Shona Reid Reflexology

Shona Reid Reflexology

Level 5 Clinical Reflexologist providing personalised treatment plans in a relaxing treatment room overlooking Jesmond Dene. Welcome to Shona Reid Reflexology.

Mobile treatments available within 5 mile radius (new male clients by referral only). Please contact me for further information. As you have found your way here I imagine that you are looking to find release from something, whether that is simply a way to unwind and relax or you have a more specific concern, reflexology has something to offer you. I have always had an interest in complimentary med

Photos from Shona Reid Reflexology's post 24/08/2024

It's not all cars at Car-fest! While the boys have been playing with engines, I have had a great morning listening to, and chatting with, Dr Louise Newson and many other fascinating speakers about holistic support for peri menopause and menopause..and a new book to read 🤩


Many of you know that I use Tropic products in my facial treatments. Beautiful, natural and powerful - caring for your skin and the planet. Just let me know if you are interested in trying them of if you have any questions 😊xx

Out and about sharing some Tropic love today at the amazing communal wizuworkspace in Portland House Great to meet everyone who came to say hello 😍. I will be putting an order in at 9am tomorrow if anyone wants to add anything just let me know 😊


Feedback from my last client of the day. If you struggle to relax maybe this is the therapy for you.

Clients are often surprised at how quickly reflexology enables both their body and mind to relax. By taking your body out of a sympathetic "fight or flight" state and into a parasympathetic "rest and digest" state, reflexology enables your body and mind to rest, rebalance and self heal.

Love Shona x 💖👣


The benefits of reflexology are so far reaching. Reflexology activates the parasympathetic nervous system which helps your body to relax more deeply, easing stress and helping to bring balance to your body and mind.

Just get in touch if you would like to give it a try.
Love Shona x 💖👣


I am often talking about the importance of the vagus nerve to clients as it is an area that I include in my treatments. Have a read of this to see just how crucial it is to so many functions in the body.
You can stimulate the vagus nerve through exercise, meditation, mindfulness and deep breathing, massage, reflexology, listening to or playing music, humming, singing, gargling and cold water therapy. Love Shona x 💖👣

Research has shown that reflexology affects the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. It is the longest and most complex nerve in the body, connecting your brain to various organs and systems throughout the body. Here are some reasons why the vagus nerve is important to your health:

1. Regulation of Heart Rate: The vagus nerve helps regulate your heart rate by sending signals from the brain to the heart. It helps to slow down the heart rate during periods of relaxation and rest, and it can also respond to stress or danger by increasing heart rate.

2. Digestive Function: The vagus nerve plays a vital role in the digestive system. It helps stimulate the production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, promotes the contraction of the muscles in the digestive tract for proper movement of food, and facilitates the release of bile from the gallbladder for digestion of fats.

3. Stress Response: The vagus nerve is involved in the body's stress response system. It helps to activate the relaxation response by reducing the release of stress hormones and promoting a state of calmness and relaxation.

4. Inflammation Regulation: The vagus nerve helps regulate the body's inflammatory response. It can inhibit the production of inflammatory molecules and promote anti-inflammatory responses, which are important for maintaining a healthy immune system.

5. Respiratory Function: The vagus nerve has a role in controlling the muscles involved in breathing. It helps regulate the rate and depth of breathing, ensuring proper oxygenation of the body.

6. Mood and Emotional Well-being: The vagus nerve is connected to areas of the brain that are involved in regulating mood and emotions. Stimulation of the vagus nerve can promote feelings of well-being, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.

Overall, the vagus nerve acts as a communication pathway between the brain and various organs, helping to regulate important functions in the body. Its proper functioning is essential for maintaining optimal health and balance.


Yoga out in the sunshine this evening in Jesmond - such a great way to end a busy first day back in the treatment room (and to realign the body and mind after long holiday flights and car journeys!) Thank you David Atkinson Yoga Newcastle - if you are looking for Yoga near you I can highly recommend his classes 🌞


I hope August has got off to a great start for you.

We are back from an amazing trip to Canada to visit friends and take a camper van tour to some truly beautiful places. I am feeling very grateful for such a fantastic holiday with family and special friends.

All relaxed and refreshed (after a couple of nights in a proper bed again😂) and looking forward to welcoming clients back in the treatment room tomorrow to work some reflexology magic.

I only have one appointment left this week (Wednesday 9.30 or 10am) just let me know if you want to make it yours.

Love Shona x 💖👣


I have had a lovely busy week seeing regular clients and some new faces (and feet) too.

Today I am signing off for a couple of weeks for some family time. I will be back in the treatment room on Tuesday 6th August. I will respond to any queries nearer my return date as I will be off ‘tech’ as much as possible (trying to set a good example to the boys!)

See you soon xx
Love Shona x 💖👣

Photos from Shona Reid Reflexology's post 11/07/2024

Happy 40th Birthday to the Association of Reflexologists🥳

I am proud to be a member of the AoR, which provides easy access to highly qualified, fully insured reflexologists, excellent guidance and support and a voice for the profession, advocating for the recognition of reflexology in the UK and beyond. 💖👣


Did you know that if you have a healthcare plan you may be entitled to claim the cost of all or part of your complementary therapy session?

A lovely new client had an hour of total reflexology relaxation today and it was all covered by her work healthcare plan. If you have a plan it is worth checking so you don’t miss out! 💖👣


Hello July!

We are officially halfway through the year today. The second half of the year always seems to fly by faster for some reason so July is a good month to take a little time to reflect on the year so far and to refocus on how to achieve any goals, or make hoped for plans actually happen, during the rest of the year.

July is a short work month in the treatment room as I will be taking a break for some family time from Friday 19th July and will be open again for treatments on Tuesday 6th August.

If you are thinking of booking in this month please get in touch soon so you don’t miss out.

Love Shona x 💖👣


Hope your weekend is going well. There is a distinct lack of energy around here today.. possibly just missing the beautiful sunshine that we had last week. So, I'm about to get outside (with who ever else can be persuaded to detach from screens) to try and raise the levels! If you are feeling the same here are some simple ideas you could try that might help.
Love Shona x 💖👣

Photos from Shona Reid Reflexology's post 26/06/2024

What can you do to improve your wellbeing? It doesn't have to be reflexology... but it could be.

Just get in touch to book in some 'you' time and feel the benefits for yourself.

Shona x 💖👣


This is a great article on linkedin by a fellow clinical reflexologist, Andrea Porritt. Andrea, explores the possibilities and practicalities of a more integrated approach to healthcare to relieve pressure on the NHS and to help improve patient outcomes and wellbeing.💖👣


Today marks the Summer Solstice when the sun is out for the longest time. Representing the triumph of light over darkness, it can signify a time of renewal, abundance and reflection.

The solstice encourages us to reflect on the areas of our life where we are experiencing growth and abundance, to embrace our inner light, follow our passions, and live authentically.

I hear we are in for some lovely summer weather, at last, so I hope that you are able to find time to align yourself with nature, embrace the sun's energy and enjoy it to the full.

Love Shona x 💖👣


Due to a change in my commitments this week I now have Thursday Free! Appointments from 9am – 4pm, if you would like to book in just get in touch (and save me from a day of admin and housework!) 👏😂 Shona x


It is Men’s Health Week this week.

I have a number of male clients who use reflexology as part of their self-care toolkit to help with specific concerns or, more generally, for all round wellbeing. However, it is often the case that men in particular would not think to book themselves in for a complementary therapy to improve their health.

You don’t need to have a specific ‘problem’ to fix to benefit from a reflexology treatment. Reflexology stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (think ‘rest and digest’ as opposed to ‘fight and flight’) this can help release stress and tension, improve sleep and mood and increase feelings of general wellbeing.

So just get in touch if you, or a someone special in your life, would benefit from the above. I also provide Gift Vouchers if you are looking for a thoughtful gift (perfect for Father’s Day this Sunday).

Love Shona x 💖👣


Welcome to June. We have a very summery vibe in Newcastle and I hope that you manage to get out and enjoy it. Not my usual ‘pretty’ post for the start of the month but it is a pretty important one.

Do you check your skin?

The first day of each month is a prompt for some special self-care for me, a monthly mole check. Skin cancer comes in various forms and Melanoma can be one of the most serious; diagnosis is on the rise and last year I joined the group.

Thankfully my melanomas were in the very early stages so, following a little surgery to remove a wider area around the culprits, I am due to be signed off later this year (all being well).

I have been pretty sensible in my ‘adult’ life, avoiding sun beds, using high spf, covering up etc but confess to some holidays with my girlfriends in the late 80’s where carrot oil 🫣(with virtually zero spf) was our protection of choice ..not sensible for anyone, but for a pasty white lass from Yorkshire, really not a wise move!

Of course, we can’t undo the past but it is so important to protect your skin (and that of your family) from the sun, not just on holiday but at home too (some tips in my previous post about that). Also, keep check of any changes to your skin. In particular look out for the ABCDE signs but if you are worried about anything get it checked out – it will likely be fine but it is so much better to make sure, sooner rather than later.

Just sharing to help raise awareness – if in doubt check it out!
Love Shona x 💖👣


Happy Bank Holiday
Remember you don't have to rush around being busy to be doing things. Make sure you allow yourself some time to 'do' rest too xx


If only we could see the power in rest.
If only we could attach to it, the worth it so deserves.
If only we could open our minds to the idea, that everything in nature has its time to rise and its time to descend.
That each of these acts is just a important as the other.
And that is exactly as it must be.
If only we could see the courage it takes to lay aside the worries, the fears and the comparison, just for a few hours, to let the mind, spirit and body come together again.
Doing the one thing they all require so much… nothing.
If only we could see the power in rest.
Because resting is very much doing.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘life’

Art by the utterly delightful Tarn Ellis (her prints and gifts are simply beautiful) Tarn Ellis


Hope you have a great Bank Holiday weekend planned, or week for those on half term.

I am closed for appointments on Monday but open for the rest of the week and still have some availability, so just get in touch if you would like to book in.

Love Shona x 💖👣


Hope you are enjoying the sunshine😍 It has been sun awareness week this week as part of skin cancer awareness month. I have had some first-hand experience of that recently, all good now thankfully (but will post separately about that and the importance of checking your moles!)

The feelgood factor of getting out in the sunshine is so beneficial for mind, body and spirit. Most of us are pretty good at stocking up on sun care products for summer holidays but did you know that in the UK we are advised to wear SPF between March and October? Not just on the beach, but day to day - gardening, walking, while at work, driving, and doing sport. Even when inside, UVA rays pe*****te through glass so although you may not get sunburn, damage can still occur. To help protect your skin
• Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (UVA/UVB) with SPF of at least 30 and reapply every two hours
• Coverup with layers, wear a hat and sunglasses
• Stay in the shade during the hottest part of the day

Hope you enjoy this sunny weekend safely😊.
Love Shona x 💖👣


What a difference a few days can make! The trees have sprung back to life over the last couple of weeks. This is the lovely relaxing view from my treatment room (for as long as you can keep your eyes open).

I sometimes use a tree root analogy to help explain to clients how reflexology can affect the balance and wellbeing of your whole body. If you want to book yourself some time out (and look after those roots) just let me know, I still have some availability next week.

Love Shona x 💖👣


Welcome to May🌸. Unusually for me I am on time with my welcome to a new month post so hopefully that is a sign of an organised month ahead?! May is host to Mental Health Awareness Week and it is also Skin Cancer Awareness Month; both important in their own right and close to home for me and I will be posting more about them later.

Wishing you a Mindful May because mindfulness helps us to live in the present and not inside our own heads. Paying attention to what is going on both on the inside and outside of ourselves, focussing on our thoughts and feelings alongside what we can see, touch, feel and smell, moment by moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better. When we focus more on the present moment, we begin to experience afresh things that we have been taking for granted. Mindfulness also allows us to become more aware of our stream of thoughts and feelings and to see how we can become entangled in that stream in ways that are not helpful.

I hope this month brings opportunities for you to enjoy the longer days, and bits of sunshine when we get them, in a more present and mindful way (and don’t forget the spf!)
Love Shona x 💖👣

Introduction to Reflexology - AoR 28/04/2024

I am often explaining reflex points for clients so they can work on them at home in-between treatments. These may be on the feet, face or hands.

Interest in Reflexology and the benefits that it can bring is growing. If you would like to know a little more a great place to start is the Association of Reflexologists website. You can search for a fully qualified, insured reflexologist near you and you can also find an interactive foot and hand maps to check out some reflex points yourself.
Love Shona x 💖👣

Introduction to Reflexology - AoR Discover wellness through the Art of Reflexology. Reflexology is a non-invasive complementary health therapy that can be effective in promoting deep relaxation and wellbeing; reducing stress in people’s lives can be key in optimising good health and building resilience.


Hope your week has gone well and that you are looking forward to the weekend.

I spend a lot of time talking about self-care and the importance of making time for yourself, however just as important is self-compassion.

We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to constant negative chatter about things we have or haven’t done, self-image or things that may or may not happen in the future.

The way we talk to ourselves has a direct impact on our mental and physical health it can impact on our relationships and our ability to see and seize opportunities in life.
Imagine saying the negative things that you say to yourself to your friend, would you ever be so harsh? Probably not.

Try to be your own best friend, be supportive and kind to yourself and turn the talk to focus on the positives, not the negatives. A lovely friend shared a good podcast on this subject this week, I will put the link in comments if you want to listen. I hope that the next time you find yourself listening to that internal negative chatter that you can step back and show yourself a little kindness and compassion instead.

Love Shona x 💖👣


I hope you had a good weekend. I am looking forward to a busy week in the treatment room helping clients.

Whether it is a general relaxation and wellbeing treatment or a treatment with more focus, for example, on fertility, pregnancy, lymphatic drainage, stress and anxiety or menopause, reflexology can bring many benefits.

I tailor each treatment to your needs following an initial consultation at your first treatment, and adapt it as you return, to ensure that you can gain the most benefit on your treatment journey. It is such a privilege to be able to help clients improve their wellbeing through this gentle yet powerful complementary therapy.

If you are interested in finding out more about how reflexology could help you, please get in touch,
By email [email protected]
By phone 07759 394 170
By WhatsApp or messenger

Love Shona x 💖👣


I have had a great week back in the treatment room, welcoming regular clients and some lovely new ones too. A familiar theme was that search for calm amidst a looming ‘back to school’ feeling for those yet to return to work after Easter and for those with children who were already getting anxious about school next week.

This Donna Ashworth post is a gentle reminder not to lose today in worries about what tomorrow may (or may not) bring! Having let this happen far too often in the past myself I appreciate it isn’t always easy.

It is a gorgeous day up here in the North East, I hope you can take some time to appreciate it and get out and about in the sunshine.

Love Shona x 💖👣


Too many Sundays have been darkened by the dreaded presence of Monday, looming in like a storm cloud of fear, anxiety and gut-wrenching stress. Sunday is your gift, your day to recharge, your freedom. Be protective of that time. Monday has its space enough, do not let it overstep its mark. Make your plans, prepare, then push Monday back into its box and let Sunday shine forth like the jewel it is. You deserve this day of soul rest. Life is not a chore to be dealt with, it’s to be lived my friend. You’re here to live. And Sunday is a day, gifted to us, for doing whatever your little heart desires.

Donna Ashworth

From ‘Wild Hope’

Art by the amazing Catherine McMillan, Art


Did you know that reflexology, along with many other complementary therapies, is not regulated in the UK?

As a professional Reflexologist, by registering with CNHC I choose to be voluntarily regulated. I can display the CNHC Quality Mark demonstrating to clients that I am professionally trained and qualified, fully insured and that I work to high standards of conduct, ethics and safety. I am also listed on the CNHC searchable online Accredited Register.

Reflexology is one of the 18 therapies that appear on CNHC's register of complementary healthcare practitioners, accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. It is a great place to start if you are looking for assurance when considering any complementary therapy.
Love Shona x 💖👣

Looking for a complementary healthcare practitioner? Our online Accredited Register has practitioners across 18 different complementary therapies, searchable by postcode and town. Find out more here:


Wishing everyone a lovely long weekend and Happy Easter to all those celebrating. I am closed for treatments until Monday 8th April but will be replying to messages so please get in touch if you have any queries or would like to book in.
Love Shona x 💖👣

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