QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis UK - Angie Latham

Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT & BQH), Past Life Regression and Sound Therapy for those on a Spiritu I am based in Malvern, Worcestershire.

I am an experienced Sound Therapist & Soul Coach who has expanded my therapy and healing work into Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy. I have been on a Spiritual Path all my life and have nearly 50 years experience of my own journey which has led to personal insight of how the Universe works on a non-physical level. During my own Past Life Regressions I have been able to redisco


Feedback from Friday's Past Life Regression Workshop ❤

"Everything was wonderful - I couldn't of had a better day!
I liked how the workshop was planned and I loved all the insights and the explinations. The journey I had was very eye opening and I will definitely do more Soul Journey exploration.
Thank you both for being amazing!"

"Everything was super and the energies were great!
The diverse nature of the people gave great insight into what is possible .
From my own perception it allowed me to finally clear away the energy to be able to see and connect with a past life and better understand what was there to work with.
The cord cutting and Cook's Hook Up meditations will be invaluable. Thank you so much"

"I thoroughly enjoyed today - I thought the combination of Sound and Hypnotherapy meditations was really superb."

Our next workshop is Friday March 31st - we have 4 places left on the link below if you would like to join us and have your own adventure into remembering who you are at a Soul level ⭐️

Buy tickets – Past Life Regression All Day Workshop 27.1.23 – Raglan House, Fri 27 Jan 2023 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM 04/12/2022

Myself and Leon are holding another Past Life Regression day workshop at the end of January .
These are really deeply healing and transformational days with only 6 people to help give time to sharing,exploring and asking questions.

Both myself and Leon are very experienced in guiding these sessions and we always get wonderful feedback from the day.

If your wanting a special Christmas gift for yourself or for someone you know who would love the experience, then follow or share the link below.

We are excited to bring these back for 2023 💚🙏💚

(Details on the link of what to expect and for full info)

Buy tickets – Past Life Regression All Day Workshop 27.1.23 – Raglan House, Fri 27 Jan 2023 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM Past Life Regression All Day Workshop 27.1.23 – Raglan House, Fri 27 Jan 2023 - Past Life Regression...

How to go in a Spiritual Trance in 6 Steps: Trance State Guide - QHHT Official Website 08/06/2022

Useful information about what a Hypnotic trance is... and isn't 🙏

How to go in a Spiritual Trance in 6 Steps: Trance State Guide - QHHT Official Website o be in a state of trance is not like the typical hypnosis show that serves entertainment purposes. The trance state that we are speaking of is more like an altered state of consciousness where your state of awareness is heightened. We shall explain everything you need to know about...Read More»


During a QHHT or Past Life Regression session we are working with the 90% not the 10%.....and it always has plenty to say! 😇


About Time ⌚

Photos from QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis UK - Angie Latham's post 16/04/2022

Children are still very connected to their multidimentiality and Universal consciousness until around 5 to 7 years old, by which time they are beginning to be indoctrinated into their cultural 3D 'reality'. While they don't know what's right or wrong, accepted or not accepted, we can learn an awful lot about their other experiences as immortal Souls having a Human experience.

I have been lucky enough to always have past life recalls - although for many years I didn't actually understand what they were. For many years I just thought I had an overactive imagination or was going mad.... but past life recall will always FEEL different from something we're just imagining. It will come with deep emotional and visceral responses.
Our imagination in comparison will feel flat and two dimensional.
The more I work with energy and frequency the easier it becomes to access the Soul's memory (Akashic record). We can then use this ability to either gain insight and solutions to issues we're still working on from previous incarnations, or remember gifts and talents we can call on and continue to evolve in this life.

If you have a child who talks about the visitors or friends you can't see.... or when they were last here.... or tell you they recognise a place you've never taken them before.... let them talk. 😊⭐🌙

Cosmic Collaborations with Pam and Zac 12/03/2022

Very interesting episode featuring Pam Gregory Astrologer and a Interlude Regression Therapist turned direct voice channel Janet Treloar

Cosmic Collaborations with Pam and Zac In this exciting ‘Cosmic Collaboration’ with Zac/Zacharia, who is also an aspect of the Ascended Master Dwjal Khul, channelled through Janet Treloar. Zac sha...


Hilarious and true. We choose it, we just can't remember 🙏 https://fb.watch/btLBiPlxe_/

Buy tickets for Your Soul's Path - A full day advanced workshop discovering your journey as a Soul at Raglan House, Sat 26 Mar 2022 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM 28/02/2022

More and more clients are becoming interested in their journey as a Soul having a Human experience - rather than thinking we are just here on this Earth once and then die and go to Heaven. The 'You only live once' quote often used has never made sense to me and does not explain why some have very short lives and other (may be less deserving) people live to a ripe old age.
My training and work in Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis gives us access to many of the questions our conscious mind can't grasp or understand. As well as offering 1-2-1 private sessions I co-facilitate full day workshops where we explore these concepts on a deeper level.

If your questioning your life - especially over the last 2 years of evolutionary shake up and wake up - or if you know your here for a reason but can't quite work it out, then consider joining us on our next Soul Path Workshop in March . Full info and booking details on the below link

Buy tickets for Your Soul's Path - A full day advanced workshop discovering your journey as a Soul at Raglan House, Sat 26 Mar 2022 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM Your Soul's Path - A full day advanced workshop discovering your journey as a Soul at Raglan House, Sat 26 Mar 2022 -


"I had a QHHT/ BQH Session with Angie to look into past lives and possible abductions. I found her very supportive and felt very relaxed and safe in her company. I was able to go quite deep into hypnosis and recall some intriguing information, something I would like to continue at some stage. Angie is a wonderful person and anyone considering delving into the subconscious, then I highly recommend her. Thankyou Angie!! # # #"

Caroline B


The best teachers teach from experience and as Souls we often choose to go through certain life experiences to gain a deeper understanding, empathy and compassion in that area so that we can then become wayshowers and beacons of light in service to others.

This concept can be very triggering for those who have yet to emotionally heal but can also be an important step along the healing journey where victim consciousness gives way to self empowerment. Under deep hypnosis clients will often remember that this is part of their Soul's Blueprint for this incarnation and directly tied to what they are here to do .

A great book to read on this subject is 'Between Death and Life' by Dolores Cannon.

When I saw this picture I thought it was a good example of how we can turn our personal trauma and perceived disadvantages into being of greater service to others


What is a Catalyst Soul?

Some Souls have an energetic frequency that activates and catalyses others whether they are conscious of it or not.
They are here to challenge not just the status quo of the collective, society or religion they were born into, but also to invite personal transformation in their family units, friendship circles and work environments.

How their energy effects us will often depend on how ready we are to expand our awareness and consciousness. These Soul's will often inspire and uplift us, but at the same time also irritate the Shadow in us and trigger any unhealed wounds or limiting beliefs that need to be acknowledged, explored and intigrated for us to move forward. They bring us the energetic optunity to uplevel and expand.... but it is up to us how we respond to this invitation to transmute and transfigure our lower thoughts, emotional patterns and limited beliefs. These Soul shine a light on our dark corners . We can either attack and project, or we can become aware and transform.

Society often calls these Souls the Black Sheep, the Mavericks, Misfits or Renegades.
What they really are tend to be Wayshowers, Innovators and Creators because they push the boundaries of the current accepted paradigms and beliefs. They often see where the current ways or beliefs are not working and try to bring about change and creative solutions.

Depending on how well these Souls have healed their own human wounds and integrated their own shadow will greatly effect how their catalytic energy is offered and received in society..... they literally have the capacity to either create or destroy at a deep level. Think of a powerful car in the hands of either an expert racing driver or a complete learner. Catalyst Souls first need to learn how to handle their own energetic frequency before being able to use it in heart led service for others.

If your a Catalyst Soul you may well often feel alone, misunderstood, hyper sensitive and disconnected from the people around you. I am always reminded of the scene between Galadriel and Frodo in the first LOTR film when Galadriel gently says to the Hobbit :

"To be a ring bearer is to be alone"

Catalyst Souls are few in number, not because they are special or better than others, but by the nature of what they are here to do. No Soul is above another.... the Catalyst Soul is merely here to remind those who have forgotten with the human veil of amnesia , who they truly are. They offer us the opportunity to remember.... sometimes through magical and blissful awakening... and sometimes by forcibly cracking open the closed heart 🌟 💔🌟

If you know you are one of these catalysts here on the planet during this huge time of change. You are not alone, you do have a tribe, you do have help and support.

Remember who you are, what you came here to do....it is time to find the others ⭐🙏⭐


What an amazing description of the Soul ⭐🌟⭐


"You feel you are not being heard or understood.....of not speaking the same language, you might say. You wish to expand in your spirit but there is lack of acceptance for this around you because of the rigidity met in others.

So it has separated you as you tried to speak about it and to share the information that you know. It is held in negative thought by some who you love. And in fact you feel judged and set apart from, and not being heard.

First of all these people are not soul family - your not on the same frequency and so they will never understand you. So knowing this and trying to convert them to your way of thinking will only bring heartache.

So seek those who have the same frequency as you, and you will find them.....few in number at first , but with great depth.
For those who are not your soul family you can love them as they are with the calmness and understanding that they are not going to change - releasing that expectation. They will love you as they can and the best that they can with the knowledge that they have presently. But give up the need for acceptance and keep centred in the self.

You come in as a way shower in those groups as a new way of being that is being birthed on this planet now. You are a participant in the energy as well as the facilitator , and the loneliness you have felt is because of that leadership of the wayshower and the opportunity that your soul has chosen.
It's a new paradigm you see.
The judgement brings you sadness.......in the love unmet and the unconditional love that you desire.
Do not worry.
It will come from others - it will come from soul family. "

12 Archangels speaking as 'Theo'


11:11 today.
Since studying Numerology (the vibrational frequency or energy represented by numbers 1-9 ) and Sound Therapy (the realisation that everything in the Universe is sound, light and vibration) I have learnt to pay closer attention to numbers as Sacred Geometry and Universal codes.

I am a Life Path 11 (what I am here to do) and also born on the 11th day of the month meaning I have a lot of 11 energy in my personality. The other significant number in my birth date is 9 .

11 is the number of the Spiritual teacher and intuitive healer
9 is the number of the Humanitarian and councillor.

Is it just a coincidence that my life has always been on a Spiritual path and that I have ended up being a healer and spiritual teacher ? Or was I always destined to do this because of the vibrational codes I was born with?
And then we can go even further....do we choose our birth date before we incarnate specifically to carry the frequencies of those numbers? Is our date of birth an energetic blueprint of frequencies and planetary alignments containing the vibrational codes of why we're here and what we want to experience?
Since studying Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy I believe that we all choose when, where and how to be born.

So far this morning I have seen 4.44am , 5.55am and 06:06am on the clock.....yes, I'm so wired with energy today that I can't sleep !
Again - coincidence ? or hyper sensitivity to the 11 energy today?

I have always seen double numbers on the clock when the Universe is trying to communicate something to me. This was something I noticed years before I looked into Numerology or knew that it was a known sign . Triple numbers are much more rare for me...but I've already seen two sets in two hours.

Today is day for us all to pay attention. Take some time today to tune into yourself. Sit quietly and ask :

"What does my Soul wish to tell me today?"

And listen


A bit of QHHT humour 😂


Buy tickets for Your Soul's Path - An advanced Life Between Lives Regression Workshop at Raglan House, Sat 23 Oct 2021 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM 06/10/2021

Just one space left for this deep dive workshop on Oct 23rd with myself and Leon Feasey . If you have ever wandered why your here and what you were here to do then this full day experiential workshop can help you unlock the memories from your Higher Self / Soul Self and live life more aligned with who you truly are rather than how you've been conditioned by other people or our wider society.
A deeply transformative day

Buy tickets for Your Soul's Path - An advanced Life Between Lives Regression Workshop at Raglan House, Sat 23 Oct 2021 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM Your Soul's Path - An advanced Life Between Lives Regression Workshop at Raglan House, Sat 23 Oct 2021 -


More and more people are remembering that they are a Soul having a physical experience as a Human, not a Human with a Soul.🌟🙏🌟

Soul Chat 5 - Trance Channeling and connecting with your Guides with Blue Soul Earth 24/04/2021

Are YOU a Channel for Spirit ? Can we ALL channel our Spirit Guides ?
If so - how do we go about it and how do we know the information is authentic ?

In this episode of Soul Chats I talk to Renee Blodgett and Anthony Compagnone from Blue Soul Earth about all thing channeling - and they also bring through their guides the Ascended Masters to speak to us directly about why we are all channelers, teachers and healers ....if we choose to be.

Mary Magdalene comes through also - with a direct message for all women watching who are having trouble believing they are already enough, that they are worthy of love and respect from others - and how to speak our truth by stepping into our divine authentic power.

We also cover the misconceptions of channeling , why it has been suppressed by organised religion and social conditioning.....and how to break free of old dogma and limiting beliefs. What is the future of science and spirituality and can they come back together as one for the betterment of the planet?

Soul Chat 5 - Trance Channeling and connecting with your Guides with Blue Soul Earth Are YOU a Channel for Spirit ? Can we ALL channel our Spirit Guides ? If so - how do we go about it and how do we know the information is authentic ?In this ...

Soul Chat 4 - Life Between Lives & Past Life Regression with Leon Feasey 16/04/2021

Respected UK Regression Therapist Leon Feasey talks to me about Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives as a way of connecting to our High Self and Spirit Guides to help us heal and learn about why we chose to incarnate into having a Human experience on Earth. What did we wish to accomplish ? Is there a plan?!

We cover a lot of ground in this fascinating Soul Chat including :

* Human free Will v our Soul's Plan - can we get it wrong?
* How a PLR / LBL session can help us with fears, phobias and challenges
* Soul contracts and Karmic relationships - what are they for?
* Why Children can connect to Spirit easier than most adults
* Grief, loss, miscarriage and su***de - how understanding these from a Spiritual perspective can help us heal and grow.
* What happens when we leave our physical bodies at the point of death?
* The conscious mind , the ego and the subconscious
* Soul retrieval - how it can help to claim our power back ....
and lots more!

At around the 1 hour mark we move on to some pre-submitted questions which included:

* Can we cancel a Soul contract and is there repercussions if we do?
* What do we do as Souls between incarnations on Earth?
* Why is some information blocked during a PLR/LBL/QHHT session?
* Do we have a certain age where our time on Earth expires?

Please like and comment below if you enjoyed this episode and would like us to do more!

Soul Chat 4 - Life Between Lives & Past Life Regression with Leon Feasey Respected UK Regression Therapist Leon Feasey talks to me about Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives as a way of connecting to our High Self and Spiri...

Soul Chat 3 - Colour Therapy to Heal and Expand with Hayden Crawford 12/04/2021

In this fascinating episode I chat to Wellness Coach, Colour Therapist & Spiritual Teacher Hayden Crawford about the magic of colour :
What do different colours represent?
Why we are drawn to certain colours?
How can using colour help us to remove mental blockages, limiting beliefs and guide us forward into the life we truly wish to live?

All colours have a certain frequency - learning the language of colour and vibration can be a fascinating and enlightening journey into who we are as Souls and what we came here to do!

We also touch on the subjects of Pythagorean Numerology , Past Lives and our Galactic origins as Souls.

Soul Chat 3 - Colour Therapy to Heal and Expand with Hayden Crawford In this fascinating episode I chat to Wellness Coach, Colour Therapist & Spiritual Teacher Hayden Crawford about the magic of colour :What different colou...

Mobile uploads 25/01/2021

Children remembering their past lives is more common than you might think . There are very well documented accounts of children who have recalled not just 'having another Mommy' but have been able to give researchable details about their last life and the circumstances of how they passed that they could not have known about or been able to articulate at such a young age.

One of the main reasons for this is because until the age of around 7 a child is still in the Theta brainwave pattern meaning they are still very much open to their Soul's records , the Spirit world and their connection to God/Source. This is one reason why children have imaginary friends or dreams where they say they are flying , or seeing Angels in their room.

They have not yet been taught what is 'real or not real according to the adults who are parenting them.
By the time we get to around school age we are starting to be 'educated' into the society , culture and religion of whatever country we are growing up in. Unless it is encouraged and allowed to flourish we start to loose the pure connection with the Spirit world and with our own Akashic Records (our experiences as a Soul).

Of course there is a good reason for not fully remembering our past lives - it would be detrimental in many ways to the life and lessons we are here to experiences in our current life. The veil of amnesia that we travel through when entering the Earth's physical dimension is there to help us not hinder us. We start with a blank canvas so that we can create a new painting without the memory of other lives either to directly help or hinder us . It's like going on an adventure which is far more thrilling and challenging without the road map. "It wouldn't be a test if you knew the answers" was one of Dolores Cannon's favourite quotes from speaking to people's subconscious during hypnosis. .

There is a great documentary on Netflix at the moment called Surviving Death which has an entire episode devoted to Reincarnation and particularly children's Past Live recalls.

Here is the link if you wish to watch :



I wanted to share this lovely piece of Artwork inspired by the Artist's experiences during their Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with me back in the Summer.

As the practitioner it is often hard to appreciate or visualise what the client is experiencing - especially if they are so absorbed in the emotions and sensations that they don't share much verbally.

This is a lovely way of visually expressing what she experienced in the light realms and shows that often a Quantum Healing session can form the beginning - or an acceleration - of creativity and spiritual connection.

I have often observed , and is also my own experience, that a Quantum Healing session is the opening of a door that keeps opening for days, week or even months afterwards. Everything starts to fit together in time.

Some clients can be a little disappointed in their expectation of a session if they did not feel they got what they wanted.....but many people say that it all made perfect sense as time moved on.......and they did indeed get exactly what they needed in divine timing.

It is a reminder that the Soul ALWAYS knows where we are going but often the ego mind does not. Trust & flow rather than try to push ahead. All becomes clear when we stay in present moment awareness and heart connected


Do our Pets come back to us ? Do they reincarnate like Human Souls do?

Loosing a beloved pet can be almost as painful as loosing a loved one. Often people feel confused and even guilty for how grief stricken they when their pet passes over. Unsympathetic friends or Family might say something like "It's only a cat..."

But the main reason loosing our pets can be so hard is that they - unlike many Humans - show us complete and utter unconditional love no matter what we do. Dogs especially are so loyal to their owner that they will put up with a huge amount of cruelty and mistreatment and still stay emotionally bound to their master.

It doesn't matter how we look, how we dress, how successful we are in society or what limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves....our pets will always love us no matter what the outside world thinks of us.

So understanding the deep healing and comfort given from the unconditional love of a pet we can start to see why when they transition back to spirit this can be so heart wrenching and difficult.

From my own personal experience and the experiences of clients, I have come to know beyond doubt that our pets not only live on after death but they can also return to us as reincarnated Souls.

When animals become domesticated and are loved by their owners as if they were Human , the Soul of that animal begins to develop it's own personality away from the animal group consciousness. They can - if they choose - begin to develop as a separate entity from the group Soul energy and explore being an individual.

If there is a very strong bond of love and connection between the pet and the Human then the pet can become part of our 'Soul Family' and this is where it becomes possible for that pet to return to us again in a new body. The short life span of an animal means that they could be with us more than once during our human journey.
The body type might change - so they could return as a dog when they were last with us as a cat and vice versa. They often don't look the same as before.....but they will have certain characteristics and mannerisms that will remind you of their previous incarnation. But the most telling and important sign that your pet has returned to you is that there will be the recognition of their energy signature. The outer appearance may have changed but their energy is the same - you will on some level recognize them vibrationally. Just like if someone you knew really well put on a disguise and tried to fool you....there would be be an energetic recognition even if your conscious mind was confused by their outer appearance.

So to briefly explain my personal experience with pet incarnation. I have had cats all my life and had one of my own since the age of 5. My first cat, Peter, was my only friend when at the age of 8 my parents divorced and I found that Peter was always there to comfort me unconditionally and listen to my feelings of fear and confusion.

He disappeared when we moved town when I was 10 and I was devastated never knowing what happened to him. My next cat was Grail at age 21 after leaving home. She was run over age only 3 - again a devastating end to our very close bond.

When I was age 30 Naboo came into my life with his brother Aslan. There was so much about Naboo that reminded me of Grail that sometimes I would call him by her name just to see if there was any response. He didn't respond - but at the time I didn't know what I do now about reincarnation and the veil of amnesia all Souls pass through as they come back into a physical body. I concluded it was my imagination but I never did quite shake off the feeling that Naboo was really Grail back again.

Years passed and Naboo finally died of cancer age 14. This time because of the progression in my spiritual understanding and growth I almost immediately started to get visits from him at night. It wasn't just me either - he also used to visit my Husband which was validation to me that it wasn't just my imagination. For anyone who has had their loved ones or pets visit them in the astral plane you will know it is a totally different experience from a dream. You know in every cell of your body that the experience is really happening - your not just dreaming or making it up.

After Naboo. his bother Aslan and the other cat we had at the time passed we decided not to have anymore.
But in 2018 we ended up with a kitten called Floki through inexplicable coincidences and synchronicities. Just over a week later we found a friend for him - a kitten from a totally different litter in the next county.

It became immediately obvious to me that this Kitten was the same Soul as Naboo. It wasn't wishful thinking or wanting this to be Naboo back again - it just was. No question. Why was I so sure? Because since becoming a Sound Therapist I now see and experience everything as frequency and vibration - and the vibration of this little kitten was the same as Naboo.
Not only that - but Aslan had come back too ! Their bond is so strong that even though they have come from a different litter they have the same connection energetically. It is now obvious to me that animal Souls can make Soul contracts with each other just like we do. They wanted to both be back together with us.

During my first Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy session in November 2018 my guide communicated to me that Floki and Simba were familiar Souls that have been with me before.

My guide said "One of them has been with her all this life"

Only on listening back to the session recording did I pick up on the 'all this life' bit. It was in a sudden light bulb flash of knowing that I realized that the energetic signature of Floki was not only Naboo and Grail .... but also Peter

Past Life & Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session - Galactic Heritage 05/01/2021

What is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session really like?

Every single person has a different experience because they are a unique Soul with a unique blueprint. Our higher self will always take us to the most appropriate time, place and experience for our highest learning on that day. For some people they may be disappointed with what they are shown - for others they are blown away. The ego's expectation verses our Soul's knowing of what serves us best may be in conflict with each other.

As a practitioner I have learnt to expect the unexpected and to just flow with what my client is experiencing without judgement.

Most of the time clients are able to access at least one of their past lives on earth.....but occasionally a client will go straight to another dimension of reality, a Galactic life or other off world experience.

However fantastic and unlikely it may sound to others to the client who experiences these memories and recalls while in a deep level of trance it can be life changing and life enhancing. Just like we FEEL the difference between a real memory recalled from our past verses just an image we have seen on a TV programme or film, the client recovers their cellular memory and the experience becomes part of their inner knowing.

Like many other modalities I don't believe we can be a really good practitioner in this field unless we have had several experiences of being the client ourselves .
I have had several Past Life Regression Hypnosis Sessions, a 6 hour Life Between Lives session and most recently a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) session.

This video is a recording of that BQH session . I have chosen images to best represent what I was seeing and experiencing during the hypnosis. I can tell listening back by the changes in the tone of my voice when I was simply recalling information from my subconscious and when I was in the deepest levels of trance 'channelling' information from my 'over soul' and guides.

These types of sessions have the ability to put us back in touch with who we really are as an infinite being of the divine rather than only seeing ourselves through the limited and wounded Human ego.


Past Life & Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session - Galactic Heritage This is a recording of my personal online BQH session on Tuesday June 23rd 2020 which was facilitated by Sam Boomer - a qualified BQH practitioner. Long paus...

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