Glen Park Forest School

An independent private childled Forest School and Outdoor Learning venture 🌳

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 06/08/2024

Today was our quietest day of the summer. It seems everyone has gone on their hollibobs this week! But our forest schoolers still had a good time. This afternoon we went on a little bimble. We found some treasures on our way. Birch polypore, Kings Alfreds Cakes (cramp balls) and i think we found some Artists Conk fungi, but i am still on the fence about this one. I will have to do more research. One of the children spotted a mutilated rat on our return back to basecamp. It was quite interesting and as explain part of the foodchain. The hedgerows are full of goodies, we spotted gelder rose, acorns, rowan berries, We spotted berries from the Wayfaring tree, a shrub, these are pretty, but poisonious. Its important to learn about berries, especially if you like to pick them. Back at base camp the children decided they wanted to disect the polypores, smell them and look at them closely. We also set light to the cramp balls and demonstrated how to make fire and carry it to keep your hands warm. The children are also showing interest in knots. I could sit and learn knots all day, theyre useful and the art of knots is theraputic. Today they made simple key chains using a cows hitch and a snake knot πŸͺ’ thank you it was a nice afternoon. See you all next week 🌳

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 06/08/2024

What a busy day today, but a awesome one at that. Loved our relaxed little session this morning with Glen Tots. Most of our group is away on their hollibobs, we did miss you all. This week the children have explored Lions. Why Lions? Well World Lion Day is celebrated every year on the 10th August to raise awareness about the conservation of lions and their habitats. Do you know what habitat a Lion lives in? Lions inhabit a wide range of habitats, from open plains to thick brush and dry thorn forest. The children explored lions by way of "In the Jungle story, Lion counting tuff tray, lion colouring, L is for Lion 🦁 hammering πŸ”¨ i think they enjoyed this. The children played hide and seek Lion and along then came all of Lions friends, Giraffe, elephant, monkey, buffalo, tiger, rhinoceros, they all got to hide, there was some good seeking going on. There was a little baby animal game, there was lots of climbing, jumping, running and swinging, i even observed some rope climbing! It rained quite a bit this morning, but it was so nice sat by the fire πŸ”₯ the children listened to a story, made their fireside snack. There was just so much going on, before you know it was time to leave. It was a fabulous morning. Thank you all so much. See you all next week 🦁 πŸ¦’ πŸ’ 🐘 🦍🦏🦬


Good morning Forest Schoolers!

Home-ed/Holiday session (Thursday only)

ITS NERF WARS WEEK!!! I know you are all excited about this. We have planned the course and wrote the risk assessements. If you wish to bring your own nerf guns you are welcome to. We do have a few to loan but not enough for everyone. If you wish to come in camo, or anything green youre welcome to. If you have any nerf bullets youre bringing please mark them with a colour so we know they are yours. All nerf bullets will need to be collected in before you go home for your own benefit and for environmental reasons. Nerf wars will take place within the usual Forest School boundry on the field, not in the woodland area, although if you do not want to take part you can watch, we do also need some human props, but we can talk about that on the day. If youre not in this week which means you will miss it, dont worry we will do another one in the Autumn. Any questions about this session please ask. πŸ”«

Players please gather in the green gazebo on the field at 10.15 for instructions πŸ”«

Glen Tots its World Lion Week this week so we shall celebrate and raise awareness and learn about the "King of the Jungle"

Just a few facts about lions. In a pride, lions hunt prey, raise cubs, and defend their territory together. In prides the females do most of the hunting and cub rearing. Usually all the lionesses in the pride are relatedβ€”mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and sisters.

Did you know that the 🦁 has a very respectful relationship with the elephant 🐘 their relationship is extremely complex and rather an interesting one.

Skills workshop on Wednesday its certification week (not last week - sorry about that)

We have an extremely exciting and busy week ahead of us. See you all soon

Enjoy your play
Glen Park Forest School πŸŒ³πŸ™Œ


An excellent camera catch of a bat in flight last night. Awesome stuff πŸ¦‡

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 02/08/2024

Thursdays forest school session, wow. I have only just found the time to collate pictures as i am just getting over the energy! It was buzzing yesterday πŸ™Œ This week we have been exploring fire via various means.. science, maths, art and crafts, woodwork, tools, colours, foraging! Preperation for a good fire is so important, we instill these skills as we teach. If there is no preperation, there will be no constant fire to help cook your food and/or to keep you warm or dry if your conditions need it. We also talked about the fire triangle and its importance. The children love fire time, they get to cook over it. The children get to reflect, there is the spirutual element to a fire especially when its still and peaceful in the woodland. Some of the children did enjoy fire striking today. There has been a chance to learn how to make fire eyes, which is quite a meditive practise. This was a big hit. When the children learnt they taught Adam how to do one! Awesome Adam πŸ‘‹ the children also had a go at making fire bugs, do you know which bugs are drawn to fire? Fireflies, fire ants, known for their formidable sting, moths, fire beetles, aka fire chasing beetles, from the genus Melanophila. Look up the Bombardier beetle, thats quite an intersting beetle πŸͺ². You want to know anything about beetles Adam is your man. One of the children had a go with a hand drill, a primitive tool to make fire, well done it takes a lot of patience and focus πŸ˜€ There was a chance to make feather sticks, charcoal and charcloth. I observed some awesome art, i really enjoyed youre explanations of what you created! 🎨 i also got to listen to a book review which was explained really well. I so enjoy talking to you, listening to your views on things. After the children had their lunch they chilled in the hammocks for a bit deciding on their next move which was field games, capture the flag, bulldog, we are teaching team fairness at the moment. To finish they had a water fight. There was literally so much going on it was impossible to capture every moment, but i did my best. Thank you all so much. It was a great session πŸ‘‹πŸŒ³ πŸ”₯ πŸ“›

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 31/07/2024

Our amazing productive and switched on holiday group bring such a great energy to their session and we love it. What a busy session. This week the children have been learning all things fire. First they found sticks for feather edging. Best sticks for this are pine, willow, cedar, and sweet chestnut the thinner the better really, they did actually try all thicknesses. The children loved burning them. We talked about fire preperation and safety. They had a go at battoning, they did some fire striking and the elation when they actually striked and made fire is something i wish i could bottle up! It never seems to amaze even if theyre experienced with it. There was some den building going on. The children enjoyed the hammocks. Cargo net fun, slackline and climbing. A shieldbug dropped in, Shieldbugs are also known as 'stink bugs' due to their ability to release a strong-smelling fluid when threatened. Pick up a hawthorn shieldbug and its predator-repellent may stain your fingers, my take is the smell is fusty and perfumed at the same time. You will know when you have been attacked. But we love them. One of the children also found a green woodpecker feather!! πŸͺΆ Nice find πŸ‘‹ Nice friendships are falling into place in this group, to end they made their own smores over the fire, its a nice place to spend an afternoon. Thank you all so much. See you next week 🌳 πŸ”₯ πŸ“›

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 30/07/2024

Superduper morning in nature with Glen Tots. This week we have been exploring All about fire πŸ”₯ the children are so use to the fire circle fire now, they often show curiosity when Adam lights the fire so they can make their fire side snacks. But we can never be too careful with fire. Its necessary to explore fire every now and again as to keep ourselves and the woodland safe. We also explored the colours of fire; red, yellow and orange. The children did some fire colouring and sticking, they enjoyed using tools. We had a little flint and steel demonstration and some of the children enjoyed some carrot whittling and berrie and flower squishing. There was big, small, thick and thin stick collecting buckets to fill. Did you find many sicks, or did they go straight in the fire? Some of the children enjoyed building dens. The sandpit was out today, so there was some action in there. We must remember that sand is good for putting out fires πŸ”₯ always good to know. We didnt get to do stop, drop and roll because you were just all so busy. So we can leave that for another day. One of the children found a sawfly caterpillar this morning theyre interesting critters. To finish the children enjoyed tree abseiling, slackline and the cargo net. These physical persuits are a big hit at forest school, your neither afraid to push yourselves, well done πŸ‘ . Thank you all for such another great morning. For those who didnt make it today, you were missed. See you all next week 🌳πŸ”₯


Good afternoon Forest Schoolers 🌳

Home-ed/Holiday Clubs

During forest school sessions at GPFS we are determined to help children develop as many skill as they can then transfer to the wider world. Each week over the next few weeks our children will be introduced to a traditional skill. This week the skill we are providing is Fire πŸ”₯ There are so many natural ways to make fires.. hand drill, bow drill, mouth drill, bamboo fire-saw, there are many different techniques from all around the world.

The whole process of building and lighting a fire enables young people to practice their large and fine motor skills and provides them with instant gratification and a sense of achievement as the fire grows before them.

Learning to light fire helps with

πŸ”₯ Physical skills. The first step of lighting a fire is creating heat. ...
πŸ”₯ Emotional well being.
πŸ”₯ The feeling that children experience when their spark falls onto cotton wool and starts a tiny fire is unforgettable. πŸ”₯ Without a doubt, a memory made for life. ...
πŸ”₯ Safety Awareness. ...
πŸ”₯ Focus and concentration

We must also remember its not just about lighting a fire, its about the preperation to. But we will cover this and all the above in the sessions

Glen Tots

Your session this week will be all about fire we will look at "fire colours, red, yellow and orange". I think we can include a fire demonstration and some STOP, DROP & ROLL

Wednesday Skills workshop

Its certification week! You have done amazing with your Sewing module. You should be so proud of yourselves. Congratulations 🎊

Its going to be a nice week under the canopy so see you all very soon 😊

Enjoy your play
Glen Park Forest School 🌳

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 25/07/2024

What a wild awesome day at forest school! We are super busy and the energy was off the scale today. New friendships building and good manners shared. Some of the things the children enjoyed today were den building, actioning for insects, knots, whittling, tool use, field games, tree climbing, bug hunting, hammocks, physical pursuits, foraging and identification. What wasnt going on today. Some of you were great at recalling what we found on our adventures, which was quite humbling. I love that, small minds are sponges, teach them as much as you can πŸ’šπŸŒ³ We have two resident tree doctors under the canopy today, they were the insect seekers. My word, what a fantastic job you did, you went from tree to tree finding all sorts of insects. Between them they spotted an ermine moth, soldier beetles, loads of small snails 🐌 we adore snails 🐌 🀎 spiders, rain beetle πŸͺ² a dragonfly, quite a big one. Fantastic job. For lunch the children made their own pizza pockets πŸ• they love doing their own lunches. Afterwhich they played capture the flag all afternoon! I think there was some exhausted children come 3.00. You certainly push me out of my comfort zone and i appreciate everyone of you for it. There is too much to tell, i will let the pictures do the talking. Thank you all. Now i plan to put my feet up. See you next week πŸ¦‹πŸ’šπŸŒ³

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 24/07/2024

Its the start of the summer break children are full of energy and eager to begin their summer forest school holiday club journey. It was so nice to welcome you all under the canopy with beaming smiles and few hugs πŸ«‚ i have missed you all. So today the children first began by making summer journals, after a quick demonstration the children are free to have a go as they please, the tools used to make the journal were a hole puncher, a grommet kit to secure eyelets for their journal button and a hammer. There was other tool use going on today through various means, someone made a windmill. I see a bit of whittling, den and shelter building. Really enjoy observing this. The children enjoyed playing games, climbing trees, rolling in the cargo net, hammocks🌳 One of the children spotted the biggest harvest man spider. Lots of insect spotting going on today, we see a cricket on the shed, butterflies, bees and honey bees out on the ragwort. Its smells so nice and looks amazing. I see so many soldier beetles busying about amongst the cow parsley. We spotted knapweed, i love their purple heads! πŸ’œ Its all happening out in nature. What an afternoon thank you all so much. Its going to be a great summer β˜€οΈ

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 23/07/2024

We havent been in at Glen Tots for a couple of weeks, so it was so nice to see everyone this morning πŸ˜ƒ What a lovely morning spent with you all. There was so much going on. The children are doing so well with their learning, so we are stepping it up a notch. This week we introduced some building tools, today we added the hand drill to our session. Handrills are manual tools used for drilling holes in various materials. They consist of a handle or grip, a rotating crank, and a chuck that accommodates drill bits. The children absolutely loved them and soon got to grip with using them to drill holes, one thing forest school has taught me is not to limit the child due to their age, but rather follow their interests and ability. I've also learnt that no matter what we are teaching the child, there is a natural progression, we start with one skill and keep on adding as long as the child's interest and ability keep up. They used cork sanding blocks to drill in, this material is a lot easier to drill in to. The children have also been exploring dens, they have been building their resilience by being suspended in the cargo net. Its just like a big hammock πŸ˜ƒ The children enjoyed their fireside snack afterwhich we had running races on the field, whilst we ran we found lots of flowers, daisies, dandilions, hawkweed and clovers πŸ€ we also learned some things about cherry leaves today πŸƒ i love cherry trees! 🌳 there was so many interesting things happening in nature today, i didnt get to take many pictures today, we were just so busy. To those that did not make it today, you were missed. See you all next week for some more play and thriving in nature πŸ¦‹πŸͺ°πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸͺ²πŸŒπŸ¦ πŸ›


Good morning forest schoolers 🌳

Home-ed/Tuesday Holiday Club

With all of our sessions being so busy over the next six weeks, we plan to do a traditional/technical skills workshop over the sessions. We have some incredible sessions planned and as usual we are here to facilitate and guide you through the following;

πŸ”₯ Firelighting
🍳 Campfire cooking
⛺️ Dens and shelters
πŸͺ’ Knots
πŸͺ‘ Sewing
πŸƒ Foraging
πŸ”ͺ "Make it" (Whittling/tool use)
🌳 Identification Skills
🐌 Clayplay

This week we will start by making summer journals πŸ“– πŸ“š

Remember we are also "actioning for insects" over the next few weeks so please keep your eyes and ears open for any sightings and record them on the charts, which will be placed by the kitchen tent. Youre all going to be so busy, lets also not forget to play too! πŸ™Œ

Glen Tots we are going to take the sessions in a different direction. We are going to be implementing some technical skills into your sessions over the next few weeks. I know we have some tool lovers in the sessions. I am so much looking forward to it, tools support visual-motor skills and hand-eye coordination development.

We have the Skills Journey Workshop on Wednesday. Where they will be learning to make nets.

We are buzzing and are looking forward to seeing everyone of you.

Enjoy your play
Glen Park Forest School

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 18/07/2024

It was so nice to get back out into nature with our home-ed group after the break! This week the group have been exploring Action for Insects run by The Wildlife Trust. Over the next few weeks the group will be having a tally of insects that they see. They will be learning different classes of insects, why insects are important. One of our smallest forest schooler asked such a good question this morning "what do butterflies do"? πŸ¦‹ Can you find out? Today we see quite a few insects 🌞 * a fly with one wing πŸͺ° *bumblebees *honey bees buzzing in the clover and ragwort, which smells and looks lovely! Hope we get to πŸ‘€ lots of cinnabar caterpillars this year! We see a cricket, a very hoppity one πŸ¦— We captured a hornet in our trap, it was such a beauty. We did cut the trap down and let it go. It was a wow for the children. We also see some butterflies πŸ¦‹ There was chance to make a 5 minute bug house. There was so much going on at the tool station, i think it may have had something to do with the minecraft creeper heads we bought into the session. Some of the children come in with big ideas and just build their own session and that is what FS is all about. They have been making scythes and katanas, which they used in self-directed play. They have been using the type writers to make a forest school news letter! Loved this. The children have been exploring insects through the microscope πŸ”¬ after their lunch we made flags and played capture the flag. I have to say there was some good team efforts and pretty good tactics used. I absolutely enjoyed observing it! After which they all had a water fight, which i think was so needed. To end the session, we all reflected on the session, chilled in the hammocks and talked about how they cant wait for next week! It was a perfect session. For thoses who didnt make it, you were missed! Thank you all so much, see you next week πŸŒ³πŸ¦‹πŸ¦—πŸͺ°πŸπŸžπŸ•·πŸŒπŸͺ²

Action for Insects | Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust 15/07/2024

Good morning Forest Schoolers 🌳

We trust you have had a good rest and and are up for some play and thriving in nature this week! I know we are! πŸ˜†


I am not sure if you have been hearing it, but i have been hearing the same question over and over again? "Where have all the insects gone?" πŸ›πŸ˜ͺ Well in 2023 The Wildlife Trust did a Bugs Matter Citizen Science Survey. Well i think it would be a good idea if we could do our own Woodland survey over the next 6 weeks and send our findings to Lincolnshire Wildlife Action for Insects, who we have now become a member of.

Over the next few weeks we will learn about insect etiquette, so many insects get hurt because of human reactions. The UK now has less than half of its biodiversity remaining because of human activity

How can we help, we can leave habitats alone, we can make bug houses, we could stop using pesticides, we could just accept that bugs are a part of our ecosystem and leave them to the jobs they are here to do. Do you have any other ideas how we can help?

Whether they crawl, fly, squirm, or slither, insects get the job done: They maintain healthy soil, recycle nutrients, pollinate flowers and crops, and control pests. But by the end of the century, up to 40% of the world's insect species may go extinct owing in part to habitat loss

Home-ed we have got a job to do over the next few weeks. We will look at insects from the ground up to the sky. I am looking forward to getting involved in this little project and to all of your ideas of how we can help the insects.

Did you know....

Entomophile means, a person who loves insects.
Entomology is the scientific study of insects, a branch of zoology.

Glen Tots, you will explore Bug Soup tomorrow, although the weather looks quite merky. i will keep you updated about the session.

I will see you all very soon
Enjoy your play
Glen Park Forest School πŸ›πŸ¦‹πŸπŸžπŸ¦—πŸͺ°πŸͺ³πŸͺ±πŸ¦ πŸ•·πŸŒπŸͺ²

Action for Insects | Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust The UK's insect populations are in trouble: 41% face extinction. To save them, we need to act quickly. The Wildlife Trusts are calling for everyone to be insect champions and for a pesticide reduction target to help them recover.

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 06/07/2024

16 years of adventures, its been an absolute pleasure growing with you. Happy 16th birthday Zachary from us all at Glen Park Forest School 🌳

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 05/07/2024

What an awesome home-ed session yesterday. We welcomed a new friend to the tribe this week, so welcome! πŸ‘‹ This weeks session the group all enjoyed a little birthday celebration for Zachary.... they made pankcakes and freshly squeezed lemonade πŸ‹ which was surprisingly a big hit. They enjoyed face painting, which bought the group together, they celebrated the sunflower in various forms... they had a go at sculpting clay sunflowers, there was a sunflower sun print experiment, but where was the sun hiding yesterday? it was a little disappointing, but this is something we definitely need to experiment with going forward 🌻 the children climbed trees played field games, the children seem to be getting a handle on Kubb. During the session i always observe some great imaginative play. There are some naturally occuring friendships forming at the moment to, which it is always lovely to observe. Last week we milked a tree (Rainforest in a bag) for water (process; transperation) the children kept coming to me after noticing the bag was still there and saying they had noticed that water had gathered in the bag over the past week "wow, thats amazing, can we drink it?" I heard. We will cover the water cycle in a few weeks so you will find out all you need to know about this discovery. The children enjoyed some fire striking with char cloth and steel wool. To finish we had an interest in tools, i do enjoy it when the children ask "how do you....." during this time, we learnt about the elder tree and how cool its wood is for making toys (dont forget about the spirit of the elder tree). We really did have an awesome day with you all. Zachary thanks everyone of you for you the cards and gifts and for helping to make his birthday special (6th July) we hope you like your little sunflower trinket. There is always so much to get involved in at forest school. Forest School rocks! 🌞 🌻

Dont forget we are on leave next Thursday, so no forest school on the 11th July. We are back under the canopy on 18th July. We will see you all then fresh and ready full of new ideas πŸ’‘

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 03/07/2024

Another productive Skill Journey Workshop 1:1/2. They are now absorbed into their sewing module. Today they have made woodland buttons, identifying the wood, then using a variety of tools to make them They have practised more sewing today using handheld sewing machines, these are amazing tools for quickly running something up. They enjoyed them and did an amazing job for first goes. Soon you will have your foraging bags made, ready for autumn foraging! We are exploring nets in this module, so their whittling skills will be challenged with making a net needle. Another great session. Thank you, see you next week 🌳

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 02/07/2024

I have to share this with you all as i do really love setting seeds with the children its so important to teach children from as young as they can understand where their food comes from and how it grows. The children set beans in April time when they explored Jack and the Bean stalk and here we have the product of nurturing. Look at these healthy beans. Well done, i think this deserves a big shout out πŸ‘ thank you for sharing πŸ‘‹πŸŒ³ one day we will create a Forest School garden πŸ˜€

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 02/07/2024

Such a lovely laid back session with Glen Tots this morning. I absolutely love our little session under the canopy. I thoroughly enjoyed the easiness of it. I think the children do too. This week the children explored The Solitary Sunflower, my absolute favourite flower and a favourite to many 🌼 they are standing tall in the fields at the moment. The children have been learning about sunflowers by way of painting, seeking natural resources to stick on to their pictures, they foraged for leaves and alder seeds for effect. They made play dough flowers, pressing and patting and they got to set a sunflower, this is a little experiment as sunflowers are suppose to be set in late March to April to bloom in June. I do believe you can still set sunflowers now, but they just wont grow so big. So lets wait and see πŸ‘€. The children also enjoyed seeking sunflowers in the trees, how many did you find? We played on the parachute, I did enjoy observing the children directing parents to find the colours ❀️ πŸ’™ πŸ’š πŸ’›. The children enjoyed the hammocks, swinging and climbing, balancing on the slackline, there is definitely lots of confidence being shown with climbing and balancing at the moment. The children enjoyed their little elevenses fire circle snack, we spotted different colours in the fire. I wonder where they came from? We read a short story about "how does a seed sprout, led by The Hungry Caterpillar and by the time we had done all that it was time to go! Thank you all so much for an amazing morning. For those who didnt make it, you were missed. See you all next week 🌻


Good morning Forest Schoolers 🌳

We hope you had a good weekend and are ready to hit the ground running πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ πŸ˜€


This week we're going to bring some colour to our sessions and explore the solitary sunflower 🌻 I absolutly love sunflowers, have you spotted any big fields full of sunflowers on your journeys? We have one right outside our window and its so colourful and peaceful. Do you know the reasons the farmers grow them? Actually there are quite a few reasons;

* Seeds for birds 🐦
* Industrial uses/oils
* Health of the soil
* Popularity as a flower 🌻

Sunflower facts πŸ’›

* Did you know Sunflower plants display a behavior called "heliotropism". The flower buds and young blossoms will face east in the morning and follow the sun as the earth moves during the day.

Its also a rather a special week this week with it being Zacharys 16th birthday, so of course along side our learning we will be having a little party celebration at Forest School this week.

Its going to be a great week i have so much planned for you all.

I shall look forward to Glen Tots Tuesday and the skills workshop Wednesday and all our other commitments. So another busy week ahead.

See you all soon
Enjoy your play
Glen Park Forest School 🌳

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 27/06/2024

What a day with home-ed. Fantastic energy throughout the day. This week the children have been exploring World Insect/Rainforest day by way of clayplay, shelters, habitats and literature. The children have been learning about where the rainforests are situated around the world using the map. They are on every continent but Antarctica. Did you know that the UK has temperate rainforests and that there are 4 layers to a rainforest, can you remember what the layers are called and what animals live there? I observed some nice colouring and tool use. We purchased the game Kubb for the children to play with at FS and they loved it. They striked up teamplay and got on with it. They soon got the idea. It is a really cool game. We made a rainforest in a bag, a good way of striking up a conversation about the watercycle, which we will be exploring in a couple of weeks together with water for survival πŸ’§πŸ’¦ After their lunch they got the dressing up box out, had waterfights played hide and seek. Enjoyed more clay and painting. We had a sweeping visit from a very large teddy bear. I observed tree climbing, running races so much self-directed play and learning going on today πŸ‘‹ I could literally write a book about today, but i am absolutely shattered after a very busy week. I would like to add that manners and appreciation of others has been off the scale today so thank you for that. Take care and see you all next week πŸŒ³πŸ¦‹πŸΎπŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸπŸŒπŸͺ²

Frozen Hull hedgehog recovers and released back into wild 26/06/2024

We found a mother and baby this past week. All ok though. I just adore hedgehogs. This is so sweet. Strong hedgehog πŸ™ŒπŸ¦” 🀎

Frozen Hull hedgehog recovers and released back into wild Hope was found frozen in a garden in Hull but has recovered and is now back in the wild.

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 26/06/2024

Lovely session at the skills journey 1:1/2 workshop today. They have started their Introduction to sewing module this week. To start with they are learning basic stitches by hand, they made a sewing frame today to display their sewing skills. It was so nice sitting in nature listening to the birds sing. You did so well today. Well done πŸͺ‘

Photos from Glen Park Forest School's post 25/06/2024

What a glorious morning under the canopy with these awesome humans. There is not a better way than to spend our Tuesday mornings playing learning and giggling! It really is pure therapy 🌳 This week our little explorers have been investigating insects and rainforests. Did you know we have temperate rainforests in the UK, which are more under threat than that of rainforests globally. The children have been exploring our very own ecosystem tuff tray. They spotted insects hiding in the flora πŸͺ΄ 🌿 and they loved splashing in the water. Guess what Amanda underestimated the children being able to use the water sprays, yes, you guessed we got wet. We had water fights, but we soon got dry again, the sun was so nice to help us to do that. We found a funny looking real caterpillar today, its called a sawfly caterpillar, can you spot it, we found some Juneberries to, which are of the rose family. Research has shown the Juneberry contains more antioxidants than blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, an excellent source of iron and fiber. It also contains essential vitamins, and minerals: vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, and phosphorus. The children had a go at painting leaf insects using shades of green, they also mixing blue and yellow to make green, i just loved observing your painting table, pure art 🎨 there was a insect counting game, i observed climbing, hoops, parachute and music play. Hide and seek animals. The woodland had such a wonderful ambience this morning. The children enjoyed bouncing on the slackline. At 11.00 the children enjoy doing their fire circle snack and afterwhich we read our story the Parrot Tree 🦜 a lovely short story about friendship and then we all sang some songs. It was just lovely. It all goes way too fast. Thank you all so much for today, we will see you all next week for some more fun and thriving under the canopy πŸ¦‹πŸ›πŸ•·πŸžπŸ¦”πŸπŸŒπŸͺ²πŸΎπŸŒ³

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Videos (show all)

An excellent camera catch of a bat in flight last night. Awesome stuff πŸ¦‡
Woodpecker is busy this morning. Constantly setting off the alarm! So much for a quiet Sunday πŸŒ³πŸ’šπŸ™ƒ
Love this video. How incredibly in sync and theatrical the children are.... "let the force be with you!" Zachary is bril...
Just visiting and look what we spotted on the bird feeders! What a treat, a stunning pair of parakeets #parakeets #birds...
Absolutely love this from today, this sums up how carefree and childled our sessions are, 'smiles in autumn leaves!' πŸ‚ #...
Just awesome, can you hear the dragons? #firescience #magicalfire #slowmofire #glenparkforestschool #educationandlearnin...
Love finding these little critters, just going about its day, theyre facinating. Pale Tussock moth caterpillar πŸ›πŸ¦ πŸŒ³
Ha..... finally! πŸ˜„ Forest School have had a Greater spotted woodpecker visiting over the past few months, there is a mal...
We got them moved in. I think they are happy 🐸 #whitetreefrog
Our whites tree frogs Clover and Bandit  are getting an enclosure upgrade today. Its long overdue. I can not believe how...
A shrew seemed to find us in the woodland this morning i am sure of it! It was struggling with something stuck on his ba...
A sheildbug releasing from its nymph stage, i love that we get to see so much cool stuff in real time! πŸͺ²


Glen Park Station Street

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9:45am - 11:45am
Wednesday 9:45am - 3pm
Thursday 9:45am - 3pm
Friday 9:45am - 11:45am

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