children, parents, partners and friends.

This exchange reminded me of what has been one of my biggest drives for pursuing healing: becoming a mother. I quickly realized that I wouldn’t be the mother I wanted to be if I didn’t sort out my own childhood trauma.

My son has turned 10 this year. It was around that age that I started to hate my parents.
When I realized that, at that same age, my son and I have a completely different relationship and keep growing in trust and appreciation, instead of disconnection and alienation, I was so moved!

No, it wasn't easy to face that hate and to allow the excruciating pain behind it.

But every time i look into my son's eyes and see trust and love, I know it was so worth it.

📸 photo of our sleepless beginnings


Why is regenerative leadership the key to a thriving society?

The word regeneration immediately evokes nature and the soil.

But it can be applied to all areas of life.

Look at what it means when we talk about nature:

It means to restaure fertility and abundance through rediversifying and combining qualities and needs of the different parts of the ecosystem. We do this by mixing traditional knowledge with innovation and understanding how to create nurturing and supportive relationships between the parts, including what we have deemed as unuseful and discarded in an extractive, homogenizing, paradigm approach.

So how does it look like to bring regeneration in other areas:

💚 In Seattle, an elderly home is now sharing the space with a child-care and preschool, reweaving intergenerational relationships in a world where more and more children don’t have access to grandparents and elderly people end up isolated.

💚 In the Vermont Center for Integrative Therapy, Bree Benjamin Greenberg brought under one roof psychiatric services with bodywork, meditation and energy work embedded in an inclusive community.

💚 Research is showing that educational spaces designed for neurodivergent children were also more beneficial to neurotypical children than traditional environments.

💚 The Compassion Prison Project brings awareness about Adverse Childhood Experiences and their role in criminalization and emphasizes the role of care for rehabilitation.

💚 In the buddhist center where I practice regularly, accommodations are made according to people's abilities: wheel-chair accessibility, chairs for those who can’t sit on the ground, practice manuals in different languages, practicing more slowly when there are newcomers, etc.

💚 In my neighbourhood, it is allowed to do unofficial flea markets and people also put a lot of freeboxes around (circular and gift economy).

These are only a few examples, but in them, you can see how these initiatives benefit not only the groups directly involved but enrich and pollinate society as a whole, creating a more fertile ground for interconnectivity and resources access.

It’s the giving that keeps giving.

What are the regenerative practices that you are already implementing?

Where do you see points of improvements in the systems you are evolving in, where you could start to lead change?


This Labours Day I am having a lot of thoughts about work inspired by my condition as a chronically ill and neuroatypical person and a recent talk I had with a friend who has been working since a few month for a narcissistic boss.

I have been doing all kinds of jobs despite always being top of class because I started to work at 16 (as my priority was to leave my parents’ house as soon as possible and I needed to support myself autonomously). In most of the jobs I took without training or certifications, I have been exploited, belittled and/or objectified.

Working only started to feel better when I started freelancing: I could finally be creative, listen to my intuition and be in integrity with myself, taking the training I needed when I needed them and giving myself the opportunity to keep learning and evolving.

It is also because I was my own boss that I could make accommodations when I became ill and when I became a parent.

Of course, that doesn't mean it has been easy and I had to have a lot of tenacity and confidence in the times where finances were meager.

But to me it has been the only way to create a “workplace” that wasn't destructive of my mental and physical health.

Now, my friend was telling me about her new boss who is almost a cliché of a narcissist: he gets in bouts of rage and constantly threatens to fire people, criticizing everyone and pitting them against each other.

As a mental health professional,I am worried about her despite her strength, as I know first hand that this kind of environment completely wrecks people's nervous systems and it can take years to recover from this kind of consistent strategic undermining.

But despite everyone in the company, as well as their partners and clients, recognizing what this man is doing, and suffering from it, he is the one never worrying about his job or status.

How do we still live in a world where everyone else is paying the price for the insanity of a few?

And everyone is arranging their lives around them, struggling to raise their children, fearing to become sick or disabled and to be discarded?

How do we hold them accountable?

I think the first step is to stop normalizing these behaviours and start to change the culture.

Please comment with the most horrifying things you have experienced or witnessed from leaders. 👇


What an energizing morning at .community with !

It always makes me feel so hopeful to hear from sustainable and systems-changing initiatives and get to know incredible creators such as Louis Schwab and Alexander S. Wolf .

And feel the power of this movement ❤️‍🔥


Are you an innovative leader or a creative visionary seeking to impact societal and/or cultural change in a radical way?

In a world that's constantly evolving, it's crucial for leaders to embrace an inclusive, regenerative, and holistic paradigm. As a transformation catalyst, I specialize in guiding individuals and teams on the journey towards embodying and manifesting this transformative vision.

✨ Why is this approach so essential? Because true transformation begins with healing. Both individual and collective trauma can act as barriers to progress, perpetuating outdated systems rooted in fear, scarcity, and division. These systems often prioritize short-term gains over long-term sustainability and fail to address the complex challenges we face in today's world.

🌱 At the heart of this transformation is the recognition that change starts from within. We cannot hope to create a more inclusive and regenerative society without first doing the inner work to heal and grow ourselves. By cultivating self-awareness, empathy, and resilience, we become better equipped to lead with authenticity and compassion, inspiring others to join us on this journey of personal and collective evolution.

Together, we can co-create a future where authenticity, empathy, and sustainability are not just buzzwords, but integral parts of our organizational culture and societal fabric. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, recognizing that the path to a better world begins with each and every one of us.

Ready to take the first step towards a more inclusive, regenerative, and holistic future? Reach out to me today to explore how we can collaborate on your transformational journey. Together, we can be the change we wish to see in the world.


Healing Systems (SSIR) 16/02/2024

"Addressing trauma in our systems requires that we create space for social change leaders, teams, and collaborations to engage in understanding how the trauma inside us affects the problems outside us.

It also requires that social change leaders, trauma experts, and trained and traditional healers collectively forge a common language; build trust, relationships, and alliances; and advocate together for integrating collective healing processes into the work of systems change."

Healing Systems (SSIR) How recognizing trauma in ourselves, other people, and the systems around us can open up new pathways to solving social problems.


Es war mir eine große Ehre, diese leuchtende Frau auf ihrem Weg begleiten zu dürfen.

Sie begleitet jetzt mit ihrem mutigen und zarten Herzen Frauen, die ähnliche Erfahrungen machen wie sie 🤍

Ihre Geschichte ist hier zu hören:

Photos from Momoko healing - Transformation and liberation through energy work's post 08/02/2024

How yummy it this to study embodied embryology with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen 😊

I am fascinated by these shapes and the movements that create them.

I am so excited to add these practices to my toolbox and share them with my clients.

Such great resources, especially for complex developmental trauma and neurodivergence, to reaccess the vertical axis and reconnect with fluidity. 😸


¨I came across Magali because I was looking for a way to relax. I first booked a deep relaxation massage. I found it wonderful and have rarely been so relaxed.

I was in a situation of overload, stress and defense for years.
I was able to do my job and see the needs of others, but I couldn't do anything good for myself anymore.

After our first meeting, I found Magali to be a very pleasant and calm-radiating person. She is present and yet reserved.

Problem solving is a process. Through conversations, treatments, homework such as breathing techniques and daily writing, I could find an approach to where my problem arises.
The approach to addressing the nervous system through treatment/massage is unique for me.
I felt looked after and I perceived it as a “caring” that appealed to my inner child.

I see the encounter with Magali as a great treasure. It still has an effect. I can also benefit from it in the future. I can only recommend it! Everyone has to gather their own experiences. It is important to open yourself up and look curiously at what emerges while working with Magali.”

Cora Claus


*For german speakers*

Journalist Daniela Noack did a little report about me and the Holographic Healing Nest for Forum Magazin.

You can find it on their website here:
or in the paper version in "Mein Büro" section.

Thank you Daniela for the lovely interview 🙏


"There is a special quality of stillness in a person who encounters their shadow wholeheartedly. Your body may relax in their company because it understands, in the subtle communications of their presence, that nothing is excluded in themselves, or you, from belonging."

~Toko-pa Turner


Christmas flash sale - 25% off all offers
Sessions can be done in person and online
Gift cards available
My personal end of the year wishes to you, read here:

Holistic Marketing for Experts - Momoko Healing with Magali 17/12/2023

Enjoy this new interview i did with the lovely Mary Saienko where you can discover the weird sounds i like to make.

Wait until the end to find out how to use a microphone as a make-up brush 😂

Of course we are also talking about healing 😉

Holistic Marketing for Experts - Momoko Healing with Magali Watching Magali’s eyes for 1 hour of our interview transformed my life perception and taught me a lot. Being hyper sensitive as well I absorb the vibe, and w...

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