Ricky Ross Personal Training

Ricky Ross Personal Training.


Hi gang.
Ricky here. I wanna try something radical. I want to take a step back and slow down in the supersonic age of the internet. Spending more time away from the 'never good enough' vibes of Instagram just feels right.

Social media feels like a battlefield where as coaches we're forced to compete for your views and follows. Trouble is, I genuinely don't care for the way these algorithms pit coaches & content creators against one another.

So here it is, I'm a PT based in Dundee and If you're looking for a private space to be coached, where you can quietly work away on your goals, I've got you. I've also got you covered if you're in need of programs & support if you're not local.

No cameras, no videos, no nonsense.
I'm going back to good old fashioned word of mouth to spread the word so if you enjoy my coaching style, or just want to support a local business please tell your friends.

Photos from Ricky Ross Personal Training's post 09/05/2024

My brother giving me ideas to think outside the box today for getting word out!

Intake is currently open for new one to one and semi private PT sessions. We are just about to embark on an eight week run which will take us swinging into Summer.

It doesn't matter if you are brand new or an old hat when it comes to exercise, my sessions offer a level of accountability and flexibility that will keep you on track to achieving your goals.


Grabbing that low hanging fruit yields the biggest wins. Here's some easy stuff to implement that will make a big difference.

✅ 30 minutes earlier to bed.
✅ An extra glass of water.
✅ Replace one drink with a hydration tablet in water.
✅ 2 high rep sets of curls at the end of your workout.
✅ 20 minute walk around your neighbourhood.
✅ 10 minutes breathing on the floor. Eyes on ceiling.
✅ Leaving your phone in another room for work.
✅ 'supersets' 2 exercises back to back no rest.
✅ Schedule your exercise. Dates & times.
✅ 5 minute warm up on a rowing machine or skierg.
✅ Pick one thing your bad at. Do it.
✅ Get a creative outlet (throw paint on things)
✅ Pick things up as you go.
✅ Put on a 5 minute song for a 5 minute task. Go.


If you made a promise to yourself today, this is your call to action!!

If you're a start on Monday kind of person, if you let today go by without taking any action, you'll make the same promise to yourself next week too.

That's seven full days of working towards your goal you'll miss out on and if you have a deadline in mind, that's going to make things harder!

There's no time like the present, so let's see you go get it. If you're unsure where to start, I currently have an intake open on my semi private and one to one PT sessions. Come join a small private PT community to elevate and support you in your endeavours.


Line up your next shot if you want to hit your target.

There's something to be said about the merits of a simple plan. Be it health, Career, event planning, etc.. the easier things are to follow, the higher chance of a positive outcome.

You don't need bells and whistles you need bricks to build a wall. F**k...that's good. I should write that down. Don't think I need to say much more really.

Write down the first three things that come to mind when trying to achieve something and find a way to stick to doing them. Simple. Effective.

Worry about the 1% stuff when you've got a solid foundation set.


I've got one hell of a team working on their goals with me. I might get a wee bit of sass at the start of a session but it makes me proud to no end when they complete the work I've prescribed.

There's room for a few new additions to the semi private sessions. I'd love to have you aboard, drop me a message and let's get underway.


We're very quick in telling people the things that we're really bad at. I know way too many people who wear their dislike of healthy vegetables as a badge of honour for example. We don't give ourselves enough credit for the things we are working on and trying hard to improve.

Reframing how you think about yourself and the things you do, in a more positive light will not only make doing those things easier but it will also increase the chances of you getting better at them at a faster rate!


Big focus this week on eliminating junk social media and screen time. If you're currently caught up in a 'doom scroll' I urge to throw your phone across the sofa and go the thing you actually want to be doing instead.


PTs are at War! 🤯

Christmas and newbies....
Count calories? Don't count?
Get a head start? Wait til January?
Put your feet up. DONT YOU DARE!

Who do you listen too when your fav 'fitfluencers' are fighting?

Honestly pros and cons on both sides tbh.

Starting now is useless if you want a fresh unbroken run at things....

However, if you accept that life brings disruption, then it's ok.

Also, as the gym gets quiet, it's a great time to learn, no pressure, stress free. Come January, figuring things out in a busy space might feel overwhelming. If you're not ready for that, you'll struggle.

Same applies for diet, if you are ok with a little Christmas disruption and indulgence then track.

If you need unbroken, clean sweeps and precise monitoring... probably wait.

It all comes down to how you approach these things.
A mind ready for disruption and a little disorder will however thrive in the long run as life is rarely fair, so if anything going into 2024.... If you're going to achieve success... It's not going to come down to your plan or diet, what will matter is how you handle the bumps in the road.


We're drunk on cheap dopamine ➡️

Getting a quick dopamine fix from our phones feels GREAT! Who doesn't love refreshing their feeds to see what pops up next and who hasn't been stuck on the TikTok carouse?

Truth is, it's a short lasting virtual buzz that added very little to your day and it costs you HOURS every day.

I know one thing though, I get that same high by following through on my commitments. From my workouts, to my sleep I feel great every time I complete an action that supports my goals and future favourable outcomes.

Think about it, how good does it feel to complete a task list? Same idea!

Well earned dopamine just hits harder, leaves less guilt and doesn't leave you playing catch up.

As a gamer and a tech lover I'm working hard on a plan to strike this balance between my screen time and my health and I can't wait to share these aspects of my journey with you!

Photos from Ricky Ross Personal Training's post 23/11/2023

Calories, sleep, protein, steps are all important factors of a weight loss journey but it's easy to overlook the very human element of any weight loss journey. The inability to keep out of our own heads.

Here's a few paragraphs on how to help yourself maintain good progress.


A gift to those of you who said...

"She's too fat wear that"
"That's a man's voice"
"He's too big"
"They live in the gym"
"No life"
"Put clothes on"
..and the rest.
From us, to you... Take a spin on it. You sit on the side and cast judgement from the safety of your phone, you're only contribution to humanity is envy, spite and hate.

Lift each other up so we can all thrive. When you're ready to change, we'll still be here to help.


Minimally invasive habits. 😲

Quick thought. What if you worked on habits that didn't require ANY set part of your day to complete?
Habits that can be worked on no matter what you're doing or how busy you are?

➡️ Hydrating with just water for example, a bottle can be carried anywhere and sipped from at any time.

➡️ Practicing gratitude. Reflect on positive interactions, doing a good deed, etc. Something as simple as picking up a rogue bit of litter or simply smiling at a paser by.

➡️ Steps. Work on your feet, pace, be the office errand person etc.

➡️ Breathing exercises, on your commute, before you leave for work etc. Simply focusing on breathing as you work can help regulate your stress and your mood.

The massive impact that these four elements alone can have on your health is massive and they require you to take almost zero time away from a hectic schedule. At most, they require you to stop and check in with yourself as you go about your day and that is never a bad thing to do.


You hold the cards to your health and how you choose to play them is up to you.

Unlike Uno, where my kids stack two decks and use almost exclusively makey up home rules that never lean in your favour. 😂


How much is good health worth, and I don't mean money....

For real.
How much are you willing to spend on maintaining good health?

I'm talking about how many short term, feel good in the moment hits are you comfortable giving up in order to improve the quality of your life?

Drink less booze and bin the vapes.

Now I know, we will all pop off in the end but the question is, how do you want those golden years to look? Minimize those hospital stays and push back the need for assisted living by reigning in your excessive nights out and awful smoking habits.

Ps, don't recall if I landed that Ollie, but you gotta love an action shot. 🤣

Photos from Ricky Ross Personal Training's post 10/10/2023

Your family are your anchor. ⚓

Remember that the next time you are veering off course and away from your health & fitness goals.

One of the best things you can give your family is your health. Being in good stead with your body will allow you to be there for your family and support them for years to come.

They are your biggest reason why you do what you do, so give your goals the time & respect they deserve.


I've done this gig a while now, and some bullet points are forever....➡️➡️➡️

➡️ The basics are called basics because they work and are simple to implement. Master them above all else.

➡️ Weightlifting is a lifetime pursuit, so strap in because if you want that sweet longevity, you best believe you're in it for the long haul.

➡️ Data changes. What once was bad yesterday, may be good for you tomorrow. Live with an open mind and don't die on a hill that may not be there tomorrow.

➡️ strict diets work for fast results but without habitual changes, they can go away just as fast.

➡️ Fitbit data is fallible, your body on the other records everything do you and your current condition is evidence of that.

➡️ You'll underestimate calories when trying to lose fat and overestimate when trying to build muscle. Be thorough in your tracking because brains love rounding up or down.


Look, we know when we're taking the p**s on a plan. It's not snoozing an alarm or missing a meal it's full on repetitive, destructive behaviour that doesn't slow progress, it actively stalls it.

Identify your absolute worst habits, and from that list, allow no more than three slip ups per week. Total perfection is near impossible anyway, so a wee bit grace will ease the guilt and keep you accountable.

Photos from Ricky Ross Personal Training's post 27/08/2023

Saturdays out and about at the Deer Centre.


Same man. Different priorities.

Looking after your health is looking after those around you. It's a way to show love and respect to the ones you care the most about.

Where do your priorities lie and what's the one thing you can do today to improve not only your life, but the lives of those you love?


Some thoughts on 'The Process'

➡️ Firstly real change takes time. Anyone selling you otherwise has some smoke to blow up your ass.

➡️ This isn't a 'negative' process. You are changing your body for the better of your health, be proud of that.

➡️ Key in on the small wins. These daily victories drive motivation and help you to stay focused.

➡️ You won't be perfect. That's ok, so long as you are honest with yourself and how much effort you are putting in.

➡️ There will be some sacrifices. This will likely be the excess in your life holding you back. Let it go.

➡️ Put the effort in. A half hearted effort will only drag things on near indefinitely... potentially years.

➡️ It's worth it. There's something cathartic about shedding bad habits and building a new you.

Photos from Ricky Ross Personal Training's post 07/08/2023

From Purple to Black & Gold. ⚫🟡

When we took this picture after our first game of the season I didn't realise how significant it would be. Within only a few more weeks, The Kings would fold and a few of us would continue on to play with

It's been tough, playing a similar but different position. It's been tricky at times as I've struggled with things like not lining up where I used too (similar but different positions), new playcalls, a faster up tempo defence etc. It's a challenge I absolutely welcome however. Change can be difficult but I absolutely believe it's worth putting the extra effort to finally get things right. It not only benefits you, but that of those around you. I'm not talking purely in a sports capacity here either, putting effort into improving your day to day will improve the quality of life of those closest to you.

I'm excited for a full season at the Blackhawks in 2024. To commit this playbook to memory, increase my on Field confidence and to finish strong next year.


Consistency is a pretty hot buzzword. Lord knows I use it a ton, but let's not get it tangled up with the likes of intensity, determination, motivation, adherence, etc.

Being consistent is laying the groundwork for the plans ahead. Consistency should come naturally with little resistance and isn't bound by any particular level of effort. it's simply showing up and doing the thing to any degree. Not every day should be expected to be your best.

We shouldn't really have to think too hard about trying to maintain consistency. Just turn up for the actions and goals you've set for yourself with any level of intent and in time, things will feel more natural, habitual and generally more part of you and your identity.


Getting stronger is more accessible than you think...💪

You're never too old, too sore, "past it, etc to start strength training. On the contrary, it's the one thing our bodies could use in order to help reverse some of the effects that the stress of life and aging has on our bodies.

Strength training is a natural remedy that not only helps to heal and strengthen but it also provides us with a sense of accomplishment and pride as we start to do things, we once thought impossible.

Why not give it a go? What's stopping you?



I am looking for 5 people who want to upgrade their gym game.

My ideal clients will be people who struggle with routine & motivation at the gym.

Prospective clients must be willing to embrace getting fitter, stronger & more confident.

If this could be you, drop me a message and let's look at what's stopping you from reaching your goals.


An easy fix to streamline progress. ✅

Stop trying to tick all the boxes and focus on the ones you're already doing for easy gains! If walking is your fix, walk further, faster and more often. Good cook? Try meal prep!

Trying to force several new habits at once, especially ones that are alien to your current routine can be jarring and difficult.

Implement new changes one at a time, and go to town on the healthy actions you already ace!


3 ways to boost your sessions.

Let's keep this short and sweet. You want to see a little more bang for your buck? Make sure you're doing this!

1. Follow a structure. 🤘
Random workouts are fun, but don't really add up to much. Get yourself a gym plan and follow it for at least 12 weeks to see your strength & fitness explode!

2. Get focused! 🤓
Kill your notifications, better yet leave your phone in the locker if you're not using it for notes. 'Doomscrolling' leads to over resting and long dragged out gym sessions. Nothing worse than getting a buzzkill DM mid session!

3. Be prepared. ✅
Double check that kit bag before hitting the gym. It takes two minutes and it ensures you don't leave an essential bit of kit like straps or chalk behind. Realising mid session your missing something is a real downer!


**Pay what you want recipe book!!**

For real! Grab yourself this 30 recipe deep book for as little, or as much as you like!
Look, if you're tempted by it but can't splash...for real...just go take it for free, or tip me...whatever. It's right there...

keep an eye on my gumroad page, as all future content will be published here for ease of access. G'on, go take a wee nosey!


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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

A little over five years ago, my friend and fellow PT Ryan opened up a strength and bodybuilding gym on North Isla street. I was one of his first members and being out of work I volunteered to help out for experience and for something to put onto my CV. From helping out generally I then became qualified at a gym instructor level and began helping out clients and running small fitness classes. Some time after that, I decided I wanted to scale my ability and so I got myself a full level 3 personal training qualification.

I have enjoyed training people now for over three years. I work with people of all levels and abilities, helping them with their fitness and body goals. It’s a rewarding job and every day is different. I believe education is the way forward when it comes to empowering my clients in order to make sure that they have been left with the skills and knowledge to enter any gym and exercise towards their sustained future goals.

“ Encouraging sustainable and rewarding exercise routines for people, for life. “

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Unit GF6B, Old Mill Complex, Brown Street

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 9pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 9pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 9pm
Thursday 7:30am - 9pm
Friday 7:30am - 9pm
Saturday 7:30am - 9pm

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