Erddig NT/YG

Tŷ, gardd ac ystâd yn Wrecsam.
A home, garden and estate in
Wrexham cared for by National Trust Cymru. But welcome here again.”
Philip Yorke II

Erddig’s story is all about relationships – those of the family, the servants and the wider community. It is unpretentious, unconventional and unexpected, always offering a friendly welcome. It was home to a family that took an almost curatorial attitude to their possessions. Many are recorded in verse, as are generations of servants whose portraits were commissioned by the family. With their work

Photos from National Trust Cymru's post 25/07/2024

Dydd Gwener Celf Gain | Fine Art Fridays


Yn galw ar bawb sy'n frwd dros gelf! Ymunwch â ni yr haf hwn ar gyfer Dydd Gwener Celf Gain yn Erddig.

Cymerwch ysbrydoliaeth o’n gardd syfrdanol a’n tŷ hanesyddol i greu eich campwaith eich hun ar y lawnt. Bydd îsls o bob maint ar gael i artistiaid o bob oed. Bydd artistiaid profiadol wrth law i rannu awgrymiadau a chyngor i'ch helpu i wella'ch sgiliau.

Am ddyddiadau a mwy o wybodaeth ewch i’n gwefan:


Calling all art enthusiasts! Join us this summer for Fine Art Fridays at Erddig.

Take inspiration from our stunning garden and historic house to create your own masterpiece on the lawn. Easels of all sizes will be available for artists of every age. Experienced artists will be on hand to share tips and tricks to help you enhance your skills.

For dates and more information visit our website:


Sesiynau Adrodd Straeon | Storytelling sessions


Yr Dydd Mercher, rhoddwn groeso'n ôl i Erddig i'r adroddwr straeon poblogaidd, Jake Evans!

Ymunwch â ni i wrando ar ei straeon gwych sy’n tanio’r dychymyg ac yn dod â straeon hudolus, cyfeillgar i’r teulu, yn fyw.

Byddwn yn cael cwmni Jake rhwng 12pm a 3pm, gyda sesiynau rheolaidd yn cael eu cynnal drwy gydol y cyfnodau hyn. Peidiwch â cholli’r profiad hyfryd hwn, i bawb o bob oed.

Mae manylion ynghylch sut i ymweld â ni ar gael yma:


This Wednesday, we welcome back the popular storyteller Jake Evans to Erddig!

Join us to listen to his captivating stories that spark the imagination and bring magical, family-friendly tales to life.

Jake will be with us from 12pm to 3pm, with regular sessions held throughout these times. Don’t miss this enchanting experience for all ages.

Details of how to visit can be found here:


Taliadau Cerdyn | Card Payments


Oherwydd effaith y broblem TG fyd-eang ar Verifone, ein cyflenwr taliadau cerdyn, ni allwn dderbyn taliadau â cherdyn ar hyn o bryd. Mae hyn yn debygol o gael effaith sylweddol ar ein gweithrediadau, felly byddwch yn amyneddgar os gwelwch yn dda. Gallwn barhau i dderbyn a***n parod a phrosesu cardiau aelodau.


Due to the worldwide IT outage affecting our card payment supplier Verifone, we can't take card payments. This is likely to have a major impact on our operations so please bear with us. We can still accept cash payments and process members' cards.


Dyddiau Llun argraffu Leino | Lino printing Mondays


Rhowch gynnig ar argrafffu leino yn Erddig bob dydd Llun rhwng 22 Gorffennaf a 26 Awst yn yr ystafell addysg! Crëwch argraffiadau unigryw drwy ddefnyddio patrymau stamp argraffu leino a ysbrydolwyd gan symbolau a siapiau o’r gwely ystad yn y tŷ. Dyma weithgaredd perffaith ar gyfer y gwyliau haf – dewch i ymuno â ni am ychydig o hwyl creadigol.

Edrychwch ar y wefan i weld y manylion.


Try lino printing at Erddig every Monday from July 22 to August 26 in the education room! Create unique prints using lino print stamp patterns inspired by symbols and shapes from the state bed in the house. It's a perfect activity for the summer holidays—come join us for some creative fun.

See website for details.

Summer of Play at Erddig | National Trust 17/07/2024

Haf o hwyl yn Erddig: Gweithgareddau ar gyfer y teulu cyfan | Summer of fun at Erddig: Activities for the whole family


Ar eich marciau, barod a dewch i ymuno â ni yn Erddig yr haf hwn. O 20 Gorffennaf, mwynhewch weithgareddau chwaraeon hunan-arweiniad y gall y teulu cyfan gymryd rhan ynddynt. Dewch o hyd i’r saith orsaf actif o amgylch yr ardd, sy’n cynnwys clwydi, croquet bach, cylchoedd hwla ac ioga.

Yn ogystal, peidiwch â cholli’r digwyddiadau cyffrous hyn:

- Ar 24 Gorffennaf a 7 Awst, bydd yr adroddwr straeon Jake Evans yn ymweld i ysbrydoli dychymyg plant ifanc gyda’i straeon cyfareddol.

- Bob dydd Llun, rhowch gynnig ar argraffu leino yn yr ystafell addysg. Ysbrydolir y patrymau stamp leino gan y symbolau a’r siapiau ar y gwely swyddogol yn y tŷ, gan eich galluogi i fynd â darn o Erddig adref gyda chi.

- Bob dydd Gwener, dewch o hyd i'r Turner ynoch chi gyda’r Dyddiau Gwener Celfyddyd Gain. Gall peintwyr o bob oedran a gallu gael ysbrydoliaeth o'r ardd i greu gwaith celf.

Trefnwch eich ymweliad ar ein gwefan.


On your marks, get set, and join us at Erddig this summer. From July 20, enjoy sport-inspired self-led activities that the whole family can participate in. Find the seven active stations around the garden, featuring hurdles, mini croquet, hula hooping, and yoga.

Plus, don't miss these exciting events:

- On July 24 and August 7, storyteller Jake Evans will be visiting to ignite young imaginations with his captivating tales.

- Every Monday, try out lino printing in the education room. The lino stamp patterns are inspired by the symbols and shapes on the state bed in the house, allowing you to take a piece of Erddig home with you.

- Every Friday, channel your inner Turner with Fine Art Fridays. Painters of all ages and abilities can take inspiration from the garden to create a work of art.

Plan your visit on our website.

Noddir Haf o Chwarae gan Starling Bank | Summer of Play is sponsored by Starling Bank.

Summer of Play at Erddig | National Trust Channel your inner sporting champion and take part in a whole host of fun outdoor activities to get you hopping, running and jumping this summer


Ymunwch â'r tîm | Join the team


Rydym yn chwilio am uwch arddwr talentog i chwarae rôl hanfodol yn y broses o gynnal a gwella ein tiroedd hardd. Byddwch yn gweithio’n agos gyda thîm o arddwyr medrus i sicrhau’r safonau uchaf o arddwriaeth, gan gyfrannu at gadwraeth a chyflwyniad ein tirweddau hanesyddol i’r holl ymwelwyr eu mwynhau.

Os ydych chi’n arddwriaethwr ymroddedig a brwdfrydig sy’n awyddus i gael effaith sylweddol ar un o erddi mwyaf blaenllaw yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, byddem wrth ein boddau petaech yn cysylltu!

Edrychwch ar y wefan i weld y manylion.


We’re looking for a talented senior gardener to play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing our beautiful grounds. You'll work closely with a team of skilled gardeners to ensure the highest standards of horticulture, contributing to the preservation and presentation of our historic landscapes for all visitors to enjoy.

If you’re a dedicated and enthusiastic horticulturist, eager to make a significant impact in one of the National Trust’s most prestigious gardens, we’d love to hear from you!

See website for details.


Theatr awyr agored Little Women | Little Women outdoor theatre

Yr haf hwn, ymgollwch yng nghynhyrchiad swyngyfareddol Chapterhouse Theatre Company o stori ddod i oed boblogaidd Louisa May Alcott, Little Women.

Ymunwch â ni ar 24 Awst ar gyfer noson fythgofiadwy o dan y sêr, wrth i ni ddilyn taith galonogol y chwiorydd wrth iddynt droi’n oedolion yng nghanol amgylchedd hamddenol Erddig.

Cofiwch ddod â’ch blancedi a’ch seddi cefn isel i fwynhau’r profiad awyr agored swyngyfareddol hwn yn llawn.

Mae’n rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw a gellir prynu tocynnau ar ein gwefan. Manylion yma:


This summer, immerse yourself in Chapterhouse Theatre Company's enchanting production of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved coming-of-age story, Little Women.

Join us on August 24 for an unforgettable evening under the stars, as we follow the uplifting journey of the sisters into adulthood amidst Erddig's serene backdrop.

Remember to bring your blankets and low-backed seating to fully enjoy this enchanting outdoor experience.

Booking is essential and tickets can be purchased via our website. Details here:

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 11/07/2024

Teithiau cerdded tywys archaeolegol | Guided archaeology walks


Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle unigryw hwn i archwilio archaeoleg a hanes cyfoethog Erddig.

Ymunwch ag archaeolegydd yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, Kathy Laws, i ddatgelu cyfrinachau gweddillion y castell mwnt a beili, dysgu am Glawdd Wat a nodweddion cynnar eraill yr ystâd.

Dyddiad: 16 Gorffennaf

Amseroedd: 10.30AM ac 1.30PM

Edrychwch ar y wefan i weld y manylion:


Don’t miss this unique opportunity to delve into the rich history and archaeology of Erddig.

Join National Trust archaeologist Kathy Laws to uncover the secrets of the Norman motte-and-bailey castle remains, learn about Wat's D**e and other early features of the estate.

Date: 16 July

Times: 10.30 AM and 1.30 PM

See website for details:

Lluniau o gloddiad Erddig 2023 | Photos from Erddig’s 2023 dig


Mae’r sinema awyr agored yn dychwelyd | Outdoor Cinema is returning

Mae ein profiad sinema awyr agored poblogaidd yn dychwelyd i Erddig ym mis Medi. Ymunwch â ni am restr llawn cyffro sy’n cynnwys sgriniadau o Bohemian Rhapsody, Mamma Mia a Pretty Woman.

Dewch â blanced neu gadair wersylla a gwylio’r ffilmiau gwych hyn yn ein gardd hyfryd gyda Sinema Antur.

20 Medi: Bohemian Rhapsody
21 Medi: Mamma Mia
22 Medi: Pretty Woman

Edrychwch ar y wefan i weld y manylion:

Our popular outdoor cinema experience is back at Erddig this September. Join us for an action-packed lineup featuring open-air screenings of Bohemian Rhapsody, Mamma Mia and Pretty Woman.

Bring a blanket or camping chair and watch these incredible blockbuster films in our beautiful garden with Adventure Cinema.

20 September: Bohemian Rhapsody
21 September: Mamma Mia
22 September: Pretty Woman

See website for details:

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 05/07/2024

Dathliad pen-blwydd clwb ieuenctid | Youth club anniversary celebration
Ymunwch â ni y penwythnos hwn wrth i ni ddathlu pen-blwydd Clwb Ieuenctid Erddig yn 25 oed.

Wedi’i sefydlu yn 1999, mae’r clwb yn cwrdd yn wythnosol ac yn agored i unrhyw berson ifanc 11-18 oed. Mae’n amgylchedd cyfeillgar a chefnogol lle gall aelodau feithrin eu hyder, mwynhau eu hieuenctid a threulio amser gydag eraill mewn amgylchedd hardd, gan fwynhau amrywiaeth o weithgareddau hwyliog a dysgu sgiliau newydd ar yr un pryd.

Dewch heibio i’n safle Felin Puleston (Ffordd Hafod) rhwng 11am – 2pm ddydd Sadwrn, 6 Gorffennaf, i ddysgu mwy am y clwb a sut y gallwch gymryd rhan. Yn ogystal, gellir gweld manylion am y clwb a’n gwaith cymunedol arall ar ein gwefan:

Join us this weekend as we celebrate Erddig Youth Club’s 25th anniversary.

Established in 1999, the club meets weekly and is open to any young person aged 11-18. It is a friendly and supportive environment where members can build their confidence, enjoy spending time with others in beautiful surroundings and enjoy their youth, while learning new skills and enjoying a variety of fun activities.

Come along to our Felin Puleston site (Hafod Road) from 11am –2pm on Saturday, 6 July, to find out more about the club and how you can get involved.
Details about the club and our other community work can also be found on our website:

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 04/07/2024

Dyddiadau i'ch dyddiadur | Dates for your diary
Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer haf yn llawn o hwyl yma yn Erddig.

O 20 Gorffennaf tan 1 Medi, rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgareddau chwaraeon hunan-arweiniad y gall y teulu cyfan eu mwynhau ar hyd a lled yr ardd, o glwydi i sbrintio. Mae yna hefyd:

• Jake Evans, Adroddwr Straeon ar 24 Gorffennaf a 7 Awst
• Argraffu Leino bob dydd Llun
• Dydd Gwener Celfyddyd Gain bob dydd Gwener

Mae’r manylion llawn i’w gweld ar y wefan

Join us for a summer packed full of fun here at Erddig.

From 20 July until 1 September, have a go at the sport-inspired self-led activities the whole family can enjoy daily in the garden, from hurdles to sprinting. There’s also:

• Storyteller Jake Evans on 24 July and 7 August
• Lino printing every Monday
• Fine Art Fridays every Friday

Full details can be found on the website

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 03/07/2024

Dolydd Gwych | Magnificent Meadows

Camwch yn ôl i’ch plentyndod gan ymuno â ni ar 6 a 7 Gorffennaf. Gwyliwch arddangosiadau pladuro, gwneud bêls gwair, peintio gyda bysedd, rhoi enwau cywir ar wenyn a chrwydro ymysg y dolydd o flodau gwyllt. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i’n gwefan.

Find your inner ‘wild child' and join us July 6 and 7. Watch traditional scything demonstrations, make hay bales, finger paint, identify bees and walk amongst the wildflower meadows. For more information, please visit our website.

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 01/07/2024

Dewch i ddarganfod tirlun archaeolegol gwych Erddig wrth ddewis un o ddau lwybr gyda’n harbenigwr blaenllaw, Kathy Laws. Dewch i archwilio’r ardd yn ogystal â gweddillion y castell mwnt a beili a dysgu am Glawdd Wat a nodweddion eraill sydd i’w gweld ar y stad.

16 Gorffennaf, gan gychwyn 10.30am ac 1.30pm, lleoedd ar gael ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i’n gwefan.


Discover the landscape archaeology of Erddig on a choice of two walks with our leading expert, Kathy Laws. Explore the garden as well as the Norman motte-and-bailey castle remains and learn about Wat's D**e and other early features of the estate.

16 July, start 10.30am and 1.30pm, place allocated on a first come, first served basis. For more information, please visit our website.

(Photos from Erddig's 2023 dig)
National Trust Archaeology


Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol y Te Hufen | National Cream Tea Day
Mae hi’n Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol y Te Hufen (28 Mehefin), yr esgus perffaith i sglaffio sgonsen ffres, flasus. Dewch draw i un o’n bwytai yma yn Erddig.

Mae pob rhodd a phryniant a wneir yn ystod eich ymweliad yn ein helpu ni i ofalu am natur, harddwch a hanes y lle arbennig hwn. Cynlluniwch eich ymweliad yma:

It’s National Cream Tea Day (28 June) which is the perfect excuse to eat a delicious fresh scone. You can enjoy one in our restaurant here at Erddig.

Every donation and purchase made during your visit helps us to care for the nature, beauty and history of this special place. Plan your visit here:

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 25/06/2024

Mae heulwen yr wythnos hon wedi bywiogi ein cornel flodau yma yn Erddig. O’r melys a chain, lliwgar a thrawiadol, i’r unigryw a phersawrus, mae ein cornel yn llawn ohonynt i gyd! Cofiwch gymryd golwg i gael eich ysbrydoli ar gyfer eich cynlluniau ar gyfer yr ardd yr haf hwn. Mae’r ffotograffau yn cynnwys: Lilium Regale, Llygad y Dydd Affricanaidd, Lupinus ‘Gallery Mix’, Armeria Morning Star Rose a Leuchanthemum Madonna.

This week’s sunshine has brightened our flower corner here at Erddig. From the sweet and delicate, bright and bold, to the more unique and fragrant, our corner is full of them all! Be sure to visit and be inspired for your summer garden plans. Photos include: Lilium Regale, African Daisies, Lupinus ‘Gallery Mix’, Armeria Morning Star Rose and Leuchanthemum Madonna.

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 22/06/2024

Dathlu Balchder Cymru | Celebrating Pride Cymru 🏳️‍🌈
Rydym yn dathlu’r cyfraniad enfawr mae staff, gwirfoddolwyr, a chefnogwyr yn ei wneud gydag enfys o liw o’r ardd rydym yn gofalu amdanynt.

Fel elusen, ein prif ddiben yw gwneud natur, harddwch a hanes yn hygyrch i bawb, ac felly rydym yn dathlu cynhwysiant, amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb gyda’r gymuned
We're celebrating the enormous contribution that LGBTQ+ staff, volunteers and supporters make to the work we do with a rainbow of colour from the garden we care for.

As a charity whose purpose is to make nature, beauty, and history accessible for everyone, we celebrate inclusion, diversity, and equality with the LGBTQ+ community.


Mae haf o hwyl ar ei ffordd | A summer of play is coming
Ar eich marciau, barod, ac ymunwch â ni yn Erddig yr haf hwn i greu atgofion drwy chwarae, archwilio, a bod yn actif gyda'n gilydd.

O 20 Gorffennaf, rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgareddau chwaraeon hunan-arweiniad y gall y teulu cyfan eu mwynhau ar hyd a lled yr ardd, o glwydi i sbrintio.

Bydd y storïwr Jake Evans yma gyda’i straeon cyfareddol ar rai dyddiadau dethol. Cynhelir sesiynau argraffu leino a chelf yn ogystal. Manylion yma:

Noddir Haf o Chwarae gan Starling Bank.

On your marks, get set and join us at Erddig this summer to make memories playing, exploring, and getting active together.

From July 20, have a go at the sport-inspired self-led activities the whole family can enjoy throughout the garden, from hurdles to sprinting.

On selected dates storyteller Jake Evans will be here with his captivating tales. There will also be lino printing and art sessions. Details here:

Summer of Play is sponsored by Starling Bank.

📷National Trust Images/Trevor Ray Hart

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 18/06/2024

Theatr awyr agored | Outdoor theatre
Mae amser yn brin i gael eich tocynnau ar gyfer Beauty and the Beast y penwythnos hwn (22 Mehefin). Dewch â’ch blanced neu gadeiriau gwersylla i fwynhau noson hamddenol o theatr awyr agored yng ngardd rosod Erddig.

Mae Cwmni Theatr Chapterhouse yn cynnal tri pherfformiad yr haf hwn. Dewiswch o’r canlynol:

Beauty and the Beast ar 22 Mehefin
Pride and Prejudice ar 20 Gorffennaf (Dim tocynnau ar ôl)
Little Women ar 24 Awst

Mae’n rhaid archebu ymlaen llaw a gellir prynu tocynnau ar ein gwefan. Manylion yma:

Time is running out to get your tickets for Beauty and the Beast this weekend (22 June). Bring your rugs or camping chairs for a relaxed evening of outdoor theatre in Erddig’s rose garden.

Chapterhouse Theatre Company are putting on three performances this summer. Choose from:

Beauty and the Beast on 22 June
Pride and Prejudice on 20 July (Sold Out)
Little Women on 24 August

Booking is essential and tickets can be purchased via our website. Details here:

📷 Chapterhouse Theatre Company


Rhoddion siop lyfrau ail law | Second-hand bookshop donations
Y siop lyfrau ail law yn Erddig yw’r lleoliad delfrydol i gasglu llyfr gwych am bris da. Rydym hefyd yn awyddus i ehangu ein cynnig i gynnwys recordiau finyl ail law.

Os oes gennych unrhyw recordiau sengl LPS neu 7 modfedd yr hoffech eu cyfrannu, rhowch hwy i’n swyddfa docynnau yn ystod eich ymweliad nesaf.

Mae pob rhodd a phryniant a wneir yn ystod eich ymweliad yn ein helpu ni i ofalu am natur, harddwch a hanes y lle arbennig hwn. Cynlluniwch eich ymweliad yma:

The second-hand bookshop at Erddig is the perfect place to pick up a great read for less. We are also looking to expand our offer to include second-hand vinyl records.

If you have any LPs or 7inch singles you would like to donate, please hand them to our ticket office on your next visit.

Every donation and purchase made during your visit helps us to care for the nature, beauty and history of this special place. Plan your visit here:


Teithiau unigryw yng Nghymru | Unique tours in Wales
26 Mehefin, 4.30-8pm

Estynnir gwahoddiad ichi fynychu un o’n digwyddiadau rhad ac am ddim lle byddwn yn egluro pa mor anhygoel yw rhoddion mewn ewyllysiau ac yn esbonio’r effeithiau parhaus y gall rhoddion o’r fath eu cael ar ein safleoedd.

Ymunwch ag arbenigwyr ein tîm ar daith hwyr o gwmpas y safle i ddysgu sut y cafodd y plasty hwn o’r ail ganrif ar bymtheg a’r ardd restredig gradd I eu hachub rhag adfeilio. Rhaid neilltuo lle ymlaen llaw ar gyfer y digwyddiad rhad ac am ddim hwn

Beth am ddysgu rhagor am y modd y gall rhodd yn eich ewyllys – boed yn fach neu’n fawr – ein helpu i warchod y mannau anhygoel y gofalwn amdanynt trwy ymuno ag un o’n digwyddiadau yng Nghymru. Manylion yma:

26 June 4.30-8pm

You're invited to one of our free events where we'll share the extraordinary power of gifts in wills and the lasting impact they have on our places.

Find out how this 17th century country house and Grade-I listed garden were saved from dereliction as you join experts from our team on an after-hours tour. Booking is essential for this free event.

Find out more about how a gift in your will, no matter what size, could help us look after the extraordinary places in our care by joining one of our events in Wales. Details here:


Wythnos Fawr Werdd | Great Big Green Week
Ymunwch â ni yng Ngardd Lesiant Erddig yn Felin Puleston, ar gyrion yr ystad, i ddathlu’r Wythnos Fawr Werdd - dathliad mwyaf erioed y DU o weithredu cymunedol i fynd i’r afael â newid hinsawdd ac amddiffyn byd natur.

Rhwng 11am a 3pm ddydd Sadwrn, 15 Mehefin, bydd llawer o weithgareddau hwyliog ac ysbrydoledig i bawb o bob oed gymryd rhan ynddynt - o archwilio’r byd tanddwr yn y pwll bywyd gwyllt a dysgu popeth am gacwn, i wneud eich porthwr adar helyg eich hun.

Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad rhad ac am ddim, ond codir tâl mynediad arferol os dymunwch ymweld â Neuadd a gerddi Erddig (mynediad am ddim i aelodau’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol a phlant dan 5). Manylion yma:

Join us at Erddig’s Mindful Garden at Felin Puleston, on the outskirts of the estate, to celebrate Great Big Green Week - the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.

Between 11am and 3pm on Saturday, 15 June, there will be lots of fun and inspiring activities for all ages to get involved with - from exploring the underwater world in the wildlife pond and learning all about bumblebees, to making your own willow birdfeeder.

This is a free event, but normal admission charges apply if you wish to visit Erddig Hall and gardens (National Trust members and under 5s enter for free). Details here:

The Climate Coalition


Diolch i'n gwirfoddolwyr | Thank you to our volunteers
Yn ystod yr Wythnos Wirfoddolwyr hon hoffem ddiolch o galon i’r holl wirfoddolwyr sy’n rhoi o’u hamser i’n helpu i ofalu am Erddig.

O groesawu ymwelwyr i weithio gyda’n timau garddio, cynorthwyo gyda gwaith cadwraeth a helpu i gynnal digwyddiadau, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi popeth a wnânt.

Os hoffech ymuno â ni, rydym ar hyn o bryd yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr i helpu yn y tŷ a’r siop lyfrau. E-bostiwch [email protected]. Cynlluniwch eich ymweliad yma:
This Volunteers' Week we’d like to say a huge heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who give up their time to help us care for Erddig.

From welcoming visitors, working with our gardening teams, assisting with conservation work and helping run events, we appreciate everything they do.

If you would like to join us, we are currently looking for volunteers to help in the house and bookshop. Email [email protected]. Plan your visit here:


Ymunwch â'r tîm | Join the team
Rydym yn chwilio am Uwch Swyddog Marchnata a Chyfathrebu i ymuno â’n tîm gwych.

Ydych chi'n gyfathrebwr rhagorol gyda dealltwriaeth dda o dechnegau marchnata a llygad am stori dda? Gallai’r rôl hon fod yn berffaith i chi.

Os ydych chi'n frwdfrydig am rannu straeon a chreu cynnwys gwych, byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych.

Am fwy o wybodaeth ac i wneud cais ewch i:
We're looking for a Senior Marketing & Communications Officer to join our fantastic team.

Are you an excellent communicator with a good understanding of marketing techniques and an eye for a good story Then this role could be for you.

If you're enthusiastic about sharing stories and creating great content we’d love to hear from you.

To find out more and apply, head to:


Diwrnod gwirfoddoli i’r teulu | Family volunteering day
Cofiwch fod ein diwrnod gwirfoddoli i’r teulu yng Ngardd Ofalgar Felin Puleston ar gyrion ystâd Erddig yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Gwener yma, 31 Mai.

Yn addas i bob oed, bydd ystod o dasgau garddio hwyliog y gall hyd yn oed gwirfoddolwyr ifanc eu mwynhau – o ddyfrio a chwynnu i blannu hadau.

Cynhelir y digwyddiad ddydd Gwener, 31 Mai gan gychwyn yn brydlon am 1.30pm a gorffen am 3:30pm. Costau mynediad arferol yn daladwy os ydych chi’n dymuno ymweld â’r tŷ a’r ardd yn Erddig (mynediad am ddim i aelodau’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol a phlant dan 5 oed).

Don’t forget our family volunteering day at Felin Puleston Mindful Garden on the outskirts of the Erddig estate takes place this Friday, 31 May.

Suitable for all ages, there will be a range of fun gardening tasks that even little volunteers can enjoy - from watering and weeding to planting seeds.

This free event takes place on Friday, 31 May, at 1.30pm prompt, ending at 3.30pm. Normal admission charges apply if you wish to visit the house and garden at Erddig (free entry for National Trust members and under 5s).

Photos from Erddig NT/YG's post 29/05/2024

Neuadd Drychfilod Erddig | Erddig Bug Hall
Mae’r tîm garddio yma yn Erddig wedi adeiladu plasty moethus i’r trychfilod fyw ynddo.

Mae’r neuadd drychfilod yn atgynhyrchiad trawiadol o Neuadd Erddig. Cafodd ei hadeiladu o bren wedi’i ailddefnyddio a’i lenwi gyda gwastraff o’r ardd.

Wedi’i chynllunio i ddenu peillwyr a phryfed buddiol eraill, mae’r neuadd drychfilod wedi cymryd tua chwe mis i’r garddwr Sarah Green ei hadeiladu, gyda chymorth dau wirfoddolwr, rhwng y gwaith o ofalu am ardd restredig Gradd I Erddig.

Edrychwch yn ofalus ac fe welwch loÿnnod byw a phryfed eraill wedi’u cerfio ar y waliau. Gellir gweld y creaduriaid hyn ar ddefnyddiau, papur wal a dodrefn yn Neuadd Erddig ei hun sy’n dyddio o’r 18fed ganrif.

Mae’n edrych yn wych yn dydi? Gallwch ddod o hyd i’r neuadd drychfilod yn y border bwthyn gerllaw’r tai gwydr ar eich ymweliad nesaf
The gardening team here at Erddig have built the creepy crawlies a stately home all of their own to live in.

The bug hall is a stunning replica of Erddig Hall and was crafted using reused timber from the estate and filled with garden waste.

Designed to attract pollinators and other beneficial insects, the bug hall has taken gardener Sarah Green, with help from two volunteers, around six months to complete in between caring for Erddig’s Grade I-listed garden.

Look closely and you’ll also see butterflies and other insects carved onto its walls. These creatures can be found on the 18th Century fabric, wallpaper and furniture in Erddig Hall itself.

Doesn’t it look fantastic? Find it in the cottage border near the glass houses on your next visit


Theatr awyr agored Beauty and the Beast | Beauty and the Beast outdoor theatre
Dewch â’r teulu ynghyd ar gyfer noson gofiadwy o theatr awyr agored yng ngardd rosod Erddig.

Eisteddwch yn ôl ac ymlaciwch wrth i Chapterhouse Theatre gyflwyno fersiwn newydd sbon o’r stori dylwyth teg glasurol Beauty and the Beast yn fyw, ddydd Sadwrn 22 Mehefin, ynghyd â cherddoriaeth wreiddiol.

Mae archebu lle yn hanfodol. Manylion yma:

Gather the family for a memorable evening of outdoor theatre in Erddig’s rose garden.

Sit back and relax as Chapterhouse Theatre Company present a brand-new telling of the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast live on Saturday, 22 June, complete with original music.

Booking is essential. Details here:

Erddig NT/YG Tŷ, gardd ac ystâd yn Wrecsam.
A home, garden and estate in
Wrexham cared for by National Trust Cymru.


Cyfri i lawr at yr hanner tymor | Half term countdown
Dewch â’r teulu ynghyd a dathlwch Wythnos Garddio Plant gyda ni yr hanner tymor hwn.

Rhwng 25 Mai – 2 Mehefin, mwynhewch yr ardd yn fwrlwm o arogleuon a lliwiau’r gwanwyn, dewch i ymweld â’r tŷ, yna mwynhewch adeiladu ffau, ewch ar y siglen raff neu geisio cadw’ch balans yn ardal chwarae Ffau’r Blaidd.

Ar 28 a 30 Mai, rhwng 11am – 3pm, rhowch gynnig ar baentio celf cerrig, plannu hadau mewn potiau a chwiliwch am drychfilod. Cynlluniwch eich ymweliad yma:

Gather the family and celebrate Children’s Gardening Week with us this half term.

From 25 May –2 June explore the garden bursting with spring scents and colours, visit the house, then enjoy den building, have a go on the rope swing or test your balance on the beams in Wolf’s Den play area.

On 28 and 30 May, from 11am - 3pm, try rock art painting, seed potting and bug hunting. Plan your visit here:

Erddig NT/YG Tŷ, gardd ac ystâd yn Wrecsam.
A home, garden and estate in
Wrexham cared for by National Trust Cymru.


Groto o chwith Siôn Corn | Father Christmas reverse grotto
Mwynhewch y rhodd o roi'r Nadolig hwn drwy adael rhodd i Fanc Bwyd Wrecsam yn ein groto o chwith. Bydd Siôn Corn yn ymuno â ni ar y penwythnosau hyd at 17 Rhagfyr i ddiolch i chi am eich rhoddion caredig.

Fe fydd yn dod draw am 3.30pm ar 18, 19, 20 a 21 Rhagfyr, pan fyddwn yn agor y tŷ, bwyty neu barlwr, a’r siop anrhegion fin nos er mwyn i bawb allu cael profiad hudolus o’r Nadolig yn Erddig.

Gallwch ymweld â’r groto o chwith am ddim. Mae prisiau mynediad arferol yn daladwy wrth ymweld â’r tŷ, yr ardd, y bwyty a’r siop. Manylion yma:

Enjoy the gift of giving this Christmas by leaving a donation for Wrexham Foodbank at our reverse grotto. Father Christmas will be joining us at weekends until December 17 to thank you for your kind donation.

He’ll also be stopping by from 3.30pm on December 18, 19, 20 and 21 when we will be opening the house, restaurant or parlour and gift shop later into the evening so everyone can experience the magic of Christmas at Erddig.

The reverse grotto is free to visit. Normal admission applies to visit the house, garden, restaurant and shop. Details here:

📷 National Trust Images/Paul Harris

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The perfect soundtrack for a bicycle ride
Caring for Erddig's donkeys, whatever the weather




The National Trust, Erddig

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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