Birth Baby Balance

Guidance, support and information through pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.

Sarah, Charlotte, Kirsten, and Lucy are birth and postnatal doulas, passionate about supporting women through their pregnancies, labours and transitions into motherhood. We also provide antenatal education classes, breathing for labour classes, baby massage classes, postnatal pilates classes, placenta encapsulation and breastfeeding support. We have produced an audio download of Visualisations for Labour, to help pregnant women learn to breathe and relax effectively when the time comes.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 20/06/2024

Another lovely Walk and Talk this week. We walked around the Wild Gardens in Shipton and then headed to for fabulous coffee and cakes.
Lucy is leading next week’s walk - the forecast is looking good, so come and join the fun on Tuesday at 1.00. The location will be announced over the weekend on the WhatsApp group - you can join via the link on our website.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 17/06/2024

One of the most magical things about teaching baby massage, for me, is seeing the mums in the group supporting each other. An important element of the International Association of Infant Massage IAIM programme that I teach is the time after we have completed the massage strokes for that week, when the mums feed their babies, I provide the mums with a cuppa and a chocolate biscuit, and then we have a guided discussion on any number of topics.
This morning I was teaching a group of 2nd and 3rd time mums, and what they needed to talk about was managing toddler behaviour, especially when it was aggressive towards the new baby. Between them they shared ideas, experiences, life hacks and coping strategies, and all left feeling calmer, as they knew it wasn't just their toddler who played up from time to time and it wasn't just them who sometimes found it hard to know the best way to deal with such situations.
Peer support is such an empowering tool, not only for the person providing the support but also for the person receiving it. Parenthood can be overwhelming in so many ways, and knowing you're not alone with that day's challenges can make all the difference.
Come and join me on my next course, which starts on 27th June in Witney and has just 3 spaces still available.
Book your place here:

Photo credit: Katie Amanda


I think there's a common misconception around hypnobirthing - that it's only suitable (or only "works") for someone who has a straightforward vaginal birth. Whilst many women hope for this sort of birth (with or without hypnobirthing), no-one knows what is going to happen in labour (or in the weeks leading up to labour), so hypnobirthing is designed to prepare women for all eventualities, and to feel calm and in control, whatever happens on the day.

I am therefore always absolutely delighted when I receive a birth announcement from a mum I have taught, telling me how helpful the information from the classes was, even when (or especially when) things didn't go "according to plan".

I got just such an email recently from Alex, who ended up needing a planned Caesarean for a breech baby who just wouldn't budge. This is what she said:

"I wanted to thank you for the hypnobirthing course, as the thought of elective c section was never on my "dream" birth and without your support on the course I would not have had the skills to be able to process it, keep control of something that we are so vulnerable and out of control on. We used breathing and music throughout the surgery and in the days leading up to it.
If you ever need a willing person to talk through how we went from the dream of Chippy natural birth with no medical intervention to an elective c section and walking to theatre in a calm state of understanding and acceptance with any expecting parents I would be more than happy to, once I've recovered and am back in the world of some kind of sleep ha ha."

Our next KG Hypnobirthing course starts on 4th July in Witney, and is suitable for anyone due from late August to early October. Do let your pregnant friends know - they'll thank you for it!

You can find out more, and book your place here:

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 11/06/2024

Our next 6 week baby massage course starts on Thursday 27th June, from 11.30-1.00 in Witney. We need at least 2 more mums to sign up to it for it to run, so if you or a friend has a baby currently aged between 6 weeks and 5 months, and you'd like an activity to do with your baby over the summer, do come along!

Baby massage is a lovely thing to do with your baby, as it enhances bonding, improves sleep and relaxation, can reduce crying and abdominal pain, and works on all the major systems in a baby's body - digestive, circulatory, immune, language, respiratory etc. It is also a lot of fun, and gives you a chance to meet a group of new mums with babies of a similar age.

Find out more, and book your place, here:

photo credits Katie Amanda

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 10/06/2024

Tomorrow’s Walking and Talking will be at the wild gardens in Shipton-under-Wychwood.
Book your place online: and come and meet either new mums for a gentle walk followed by a cuppa.
See you tomorrow!

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 08/06/2024

Such a lovely session at Bumps and Babes yesterday ❤️.
We had our youngest ever baby (4 days!!!), plus an 8 day old and a 12 day old, as well as about 11 other babies up to 7 months old.
Really fabulous to welcome lots of new faces, and extra special to have 3 dads there too 😊.
This group will be running through the summer (when many other groups close), so do come and join us on a Friday morning if your baby is under one. 10.30-12.00 at the Part and Parcel in Witney.
See you next week!

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 06/06/2024

A wonderful day full of learning opportunities at Oxford Brookes Uni, at Splash, the international waterbirth conference organised by the fabulous Ethel Burns.
Such a treat to be hearing so many amazing speakers, including Florence Wilcock of the ObsPod.
Now we just need to figure out how to get more water births happening across Oxfordshire and the world!


Going to Bumps and Babes and hanging out with your baby friends can be soooo exhausting! 🥱😴
This little bambino just wanted to stay and snooze, even as we were packing up around him.
Come and join us next Friday morning at The Part and Parcel in Witney if your baby is under one and you’d like to meet some other local mums. No need to pre-book - just turn up anytime between 10.30 and 12.00.
See you next week!

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 30/05/2024

Just putting out feelers to see if there is any interest in my running another baby massage course in the Wychwoods in the summer? The last time I asked, it proved so popular that the course sold out within a day! I'm not necessarily expecting that to happen again, but am hoping that it might still prove popular 😊.

Dates and times are yet tbc, but it will likely run on Monday afternoons from 24th June-29th July.

Please comment below if this is something you'd like, and if the timings suit you. If there's enough interest, I will book the hall and let you all know that it's happening.

It is lovely being able to provide classes for those of you who are based closer to Chippy, Stow, Bourton, Moreton etc, for whom our Witney classes are not so convenient.

Find out more about our 6 week long International Association of Infant Massage IAIM courses here:

photo credit Katie Amanda


I have a busy, birthy summer ahead, with 6 doula babies due between now and early August. How exciting to be a part of welcoming these little people into the world 🥰

I just received a really lovely testimonial which I wanted to share with you, as I was so touched by it:

"Sarah was our doula for the birth of our first baby in March 2023.

If you are skim reading this then all you need to know is that if we are blessed with a second child we wouldn’t want to go through the latter stages of pregnancy, birth or immediate post-natal period without her as our doula.

We also used Sarah for her placenta encapsulation service. As she was at the birth we didn't have to do anything. Sadly I had to delay using them as I had an infection. When I did start, my energy levels and low mood both improved. I can’t be sure it was the capsules acting to raise iron levels or improve hormone balance, but I am sufficiently convinced that I would repeat the process with any future births.

The primary reasons for us using a doula were fears that my chronic illness would not be properly understood by staff who happened to be attending when I went in to give birth, and that my husband comes from a country where men are not involved in “women’s matters” so he had little idea of what to expect or what his role could be. After employing Sarah we both felt reassured about having her as a constant and consistent support. This in itself reduced stress and left us to enjoy the pregnancy much more.

I went into labour at home and we were managing OK but Sarah's arrival brought reassurance for all concerned. She advised me when we should go to the JR and I trusted her, so was able to stay at home until labour was well established. Sarah also supported my Mum in dealing with the midwives when telephoning to let them know I was on my way. Mum says that waving me off was one of the hardest things she has ever had to do and knowing that Sarah was with us made it bearable.

My husband was very reluctant when we first discussed the option of employing a doula. He is now adamant that we won’t have another baby without a doula. Sarah gave him confidence to be involved in labour and encouraged him to undertake specific roles and tasks in order to do that.

There were three very specific ways that Sarah's professional help was invaluable during labour and the birth (well four in you include making tea and toast immediately afterwards!), all of which were a result of the relationship she had built with us. This enabled her to “translate” between us and the midwives.

I was able to have a water birth with gas and air as additional pain relief. This wouldn't have been possible if Sarah hadn't helped me to find the way to use the mouthpiece so that it worked for me.

When I went into transition the midwife wasn't with us and it fell to Sarah to help me regain control so that what could have been a major issue was in fact just a blip.

As baby crowned we hit a problem which could have become an emergency. Unlike the midwife, Sarah was able to communicate to me very clearly exactly what I needed to do. Without her, once again I believe the water birth I had hoped for would not have happened.

Sarah's presence was definitely fundamental in us having the relatively relaxed labour and birth experience that was so important for my postnatal recovery given my chronic health condition.

We would recommend anyone to research employing a doula. It is important to choose someone you connect with and for us what were most important were Sarah’s vast experience, along with her knowledge of the JR birth centre and delivery suite.”

Many thanks to this wonderful family for inviting me to be a part of their birth journey, and for taking the time to write such a beautiful testimonial. I am so grateful.

I am now taking bookings for mid/late Sept babies, and for mid Nov - mid Dec babies.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 22/05/2024

Our next 2 Comprehensive antenatal courses, aimed at babies due from mid-August to mid-December, are both already fully booked!
I’m aware that there may well be local folk out there whose due dates fall within this range who thought they still had plenty of time to book an antenatal course, so I’m going to add 2 new courses to the timetable to provide for their needs.

The extra courses will be in Burford, on Tuesday evenings. The dates are not on the website yet, but will be announced tomorrow when the bookings will open. Please do share with your pregnant friends so they don’t miss out!

We also have our Hypnobirthing courses running in Witney for similar due dates, so there is a choice of which course to do.

Come along and get informed about your rights, options, choices and decisions around your birth. These courses not only empower you with knowledge and understanding about both the process of birth and our maternity services, but also give you the chance to meet other local people due around the same time as you, to build an essential support network for once your babies are here.

Find out more here:

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 22/05/2024

I've got three baby massage groups on the go at the moment, in Witney, Bibury and Shipton-under-Wychwood. What a delight! So many babies getting all those wonderful benefits, and 27 mums having a chance to get out of the house and connect with others and know they're not alone in all the challenges that motherhood brings.
If you'd like to join our next courses, bookings are now open. Course dates are 27th June-1st August, and course times are either 11.30-1.00 or 1.30-3.00. Courses are held in a lovely venue in Witney, with free parking directly outside.
If there is enough interest, I am happy to put on another course in Shipton-u-Wychwood over the same time frame, so do indicate below if you'd like that. It would most likely be either on Tuesday mornings or Wednesday afternoons, so let me know if you have a preference.
The best age to start massaging your baby is when they are between 10 and 16 weeks old, as they tend to be alert and engaged then, but not yet on the move. It is definitely easier to learn the strokes on a baby who stays in one place!
Find out more, and book your place here:

photo credits Katie Amanda

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 20/05/2024

Just completed my biennial food safety inspection with my local environmental health officer (EHO) for my placenta encapsulation business.
I’m delighted to report that once again I have been awarded a 5 star food hygiene rating - yay!
Find out more about placenta encapsulation here:

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 13/05/2024

Looking forward to tomorrow’s Walking and Talking group. We’ll be walking in Aston - haven’t decided on the exact route yet - it depends on the weather over the next 24 hours, and how wet the ground is by 1.00. But our walks are always pram friendly, so grab the pram’s rain cover and your raincoat, and let’s brave the elements together!
Book your place here:, and I’ll see you tomorrow!


Sometimes being a postnatal doula consists of looking after a family’s four legged friend, so that Mama can spend time feeding her baby. ❤️❤️


A quick reminder of this great event that is coming up in 3 weeks time. Free to attend, and a great way to meet a variety of birth workers across Oxfordshire if you're currently pregnant.
If you're a birth worker and haven't already told me you would like to come, please drop me a line as we don't have many places left for those who want to speak about the services they offer.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 01/05/2024

New baby massage course - update!
I will be running an extra course from 21st May-25th June, 10.30-12.00, at the New Beaconsfield Hall in Shipton-under-Wychwood (about 20 mins from Witney).
Bookings are now open and can be made here:
I need at least 6 people to make it run, so please spread the word to anyone with babies aged 8 weeks to approx. 6 months old.

photo credits Katie Amanda

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 30/04/2024

I've had a few enquiries from mums wanting a baby massage course (my current course is fully booked), so just wanted to see if anyone else out there would be interested?
It would probably start in 2 or 3 weeks' time, so I would have some time to publicise it. I'm not sure yet what day/time it would be - it would depend on what venue I can find with availability, but at the moment Monday afternoons, Tuesday mornings, Wednesday mornings, and possibly Thursday mornings might all work.
The 6 week course will be suitable for babies from 8 weeks to crawling (although it's easier to learn to massage a baby who stays in one place!).
You can read more about the course here:
If you are interested, please can you let me know in the comments, and then I'll see if there is enough potential interest to make it happen.
If you'd like to come, but your baby won't be old enough, or the dates I choose don't work for you, or it doesn't happen due to low numbers, then my next scheduled classes start 27th June in Witney.

Photo credits Katie Amanda


NBH@Night is launching at 9:30pm tonight with The Breastfeeding Network (UK) and Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.

This means our support will now be available throughout the night on 0300 100 1212 💜

As this is a new pilot service, we are not yet sure of the level of demand, so please bear with us. If you can’t get through straight away please call back or leave a voice message (We will reply to messages after 9:30am so we don’t wake you)

For now, support is available on our phoneline 24/7, with the addition of our usual social media and messaging support services between 9:30am - 9:30pm.

Nominate a charity - Movement for Good 25/04/2024

Please support this amazing work.

Nominate a charity - Movement for Good Nominate a charity for a Movement for Good award now.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 18/04/2024

A really lovely walk this week, complete with sunshine, a 4 legged friend and a dad who valiantly helped carry the prams across a couple of muddy patches.
From now on we are no longer going to announce the weekly walk location on social media. Instead we have set up a WhatsApp group and we will communicate walk info via that forum. You can join that group via our website, or will get sent the link when you book a place on a walk. Bookings are still necessary so we know how many are coming each week, so we don’t set off without anyone.
So come and join our new community and keep in the loop with each week’s walk. We’re looking forward to having you along!


Kirsten is back in the UK for a short visit from NZ and so today the BBB team was briefly reunited!

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 13/04/2024

This week’s walk will be in Ducklington. The paths are firm gravel (see pictures) so it won’t be muddy underfoot but there may be some puddles to steer around. Depending on how soft the ground is, we may also go along a grassy track (see pictures) but only if everyone is happy to do this. The route is flat and easy going. You will be sent full details of where to park and meet when you have booked your place.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 11/04/2024

Another group graduating! We have all had a lot of fun and laughter over the past 6 weeks, as these lovely couples prepare for the birth of their babies. I wonder who'll come first?!

If you're pregnant and due between late June and early August, join us for our next course, starting early May in Witney. Find out more, and book your place, here:

Birth Baby Balance Antenatal Classes — Birth Baby Balance | Antenatal Classes and Doula Services in Oxfordshire 10/04/2024

We now have 26 five-star reviews on Google 🌟⭐️🌟⭐️🌟! The latest was from Chris, a dad who attended our KG Hypnobirthing course, and this is what he said:

My wife and I did a hypnobirthing course with Sarah and it was SO useful. We learned so much that helped us better understand what was happening during the pregnancy, how to better advocate for ourselves within the NHS, and how to make the birth a more positive experience. Lots of times during appointments and the birth itself the information we learned was directly beneficial. I would highly recommend the course to everyone, especially dads-to-be!

If you'd like to leave us a review, for any of our groups and classes or our doula support, we'd love to receive it. This is the link you'll need:

If you're pregnant and would like to be as well informed as Chris and his wife, then sign up to one of our antenatal/hypnobirthing courses - you can find all the details here:

Our next courses start early May, are held in Witney and are suitable if you're due between late June and mid August, but we're taking bookings for due dates beyond then too.

Birth Baby Balance Antenatal Classes — Birth Baby Balance | Antenatal Classes and Doula Services in Oxfordshire A wide range of antenatal classes, all currently held online, so available to you wherever you live. We provide a 6 week Comprehensive Antenatal Course, a 4 week KGHypnbirthing course, and our legendary twice weekly Breathing for Labour classes. These are fabulous, as they run as a rolling programme

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 09/04/2024

A wild and windy, but mercifully dry, walk around Blenheim today for Walking and Talking. Culminating in a chance for a cuppa at the lovely Kings Arms hotel in Woodstock - thank you to them for giving us the back dining room to spread out in!
See you at next week’s walk - we will release the location over the weekend.

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 09/04/2024

What is this??! And what does it have to do with preparing to have a baby?
All will be revealed at our next antenatal courses, whether you choose to attend the 6 week long Comprehensive course or the 5 week long Hypnobirthing course.
Come and find out more in Witney in May if you're due between late June and mid August.
Book yourself a place on either course here:


One of our recent baby massage attendee mums is about to start running a new Baby Sling Dance class in Witney, which we want to let you all know about, as it sounds fantastic! It's for parents with babies aged 8 weeks to 2 years, and starts on 19th April.

This is a chance to have fun and get active whilst dancing to awesome tunes and make friends with other parents in your area. Bring your own carrier/sling and you will get babywearing support from our instructor, so your little one gets lots of cuddly bonding time, feeling safe & happy. Most of all expect lots of laughter, a really welcoming and non-judgmental space and leave feeling confident & full of joy

Photos from Birth Baby Balance's post 07/04/2024

This week’s Walking and Talking will be at Blenheim. We will go in from a side gate, so there will be no charge to enter, and you don’t need to have an annual pass. All the paths are paved, so it won’t be muddy.
We will finish at The King’s Arms in Woodstock for refreshments. I have warned them we are coming, and we will have the use of the back dining room, so we can spread out.
Come and join us at 1.00 on Tuesday - book your place here:

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Videos (show all)

Are you going potty…….??!! 🤪
Why get your placenta encapsulated? Because it can help with your post birth healing. It is full of nutrients, in partic...
Placenta capsules are just that - simply your dehydrated placenta in capsule form, to make them easy to take on a daily ...
Bookings for our next baby massage course, which starts on 1st Sept, will close on Monday, so grab yours before the week...
Our next baby massage classes start on Sept 1st in Witney. The 6 week course runs from 1.30-3.00, and currently has a fe...
How the months fly by! 💡 #Didyouknow the #July birth flowers are the larkspur and water lily......So if you needed an ex...
How many of you will be joining us for our July sessions? 💜This is just a taster of what we have going on, so bring your...
At birth baby balance we provide a multitude of courses, baby groups and doula services for any and every stage of your ...
Try before you buy with our early pregnancy class - and meet some fellow preggos!#birthbabybalance #babyclass #pregnancy...
Take a look at the classes we have coming up in July, all available to book now! Find out more and secure your space at:...
B O O K     S O O N We're excited to be back and up running with booking open for our July classes. If you are intereste...




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