
This page is about the gospel, prophecy, and prayer. The kingdom of heaven is like a net that catches fish. Ugly Fish are made beautiful.

When it's full, fishermen put the good fish in baskets, but throw the bad fish away.

Dr. Michelle Cretella 31/03/2023

If you're interested in trans Issues, I found this interesting and think it's worth a watch.

Dr. Michelle Cretella President of the American College of Pediatricians, Dr. Michelle Cretella discusses the dangers and damage that is done when treating those with gender dysph...

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? 30/03/2023

The Islamic call to prayer was called out in Manchester Cathedral and allowed. I think it's beyond tragic. It's not ok. I have encountered Islam before and been told that we worship the same God. We don't, but if you're in any doubt, here's the simplest video response I could find.

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? For generations, theologians have debated this very complex and multifaceted issue. These guys, though, figured it out in a couple seconds.


Hocus pocus. Not prophetic.


Sitting in a majestic centre for worship and that group of adults on the far left are having an in-depth conversation about Dobbie the Elf.

The Last Days. It's Not What You Think. #3 - uglyfish 28/02/2023

The days seem catastrophic, but it’s always been this way. These aren’t the last days, they’re the always days. Ever since we took our first sip of the rebellion back in Eden, it’s always been like this and I don’t have some phantasmagorical, brand new, super spiritual, prophetic answer.
Except the one we don’t want.

The Last Days. It's Not What You Think. #3 - uglyfish The days seem catastrophic, but these aren't the last days, they're the always days. There's only one thing to do.

The Last Days. It's Not What You Think. #2 - uglyfish 22/02/2023

"So here we dwell, surely blessed but also wallowing like fat pigs on a pile of Christian owned wealth, content to sit and fiddle with the shackles of our Western comfort bubble, like a paralytic at the pool of Bethesda, not really wanting to break free. "
The second part of my lamenting. Last days? Who has all the wealth in the world?

The Last Days. It's Not What You Think. #2 - uglyfish Not the last days? Yes, you say, so why do we have all this decline in the West? Surely that’s a sign? Well, yes, it is. But of what?

The Last Days. It's Not What You Think. #1 - uglyfish 21/02/2023

I wrote this 18 months ago and I thought now was a good time to put it out. It's in 3 parts and this is part 1. Don't get too upset with me. Let's keep walking and talking together as I post the next 2 parts and unpack it all over the next few months.

The Last Days. It's Not What You Think. #1 - uglyfish We look around and see the world in chaos - it's catastrophic. So we Christians jump to the mantra of "this is the last days". But is that true?

What is Lent? - uglyfish 16/02/2023

Next week on Tuesday 21st February we have the start of Lent with Shrove Tuesday. Watch as Ed explains the whole of Lent and makes and tosses the perfect pancake! Find out of you're shriven enough!

What is Lent? - uglyfish What is Lent? Watch as Ed explains Lent and how to make the perfect pancake! Find out what old word Lent comes from!



Photos from UglyFish's post 24/12/2022

Me and two of my daughters and son in law wishing a Merry Christmas to you all. Midnight Eucharist with the Anglicans


The Incarnation. Merry Christmas!

Prophetic Message About Our Royal Family - uglyfish 15/12/2022

I had some spiritual insights about Queen Elizabeth, King Charles, Prince William - and the press in 2020 and 2021. Strangely, not about the Sussexes - Maybe now relevant, read about them here if you haven't already 👇🏽

Prophetic Message About Our Royal Family - uglyfish A prophetic message about our Royal Family. A supernatural insight about King Charles, Prince William and Queen Elizabeth.

Prophetic Message About Our Royal Family - uglyfish 08/12/2022

Prophetic Message About Our Royal Family - uglyfish A prophetic message about our Royal Family. A supernatural insight about King Charles, Prince William and Queen Elizabeth.


I'll be posting some prophetic insights about the Royals and the Establishment from my trips to London in 2020 and 2021 tomorrow morning. 7.30. 🙏

Photos from UglyFish's post 06/12/2022

Hi folks,

I just wanted to keep you up to date for those of you following along with the 3Things progress and where we’re at with that and maybe a couple of other personal things as I realised it might look as though I’ve given up and gone away when I haven’t.

To keep it as short as possible here is news in chatty bullet form.
- I’ve been Canterbury, London, Westminster, Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Perth, Stirling.
- I know I've communicated very little of that. My apologies.
- Covid meant there was hardly anyone to talk to or engage with, but I did mange some.
- I’ve received unexpected revelation about the cities I went to so far. I’ve been waiting to find a decent theological position on that before I say anything. Now I have that I’ll be saying more even though some of it might sound a bit rude.
- I also received some revelation about the Royal Family that I shared with my prayer group a while back and I think I’ll make that public hopefully in the next few days.
- I’m on a real personal journey of spiritual insight and self-discovery and I think that’s the main thing.
- I learned some things about myself that I’m working through.
- I’ve missed some opportunities with 3Things and that’s on me. I’m now paused until I work out the best way to set the direction of travel as it were.
- I always thought I was someone who delivers on what he says, but it seems I may just be as bad a procrastinator as everyone else.
- I suffered some foggy flatness and struggled mentally for most of the year because of not handling my late onset type 1 diabetes very well.
- I finished the first kid’s book, although it isn’t selling well.
- I finished renovating our house to sell, and moved to Durham to help my youngest daughter at uni.
- I decided I couldn’t go out on 3Things in Spring/early Summer because my wife was having serious difficulty with some evil people at work and needed support through that.
- Then the weather changed and I couldn’t see the point of standing about in the rain with nobody listening.
- Then someone else needed the car.
- Then it was Christmas – you get the idea.

- I went to the London embassies to pray the instant the Ukraine war started.
- Once my daughter had finished at Durham uni, we moved house again, to Washington this time.
- I wanted to get a better foundation, so I’ve been digging in with my new church family at City Life in Sunderland.
- I’ve been helping out with quite a bit of theology teaching and that’s kept me intellectually stimulated. It’s been brilliant fun tbh.
- I wrote another kid’s book and I’m just putting that together, but it won’t be out for Christmas 2022.
- I did some furniture upcycling and even sold some pieces in my Etsy shop. I’m working on others but it’s too cold to paint in the garage. I did film what I did so I’ll put those out. I may do some more.
- My wife is great, she’s a great enabler and helper. My kids are great. We have a roof over our head and food, heat, we’re fat but have relatively good health, cars.
- I’m probably going to use the UglyFish social media as a way of communicating and put 3Things as a subset of that so I’ll try and merge everything into Uglyfish to make it easier and so you can keep track.
- The future direction of travel is less clear than I’d like, but that’s ok.
- I still have no source of income to speak off but we’re not desperate.
- I feel happy at the moment, mostly because of my wife and church, but it hasn’t been like this for most of the last two years.
- Right now I’m studying theology to teach at church, trying to lead a bit, putting the next kid’s book together, making vague plans about 3Things for 2023/4, praying (though not enough), and being a house husband.
- I hope you will pray for us. That we will succeed in proclaiming the gospel and helping people in whatever way we can in our fallen world.

Finally, I would like to wish you a joyful and merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous (but not in the flaky gospel sense) New year.

Many blessings and much love to you,

The pics are - me feeling content after having fun chatting about my message with some anti-mask anti-Covid folks outside the Scottish Parliament in 2021, and in the same city, a picture of John Knox's house. It reads LVFE GOD ABVFE AL AND YI NYCHTBOVR AS YI SELF.

Love God above all and your neighbour as yourself.

Truly the Words to define the Kingdom of God.


We learn with sadness that our Queen has died. Many people will deal with this in different ways. When she was crowned it was believed that the monarch was chosen by God. I have little doubt that is the case. Queen Elizabeth was a professing Christian. She believed and put her trust in Jesus for her eternal salvation, and his teachings were a model for her life.

I am reminded of the words from Ecclesiastes 3:
1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
7 a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

It is a time to mourn, and we all should. It is an extraordinary thing that one person can bring such constancy and stability to our lives, being the focus and embodiment of the spirit of an entire nation, but she has done that.

I am confident that God is Sovereign and in control of the entire creation. I am also confident that as Elizabeth, our sister in Christ, closes her eyes on this world she will instantly open them to see the face of our beloved saviour, Jesus, as he says, “Well done, and welcome home, good and faithful servant.”

Some of us may want to cry, and for various reasons, we may wish to express our emotions. I will be praying for Charles because for some reason, for me, the words that bring a lump to my throat and an emotional response are, “God save the King.”

May God bless you.

Ed x

Joy! 20/05/2022

You want to be happy and contented don't you? Well, let’s talk about how you can have joy. I’m going to help you know how you can have and keep your joy when things are miserable for you and so many of us who find ourselves alive in the world at the start of the 21st century?
But how? What with a global pandemic, and all the wars, and the middle East, and Ukraine, and the threat of nuclear war, and the rise in the cost of living, and the fact that all world governments seem to be incompetent and under the control of some evil power or other.

But you can still have joy today!

Joy! You want to be happy and contented don't you? Well, let’s talk about how you can have joy. I’m going to help you know how you can have and keep your joy when...

Make disciples. A prophetic message for Christians and Church Leaders. 13/05/2022

If you’re a Christian or church leader concerned about the seemingly never-ending political leadership vacuum, this short video message featuring all the major bridges of the North East of England is for you. It’s always our job to make disciples, but at this point in history we have an unprecedented opportunity to build bridges with the gospel and bring answers where they’re desperately needed. Here's a simple way for you to engage with the community to make disciples, as prophesied in 2011.

Make disciples. A prophetic message for Christians and Church Leaders. If you’re a Christian or church leader this short video featuring all the major bridges of the North East of England is for you. It’s always our job to make ...

Grace And Indolence – When Two Words Collide - uglyfish 11/05/2022

Can God's Grace lead to indolence? Can it make you lazy or even hate the way you are? This is worth a few minutes of your time. The Holy Spirit prompted me to read my own article today!

Grace And Indolence – When Two Words Collide - uglyfish In that vulnerable moment between sleep and full consciousness there sometimes sits a word waiting for me. Not some great message to change the world. Just one word. A word that somehow has been taken into my being at some point in my life, but I don’t know the meaning of, and is now being […]

Photos from UglyFish's post 10/05/2022

The cost of Mary's 'yes' to God all those years earlier. Mothers especially will feel the emotion of this.


Have a great Monday everyone! Don't forget to preach the gospel to YOURSELF!


Happy weekend! This graphic shows each book of the Bible can be read in just one sitting. Even Psalms at about 5 hours. Reading the Bible is one of the best things to do to improve your spiritual life. If you get the opportunity I'd recommend you sit down and read the gospel of Matthew in one go. It positively flies along! Too much? Try Ephesians. Easy peasy at 19 minutes or less. Many blessings to you.


It's not just scholars who need to know this. You need this because us ordinary folks need to understand this a little bit too. Why? Because it's still being preached in the 21st Century, increasingly so, and it corrupts the message of Christianity. You're not a Christian just because of your good deeds like the list I showed you earlier in the week. That was from a "Treatise on Pelagianism". But doing those good deeds doesn't MAKE you a Christian. You can't earn your salvation. Faith in Christ does that, and even that faith is given you by the grace of God, not because you merit it. Of course, as with all these things, there's more in the detail so if you have questions. Please ask.


Thought you might like this. St Cuthbert's shrine.Tap on pic to enlarge.


A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”
John 20:26‭-‬29 NRSV


Looking forward to learning a bit more about the Gospel tonight. Might get some signed copies!


Star Wars fans for this is . May The 4th Star Wars day is. 😂😀

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Videos (show all)

Pursue Love
Can you see the words?
Pray for Ukraine live
The Gospel in Sixty Seconds
UglyFish Goes To Hospital
UglyFish Goes To Hospital
Love your, Muslim, neighbour. Just telling you some stuff about my week.



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