BootyFit Slow Running

Showing females over 40 how to fall in love with slow running - helps and weight loss and fitness during those menopausal years

Aislinn & Shelley created BootyFit 13 years ago. Two middle aged females that understand the best way for like minded women to FEEL better about themselves through slow running. Through our online club we show females all over the UK and beyond how to run without getting tired, injured or out of breath (it's easier than you think when you know how)

Whether you've tried C25k and gave up after a fe


Breathing doesn’t just help your heart rate for MAF running.

I recently posted about a breathing technique freediver Li Karlson spoke about in a podcast with Simon Sinek.

It’s based around nose breathing and the longer breath being the ‘out’ breath (unlike lots of methods where you’re encouraged to take a deep ‘in’ breath)

This week I wanted to measure it against my blood pressure to see if it made a difference.

‘Text book’ blood pressure should be 120/80 and while extremely low blood pressure can be a cause for concern most people with BP issues suffer with high blood pressure (aka hypertension) which can cause a multitude of health conditions.

Earlier this week I took my blood pressure, it was 111/70 with my resting heart rate being 61bpm

I took it again a few minutes later after breathing the ‘Li Karlson’ way and it went down to 101/69 & RHR 56bpm.

Impressed, I then tested my Mums blood pressure and a similar thing happened. Her first reading was 133/78 & RHR 71bpm and the second was 123/72 & RHR 68bpm.

These findings suggest that this simple breathing technique could be a game-changer for overall health, not just MAF running and anxiety. It's a powerful reminder that small changes can have a big impact.


Focus on Your Fire🔥.....not the Ice 🧊

We’ve all been there - feeling frustrated by what we can't do. But what if we shifted our focus to what we can do?

Imagine loving something so much, it's your go-to escape, but suddenly, it's almost entirely out of reach. That’s Shelley and running. A slipped disc a few years ago means Shelley’s doesn't run often - seeing Shelley’s longing eyes as I head out the door is like reliving those puppy-dog looks from little Jooie when I’d leave without her.

While she misses her lost running days, she's also fiercely determined. She’s in the gym and pool 5-6 times a week, building strength and endurance.

Today, we took on a little 5k MAF run together. Despite months off, Shelley absolutely smashed me, every MAF mile was faster than mine and she ran the entire route whereas I always need to walk the hills!!!

She may not have been MAF running but swimming has enabled her to retain her fitness while her back is getting stronger.

It's a powerful reminder that even when faced with setbacks, we can find new paths to progress.

So let's celebrate our strengths and remember: it’s not about what you can’t do, but how you rise above it.

Ps – I’m obviously not at all pi$%ed off that Shelley’s pace is better than mine 😛


Want exercise to feel easier on your heart & reduce stress?

Recently listened to a fab podcast featuring Simon Sinek (famous for ‘Find your WHY’) and Li Karlsen, a world record-holding freediver.

Li’s incredible experiences swimming with dolphins and whales are a highlight, but she also shares valuable breathing techniques to reduce anxiety and lower heart rate. Contrary to common belief, it’s not about deep breaths in but rather focusing on longer exhales to expel more CO2. Using diaphragmatic breathing instead of chest breathing helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

Inspired by the podcast, I tried nose breathing and counting in for 3 seconds and out for 5 while exercising at MAF, and my heart rate was noticeably lower than usual. It’s definitely worth a listen as surely that’s all of your goals when you exercise……to reduce our heart rate at the same intensity!

Let me know and I’ll forward you the link 👇


BootyFit held their first focus group last week.

What a great way to bring the BootyFit family closer together whilst also helping us carve out better ways to serve our members.

Our members aren’t just members – they’re a vital part of shaping the future of our community.

We’ll be sharing more about what we learned and how we’ll be using your ideas soon….stay tuned!


I’m smiling because I did my entire run nose breathing (yes in and out through my nose)

I find it really hard to master!

It can help you running as research shows it can help reduce your heart rate

Here’s what I found:

Here are some potential explanations why nose breathing can reduce heart rate:

Improved Oxygen Efficiency: The nose filters and warms the air you breathe, potentially making it easier for your body to absorb oxygen. This could lead to a more efficient use of oxygen, reducing the workload on your heart.

Nitric Oxide Production: The nasal passages produce nitric oxide, a gas that helps relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. This relaxation might lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

Parasympathetic Nervous System Activation: Nose breathing is thought to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for "rest and digest" functions. This activation could lead to a decrease in heart rate.

Psychological Factors: Nose breathing might promote a calmer state of mind, potentially influencing heart rate through a mind-body connection.

If anyone reading this has any top tips on how to master nose breathing please share them below as mine is most definitely work in progress 👇


At BootyFit ACCOUNTABILITY is key!

Running is great exercise but can be lacking when it comes to accountability.

If you enjoy the freedom that running brings of not having to book in advance, rely on someone else, drive to a specific location to start etc you may find accountability lacks

That’s why at BootyFit we give our members the option of joining a virtual accountability pod.

Here’s a crew (AKA the Rascals…..I wont ask why!?) keeping one another accountable……with drinking wine!!!!

It’s doesn’t all have to be about exercise you know 😉


Hang about it looks as though the sun’s out!!!!

Here are some tips to keep your runs safe and enjoyable:

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your run. Aim for more than usual in the heat!

Early bird gets the…cooler temps: Schedule runs for the early morning or later evening to avoid the midday sun.

Dress for success: Opt for lightweight, breathable clothing that wicks away sweat. Don't forget a hat and sunglasses!

Listen to your body: Start slow and shorten your runs if needed. Take walk breaks and don't push yourself too hard. It's all about feeling good! ‍

Find your shade: Choose routes with plenty of shade, like parks or trails under trees.

Sunscreen is a must: Apply SPF 30 or higher sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you head out.

Electrolytes are your friends: Consider electrolyte drinks or tablets to replenish minerals lost through sweat.

Remember It's more about consistency and feeling amazing than hitting a certain pace.


When your heart needs some TLC the perfect medicine is low heart rate training.

New chest strap delivered let the journey begin


The beauty of joining an online slow running club is you get to do everything at a time & pace that suits you with the added bonus of meeting up with other members (aka BootyFitters) if you want.

Here’s a recent meet up in the Isle of Wight.

As we always say ‘A stranger is simply a friend you’re yet to meet’


How to be a better runner.....

If you'd like loads of tips to help you fall in love with running, join our FREE 4 day challenge starting on Monday 15th July.

Just send us a DM or comment below the word 'CHALLENGE'


How crisps can help you run better.....

For more top tips on how to fall in love with running join our FREE 4 day challenge starting soon.

Simply send us a DM or comment crisps below and we'll send you the details ;)


Find out how Mandy got on with our 'How to fall in love with running' program

'How to fall in love with running was what grabbed me on your Instagram advert.
I didn’t think I would ever enjoy running again but here I am wanting to go out, loving running slow and just about start to training for a half in October. I thought I’d never be up for a race again. So, the enjoyment aspect is back and it has made me more positive, happier and more productive at work and at home than I have been for a long time. The liberation of slow running is a game changer. And your support and the support on the fb groups and in the pods is unbelievable. I am very happy and very grateful.
Thanks so much'


When it’s too hot to run outside on holiday


Here's how Caren got on with our 'How to fall in love with running' program

'I have definitely found my love of running again, thanks to BootyFit. That was my main goal to be honest. I had reached a point where peri-menopause was kicking my butt and I just didn't feel any enjoyment or benefit from it really, certainly not in the ways I had in the past. With MAF I have been able to redefine what a run means to me, and ditch all of my feelings of failure. I love it again now. I still have to work hard on consistency but I have managed to get out 2-3 times every week. The many Bootyfit approaches to motivation help massively. From the 10 minute rule, to the monthly challenges, I have really felt the benefit. Looking back and thinking that I have consistently kept this up for 3 months now, is somewhat miraculous when I think about my inactivity and unability to stick to a plan over the past year or two. I am really thankful. Running has always been my coping mechanism for the difficult parts of life and I felt a bit lost without it, so to have it back is amazing. Thank you'


When you identify your WHY motivation is easy and natural.

BootyFitter Ree, posted her why and it’s too good not to share 👇
I hope the words in this inspire you to lace up your runners and get out there

Run 🏃‍♀️ 💚
The journey out and back
Fresh air road or track
Wind and rain changes the game
You choose where
your path your pain

A field the beach new place
new route
What we runners see
dawn and sun sets
exhilarating and free
Animals popping up to say“Hi”

Birds singing as you go by
scuffing the ground
with your feet
Making Your sound Your beat
The world is still asleep

Look at that tree
I’ll make it there
What’s easy is no fun
that’s not why we run
We earn that buzz that energy
to sprint on, get up that hill
Embrace the view
let it ground you

So Plan work hard get it done
Run fast in the rain and sun
Make a world full of
crazy adventures
Moments and memories
that stick

Get up early and do
eat healthy
Make the the most of you
Enjoy your life before its through
Try to be humble like a bee 🐝
Come fly with me 😊

We’ll hold hands chase rainbows
Sharing power
Sometimes we’ll race
Or I’ll go with your easy pace
consistency works can’t lie
It’s worth it to fly

To Some it’s Science some it’s freedom
To others, a fantastic hell
Guess I’m a dreamer, avoid whats real
it’s about how it makes me feel
Completely done
Oh my god I’ve won
Either way I always want to run run run run run run


Shibhan used to run on the treadmill, although joining BootyFit has given her confidence to run outside and not care, as although we’re an online running club it makes her feel like she’s running with her little crew!

Weirdly enough running has given her more time in her life, her menopausal symptoms have subsided and she’s 22lbs lighter.

I hope listening to this will inspire you to start making small changes toward a healthier life.


five tips to keep you running when you're on your holidays

Photos from BootyFit Slow Running's post 01/06/2024

It was the Edinburgh Marathon Festival last weekend and we had 50 BootyFitters there.

We maybe an online slow running club but we also arrange real life meet-ups too!!

One BootyFitter described the weekend as being full of Kindness, Camaraderie, Friendships, Laughs, Drinks, (pre-race drinks (or was that just me?)) Giggles, Belly laughing, Dancing (that wasn't just me!), Puddle dodging, Hugs, Smiles& most of all LOVE.

What makes BootyFit work is that all of our members make up the BootyFit family. At the last minute Shelley & I had to pull out due to a family emergency and without thought 2 BootyFitters stepped up and took over all of the arrangements to make sure everyone had the best weekend away.

I love BootyFit ❤️


Watch to find out how slow running has helped Sue STOP her all or nothing approach to exercise.

BootyFit works for her as it's her invisible friend ensuring she hits her goals.

In the process she's lost 18lbs and is happier and more confident.

Hope watching this inspires you to make small changes


BootyFitters on tour in Edinburgh this weekend

Show ‘em how it’s done girls x


Did you know exercise is highly recommended if you have ADHD?

Running can help with ADHD by boosting dopamine levels in the brain, which improves focus and attention. It also helps burn excess energy, which can reduce hyperactivity and restlessness, and can be a great way to manage stress and anxiety, common alongside ADHD.

Take a look at one of our slow runners.👇

She only joined around one month ago and it's helping her mindset, she's increased her runs from 0.5km to 8km and has lost 10lbs in weight!


Things to think about when running in the summer heat

Please add your comments below 👇


See how Amanda has got on since joining the BootyFit Slow running club......she's lost weight and loves running


The plantar facia is found on the sole of your foot and goes from the heel right up to the toes.

Plantar fasciitis (AKA PF) is when the plantar facia becomes inflamed & it’s something you really want to avoid as it can stop you in your running tracks.

Here are things to consider to avoid ever getting it:

It can be caused from overuse/overtraining. Now, before you come to the conclusion that you’re not overtraining as you don’t run as many miles as other runners, it’s important not to compare mileage here as it’s caused by increasing the amount of time spent on your feet too quickly.

While you may know someone that runs 30 miles a week and you’re running 6, it’s all relevant to how quickly you’ve built up to that distance – remember it’s important to have rest days and if you don’t enjoy the rest, think of ways you can cross train on your rest days….either way avoid doing too much too soon.

PF can also be caused by poor foot mechanics & this is one of the reasons why it’s so important to wear correct running shoes. Make sure you wear the right shoes for you and you’ll only know what are suited to you when you have a gait analysis.

I always wore the correct shoes (my perfect shoe is the NB 1080 fresh foam) but I still needed extra help when I had PF. By having some inner soles made, it helped support my foot as I have really high arches. ( I went to a shop called Shuropody where they mould soles around your feet)

It can also be caused from having tight calves, achilles and/or the plantar fascia itself, so make sure you’re warming up and cooling down. Warm up should consist of walking, dynamic stretching and/or mobility exercises and the cool down to include static stretching (and plenty of it… can never stretch for too long runners!)

I don’t have any experience of the following, although some members on our paid program have benefitted from acupuncture, shockwave therapy and wearing shoes with a wide toe box.

Remember running is one of the best exercises you can do for both your mind and body, but just be sure to look after yourself in the process, so we can continue running for years to come.


Sue joined the 12 week slow running program with a goal of running a comfortable 5k.

She's only nine weeks in a her 5k runs are her shorter ones!!!!!!

When you know how to slow run correctly the world becomes your oyster with running ❤️🏃‍♀️


Do your feet hurt when you run?


Our program comes with a guarantee that'll you'll 'FALL IN LOVE WITH RUNNING'

Always good to see we do what it 'says on the tin'


I speak to so many women that run the same route whenever they go out!!!!!

And then they seem surprised when they lose their mojo.

I love food but if I was told I had to eat the same dinner (even if it was my favourite of jerk chicken, rice, peas and coleslaw) every time I ate I would get bored!!!

Variety is the spice of life and it’s no different when it comes to running.

There are sooooooo many ways you can mix it and one of the ways is by mixing up your routes.

I love to go out with no idea where I’m going to run or distance – I just see where my mood and feet take me.

It always varies – hills, flat, road running, woods, short, long, muddy, busy, quiet……..I’m sure you get the jist.

Running should be an adventure – you get to explore new places – be grateful that you have a body that allows you to do this.

If you’re stuck with how to find new routes, or like to know in advance where you’re going to be running and the distance you’ll be covering, you can use a website called to plan routes in advance.

And if you don’t have many routes on your doorstep could you drive somewhere new.

Or try a local Parkrun as the community vibe and support is infectious or maybe sign up to a race.

And if you’re unable to venture further afield and don’t have many routes on your doorstep, just by simply running your regular route in the other direction can help to mix things up.

How can you mix up routes?👇 Please let me know below as we want you to have fun with your running journey


How a metronome can help your running.

Improving your running technique, being a better runner and conserving energy all comes with increasing your cadence.

Cadence refers to how many times your feet touch the ground each minute.

Ideally you’re aiming for it to be anywhere between 160-180SPM (strides per minute)
If you take a look at your running app you’ll be able to see what it currently is.

If you don’t have an app you can count how many times one of your feet touches the ground for a 60 second period and then multiply by 2 to find out what it is.

Increasing your cadence will encourage you to take smaller steps and that’s what it’s all about!

So, if your current cadence is for example 140 you should try and gradually increase it to 145 and then continue at increments of 5 over a period of time.

You can download a free metronome and using the example above you’d set it at 145 to begin.

When you go for your next run listen to the metronome using earphones and the aim is to run to the beat.

It’s that’s simple!

I love using a metronome as I find it almost hypnotic and it allows me to totally zone out and almost reach a meditative state when I run (suits me as I’m a big day dreamer……Aislinn means dream in Gaelic so I think my parents were on to something when they first met me)

Shelley on the other hand found it nothing but irritating when she tried.

If you’re like Shelley and don’t get on with it you can download music instead.

You’d download a 145bpm playlist so you could run to the beat of the music instead.

If you tried it or try it please let me know how you get on below?

Also if you have any points around cadence you’d like to add please feel free as your comment may help someone on their running journey.


This is Lorna. 👇

She’d run a half marathon prior to joining BootyFit’s slow running program.

She was used to speeding around the streets to running (if you could call it that) and getting passed by dog walkers.

She wandered what on earth she'd let herself in for initially.

Initially she was frustrated and felt like she was going backwards in her running ability.

The difference is now……
🏃‍♀️She looks forward to ALL of her runs
🏃‍♀️Her race pace has improved by slowing down in the correct way
🏃‍♀️ She no longer struggles with injuries
🏃‍♀️She runs marathons

Remember, slowing down can make you a better runner.....when you know how

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Videos (show all)

How to be a better runner.....If you'd like loads of tips to help you fall in love with running, join our FREE 4 day cha...
How crisps can help you run better.....For more top tips on how to fall in love with running join our FREE 4 day challen...
five tips to keep you running when you're on your holidays
Shibhan used to run on the treadmill, although joining BootyFit has given her confidence to run outside and not care, as...
Watch to find out how slow running has helped Sue STOP her all or nothing approach to exercise.BootyFit works for her as...
Things to think about when running in the summer heatPlease add your comments below 👇
Do your feet hurt when you run?
See how Amanda has got on since joining the BootyFit Slow running club......she's lost weight and loves running#runningf...
This could help reignite your love for running
How a METRONOME can help your running.If anyone has tried it or tries it please let me know how you found it?👇Or if you ...
Have you heard about the 10 minute rule?
Do you sometimes feel like you're going CRAZY?#runningmotivation #couchto5k #bootyfitslowrunnersclub #slowrunner #runnin...



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