West Berkshire Injury Clinic

Osteopathy,Sports Therapy and Massage. Don't be put off by the 'Sports' description. Any questions - Just give me a call.

WBIC is run by Andrew Spaak and supported by a wonderful team all with the health and wellbeing of our clients at the centre of what we want to achieve. Sports Therapy and Massage is good just to help with the general aches and pains of daily life - whether it be computer work, aches from gardening or just general aches and pains. However, it is extremely useful to Sports people both professional


We’re here and setup.

It’s a lovely day, come down and say Hello to myself and Carrie


Looking forward to seeing everybody tomorrow at the Hungerford Food and Artisan Market.
It will be a different experience with Carrie Buckley Tattoos joining us.

We can also discuss what we do to help people who are struggling with illness or recovering from certain conditions including cancer.


On Sunday, we are excited to welcome Carrie Buckley Tattoos to the health and wellbeing corner and the Hungerford Food and Artisan Fayre. Carrie will be showcasing her incredible work in using tattoos to cover scars, along with her efforts in tattooing prosthetics and helping individuals using tattoos for wellbeing.

But why are we, as a clinic, promoting this from a wellbeing perspective?

What truly matters is that people feel good about themselves and find ways to move forward in their lives. This significantly contributes to their overall wellbeing and happiness. For women who have undergone mastectomies, breast reconstruction may not always be an option for various reasons. In such cases, covering the scar with meaningful/colourful artwork can bring immense joy and positivity. The same applies to those with C-section scars or individuals, both male and female, who have scars from accidents.

As a clinic, our goal is always to help people become the best version of themselves, to feel happy and content. We work with patients suffering from cancer and recovering from injuries, and what’s most important to us is their sense of contentment. If we can contribute to improving their wellbeing, that’s fantastic.

However, we are only one part of a larger team. This team can include consultants, practice nurses, physiotherapists, tattoo artists, and many others who play a role in supporting each individual on their journey to recovery and wellbeing.


As we're preparing for next weeks Wellbeing Corner @ the Hungerford Fayre I was struck by a thought following a comment. There are several reasons why you might get a tattoo apart from medical reasons or on prosthetics.
Obviously it could be due to just wanting one, but there are other reasons including Grief and Remembrance. This is just as much part of wellbeing as for medical reasons, it may bring closure, help to remember the good times or just to remember.

If you're coming along to the food fayre next week and want to remember. Come and have a chat with Carrie Buckley Tattoos.

Photos from West Berkshire Injury Clinic's post 30/07/2024

West Berkshire Injury Clinic has been at the Hungerford Food Community with a wellbeing corner. We have been joined by Sarah Culpepper from Glass Sponge Coaching as well as The Community of Hungerford Theatre Group, Hungerford Hares and Ami Taylor representing Blaze Trails. All activities involved in Health and Wellbeing.
At the next food fayre I've got Carrie Buckley Tattoos a fantastic tattoo artist coming along. Now you may think what has tattoos got to do with Health and Wellbeing but Carrie also does medical tattoos and tattoos on prosthetics. Tattoos can be used to cover up unsightly scars giving people a sense of identity and individuality and this could be to do with C-Section scars or from breast removal due Breast Cancer as well as a number of other things.
It is important that we demistify these things so people can have open conversations about things that have impacted them and still do.
We will be providing an area where you can have a private conversation with Carrie if needed.


What is your happy place?

What really relaxes you and helps you get to the point where you feel every muscle switch and your brain quieten down? Please let me know and comment below.

For me it is very much being by the sea and very quickly I've relaxed and looked forward to more relaxation over the coming week.

Its been really nice to actually talk to my wife, Sam, discuss things which are important but also just enjoy the little things. I've enjoyed watching Sam get the giggles and do her best Muttley impression (She is famous for her Muttley impressions). Its been nice to sit and watch the world go by and increase my dosage of Sunshine and Fresh Air.


Ever got the feeling that somebody is going on holiday?

Andrew is off on holiday for a well earned break from the 26th July for just over a week. He will be sharing some of his photos and wellbeing tips for that week. Hope you find them useful and don't get too jealous!


This is a question we get asked a lot! - Not that you would ignore it but when should I get treatment if I've got a sore back or sore neck.

People often say - I bent over and went to pick something up and something went in my back. Or, I woke up and I'm struggling to move my neck.

If you look at the NHS website it says use pain medication (Paracetemol/Nurofen), Heat and Movement. All of which we agree with. Initially it is sometimes better to follow the advice rather than go for treatment straight away. Obviously if you need reassurance then please do.

What we would suggest is see if you can look after it yourself and in time it is likely to resolve itself. However, if after a few days it isn't improving or if its lingering then get some treatment.

We are always happy to take phone calls and to offer brief advice over the phone - obviously it is generic advice. But more than happy to chat.


Here at WBIC we thoroughly enjoy helping you achieve what you want to achieve, whether that is

1) Racing to the stones,
2) Completing a Marathon
3) Cycling 100 miles or completing a multi-day cycling event.
4) Completing that gardening project.

If you want to find out more about how we can help you then please do get in touch.


Whether you’re sowing some seeds for that garden veg, pruning the bushes or planting some flowers, it can be a difficult time for your body. A body that’s not used to the movements, lifts, twists & turns that are associated with a good spell in the garden. A body that’s done those specific movements a year ago?
Gardening tools
Plan your gardening activities

The last thing we need is to injure something whilst out in the garden
To avoid those annoying niggles, start by planning your garden tasks. If you dive straight in and crack on, you could be putting your body under stress by doing too much to quickly. Ensure you have lots of breaks to move out of the positions you’re putting yourself into Backs – digging, lifting plant pots, bending forward.

Bad back from Gardening
Use the right techniques to avoid gardening injuries

If you’re digging, mix up which side you lift and use your foot with. Lifting and moving those plant pots. Although actually lifting with a slightly rounded back isn’t inherently bad. However, if you’re an inexperienced lifter or the load is more than you’re used to, bend with your knees and keep a straight back. Instead of leaning forward so much to plant and cut, try wearing a set of knee pads and try kneeling or sitting down.

Upper Limb – so the shoulders and elbows can take a bit of a pounding when you’re working overhead or using secateurs (other cutting implements are available). The easiest way to reduce the impact on shoulders and elbows and prevent upper body gardening injuries is to break the spells of cutting/trimming into smaller time blocks and switch into another task. That will give you a bit of a rest and allow you to continue later one. Instead of reaching overhead – bring the task closer to you by either using a ladder or just getting closer to the target.

Most of all, get out and enjoy the vitamin D hit! Enjoy feeding on the bumper crop of fruit and veg you’ll be able to produce in the good weather!


All ready to go! Sam talking to Jo (The Community of Hungerford Theatre Company) about the benefits of music and the theatre on people’s wellbeing


Wellbeing isn't just about fitness it is about what you can do to relax but also enjoy. Whether that is listening to a bit of Bach while sitting in your chair or headbanging to the latest piece from Rammstein that is all about achieving a state of Wellbeing.

Along with that some people really enjoy participating in the theatre and there are some great choirs, theatre groups, drama groups locally. Joining us tomorrow for part of the Food and Artisan market in Hungerford is the https://www.facebook.com/groups/940604632693591/user/100068624131170/ who will be there to talk about what is available for both kids and adults. But alongside performing on stage you have musicians, accompanists, back stage crew etc. It really is a great hobby and great for socialising, enjoyment, relaxation. Letting the lungs go with a good sing.

Come and see us at the Croft Field tomorrow morning!


It is very simple to look at this and think I don't need to worry. If you've done all your due diligence and completed your manual handling training that may well be the case.

But if you organised a workplace wellbeing initiative provided by WBIC then we could look at how to reduce the risk.


We provide Health and Wellbeing packages for Small Businesses and the Self Employed.

Work Station Assessment, regular treatments to keep people working, advise on seating position in the car, Mental Health First Aid as well as other things.

If you've got some thoughts and would like to discuss then message us or you can email [email protected].

We will happily provide a free risk assessment in collaboration with you.


Plantar Fasciitis, Mortons Neuroma, Bunions, Metatarsalgia are all conditions that affect the feet.

But did you know that @ WBIC we do treat a number of these foot conditions. We use a mixture of rehab, soft tissue treatments, ultrasound as well as Shockwave.

We've had some fantastic results treating Plantar Fasciitis and Mortons Neuroma.

But if we are unable to treat or not getting the results we will happily refer to others specifically to our Podiatrist colleagues at Expert Footcare.


At the clinic we provide Sports Massage but there are a number of myths about Sports Massage which I'd like to expose.

1) This is the one that we've heard on a few occasions and it's not correct. "No Pain No Gain!" Sports Massage shouldn't necessarily be painful it may well be uncomfortable but that isn't always the case. Any treatment should be tailored for the individual but if you are given a Sports Massage and its a painful - question it - don't accept it. And if you get marked or bruised that is definitely not right.

2) Reframe your thinking about Sports Massage. Some people will say you must have a Sports Massage every week. At this time money is tight for a lot of people so if people are saying that you need a treatment every week then question it - if you want a treatment every week that is different. Sports Massage really can help and if you're not sure whether its right for you then message us and ask.

3) Sports Massage is just for sports people. No - this is not correct. It is for everybody and anybody and can be useful in treating many conditions and aches and pains. This is why Sports Massage is called by some - Soft Tissue Therapy.


Andrews view this evening. Supporting the Athletics meet at Tillsley park in Abingdon.


All set up at the Hungerford Food Fayre with Ami Taylor representing Hungerford Hares and Blaze Walking.

Keith Mayes is also saying Hello.


At tomorrows Hungerford Food Fayre in the Wellbeing Corner we have Ami who is going to be there talking about the benefits of walking with your Baby. Ami as well as being involved with the Hungerford Hares is the local co-ordinater for Blaze Walking which is encouraging new Mums to be out walking in groups of other Mums and Babies.
With the benefits of wellbeing but also support!

Blaze Trails CIC 04/06/2024

Joining me at the Hungerford Food Fayre in Wellbeing Corner is Ami Taylor who is involved with the organisation of the Hungerford Hares our local friendly running group as well involved with Blaze Trails. She will be bring some buggies for parents to look at and ask questions of Ami about the running or the walking.

I will be on hand to talk about anything preventing you from being active.

Blaze Trails is a parent and baby walking group, run by parents for parents. It's free to attend and led by volunteers nationwide. provide a safe environment for you to explore with your baby, whether walking/hiking for the first time or getting back into it. We are also a fantastic support network to talk about anything from sleepless nights to which baby carrier to pick.
Blaze Trails is a parent and baby walking group, run by parents for parents. It's free to attend and led by volunteers nationwide. They provide a safe environment for you to explore with your baby, whether walking/hiking for the first time or getting back into it. We are also a fantastic support network to talk about anything from sleepless nights to which baby carrier to pick.

Our local group meets most Mondays at 10am and walks about 4 miles. All of the BlazeTrails events are managed through a secure platform, so just register online and then join the 'North Wessex Downs and Newbury' group. Ami will be bringing a QR code to allow people to register.

Blaze Trails CIC Empowering parents to get outdoors Blaze Trails CIC Get Involved


We are always pleased to support local events. Also, it is more of a pleasure when it is such a well organised event - Congratulations to Jeff Bird who I know puts heart and soul into this as well as Newbury AC.

Decided on the day to raise money for the Newbury Soup Kitchen as well as MS UK. Although MS UK means so much to us due to personal experiences it is also important to support a local charity as well.

I am pleased to say that we have just depositted £100 to MS UK and we are anticipating that approximately £100 was provided to Newbury Soup Kitchen as well (only approximate as it was their bucket!). If they know and it was less than £100 then please let me know and we will make up the difference - Andy Pocock!


Really Looking forward to tomorrow and being able to support a wonderful community event - The Newbury 10k.

We will be there providing pre and post event taping and massage.

All money raised will go to MS UK. Your donation is your choice but we can recommend an amount if you'd prefer.


Did you know that we quite often work at events.

As well as providing Event Support Services - Which can include pre and post event massages.

But did you know that we can also provide First Aid Services for events we are experienced with Walking, Running, Cycling as well as community events.

Give us a call if you want more information.


Let the improving weather improve your wellbeing. Smile and be happy.

Photos from West Berkshire Injury Clinic's post 12/05/2024

All set up and ready to talk to people about anything well-being!

Come and say Hello!


Looking forward to tomorrow where myself and Sara from Glass Sponge Coaching will be at the Hungerford Food Fayre in Wellness Corner.

Wellbeing is something we are both passionate about and feel that people should be able to do the things that they want to.

Come and talk to us and we are more than happy to talk, help and advise.


You know what? Staying at the top of your game has different meanings for different people - for some people it relates to your work, for others your home life or it could be relating to sporting prowess!
But it could be a mixture of all three..

But if you are not at the top of your game - give us a call so we get you there whatever that means for you.


Joining Andrew in Wellbeing Corner at the Hungerford Artisan Market this month will be Sarah Culpepper from Glass Sponge Coaching. We look forward to talking to you about general wellness, answering questions about nutrition, health and giving advice on physical pain or niggles along with the mental health blocks that are holding you back from really enjoying life.

Quite happy to have a chat about most things even if you just want to come and say Hello!


Did you know that May is National Walking Month?

The weather is getting warmer and the rain is getting less (Hopefully!) so why don't you make an effort to get regular walks in?

Walk to work?
Go for a walk with the kids to the park?
Get some fresh air and take in nature?
OR get away from it all and have some me time?

But all of these things will help in giving you a boost. And did you know that on the 31st May it is National Smiling Day and when you're out for your walk you could smile at people and say "Hello!"

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Our Story

West Berkshire Injury Clinic provides Osteopathy and Sports Therapy to help all people whether they are sporty or not overcome aches and pains and recover from injuries that they may have at any time.

Although we do treat sporting injuries this is NOT all we treat as we also treat aches and pains which may have been caused from working at a desk, gardening, doing work around the house or if you’re unlucky enough just walking down the street.

Our people are more than happy to discuss our services with anybody concentrating on what they require.

Videos (show all)

Yay! Summer is on its way!
Can working at your desk give you a pain in the neck? Have a look at your desk posture - it maybe the answer!
How does this affect me?
Have you got a pain in the neck?
We help Small Businesses and the Self Employed
Information about the Hungerford clinic over the next 2 weeks.
Merry Christmas
As we gear up for the festive season, the marathon season isn't far behind.It's crucial to lay the groundwork now for a ...
As the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, it's natural to want to cosy up indoors. 🍂But staying active, even in...
Pay It Forward - Follow Up
Find out more about the Pay It Forward Scheme



6a London Road

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5:30pm

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