Aalto University School of Shenanigans and Wizardry

Aalto University School of Shenanigans and Wizardry is the new name of our school. Deal with it.

Aalto University School of Shenanigans and Wizardry is an open platform for peer-to-peer learning.

Helsinki University students stage sit-in against government budget cuts 20/09/2023


Helsinki University students stage sit-in against government budget cuts Dozens of students began the protest at Helsinki University's main campus on Tuesday to coincide with the beginning of government budget negotiations.


We finally have a kitchen!

Timeline photos 21/09/2019

Statement regarding the Long Play article released this week and the various comments that have followed it:

We here at the Aalto University School of Shenanigans and Wizardry would like to make it absolutely clear that we are not in any way officially part of the Aalto University.

The reported behaviour would not be tolerated in any way here at the School of Shenanigans and Wizardry, and we feel very embarrased to be sometimes confused with the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

The excellent international results we achieve here at the SSW are never the outcomes of bullying, abusive behaviour or harassment.

We believe in empathy, support, constructive criticism, open sharing of knowledge, taking responsibility for your actions, and helping those in need of help.

Timeline photos 21/09/2019

Meidän mielestä tämä professori voisi mennä muualle opettamaan

Timeline photos 28/11/2018

Please remember that all spaces in Väre are shared with everyone. You cannot exclude anyone from using a specific space.


Many of you have been asking if this image was made by us, but no no no. This is coming from the University level. We had nothing to do with this.

Timeline photos 17/10/2018

Do you want to join the School of Shenanigans and Wizardry?

Direct publishing rights are currently very limited, but we are happy to share your activities, if they fit the official School of Shenanigans and Wizardry strategy. If you wish to remain anonymous, we can publish your activities through our channels under the Aalto SSW name. If you have done something that you would like us to just share, we can also do that. Just send us a message through FB or Instagram.

We reserve the right to decide what we publish and to alter your message to make it funnier. Our organisation mirrors the processes of Aalto University. Therefore, we aim to give the illusion of democracy and act like your opinions matter, but the final decisions are always made by our management team. We hope you understand, since this strategy works really well for us. If you don’t understand, you can post your feedback as a comment below and we promise to read it.

For more information, read this message again.

Timeline photos 16/10/2018

Privacy by Piimä.

We understand that some of you have not been satisfied with the glass walls in Väre. We apologise for this. Our architect got a little bit out of control with the invisibility spell with the walls. We are trying to find a counterspell, but for now we have a workaround:

Use piimä (Finnish buttermilk) to paint yourself a little piece of privacy. We recommend the non-fat version.


Does it smell?
- Only a little bit for the first 48 hours. Do it over the weekend to minimise the disturbance to fellow students.

What should I do when I’m done using the space?
- Wash it off. This issue is not the fault of the cleaning staff.

Can I use it as a projection surface?
- Yes, it works pretty well for rear projections. We recommend two thin layers. Use fabric or paper for front projections.

Is it vegan?
- Unfortunately, no. We are testing vegan alternatives in our lab. We will let you know if we find a suitable alternative.


Ei yhteiskäytössä = Not in shared use

New Ways of Working™ do not apply to the Dean.

Timeline photos 14/10/2018

Good news, everyone! We have figured out a way to double the value of your work!

All of the lockers in Väre have now been retrofitted with shredders. Everything you have stored in your locker will be DESTROYED on Friday, October 26th at 3PM.

But do not worry, our marketing department swears that this will make your work much more valuable.


There has been some confusion about the New Ways of Working™ in Väre. We hope that this clears things up a little bit!

(We reserve the right to change these rules whenever we feel like it)


There has been some confusion about the New Ways of Working™ in Väre. We hope that this clears things up a little bit!


Greetings from the study planning committee! We are proud to present the new curriculum of Aalto University School of Shenanigans and Wizardry for 2018-2019.

Our Lecturer of the Recently Possible has developed a neural network system that has crunched all of the best bits of existing Aalto University classes and condensed them into these 101 interdisciplinary courses.

Registration via Weboodi.

Aater's Theory
Aaving Workshop P***e
Advanced Basics of Research (o) - H01
Advanced Computations and Conture L
Advanced Project in Farenger Electronics, worory
Advanced Wond Instructures
Artistical Fumeminar Design and Interaction
Banashiple of Project
Basic Chemistry (V + - H01)
Basic Elossis
Basic Interactions
Basics of Special Design
Bean Management in Computal Basics
Biomatical Medias
Business Course
Business in General Engineering
Capitative Engineering Law Technologies fictoral Studio
Communication Seminar
Communication to Besies
Compurational Economics
Computational Business and Chemics and Science L
Course in Marketing
Crane Project
Creative Design and Renvarical Financie
Croffate Management (o + w) - H01
Design of Evice Management
Design of Research Vistory - Progrational Coldening management and Noosess of Structures
Design of Workshop
Digital Alobation Corkshop
Digital Esearch
Electronics Marketing
Energy and Workshop Elow Vistory Project of Cratuding
Engineering Fire and Comunting Management
Experimental Economics
Experimental Engineering Project
Experinational Design
Fimbled Processes
Finding Research
Finting Technology L
Funtatical Methods in Engineering
Funtunling and Environmet
Gechens in the Environments
Glectronical Exectrical Research
International Acoustics and Contemporatory
International Corkental Design
International Marketics Ant
Internet of Interaction
Introduction to Asonomy and Finmulation, Energy Systems
Introduction to Cand Structures L
Introduction to Chillsics in Crations
Introduction to Experimental Materials Marketing
Introduction to Fonter's Theory
Introduction to Gaced Design Studio s
Introduction to Indutice Engineering P
Introduction to Management
Introduction to Nanagement
Introduction to Resinabition
Introduction to Special Mechenology
Introductive Sensualize
Leading Research
Management and Workshop Wineries L
Management of the Materiations
Maternal Management
Mod Processing Science
Pelice Dexctines
P***e and Contemporary
P***e in Practices
Plantical Thesis
Polture Computations and Productions
Porkshop Sciences
Primations in Business
Process and Filing Theory
Production Project Project
Programming Ibrotics P
Project Cool Experban Research
Raging Workshop
Real Mechanics and Computational Modelling Seminar
REMineering and Finance
Res Business Workshop
Research on Organ Engineering Production
Software Project and Interaction Laboratory Analysis
Software Project in Finning
Software Workshop Course in Gagiin
State Workshop
Stodiol Project in Fashion
Strange Technology and Technologies P
Studies of Design & MFanction
Sustainabicuation Maysign
Systems of Strodics for Experimata
Tesinemic and Ecpeanization
Treectrical Aconomics & Thestrisal and Conling and Antrepreneurship and Fultures Syills L
Urban Engineering L
Vighe Project I
Wompoter Budis
Wood Design Resinal Economics
Workshop Meldesseting L
Wow History Workshop

Timeline photos 18/08/2014

Welcome, new students! The Aalto University School of Shenanigans and Wizardry is very open to your suggestions. Our staff knows all the useful information and dirty secrets of Helsinki and Aalto University. Just let us know what you want to know and we will drop some knowledge on your heads. Get schooled!

Timeline photos 16/09/2013

We had a board meeting this morning and came up with a brilliant idea! What if all the students would wear a cape! You know, to make as feel more united and to strengthen the group dynamics!

It also makes you invisible when you are drunk, so you can act like a total do*****ag in bars while wearing it! Just like the overalls other students wear, but even better! It doubles as a picnic blanket!

An Aspiring Scientist’s Frustration with Modern-Day Academia: A Resignation 10/09/2013

A jaded PhD resigns.

An Aspiring Scientist’s Frustration with Modern-Day Academia: A Resignation Here is a mind-blowing text that was sent to all EPFL researchers (presumably) by a doctoral student during the week-end. It expresses feelings that are worth to think about.

Timeline photos 03/09/2013

This is the new official seal of our university.

Innovation in Action – A multidisciplinary, hands-on course for master students 31/10/2012

Hello, we are promoting this multidisciplinary innovation course which will even take the lucky students to Barcelona. Could you share this link on your page? Innovation is a nice type of shenanigan after all!



Innovation in Action – A multidisciplinary, hands-on course for master students In Spring 2013 MIND will provide a master-level course on strategic innovation and prototyping, called “Innovation in Action”. The course is part of a new collaboration with ESADE Business School in Barcelona and with the IDBM program in Aalto University, so that students in Spain and Finland will w...


We had a good discussion on this article in Media Lab. What would a non-hierarchical University look like?

"... political economy analysis of Valve’s management model; one in which there are no bosses, no delegation, no commands, no attempt by anyone to tell someone what to do. Can useful lessons be drawn about not only Valve’s inner workings but, importantly, regarding the future of the corporate world?"


Ex-Apple Designer Creates Teaching UI That “Kills Math” Using Data Viz 21/04/2012

'But Victor left Apple because he has "zero interest in helping people look through photos and listen to music," he says. As an interface designer, he wanted to hunt (and "kill") bigger game -- the kinds of problems that artists and scientists deal with.'


Ex-Apple Designer Creates Teaching UI That “Kills Math” Using Data Viz We hear a lot of design manifestos around here. But Bret Victor's stuck out: He wants to kill math. He's no Luddite, though -- he thinks mathematics is one of the most powerful, transcendent ways humans have for understanding and changing the world. What he wants to kill is math's interface: opaque,...


I think I'll start calling our school Media/Art/Design, Aalto MAD for short. Put it on my resume and business cards, etc. Who is with me?

Meemoo Live Animation at Zodiak 08/03/2012

Shenanigans and Wizardry credit at the end ;-)

Meemoo Live Animation at Zodiak

Taikkilaisista ei tule luovuusmaistereita — Nyt 29/11/2011

http://nyt.fi/20111129-taikkilaisista-ei-tule-luovuusmaistereita/ > http://www.aalto.fi/en/current/news/view/2011-11-28-003/

Taikkilaisista ei tule luovuusmaistereita — Nyt Nyt.fi kirjoitti 10. marraskuuta, että opiskelijat nousivat vastarintaan Aalto-yliopiston taideteollisen korkeakoulun uuden nimen vuoksi. Uudeksi nimeksi jury oli valinnut Aalto-yliopiston taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulun eli Aalto University School of Arts and Creativityn. Aalto-yliopisto on ...

Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis 20/11/2011

Fellow wizards and perpetrators of shenanigans, I come to you with a serious topic. Our University ! #%ed up and we almost got a silly school name on our CV.

Meanwhile, in UC Davis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmJmmnMkuEM

Is there some way that we can ask Aalto to officially denounce this state- and university-sponsored violence towards peaceful student protestors?

Police pepper spraying and arresting students at UC Davis Title says all. During peacefully Occupy Movement, police came in to tear down tents and proceeded to arrest students who stood in their way. Once students p...

Timeline photos 15/11/2011

We are currently negotiating with Bethel School of Supernatural Arts in order to include them in our student exchange program. Exciting times!

Bethel School of Supernatural Arts

Oma Yritys listan huipulle Koulu Espoo :ssa?
Klikkaa tästä saadaaksesi sponsoroidun listauksen.


Otaniementie 14

Muut Korkeakoulu ja yliopisto Espoo :ssa (näytä kaikki)
Aalto BT ry Aalto BT ry
Konemiehentie 4
Espoo, 02150

Aalto Business Technology ry — Subject club for tech-savvy business students (prev. Aalto ISM)

Semantic Computing Research Group SeCo Semantic Computing Research Group SeCo
Maarintie 8
Espoo, 02150

Making computers and the web more intelligent and interoperable!

Aalto University Aalto University
Otakaari 24
Espoo, 02150

Where science and art meet technology and business. www.aalto.fi/en

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Espoo, 02610

Hei people. We created this page to support you on your every education system in bachelor's and masters. Hope you'll like our service.

Metropolia UAS School of ICT Metropolia UAS School of ICT
Karaportti 2
Espoo, 02610

Internationally recognized Bachelor's and Master's engineering degree programs that combine rigorous academics and real-life learning in industry-led R&D projects. Five programs co...

Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory
Puumiehenkuja 5E

Addlab is Aalto University based Laboratory doing research in digital design and digital fabrication.

Aalto-yliopiston avoin yliopisto Aalto-yliopiston avoin yliopisto

Avoin yliopisto on avoin kaikille!

Aalto University Summer School Aalto University Summer School
Otaniementie 9
Espoo, 02150

Aalto University Summer School offers a sneak peek of Aalto's multidisciplinary education!

Taloustieteen keskus Helsinki GSE Taloustieteen keskus Helsinki GSE
Espoo, 00076

Helsinki GSE on Aalto-yliopiston, Hankenin ja Helsingin yliopiston yhteinen taloustieteen huippuyksi

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering
Espoo, 02150

The School of Electrical Engineering works in the area of basic research as well as in the field of

Aalto Satellites Aalto Satellites
Maarintie 8
Espoo, 02150

Aalto-1 is a Finnish educational nanosatellite project. Project is run by a consortium lead by Aalto University.

Aalto Science Institute Aalto Science Institute
Otakaari 1

Aalto Science Institute is hosted by the Aalto University School of Science