The Chakra Room

I am a holistic therapist with more than 20 years experience dedicated to health and wellbeing. I am a holistic therapist dedicated to health and wellbeing.

We offer treatments and workshops for health, wellbeing and spirituality. I work with a number of different Holistic Therapies, each addressing aspects of the ‘whole person’ to promote health and balance. We specialise in treatments, workshops and trainings for health, wellness and spirituality. The Chakra Room is now a growing community of like minded people and a loving space where you can choos


Sunday morning Rumi ❤️

Life is so busy and full of stuff, full of things to do, people to see, work, family, home, it can feel like you’re on a hamster wheel of getting life done…

This fast pace of doing can cause burn out, it can create disconnection from the beautiful river of unlimited love that flows through you 🩷

The day to day grind can leave you feeling disconnected, without joy, without love and we seek externally to fill those voids, we are looking everywhere for inspiration and to feel that flow within us that is our natural state…love 💚

External seeking can give us snapshots of joy, moments of bliss even but what you are seeking is always right there within. When did you last get quiet enough to listen to your own heart? When did you last acquiesce to life as it is and soften your heart to allow yourself to love it all? When did you choose your heart over societal expectations? When did you last check what you need, what nourishes you, what inspires you and say yes to it all?

You are the love, joy and freedom you seek. You have everything you need but you must pay attention, turn towards yourself and look at where you are not saying yes, to where you are not in flow to the beauty of your own heart and love.

Whatever you choose to do today, let it be what your heart desires, allow yourself presence, soften your heart and lean into love 🙏🏼

Have a soulful Sunday…give yourself a cuddle, feel your beautiful heart and resonate with the energy of love because you are it, you have it all right there 🥰


Finally our favourite magic and manifesting wizard is returning to his northern home and oh how we’ve missed him.

Save the date…the weekend beginning Friday 26th September and we kick off with an evening with Danny Buckler followed by two events on Saturday and Sunday which we are just finalising.

As always Danny’s sure to entertain and inspire us as only he can 🥰

I can’t wait 🥰. Follow Danny on insta and you tube


The new Balance session has been super popular…I’m loving working with you all with this, it’s been beautiful. My diary has just opened up on some extra days due to course re arrangements so if you’re feeling drawn why not grab a spot 🥰

Brand new treatment…

As always I create what I would love to receive to offer to you so here is a new treatment that literally woke me up in the night.

I can’t wait to sit with you, to take a look at where your energy is, how your soul feels and where your spirit cries out for alignment with this brand new session….Balance

This is a perfect treatment if you want to connect to your soul…feel aligned and ready to receive all of life’s magic.

We tap into you energetically using a bespoke oracle card reading, reaching into you mind, body and spirit.
Followed by a deeply nourishing and balancing reiki treatment incorporating crystal healing, sound healing and sacred smoke

To book visit the website


I always base my meditation circles around real life…what I’m witnessing, experiencing and feeling. We must let go in order to make space for the new, in order to be able to receive the magic that is on offer, in order to feel ease and peace and lightness and as Rumi says life is a balance between holding on and letting go.

I’ve been a little overloaded recently so letting go is a must, are you holding on to life softly or lightly, are you able to let go and receive? Here’s a snapshot (and a Sam version) of the guided meditation from this evening…it isn’t scripted, it’s all channelled so I’ve robbed my memory banks and my heart to write a little something. Thank you meditators you are always there with your hearts and vulnerability, it isn’t possible without you 🙏🏼

She entered the emerald green of the forest feeling the soft mossy carpet beneath her feet, feeling the strength of the tall trees surrounding her. Her body relaxed, her face softened and her breath deepened. She felt a ripple of peace and strength move through her from below her feet.

She gazed up at the canopy of leaves above her seeing every shade of green, she could hear the wind tousle the leaves and creak the branches, feel the moonlight as bright as the sun dappling her with cool and generous light through the trees and across her face.

And ever so slowly and softly she noticed that the trees with such grace and ease were letting some of their leaves fall, like snowflakes drifting downwards, barely noticeable, so light and so soft and she held out her hands to gently catch the leaves allowing them to drift through her fingers with the ease and grace of the trees surrounding her. Feeling herself soften more into wholeness, letting go of the conditions and expectations, the traumas and trepidation. Leaning into love, acceptance and peace.

She felt all of this move through her…feeling herself rooted deeply in the earth, strong in her body and composure, wild and free in her imagination and mind, bending and moving with flow and letting go over and over, letting go with beauty, ease and grace 💚


Yesterday I had the pleasure of delivering a talk to a wonderful group of Mums on the importance of self care, wellbeing, recovery and integration at becoming a parent.

We go through enormous physical, emotional, hormonal and logistical/lifestyle changes and it’s so very easy to loose ourselves in the mix.

Learning energetic and holistic skills and understanding how to meet your needs is vital in this time of transition and transformation.

Thank you for inviting me along and to all the beautiful ladies for your vulnerable sharing. You are all doing such an amazing job.

I will write a piece to follow this up and make it available very soon. With lots of tips and supportive advice 🙏🏼



So excited to announce the first I hope of many events…

KOKORO…is a Japanese word and denotes mind, heart or inner nature.

At The Chakra Room we are dedicated to health and wellbeing, holistic health takes care of the mind, the body and the spirit so that all parts of you are nourished.

In Ramsbottom we are so lucky to have a number of health, wellbeing and spiritual businesses that offer a diverse range of services and we are coming together to bring to you a whole weekend dedicated to the mind body and spirit.

Watch this space for more information coming in the next few weeks, We are looking for stalls and exhibitors that align with our vision and will release more details as they arrive.

So happy the cat is out of the bag…early November 2024 is our date so we have a LOT to plan and get moving with 🙏🏼


Join us this Wednesday and throughout August as we focus on the power of letting go.

Our relaxed and healthy state is to be empty and free but in a hectic and stressful world we get stuffed full of stress and emotions. In these meditation sessions we focus on the art of letting go with powerful meditation and light embodiment.

To book:


Sunday morning Rumi ❤️

We are lucky as human beings to have our incredible creative brains. It sets us apart as a species.

One of the downsides is our ability to use the mind to over think, over analyse and create stories that are not always helpful.

Ask yourself this question every day and especially when the brain is in overdrive…how do I feel, or how does it feel?

Our body is an incredible instinctive message tool that we over ride with the thoughts.

Notice how things feel, how you feel, where you feel it. Trust your gut and your instincts and get yourself@out of the mind everyday as a practice

Only when you know how you are truly feeling can you access your needs and solutions. Get quiet and listen to that voice within, your higher beautiful self Guiding you to your truth with love.

The crown chakra is the chakra of silence, it’s your connection to the whole and your higher self…it doesn’t need the chatter and noise, connect to and soften the crown of your head and breathe deeply allowing your head, mind and body to slow down, relax and become quiet…you’ll be surprised at the clarity and peace that can arise

It’s a cracker of a day so please get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature and the sun it’s such a treat and a powerhouse of energy out there ☀️💛⚡️


Post work, energy and soul pick up…

We are all about the yin and the yang we have to nourish ourselves in many ways and not be in shame or judgment about some of our needs but instead in celebration of them.

I love having my business in Ramsbottom because of the wonderful independent retailers, artisan and creative shops cafes and restaurants. It’s a wonderful place to be especially when you can come out of work and have a moment of sweet and sticky bliss 🥰

For the second time to day I’m reminded of my friend who often reminded me that our body is our temple but it’s also our nightclub 💃🏻🕺🏻

Hope you’re enjoying and indulging this weekend in something fun, delicious or downright naughty 😈😇

I have a bag full of amazing bread and organic veggies from and a box full of delicious pastries from (minus one that didn’t make it past the car ride home)


When you open the door to a walking chakra delight with beautiful gifts…😍🌈☀️

Jane came in today for my new treatment…Balance (chakra and energy alignment). Please book for this or any other session on line 🙏🏼

Jane and I met 3 years ago when she came to do her reiki training and what a journey back to herself she’s been on. Today she blew me away with her energy, it really opened my heart to the power and magic we all hold within us and I’m honoured to have held her hand a little on this path.

We are never stuck and the universe delivered Jane to me in all her beautiful chakra glory just at the right time today, to remind me of a few things too. Always learning, always listening and always grateful

Just an appreciation post for a lovely lady who brightened up my day and opened my heart. So proud of you Jane 🥰


Join us this Wednesday and throughout August as we focus on the power of letting go.

Our relaxed and healthy state is to be empty and free but in a hectic and stressful world we get stuffed full of stress and emotions. In these meditation sessions we focus on the art of letting go with powerful meditation and light embodiment.

To book:


Sunday morning Rumi ❤️

As a holistic therapist it’s my job to help the body to ignite its own very intelligent and simply amazing healing system

We do not heal people, we help people come to a state for optimal healing where their own wonderful bodies can get to work and do what they are designed to do. We are magical creatures, in a continual cycle of regeneration and healing and our immune systems are fighting off germs and bugs we know nothing about….give yourself some love for a moment at how magical your body is 🙏🏼

We also have these incredible minds, minds that have figured out how to fly and design and create but minds that also over think, create stories that are often harmful and completely over think 🤯

Our thoughts create our feelings, literally what you are thinking sends a chemical reaction within the body and the feelings are a reflection of those thoughts. I so often say feelings aren’t facts, feelings are 100% real but not always factual.

They depend entirely on the quality of your thoughts, so the simple magic and best healing tool you can give yourself (especially if you tend to over think) is to question your thoughts…really question them because the ego will convince you that you are right. They are often a version of events but not fact! When we can dissolve the horrors we create and ground them with various tools and practices we let our nervous system rest, we allow our bodies to remember how to heal and restore because it isn’t continually fighting some worry or fear coming completely from your mind.

Regularly slow down, breathe and come into presence, move into your body and out of the noise of your mind and notice how it’s feeling…unless you are imminent danger it should feel peaceful and relaxed…if not it’s time to generate that feeling…create the reflection in your body that feels good.

It seems simple but it can take time to do and certainly takes commitment, regularly noticing and being accountable for the quality of your thoughts.

Be beautiful to yourself, notice when your body is reacting to stress and make time to generate some love and peace within you

Have a soothing Sunday beautiful wonderful you 🥰

Photos from The Chakra Room's post 03/08/2024

These sessions are deeply healing and relaxing. A serious game changer 🙏🏼

NADA reset is ear acupuncture that truly relaxes and resets your nervous system.
Group sessions are £15 and held monthly at The Chakra Room Ramsbottom.
Next sessions
Sunday 4th August 4pm
Monday 5th August - Fully booked


Looking forward to being part of this worthy venture. I have teenagers now but remember only too well the shock to the system and exhaustion from being a mum to small babies. They are the most amazing treasure but it’s so easy to loose yourself along the way in the busyness and love that consume you 🩷

✨The importance of self care and remembering with Sam Whittaker founder of ✨

When you are a parent it’s easy for all of your energy to be directed to your wonderful children and along the way we can loose a little of ourselves in our parenting.  

Everyone benefits from a nourished parent, in fact the happiest children are the children who have happy and self aware parents.  

In this workshop with holistic health and energy practitioner Sam Whittaker, you’ll learn how to:

🤎Check in with your energy
🤎Assess your needs
🤎Remember who you are

 You will leave with some useful tools and tips and a better connection to the wonder that you are ❤️

Thank you Sam for bringing your beautiful offering to us on 13/08 - Week 2 of our August pop ups 🙏🏽


Did you know that hidden in the chakra room is a hidden gem of a crystal shop? Chloe has the most amazing pieces from small tumbles to big towers, with skulls and dragons and spheres and the most amazing bracelets and jewellery. Ramsbottom is ver lucky to have this gem of a place for any crystal lover 🩷.

We Are Open This Weekend✨

We are open this weekend and doors today will open at 10:00am.

Please note there is a slight change to tomorrow’s opening hours as we will be opening from 12:00pm until 04:00pm. ❤️

Saturday 10:00am - 04:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm - 04:00pm

We have lots of beautiful stock available on our shelves including lots of new stock that has been added over the last few weeks.

We have something to suit everyone’s budget. ❤️

Small selenite sticks 50p each
Incense starting at £1.00 a box
Incense holders starting at £1.00 each
Most of our crystal tumble stones are £1.50 each
Crystal bracelets starting at £4.00 each

You can find us at The Chakra Room. Shoemakers Court, Ramsbottom, Bury BL0 9FZ

We hope to see you soon ✨🌜


Tonight we have an exciting evening with a beautiful sound bath with and an oracle card workshop with moi.

Using the oracle for guidance is a wonderful and fun tool to add to your toolbox and I’m hopefully going to help you step into the magic of life, help you to notice synchronicities, become aware of universal nudges, signs and signals. To listen with your full body and tap into the great wisdom that you are, your higher self. The wise one.

Yesterday I received such a nudge…after an emotionally challenging week, and a very hot day in my therapy room. I stepped out of my car on my drive feeling a little depleted and looked down as I put my key in the door to notice this tiny little flower popping up through the crack in all her beauty. She looked so vibrant and strong even though so tiny in the middle of all that hard stone and cement. She gave me a boost and my heart melted at her determination to make it through and shine there no matter what. Its ignited both my ability to notice and be in her beauty and to feel that determination and fight within me. The rush of gratitude that I felt was amazing and the transformation in my energy was quite magic.

Can you notice beauty? Can you acknowledge and receive the universal love and nudges? Can you allow magic into your world?

We are never our thoughts, we are never stuck, we can always overcome adversity and even bloom whilst we are at it.

Thank you flower, I love you and thank you friends and family who are loving me so very beautifully right now. I love you too. 🥰

My mantra today is be more red flower baby 🩷

See you tonight and there are still@spaces for the sound bath and for the oracle workshop. AND is also open. What more do you need on a Friday?


Who’s up for a different Friday night? Last chance to book 🙏🏼

Last few spaces and last chance to book…

A lighthearted and fun evening of practice in the art of reading oracle cards and using crystal pendulums for divination.

We will show you the magic of the oracle card and help you to use it for your own practice.

Gain confidence, skills and a deeper understanding of this art form in a fun and relaxed space. There will be refreshments and lots of cards to practice with and plenty of support to help you understand the supportive and magical power of oracle cards.

We will throw in a little crystal pendulum fun too.

Link to book below This will book up so grab a space fast…


Had a beautiful 2 days teaching this absolutely gorgeous group of women Reiki level one.

It’s been an absolute joy and can’t wait to continue this journey in a few months for level 2.

Such a magical and exciting time for them 🩷


Last few spaces and last chance to book…

A lighthearted and fun evening of practice in the art of reading oracle cards and using crystal pendulums for divination.

We will show you the magic of the oracle card and help you to use it for your own practice.

Gain confidence, skills and a deeper understanding of this art form in a fun and relaxed space. There will be refreshments and lots of cards to practice with and plenty of support to help you understand the supportive and magical power of oracle cards.

We will throw in a little crystal pendulum fun too.

Link to book below This will book up so grab a space fast…


Sunday morning Rumi ❤️

Being human is a full experience, it’s easy to be in the beauty, love and joy and less so to be in the pain.

Our mission in being human is to remain in our hearts and in love through it all. It’s a continual checking in, a continual alignment to your heart and out of resistance, judgment, lack and resentment to love, acceptance and bliss.

When we are in pain we can also be in love, we can love the pain even.

We are in relationship to everything in life and yes you will feel hurt, anger and resistance and it’s important to feel all of that because your feelings are your messengers as to what’s going on for you, but feelings aren’t facts.

So can you soften, loosen your grip on a feeling and come home to your heart, it’s the most beautiful place to dwell, it will lead you to connection, authenticity, joy, bliss and you will feel grounded, aligned and in flow in all you do.

Whatever this sunny Sunday holds for you…be more angel. Be in love with it all and trust your beautiful heart ❤️



When life is tough it’s good to be present with the impermanence of life, to remind yourself that this moment is a moment in your life and that this moment isn’t your life. Allow yourself to flow with what is…even when it’s tough or it hurts.

Our thoughts about things can create mountains out of molehills and monsters out of men so coming back to your body…your heart and being with the truth and reality is critical to your comfort and bliss in life.

As I navigate my life presently impermanence is my most faithful guide and even when it’s tough it gives me enough grounding to remember my bliss and to be in love with it all.

Have a amazing Saturday and be in beautiful flow with the impermanence of it all 💛


We are very excited to welcome a lovely new even to The Chakra Room. Take a look and a listen ❤️

Photos from The Chakra Room's post 25/07/2024

After a lovely grounding relaxing time away in wales I had some news that pulled me out of my lovely grounded peaceful energy today…

I almost cancelled this evenings root chakra, cacao healing circle but decided it was the medicine that I also needed.

How right I was. It was intimate, beautiful and some lovely new faces too.

When life pulls you up from your roots…as life does at times to us all it’s good to bring these practices into your energy. You are always the captain of your ship, you are always in control of the ship no matter how stormy the sea gets ❤️

Thank you to the beautiful people at tonight’s event you warmed my heart 🙏🏼


No meditation tonight as I’m away until tomorrow…but we have a wonderful opportunity tomorrow evening to take a dive into the root chakra….also known as the base chakra when we connect to and align with this chakra all of our other chakras are supported. They have a strong base on which to sit which brings stability to you and your life 🥰

Join us as we come together in ceremony and  a healing circle to focus on and work with our root chakra.  Using energy practices, cacao, movement, music and ceremonial smoke we will connect to our powerful root chakra.   Do you want to become more grounded? More connected to yourself and others? Improve your relationships? Feel a deeper sense of belonging and safety? Be more present to your experiences? 

Connection to and working with this powewrful energy centre will bring you more balance and help you remain centered in a fast paced world.  creating more safety and peace with you. 

Cacao is optional, tea will also be available


Sunday Morning Rumi ❤️

Are you connected to your spirit? We are so consumed by the mind and the physical, over thinking and psychologising everything, obsessed by the way we look and the way others look, driven by getting the next thing to make us happy and often not really present with the beauty of right now…we are a mind, a body and a spirit.

Be sure you are in this awareness of your spirit always…why you maybe wondering? Your mind will play tricks, gets programmed by society and trauma, your body will sometimes fail you and our thoughts about the body are often warped and make you feel less than ok. Your mind and your body get old and tired…this isn’t suggesting we shouldn’t take care of and develop our minds and bodies. We must look after the temple but never forget the spirit.

The spirit is free, wild, fearless and pure. It’s the part of you that feels divine and whole, it’s your truth and who you have always been and who you will always be. It isn’t confined by the mind or the body and when we are in awareness of our spirit and that of others our connections, relationships, experiences become expansive. You aren’t held back by the restraints of the body and the mind. Life opens up in a much more beautiful way.

You can feel your spirit in your heart so pause, relax into your heart and breathe. It will show you the way, it will remind you of your joy and help you to see beauty in almost anything. Expanding your vision beyond what the eyes can see. Close your eyes and allow your spirit to take you places that your mind cannot conceive and magic happens.

Whatever you do today be free, be the spiritual badass you really are and remember that you are not your mind or your body, yes you have them but they don’t define you. You are a wild and free spirit that may just have forgotten for a while.

I see you…and I love you for it. Have a cracker of a Sunday and pop into the chakra room. It’s open house today would love to see you for a hug and a cuppa. Chloe will be there today too with her amazing collection of stunning crystals and I have enough incense for you all to wake the dead. 🥰


Next week we have a wonderful opportunity to take a dive into the root chakra….also known as the base chakra when we connect to and align with this chakra all of our other chakras are supported. They have a strong base on which to sit which brings stability to you and your life 🥰

Join us as we come together in ceremony and  a healing circle to focus on and work with our root chakra.  Using energy practices, cacao, movement, music and ceremonial smoke we will connect to our powerful root chakra.   Do you want to become more grounded? More connected to yourself and others? Improve your relationships? Feel a deeper sense of belonging and safety? Be more present to your experiences? 

Connection to and working with this powewrful energy centre will bring you more balance and help you remain centered in a fast paced world.  creating more safety and peace with you. 

Cacao is optional, tea will also be available


Love is…

I love to love the shadow aspects of my people. We all have them and when someone is brave enough to show the less than loveable or vulnerable parts of themselves I see the truth of the person and when we are in company of true authenticity it gives everyone around us permission to be fully authentic and the masks we all wear fall away.

It’s exhausting trying not to be you (warts and all), it’s dull and boring trying to fit in and its soul destroying being in relationships where you cannot be yourself or where you are continually judged.

Take a moment today to feel into what feels good and right for you, where are you shrinking into the shadows and why? Who makes you feel relaxed and safe to be you…who doesn’t!

You get to choose, you get to choose to be open, authentic and true to you. You get to choose who you allow into your life too so fill it up with the safe ones, the magic ones, the ones who aren’t afraid to be imperfect and love them for it and let them love you back

We are all doing our best so let’s build relationships and communities based on love, connection and truth. You’re only placed on this earth to be you, so be wholly you…will bells and whistles on ❤️

Have a cracker of a day you little cracker you. Love you lots 🥰💋🌈


Wednesday 17th July - weekly meditation circle. 7.30pm-9pm £10

Book online:

Join us in July as we focus on our amazing energy bodies and the chakra system. Healing and aligning our magical energy centres with powerful meditation and light embodiment.

You will be amazed at how transformational these sessions can be 🙏🏼

No experience needed


Brand new treatment…

As always I create what I would love to receive to offer to you so here is a new treatment that literally woke me up in the night.

I can’t wait to sit with you, to take a look at where your energy is, how your soul feels and where your spirit cries out for alignment with this brand new session….Balance

This is a perfect treatment if you want to connect to your soul…feel aligned and ready to receive all of life’s magic.

We tap into you energetically using a bespoke oracle card reading, reaching into you mind, body and spirit.
Followed by a deeply nourishing and balancing reiki treatment incorporating crystal healing, sound healing and sacred smoke

To book visit the website

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

New stock day 🥰
The quest for wholenessAs someone on their own spiritual path and as someone who assists others in their healing and spi...
Almost ready for solar cacao ceremony
June magic
New crystal baby
You don’t need to force, fight, push. You can be soft, in your heart, in flow and everything falls beautifully into plac...
The chakra room
Festive shopping event 3/12/23
Having fun unpacking Christmas stock 🩷🌲
New journals 🥰
A Journey Through The Chakras.  Excited…it’s been ages ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍
Just landing softly from our true colours retreat.  It was an amazing weekend with the most beautiful group of humans yo...


Shoemakers Court

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm

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1st Floor Inside Studio 30 Tanning And Beauty , 30 Bolton Street, Ramsbottom, BL0 9HX
Bury, BL09PX

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One Step Bury One Step Bury
Albert Works, Brook Street
Bury, BL96AH

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Reiki by Pete Reiki by Pete
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Bury, BL81DA

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