
Ice Age! is Hong Kong's first animal-free dairy ice cream which is animal-free, lactose-free, hormon


【士多啤梨嘅季節 梗喺要食翻杯士多啤梨嘅ice age🍦】
到咗士多啤梨嘅季節,喺咪食唔停口呢😋中意士多啤梨嘅你點可以錯過ice age!嘅士多啤梨口味🤩

In this strawberry season, as a strawberry lover, you could never miss our delicious ice age! Strawberry flavour 🍦🍧
Come and buy in selected ParknShop with $35/cup promotion till 19 Jan 😚


【ice age! 祝大家聖誕節快樂💝🎄】
又到聖誕🎄~又到聖誕🧑‍🎄~ 祝願大家今個聖誕節都充滿愛同歡笑💕
各位同屋企人朋友開party嘅時候都記得準備一杯法式焦糖燉蛋味嘅ice age!🍮🍦,香濃嘅焦糖味,令你仿如置身係聖誕市集一樣,快啲買返幾杯同家人朋友分享快樂啦😚
【Let’s sing it loud for Christmas! 💝🎄】
We wish you are Merry Christmas We wish you are Merry Christmas
We wish you are Merry Christmas Have an ice age! Christmas!
Don’t forget to bring our crème brulee ice age! to your Christmas parties. Its sweet and buttery flavour simply brings you to the Christmas market😚


【煲劇必備 🎬- 焦糖爆谷味ice age!🍿】
煲劇睇戲嘅時候又想食雪糕,又想食爆谷🍿咁ice age!焦糖爆谷味🍿就係你最佳嘅 ’partner in movies’🎥 !creamy口感,濃濃嘅焦糖味入面搭配咗爆谷,一次過滿足你兩個願望😚


【Your best movie companion🍿🍦】

It’s finally weekend! And there is nothing better than Netflix and…. ice age!
Want ice cream and pop corn at the same time? Yay, ice age! Caramel Popcorn is perfect for you🎬🍿! Creamy texture, yummy caramel with pop corn will definitely excite your tastebuds and your movie weekend!

From today to December 15, selected PARKnSHOP are offering $55 for two cups 🤩 Hurry up and buy some for your movies😚


【經典之選 - 榛子朱古力味🍦】

ice age!嘅榛子朱古力味,一入口啖啖香濃榛子味🌰,再配合幼滑嘅朱古力🍫,甜而不膩,令人忍唔住一啖接一啖咁食🤤

即日起至11月17日去百佳超市,只需要$49就買到兩杯ice age!喇 (標準價:$38/杯)~快啲去帶哂我哋返屋企啦🍦

【 ice age! Chocolate Hazelnut – A classic flavour that never disappoints you🍦】

We know Chocolate Hazelnut flavour is always a legend and everyone loves it! 🍫🌰?

Our Chocolate Hazelnut ice age! has a decadent, smooth and creamy texture which is something that you cannot resist after a spoonful of it✨!

Do not miss our flash offer ($49/ 2 cups) at PARKnSHOP – From now until 17 Nov only!💓


【秋冬必食海鹽焦糖ice age!🍮】



由今日起至17/11,各大百佳超市做緊特別優惠,只需要$49就買到兩杯ice age!🤩 快啲去百佳買返杯試下啦🍦

【🍮Salted Caramel Flavour - Winter’s essential ❄!】
The weather is getting cool❄! Salted Caramel is a must have for this cool time😋!

🥨 What will happen when Sea salt + the rich and smooth caramel? It’s = 🍦 buttery and creamy!

We are now offering a special offer at selected PARKnSHOP! Grab us at $49 for 2 cups by 17/11! Don’t miss it 🤩!


【秋天嘅第一杯ice age!🍦🍂】

近排天氣涼咗,但都仲係想食凍嘢過下口癮🍂?凍冰冰嘅薑汁撞奶口味ice age! 話唔定可以滿足到你🤩~


立即指定百佳或一田超級市場,買返幾杯同朋友一齊分享啦! 🛒

【Sweetness of the Fall! 🍦🍂 】

As the weather gets cooler🍂, it might be a good idea to enjoy something cold before it’s too late. Why not try our ice age! ginger milk pudding flavour🤩?

The taste, a little bit spicy with ginger and smooth texture, matches the literal translation of the Chinese name - ginger juice colliding with milk. 👅

Grab one at PARKnSHOP and Yata! 🛒


【Trick-or-Treat! ice age! 祝你萬聖節快樂!】


適逢萬聖節,各位小朋友大朋友都一定會扮鬼扮馬玩Trick-or-Treat!今年,除咗問人攞treats之外🍬,不妨treat yourself better,獎勵自己同身邊嘅人食一杯ice age!🍦

一系列嘅ice age!已經準備好同你玩轉萬聖節🎃 熱情果味嘅ice age! 帶你嘅味蕾漫遊熱帶🌴:玩味十足嘅有薑汁撞奶味🍦🥛:小朋友最鍾意嘅花生醬朱古力味🍫,仲有其他得意又好食嘅口味,小朋友見到一定爭住敲門Trick-or-Treat~😆

夠「薑」今個萬聖節你就食住ice age!😈再周圍去搗蛋啦🤪~

👻🎃🧛🏻Trick or treat! It's Halloween and for us, we always choose treat🍬🧹!

For the holiday, our passionfruit flavours will bring out the fun times, while kids will surely relish our caramel popcorn🍿 and peanut butter chocolate flavours 🍫, knock on our doors and enjoy😆!




而ice age!嘅無動物性乳製品,同樣地唔係嚟自乳牛,而係利用精確發酵嘅方法製造出同普通牛奶一樣嘅非動物性純乳清蛋白🧬。無動物性乳製品同植物奶一樣不含膽固醇,但仍然保持牛奶應有嘅奶滑口感😋!士多啤梨🍓再加上濃郁奶味🥛令人忍唔住一啖接一啖咁食🤤

追求健康飲食嘅朋友仔,下次想食奶製品嘅話不妨試下ice age!🍦🤩 喺指定嘅百佳、city’super同一田就揾到喇😚

Eating healthy is big business nowadays😋, and many have opted for plant-based milk🌱; so what is the difference between animal-free milk and ordinary milk🤔?

Although plant-based milk is made from plants such as soybeans, oats, almonds and more🌰, with calories lower than ordinary milk📉, it lacks the thickness and smoothness of ordinary milk.

ice age!‘s animal-free dairy product uses fermentation to produce non-animal pure whey protein that maintains the texture of ordinary milk with the benefits of plant-based milk 😋!

Try us out at PARKnSHOP, city’super and Yata😚!


【識食究竟係點食!分享你嘅ice age!玩味新食法】

話就話 ice age! 有咁多款口味可以揀😋,但生活總係要多啲新鮮感同儀式感🤩

新登場的藍色雲呢拿味ice age! ,夢幻嘅天藍色,淡淡香甜嘅雲呢拿味,你有冇諗過會有啲咩創意食法呢🤔?一齊留言分享你嘅創意食法增添玩味啦🥳✨

Even if it's something as delicious as ice age! 😋, it's always a great idea to have a few more ways to sample our delectable treat 🤩.

Here comes the eye-catching Blue Vanilla☁️, can you think of any creative way to enjoy ice age!🤔 ? Share your fun ideas with us and ice age! lovers. Surprise us with your creativity🥳!

Don't forget to share your recipes below🤩!


【全新口味 ice age! 滿足你三個願望✨🍦】​

除咗之前提及過不含乳糖之外,ice age! 仲不含賀爾蒙✔️,入面嘅成份同用料更加不含動物成份,有素食習慣嘅朋友仔都啱食🌱,比起一般雪糕更多好處💪🏻~不含動物成份嘅 ice age! 亦都減少咗畜牧嘅用水、土地同能源,減少對地球影響♻️!​

一杯 ice age! 就可以滿足到你「好食」、「健康」、「環保」三個願望🔮,咁下次想食甜品就唔洗忍口啦✌🏻👅~​仲有三款全新口味✨,口感幼滑可口😋,帶你嘅味蕾率先漫遊唔同旅遊勝地🛫🧳


[Three wishes from an ice age!✨🍦]

If you think enjoying an ice cream is a guilty pleasure, surely there's something that can be done✔...

Here comes ice age!, the healthy option💪🏻 that takes the guilty away from the pleasure. Being lactose-free, hormone-free and animal-free, it certainly makes it easy to fulfil the three wishes of enjoying delicious treats✌🏻👅, maintaining good health and saving the environment♻️!

Take ice age! home from PARKnSHOP, city'super and Yata now🤩!


【NEW✨3款全新口味ice age! - Vegan Friendly🥳從此,🍦多個健康美味嘅選擇】

ice age! 全新口味已經隆重登場✨有打卡一流嘅藍色雲呢拿味、酸酸甜甜嘅熱情果味,仲有喺屋企都感受到法國浪漫嘅焦糖燉蛋味!3款口味帶你嘅味蕾感受唔同渡假天堂嘅滋味✈️但除左好味,究竟ice age! 仲有咩咁吸引呢🤔?

ice age!採用無動物性乳清蛋白,無乳糖同賀爾蒙,但保持到一般乳製品嘅口感同味道😋🍼,比起其他用植物奶做嘅甜品更加幼滑可口!為大家帶嚟多一個Vegan Friendly嘅選擇🌱

想帶你嘅味蕾出走,快啲去ice age! Facebook專頁玩遊戲,贏走精美旅行箱同20杯ice age! 啦!🌏🧳

[Vegan friendly ice age! 3 Brand NEW flavours offer a greener and delicious choice!✨🥳]

For some, dessert is simply a no-go as it is made from dairy🍼😞, however alternatives such as ice age! is here to save the day🤩!

Vegan-friendly ice age! uses animal-free whey protein, making this a greener way to finally sample a delicious cup😆👅!

Join our wall game on page to win a suitcase and ice age!. Try out the NEW flavours (Crème Brûlée, Passionfruit and Blue Vanilla) while travelling around🥳!


【NEW 😍 ice age! 藍色雲呢拿味☁️,帶你穿梭海邊渡假🌊】


去旅行渡假一定唔少得陽光與海灘🏖️~好掛住海天一色,係一望無際嘅海洋玩水嘅感覺💭?ice age! 全新藍色雲呢拿口味可以率先讓你感受汪洋大海嘅魅力🌊~

邊個話藍色就一定代表憂鬱㗎~食一啖冰凍亮眼嘅ice age!🍦仲爽過衝浪時征服大浪嘅快感🌊!


答:因為魚呼吸嘅時候會…Blue Blue Blue🫧🐠

[Surfing in the Blue…Vanilla🌊 with ice age! ☁️]

Missing out on some ocean actions🏖️? Fret not, let us take you to the blue world 🫧🐠 with our new Blue Vanilla flavour! Stay cool with our new ice age!🍦and you’ll be surfing among a mouthful of flavours in no time😋!


【ice age!全新熱情果味🤩,讓你浸沉於異國風情🌴】

話咁快就去到夏天嘅尾聲~想出走繼續浸沉喺夏日熱帶氣息☀️? 立即食一杯全新嘅ice age! 熱情果味,就好似飛咗去熱帶島國感受異國情調咁嘆✈️🏝️!

一打開ice age!,熱情果的香氣撲鼻而來,黃色嘅🍦 味道酸甜清爽,就好似食緊真正嘅熱情果一樣😋,令你感覺置身於渡假天堂🏝️~

指定百佳、 city'super同一田都有得賣喇🛒!

[Continue the icy summer with our NEW passionfruit flavour 🌴!]

This new ice age! addition🤩 is the perfect flavourful gateway to your tropical paradise ☀️🏝️!

😋Check us out at selected PARKnSHOP, city’super and Yata🛒!


【NEW 😍全新!ice age! 法式焦糖燉蛋味🍮,品嚐一口法國嘅浪漫🇫🇷✈️ 】

講起浪漫之都 - 法國💖,除咗反轉再反轉嘅巴黎鐵塔,唔少人都會諗起佢哋嘅國民甜品 - 法式焦糖燉蛋🍮。ice age! 推出全新法式焦糖燉蛋口味,嫩滑嘅口感👅再配上淡淡嘅蛋香同焦糖嘅香甜,一啖帶你穿梭半個地球🌏✈️,飛到法國感受當地嘅專屬浪漫🇫🇷😋 俾你足不出户都感受到法國嘅甜蜜魅力!


[ice age!😍 NEW flavour - crème brulee🍮 takes you on a tasty journey to France🇫🇷✈️ ]

One couldn’t omit the crème brulee when mentioning the capital of romance that is Paris💖. Check out ice age!’s NEW crème brulee flavour🍮 and let us take you on a tasty journey to the streets of France🇫🇷.

Hurry and pick one up at selected PARKnSHOP and city‘super!😆~​


【NEW 😍ice age! 三款全新口味🏝 帶你享受舌尖上的旅行✈️ 】

好耐冇去旅行,冇得食唔同地方嘅特色美食?ice age! 推出咗三款全新口味🍦帶你穿梭去唔同嘅渡假天堂,為你帶嚟更多清爽新刺激❄️!

法式焦糖燉蛋味:好掛住法式甜品嘅味道🇫🇷?ice age! 幼滑嘅口感+焦糖香味,帶你味蕾出走,係屋企chill住品嚐到法式焦糖燉蛋嘅浪漫😚!



想試哂咁多種新口味?而家指定百佳超市、TASTE、Fusion、Great、city‘super都搵到 ice age! 喇!快啲一口氣將佢哋帶哂返屋企🛒!🔎:

[The sweet escape ✈️ with ice age! 3 NEW flavours🏝]

It’s getting hot🌞 in herrre, so take off…with an icy cup of dessert🍦! This summer, ice age! will be bringing you THREE delectable flavours to help you chill❄️ under the heat around the world🌎!

Quench that travel thirst with our new Crème Brûlée; it’s as if you’re strolling on the Champs Elysee like Emily in Paris🇫🇷.

It’s all about the sweet tropics when it comes to our Passionfruit! Can you hear the sea🌊 calling yet?

Don't miss our fun-filled Blue Vanilla! Trust me, this is one for the gram📸👅!

Come bring our delectable flavours home from selected PARKnSHOP, TASTE, Fusion, Great and city'super! 🛒 Find out more about our locations here🔎:


【ice age! 祝你中秋節快樂!】

🎑聽日就係中秋節🥮 ice age! 預祝你同屋企人,人月兩團圓,甜蜜快樂。

月餅節除咗食月餅之外🥮天氣咁熱,最適合同家人一齊食翻杯ice age! 🍦有多款唔同口味,一定滿足到每個屋企人嘅味蕾😋~ ice age! 不含動物成份,節省畜牧用水、土地同能源♻️,減少對地球的影響🌍而且不含乳糖同賀爾蒙,食落仲更加健康💪🏻!

ice age!喺指定百佳、city‘super同一田超市有售🛒~

[Happy Moon Festival🎑]

Bring a cup of ice age! and chill out with your family this Mid-Autumn Festival 🥮🌕.

Savour our different flavours this full moon with our animal-free desserts🍦 and spend a memorable holiday💗 knowing you're also saving the environment🌍 at the same time.

Bring ice age! home from selected PARKnSHOP, city'super and Yata🛒.


【ice age! 不含乳糖,唔使再怕肚痛啦!👍】




有乳糖不耐症嘅朋友身體分解唔到攝取嘅乳糖,而ice age! 產品不含乳糖,啱哂呢班朋友仔😋享受涼浸浸嘅ice age!🍦同時又唔使怕肚痛啦😆


[Enjoy our LACTOSE-FREE ice age! 👍]

Cannot enjoy dairy products because of the lactose inside?🤢 Come and try our LACTOSE-FREE ice age!🍦

You could truly indulge in the summer with a chilled dessert without worrying about an upset stomach😋!

ice age! are now available at ParknShop, city’super & Yata!


【嘆返杯ice age! ❄️咁就唔熱,又不辛苦!✨】

立秋一早過咗🍂,但每日都仲係咁熱真係搞唔掂🥵。。想為地球出一分力同時消暑♻️🧊,除咗唔好開咁多冷氣同埋吹風扇仔之外,仲可以嘆住ice age! 降降温🧖🏻,咁就「唔熱,又不辛苦」啦🧘🏻‍♂️~

ice age! 有咁多唔同嘅口味🍦,例如經典嘅榛子朱古力味🍫,濃郁幼滑嘅朱古力再配合香脆榛子🌰,實可以滿足熱到就嚟溶嘅你👅!仲唔快啲去百佳、city’super同一田帶佢返屋企?!


[❄️Cool down with our delicious ice age!🍦]

Boasting a variety of mouthwatering flavours 👅, our classic Chocolate Hazelnut, which features rich, creamy chocolate🍫 with crispy hazelnut🌰, will definitely heighten your senses and get you all chilled; keeping cool has never been this cool 🧊! Grab one from ParknShop, city’super & Yata before they’re all gone~

For more flavours, please visit:




為咗減低對環境嘅影響,我哋嘅伙伴Perfect Day以蛋白科技取代傳統畜牧方式,透過微生物群,展開發酵過程,製造出無動物性嘅乳清蛋白🍼!享用 Ice Age! 無動物成份乳製品🍦,對乳牛嘅需求下降,從而就可以降低溫室氣體嘅排放水平📉,令你嘅每一啖都為環保出一分力😋♻️!

Could a spoonful of dessert made with cows milk worsen global warming❓

Indeed, it can! After all, cattle is the world’s third largest greenhouse gases emitter. They emit greenhouse gases with just a single burp and fart🐄💨!

By making use of protein technology🍼, our friends at Perfect Day are able to create animal-free milk proteins using microflora and a fermentation process. With Ice Age! animal-free dairy🍦, we use less cows and can lower the level of greenhouse gases emitted📉! Let's make every bite count😋♻️!


【請你食多杯 Ice Age! 🍦👅今個weekend涼透心❄️💙】

今個夏天,我哋將會為大家送上凍冰冰嘅甜蜜驚喜🎉!夏日熱焫焫🔥,近排每日都咁熱🥵,係咪每次出街都好想食啲凍嘢消暑降温呢💦 嚟緊兩個星期嘅週末,Ice Age! 已經為大家準備好特別優惠,等你同家人朋友一齊分享Ice Age! 嘅滋味😋,享受加倍快樂🍦~

📅日期:30-31/7 & 6-7/8 (星期六至星期日)

- 於國際金融中心商場、海港城及新城市廣場附近找到Ice Age! 大使
- 讚好追蹤Ice Age! 的社交平台,以獲取優惠券或精美貼紙套裝*
- 持優惠券到訪以上地點city'super向Ice Age!推廣員兌換特別優惠
- 與你的家人朋友一起享用 Ice Age! ,分享多重快樂!


[Weekend Surprise🤩 Ice Age! Special Offer👅🍦]

We’ve got a surprise for you this weekend🎉! Craving something cold and sweet to cool yourself off 💦 during the heatwave🔥🥵? Find our roving ambassadors this weekend to enjoy our special offer✨!

📅Date: 30-31/7 & 6-7/8 (Sat - Sun)
📍Venue: ifc / Harbour City / New Town Plaza

- Find our roving ambassadors / Harbour City / New Town Plaza
- Like or follow our social media
- Receive a discount coupon and/or free sticker set* from our ambassadors
- Visit the city'super Ice Age! pop-up to enjoy the special offer with the coupon
- Enjoy Ice Age! with your family and friends and share the triple happiness!
*On a first-come-first-served basis and whilst stocks last

Don’t miss the chance to enjoy Ice Age! 🍦👀


Ice Age! - The new AGE of🍦

Ice Age! 究竟有幾特別🤔?



Ice Age! - The new AGE of 🍦❄️

We call ourselves the new age, but why is it new? 🤔
Lemme introduce myself💁🏻! We’re the first animal-free dairy 🍦 in Asia. Our products are made without cows, while retaining the same creamy, smooth texture and decadent taste of traditional dairy 🍦 that we all love! 🥛👅

Animal-free dairy helps reduce the use of water and land for cattle farming, as well as greenhouse gas emissions♻️. It is also healthier with no lactose, hormones or antibiotics💪🏻. It's suitable for your friends who crave 🍦but are lactose Intolerant👯‍♂️!
Better for you and better for the planet! 🤝🏻🌎!

**⚠️ Not suitable for those who are allergic to milk. ⚠️

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Videos (show all)

Could it be.... could it be....?👀​​Something exciting is coming your way, in the form of a delicous icy treat. Ice Age i...
Our popping new flavors are coming your way
Check out the yummy review from Singer-songwriter Hanjin Tan🎤about our Peanut Candy ice-cream🥜🍨! So by popular demand we...
Guess where we’re going this Easter 🐣🐇❓
Hello March! #iceagehk #march #iceageicecream #wantsomeicecream #wanticecream #三月天 #hormonefree #lactosefree
Peanut candy is in the game... want some?花生糖味可能會令你一試難忘😋想試嗎?#👀icecream#iceagehk #iceageicecream #peanutcandyicecream #愛牛雪...
Happy Valentine’s Day❤️!#happyvalentinesday#icecreamlover #cowlover #welovecows #loveicecream #iceagehk #iceageicecream#...
We are excited to see you all tomorrow at Ice Age! pop up stores at💜Great Pacific Place  🤍Taste Festival Walk 明天太古廣場Grea...


Central District

Other Central District restaurants (show all)
REX Wine & Grill REX Wine & Grill
B/F, 22 Des Voeux Road Central
Central District

European Steakhouse helmed by acclaimed Nathan Green.

Pondside Pondside
Hong Kong Park
Central District

Pondside Restaurant • Cafe • Bar is the ultimate oasis in this bustling city. Located right in the heart of Hong Kong Park, Admiralty, Hong Kong.

Amalfitana Central Amalfitana Central
Yu Yuet Lai Building, Shops D&E, G/F, 43-55 Wyndham Street, Central
Central District

Amalfitana Central is an artisan pizza restaurant offering a slice of the Amalfitana coast in a bust

Quiero Más Quiero Más
20/F, M88, Wellington Place, 2-8 Wellington Street, Central
Central District

Experience Modern Mediterranean Gastronomy. Presenting a Mediterranean-style dining experience in bustling Central – with the launch of “Quiero Más” (“I Want More”) Sip. Sup. Soci...

Shop 2, 1/F, The Pottinger Hotel, 74 Queen's Road Central, Central
Central District, 852

Baci Baci
LG/F, California Tower, 32 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong
Central District

Casual and convivial, BACI is a slice of magic that delights with a cozy and relaxed atmosphere cent. Ranked as the Top 2 of all pizzerias in HK and Top 17 in Asia Pacific by 50 ...

The 5th Takeaway The 5th Takeaway
No. 5 Li Yuen Street East
Central District

The 5th Takeaway location : Ground Floor, No.5 Li Yuen Street East, Hong Kong

The Merchants 嘗申滙 The Merchants 嘗申滙
Forty-Five, Gloucester Tower Landmark
Central District

焼鳥割烹 希鳥 Yakitori Kappo Kicho - Hong Kong 焼鳥割烹 希鳥 Yakitori Kappo Kicho - Hong Kong
Shop2B 1/F Manning House 48 Queen’s Road, Central
Central District

Enjoy the exquisite texture and the perfect rare roasting that only the freshest chicken can achieve.

黒き月 La Lune Noire 黒き月 La Lune Noire
17/F The Loop 33 Wellington St Central
Central District

Japanese Omakase Resturant

Holly Brown Holly Brown
Central G/F 22 Stanley Street, Central
Central District

Restaurant with live music

Forty-Five Forty-Five
Forty-Five, Gloucester Tower Landmark
Central District