Artemis Rose Aromas

Naturopathic Body Care & Herbal Botanicals. Doing what I love to do.

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 12/08/2024

After years of holding Mother Blessings for others, it was now my turn. My dear friend Sophia asked if she could hold it for me (which she did so beautifully) and I dropped into the medicine of receiving, which I've encouraged others do for so long now. More edges to melt into... great preperation for birth and motherhood!
Our wonderful doula .herbwife held a bead and red thread ceremony, and a sacred foot bathing ritual. My dear friend Kate supported the magical coming together of this day, and is organising a postpartum meal train (check this out for new parents if you don't know about it - it's such a great way to support the postpartum period).
Family and friends brought songs and blessings. My love .goeswild came in for half of the ceremony to also receive love from this circle of women and that was the perfect addition to this day. Our whole family being loved up and celebrated. Oxytocin was abundant and it's certainly given me an extra sense of strength and connection which will support me as I move closer to birth and early parenting. It's awesome how powerful it is gather, to feel the support of people around you.

I step closer to motherhood, something I've felt in my bones for many years. Pregnancy has already initiated me in many ways, through a very challenging first 20 weeks of extreme sickness ( ) and meeting dark corners of my psyche. Ultimately, this has strengthened me even more. My baby feels strong and almost ready to see the world outside of her safe haven within me. Me and my partner are deeply unified. I have pots of herbs and tinctures at the ready, botanical pads in the freezer, a birth team assembled, everything we need at home. Just need to do a rehersal set up of the birth pool 💧
A whole new life is calling us closer and closer each day.

Gorgeous song "Shelter" from my friend Chloe (who was also at this special day) 💓 We create refuge for each other when we show up in friendship, care and love. Never doubt the power of this.

Cassandra 🌹


🌹🌹🌹Rose body butter🌹🌹🌹

At the frost fayre market last year this was the most popular product, because people would smell it and be like: omg yes pleeease.
It's a delicious all over body butter combing high quality botanicals and natural essences of Rose Otto, Rose Maroc, Geranium, Lemon, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Wild Orange, and other fragrant wonders, creating a beautiful balance of floral and earthy. Apply this body butter to perfume and moisturise your skin simultaneously... and feel the plants work their magic on you. I keep mine on an alter and use it for body anointing rituals. I also use it in my massage work, especially when working on and around the chest, belly, shoulders, neck and face. Always brings an extra glow ✨️

Rosey wishes,
Artemis Rose Aromas 🌹


🌼✨️🌼Maternity plans🌼✨️🌼

As I'm blooming over here I thought i'd check in with you all around my maternity plans. Babe will be born when babe is ready, the birthing window is expected to be sometime before mid October 😘 So from about Mid September, and for a several weeks following birth, I will be on Maternity leave to fully focus on nesting and bonding in babymoon vibes, with a beloved mysterious new human.

Baring this in mind, get your orders in now! The shop will still be open while I'm nesting, but orders may be much slower (probably by weeks) so if you want to restock, try a new product, or buy someone a lovely gift from me, it's a good time to secure your orders this and next month.
I'm having a creative surge at the moment, and am loving creating bespoke hampers for people, so its a good time for it 💃🏻

This morning I posted out another Menopause Hamper. Remember this year I created a Hamper, Hamper and Hamper ~ these are great value gift boxes full of magic and I definitely recommend trying them out!

Big love,

Artemis Rose Aromas 🌹


Magnesium CBD Butter is consistently one of the most popular products I've created. All of my products invite you into self care rituals. This one invites you to ground with a relaxing foot and leg massage. To unwind, come back to your body... Especially good at the end of the day as part of a bedtime routine. It feels great, smells great and delivers a good dose of magnesium and CBD. This is where medicine and pleasure meet :)

DM to order a pot or go via my website,

Wellness wishes,
Artemis Rose Aromas 🌹

Thanks to the beautiful for the picture 💜

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 22/06/2024

Three weeks ago I had the pleasure of joining on her Wild Honey Retreat. Fiona reached out to ask me if I'd like to make everyone a sensual hamper in exchange for coming on the retreat. This came at a perfect time ~ being pregnant I knew I wouldn't have the opportunity to be on a weekend long retreat for a while after my babe is birthed. So i relished this opportunity. It was truly one of the best ways to prepare for the rest of my pregnancy and birth journey! And it was incredible, and very moving, to share sessions that my products were lovingly woven into; a powerful group of women exploring sensual practises.
Fiona holds a potent space where people are invited deeper into their bodies and their sense of safety, then from this place, invited to expand edges in a regulated way that felt both gentle and powerful. I fully recommend her offerings!
   I have lingering memories of delicious food, salacious reclamation, soulful connections, fragrant roses, releasing tears, oxytocin filled laughter, sexy beats (thanks to ), nature frolicking, enveloping spaciousness, dancing freely in sexy clothes with my blossoming pregnant body, celebrating all that has been and all that is to come...

🌼 Happy Solstice everyone 🌼

Beautiful captivating photography by the pro Casandra (my name twin!) .photography

Wild wishes,
Artemis Rose 🌹


💜Menopause hamper💜

A selection of home made herbal remedies to support Peri menopause, Menopause and Beyond...

Now on my website x

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 10/06/2024

I adore getting together bespoke comissions.
This past month I made hampers for a sensual retreat called by the beautiful
It was so cool to gather Heart, Womb and p***y loving products for all the brave beautiful retreatents. I will share more about this retreat in a future post, with some fun pictures!

I also made up some natural facial kits for two local beauty therapists, some hair and head massage oils for a recently qualified head massage therapist, a selection of body butters for a holistic massage therapist, and various hampers for people who wanted to gift their beloveds something special.
It's so lush making bundles knowing they have the capacity to bring lots of joy and goodness to people. It's definitely part of my dharma to create healing products that support people in connecting with their bodies ♥️

With love,
Artemis Rose Aromas🌹

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 09/06/2024

I've been enjoying some Sunday Morning Chocolate making vibes. While stocks last you will now get a couple of free, vegan, creamy organic raspberry chocolates with your order this month!


DM me for orders or go via my website in bio.

For the chocolate lovers,

Artemis Rose Aromas🌹

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 07/06/2024

A mantra that has been occurring to me alot this month. Plus, this tune from Beth Gibbons...Floating on a moment... so much richness ✨️✨️✨️

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 23/05/2024

I'm over here getting more and more pregnant, such a powerful reminder of the gestation of our dreams. It's not for the faint hearted, bringing dreams to reality. My pregnancy is teaching me this in many ways ~ it's been hard core! But I think this is what prepares us for what's to come, shapes us into who we need to be in order to hold our dreams✨️

My lovely friend Amy took this picture just after I did my herbal presentation on Plantain 🌿 I was thinking how perfect it was I was given this plant to journey with for the year. How this pregnancy is teaching me even more about being in my body, pacing myself, having and honouring my boundaries (it's essential because if i dont the consequences are instant!). Qualities Plantain is very supportive for.

I still have a couple of Plantain P***y Butter pots if you'd like to order one (see previous post)😘

Artemis Rose Aromas x


Self employment can mean product photo shoots in the garden clad in your Pjs💃🏻


We are all connected ♥️

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 11/05/2024

I've decided to do several posts over the coming weeks about the benefits of , including all parts of this plant, and some recipes too! Rose is popular for many reasons, but some of it's benefits are not widely known about. I will be posting about the amazing range of benefits Rose gifts us.

This post is about Rose petals specificially. Did you know that Rose is greatly beneficial, and used by many herbalists, for treating gastric irritation and leaky gut syndrome!? Rose helps mend the loss of the intestinal epithelial barrier function, which is also known as leaky guy syndrome. SO much illness is related to the loss of epithelial barrier function in the gut. When damaged (for example from liver disease, covid, antibiotics and excessive stress...) the barrier allows proteins that are supposed to be excreted to be re absorved into blood stream, and this can cause all manner of disturbances in our body. Our enteric brain becomes compromised, our microbiome out of balance. Rose petals offer an antidote for this!

Rose is not just a beautiful flower, it's a significant player in the realm of healing, in multiple tangible ways.
Rose is embodied flower power.

If you want to try some rose this month, how about a tea? This recipe is lovely. Use organic or wild:

1 tsp Rose Petals
1 tsp Lemon Balm
1 tsp Hawthorne Berries
1 tsp meadowsweet blossom

Steep in 2 cups of boiled water for 5-10 minutes (with a lid over to retain the volatile oils- which are full of benefits), then strain and add honey if desired. Also lovely as a cold refreshing drink on a sunny day.

Well wishes,
Artemis Rose Aromas 🌹

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 10/05/2024

Be in touch if you would like to order a bespoke gift box. I absolutely adore creating them for you, it's my happy place :) I have set hampers for:

⚘️Moontime Nurture
⚘️Mumma Nurture
⚘️Menopause Nurture

And can make up hampers for whatever you're going through: be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual ... and ofcourse they are all connected.

Wild wishes,
Artemis Rose 🌹


This quote, from birthing within, speaks powerfully about the birth preperation that truly matters.

Alongside creating herbal products, I'm a passionate birth worker who has been working with families for 12 years, and i'm going to start bringing more content here. Alot of my products compliment my doula work, so the connection between Artemis Rose Aromas and my doula work are strong and I'm excited to weave them together more on this page.

Artemis Rose 🌹

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 24/04/2024

Some fabulous visitors bringing good vibes to the today. If you haven't checked out the emporium in Bedminster you must! It's a collaboration of a wonderful makers. All independent, ethical, small crafters coming together under one roof. Assisted by the gorgeous Louise. I love having my products here and being part of a creative community. My next shift is on 1st May ~ come say hello ♥️

Artemis Rose 🌹


A beautiful commission ready to post to the wonderful Rosie is an incredibly gifted healer who I've had the pleasure of working with before, she is trained in a range of modalities and combines this with her natural wisdom and intuition which makes for a special treatment. I was delighted to be asked by her to create some products to compliment her CFR practise. If you're local, or even if you're not local, I recommend going to see this beautiful being for some healing.

Well wishes,

Artemis Rose 🌹


This is such a versatile and well loved product. I use it in my massage practise when massaging clients face and neck areas as it's great for all skin types, absorbs beautifully and smells sooo good. Nectar for the skin, this really helps to bring a healthy glow. The antioxidants are very protective, the botanicals have cellular regenerating properties, and the oils both replenish dry skin and balances oily skin. It's a misconception that oily skin doesn't need oil; stripping it with harsh products can send it into more subum production not less. The key is balance, nourishment, and skin reassurance. Just three drops of this oil/serum patted onto cleansed skin will work wonders.

I also use this oil for Gua Sha facial massage which is a lush self care practise to relax and rejuvinate the face, an area of the body that works really hard, is exposed to harsh and variable climates, and doesn't often receive deep releasing touch.

Facial rejuvination serum comes in 15ml glass bottles for £18 and is beautifully rich so should last a long while. Have you tried it yet? If so I'd love to hear how you're getting on!

Artemis Rose 🌹


Me on holiday, checking out a patch of Bladder Wrack seaweed. Bladderwrack is traditionally harvested during the spring and summer months. Submerged fronds are harvested at intermediate tides from a boat with a cutting rake, or with a knife or sickle at low tide when plants are exposed.

Did you know...

Bladderwrack is a common brown algae that’s valued for its iodine (supportive for some thyroid conditions), antioxidant and fiber content.

This brown algae has been used to reverse an iodine deficiency, aid digestion, boost weight loss, promote healthy aging and support heart health.

Like all seaweeds, it’s a nutrient-rich food that features a range of powerful antioxidants and compounds.

Bladder Wrack can be eaten raw or cooked, and is often dried and powdered in capsules. Local food and medicine is the best!

Artemis Rose Aromas 🌹


Mumma Hampers now ready to buy💃🏻
This is designed with pregnant and postpartum Mummas in mind-heart. Each hamper contains:

💓Magnesium CBD Butter
🫖Botanical V***a Butter
💓Calendula Ni**le Balm (good all-purpose balm too)
🫖5 Herbal Sitz Bath Bundles
💓Superfood Cacao Mix
🫖Mumma hamper leaflets
💓And for April & May, a suprise gift with each order!

Just £60 plus postage, which is a huge savings as the products individually would total £90! Plus you get an extra treat for April/May orders.

A wonderful gift for an expecting mumma, or perhaps for yourself :) All products can be used days, months or years after birth so it's never too late for some nurture.

Message to order,

Artemis Rose 🌹


Made up a batch of CBD Bath/Massage melts today. Each pack contains two bath melts, each melt with 50mg CBD. A perfect way to relax at the end of the day...

I also made up a batch of ***ypessaries which have been super popular this month. I LOVE hearing about how beneficial people find these products - lots of people go out of their way to message me and share how helpful they find the pessaries to be and it totally lights me up. I'm in service for happier pu***es 😘

With love,
Artemis Rose Aromas🌹


This beard balm is a lovely pocket size balm for beard owners to carry around with them... It gives hair a gorgeous lustrous shine, and an earthy herbaceous smell that I've been told has partners wanting to bury themselves in said beard 😅

I took a moment last week to mentally "step back" and view all the products I've created over the years. I've developed a wonderful range so far and am so happy with how things are coming along. This buisness is only one of my businesses (the others are working as a doula, a doula mentor, a naturopath, massage therapist and a vegetarian events cook). But over the next year I'd really love to have be my main business and focus. If you're on my page, thankyou for witnessing me and being part of this journey!

With love,

Artemis Rose Aromas 🌹


You can now find a range of Artemis Rose Aromas products in in , Bristol ♥️✨️🤗✨️♥️

Artemis Rose Aromas


I adore sending out pots of Shakti Moontime CBD Butter. Each pot comes with a printed abdominal massage guide. If you private message me I can also send you an audio file I created for abdominal massage.

This is such a great companion in your herbal self-care kit. Lots of magic in these pots of wonder✨️ They were designed to ease menstrual and menopause symptoms, but can help with an array of other things too. Think analgesia, anti-inflammation, moisturisation, relaxation and more...

With love,
Artemis Rose🌹


Spring energy is upon us here in the UK.
Artemis Rose Aroma's Maiden blend is designed to be an aromatic embodiment of spring energy, related to cyclical living: Both the inner and outer seasons. I like to apply these oils to specific parts of my body, depending on where I feel the need for the energy. Spring relates to the air element, to leaves (where the plants have most vital energy during this season), to new beginnings, inspiration, cleansing, creativity, gentle emergence...

Artemis Rose 🌹


Botanical V***a Butter is a specially blended herbal butter for your v***a and va**na. I designed it myself and make every pot myself, in small batches, loaded with top quality herbal oils (infused myself for 4 weeks) and lots of good energy. This golden herb butter can help with:

🌿 Lubrication
🌹 Massage practises
🌿 Scar tissue healing
🌹 Perineum massage
🌿 Moisturisation
🌹 Itching and soreness relief
🌿 Menopausal symptom relief
🌹 Root chakra healing
🌿 Self pleasure rituals
🌹 Inflamation reduction
🌿 Mucus membrane support
🌹 General self care...

With love,
Artemis Rose 🌹
..and a big thankyou to my lovely model and sister , what beautiful pictures you inspire🌹😘



☆ World Doula Week ☆

Many many moons ago, I became a doula and my life changed in so many beautiful ways. A fire in my belly ignited with unending passion for this vital work. I just found this wonderful picture of the first birth I supported, my beautiful friends 🥰 Every birth is so unique and it is such an incredible privilege to walk beside families as they walk through the fires of change themselves...

The role of a doula is becoming increasingly known about, at a time when human rights in the birth and maternity fields are being so challenged, and the medicalisation of birth, and womens health generally, threatens to make natural physiological birth an endangered species. As a doula, I don't beleive there's only one way we should be birthing our children ~ I've seen all manner of diverse birth scenarios and each one a powerful initiation in it's own right. What I do stand for is that care is . That the field of love is present for all births. That women are in the right conditions to enable them to feel safe, supported, respected, and connected with their intuitions during one of the most powerful moments in their lives.

Today i'm celebrating the role of the doula, and the thousands of beings all over the world who hold space for the birthing experience ✨️✨️✨️♥️✨️✨️✨️

Aaaaaaand, the raffle for Medical Aid for Palestinians is now closed, we raised £4153 (plus an extra £915 in gift aid) with 248 separate supporters! How cool is that 🥰

Artemis Rose 🌹


More bespoke treats from my kitchen witching office.
Want a bespoke order tailored to your needs and wishes? Get in touch...

Artemis Rose 🌹


Study through observation. Study through emptying your mind of preconceptions and having a direct experience of the moment and that which you are perceiving.

Here a lovely group of us Seed Sister students study some spring greens (cleavers, dandilion, daisy leaf, plantain and comfrey). We harvest them outside, then, in the coolest classroom, use a magnifying glass to observe the unique vein structures of each leaf. We draw what we see. Touching, tasting, smelling, feeling. This is embodied learning, and there is so much to discover...

For example, we can notice plantain leafs simple ancient structure. If we rip the leaf, inside the veins we see an elastic stingy matter which hints towards its benefits of bringing more elasticity to the body, alleviating rigidity in the tissues.

Wild wishes,

Artemis Rose 🌹

Photos from Artemis Rose Aromas's post 19/03/2024

The wonderful Sophia , as the fabulous networker and initiator that she is, has brought together a group of makers to offer this this raffle. I was delighted to be able to contribute a product!
The raffle has over £1200 of prizes to raise essential funds for the essential work that are doing on the ground today in Gaza, including vital medicine, blankets, mattresses and more. Please do
join us to raise some much needed funds, and get the chance to win some beautiful handmade crafts from local makers!

✨️Link in bio for fundraiser✨


Each £5 donation = 1 ticket
Multiple entries = multiple tickets.
Eg £50 donation = 10 tickets.

The raffle is open to anyone based in the UK - not internationally due to postage costs. Makers will cover all the postage.



/ Poetry and Prose Bundle / RRP £50
makes / "Tender" giclée print / RRP £45
cunningham.bakets / Oval flared basket / £129

/ Stoneware teapot / RRP £45
hearth / Salmon and deer leather pouch with antler button / RRP £90

/ "Organic Flow" sculpture/ basket" / RRP £175
creative.roots / Lino cut "Just Resting" Printed on 240mm x 290mm / RRP £40
mateo / splint ash basket / £40 / Wall hanging/protest banner "Hope" 34x37cm / £40

/ lidded willow basket / RRP £35

/ Willow stars / RRP £20

/ Woven Rush Pot Plant / RRP £39

/ Willow crossbody bag / RRP £35
chung.willowartist / Bark and Japanese craft band bag / RRP £95

/ Be Mine silver pendant / RRP £90

/ Artemis Rose Heart~Womb Elixir / RRP £20

/ Espresso mug selection / RRP £60

/ Pink mug pair / RRP £42

/ Pinch cup pair / RRP £28
dear.maker / Gathering basket with leather handle / RRP £60
ager / Willow backpack with leather handles / RRP £175
studio / "Untitled" from the fauna series, print 65cm x 55cm / RRP £150

Artemis Rose🌹

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Give away winner announced!#giveaway #newmoon #artemisrosearomas#hedgerowwitch #blackcat
A bit behind the scenes of the alchemy process.Key ingrediant - laughter and silliness ♡Artemis Rose x
I've started to create my own audios to go with reels. I love all the different aspects of creating a buisness - lots of...
Rose and Black Pepper Body Butter... another sensual product in my range, inviting you into deeper presence and embodime...
"We are spiritual beings having a human experience"
Simple tools that bring more ease, support and comfort. The abdomen, womb and pelvis can feel particularly open and vuln...
Cosy indoor hot stone vibes whole it rains outside :) So many ways to relax, play with the elements, soothe the nervous ...
Regular foot bathing can be a wonderful wayto relax, as well as treat a variety of ailments. We absorb herbal properties...
Rejuvenating Facial Serum. Natural, cold pressed botanicals designed to deeply rejuvenate, nourish and restore your skin...
🌿Mugwort Tincture🌿🐉Digestive Support (stimulates gastric juices and bile secretion)🐉Menstrual Support / Warming uterine ...
At the core of my offerings, be it🌿 Herbal Creations💜 Bodywork Sessions⚘ Womb Healing Work🐉 Movement medicine🌺 Birth & D...



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