Bodyfit Academy

Bodyfit Academy is a 28 day journey to help you drop a clothes size in 28 days through sensible nutrition and effective exercise!

Bodyfit Academy is a body transformation studio where we run men & women only programmes to help people get results through sensible nutrition and effective exercise!


Fancy attending one of our legendary circuits to give your weekend a great kickstart?

They run on Fridays 6am & 6.30pm and Saturdays 8.30am at our private studio (WN7 4DU).

Open to all of our current clients at no extra cost and included for everybody on our 8 week programs. Just turn up. No need to book or let us know.

Non-clients also welcome - £7 to attend - PM for info/availability.

Get down if you can make it.


How a skydive can help you lose 2 stone

In April 2019 I finally did a skydive (tandem).

Took 3 attempts but I finally got there.

Not 'cos I wimped out..

The weather didn't allow for it on the initial date I had booked in 2018 in October so rebooked for November, weather was still bad so I had to rebook again for the next season.

Safe to say it's one of the craziest things i've experienced.

I got speaking to a guy last time I was there in October who does solo jumps.

I asked him how many tandems he did before he did his first solo.

He said he went on a 6 hour course and then did his first skydive as a solo the same day.

F**k that.

No way.

Mega F**K that.

I thought it'd be like 6 weeks training to be able to do that not 6 hours.

Not a chance i'd have done that haha.

The only reason I went through with it on Saturday is because I was very securely strapped to the front of a guy who LOVES doing skydives.

So I was going.

Anyway, it brings me onto goals.

One of the BEST weight loss outcomes i’ve heared of is doing a skydive.


Because there's a 15 stone weight limit (for the one I went to anyway).

Imagine being 17 stone and paying a couple hundred quid for an event like a skydive where you had to make weight?

Yeah, that'll get you motivated.

Obviously not a fitting goal for everybody.

It will push you to get the job done. Because it gives you leverage.

Obviously you don't have to have that as your outcome..

but try and set outcomes that:

A - challenge you

B - excite you

C - give you leverage to do the work

Event based outcomes work really well.

2 stone weight loss isn't the goal. It's just what has to happen to achieve the actual outcome..

Make sense?


* Your holiday pictures *

Ever been on holiday and ended up having your picture taken and HATED IT?

We all probably have.

Especially with social media these days you can have pictures of yourself go up online before you've even seen it.

Ever had a picture taken and you see it and you're like "What the actual f*&%"

And you literally see yourself how you’ve never seen yourself before (not in a good way).

And it immediately motivates you to want to change.

I was speaking about this to a new client who jumped on board with me recently.

Well, they were telling me about a similar experience.

I call it a "f*ck it" moment It can be a glimpse in the mirror.

> Something that somebody says.

> Trying on new clothes

> Feeling like crap with no energy

> Seeing your body change and starting to gain weight

> Clothes no longer fitting

etc etc

You get the idea.

You need to USE your “f**k it" moment.

TAP INTO the emotion of it to keep you moving forward.

People can get initial results but keeping on moving is the tough bit.

You have to REMIND YOURSELF WHY you got started.

^^ let me say that again.

You have to keep on REMINDING YOURSELF WHY you got started.

And remind yourself how sh%t it felt to be where you were.


If you feel bad enough about a current situation, you'll change it. You'll take the path of least pain.


If you only *kinda* want results. I hate to sound like a negative do**he but you won’t get any.

Massive difference between stating a preference of being in shape vs not being… and making a committed decision to make a change.

And if you want help getting results?

Shoot me over a message amigo.

Female 8 Week Kickstart (Leigh) 03/06/2024

Female 8 Week Kickstart (Leigh) bodyfit academy woman project


==> mirror posing 'german tankers'


I love this..

Its a quote I have written down from an old mentor of mine that I remind myself of now and then.

Here it is:

"You don't get what you want, you don’t get what you deserve, you don't get what you're entitled to... you GET what you're ruthlessly committed to create"

^^^ Read that back again...

It makes total sense.

If you're ruthlessly committed to creating results.

To change your body.

To get leaner, fitter, stronger.

To get more CONFIDENCE so you can feel unstoppable.

So you don't have to feel like s**t.
..if you're ruthlessly committed to create the above?

You'll GET it if you implement the right things. Which I want to help you do.

I can help steer your ship.

But I can't power it.

When you're ready to jump on one of our programs?... you'll know

Send a message over if you’re not involved yet.

P.S. image has nothing to do with this post, just a pic from the top of Scarfell pike from the other week


are you missing out? (this might trigger you)

Ever felt unmotivated and just lacked the drive you need to reach your goals?

Me too.

Sit tight and listen up because in this post i'll share with you EXACTLY how to overcome it.

It's something our coach uses with us a lot.

It's a very simple process and it just involves finding some leverage.

One way to do it is to ask yourself what the COST has been in the past of not having the body you want.

> Maybe the cost has been missing out on quality play time with the kids

> Maybe its been setting bad examples to your kids

> Maybe its been a massive cost to your health and energy

> Maybe its cost you relationships

> Maybe its cost you experiences and memories than you avoided

> Maybe its cost you seeing friends or family

Whatever its cost you in the past… get CLEAR on it.

And the second part is to ask yourself.. if you don't get it handled now then what's it going to cost you in the future?


And the CLEARER and more specific you can be with this, the better.

"I'll feel crap" is just a super vague, fluffy answer that will create zero leverage for you.

Actually spend some time on this and get clear.

Zero leverage = zero action.

Massive leverage = massive action.

Hit up the task and have a think what being where you are and not being where you want to be has cost you in the past
and what it will cost you in the future if nothing changes.

It's VERY powerful.

Or, if you're happy where you're at?

DON'T do it.

If you're not willing to do the work, by default you have to be willing to stay the same.

Just sayin'.


I get a lot of clients who want to tone up specific body parts..

Like arms, legs, stomach etc etc..

Put short..

NO EXERCISE can help you 'tone up’ certain body parts.

Doesn't happen like that.

So doing 100 sit ups a day will NOT help you tone up your stomach.

Sure, you can do certain exercises to work specific muscles.

But that does f**k all when it comes to being able to 'see the muscle' and look toned.

You have to reduce the fat surrounding the muscle to be able to 'see it’ and see the definition and to give the toned look.

Its just like driving through a field of mud in a car and trying to clean your car by vacuuming the inside of the car.

The outside is still gonna be filthy and full of mud.

And the vaccing does f**k all for the mud caked on the outside.

Your muscles are like the inside of the car and your bodyfit is the outside of the car.

So to get rid of fat?

Sorting out nutrition is the main thing.

To reduce the later of body fat.

And accompanying effective training to help boost it.

EXACTLY what we focus on at Bodyfit Academy.

Want help?

Reach out


I got a few replies from my email the other day where I spoke about our next 8 week program which starts the week beginning 24th June 2024.

More than I expected.

Maybe because summer is round the corner.

So I wanted to send this out in case I missed getting back to anybody and so everybody has the details anyway..

Again, if you're booked on for the next 8 week program just ignore this..

Our ‘famous' 8 week challenge is our flagship program for men (the Man Project) or women (The Woman Project) who are committed to change and get results.

We help clients to explode their fitness levels, get leaner and feel great about themselves with their energy levels and confidence.

While still being able to enjoy the occasional beer, curry and pizza.

This is how our 8 week program works:

> Throughout the 8 weeks you’ll get access to 16 highly effective workouts in a group led by one of our coaches (2 main sessions per week) - suitable for any fitness level as you work at your own pace in our private studio

> Get access to our simple but highly effective nutrition blueprint where you'll discover how to lose weight and tone up in a safe, effective way without starving yourself or the need for crazy, expensive supplements

> FREE access to our ‘Weekend Kickstarter’ Saturday morning circuits at 8.30am and our Friday 6am or 6.30pm circuits (meaning you can do upto 4 sessions a week including 2x of these circuits on top of the 2 main sessions)

> You’ll be doing extra sessions yourself at home or the gym or anywhere you want to get your 'sweat' point in

> Elite level mindset coaching so that you can finally see transformational results

> Accountability like you’ve never seen before. We’ll be making sure everybody is on track with brutal accountability so there's no hiding away

> A private, supportive group of positive like minded other people who will help push and motivate you while having a laugh (no d**kheads)

Our program WORKS.

So much so we guarantee results. Take part in the workouts and follow the nutrition plan and get results.

We have limited spaces every intake we have once every 2 months and places usually fill VERY fast.

To do this type of program with me on a 1-1 basis it would be £1000+.

However, I think the group programs we run get BETTER results than 1-1 because of the accountability and motivation you get from other guys in the group which is why I love the group approach.

The total cost for this program is just £200.

That works out at only £3.57 per day.

Discounted options available to continue on with us after the 8 weeks.

But for right now, I just need to know if you can join us and I’ll get you all the details.

I’d love to work with you.

Just reply and say “I’m IN”… and I’ll take it from there.


PS- Any questions about it? let me know too, I've got you covered


Hey all - just confirming that this upcoming bank holiday monday the evening sessions will be on as normal. If you can’t make it and want to do the tuesday night instead then you can do (Tuesday 6pm woman project or 7pm man project)
Monday morning 6am woman project will move to tuesday 6am instead


This will change everything...

I was in a little ‘scroll hole’ the last year on social media watching videos

And came across a video with a few quotes on there.

One that stood out to me was this:

“The move you’re most scared to make is the one that will change everything for you.”

VERY powerful quote.

And true.

Most people try and stick within their comfort zones and so don’t experience the change and results they actually seek.

EVEN if it means sticking with their current level of discomfort.

^^^ read that again.

So for example, most people will stick with being overweight and being unhappy, low energy etc etc because they don’t want to step out of their comfort zone and do something about it to make a change.

I get it though, ive done it over various things.

In business, in my fitness, in many different areas.

But when you step out of the comfort zone, thats when things change.

So my question for you is… what action(s) are you avoiding right now that if you took could potentially change your life for the better?


==> what do you expect?


I hate social media (sometimes)

Last year I opened up Facebook to find a post off one of my coaches:

"If you don't make the time to work on creating the life you want, you’re eventually going to be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don't want. Start today"

Holy s**t.

What a post.

It’s 100% true.

Most people head in a direction they actually don't want to go.

They do it unintentionally.

Almost unconsciously.

But when you actually put ATTENTION on where you want to go and set out with PURPOSE to create what you want?

S**t can start to get real exciting.

I don't usually spend too much time on 2Facebook newsfeed though but im glad I seen that post.


I get a lot of men & women enquire about our programs.

But for every person who applies for a place..

I bet there's at least 5 who were on the fence but didn't take action over fear.

> Fear about not knowing anybody.

> Fear about being the un-fittest there.

> Fear about everybody else being in better shape.

> Fear about the unknown.

When in reality?

Firstly it doesn't matter what everybody else is doing vs you in sessions - we structure things so you just work to your own level and your results just come from you doing your own fitness and nutrition - its irrelevant to what others are doing.

And secondly?

We attract clients who are humble, down to earth, a great laugh and actually support each other.

We have a strict NO d1ckhead policy.

The support inside of sessions and inside of our private members support group on Facebook is epic.

And the support everybody shows each other is incredible.

I love seeing stuff like this happen.

Being in a supportive group of people on the same journey as you is VITAL for success.

Trying to go at it alone is tough, scary even.

But with support?

You become almost unstoppable.

If you're not in the game yet with us?

Don't hang around.

DM for info


Over the years i've had a bunch of help and advice from coaches and mentors.

One business coach I followed years back when I first got started had a solid bit of advice:

"You only get paid for done”

Which pretty much means that you don’t get paid for having an idea in our head.

Or for spending time perfecting something and 'getting ready'.

You only get paid for getting an idea out there into ACTION and pushing it.

And then correcting course along the way.

Same thing goes for getting in shape.

You only get in shape from DOING.

>> You don't get in shape through intentions.

>> You don't get in shape from thinking about it.

>> You don't get in shape from wants and desires.

You GET in shape from eating less sh*t and stepping up your nutrition

You GET in shape from exercising.

Its very simple to get in shape.

Not always easy.

But it's simple.

There's no need to overcomplicate it.

Even though people love too.


So they can tell themselves the story of 'its too complicated' and use that as a BS scapegoat and a reason as to why they don't have the results they want.

Instead of taking responsibility themselves.

Anyway, you get what i'm saying.

You get in shape from ACTION.

And getting sh*t done.

There's no way around it.


Confirming sessions for early May bank holiday weekend:

⁠Friday 3rd May morning and evening circuits as normal

Saturday 4th May morning circuit as normal

Monday 6th April morning woman project session will move to Tuesday morning 7th April 6am but Monday night all evening sessions on as normal

So Monday morning moving to Tuesday morning is the only change - May change this setup in the future but its how we’re rolling through bank holidays for now 👌


We have our next start date for our 8 week programs NEXT WEEK - 29th April.

We have a few new clients on board as well as our long-term clients. Not loads as we only have limited spaces on most groups.

If you're not on board then hit me up asap as places are filling fast.

Here's who we have brand NEW starting with us next week:

Man Project brand new starters:
Ryan R
Gareth V
Kieran S
Matt W

Woman Project brand new starters:
Amy H
Julie R

If you're not on board right now and are interested:

If you are on board now and you want to stay on.. Then hit me up asap just shoot me a direct message.

Lets go.


By the way, there's loads of you who are on the list for staying on board who are on our longer-term program or who have confirmed you want to stay on, list above is brand new starters only.


We are looking for another fitness coach to join our team to take on a few regular group sessions each week as well as a list of holiday cover we have available through 2024.
Studio is in Leigh WN7 4DU


Summer is almost here.

Wouldn't have thought it with all the wind and rain we've had.

Anyhoo, we have our next 8 week programs start on the week beginning 29th April at our private studio in Leigh.

ANY fitness level - work to your own pace and level. We'll hit nutrition and keep you accountable too.​​ Both of these are VITAL for success.

We have Mon/Wed groups and Tues/Thurs groups for our Man Project and Woman project programs. All groups inlude fri/sat circuits too.

^^ probably won't be able to run them under these names for much longer the way the world is going lol.

Its the 8 week block that will take us to the end of June. Almost to the day of the official start of summer 2024.

So THIS is the block that will help you push for summer.

The best time would have been to start months ago, or last year.

But NOW is the 2nd best time.

Find out more here:


>> This will change everything


Circuit reminder for 6.30pm tonight and tomorrow morning 8.30am
Lets go 🔥


Fri 6am/6.30pm and sat 8.30am circuit reminders.

Get down if you can make it. Great fitness boosters and calorie burners. Lets go 🔥

Inbox for details


THIS is totally useless 👇

Ive got a little 'secret' to share

If you want to get in shape??..

Information is not enough to make a change.

ACTION is the only answer.

Knowing what to do is one thing..

But DOING it is the key.

In fact its the first thing I wrote about in my book (yup, i'm an author)

Most people like to seek new ‘shiny' information thinking it will be the missing information they have been missing that will unlock the key to their results.

When all along the thing they need to do to get results is do the simple s**t that works.

There's nothing complicated about getting in shape.

Its just being consistent with the simple things that work.

Information is useless.

IMPLEMENTATION is what we need.

We need to take action.

I'd rather somebody execute some really simple stuff with exercise and nutrition...

Than try and overcomplicate the hell out of it and have a super complex plan and not actually do anything with it and not follow it.

So remember, KISS.

Keep It Super Simple

And take action.



Circuits on as normal Friday and Saturday!

Friday 6am & 6.30pm and Saturdays 8.30am at our private studio (WN7 4DU).

Open to all of our current clients at no extra cost and included for everybody on our 8 week programs. Just turn up. No need to book or let us know.

Non-clients also welcome - £7 to attend - PM for info/availability.

Get down if you can make it.

Photos from Bodyfit Academy's post 25/03/2024

If right now you feel:

low energy
low confidence

And you want to INSTEAD feel:

> much fitter and not as easily tired out

> stronger and more toned

> sky high energy levels

> like you have higher levels of motivation and have the ‘OOMPH' to get stuff done and achieve

> confident within yourself

Then maybe its time to put some attention on making some changes with your nutrition and exercise.

Listen, results can (and do) flow very fast when you're doing the right things.

Doesn't have to be perfect.

Just as long as its in the right direction.

Anyway, our 8 week programs are INCREDIBLE. And they work out at just £3.57 PER DAY.

And then after the initial 8 weeks we have DISCOUNTED options to continue.

(just to let you know that too as some people look for longer term stuff)

You can find out more about the our 8 week programs below:

The results you can achieve in a short time period.

And the help, guidance and coaching you receive on our challenge is absurd and worth WAY more than £3.57 per day.

We have our next program starting the week beginning Monday 27th June 2022.

Although you can get started NOW with our home workouts (free) and our Fri/Sat circuits (available as PAYG before the 8 weeks starts) - great way to build upto the 8 week start date.

If you want more details?

Visit and watch the video and read the page.

And from there you can make an informed decision if its for you or not.


I only want people on the program who 100% want to be there.

I ain't into trying to 'force’ people on. I'd hate working with those people.

In fact, I could probably only take on a very small number people now anyway.

So yeah.

If you want in?

You'll know.

If not this time, thats cool too.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Fancy attending one of our legendary circuits to give your weekend a great kickstart?They run on Fridays 6am & 6.30pm an...
Summer is almost here. Wouldn't have thought it with all the wind and rain we've had.Anyhoo, we have our next 8 week pro...
Fri 6am/6.30pm and sat 8.30am circuit reminders. Get down if you can make it. Great fitness boosters and calorie burners...
Circuits on as normal Friday and Saturday!Friday 6am & 6.30pm and Saturdays 8.30am at our private studio (WN7 4DU).Open ...
Fancy attending one of our legendary circuits to give your weekend a great kickstart?They run on Fridays 6am & 6.30pm an...
Who's doing one of our fri/sat circuits?Friday 6am / 6.30pm and Saturday 8.30am at our studio.Open to all of our current...
BFA epic circuits!Fridays 6am & 6.30pm and Saturdays 8.30am at our private studio (WN7 4DU).Open to all of our current c...
CIRCUITS!  Fridays 6am & 6.30pm and Saturdays 8.30am.Open to all of our current clients at no extra cost and included fo...
I often get asked:"is it a gym?"  Referring to our studio/programs in Leigh.The short answer is: noA gym is more a build...
Reminder about our epic circuits 👇They run on Fridays 6am & 6.30pm and Saturdays 8.30am at our private studio (WN7 4DU)....
Jump on one of our legendary circuits to give your weekend a great kickstart!They run on Fridays 6am & 6.30pm and Saturd...
Thursday night lads group in action 🔥🔥🔥



Bodyfit Academy, Unit 17 Welch Mill, Welch Mill Street

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