
Dataswyft is a distributed data network and technology company with a mission to unlock the value of data.


Personal data has become a currency of the new age, says Dataswyft's HATLAB Studio specialist Andrés Navarre, but it remains technology-centric and platform-centric. Read what he has to say about how Dataswyft’s CheckD Data Wallet can help put individuals back in the centre, by bringing them data ownership and autonomy over their digital presence.

Identity and Information Validation with Transfer: CheckD Data Wallet White Paper — Dataswyft Network 22/07/2024

In today’s digital world, the inability to seamlessly transfer and validate data impedes the full potential of digitization. Find out how Dataswyft’s CheckD Data Wallet addresses longstanding issues of data portability and interoperability in our latest White Paper, summarised in this news blogpost.

Identity and Information Validation with Transfer: CheckD Data Wallet White Paper — Dataswyft Network In today’s digital world, the inability to seamlessly transfer and validate data impedes the full potential of digitization. Find out how Dataswyft’s CheckD Data Wallet addresses longstanding issues of data portability and interoperability in our latest White Paper.

Towards User-centric Markets in High-assurance Data — Dataswyft Network 09/07/2024

In today’s heavily regulated data economy, we need more nuanced ways of defining our myriad relationships with data. In our latest blogpost, drawn from a report published by Elevandi for the , guest author Ivan Mortimer-Schutts considers the challenges faced in facilitating cross-border data flow to achieve user-centric markets in high-value, high-assurance data.

Towards User-centric Markets in High-assurance Data — Dataswyft Network By guest author Ivan Mortimer Schutts If Data is the lifeblood of the economy and our lives, why are we still not in charge of it ourselves? Dataswyft has animated a discussion on how to enable the free flow of data in the world at a time when concerns about AI, fraud, politics and privac


In today’s world of digital IDs, we are in danger of being diminished to fixed identities & labels. How can we break free of narrow identities that polarise us, and form more global, inclusive communities?
Dataswyt is launching the Digital Diaspora Open Innovation Project to liberate the use of ID and develop digital ID personas that celebrate our own rich identities. Come & create innovative IDs with CheckD Data Wallets in the HATLAB Studio!
Find out more at our Studio Coffee on the 26/6, live from Venice. Details ⬇

CheckD Data Wallet Alpha testing at CADE 2024 — Dataswyft Network 25/06/2024

Our CheckD Data Wallet was Alpha tested at the International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE 2024) in Venice, Italy this week!

Conference chair Professor Carsten Maple of Warwick University said: “We are delighted to pioneer this technology in a live environment and explore the future possibilities of its usage.”
Conference attendee Angelika Kerlin said: "The ability to share my personal details with a QR code is super easy, feels more secure and is a time saver. I think it’s great that I own my data too!”

CheckD Data Wallet Alpha testing at CADE 2024 — Dataswyft Network The CheckD Data Wallet was out on Alpha testing at the International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE 2024) in Venice, Italy this week on June 24. Participants validated their badges that held their dinner tickets.

The Power of Self-Sovereign Data Wallets at the Edge — Dataswyft Network 18/06/2024

Self-sovereign Data Wallets can help unleash the power of IDs and data on the edge. Our CEO Irene Ng explains the CheckD data wallet proposition in 7 diagrams in this blogpost, excerpted from her Keynote Speech at the recent Espresso project workshop in London

The Power of Self-Sovereign Data Wallets at the Edge — Dataswyft Network Unleashing the power of IDs and data at the edge with the self-sovereign data wallet

Edge Markets: The Promise & Potential for Data Usage — Dataswyft Network 10/06/2024

What's the promise & potential of edge markets for data usage?
In this blogpost, our CEO Irene Ng explains how data wallets can help edge markets overcome the limitations of centralised systems, revolutionizing how firms use data and unlock value without centralizing control.

This blogpost is a summary of a white paper that Irene will present at the upcoming International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (hashtag ) on 24-26 June. Visit the blogpost for the link to download the full paper.

Edge Markets: The Promise & Potential for Data Usage — Dataswyft Network This blogpost is a summary of an academic paper to be presented by Dataswyft CEO Professor Irene Ng at the International Conference on AI and the Digital Economy (CADE 2024) on 24-26 June in Venice, Italy, with conference proceedings published by IET. Download the full paper. The Promise and

CheckD Early Access at Espresso Hackathon — Dataswyft Network 04/06/2024

Gain early access to CheckD, the world’s first data wallet, at the Espresso project workshop and hackathon in London on June 13-14.

As partners of the EPSRC-funded Espresso (Efficient Search over Personal Repositories – Secure and Sovereign) project, Dataswyft is very pleased to participate in the Espresso Workshop where we will also offer the chance to build on Dataswyft data accounts in a sandbox environment. Dataswyft CEO, Professor Irene Ng, will deliver a keynote on the power of distributed data ecosystems at the workshop.

Join us as we create value with distributed, self-sovereign data!

CheckD Early Access at Espresso Hackathon — Dataswyft Network Dataswyft welcomes the Espresso project team to the HATLAB Studio! As partners of the EPSRC-funded ESPRESSO (Efficient Search over Personal Repositories – Secure and Sovereign) project, Dataswyft is very pleased to participate in the Espresso Workshop on June 13-14 in London, where we will provi

CheckD: The world’s first data wallet — Dataswyft Network 31/05/2024

Imagine a world where individuals connect with organisations seamlessly, using data between siloed vertical systems & sharing data at the edge safely and securely with the world's first data wallet, CheckD. Now open for early access.

CheckD: The world’s first data wallet — Dataswyft Network Empowering Communities For a while now, we have been experimenting and learning with a type of product that would empower communities and enable individuals and businesses to co-create value and thrive with their social and cultural identities. Businesses tend to live in verticals: Healthcare, Fin

The CheckD Data Wallet - Own and use your data — Dataswyft Network 21/05/2024

Very proud to announce that our new product, CheckD, is now open for early access registration.

Sign up for Early Access (mid June) at

Probably the world’s first data wallet. Safe. Secure. Private. Cross border data validation and transfers.

We believe it would be a game changer for building and growing global communities where we own our data and create value with it.

Read our blogpost here

Get our white paper here

Our CEO Irene Ng will be presenting the white paper at CADE so if you’re coming, let us know!

The CheckD Data Wallet - Own and use your data — Dataswyft Network Build & Grow Empowered and Engaged Communities Sign up for Early Access Fast and convenient ID creation and validation. Sign up for Early Access Secure, & Private 100% Safe information transfers. Sign up for Early Access Engender trust While unlocking the value of data. Sign up for Early Access Empo...


From all of us at Dataswyft, we wish you a year of soaring spirits, enriching endeavours and flourishing lives.


Well done Databonds and founders Steve Nicholson and Ben Keylock for a successful pilot that knocked it out of the ball park! 1,200 participants (and climbing) in a such a short period of time is an amazing achievement. 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Our blogpost today is a big shoutout on how databonds is transforming the retail industry with the Dataswyft data infrastructure, showcasing their long-term vision of creating a trusted and compelling open retail ecosystem.

We welcome databonds to HATLAB and look forward to supporting you in the next step of your journey in building of your decentralized, self-sovereign data ecosystem.


London Tech Week for Dataswyft definitely took off to a good start when we our CEO Irene Ng was honoured with a token of appreciation from the Malaysian Minister of Communications and Digital, YB Tuan Fahmi Fadzil, and Mr Mahadhir Aziz, CEO of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

At Dataswyft, we are committed to supporting Malaysia for their golden digital decade to be the next digital economic tiger in the ASEAN region, and eventually globally. This recognition comes timely as we work hand in hand with MDEC and YB Fahmi’s team towards providing data transformation in the safest manner and investment support to Malaysian companies who are creating tools and solutions to create value in self-sovereign data and growing the data economy for the country.

We look forward working towards building a sustainable and prosperous Malaysia through data economy powered by Dataswyft’s data technology.

The future of personal data sharing: Data wallets and empowered users 11/06/2023

Ahead of London Tech Week, much will be talked about Data Wallets and how Malaysia is the first country to roll out and grow self sovereign data wallets nationwide. Thanks Digital News Asia for the article that so clearly laid out the vision of our CEO Irene Ng. We aim to provide free decentralized data servers to everyone and believe that markets are created from the use of our self sovereign data.

We believe in a future where “bottom up” data economics will create social justice with self-sovereign data as a way to moderate the economics of “trickle down” that is barely trickling down.

But we can never do this alone. As the article says, it’s about building a market and that means providing data transformation and investment support to Malaysian companies who are creating tools and solutions to create value in self-sovereign data and growing the data economy.

Very proud of our clients and partners in our data network: Shout out to our data accounts and wallet providers VERO AI (education/fans), databonds (retail/shopping), DMink (mortgage/finance); our technology partners Obeden , Base Alpha , ThunderSoft , WISE AI; our ecosystem consultants Ctrl-Shift , JUNO

And the brands that have supported the Sejuta.KG wallet Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad , Pacific & Orient Berhad , redONE Network Sdn Bhd ; Farm Fresh Berhad , Allianz Malaysia and so many others

All without the need for blockchains. Onwards to the Data Economy 2.0

The future of personal data sharing: Data wallets and empowered users Data wallets allow individuals to securely manage, share, maintain personal data Will lead to data ecosystems, and economy where personal data is willingly traded "I just can't stand that they are paid so much money, for being so crappy." Unapologetic, Professor Irene Ng (seated right, with her team...

New Stanford Study Offers a Simple Trick to Help Women Get More of What They Want in Negotiations 06/06/2023

Take a walk!

New Stanford Study Offers a Simple Trick to Help Women Get More of What They Want in Negotiations Women face a negotiation double bind: push hard and be punished, or go gently and get a worse deal. New research suggests a way out.

Revolutionizing Customer Engagement: How this Disruptive Strategy is Changing the Game — Dataswyft Network 27/04/2023

Creating Audiences with Purpose-led Data Ecosystems

The most successful marketing campaigns are those that align their purpose with their consumers’ interests. They drive both revenue and long-term brand equity. That’s why we design our clients’ ecosystems to be purpose-led.

Powered by our self-sovereign data technology (patent pending), our purpose-led ecosystems are effective and efficient because of the following:

- Puts purpose first, not businesses or brands

- Enables the ecosystem to drive alignment between relevant partner businesses as well as customer journeys

- Binds everything together with a cohesive, purpose-led narrative to create audiences that are aligned to the purpose

- Brings an entire community together, combining customer journeys, customer acquisition, partners and inspiring engagement that is self-reinforcing due the strength of the purpose

- And we do all of the above with absolute compliance and respect with the ownership of user data.

Read our latest blogpost to find out how our case study – Malaysian health movement SejutaKG – built multiple audiences to help achieve its goals through a purpose-led self-sovereign data ecosystem using Dataswyft’s Self-sovereign Data Wallets.

Revolutionizing Customer Engagement: How this Disruptive Strategy is Changing the Game — Dataswyft Network Customer engagement is poised for disruption. Upending the current brand-centric approach, we create ecosystems where consumers come together as communities behind common purposes. Brands that join an ecosystem are thus perceived as native to (or at least part of) the purpose and therefore able to a

Better Audiences: How Self-Sovereign Data Ecosystems Help Marketers — Dataswyft Network 18/04/2023

As a marketer, you want to deliver personalized experiences to your consumers. But how do you do so in a manner that ensures their data privacy and security?

The solution – self-sovereign data ecosystems that can help marketers deliver more impactful and measurable marketing campaigns through:

Better targeting
Enhanced trust and promoting choice
Increased personalization
Improved customer convenience
Better accuracy with more complete data
Improved compliance

Want to develop choice-based and enduring audience behaviours, and build long-lasting customer relationships based on trust, relevance, and value? Read our latest blogpost to find out how self-sovereign data ecosystems can help you.

Better Audiences: How Self-Sovereign Data Ecosystems Help Marketers — Dataswyft Network In today's world, consumers are increasingly concerned about data privacy and security. This poses a challenge for marketers who want to deliver personalized experiences while respecting user privacy. This is where self-sovereign data ecosystems come in – a model of managing audiences in a privacy...

Photos from Dataswyft's post 07/04/2023

It was great conference at the International Chamber of Commerce Future Trade Forum in Singapore. Our CEO Irene Ng spoke about data portability and the use of LEDDS to solve interoperability issues in trade, with Pamela Mar Glenn Gore

Catch our report here:

Interoperable Legal Entity Decentralized Data Servers (LEDDS) for Trade — Dataswyft Network 05/04/2023

The way data is managed and used in trade today is still a patchwork of fragmented systems, platforms, and stakeholders.

How do we solve this, and also bring much-needed global convergence and cooperation to establish data protection frameworks that can better facilitate trade?

By changing the nature of data into a self-sovereign asset class with LEDDS – legal entity decentralized data servers. This:

- provides a secure and efficient distributed platform
- makes data more accessible and easier to share
- enables your business to focus on commercial arrangements

Learn more about how LEDDS can help your business: Download and read the full report on Interoperable Legal Entity Decentralized Data Servers (LEDDS) for Trade.

Interoperable Legal Entity Decentralized Data Servers (LEDDS) for Trade — Dataswyft Network A report issued by the Dataswyft Practice Team for the ICC Future Trade Forum , 29-30 March, 2023, Singapore. Summary In today's digital age, the world of trade is transitioning towards digital operations, making data exchange and usage essential to fulfill legal, commercial, financial, and

Interoperable Legal Entity Decentralized Data Servers (LEDDS) for Trade — Dataswyft Network 29/03/2023

How do we address the challenges of data exchange in trade? Find out how Legal Entity Decentralized Data Servers can be an effective solution, in our report released for the ICC Future Trade Forum.
Irene Ng will be on stage at the ICC Future Trade Forum in Singapore today to speak about unlocking the value of data with business data wallets

Interoperable Legal Entity Decentralized Data Servers (LEDDS) for Trade — Dataswyft Network A report issued by the Dataswyft Practice Team for the ICC Future Trade Forum , 29-30 March, 2023, Singapore. Summary In today's digital age, the world of trade is transitioning towards digital operations, making data exchange and usage essential to fulfill legal, commercial, financial, and

Dataswift on LinkedIn: #ssdata #web3 #web3 #ssdata #selfsovereigndata #datawallets #marketing… 21/03/2023

Catch our CEO, Professor Irene Ng’s chat with Richard Bradbury on BFM 89.9 as she talks about Self-Sovereign Data, how it differs from blockchain, and the way it amplifies products, businesses and brands. Time to scale and win the arms race!

For highlights, visit

Dataswift on LinkedIn: #ssdata #web3 #web3 #ssdata #selfsovereigndata #datawallets #marketing… Catch our CEO, Professor Irene C L Ng ‘s chat with Richard Bradbury on BFM 89.9 - The Business Station as she talks about Self-Sovereign Data, how it differs…

HATLAB Studio welcomes our new fund partner! — Dataswift Network 16/03/2023

Congratulations to the team at Self-Sovereign Data Holdings on the set up of their fund and welcome to the HATLAB studio!

Read our interview with the fund COO Tze Wye Lim here

More about their fund:

We look forward to be supporting you to grow and accelerate Digital SMEs in the region with SSData.

HATLAB Studio welcomes our new fund partner! — Dataswift Network A new Studio partner!

Dataswift Network 13/03/2023

We have (officially) landed in Asia! After months of planning, Dataswift Network has officially begun operations with our network HQ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! wallets are coming!

Read our short blogpost here:

We’ve also started to onboard the first of our HATLAB Studio members. Read the post here:

The next few months will be crazy busy as we support our providers and the roll out of their data ecosystems in Asia. Let’s give every app a and unlock the value of data with ( ). Using and sharing our own data really shouldn’t be so hard and data producers should be rewarded when their data is used!

Check out and watch this space for more announcements to come.

Dataswift Network The Dataswift Network powers data wallets and enables the usage and sharing of Self-Sovereign Data


Happy New Year 2023!


Happy Holidays to everyone!

Decentralized Self-Sovereign Data Explained 10/11/2022

What does decentralized self-sovereign data mean, and how does it work? Learn all about it in our latest blogpost

Decentralized Self-Sovereign Data Explained In this blogpost inspired by her presentation at the IFC-hosted session on Distributed Data Ecosystems: Heterodox Approaches to Data Portability at the recent Singapore FinTech Festival, Irene CL Ng explains what decentralized self-sovereign data is all about.


Irene Ng will be speaking at the tomorrow, Nov 8, joining Arup's Volker Buscher to discuss the role of data in fighting climate change. Find out more about the Open Data Institute's ODI Summit 2022: Data Decade

Galvanising a Nation 07/11/2022

How can data ecosystems help achieve mass coordination for an entire nation? Read Irene Ng's blogpost on Sejuta.KG, a data ecosystem case study that Irene will be presenting at the today

Galvanising a Nation A data ecosystem case study

Data Ecosystems: The Art of the Possible 03/11/2022

Achieving mass coordination while preserving privacy and agency is what’s most exciting about data ecosystems. View some of those we’ve designed for our clients, in Irene Ng's latest blogpost on the art of the possible with data ecosystems

Data Ecosystems: The Art of the Possible Achieve mass coordination while preserving privacy and agency

Designing Data Ecosystems 02/11/2022

How do you design a data ecosystem that can be scaled for exponential revenue growth? Irene Ng explains in the blogpost series we are running this week in conjunction with her presentations at the Singapore FinTech Festival and the Congress in London.

Designing Data Ecosystems How data-enabled customer journeys can increase business revenues

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Personal Data Innovation

Dataswift Ltd (formerly HAT Data Exchange Ltd) is a commercial enterprise spun out from the HAT research project tasked to build the decentralised HAT Infrastructure. From 2015-18, Dataswift built a suite of technology services and set up the legal, and economic model (the HATDeX Platform) around the open-sourced HAT to scale the issuance of HAT personal data accounts.

Dataswift is an AWS-like web services company for “personal data account infrastructure.” Our HATDeX API platform lets companies store user information in user-owned ”HAT Personal Data Account” instead of on their corporate servers, without changing anything else about their app or technology.

Dataswift operates under licence from the HAT Community Foundation, a members’ organisation that sets the top-level requirements for the trust framework. Dataswift and HATCF work together to promote data rights and data mobility for innovation on the HATDeX platform.

In the innovation environment, Dataswift works with HATLAB and HAT Accelerator support the HAT R&D environment.

Videos (show all)

History of Personal Data Accounts and the HAT Microserver for Hack from Home Hackathon


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