Renascentia- Lynn Donaghey

Physiotherapist, Bowen Therapist, NLP Prationer, Thought Field Therapist, EFT Therapist, Crystal hea

i am aware that people are naturally intuitive and resourceful and already have all the answers: they just need assistance to tap into their own resources. I am here to help you cut through the noise in your mind to put you back in touch with your innermost wisdom and truths. Discover joyous courses of action that will re-connect you to the goals that will fulfill all aspects of your Self, with th


Talking about Crystals on zoom. Register to join me on Monday 23rd Sept at 19.30 to 20.30.
Looking forward to seeing you💕💕


Another wonderful review from a KCR Student

‘Good evening Wonder Woman. 😘

I am loving using my new found knowledge and techniques.

Today I had 9 clients booked in . . . . I used KCR on 4 of them.
And they were even more delighted than me.
Great results , and they all seem to grasp the idea of rebalancing the whole body.

Did 2 at the weekend, and my friend has been experiencing lower back a SI pain for 8 months.
She has been paying for physio with no relief of symptoms.

I did my magic on Monday.
She has been pain free . . . No meds, no heat . . . And in disbelief.
She is still being over cautious with her back, she knows that.
She’s due to visit physio tonight, but wants this to be her last appointment.
She is due for some more KCR on Monday again.

I am loving the energy this affords myself and my clients. . . It’s so body friendly 🙏🙏

At this this rate, I won’t need to retire til I’m 92. 😂😂😂😂
# # #’


To All Kinetic Chain Release Practitioner who want to Take their pactice to the next level.

Introduction to Connective Tissue Release
Date: 12th/13th October
Cost: £395

Entry Requirements: KCR Level One

Course Duration: 2 Days (14 hands-on hours)
Qualification Obtained: Certificate of Completion of Introduction to Connective Tissue enabling full, immediate implementation.

You will be taught how to expand your awareness and understanding of the vital, supportive, and dynamic interconnective systems of tissues that occur throughout the body.
You will learn how gentle and intuitive stretches and releases of the connective tissue system can affect powerful healing to body, mind and even emotional trauma.

Alongside physical techniques you will be introduced to a set of skills that will enhance your own ability to heal and transform physical, emotional and mental states of distress.

This foundation course introduces insights and modalities which will be built upon and developed in the Connective Tissue Release 1
and Connective Tissue Release 2, with are prefect add on to your KCR technique


Let’s see what happens


As we wave goodbye to Mercury retrograde on 28th August and its pesky communication challenges, we're met with a new set of cosmic influences. Venus, the planet of love and money, is throwing us a curveball with its opposition to Neptune. This transit can create confusion and disillusionment in relationships and financial matters, so it's crucial to trust your intuition and avoid making hasty decisions 🧘‍♀️.


I have received a wee review about Access Bars which lets like reflexology for your head and helps to work on your perception about you and your situations.

‘I have received several Access Bars sessions from Lynn Donaghy recently and always enjoy her experiencing her wide range of therapies. The Access Bars sessions are so relaxing and really calm the mind down and the release of ‘being stuck’, adverse behavioural patterns, and belief systems has been transformational for me. Access Bars sessions have proved to be life-changing – all this from a couple of relaxing sessions. Book in with Lynn if you get a chance – you won’t regret it🥰 — with Lynn Donaghey.’


Some feed back from students after doing KCR training with them.

‘spent my weekend up-skilling by learning Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) protocol taught by Lynn Donaghey. Lynn is a compassionate, trauma-informed KCR therapist and trainer, who generously shares her wealth of knowledge and experience as a holistic physiotherapist.’

‘thank you Lynn for a fantastic weekend! Your a fab teacher and I learned so much from you 🥰x


Over the moon to welcome these three gorgous soul to the Kinetic Chain Release family.
Karen Mclean, Micaela Svennblad Craig and Colette Doyle.
Had some fun,learning and laughter💕💕


Hi Gorgeous Soul
Time to start being honest.
If we are feeling low and need some company could be just say that.
Just say ‘I need some company, anyone want to meet up for a coffee, or a walk, or something’
Let’s just start being honest about how we are feeling.
I am ok but there are times, I am not but today I am good.
But for those of you who are feeling abit low just be honest and see what happens💕


Now this is going too far if August identifies as October.


A Space has become available to train in Kinetic Chain Release
Dates 2024
24th/25th Aug

🔵Who is it suitable for?🔵
🏋‍♂️Are you a health and fitness professional?
This could be an extra service you could provide.
🚁Are you a medic offshore?
This will enable you to resolve many common pain complaints which usually could see expensive crew changes.
🏩Are you a health professional? Concerned about the current pain management program in the UK?
👨‍👦‍👦Are you a parent with a child involved in sports?
Supporting your child through their growth spurts and injury is not only going to save you time and money, but a beautiful way to connect.
🛑Are you living with someone with chronic pain and want to help them.
KCR has been shown to be highly effective for chronic pain.
💆‍♂️Are you a massage therapist, physiotherapist, bodywork therapist, reiki practitioner or someone who sees clients on a regular basis?
Why not add a new modality to what you offer?
🛎Are you looking for a career change?
This is perfect! Many KCR practioners have eased into a rewarding career using KCR.

Course cost £390Deposit £75

This 2 day course will enable you to help people with many pain complaints including:
Back, Neck & Shoulder pain
Wrist pain
Sciatic and Piriformis Pain
Hip, Knee & Ankle Pain
Migraines & Tension headaches
IBS & Bloating
CFS/ME & Fibromyalgia
TMJ Dysfunction
amongst many other conditions
Please contact me for more information


The more I teach energy work and teaching people how to raise their energy and frequency the more I am made aware of how I have changed over the years and how my work has changed.
I am reminded how many uniform I have worn thought my life and that each uniform taught me new things about me.
How many life times I have had in this one soul journey and how much I have learned and how I should thank ever women I have been in this one journey.
I thank them all because if I had not been these women, I would not be this woman.
Grown older is an honour, is a gift because each person has a Library of memories and knowledge which should be shared before it it lost. Honour that library that each person holds within them.
I have been a thousand difference women and I honour the all because if it was not for them, I would not be a WITCH or a Woman In Total Control of Herself. I honour you all💕


Ah that is a long time ago. Different time, different life,different me.
Some times old photos remind you how many changes, lessons and challenges you had to face and overcome to become the person you are to day
When I look back most of my changes, Lesson and challenges were hard at the time but blessing in disguise because I had to do them to get to the next level of this game we call life to experience the beautiful human being journey.
So your experience may have taught you Love, hope, happiness. Some have taught you strength courage, endurance, independence, resilience and pushed you to your limits
Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually so you alway know even in your darkest hour you made it through to the light.
I learned to treat very challenge and set back as a learning experience to get me to my next stage in this journey of life and enjoy the light when I step in to it.
Have a great day, cherish it and learning from it be grateful for it and never take it for granted.
Bright blessing to you all💕


Happy August
1st August -Mercury is in Retrograde
Moon is in Cancer
This month you may be question if you are on the right path and you may find out you or others will have 180 degree change in their life💕

Pluto is retrograde until October, Saturn is retrograde until November, and Neptune is retrograde until December. Chiron is in retrograde until 29th December

4th August New Moon
This month is about think about what you want.
Be aware of your self worth.

8th August Loin’s Gate Portal

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8). It takes place when the sun is in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius. Since the event happens when the sun is Leo season (the sign known for strength and determination), thus the name Lion’s Gate Portal.
What is the Significance of the LoinGate portal

Portal manifestations is so important! Because It is the opening of the galactic gate and symbolises an outburst of high-frequency energy or wisdom, that brings us a great opportunity for growth and manifestation. This period allows us to boost our aspirations, manifest new ideas and aspirations, raise our consciousness and enhance our spiritual energy. Anyone looking for a change in their lifestyle, setting new goals or wanting to accomplish more this gate is for you!

Your outer world is reflection you inner world.
Watch your thoughts and words💕
This month is full of intense energy 💕
Have a great August💕


What is being Human or Hu man.
Hu/ hue = light
Man = body

We are a light body or spiritual being in a physical body.

If you can see energy or aura then you will see how people glow.

Some glow more then most. We all know a person who lights up a room when they enter it.
How children are little beams of light.

As each person is having their own personal experience it does not mean one is not better than the other. It's just different experiences.

If you look through a Prism it break white light up into the visible light spectrum. We are particles of wavelengths, frequencies and vibrations. We are the full gamut. We shine out all the colors.

White light is defined as the complete mixture of all of the wavelengths of the visible spectrum. This means that if I have beams of light of all of the colors of the rainbow and focus all of the colors onto a single spot, the combination of all of the colors will result in a beam of white light.

There are seven wavelength ranges within the visible spectrum that each correspond to a different color. The colors fall in an order commonly referred to with the acronym ROYGBIV. If you ever took an art class you will remember ROYGBIV, the color wheel. This acronym helps in remembering the order of the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

These seven colors also represent the 7 main chakra centers of the body. The root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.

We were put on this earth to naturally able to shine from within, from our inner light. we allow the truth of our soul our authenticity to shine out. If we ever feel we are running on a "low battery" we have the ability to tap into nature, the Universe, Frequency and charge back up. Our light and our source is unlimited.

It is through this concept of thinking and belief that I do my healing work.


Happy Lammas or Lughnasadh, Lughnasa or Lúnasa.
This is a time for being grateful as it is the first harvest. Being grateful for a bountiful crop and all the good that has happened.
It also a time of reflection on how we have done as the year is more half way through.
Happy Lammas💕


You are an electicmagnetic beings. You can direct that energy by using mudrasand intention.
Mudras in Sanskrit means gestures. We can direct that energy to different organs using different gesture.
Mudras are part of yoga and are as important if not more important than the yoga poses.
If you would like to learn more about mudras contact me for more information💕


Space has become available to train in Kinetic Chain Release
Dates 2024
24th/25th Aug

🔵Who is it suitable for?🔵
🏋‍♂️Are you a health and fitness professional?
This could be an extra service you could provide.
🚁Are you a medic offshore?
This will enable you to resolve many common pain complaints which usually could see expensive crew changes.
🏩Are you a health professional? Concerned about the current pain management program in the UK?
👨‍👦‍👦Are you a parent with a child involved in sports?
Supporting your child through their growth spurts and injury is not only going to save you time and money, but a beautiful way to connect.
🛑Are you living with someone with chronic pain and want to help them.
KCR has been shown to be highly effective for chronic pain.
💆‍♂️Are you a massage therapist, physiotherapist, bodywork therapist, reiki practitioner or someone who sees clients on a regular basis?
Why not add a new modality to what you offer?
🛎Are you looking for a career change?
This is perfect! Many KCR practioners have eased into a rewarding career using KCR.

Course cost £390Deposit £75

This 2 day course will enable you to help people with many pain complaints including:
Back, Neck & Shoulder pain
Wrist pain
Sciatic and Piriformis Pain
Hip, Knee & Ankle Pain
Migraines & Tension headaches
IBS & Bloating
CFS/ME & Fibromyalgia
TMJ Dysfunction
amongst many other conditions
Please contact me for more information


How is everyone doing after the strange energy shift last week.
Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Mercury and Chiron in retrograde.
Full moon in 21st July.

I was really stressed,low, tired and no motivation. Lost a load of stuff that I need but found it to day.
Please do lots of self care and be kind to yourself💕


For the Kinetic Chain Release Practitioners who would Like to take their practice to the next level.

Introduction to Connective Tissue Release
Date: 12th/13th October
Cost: £395

Entry Requirements: KCR Level One

Course Duration: 2 Days (14 hands-on hours)
Qualification Obtained: Certificate of Completion of Introduction to Connective Tissue enabling full, immediate implementation.

You will be taught how to expand your awareness and understanding of the vital, supportive, and dynamic interconnective systems of tissues that occur throughout the body.
You will learn how gentle and intuitive stretches and releases of the connective tissue system can affect powerful healing to body, mind and even emotional trauma.

Alongside physical techniques you will be introduced to a set of skills that will enhance your own ability to heal and transform physical, emotional and mental states of distress.

This foundation course introduces insights and modalities which will be built upon and developed in the Connective Tissue Release 1
and Connective Tissue Release 2, with are prefect add on to your KCR technique.


Happiness is not a place, it is a journey.
Happiness is out outside us, it is inside us.
happiness is not by chance it is by choice.
Happiness is not a destination, it a way of life.
Happiness is not the absence of the problems but the ability to deal with them.
Happiness happens when you wake up and you decide you are having a good day and you’re going to be happy. Start with a smile.
Happiness is free but to feel it is priceless.
Lynn Donaghey.


Happy full moon.
The full Moon in Capricorn presents a powerful opportunity for self-reflection, particularly around emotional management and regulation. Capricorn encourages us to establish structures and systems that can support the full expression and understanding of our emotions.


This is a very scary thought and just some rambling of my mind.
When IT fails everything stops. Travel stops, trading stops and information exchange stops.
Hospital appointments or procedures can’t happen as our medical information is not available when the computer system fails.
Why do we keep wanting to move forward with the technology without having a back up.
Think of this, if a country every wanted to invaded an other country in the future, then all they would have to do it cut the electrical power. So no light, no heating, no electric transport. Then cut the computer systems. No internet, no phone use, no travel, no banking, no trading, no access to information, medical records, no proof of identity or qualifications.
Keep cash and keep paper copies of identification.


Be the boss of your life.
Hire, Fire, Promote
Know when and who to let in to your life.
Know when and who to let go.
Know when and who you to keep and bring in to your circle.
Hire, Fire, Promote.


Malacholla is a crystal made up of Malachite and Chrysocolla. So it has a mixture of copper carbonate hydroxide mineral from Malachite and copper silicate mineral from Chrysocolla.

Malacholla is believed to have powerful crystal healing properties: given its unique combination of Malachite and Chrysocolla, this stone harnesses the powers of both.

Malacholla is said to be particularly useful for calm and stability during times of stress, as well as when one is in need of a confidence boost, especially when speaking.

Malacholla is from Africa or the Congo.
Charka: it good for heart and throat.
Do your homework


Did you know that Aventurine quartz comes in other colours. Green is the most common but it comes in blue, brown, orange, pink, red and yellow.

Green aventurine does contain copper so don’t put in water.

Aventurine brings the emotional and intellectual bodies together. This serves to balance emotions, soothe anxiety, and relieve stress. By aligning the chakras, this crystal also assists in finding balance and clarity in the self.


Lybyan Sand glass is a a beautiful crystal. Technically not a crystal but a tektite ( ite mean not great in water).
Made when a meteorite hit silica sand at great force to produce silica glass (lechetierite).
Other names are Libyan desert crystal, great sand sea glass, can be known as gold tektite
Found in the eastern Sahara, deserts of eastern Lybia or western Egypt.
Properties. supporting individuals who are looking for information or insight into their life due to its capacity to increase healing energies. Additionally, it is supposed to help with chakra alignment and significantly reduce stress levels.
Colour. Normally a golden yellow.
Mineral: aluminium, iron, titanium, many have
Be careful as there are lots of fakes about. Only buy from a seller you trust.
A wee bit of common sense- always wash your hands after handling crystals. You don’t know where they have been or what chemicals or mineral they store. Even they are your crystals.
Alway do your research💕

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Look out some tools to play with for the energy workshop on Saturday 25th May at 10am
Tuning fork
#KCR Practitioner course



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