Thriving Essence

I CONNECT you with the WISDOM of your own heart to EMBODY + COMMUNICATE your innermost TRUTH

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 04/05/2024

FemTRIBE, a supportive ceremonial space for ambitious entrepreneurial women to gather.
No matter where you are in your business journey, you are welcome here.

Friday 10th May, 2024
18h30 - 20h
This month we gather in a gorgeous new studio space,
El Poblenou, Barcelona
This is a FREE event, yet bookings are essential.
Very limited spots are available.
Please only sign up if you can commit.

🔗 Link in bio to sign up.
Looking forward to welcoming you into the TRIBE!

Much love,

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 08/03/2024

To all the incredible women out there.
Past, present and emerging.
May you always remember your worth.
Your value in this world.
May you stand proud to be a woman.
And remember the power inside of you.
May you remember that your words matter.
That your experience matters.
May you stop silencing yourself.
And let your story inspire.
May you find the courage within.
To keep showing up.
May you learn to receive as much as you give.
May you slow down and rest during menstruation.
May you honour your body and her rhythm.

Today we honour the women who came before us.
Those who refused to be silenced.
Who defied expectations.
Women are the heart of every community.
Let’s use this day to celebrate those women around us.
Who inspire us, empower us and support us.
Let’s commit to dismantling the misogyny that lives inside us, as well as in the systems we live in, that hold us back.
Let’s lift each other up, celebrating both our gifts and differences.
You and me, we are the change makers.
Here’s to the women I know, I love, who I have met, and all those I never will.
I thank you.
I honour you.
I celebrate you.
I love you.

Happy international women’s day!

📸 Grandma and I on her 90th last week!

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 04/03/2024

Back home in Australia, on this sacred land, alongside family.
One month away from social media has allowed me the space to ground and feel more relaxed than I have in a long time.

I needed this time to breathe, to return to my centre and rediscover what it is I wanted to share here.
What it is that inspires me, and what it is that can and will create deep impact for you in your body and life.

My upcoming ceremonial offers are:

🩸The Rhythmic Woman (Coming in May - Virtual)
🌹FemTRIBE (Available In Person/Virtual)
🌹Sacred Cacao Journeys (Coming Soon - In Person/Virtual)
🌹Women circles (Coming Soon - In Person)

My deepest desire is for you to slow down, to create deep intimacy with your body, to reconnect and remember your worth and value here on earth and walk with confidence towards your most empowered life.

If you are new here, welcome.
If you have been following me since the beginning, I appreciate you.

I am evolving, I am growing as is this page.

More info to come on all offers in the coming days, weeks and months.

Sign up to my newsletter via my website to receive more info and to join the waitlist for The Rhythmic Woman.

Much love,


We close our hearts as a means of protection.
But closing your heart does not really protect you from anything; it just cuts you off from those around you.
In the end it only serves to lock you inside.

Don’t trap yourself my love.
The world already does that for us.

The darkness and challenges you experience on the outside only offer a deepening into the unknown crevices of your heart. So that you can expand wider and more rooted in your being.

Give yourself over to the expansiveness of love you have stored within.
Don’t be afraid.
Feel it’s depth, it’s richness.
And savour it.
Until you are ready to pour this love out into the world.

Let it be known.
Let it be seen.
Let the world feel you my love.

You are the medicine the world is waiting for.

Comment below if this resonates for you👇🏼

Much love,


☀️The Ovulatory phase☀️
The mother archetype
Our inner summer phase
The phase where we feel the most energised, creative and empowered, the most sexually attractive, magnetic and radiant.

The follicular and ovulatory phases are the most accepted and celebrated in society.
Because we are the most giving and nurturing during this time, often to our own detriment. 

It’s a time of peak fertility, creation, wanting to give, mother others and focus on our projects.
We can get carried away with praises, and gratification during this phase.
We try to stay here, in this phase with this energy and then burn ourselves out.
Because we are not honouring the cyclical nature of our bodies.

During this phase, it is SO important to give to yourself, before you overly give to others.
Some women may also feel the intensity of this phase with overwhelm, anxiety and even fatigue.
And this is where ceremonial cacao can support you 👇🏼

💫Theobromine, a natural stimulant in cacao, can offer a gentle energy boost, which might be helpful for some women who experience fatigue or overwhelm
💫During this phase, social interactions are most appealing, so consuming cacao in a ritual or ceremony, can create a deeper sense of community and belonging
💫During ovulation, big hormonal changes are occurring. Cacao contains flavonoids that may support hormonal balance.
💫Cacao is rich in various minerals and antioxidants like magnesium, iron, potassium, which may help support overall health and wellbeing during this phase
💫During the ovulatory phase, a cacao ritual for yourself, enables a moment of self care, meditation and introspection. Allowing you a moment to fill your own cup first.

If you find yourself overly giving and motherly in this phase or even in general, 
Know that it’s the wound of how society has conditioned you to be.
Let this be your permission slip to step back and take a moment for yourself.
To mother yourself, to nurture yourself, to be there for yourself first!
And what better way to do that than being with Mother Earth and a warming cup of ceremonial cacao.

🌹Comment below if this resonates 👇🏼

Much love,



🌸 The follicular phase 🌸
The time of our cycle where the maiden archetype is most activated
Our inner spring phase
The phase of our cycle that society most accepts

It’s the phase where we are most excitable, adaptable, flirty, enthusiastic and playful.
It’s the phase where we are blossoming open with rising energy and led by curiosity.

This phase technically begins when you begin bleeding (your menstrual phase), because of the new follicles forming at the very same time.
But for now I’m referring to the moment when you stop bleeding and a surge of oestrogen occurs.

This surge of oestrogen, gives us this surge of energy, of vitality in our days.
It marks a new beginning, a new opportunity to dream and increases our creativity.
This surge of energy can also cause an increase in anxiety and stress for some women.

Ceremonial cacao can absolutely support and complement you during this phase too, here’s how 👇🏼

💫 Ceremonial cacao’s mood-enhancing properties can support your rising creativity and the exploration of new ideas and projects
💫This phase is an optimal time for setting intentions and goals for the upcoming cycle. Consuming cacao mindfully can help focus your intention, and support further clarity on your manifestations
💫Since hormones are changing, ceremonial cacao can support the balance and stability of emotions with the release of serotonin
💫Consuming ceremonial cacao can support deeper connection to yourself, and help you appreciate and honour the natural cycle of your body

It’s important to take time for yourself especially in this phase.
Since your energy is rising, you are becoming more outward.
You can easily betray yourself by pleasing others before yourself.
You may find yourself struggling to say no.
By creating a ritual with cacao, you learn to slow down and honour your needs first.
This will help you avoid burn out, and the intensity of the luteal phase (see last post),
Which often occurs when we give to others and ignore our own needs.

This phase is a perfect opportunity to sit with a cup of cacao to begin your cycle nourished and nurtured!

🌹Comment below if this resonates 👇🏼

Much love,



🍁The luteal phase
The most misunderstood phase
Your wild woman phase
Our longest phase
The phase of our cycle we dread
But it doesn’t have to be that way

Society taught us that being wild, direct and honest with our needs and desires isn’t acceptable
We’ve been taught to be the good girl, to be the people pleasers
This phase can scare us as women, because we are going against everything society has taught us to be
So our truth is repressed

All that you suppress during your cycle comes up here
All the s**t you put up with in your giving, loving phases (Follicular/Ovulatory) is seen clearly
In this phase you can no longer pretend
The irritability, the impatience, the anger during this phase is due to you NOT honouring yourself
In this phase you finally stand up for yourself
And that can feel overwhelming and intense

The more you honour your cyclical body, your wildness, your truth, the less symptoms, cramps and irritability you will have in this phase 🔥

A cup of ceremonial cacao during this phase can be incredibly supportive for your body;

👉🏼Cacao contains compounds that boost serotonin levels, which can help regulate your mood and irritability triggered by the hormonal fluctuations
👉🏼Magnesium in cacao can have a calming effect and reduce your stress levels
👉🏼Flavonoids in cacao, may help in balancing hormones, easing symptoms of bloating and breast tenderness
👉🏼The nutritional richness of cacao provides nourishment and comfort in this phase when the body might have more cravings
👉🏼Creating ritual and slowness as you consume cacao can help you listen to your inner voice and desires

A lot is shifting and changing within
Honour what is coming up
Cry, scream, dance, sing, nurture yourself

Embody your truth from the heart
It is you who will then break other wild woman free

You no longer need to hate or be afraid of this phase
There is so much potency to experience here!

🌹Comment below if this resonates 👇🏼

Much love,



Last year I moved 38 times.
38 times!
From hotels, to hostels, to friends spare rooms and sofas, to strangers homes as an exchange.
Can you imagine how destabilizing and ungrounding that is.
There are only 52 weeks in a year, so I was rarely somewhere longer than a week.
And today I already moved to my 3rd place this year.

It’s near impossible to create and give when your foundation is non existent.
It’s near impossible to continue your routines and rituals when your focus is where to stay next.

As someone who shares and guides women to live in rhythm with their cycle.
To slow down in life, to bring more ritual into their days.
I have to admit it was challenging.
But not impossible.

It is easy to forget our bodies wisdom, when our mind is blinded in fear.
But not impossible.

Even through all the moving, packing, uncertainty, I could still make a choice.
I could still choose to come back to my body.
To check in with her.
Even for a few minutes a day.
To make one simple choice that day to honour my wellbeing, even if so much else felt out of my control.

It’s easy to forget that everything led me here, into this experience.
Into the person I am today.
Everything is leading me to greater clarity, even if it’s slower than expected.

What ever you experienced last year, no matter how challenging, don’t forget that there is so much abundance and richness that comes to you daily, just by you being alive.
You can be supported and nourished, simply by your own touch, your own breath, your own sweet words.

You are your greatest healer, teacher and lover.
No matter what you are going through, come back to your body.
Create the space to hold yourself, to listen and to feel your body.
Over and over again.
If I could find the time, I know you can too.

May this year be a year of ritual, of slowing down, of deeper connection to your body and your essence.

Much love,

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 02/01/2024

❤️‍🔥Friendly reminder:
The courage to do it, comes way before the confidence.
Find the courage and the confidence will grow from there!

My words for 2024 are:
🔥Wealth - in all areas of my life!

2023 from the outside may have looked expansive and adventurous.
And it was on SO many levels. Amazingly, I traveled to 9 countries.
Yet from the inside it was the most challenging, isolating and reflective year yet.

2023 saw me self-sabotaging my business and what I offer to you.
I was holding back, hiding and allowing my limiting beliefs to run the show.
Over and over again!
Doing a disservice to you, my community.

This year, 2024, I take full responsibility of my bulls**t.
No waiting, no maiden energy here, wishing for another to tell me what and how to do something.
I own my desires, my visions and I will find a way to take action and expand my business and wealth.
Even if I completely fail, and don’t live up to your expectations.

What others think of me is none of my business.
Nervous system regulation tools are absolutely my best friend moving forward!

May you remember why you are here on earth.
May you remember your innate gifts.
May you find the courage to embrace and live them fully.
You are full of possibility.
Someone is craving to hear the wisdom you hold.

🔥 Remember if you don’t do it, someone else less qualified than you, will!

Let’s go 👉🏼2024!!

Much love,

📸 Bali when I finally released “The Rhythmic Woman” - a momentous moment for me when I fully believed in my vision ❤️‍🔥


Ceremonial cacao
A plant, a medicine, a product that you still may not understand.

Cacao (Spanish), also known as cocoa (English).
Comes from the Cacao/Cocoa tree.

The word ”ceremonial” before cacao doesn’t actually exist in central/South America.
It’s a term we use here in the west to distinguish between industrialized chocolate vs “ceremonial” cacao that has been farmed and processed traditionally, over wood fire, hand peeled, stone ground into a paste, all with song, prayer, intention, respect and love.

“Ceremonial” cacao is essentially chocolate in its purest form, nothing added, nothing taken away, farmed, cultivated and processed in a way that honours and retains all the powerful nutrients, mood enhancing compounds and the feminine essence of cacao.
It’s not sold as a chocolate bar to eat, but more something to prepare as a drink, to consume with intention in a ritualistic, ceremonial setting.

This is how cacao was made and consumed for thousands of years before it was misused and farmed in mono cultures farms, brought over to Europe, mass produced and processed in metal machinery, with the addition of sugars, milks, additives and preservatives. Causing it’s sacredness, it’s energy, its medicine to be disrupted and lost.

When “ceremonial” cacao is consumed in a sacred space, in ritual, with gratitude, with intention, it enhances it’s effects and is a gentle yet potent medicine for your mind, body and spirit.

There is a difference.
Do you agree?


As someone who shares and serves ceremonial cacao,
I first spent months and months and months communing with cacao from different lands,
from different cultures, farmed and produced in different ways, to know how the cacao felt within me.
The energy of the cacao, it’s effects on me, and so much more, before I ever felt ready to serve it.

To this day, I have travelled to many lands, and continue to try cacao made by different tribes, cultures and processes.
And trust me when I say, they are all so completely different.
The littlest change in farming, production, intention, can have a huge effect on it’s outcome.
Not only the taste, but it’s energy.

I often get asked if I can serve a cheaper or different cacao at the events I’m invited too.
I don’t share cacao that I haven’t worked with before, or does not hold the reverence, and transparency I require.

There is a reason why I serve what I serve and why I’m so confident sharing it with you.
I don’t take the responsibility of holding space and sharing this medicine lightly.
I truly hope you can feel the difference when you enter my spaces.

Excited to hold space tonight at with cacao
*Thankfully, no snow involved, just warmth and love 🕯️☕️🤎

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 12/12/2023

When you’re disconnected from yourself, you’ve disconnected from nature.
When you ignore nature, you ignore yourself.
When you escape and run from the seasons of nature, you run from those seasons within you.
Have you lost your connection with nature and her cycles?

It’s winter here in the Northern hemisphere.
It’s a time of slowness, of rest.
Of embracing the darkness that nature provides us.
It’s a time of letting go and rooting down.

I used to avoid winters as much as possible.
Now I see how much I was running from the darkness within myself.
Too afraid to slow down, to rest or “waste time.”
Too afraid of what I would discover or feel within the darkness of my being.

Over the years, the more I embraced all aspects of myself,
Connecting to the seasons within my cyclical body,
The more I embraced the seasons outside of me.
And desired to be with nature and all her expressions.

Although I’m still a deep lover of sun, summer and warm nights,
I don’t fear winter like I used to.
Consequently, I have found the joy and comfort in the dark, the cooler nights and the snow falling around me.

What ever season you find yourself in on the outside, how can you embrace it, and find the wisdom from it.
The same goes for the season you are navigating within you, it’s a phase, which too won’t last.
Stay present with what is, right here and now.
It won’t last. We are cyclical beings, influenced by the cycles of nature and the moon.
Open your senses to it all.
It’s all so beautiful and the way nature intended.


Much love,

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 12/12/2023

Cacao is an indigenous medicine
Where modern medicine numbs our pain
Indigenous medicine enhances our pain
It enhances the difficulties, the challenges we are navigating
It enhances our mindset, our trauma, our beliefs we have been attached too
Allowing us to truly see, to truly feel it all, for what it is
But don’t let that deter you away from a medicine that can truly allow you to live more open and authentic even in the most challenging of times
It gives us the awareness of what has been holding us back, what has kept us running and avoiding life
Giving us the chance to make a conscious decision to make changes
Cacao creates the space for it all to come up and out
We can’t evolve, transform and advance on our journey in life, if we don’t become intimate with these parts of ourself
Cacao guides us there, lovingly
Supporting us to be our own medicine
To get out of our own way
To share our uniqueness and pure love with the world 🤍

Honoured to be sharing this medicine alongside my friend tomorrow night.
Gratitude to those who are willing to show up and co-create this space with us!

Much love,


I’m safe
Yet I have no home
I live where I can
With friends who will take me in
Until I find my own place
I’m not worried
Yet worry floats around behind the scenes
It seeps in to all I do
Do I focus on staying here?
Or should I leave?
Does the city want me?
Or is it time to leave?
Questions I ask daily
Surrendering to what shows up day to day
Floating with the tide
Rather then pushing against the current
Cacao helps me stay connected to myself, rather than the fear that wants to take centre stage
As I navigate the transitions of life
I wait
Yet I also create
Taking responsibility for my life
Yet also allowing for what is meant for me
Visions are strong
Yet blurry
Duality permeates in all I am
This is the human experience
This is my reality
This is my current season
And no season ever lasts forever
So I embrace it, full heartedly
Trusting, over and over again

Comment below 👇🏼 if you too are navigating transitions right now? Deep in the unknown? You’re not alone!

Much Love,


Why do you need to know?
Can you embrace the mystery?
Why are you so fixated on having everything figured out?
Why are you controlling everything?
It’s ok not to know.
Can you surrender to not knowing?
Breathe my love.
It’s ok to surrender to the plan that is greater than you.
There is beauty in not knowing.
Be moved by life.
In the unfolding that is happening around you.
It’s beautiful.
It’s magical.
It’s all happening for you.
Live my love.
In the flow.
In the mystery.
It will all land.
Just not when you expect.

Comment below 👇🏼 if you needed to read these words today.

Much love,

📸 .captures


I started learning about somatics
About trauma awareness
About nervous system regulation
At a time I needed it the most

Burnt out from giving too much
Deep in grief after the loss of my cat
I packed all my belongings into storage
With a one way ticket to the other side of the world
Unsure of where the path would lead me
Unsure of the life I was creating
Unsure of the business I was nurturing
Leaving it all behind
To return to myself

I had to.
And I’m so glad I did.

Although still unclear of where life is guiding me
My nervous system can handle this unknown
I have built a capacity to be with life,
And it’s mystery in a way I never could before.
There is a sense of safety within my being
Various tools and practices collected along my way
That root me, even in the chaos.

Next year, a new way of working with me will be birthed.
👉🏼 1:1 Somatic coaching
A deeper more impactful way to reconnect and be with your body.
The time is coming my loves, and I honestly can’t wait!

Until then, remember to be gentle with yourself 🤍

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 13/11/2023

World Kindness day 🤍

Starts with kindness towards yourself, then spreads like wildfire across the world.

The kindness you express and offer to yourself, enables you to be more kind and loving towards others.

The kindness others feel from you, then ripples into their community and so forth.

Spread kindness today, tomorrow and every day you are here on this earth.

The world needs it!

💫 Women entrepreneurs in Barcelona, FemTRIBE is meeting again. Let’s support and be kind to one another, inspiring and lifting each other in our respective businesses 🔥
🔗 Link in bio to reserve

Much Love,

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 11/11/2023

5 days of serving cacao to the community.
5 days of sharing the medicine to many who had never connected with it before.
5 days of supporting people to take a moment to pause and feel into their bodies wisdom.
To feel the aliveness within.
To reconnect and remember their essence.
To recognise and accept parts of themselves they have avoided and/or hidden.
5 days of watching the sunrise together, to realise our privilege and to celebrate life and this new opportunity we are gifted.
To recognise who we want to be and what is holding us back.
5 days of seeing smiles and tears, breakthroughs and pure gratitude.

Always touched and honoured to share this medicine and for it to be so well received 🤍

Until we meet again, next year!

Big love,

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 08/11/2023

I do what I do because I know what it feels like to feel so disconnected, so numb, so lost and out of touch with myself and body.

I create these safe and sacred spaces, to guide you to reconnect and remember who you truly are. To un become who you are not.

I am not here to fix you. You are already whole. I am solely here to guide you back to your essence.

Take a moment with me tomorrow on the beach at sunrise, with the nourishing and supportive medicine of cacao to reflect, to breathe, to listen, to create the stillness and presence to observe your inner world.

📍Playa del Bogatell
📅Thurs 9th NOV
⏰6:45am - 8:45am

🔗Link in bio to join

This will be a small and intimate circle.
I would love to see you there, welcoming in this new day together, with an abundance of clarity, compassion and love for our life, our path, our journey.

Much love,


Cacao is a somatic experience
It’s a homecoming
A remembrance
Into your being
Into who you truly are

If you’ve forgotten
If you’re disconnected
Cacao can support you
To come back home to yourself
Out of your head and into your body
Into your heart

That’s where your true self resides
Buried there under societal conditionings
Under opinions you made of how to be
Under shields of protection

Let me guide you, lovingly
Safely into your being, into your heart
Let’s journey there together
With the medicine of cacao

💫 Deep gratitude for the women I guided this weekend retreat.
Sharing not only the medicine of cacao, but the wisdom of the menstrual cycle.
Together reconnecting and relearning the wisdom of our unique bodies to be and live more aligned and true 🤍

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 18/10/2023

“Women supporting women”

A local community of ambitious entrepreneurial women who come together to share knowledge, experience, tools, who contribute their energy and resources, who inspire, collab, support and lift eachother up in our respective business ventures.
A tribe of women who encourages everyone to succeed and grow exponentially 🔥

When women are supported, their impact increases for the greater good of all 🤍

Come join us ♡

Thursday 19th October
13h - 14h30
At Frizzant, Barcelona
FREE event

🔗Link in Bio to Reserve


The darkness is calling me
My body is getting heavier, denser, slower
The season within is changing
My hormones are plummeting
Into the depth of the underworld I go
The place beneath me
The place within me
Deep down into my womb
Oh how beautiful it is
This space that asks for rest
This space of introspection
Of slowness
This place where I hear it all so clearly
Those subtle whispers
All that I have been ignoring
Feeling this instinctual need
To let parts of me die
Giving myself permission to let it go
Living with this knowledge of death
So that I can more fully embrace the creation of life
This is the gift of our menstrual cycle
This decent won’t be here for long
For now I lovingly allow myself to nestle here
This is what living cyclically is all about
Gracefully loving your natural rhythm
Not trying to be anywhere but here
Surrendering to all it’s wisdom

Much love, FIONA ♡


The work you do is not to save anyone.
It’s not to heal your ancestors.
It’s to heal YOU.
And as a byproduct it liberates them.

I don’t do the work for them anymore.
I don’t hold onto their pains anymore.
I don’t pressure myself the way I used to.
I do it all for me, to let go and to feel free within my being.
I give them back what is theirs that I unconsciously took out of love.
Giving them their power back, so that I can be more me.

Once you’re aware of what your holding, you can consciously return it.

The more I do to release what is not mine.
To come back home to my truth, releasing the patterns, the stories, the ingrained traumas.
The more I see the direct effect it has on my mother and grandmother.
This work is powerful and you are strong enough and then some.

May your intention be to return to your wholeness.
To your beauty. Your worth.
You are your ancestors dream.
Don’t forget that!

Much love, FIONA ♡

Photos from Thriving Essence's post 18/09/2023

Welcome to FemTRIBE 🌹💻

A community of women entrepreneurs who contribute their energy and resources to help lift and encourage everyone to succeed and believe in themselves.

The more entrepreneurial women I speak too, the more I realise how much we are all craving the same supportive space.

A tribe of women in business, who can share knowledge and up lift each other in our respective business ventures.

Women entrepreneurs grow exponentially when given access to the right tools, coaching and community, so let us create this for each other.

You are welcome if:
👉🏼You have started your own business venture
👉🏼You feel alone, unsupported, out of your depth
👉🏼You feel you can support others, and be willing to share your experience and wisdom.
👉🏼You are looking for new friendships, connections and collaborations

🌹 First gathering Thursday 21st September!

Come Join us!

Please share with the women you know who need this!

Link in bio 🔗 to reserve your spot

Much love, FIONA ♡


Today is international chocolate day.

A day dedicated to chocolate, to learn, celebrate and enjoy.

Cacao has been a delicacy used for thousands of years as an ally in cultural and sacred rituals, celebrations, offerings and in medicinal practices. It has always been considered a sacred plant in Mesoamérica and South America.

- Used and incorporated into parts of the diet for its nutritional value
- Used in social contexts, to bring different communities and nations together to make deals and agreements.
- Used as a tool for conflict resolution and problem solving
- Used in therapeutic settings
- Used as a currency to make payments for services, land etc.
- Used to facilitate communication with a higher source and connect individuals to their higher selves.
- It was considered important for battle due to the rich nutrients and stamina it would give warriors. Termed the “food of the gods”
- Considered an aphrodisiac
- It was used as an offering to the earth, to the fire, to give gratitude for abundance and blessings

And so much more!

Cacao has such incredible benefits and immense value and respect in these cultures.

However with the Spanish conquest, it led to the decline of cacao's sacred status. It was brought to Europe and formed into the chocolate we know today.

It’s benefits stripped away nutritionally, spiritually and emotionally.

The farming and production practices lacked proper intention and reverence, the way the indigenous did it. Instead of bringing us health, it became a product full of sugars that bring us illness.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of ceremonial cacao, an interest in the indigenous traditions, and the importance of honouring the Earth, and the essence of the cacao plant.

As someone who shares this medicine of cacao, I know it’s my responsibility to continue learning, sharing and honouring this medicine with my community.
To source responsibly and to share appropriately.

Grateful to do this work, and to have been able to share this medicine today with my community to continue to spread awareness 🤍

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Adelgaza con Paco Adelgaza con Paco

� Las personas adelgazan aquí � No importa donde vivas � - 4kgs en 10 días � Únete AHORA�

Veter Home Holística Veterinaria Veter Home Holística Veterinaria

Salud y Nutricion Holística Veterinaria para el bienestar animal y tu tranquilidad de una forma sostenible


AHORA ES EL MOMENTO DE VIVIR EN ARMONÍA. Datos de contacto: [email protected] Tel. móvil: +34679440451

El Alma de las Flores de Bach - Montse León El Alma de las Flores de Bach - Montse León

Montse León Naturopata,Terapeuta Floral, Consultas en Barcelona y Esparreguera http://montse55

Espacio psicológico Barcelona-Ariadna Saeb. Espacio psicológico Barcelona-Ariadna Saeb.
Carrer Calàbria 273, 1a-2da
Barcelona, 08015

Soy psicóloga clínica experta en salud mental de adultos y perinatal

Sacbé yoga Sacbé yoga
Modern 53 Entlo 2
Barcelona, 08902
Barcelona, 08003

Yuni.energia Yuni.energia
Sant Lluis 44
Barcelona, 08024

Bienvenid@ a esta tribu de almas que buscan bienestar, felicidad, paz, evolución y disfrute para cada uno de nosotros.

NUA clinic NUA clinic
Calle Balmes, 129, 4/2
Barcelona, 08008

Somos un equipo de psicólogas, sexólogas, consultoras de lactancia, pediatras, enfermeras, fisioterapeutas, y nutricionistas que trabajamos conjuntamente para ofrecerte un trato ce...
Santander, 25
Barcelona, 08020

Somos un comercio electrónico online con almacén central en Barcelona.

Oh Zeus Daughter Oh Zeus Daughter
Gran Via De Les Corts Catalanes 416
Barcelona, 08015

Estudio de belleza holístico especializado en faciales y acupuntura cosmética.

ShineUp Coaching ShineUp Coaching

Espacio para el crecimiento y la superación personal. Shine Up te propone un proceso de aprendizaje y de autoconocimiento, para que puedas pausarte y despertar en ti la atención de...