SW Fitness

SW Fitness helps clients achieve amazing fitness results through tailor-made training programmes and nutritional advice. SW Fitness Studio and Juice Bar

We pride ourselves on attention to detail, dedication and enthusiasm, delivered through our team of expert personal trainers.


2 Weeks Post Bowel Surgery

Revision of stoma due to prolapsing - 3 hour operation

Weight pre surgery 108kg - post surgery 101kg

Training - advised 6 weeks no strength training

At times I would suffer up to 8 inches of large intestine prolapsing out, creating a very uncomfortable feeling, an increase in anxiety and risk of tearing. The cause was simply too much intestine remaining in the bowel. To me I thought this was normal and something everyone with a stoma experienced. How wrong I was 🙁

Unlike the last surgery where I had I was cut through the middle (Laparotomy) to deal with adhesion problems, this surgery was through the stoma sight. therefore cutting in to my digestive system. I had 25cm removed the best descending colon of which was the Sigmoid Colon.

There has been a lot more complications with this operation due to the wound being the stoma, constant straight and aggravation on the wound. the skin around the stoma was sutured together. Some small amount of separation due to stitches coming away has left a 4mm gap between stoma and skin.

I’m not going to bull s**t, the past two week have been the most uncomfortable I’ve experienced. My bowel function is so bad, s**tting anything and farting is like being stabbed, making it a challenge to eat as I know I’ll just suffer.

The bowel has been so inflamed that any contact has left me with shooting pains through my groin and down my leg in to my lower back.

It’s literally been a s**t show, the level of strain mentally and physically has out weighed the major surgery Dec 22 and quite honestly it draining me quicker than most challenges I’ve endured.

I’m proud of myself, I’ve taken yet another blow and will overcome this resulting in a bigger and better and more at peace with living my life with a stoma.

Never underestimate the daily mental and physical battle a serious medical condition has on a persons life, hold your head up high and champion your illness to inspire others to better themselves.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 31/03/2024



Friday was an incredible opportunity to meet a truly inspiring entrepreneur, following Steven closely has helped me gain a further understanding about the impact of how gut bacteria can influence our everyday health and how the ZOE project has helped thousands to a healthier lifestyle and improved nutritional choices.

We were fortunate to have a meet and greet with Steven allowing us some time to discuss SW Fitness’s future venture the Hybrid Recovery Program. Following the meet we listened to a very well presented talk from Steven about his personal journey to success and the advice surrounding many elements of both work and home life.

The tour left both Danielle and I with some serious food for thought, both from a professional and personal perspective.

Learning so much from just a few hours with this great business genius was both a privilege and a serious kick up the arse to change the way we apporach life.

Now its time to implement what I took away from one amazing evening.

Thank you to Danielle for this wonderful gesture…… onwards and upwards. 👆🏻



A few people may dislike this post and some may love it, I personally feel pretty bored of the constant attention seeking cry for helps from people who constantly post about their medical conditions, in particular if you have a stoma every post is stoma related. Does your whole life evolve around being a stoma and do you have anything else in life????

Trust me I’ve been through some horrendous situations, some of which I will never tell anyone, But one I will speak of is my need to better my self, learn from some traumatic experiences and some shocking relationships and issues that pained me. I will not be identified by a bag of s**t (usually empty) hanging off my front.

All I see is stoma awareness ambassadors who post every fu***ng Reel, Story and Post about having a stoma, a bag of s**t here, a big of s**t there, a big of s**t being emptied, how to clean my pink butt pipe that hangs out my front.

It’s funny how people with stoma’s who “talk the talk” about training and diet seem to eat crap and train like s**te and have terrible conditioned bodies……”oh I can’t push myself because of a stoma” …. Oh seriously f**k off and get off your lazy arse and do something constructive (playing the victim is not constructive)

Quite honestly I’m fed up of seeing someone with a stoma go on and on and on and on about their was lives (a psychologist would call in over identifying on social media) because quite frankly you think constant posts about having a stoma helps people …. WRONG …. It just shows you can’t deal with it so at some point you may just accept you poo comes out of a different place you your mouth.

What would happen if you didn’t have a stoma or a disability or illness you love to milk, because one day that might get taken away and you are left with plain old boring Bob who has made his life a stoma and now he’s got nothing in his life to focus on so he can’t play the victim anymore.

Pride yourself on merit, commitment and drive, stop making it all about poor little you and get off your arse and so something positive. That’s for everyone not just people with a stoma!!


One to One & Duo Personal Training Tarporley, Cheshire and Central London

The team at SW are now taking on new One-to-One & Duo Personal Training Clients and Rehabilitation Clients

The results you can expect from Personal Training and Rehabilitation at SW -

✅ Improve mental well-being
✅ fat% management
✅ Increased strength
✅ improve structure
✅ increase endurance
✅ Injury prevention
✅ Improve posture
✅ improve core strength
✅ Improve stability
✅ Improve balance
✅ Better lifting
✅ Improve technique

Studio services we offer ……..

One to One Personal Training
Small Group Functional Training
One to One Postural & Injury Rehab
Duo Personal Training

SW Personal Training focuses completely on the client and understanding the psychology behind training. Developing a connection on a more in-depth level not only helps bring out the best in someone but also makes them feel valued, protected, and comfortable.

Click the link in our bio for more information about Personal Training, Online Coaching and Rehabilitation or drop us a message.


Today is , a day to unite with others around the world to prevent HIV, support people with HIV, and remember those who have lost their lives to an HIV-related illness. Let’s . https://bit.ly/3DhBLWI


Personal Transformation

Its been just over 4 years since I had my first operation resulting in having a stoma. Its been certainly a challange and continues to do so, however my stoma is not my identity.

I am Steve who happens to have a stoma, im a successful business owner guiding and supporting others to grow both synergistically physically and mentally synergistically within their lives, being able to undertand the stuggles others face on a daily basis.

I am not a stoma who happens to be attached to Steve, my stoma is just a stoma, it doesnt make me who I am, it certainly doesnt dictate how I live my life and I certainly dont get wrapped up in the self perpetuating drama it can cause

Remember your identity comes from within, your values, your morals, your grit, your drive and determination. Manage your life to the best you can and make sure you dont make life about yourself, your reward will come through love and support for others.

Click the link in our bio for more information about online coaching and personal training, or drop us a message.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 11/10/2023


Welcome Lucy Meliá 👋🏼

Very very happy to introduce the lovely Lucy who will be joining the team at the studio in Tarporley.

Amazing personal trainers and few and far between, achieving that balance of knowledge, emotional intelligence with the perfect amount of motivational butt kicking is a hard combo to come-by.

However we have a cracker on our hands, not only passionate about training but Lucy is even more passionate about bringing the best out in everyone.

Lucy is an experienced trainer with many life experiences which enables her to help support and guide you to your desired results. From weight management and strength & conditioning, what ever your goal we are here to help.

If you are interested in training with our Lucy then drop me a message or head down to the studio so we can organise a consultation and taster session.

Thank you



Today is Ostomy Awareness Day

The first Saturday of October has been selected as a day to help raise awareness of this invisible illness and reduce the stigma through helping people understand the trials and tribulations of having your intestine poking out your tummy.

Having a stoma isn’t fun just like any different medical condition, it’s a constant head f**k, it’s like an itch you just can’t poke and it’s bloody annoying.

However it is not something that should stop you being you, if anything my stoma has made me a better person mentally and emotionally. It’s great when you need to multitask without p**p stops and it certainly doesn’t stop you taking care of your health and achieving things you thought wouldn’t be possible.

It certainly hasn’t stopped me attracting an amazing partner.

Remember don’t judge people because they are different and certainly don’t be nasty because you’re thick and don’t understand.


Yannis’s Personal Mind and Body Transformation

Height 198cm

Starting Weight 86kg

Current Weight 104kg

Yannis has worked in the business for just over 2 years, as you can see from this transformation pic he certainly has grown physically, gaining an advanced knowledge through the mentroing hes received and a huge amount of drive to achieve amazing results with his physique.

However the most impressive transformtion is the fact when he came to me July 21 he had just quaified with no experince at all, absolutely new to the industry, no clients, not long moved to the UK and new very little about the fitness world.

When meeting Yannis i knew immediately he was a special guy, great energy, focused, emotionally intelligent and the polar opposite to most in the indurty who only seek personal validation and have their own agenda.

He was all about helping people to a better life, physcially and mentally with very much an hollistic approach, his amazing people skills make him so adaptable, training all ages and abilities.

I can compliment him enough and im so proud of Yannis, he is an absolute gent, a fantastic trainer and an even better friend.



I absolutely love life, I have the most amazing work where I’m able to help others grow physically and mentally.

I feel so much reward when people are able to live a better life after working with SW.

But what the biggest lesson learned is how I have achieved peace with who I am, I’ll always strive for perfection where possible.

But the number one achievement is understanding emotional, as clients what are your needs to help you overcome your insecurities. We all have them but let’s work together to help sustainable lifestyle changes to ensure continuous progression.

Coaching is about humans and we all have needs which need to be accommodated.


A BAG FOR LIFE ….. well stoma bag 💼

4 weeks ago I was advised that a reversal of the stoma (my large intestine poking out my gut) would end in a a total mess …..the mess being incontinence (s**tting my self) possible impotence (never get a b***r) and another complication, basically I’d have a pretty shocking unmanageable life 😞 I was absolutely devastated, I’ve waited 4 years to get rid of the bag, being told it was always possible until a consultation with a very honest professor of colorectal surgery the middle of June.

I’ve really struggled and my frustration and upset has got the better of me on occasion. Projecting things against my closest… not fair to others but understandable due to the circumstances…… to which I am deeply sorry 😢

Okay sob story over, time to get my “s**t” together …. (Quite literally) and focus on the incredible life I have with the most amazing people around me who I love and adore 🥰

I pride myself on my values and emotional intellignacy which I have in crazy levels, my commitment is to support & guide others to improve their lives through postive mental and physical l lifetsyle changes. Im spot on at giving advice to others and always there for others. But for a long time ive tried to hard to compensate for my own shortfalls thinking im never enough because im not perfect even tougher now I have this bag.

However after some emotional & mental adjustments through self development ive quickly learnt that im more than enough, infact i absolute smash life and even more so now I have a perminent stoma which has made me open my eyes to the wonderful world Im blessed with.

My advice to all with any insecurities (which is everyone), stop runnning away from what your scared of, they will always be there until you face it head on, stop being a victim or attention seeker, only your own (and partner's) validation matters, stop searching for happiness in social media or an empty existence.

Start loving yourself, remember you attract like minded people so get rid of the toxicity in your world.


Love a good gym sesh and working hard but love chilling and having valuable down time with even more 👬❤️


Absolutely love training but love to relax with even more 🍹


.fitness is an amazing gym just outside Chester great equipment with a focused energy …. . It was great to train with and get some new Inst footage 💪🏻


FuncFit Classes - Spaces Available

With our FuncFit classes, you can expect the following benefits :

• Reduce Fat
• Improve Overall Fitness
• Build Physical Endurance
• Improve mobility
• Improve Core Strength
• Boost Confidence and Self Esteem

Beginners level Monday 10:00AM

Intermediate level Monday 5.30 (Wednesday 5.30pm class is full)

Advanced level Friday 10:00AM

First session complementary

£7.50 per session or 10 for £70

Click the link in our bio for more information about our classes and other SW services, or drop us a message.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 10/04/2023


SW Fitness; Personal Training & Sports Therapy. Our value is centred around you, The Client! Our Purpose is to understand both your Physical and Mental needs to gain positive long lasting results to help achieve your goals! We at SW Fitness take pride in the PT - Client relationship to deliver both the advanced training and nutritional guidance to support you on your fitness journey.

Developing such a close connection helps bring out the best in someone but also about making the client feel valued, protected and comfortable.

We are all about perfect physical exercise delivery and ex*****on, keeping you safe and progressing at all times.

✅ Sustainable positive lifestyle changes
✅ Medium and Long Term Objectives (quick fixes DO NOT WORK)
✅ Improve Confidence & Self Esteem
✅ fat % management
✅ increased muscular strength & condition
✅ improve skeletal structure
✅ enhanced cardio & muscular endurance
✅ pro active injury prevention & remedy
✅ improve full body posture
✅ improve core strength & stability
✅ Improve mental wellbeing
✅ overall fitness longevity

Through the services we offer ……..

🔹One to One Personal Training
🔹Small Group Functional Training
🔹One to One Postural & Injury Rehab
🔹Duo Personal Training
🔹Yoga Classes
🔹Pilates Classes
🔹Sports Therapies

For information drop us a message or head down to the website for more details.



Whatever your medical condition maybe it can sometimes add an addition level of pressure & anxiety to the training.

That constant feeling of something could throwing you off course and creating a problem is forever in the back of the min.

These can include

How do you tackle a problem if it arises?
What damage could I cause?
What injury could I risk?
Why am I suffering pain?
Am I training at the appropriate level?
Am I training to much?
Am I training effectively?
What’s the best exercises for my condition?

Whether you want to or not, you must take in to account that your medical condition needs to be respected and understood properly, don’t act like it’s not a condition as you could seriously cause damage.

Of course we all are different as humans and some of our bodies handle health conditions better than others however that doesn’t mean you can be arrogant and demonstrate disregard for what you have.

The images above show 4 conditions which are all very different but all need the same approach to training. It starts with establishing what the condition may be and how best to execute the exercises with perfect form in a safe effective manner.

The next few posts expand on the 4 medical conditions which are above. At SW we deliver expert training for all conditions supported with nutritional guidance to help ensure we achieve great results.


Resilience in the face of adversity - Training with a Medical Condition

The challenges we face on a daily basis can be overwhelming, upsetting and at times too much to handle, whether it’s external influential pressure or it’s personal anxiety, we are all effected in our own way.

I know do pretty well to handle my stoma and the post operative training but at times it’s literally a total ball-ache and can really put a downer on everyday tasks, for example going for dinner, Meeting friends, s*x with my partner and hitting the gym for a good session…. Many of these are only challenges because we create self perpetuating bull s**t in our minds letting the anxiety become more of a problem than it is. Trust me people love you for who you are!

On occasion it’s not a self created issue, at times it just the way the medical condition can screw us over leaving us with no control, these situations are the worst and cause a lot of heartache and at times embarrassment. Having to push my stoma in as it’s pr*****ed 8 inches in after squatting heavy is not pleasant, sweating and shaking with worry and of course the fear of there being a problem which can lead to another trip down A&E. all very traumatic, but don’t let it stop you!!

My point is whatever your medical condition or physical insecurities we all react the same, whether it’s the first time in a gym, returning to training after cancer treatment or with a newly diagnosed condition you have the right to feel like s**t at times but not forever. You aren’t alone and you will find the strength.

However tough it is you are in control, you have the power to manage your medical condition and we are hear to help you get through this, if you need support or advice then get in touch, we can help get you back on track and fighting fit at your pace in a safe way. 💪🏻

Photos from SW Fitness's post 16/03/2023

Alex Coker 24 week Transformation

Age 24

Weight 73kg

Training Schedule 5 x 1 hour sessions per week

Chest & Triceps
Back & Biceps
Arms & Core

Well done Alex who is absolutely smashing his training, combining a well executed nutrition plan with a 5 day split routine he has achieved amazing results through longterm sustainable changes to food and exercise.

Alex leads as super busy life so needs to be able to incorporate his food and exercise in to his daily routine, we understand not everyone lives in a gym so we set realistically targets which don’t over phase people but will ensure amazing results.

Its proven that short-term fixes NO NOT WORK!!!! 6 week transformations are utter rubbish as the body cant sustain such radical changes and you’ll fall back in to bad practices, crash diets deplete the system leaving you tired and unable to train effectively.

If you're ready to make a change to your health or take it to the next level through Personal Training & Online Coaching please get in touch via the website, DM us or nip down to the studio for a chat.


POWER OF EXERCISE……… As much about mental element as it is about physical….. I never tire of training, not only building self confidence but also making myself feel amazing with a huge endorphin rush. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved overcoming some quite tough challenges without a doubt it’s my therapy 💪🏻💪🏻 if you need help to overcome life’s curved balls then get in touch 👊🏻👋🏼

Photos from SW Fitness's post 06/03/2023


In addition to our training facilities, varied classes, rehabilitation and massage treatments, we are also Online Personal Trainers & Coaches.

We understand everyone is different so nothing as deliver is generic or overwhelming, we are here to support you every step of the journey, which includes a structured tailor made program & precisely calculated diet plan to reducing your access weight and build a strong balanced structure.

Whether you have reached a plateau with your existing training or diet plan, lacking confidence to motivation or you don’t even know where to begin, we will provide you with the structure and expertise to elevate your fitness journey and results.


SW Online Coaching Information Pack
Mobility and Stretching Guidance
Tailor-made Programs
Macro Calculated Diet Plans (reviewed to optimise results)
Weekly Check-in, Progress Pics, Weight, Food Review
Postural / Imbalance Rehab
Injury Prevention
Sustainable Lifestyle Guidance for Long Term Health Benefits


Weekly Check-in, Progress Pics, Weight and Fat %
Progress Log
Completed Food Diary
3 Months Commitment
Follow the Program and Diet Plan with as little deviation as possible
Maximum effort for Maximum Results

Drop us a DM or email [email protected] to sign up and we will be touch.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 05/03/2023

A huge thank you to all of you who made my birthday weekend so very special 🎂 and a even bigger thank you to for being the most special boyfriend I could have wished for ….. he even pushes me hard and kicks my arse at training 👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼💪🏻❤️


FuncFit Classes - Spaces Available…. Must book

Regardless of your level of fitness ability ur FuncFit classes are the perfect way to achieve quick results.

With our FuncFit classes, you can expect the following benefits :

• Reduce Fat
• Improve Overall Fitness
• Build Physical Endurance
• Improve mobility
• Improve Core Strength
• Boost Confidence and Self Esteem

Beginners level Monday 10:00AM

Intermediate level Monday 5.30 (Wednesday 5.30pm class is full)

Advanced level Friday 10:00AM

First session complementary

£7.50 per session or 10 for £70

DM to book or alternatively contact us about our online coaching, Personal Training, Rehab all tailor made to suit your needs.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 27/02/2023

The majority of people suffer from bad posture, which can if not already cause a lot of problems in someone’s everyday life. Whether someone’s lifestyle is sedentary at the office or at home, or on the move with prolonged periods of standing and naturally hunching over, problems will occur from poor body structure.

Bad posture can result in having :

•Back, neck & shoulder pain
•Poor circulation
•Impaired lung function
•Poor digestion
•Constriction in the nerves
•Misalignment or Curvature of the spine
•Joint degeneration

What you can expect from SW Fitness :

✅Corrected posture
✅Eliminate Upper & Lower back pain
✅Increase In mobility
✅A Stronger structure
✅Improved quality of life
✅Strengthening of the Core
✅Proper functionality of the musculoskeletal system

Photos from SW Fitness's post 13/02/2023


SW Fitness; Personal Training & Sports Therapy. Our value is centred around you, The Client! Our Purpose is to understand both your Physical and Mental needs to gain positive long lasting results to help achieve your goals! We at SW Fitness take pride in the PT - Client relationship to deliver both the advanced training and nutritional guidance to support you on your fitness journey.

Developing such a close connection helps bring out the best in someone but also about making the client feel valued, protected and comfortable.

We are all about perfect physical exercise delivery and ex*****on, keeping you safe and progressing at all times.

✅ Sustainable positive lifestyle changes
✅ Medium and Long Term Objectives (quick fixes DO NOT WORK)
✅ Improve Confidence & Self Esteem
✅ fat % management
✅ increased muscular strength & condition
✅ improve skeletal structure
✅ enhanced cardio & muscular endurance
✅ pro active injury prevention & remedy
✅ improve full body posture
✅ improve core strength & stability
✅ Improve mental wellbeing
✅ overall fitness longevity

Through the services we offer ……..

🔹One to One Personal Training
🔹Small Group Functional Training
🔹One to One Postural & Injury Rehab
🔹Duo Personal Training
🔹Yoga Classes
🔹Pilates Classes
🔹Sports Therapies

For information drop us a message or head down to the website for more details.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 05/02/2023

12 Week Body & Mind Transformation Package

SW Fitness understand the importance of a holistic approach to training so we have created our 12-week transformation package.

The Beginning - Starting out your fitness journey can be challenging and often daunting task, especially to someone who has never entered a gym or training environment before.

At SW Fitness we are here to provide continuous guidance & support to ensure you're achieving your desired results and transformation goals.

We begin with a 30 minute consultation to really help us ensure we get to know the real you, what makes you tick, things you love and things which are completely out your comfort zone. Then you will receive a complementary taster session and assessment.

Step 1 - The objectives

✅ Set sustainable & achievable objectives

✅ Structure a Fitness Routine Suited to your needs

✅ Keep Track of Circumference Measurements & Body Fat %

✅ Fortnightly Progress Check-Ins

✅ Help you feel comfortable in your training environment

✅ Continuous nutritional guidance including precisely macro calculated meal plan

Step 2 - The Process

As part of the transformation you will receive

2 - One To One Personal Training Sessions per week
1 - FuncFit or FitMob Class per week
1 - Sports Massage Therapy or Thai Massage Session per month

Step 3 - The Result

What you can expect to achieve from your transformation

✅ Feeling better in your own Skin

✅ Improving Self Confidence and Self Worth

✅ Feeling of Contentment

✅ Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

✅ Weight loss & Lean Gains

✅ Developing a Stronger Core

✅ Improving Overall Structure

✅ Improve Mobility & Functionality

✅ Injury Prevention

Get in touch if you would like to schedule in your assessment.

SW Personal Training focuses completely on the client and understanding the psychology behind training. Developing a connection on a more in-depth level not only helps bring out the best in someone but also makes them feel valued, protected and comfortable.

Photos from SW Fitness's post 26/01/2023

One to One & Duo Personal Training @ The Tarporley Studio

With the addition of Kellen and Lewis to the team, we are now taking on new One to One and Duo Personal Training Clients.

What you can expect

✅ fat % management
✅ increased strength
✅ improve structure
✅ increase endurance
✅ injury prevention
✅ improve posture
✅ improve core strength
✅ improve stability
✅ improve balance
✅ Better lifting
✅ improve technique in all lifts
✅ lifting longevity
✅ strength and conditioning

Studio services we offer ……..

🔹One to One Personal Training
🔹Small Group Functional Training
🔹One to One Postural & Injury Rehab
🔹Duo Personal Training

SW Personal Training focuses completely on the client and understanding the psychology behind training. Developing a connection on a more in-depth level not only helps bring out the best in someone but also makes them feel valued, protected and comfortable.

For information on what we offer nip down and have a chat with one of the team or send a message via the website

Photos from SW Fitness's post 15/01/2023

FuncFit Classes - Spaces Available…. Must book

Regardless of your level of fitness ability ur FuncFit classes are the perfect way to achieve quick results.

With our FuncFit classes, you can expect the following benefits :

• Reduce Fat
• Improve Overall Fitness
• Build Physical Endurance
• Improve mobility
• Improve Core Strength
• Boost Confidence and Self Esteem

Beginners level Monday 10:00AM

Intermediate level Monday 5.30 (Wednesday 5.30pm class is full)

Advanced level Friday 10:00AM

First session complementary

£7.50 per session or 10 for £70

DM to book or alternatively contact us about our online coaching, Personal Training, Rehab all tailor made to suit your needs.

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Tarporley?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Online Coaching with SW Fitness We all lose our way at some point, it’s making the decisions to take back control when t...
Online Coaching with SW Fitness We all lose our way at some point, it’s making the decisions to take back control when t...
We all lose our way at some point, it’s making the decisions to take back control when the real success happens. Whether...
Regardless of your level of fitness ability ur FuncFit classes are the perfect way to achieve quick results. Details hig...
Its your Time! We are super excited here at SW Fitness to launch our latest level of support in your fitness journey.In ...
Love Athletegy ❤️💪🏻
ROMANIAN DEADLIFT RDLs / STIFF LEG DEADLIFT TARGETS - HAMSTRINGS & GLUTES The key to this lift is shifting your body wei...
A DECENT LEG SESH AFTER A GOOD SLEEP AND BURGERS FOR BREAKFAST 🍔 🥞 🦵 It’s always good to push your body and mind by drop...
EFFECTIVE TRAINING DELIVERED WITH PRECISION 💪🏻Posture is key, poor posture will disengage the target muscle and try to f...
NOWT BETTER THAN A WELL STRUCTURED BACK …. Add this little beauty to your PULL or BACK session to get a really deep LAT ...


105 Tarporley High Street

Opening Hours

Monday 6:45am - 10pm
Tuesday 6:45am - 10pm
Wednesday 6:45am - 10pm
Thursday 6:45am - 10pm
Friday 6:45am - 10pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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