Marc Grange Online Coaching

Do you have a weight loss or fitness goal? If so I can help you with Online Coaching.

With a tailor made plan of action and support along the way I will personally coach you to that goal


I Hated This Photo!!

These are the words from my online client Eve about the photo on the left.

This photo was taken earlier this year at a baby shower that she attended.

When she saw this photo (and others) she decided to untagged herself from them all as she hated them.

In her own words, she was horrified!

Eve had tried many times in the past to lose the weight she wanted but sadly nothing had worked for her.

The last time around, the dreaded slimming world had left her (like many other people) feeling humiliated each and every week when the scales didn’t go her way.

At the baby shower she bumped into a friend who was also a client of mine.

My client Paige had already made some fantastic progress with me and told Eve to message me.

After seeing these photos, Eve did exactly that and reached out to me for help…

This was one of the best decisions she’d made this year as now she is well on the way to seeing that progress that she’s always wanted.

As a busy working mum, the plan had to work for Eve and her lifestyle.

And that’s exactly what we did, making sure her workouts could be done from home around the kids and work.

As always we looked at her food and got this into the right place for her goals.

I also educated her on the importance of daily movement which has now resulted in an evening walk with her son

Eve progress to date is fantastic.

🔸She’s now a good 2 dress / clothes sizes down

🔸She’s lost 16.6kg in total in body weight (36lbs)

🔸She’s lost 7 inches from her hips and 5 from her waist.

🔸More importantly she’s happier, more confident and stronger than she was earlier this year! 🙌🏻

🔸She’s much more educated so she won’t have to revert back ever to fad diets 🥳

🔸She’s also happier to have her photo taken now!

I must also add, Eve’s progress hasn’t been done in an aggressive way whatsoever.

During this progress, Eve has still had a couple of holidays, many nights out and weekends away.

We’ve made it work for her and her consistency week in, week out is what’s seen her get to where she is right now!

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 31/08/2024

The Adults Won 🙌🏻

Dam Right!!!

Some would say you have to let the kids win these days but Ii just don’t agree with that.

When I was a kid, my dad never let me win at anything.

The reason why is because it didn’t set me up for the reality of life.

Life is tough and no one just lets you win..

If you want something you have to work hard for it.

The day I beat my dad at something was the day that I worked hard enough and I deserved it.

It built me a stronger mentality and that is something that I want all of our kids to have too.

The day they beat me at something is the day that they worked hard enough to do so!

The misses on the other hand….

I had to let her tie with me otherwise she’s said she’d no longer wash my pants! 😭

Have a great weekend everyone


We Don’t Need To Kill Ourselves To Make Progress.

A lot of people still seem to think to make progress you need to commit to being in the gym every day for hours at a time.

Whilst some people do this because they enjoy it, it’s not actually needed as much as you think.

Especially if you’re a busy individual that works and has a family.

To make progress towards your weight loss goal, you just need to find the correct balance between your food, activity and exercise that works for you!!

As it says above, if you can only exercise 2-3 times per week as you’ve got kids, this is better than nothing.

If you can’t hit 10k steps again because you have young children to look after before and after work, again set a smaller, more realistic target to aim for.

My job is to help you find and build a new lifestyle that you can stick to and that works for you!

I’m a busy dad and I run my own business so I know how hard it can be to balance work, kids and looking after yourself too.

I can relate to your struggles as I’ve been where you are and so I can understand you.

We all want progress yesterday but sometimes, a slow and steady approach is easier to stick to for many people.

Slow and steady will still get you fantastic results.

Especially if your time for you is in short supply.

Trust me on this, as I’ve got clients that will prove that to be the case!

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 27/08/2024

Amazing Words From Gemma 🙌🏻

‘This was the best competition I've ever won!

Carrying on with you after my free month that I won has been the best decision I've ever made.

You've got me back to loving the gym and changed my mindset that food is fuel!

My strength has grown so much these last 7 months and I honestly cant thank you enough for all you've done for me.

You've kept me motivated and determined that I can do it!

You got me back into a routine with my training that I wanted to find again.

My confidence has also grown so much since starting with your coaching 7 months ago.

From me being scared to go anywhere near the scary part of the gym to now going straight there and setting my weights up by myself.

The support you have given me over these last 7 months has been fantastic.

You have given me the mindset, motivation and determination to carry on.

You have been fantastic and I know I will be fine because you've made me realise I can do it.’

Thank you 🙌🏻

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 26/08/2024

Size 14 To A Size 10

Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together nicely! 😊

This is exactly what’s happened for my online client Lucy.

Herbie fantastic efforts have seen her have to bin not one, but two pairs of gym leggings now!

Again Lucy (and my clients) are showing what can be achieved when you stick to the plan.

And when I say the plan, I don’t mean a generic pdf plan that gets emailed to everyone.

I mean a plan that is built by me that listens to all your wants and needs.

A plan that is designed to work around you and your busy life.

If we follow it and tick those boxes, we make fantastic progress.

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 26/08/2024

30kg Gone For Good! 🤯

This is absolutely unreal and yes you did read that correctly!! 30kg!!!!

Here’s my client Sarah (just about) holding up 30kg in weight to showcase how much she’s lost since we started working together back in December last year.

Sarah came into the gym last Friday for a coaching session and I genuinely was speechless when she walked in…

Firstly as she just looked like a different person physically from all her hard work.

Secondly because she walked through those doors oozing confidence!

The last time Sarah popped into the gym it was to bring me a birthday card back in February and she was very nervous and her confidence levels were low.

But Friday, she was a totally different person.

Sarah’s journey has also been a massive mental one too as she’s had to process becoming this new person.

She’s become someone that’s she’s always wanted to be but also something she never thought was actually possible.

Sarah’s progress has also been achieved while still having a life!

She hasn’t had to be super strict and eliminate enjoyable things from her life.

She’s had holidays, work events, family meals out and also nights out with her friends.

Our session on Friday was all about focusing on the next part of her journey.

The plan now is to get her stronger and to build up her confidence and knowledge in the gym.

At the end of the session I made her walk round the gym carrying 2 x 15kg dumbbells so that she could appreciate how much of a difference her loss has made to something as simple as walking.

Sarah literally has become an inspiration to so many.

Whether it be her friends, her work colleagues or even my clients.

She is showing everyone what is possible if you have a goal and just commit to it.

She never in a million years believed she would be where she is today.

But she is became she turned up each and every day and ticked the boxes that needed to be ticked.

When you do this consistently, amazing things can happen!



Think About This….

Tomorrow we go into the last week of the summer holidays.

Chances are if you’re a parent your own fitness journey may have taken a little bit of a back seat over the last 5 weeks.

The kids being off always makes things a lot more challenging to stay on track or at least to the same level as when they are at school.

And that’s understandable as we will always put their needs above our own.

My own training certainly has as I’ve had to scale mine back slightly to find a balance between having the kids more, holidays and still getting my work done…

The good news is in just over 1 week you will be able to focus on you again!

The kids go back to school and that means you will be able to put you and your goals first again!!

You will be able to get back into those fantastic routines that you had nailed down so well before we hit summer holidays.

This week you could however get yourself a head a little and start planning for next week.

You could look at your diary and see when you can get your gym or exercise session scheduled in.

You can plan next week’s food too with a simple shopping list to make sure you have in what you need to get back on track.

These 2 things may sounds so simple but planning ahead is key and it will give you the best opportunity of getting back on track a week on Monday 😊

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 22/08/2024

After training with Marc I feel and look like a totally different person in the best way possible.

I finally have a good body image about myself and love the way I look in my clothes finally!

The first time I went in and cried in the changing room!

I now feel confident walking into the gym and getting my workouts done.
My strength and body shape is something I am really proud of too!

I am the best version of myself and taking care of me first!
My anxiety and mental health is in the best place and I always try to tell people who want to listen that the gym and working out really does help 😊

I still keep to my routine now even after finishing coaching with Marc as it really does help me and keep me focused for work and what life throws at me!

I would do this process all over again with Marc as he cares so much about every single one of his clients and it shows with what we have all accomplished with him.

You helped to save my life in many ways and I will always be grateful to you x

If you want results just like Heather, drop me a message and we will get them together!


Here’s Why….

Because it’s just f**king stupid.

No, really it is!

Most people these days have a bad relationship with food.

So in my opinion, calling something a ‘syn’ is just going to create more of a negative relationship with food for that person.

It’s our job as fitness professionals to educate people of the importance of eating good foods that their body needs and also to not restrict them from enjoying things that they like.

Years ago I had a friend (really I did) and she was about to eat before she went to the gym so I gave her some ideas on what to eat.

Straight away she shot them all down saying they contained too many syns.

The foods I was suggesting were all good quality foods that would have fuelled her in her workout.

Instead she opted for a packet of pop-bear crisps because they were lower in syns.

FML 🤦🏻

At the end of the day life is all about balance and we just need to make better choices for the majority of time.

Also I don’t feel we should be restricting foods either as this usually means cutting out the things that we enjoy.

A 2 finger Kit Kat for example is 5.5 syns so if you were just in the mood for a bit of chocolate and you happened to eat 2 of these bad boys, this would set you back 11 of your 15 syns that day!

Now I’m pretty sure most would feel pretty guilty very quickly for using up 11 out of their 15 syns in 60 seconds.

No! These 2 bits of chocolate come in at just 240 calories and can easily be fitted into your daily calories and food plan!

Viewing it this way means you can still include things that you like in your diet without feeling guilty, but also still make progress at the same time

So let’s stop demonising foods and viewing eating healthier or better as ‘dieting’

Let start by viewing food for what it’s actually is and that’s fuel for your body and start to make better food choices in terms of food quality and nutrients.

I won’t be able to help everyone in this world have a better relationship with their food but for every client that does works with me, that’s one more person who will end up having a better understanding and knowledge of their food!


10 Years I’ve Been Trying Marc.

10 Bloody years I’ve been trying to lose this weight

And when Sarah says tried, she means it.

On our goal setting call she reeled off all the things that she had tried over the years to lose this weight.

These included….

Weight Watchers
Slimming World
Rosemary Conley
Soup diet
Smoothie diet
Slim Fast
Alli tablets
Orlistat tablets
Forever Living
NHS Weight Management

She thought it was never going to happen for her so she reached out to me as a last resort 😃

After years of trying so many different things we needed to strip everything back and start again.

We needed to build a new set of lifestyle habits and a good relationship with her food again.

We needed to get away from the ‘syn’ mentality and also try to remove the guilt if the ‘wrong’ foods were eaten.

We focused on fuelling Sarah correctly with good quality foods that she enjoyed.

I also gave Sarah a daily step target to focus on to hit which was non negotiable.

As the months have progress Sarah is now doing fitness classes, gym sessions and outside runs each week!

We’ve also worked on her mindset too.
As someone that has struggled to lose weight for a long time it was easy for her to think this also wouldn’t as well.

We had many chats to focus and take each day as it comes. Just to focus on ticking the boxes I set her and to just trust me and the process.

So far….. Sarah has dropped an incredible 5 stone!

She’s also seen an amazing 13 inches come off her waist & 9 off her hips.

Even better than this is the positive effects this journey has had on her!

It’s not ‘just’ about losing weight.

Sarah now enjoys her exercise and her progress has seen her become more confident in herself and her body.

She’s hated being in photos but now she happily posts photos of her in nice clothes on her socials!

She is fitter, healthier, stronger and more importantly happier with herself.

This has been one of my favourite journeys to date and the best thing about it is that this is only the start as Sarah is now thinking what can I do next…..


How I Would Get Started….

If I wanted to started dropping a little bit of weight / body fat

Just simply download one of the many available calorie counting apps and start tracking what you consume.

The daily recommended requirement is 2,500 calories for men and 2,000 calories for women.

Start by taking yourself into a small deficit (250 - 300 calories) and track from here.

Monitor for a week or 2 and then adjust as required.

By tracking I don’t just mean selecting the foods you eat but also weighing out how much you are eating too.

Be consistent but also bee honest with yourself too.

Remember food is fuel so don’t ever cut your calories too low.

More times than to you’ll end up hungry, grumpy and miserable.

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 20/08/2024

Meet Linzi…

She’s one of my fantastic online clients that flying right now…

On Friday she came into the gym to see me for a coaching session.

She was a little nervous and understandably so as this was the first time that she’d EVER set foot inside a gym!

Recently her back had gone while she was at work so once the initial pain and discomfort had settled down I wanted to get her into the gym.

I did this as I wanted to show her in person some stretches and core exercises that I felt would benefit her going forwards to strengthen where her back / core was weak.

While she was there we also took the opportunity to introduce her to some functional strength training.

We worked on a few exercises that mirrored every day movements that are beneficial as we get older.

Linzi left our session buzzing as she enjoyed the gym more than she thought she would do..

In fact, yesterday she dropped me a message asking if she could come back again next week!

It’s been an absolute joy working with Linzi this year..

When she started with me, her goal was to find her old self again.

She’d gotten to a point where she was lacking in energy and just generally unhappy in her clothes..

Since we started working together Linzi has lost over 8kg in body weight and a massive 9 inches from her waist.

But more importantly she feels alive again…

She so much happy and her mental wellbeing is the best it’s been in years.

She’s starting to feel like the old Linzi again.

All because she decided to make a change…

She’ll be back in that gym next week which is something we can hopefully work on in her plan to make even more amazing progress

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 20/08/2024

Never Ever Give Up!

This is absolutely fantastic from my online client Alex 🙌🏻

8 weeks ago she messaged me to say she was going to stop coaching with me.

Alex has never been a fan of the gym.
We had tried to make this enjoyable for her many times but it just wasn’t something she liked and because of that she just wasn’t going.

Because she wasn’t going, she wasn’t really following the another areas of her plan and with that her progress was not what either of us wanted.

So we jumped on a call to see if there was anything we could do to get her going again rather than just give up.

I know that Alex likes to be outside so I asked her what does she enjoy?

She mentioned she’d like to give running a go so we agreed to focus on this for her exercise as it meant she would be outside more.

Her first run was a short one and from memory she was shattered after about 20 seconds 🥵

But she enjoyed it and because of this, she stuck with it.

I also suggested to Alex that we stop focusing on her actual goal of fat loss.

Instead let’s focus on building a routine that she can stick with.

Each day the aim was to get out for either a short run or a decent walk.

With her food, I just suggested we make some better choices, prep where we can and try to create some structure with it.

Take each day as it comes.

Focus on the process and not the outcome.

Then out of the blue Alex tells me she’s signed up for a 5km race! 🙌🏻

We had found something that she was really enjoying.

Because she was now enjoying her exercise, there was now some consistency to her food each and her eating habits - It was a lot better!

On Sunday, Alex completed her first ever 5km race.

This was something she never thought that she would be able to do.

This was also something she wouldn’t have achieved if she had given up a few weeks ago.

Alex enjoyed it so much that she’s now signed up for a 10km race in October!

Oh and about with her weight loss goal.

Without even worrying about it, she’s now lost 5.8kg (12.7lbs) from the new habits and routine that we created.

Fantastic progress on 2 fronts 🥳

It goes to show what you can achieve if you don’t give up on your goals.

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 19/08/2024

I’m Not Sh*tting You!

All of this feedback was received from today’s check ins!

One thing I pride my coaching on is the level of support you will get from me!

You won’t just get a training plan sent to you and be left to your own devices.

You won’t just be given a set of macros to try and work out your food by yourself.

I won’t be one of those coaches that you never actually hear from that never checks in on their clients.

Whatever you need help and support with, I will be there for you every step of the way!

The above feedback today from my clients proves that! 😃

Photos from Marc Grange Online Coaching's post 17/08/2024

Family Fun Day 🤩

Flying, Films, Dog Walks, Coffee, Popcorn, Burger & Chips.

Quality family time making memories and enjoying life! ❤️


Some Amazing Words From My Client Emily.

“I Just wanted to say a massive thank you again for the last year (ish)

I managed to get myself up for a run this morning and got a few day passes with gyms sorted over this week and next week.

I wouldn’t have had the confidence to do it if it wasn’t for you and your help this last year” 😊

Over the last year myself and Emily have worked hard to build her confidence both inside & outside of the gym.

From someone that was at first scared to walk into a gym, she’s now off to the gym and exercising by herself.

Her confidence outside of the gym has also grown too as she recently went on holiday with her friends and felt so confident in her own skin on the first day around the pool.

More proof yet again as to what the power of exercise can do for you and your life.


There Nothing Wrong With Putting Yourself First…

The happier you are, the happier everyone else around you will be ❤️


Let Me Change Your Life!

Yes that’s a massive statement to make but it’s true!

That is exactly what I am here to do for you!

To help you change your life!

Health & fitness isn’t just about losing weight.

It’s about so much more than that.

Yes, most of us want to see those numbers on the scales drop down.

But what about if I could also do all of the following for you too?

🔸Increase your daily energy levels.
🔸Give you more get up and go on daily basis.
🔸Get you eating better quality foods.
🔸Have you feeling stronger physically.
🔸Increase your confidence in yourself.
🔸Have you feeling stronger mentally.
🔸Get you more active on a daily basis.
🔸Improve your body confidence.
🔸Have you feeling better in your clothes.
🔸Find structure and routine that works for you!
🔸Change your mindset and belief from ‘I want to achieve my goals’ to ‘I will achieve my goals’

I literally could go on for ever. 😃

All of the above are possible by making a start and just a few lifestyle changes.

Today I am ready!!

Ready to help you make those changes…

So my question to you is….

Are you ready?

Are you ready to make some life changing progress?

If so, reach out now and we’ll get you started asap!


Your Steps Dont Just Burn Calories…

Whilst us coaches love to see you guys get out for those steps to get you closer to your fat loss goals..

You steps are more than just a tool to burn those additional calories.

As I’ve been away with the family, my activity has mainly been walking so I thought it would be good to do a posts as to why getting out for those steps is good for you..

Studies show that getting out walking and getting a decent daily step count in (around 10k a day) can help to reduce the risk of many cardiovascular diseases.
The risk of these also decreases the more that you do.

Walking regularly also helps to increase your aerobic fitness levels and you will more than likely notice that your resting heart rate will also come down as a result.

Walking is also a great tool to help combat your stress levels.

Having a stressful day at work?

Getting out before, during or after work really does help to reduce those stress levels.

Finally getting outside for a walk is great for clearing your head and looking after your mental wellbeing.

I’m a big fan of encouraging my clients to focus on all of the above when doing their steps as opposed to them viewing them as just another thing to tick off.

Make sure your prioritise those steps going forwards as there are so many benefits to them


I Will Always Tell My Clients…

Don’t focus on the goal.

Instead, focus on the daily habits that we need to do each and every day instead

By focusing our attention on the habits, we get to the goal without having to think about it.

This way, we achieve our goals without putting extra pressure on ourselves. 😃


Wow - 15kg Down For Eve 🙌🏻

This year has been excellent so far for Eve as she’s continues to make fantastic progress on her health & fitness journey.

So far this year she is a massive 15kg down in body weight. (33lbs)

But more than this is the fact that Eve has totally transformed her lifestyle from where it was when she first started her journey.

You see, Eve is just a normal person like you.

She’s made this progress so far to by making a few changes to her lifestyle habits.

She has done this while having to work around all of the following…

Having a full time job.
Having a family and kids to look after.
Still enjoying a social life and not missing out.
Still enjoying a few holidays and breaks away during this period.

She’s just knuckled down and got done what she needed to do on the days where she could and made better choices (sometimes 😉) on the days where she had plans.

Her mindset has also changed in a way that she now understands that’s it’s not the end of the world when the scales go up after a night out or her holiday.

Previously this would have devastated her but now she understands why it happens and by getting back to it, those numbers will settle down to where they should be.

15kg off and gone forever and there’s so more to come from Eve’s journey.

Amazing stuff Eve! 💪🏼


Failure Is Part Of Success.

I bet you most of the people that have achieved great things in their lives have failed at some point.

They have more than likely failed many times over.

Failure teaches you what doesn’t work so you can learn from it.

Failure teaches you the ability to get back up and try again.

Failure makes you a stronger person for the next time around.

Embrace failure as that is where success starts.

Happy Sunday 👊🏻


When The Holiday Clothes No Longer Fit!!!

Now that’s an awkward one isn’t it.

I can only apologise to Gemma who now has to go out for a second time to buy her holiday clothes as the first lot no longer fit!

I would apologise but if I’m honest I’m not surprise by this one bit.

Purely because of the efforts that Gemma puts into her plan each and every week…

She just in a great place right now where she’s loving her training and everything that goes with it..

But that hasn’t always been the case..

Which I’m sure Gemma would be the first to tell you.

You see if we go back to December last year, we had a totally different Gemma.

We had a lady who had fallen out of love with her training.

She had no structure to her food and activity and was just struggling to get anywhere towards the goals that she wanted to achieve.

She was unhappy in herself and frustrated that she’d gotten herself into this rut.

I’m sure there might be a few of you reading this right now that might still be in Gemma’s old shoes..

So if you are, I want you to know that this CAN BE changed…

Because Gemma is your proof.

She is your evidence.

Between myself and Gemma, we came up with a plan of action that not only worked for her and her busy work / family life.

But this plan also got her the results that she wanted to achieve.

So this tells me 1 thing.

If Gemma can do it

You can do it!

So if you’re ready to make some changes like Gemma did, the next thing for us to do is to create that plan that will get you the results that you’re wanting to achieve too.


You’re Going To Struggle!!!

Sorry that sounds a bit harsh to read but its true..

I’m telling you this as you need to be ready for it..

At some point on your fitness journey you will hit a bump in the road where you will struggle..

It could be absolutely anything from a really busy period at work, losing your job, extra family commitments, illness, a relationship break up.

It could be absolutely anything and it’s usually at these points where we could give up.

We give up because we’re not able to all of a sudden tick all those boxes that were wanting to tick.

But here’s the thing!

Your fitness journey won’t always be plain sailing and straight forward.

There will be many things that you will have to navigate around to stay on track.

When you hit these struggles you may have to have a period of time where you may have to take a small step back or even hold where you are for a bit.

It will be the first time where you will be tested to not go “Ah f**k it”

Over the last few weeks the individuals in my team have had many struggles to work around..

In fact on Friday our topic of conversation in our community group was about our struggles.

You see we’re all very happy to talk about and share our wins, but never our struggles.

So I asked my team to share their struggles with the team if they felt comfortable to do so.


Because I wanted them all to see that they weren’t alone and in fact everyone has their own struggles to deal with (granted some bigger than others)

But there was also the possibility that some of my clients might even be going through something that another team member might have gone through before so their may be an element of support here too

Heres’s a great quote I once came across and its so true…

‘The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow’

So when you do hit that first struggle, remember this quote!

Your struggles will ultimately build a stronger you!


Not Many People Realise This..

The food you eat will always be the most important part of the puzzle when it comes to your weight loss.

It doesn’t matter how active you are or how much you train, if your diet isn’t where it needs to be then you won’t see the results you’re after.

I think a lot of people know that food is important for weight loss but I don’t think they realise just how big a difference it makes to your progress!

I have a client who has been with me for a few months whose goal is to lose some body fat and get into better shape for her next holiday.

I’m sure she won’t mind me saying but in the first few months we didn’t notice too much change to her body shape.

She was eating on the go and from the work canteen most days but was making better choices than she was before.

Then about 4 weeks ago!

Bam!! 💥

The penny dropped about the food!

After many conversations about food, something clicked and her head got into the game with her food prep.

Since then, wonderful things have happened.

In this last 4 week period her diet has been on point and with that we’ve seen some fantastic changes to her body shape.

Sadly the food part is also the hardest part as this is the part that most people struggle with.

Living in today’s world there is literally food everywhere you look and access to it is so much easier than it was 30 years ago when I was a kid.

When I was a kid most of the food we ate was home cooked meals and all cooked from scratch with fresh ingredients.

Nowadays you can eat pretty much on the go all day, every day as life has just evolved that way.

The problem with food on the goal is that it tends to contain more calories than if you were to make it yourself.

Eating on the go these days really does make it a lot harder to control what you eat and also the calories that you consume.

So if your goal is to lose weight / body fat, the best bit of advice I could give you is to make sure you focus on your food!

Get this part under control & your progress literally will take off.

If food is something you struggle with, I’d be happy to coach & support you with it to get you the results you’re after!

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Legs Are Getting Stronger!I’m loving the extra calories I’m eating right now as my strength just seems to be getting bet...
So…. I’ve Changed My Mind 😊After a little walk earlier today I thought that I can do a little more to help people out. T...
Dedication To Your Goals..In Yesterday’s post you saw Johns transformation over the last few years..To get to where he i...
Still A Big Kid At Heart! 😭When you see Zac’s scooter has a weight limit of 100kg it would have been rude not too!Pathet...
So What Do We Think Happened Here?Did my client go off the rails?Did she have a bad day and binge on junk food?There cou...



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Wakefield, WF59TJ

Making women lifting weights the norm since 2022 ⚫️🟡

Sam Wilkinson PT & Nutrition Coach Sam Wilkinson PT & Nutrition Coach

1-1 Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach based in Wakefield

TWTraining TWTraining
PureGym Wakefield, Trinity Walk Shopping Centre, Trinity Walk
Wakefield, WF11QS

Skyline Boxing Skyline Boxing

SKYLINE BOXING is bespoke 1-1 boxing coaching and fitness training. Tailored to meet the goals and n

Cannibal Carrie Cannibal Carrie
Gorrilla Boxing Gym

Welcome to my boxing page, this is for me to share my ups & downs of my boxing journey! Thank you for following/supporting me ###

JLR Fitness JLR Fitness
Joe Ralph’s Gym

Online Coach & Personal Trainer supporting you to reach your goals and loves to teach boxfit

Alice In FitnessLand Alice In FitnessLand
Potential Gym

Online Coach • Personal Training

Bear Gains Bear Gains

I help males and females become a stronger version of themselves and build confidence in the weight room

BoFit BoFit

BoFit Gym 🏋️‍♀️ - BoKitchen located inside

Team Phenom Academy Team Phenom Academy
12 Cheapside
Wakefield, WF12

Fitness Classes, Sports Therapy, Well being, Hijama, Kids Fitness Classes, 1-2-1 personal training, Boxercise and group classes, Flexistretch Classes

Matty Beaumont PT Matty Beaumont PT
136 Thornes Lane, Astar Muscle And Fitness
Wakefield, WF27RE

PL4NTfitness PL4NTfitness
Astar Muscle And Fitness
Wakefield, WF27RE

Creating sustainable habits, healthy lifestyles & confident physiques for both men and women.