Starseed Soul Sisters

We created Starseed Soul Sisters to help others on their journey through spirituality. We want to br


Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) teaches us that we are more than just our physical bodies and that Reiki surrounds us as an energy body. Reiki energy connects on our spiritual and energetic levels. Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present. We are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole.
A distant healing session can be done in a number of ways. The practitioner can use a proxy, use visualization, or use a projection of Reiki to send Reiki energy to someone else. The distant Reiki symbol joins the Reiki practitioner and the client together in a sacred healing space.
To receive distant Reiki healing you don’t have to do anything special, but it’s best to lie down and be still if possible. The recipient and healer can agree on a time beforehand and the person receiving simply needs to sit or lie down for the specified amount of time (typically a half hour or so). The effects of distant healing are virtually no different than hands-on healing. An experienced Reiki healer (level II or higher) can send healing energy to a person anywhere in the world no matter how far away from the healer they are. The energy transmissions in a remote session are just as strong as if they were delivered in person directly with the hands. Distant healings are ideal for those who don’t live in a reasonable distance from a practitioner, people who don’t have the means to travel to and from a healers office, or if you don’t particularly like someone touching you, a distance healer can provide the same benefit without the need to physically touch. Those who are interested in receiving a Reiki healing session do not have to be suffering from any type of illness to benefit from a session. Sessions can help keep the energy channels open, decreasing the likelihood of illness due to blocked Chakras. Sessions are affordable and keep your privacy intact. You can also order distant healing for your loved ones. While it is best if they are aware they are receiving a remote Reiki treatment so they can be open to receiving the most benefit, even if they aren’t aware the practitioner can send Reiki with the intention that they receive based on their own free will, asking their spirit guide (energy guide) to make the connection and ask permission.
Try a remote Reiki Session for yourself and experience the benefits. Don’t be surprised if it becomes your preferred method of healing!

Photos from Starseed Soul Sisters's post 09/07/2021



We thought we would introduce the face behind our Starseed Soul Sisters brand!

We're Dawn & Stacey, Owner & Creators of Starseed Soul Sisters!

A bit of background about us, we first became friends in High School, over 20 years ago. We've grew up together and been each others rock through many ups and downs throughout our lives. We've always had a huge connection to the spirit world and found crystals, everything holisitic and witchy very fascinating.

Around 6 years ago we decided to take the leap and book our Reiki Level 1 training. This was a huge turning point for both of us and it was the first time where we felt like we were on the right path. Since then, we've both become trained in many different healing modalities, such as, Reiki level 2, Master Reiki, Animal Reiki, Crystal Healing & Hypnotherapy. Most recently, we completed our Pellowah 1 & 2.

We've always spoke about having our own business together and opening up a little witchy shop like the one out Practical Magic, but never ever felt the push to do it. The last couple of years have been difficult for us and if anything brought us closer together. We realised that life is so short and it was time for us to finally do something we were passionate about. So at the start of the year, Starseed Soul Sisters was born.

Our business is mainly focused around our skills with Reiki, Crystals and a positive mindset. We want to use our gifts, training and knowledge with these practices to help others. We're in the process of building our stock with jewellery, candles, aura sprays and essential oils, all infused with reiki. Along with these, We offer Card Readings & Distance Reiki & Pellowah sessions. We're so excited about what's to come and know how blessed we are to have found each other to navigate this journey with.

If you have any questions about the different healing modalities, how to book in or pricing, please send us a DM. You can contact us through our Starseed Page or our personal pages.

Love Dawn & Stacey xx


Photos from Starseed Soul Sisters's post 21/06/2021

💫✨ DM us for more info on how you can book a distance Reiki or Pellowah session ✨💫

Photos from Starseed Soul Sisters's post 20/06/2021

Recently, me & Stacey have both become attuned to the Pellowah energy healing modality and are now certified practitioners. We thought we would give you some information as to what this is and what to expect if you decide to book a Pellowah session.

Pellowah is a hands off energy healing technique. Its primary purpose is to “Shift Consciousness".

The “healing” benefit is a by-product of this shift in Consciousness. Each client’s experience of Pellowah differs, and no two sessions are alike. Pellowah is a pure energy and does not require the addition of aroma, sound, touch or other modalities.

During a Pellowah session you may experience body movement (tremors and spasms), digestive issues, see colours, hear sounds, have visions, and there are many other possibilities. You may also have no memory of any experience. Pellowah works on a deep level and it will provide the next shift for your unfolding awareness.

On the odd occasion physical pain and emotional release may be experienced by the client as the energy moves and dissolves blockages. Consciousness resides in every cell of our Being and therefore sometimes “physical” and “emotional” reactions occur. Try to breathe through (which assists movement). If the pain is too intense you may ask the Practitioner to stop. If the session is stopped it cannot be recommenced. It will be necessary to book for another session.

Often we are not shown what the “shift” is. Over the days and weeks that follow the session become aware of how your actions, reactions and interactions may have changed. And how your emotional and mental state may have transformed.

The Pellowah Practitioner is present to facilitate calling in the energy, and flowing with the energy. Pellowah works directly with the client (not through the Practitioner). As such the Practitioner receives no information, and is unable to counsel, intuit or interpret “your experience”. They may ask you questions that cause you to reflect on your experience.



Photo Credit: Pellowah Energy Healing




The Full Moon is the time for completion, illumination and letting go. During a Full Moon, it's a perfect time to release what no longer serves you. It's the time to make a list of all that holds you back and the things you want to release.

It's also the time to celebrate anything that has come to completion. Use this time to reflect on what intentions or wishes have came true. Its a time for forgiveness, whether that be for yourself or others. Release all that does not serve your highest possible good.

The next full moon will be on the 28th at March at 7.48pm. This will be the start of the 1st supermoon called the super worm moon.




Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds and it balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. It cleanses and enhances the organs acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.

Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities, aids concentration, unlocks memory, stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

It's also known for its high vibrations. By clearing your mind, body, and spirit of any clutter, a Clear Quartz crystal can help you align with your highest self and live at your highest potential. It's especially powerful for anyone looking to set and achieve new goals as it helps you get crystal clear on what you want and how to manifest it.

It supports you in creating a vision of your life that is unique to you and helps you drown out the noise from the outside world or any internal distraction so you can see your ideal life in your mind’s eye and work toward making it a reality.

It also helps promote;

♥ Harmony
♥ Energy
♥ Healing
♥ Psychic abilities
♥ Clarity
♥ Calmness







You came to this world to speak and express, and you are doing so beautifully! Now is the time to let your unique vibration shine. Speak your truth, write your message, sing your soul's language, express your innate art. This is a wonderful time to begin any communication-related project, such as a book, podcast, or business, or to take your existing project to the next level.

The throat chakra reminds us to speak our truth, so continue to share what's on your mind with your closest relationships. Remember that it is just as essential to listen as it is to speak, and great communication skill comes in mastering both. Listen to those to deepen relationships and listen to those who inspire you to deepen your wisdom. Know that most communication is not in the words spoken, but rather in their expression. This is the time for you to craft your own.





Amethyst is one of the more well known crystals and is a very powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including ill wishes from others.

Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. It also alleviates sadness and grief and dissolves negativity.

Amethyst activates spiritual awareness by opening your intuition and enhancing your psychic abilities. It also has strong healing and cleansing powers and calms and stimulates the mind. This helps you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. It also can relieve insomnia and encourage selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

Amethyst can strengthen the immune system, reduce pain and can help strengthen the body to fight against illnesses. It also relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress. Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension. It reduces bruising, swellings, injuries, and treats hearing disorders.

Properties of Amethyst;

💜 Increases nobility
💜 Heightens spiritual awareness
💜 Enhances psychic abilities
💜 Promotes inner peace and healing
💜 Provides healing of body, mind & soul
💜 Assists with positive transformation
💜 Enhances meditation
💜 Provides balance
💜 Relieves stress
💜 Opens communication




Happy International Women's Day!

We all too often tear each other apart when we should be lifting each other up. In the coming years we will find our sisterhood, and come together again in unity, unapologetic for our power, wisdom and ability.


Happy international women's day.

We all too often tear each other apart when we should be lifting each other up. In the coming years we will find our sisterhood, and come together again in unity, unapologetic for our power, wisdom and ability.


Thank you to all those who put their names in for distance healing tonight, we are aware some of you may have forgotten but rest assured we have added you in, there is nothing you need to do. Healing has now been sent and you may continue to recieve reiki Energy over the next few days. Please drink plenty of water and rest. 🙏❤️ If you have any questions get in touch.

Thank you





💞 We are going to be doing a Universal Distance Reiki Healing on Sunday 7th March at 6pm 💞

💞 Please Like & Share our post. Let us know in the Comments below 👇 if you or any of your friends would like to be included in the healing 💞

💞 All we'd ask is that during this time you take yourself to somewhere quiet to relax. However, don't worry if you're unable to do this as it will work in exactly the same way 💞


Weekly guidance card.

Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.
The Pleiadeans are our cosmic cousins. They're here
to remind us that it's never too late to learn new
things and change the future. You're being called to
be a visionary for the planet. To take a breath, shake
off what you've been taught about the world, and
hold a new vision for humanity, You're likely a natural big-picture thinker, here to generate ideas for the future. Here to birth a new age and dream a new world into being. The future will be woven by dream-makers like you. By those with enough courage to question the way things have
been and envision new possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artists, dreamers,
inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you've
had an idea recently that you're being called to
usher in. If so, this card is your confirmation that it's
divinely guided.
The Pleiadeans support us in this important stage
in Earth's development. They want us to know that
the decisions we make today will affect the wellbeing of our planet and all its species. They're calling on you to be a leader of the future. To hold a clear vision of what's possible. To trust that vision and follow it through with daily action. To dream a new world into being. To hold your mind open and try not to worry about what others think. For it takes great courage to pave a new path - to trust a vision before it's a reality.

How are you being called to step up and lead?
What new ideas or creations are
you being called to pursue?







✨ CARD 3 ✨

🌔 Waxing Gibbous - Will 🌔

Decisions require action. You are in control of your own decisions and life, no one else's. Passion and will determine a great proportion of your success. You will persist. You possess free will, which means you should focus on yourself first and avoid placing your will over another's.

'I have the will to make the changes I need'

"Will' feels like a very old-fashioned concept. In a modern world where it seems like everything is geared up to be as easy as possible or there is always someone
else to blame, the idea of placing our personal will persistently into something seems quaint.

When we decide we are going to change
something in our lives, let's say a particularly negative pattern or bad habit, breaking the old way we do things can be difficult. The change requires a concentration of our will. We may want the change but it is our will that insists we stay on the path to that change.

To be wilful means we have the power of control over our own actions, and that will fires up the persistence we need to get what we want.

To use our will productively, we should assess what we really want and make sure this is what we want to reach for.





✨ CARD 2 ✨

⚫ Long Night Moon - Darkness ⚫

You are entering a time of introversion, a leaner time or a time to turn inward to plan
and strategise. It is time to do shadow work, which will bring big dividends later on. Release what no longer works for you.

'The darkness needs to be there as much as does the light.'

One of the earliest human fears is said to be a fear of the dark: we fear what we can't see, and we fear what may be hiding. In reality, the dark is as important as the light.

In nature, there are many nocturnal animals that go about the business of living under
the moon, not the sun. The darker times of the lunar and seasonal cycles signal a time to naturally turn inwards, to stay close to home, to look closely at ourselves and to plan for the light.

In the northern hemisphere, the Long Night
Moon usually occurred in December around the winter solstice. This is when the nights are indeed long and the hours of sunshine short. It's cold, and people would begin to be snowed in.

It is during these long nights we can begin to do our shadow work, undertaking the self-reflection needed to identify what isn't working for us and what might be causing us pain. This could be a bad
habit, a destructive pattern, a recurring useless fear or anything that holds us back from being the best we can be. Once we see these aspects of ourselves in the
dark, we can simply decide whether they must go. We can decide to release them once and for all.

We get to transform!





✨ CARD 1 ✨

🌕 Super Moon - Attraction 🌕

You can be magnetic to others and attract the good things in life. You can repel what you no longer wish to attract. Be ready for
opportunity. Avoid extremes that might cause negative imbalance in your body or
mind. Think of connections greater than yourself.

'I can attract what I wish and repel what
I do not.'

A super moon is a full moon that is the closest distance from the Earth in its revolutions. It is also referred to as a 'perigee' moon. The Super Moon looks huge in the sky and, being so close to the
Earth, it influences the oceans more than usual, causing more extreme tides than are normal.

These changes in gravity and force are certainly noticeable, and for most people who follow the cycles of the moon and do magical workings aligned with them it is the energy of super moons that is most important.

If a normal full moon gives us
an opportunity to have rocket power under our intentions, a super moon greatly magnifies this energy into a supernova
If we are growing we all want to attract
experiences into our lives. This can be positive relationships, a lifestyle that suits us better, clarity, love prosperity, creativity ... the list goes on.

Equally, we also perhaps wish to be able to repel the experiences we don't want. It is important, then, to not just know what we want, but to be able to recognise what we don't!

Attraction isn't just about what we accept, but also how we discern. Blindly attracting everything we think of into our lives rarely makes us happy, but being focused about it does.

This card also suggests that we think globally and for the whole'. If you are making intentions on the Super Moon, include one for the planet.





Rose Quartz is undoubtedly one of the most popular crystals and is very easy to come by. It is perhaps best known for being the stone of unconditional love. It’s believed by some to emit a strong vibration of:

▫️Emotional Healing

It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and replaces it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.

Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It can help recovery, reduce high blood pressure, aid chest and lung problems and heal the kidneys and adrenals.

Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility. Its overriding vibration is feminine in nature and it has strong associations with the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, and the moon.

It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love.





Archangel Raphael often works alongside Archangel Michael, cleansing negative energy in the physical and emotional body, but also in places where stagnant energy needs to be shifted. Archangel Raphael is known as the Angel of healing, which is of a loving kind and is generally focused on the mind, body and the spirit of animals and humans.

The healing colour of green is linked to Archangel Raphael, so crystals such as Emerald or Malachite can be used to encourage a connection. Invoking Archangel Raphael meaning will give him permission to work with you and give healing where needed. Healing can appear as an actual change in pain (if physical) or peacefulness (if emotional), or Raphael will give you thoughts or ideas as to how you can get help. He will surround you with an emerald green light, promoting protection and healing.

Archangel Raphael can help you by removing any negative thoughts you may have. If you feel anxious, angry or worried, call upon Raphael and he will take these away.

As he is known as the Angel for healing, he's perfect in times of any illnesses and mental health issues. Call upon him and he will provide guidance.

Archangel Raphael healing also brings recovery to relationships, marriages, family relationships and bereavement. He heals the hearts of those who are hurting and whispers helpful thoughts of resolution to you.

Archangel Raphael cannot interfere with a soul’s journey. If an illness or death are part of their divine plan, he will not be able to stop it happening. However, he can promote healing so that the person and the people around them deal with the situation as best they can and in the most peaceful way.




Once you experience the gift of your power, there is no denying the call of magick.
Remember that the true beauty of a women is reflected in her soul, half woman, half warrior she is delicate and strong!



✨ We've chosen 3 Oracle cards from our Queen of the Moon Oracle deck 🔮

✨ Take a few seconds, close your eyes and feel what card you're drawn to 🔮

✨Pick card 1, 2 or 3 🔮

✨ Like & Comment in this post and let us know your choice 👇

✨ We'll reveal the cards & your guidance on Wednesday 🌙





Archangel Gabriel is more widely associated with being in male form. However, at some point back in history, Gabriel was actually drawn in female form. When calling on this Archangel, it's really up to you how you refer or interpret them, it isn't really important as long as the right intention is there.

This amazing Archangel is a channel, a communicator and messenger of the highest order. Gabriel will work to send your prayers to Heaven and spirit loved ones, as well as relaying messages back to you. She works with peace, patience and calm to ensure that communication is clear and precise.

Gabriel also works with time management and allowing extra time to complete important tasks. If you are running short on time for a deadline and need a little help call on Gabriel to assist.

There are two main colours associated with Gabriel, one being white and the second shades of yellow through to gold. White brings clarity, clear communication and understanding. Whereas the golds have higher information, uplifting spiritual energy and ascension. Both are uplifting with Gabriels energy being very much about raising vibrations and sparking understanding of our inner wisdom.

Archangel Gabriel is associated with the white ray of purity and is often called upon to help cleanse and purify thoughts, feelings and deeds. Those who are feeling spiritually blocked may benefit from asking for help from Archangel Gabriel and visualising the white ray of purity enveloping them.



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