
Department of Chinese History and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU HK The Department of Chinese Culture was established in September 2008.

Its mission is to impart to students the knowledge about the culture of China to help them broaden their intellectual horizon, and reach an integrated understanding of the relationship between self and society, so that they can develop foundations for their future career, improve the quality of their life and become a responsible national and world citizen in this age of globalisation. The Departm

Photos from 香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系's post 31/07/2024

For those who are interested in film making and story telling! Welcome to register! We are having well known directors and scholars in flim this Sat at Asia Society!


For those who are interested! Welcome scan the QR code for more information!

Photos from 香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系's post 19/07/2024








Photos from 香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系's post 28/06/2024

「2024年港澳和內地高校大學生中華經典誦讀交流展演」於6月14日在江蘇徐州舉行。活動前期已收到來自內地、香港、澳門三地超過350部參賽作品。經專家初審後,其中19所院校的30部作品入選交流展演。本次決賽共有六個獎項,分別為最佳誦讀作品獎 Best Recitation Work Award時代新風獎 New Trend in New Era Award星火芳華獎 Sparkling Youth Award青年風采獎 Youth of Elegant Demeanor Award最佳視覺表現獎 Best Visual Presentation Award及古韻華彩獎 Colorful Presentation of Classics Award。其中我系學生徐暢憑借朗誦作品《月光下的中國》榮獲最高獎項——「最佳誦讀作品獎」。




Speaker: 張瑞博士, Douglas College
Date and time: 5/7/2024, 16:30-18:00
Venue: HJ619 and Zoom
Language: Putonghua

Photos from 香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系's post 26/06/2024

沈麗博士,在香港中文大學取得博士學位後,現為香港理工大學中國歷史及文化系博士後。專攻中國藝術史、漢藏互動、佛教藝術和歷史語文學。近日,沈麗博士榮獲香港中文大學文物館館友會頒發的The Madeleine Tang Friends Research and Education Fund Award,並代表全體得獎生致謝辭。她説「這些基金不僅能幫助更專註地完成論文,亦能幫助我開拓工作機遇。」

文物館館友會成立於 1981年,旨在通過各類型文化活動,積極推廣中國藝術及文化。多年來,館友會致力支持中大文化及藝術發展,並提供獎學金以嘉獎表現優秀的藝術系同學。

Photos from 香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系's post 17/06/2024

4月初,潘博士首先在东京艺术大学举行了名为“Space, Archive, Island : Methodology of Cultural Studies that ‘welcomes all”的讲座(图1)。讲座以文化研究为主线展开,潘博士展示了两个方面的研究成果:一是作为文化研究学者,如何利用一系列历史和当代文本以及相关的批判理论和概念来确定她的研究目标和方法;二是分享了自己的两个研究项目案例,即亚洲艺术档案馆和她与海南岛相关的研究。4月下旬,应日本艺术家荒木悠邀请,潘博士在京都艺术大学给“全球艺术研讨班”的同学们进行了一场关于研究和创作方法的讲座,并放映了她与荒木悠共同执导的作品《倒错的编年史:出入亚洲之旅》(2021)。(图2)





Date:25 June 2024(Tuesday)
Venue: N003
Mode: Hybrid(face to face/ZOOM)


黃智明,元智大學中國語文學系助理教授。元智大學110學年度教師輔導暨服務傑出獎、106 學年度人文類教學傑出獎、104學年度教師輔導暨服務傑出獎、104 學年度教學卓越「創新教學」佳作獎、教育部資訊及科技教育司102學年度第一學期「現代公民核心能力課程計劃」績優計畫。專研詩經學、圖書文獻學。點校有《胡培翬集》、《朱鶴齡集》,編輯有《通志堂經解研究論集》。


RCCHC「科技、社会与文化」讲座系列 #12 –

时间:16:30 - 18:00
讲者:王斑 教授
斯坦福大学William Haas中国研究讲座教授
地点:理大校园 HJ203 和 Zoom


RCCHC "China and the World: Historical Interactions" Talk Series #9 –
Shakespeare in/and Shanghai

Date and Time: 14 June 2024 (Fri), 4:00-5:30pm HKT
14 June 2024 (Fri), 9:00-10:30am BST
Speaker: Dr Anandi Rao
Assistant Professor of South Asian Studies
SOAS, University of London
Venue: P309, PolyU and online via Zoom
Language: English
Event Details:

Abstract of the talk:
Based on a chapter I am writing for an edited volume on Women and Shakespeare, this talk brings together a reading of Chloe Gong’s These Violent Delights, a novelized adaptation of Romeo and Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai, with my experiences as a theatregoer and Shakespeare scholar in 2020s Shanghai. I do this to bring the dynamisms of Shanghai and Shakespeare in conversation with one another. In the first part of the talk, I will focus on the novel, concentrating on its Shanghai-ness and relating it to Shanghai noir. Building on Vanessa Corredera’s arguments I use a postcolonial feminist lens to highlight that Shanghai and Shakespeare are two sides of the same coin. In the second part of the talk, I will focus on my experiences of the immersive Macbeth adaptation Sleep No More, that I went to twice in Shanghai, as well as the exhibition “More on Sleep No More” that commemorated five years of Sleep No More in Shanghai. I combine these two lines of thought to bring together a narrative of Chloe Gong as a woman writing Shakespeare in Shanghai, but also of myself as a woman-identifying scholar, reader, and theatregoer experiencing and writing Shakespeare in Shanghai. While the growing field of Asian Shakespeare studies has focused a lot on performance and translation traditions, this project adds to the field by focusing on feminist auto-ethnography alongside an adaptation in an Asian context.

Speaker’s Short Bio:
Dr Anandi Rao is a lecturer (assistant professor) in South Asian Studies at SOAS, University of London. Her work lies at the intersection of postcolonial studies, gender and sexuality studies, translation studies and Shakespeare studies. Her work has been published in Shakespeare Bulletin, Studies in South Asian Film and Media and South Asian Review. Prior to SOAS, she was a postdoctoral fellow at NYU Shanghai.

Photos from 香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系's post 22/05/2024

報名參與「清華大學—澳門大學—香港理工大學 三校學術交流營」







要求:獲確認參與的同學須根據以下「論文可選領域」,於交流營出發前提交一篇論文(Word 和 PDF 格式;中英文均可,並附摘要),字數不得少於3000字(不包括摘要),並於交流營期間作15分鐘匯報。





請根據以下指示填妥報名表格,如有查詢可電郵至[email protected]


GHKS @ UC Talk Cultural Activism in Hong Kong during the Cold War and the Fiery 70s

Zoom link:
[Pacific Time] May 30, 2024 5pm
[Hong Kong Time] May 31, 2024 8am

About the Event
Lu Pan, editor of the book The 70's Biweekly: Social Activism and Alternative Cultural Production in 1970s Hong Kong (Hong Kong: HKU Press, 2023) and historian and author of Hong Kong Media and Asia's Cold War Po-Shek Fu will discuss the importance and impact of cultural activism in Hong Kong during the Cold War and the Fiery 70s.

The 70's Biweekly: Social Activism and Alternative Cultural Production in 1970s Hong Kong

Taking a highly unique independent magazine, The 70s Bi-weekly (《70 年代雙周刊》) as the main thread, this research investigates into an unexplored and largely forgotten story of Hong Kong’s cultural and art production after global student movements in 1968 as well as Hong Kong’s own 1967 riots. This publication represents the making of a dissent space by independent press and activist groups in Hong Kong to challenge the political and cultural dominance of British colonialism and imperialism, the mainstream leftism, and a Hong Kong culture forged largely by capitalistic consumerism and mass entertainment. First published in 1970, The 70s Biweekly stands out from many other independent magazines by its unique blending of the introduction of radical political theories, social activism, and avantgarde art, and local art and literature creations. The 70s crystallizes an important alternative cultural history of Hong Kong and its identity formation in the post-1968 years.

Hong Kong Media and Asia's Cold War
Hong Kong Media and Asia's Cold War is the first systematic study of the cultural Cold War in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was a key battlefield in Asia’s cultural Cold War during the 1950s-1960s, functioning as a center of fierce competition between Communist China, Nationalist Taiwan, and the United States for the hearts and minds of Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia and around the globe. Central to their propaganda and psychological warfare were the Mandarin cinema and emigre-dominated print media. Drawings from untapped materials from multiple archives, contemporary sources, and numerous interviews with filmmakers, magazine editors, and student activists the book focuses on the Shaw Brothers studio, the US Asia Foundation-sponsored Asia Pictures, and the Chinese Student Weekly, an influential magazine that connected young readers across Asia into a transnational community of democratic yearning and imagined Chineseness.

About the Speakers

Pan Lu
Associate Professor Lu Pan
PAN Lu is Associate Professor at Department of Chinese History and Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Pan is author of three monographs: In-Visible Palimpsest: Memory, Space and Modernity in Berlin and Shanghai (Bern: Peter Lang, 2016), Aestheticizing Public Space: Street Visual Politics in East Asian Cities (Bristol: Intellect, 2015), and Image, Imagination and Imaginarium: Remapping World War II Monuments in Greater China (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). She is chief editor of The 70's Biweekly: Social Activism and Alternative Cultural Production in 1970s Hong Kong (Hong Kong: HKU Press, 2023) and The (Im)possibilities of Art Archives: Theories and Experience in/from Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024). Besides her academic career, she is also an active filmmaker and curator.

Po-Shek Fu
Dr. Po-Shek Fu
Po-Shek Fu is a historian of film and popular culture. Born in Hong Kong, he received his BA from University of Toronto, spent several years in Shanghai at the beginning of the "Reforms and Open Up," before getting his Ph.D. from Stanford. He has been a Fulbright Scholar and Member of Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study. His publications include Passivity, Resistance, and Collaboration: Intellectual Choices in Occupied Shanghai, 1937-1945 (Stanford UP, 1993), Between Shanghai and Hong Kong: The Politics of Chinese Cinemas (Stanford UP, 2003), China Forever: The Shaw Brothers and Diasporic Cinema (U of Illinois Press, 2008), and, most recently, Hong Kong Media and Asia's Cold War (Oxford UP, 2023). He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


本年度比賽以「歷史上的中國與世界」為主題,涵蓋科技史、醫療史、環境史、海洋史、外交史、文化史等不同領域。為勉勵莘莘學子,更提高比賽獎金(冠軍隊伍HK$15,000、亞軍隊伍HK$10,000、季軍隊伍$7,500、殿軍隊伍$5,000),增設創見大獎(得獎隊伍可獲HK$2,000獎金),更多的詳情可參閱比賽專頁 或附件的海報與比賽章程 。比賽至六月底前接受報名,期間將由專家學者提供一系列工作坊指導。歡迎有興趣的師生透過比賽專頁報名參加5月25日的簡介會瞭解詳情。期待 貴校組織學生參與,共襄盛舉。

香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系 Department of Chinese History and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, PolyU HK


For more inforamtion:

Join us for the PolyU JUPAS Consultation Day on 18 May 2024 (Saturday) from 10am to 1pm. The Consultation Day, specifically designed for HKDSE students, is a one-stop event for attendees to navigate education at PolyU. Visit our consultation counters and join programme information seminars and guided tours, among other activities, to learn about our entrance requirements and plan your choices. Through a sharing panel of AR Seminar, our student ambassadors will share their own interview experience and offer helpful tips on how you can plan your studies at PolyU.

This year, we are thrilled to introduce mock admission interviews—a first for PolyU. These simulations provide a realistic preview of the interview process, equipping you with the confidence and skills to excel. Sign up for a face-to-face session with our professors and receive valuable feedback at the end of the interview. Additionally, our AI-powered virtual assistants are ready to provide you with firsthand information on admission information.

Don't miss the chance to engage in meaningful conversations with representatives from our faculties, schools, and offices who are eager to discuss the diverse range of programmes and schemes PolyU offers, share valuable admission tips, and address any queries you may have, ensuring you are well-prepared and confident for your academic journey at PolyU.


Beyond the Wager: Urban Macau through the Lens of Animal Welfare
Catherine S. Chan, Lingnan University

As a popular tourist destination, the Macau story is often told through exhilarating stories of gambling, glitz, and glamour. When greyhound racing operated, for a few years in the 1930s and for almost six decades until 2018, Macau’s reputation as a gaming city swelled beyond its borders, though not consistently for positive reasons: competition between gambling options was stiff, the careers of greyhound racers were impacted by the overall gaming economy, and by the second half of the twentieth century, the welfare of the animals within the canidrome came under international scrutiny. Using the sluggishness of social, legal, and institutional developments in animal protection as a point of access, this study digs into issues submerged in the broader picture of a successful gambling city to reconsider the incessant relationship between Macau’s gambling economy and its modern environment and urban culture.

About Catherine
Catherine S. Chan received her PhD from the University of Bristol and is currently a Research Assistant Professor at the department of history, Lingnan University. Her research interests include transimperial networks, global diasporas, and colonial cities. She has published on Luso-Asians, heritage issues, and animal welfare in East and Southeast Asia and is the author of The Macanese Diaspora in British Hong Kong, A Century of Transimperial Drifting.

Date: 08 May 2024

Time: 10:30 - 12:00

Venue: 302&ZOOM


Talk – Understanding by Doing: Theorems and Construction Problems in Chinese Translations of Euclid’s Elements

Date: 30 April 2024
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
Speaker: Prof. Andrea Bréard
Chair for Sinology with a focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China (Alexander von Humboldt-Professor)
Department of Classical World and Asian Cultures
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Venue: CF303, PolyU
Language: English
Event Details:

Abstract of the talk:
In this talk I will analyze how deductive structure and modalities of proof were communicated through language by the translators of Euclid’s Elements into Chinese and framed in new and local conceptual terms. Far from being a literal translation of the original, the Chinese versions reflect how the co-translators, each with their own cultural and philosophical backgrounds, made sense of a canonical text. “Understanding by Doing” in the title of this contribution is not simply a pun to “learning by doing”. Neither Matteo Ricci nor Xu Guangxi was a professional translator and their Chinese Elements (1607) was the first translation of Western mathematical writings in a series to come. “Understanding by Doing” in the title also hints to Gadamer’s point “that the experience (Erfahrung) of meaning that takes place in understanding always includes application” even if “this whole process is verbal” (Gardemer, Truth and Method). Through a close reading and linguistic analysis of key propositions in the Elements and their Chinese translations, I shall question the relevance of the aspect of “application” in understanding: how to detangle this aspect of understanding a text in a foreign language from the constructivist and algorithmic formulation adopted in the stylistic code to translate the logical deduction of theorems and the construction of geometrical objects?

Speaker’s Short Bio:
Andrea Bréard was Professor for History of Science at the Université Paris-Saclay before being awarded an Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship in 2021. Since she holds the Chair for Sinology with a Focus on the Intellectual and Cultural History of China at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), where she is also Vice-President for Education. Trained as a sinologist and mathematician, she works at the interface between mathematical sciences and sinology, with topics ranging from ancient China to the 21st century. Among her recent publications are a French annotated translation of Li Shanlan’s Duoji bilei 垛積比類 from 1867 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2023) and her Nine Chapters on Mathematical Modernity: Essays on the Global Historical Entanglements of the Science of Numbers in China (Springer, 2019).


Research Methods in the Study of Buddhist Art: Case Analyses on the Significance of “Viśvavajra” in the Caisson Ceilings of Dunhuang Mogao Caves

by Dr. SHEN, Li Shella
Time: 6-8 pm | 30 Apr 2024 (Tue)
Venue: CPD-2.58, 2/F, Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU
Conducted in English | Free admission | All are welcome

About the speaker
Dr. SHEN, Li (Shella), is an art historian and Tibetologist currently serving as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Chinese History and Culture in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her expertise lies in Chinese art history, Sino-Tibetan interactions, Buddhist Art, and Historical Philology. Shella obtained her B.A and M.Phil. degrees from the School of Chinese Classics in Renmin University of China, and her D.Phil. from the Department of Fine Arts in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. During her academic pursuits in RUC, she cultivated a deep fascination with Sino-Tibetan Buddhist texts and immersed herself in the study of multiple historical languages, including Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Manchu.

Lecture abstract
As one of the pivotal “crossroads of civilizations”, Dunhuang stands as a world-renowned county for its rich historical legacy and extraordinary grotto arts. This lecture introduces diverse approaches employed in Esoteric Buddhist art research, with a central focus on the significant sign “viśvavajra” found in the caisson ceilings of Mogao Caves. The speaker will skillfully guide the audience through an exploration of the distinctions between a sūtra-based image and a maṇḍala, delving into explanations regarding the significance of a “viśvavajra” sign in the caisson ceilings. This exploration will incorporate semiotic theory, field research and the research method of integrating text and image, with illustrative examples primarily drawn from cave 361 and cave 14. It is worth noting that most examples presented are derived from first-hand materials acquired by the speaker in Dunhuang, adding a unique and authentic dimension to the discourse.

HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies

Tung Lin Kok Yuen




講座平臺: ZOOM

馬居里,雲南大學民族學與社會學學院教授,博士生導師。 就讀於西南民族學院歷史學和宗教學專業,獲史學學士和哲學碩士學位。 中國宗教學會理事,中國民族學/人類學研究會宗教人類學分委員會副主任委員,雲南省宗教學會副會長,雲南省委統戰部「宗教理論與政策研究雲南省社會科學院基地」。特聘研究員。 主要從事西南少數民族宗教文化研究、少數民族社區建設與能力提升研究。 近年來,出版專著4部,發表學術論文20餘篇,向政府相關部門提供並被採納研究諮詢報告4篇,主持和參與各級各類科研課題10餘項。


𝐅𝐇 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: Frontier Politics and Islamic Teachers Schools: The Selective Law Enforcement in Republican China, 1930s to 1940s
Speaker: Dr CHEN Bin, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese History and Culture, PolyU
Details and Registration:




讲座地点:理大CF303 & ZOOM



RCCHC「科技、社會與文化」講座系列 #9:

時間:11:00 – 12:30
講者:黃一農 教授
地點:R407, 理大校園





RCCHC「科技、社會與文化」講座系列 #9:

時間:11:00 – 12:30
講者:黃一農 教授
地點:R407, 理大校園







讲座地点:理大DE401 & ZOOM















RCCHC "China and the World: Historical Interactions" Talk Series #7 –
Rethinking China and the Cold War: The Kuomintang, the Philippine Chinese, and Diasporic Anticommunism in the Mid-20th Century

Date: 26 Feb 2024 (Mon)
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
Speaker: Dr KUNG Chien Wen
Assistant Professor of History
National University of Singapore
Venue: BC202, PolyU Campus
Language: English

Event Details:



RCCHC "China and the World: Historical Interactions" Talk Series #6 –
Codes of Modernity: Chinese Scripts in the Global Information Age

Date: 23 Feb 2024 (Fri)
Time: 12:00 – 13:30
Speaker: Dr Uluğ Kuzuoğlu
Assistant Professor of History
Washington University in St. Louis
Mode: Online via Zoom
Language: English

Event Details:

Abstract of the talk:
In the late nineteenth century, Chinese reformers and revolutionaries believed that there was something fundamentally wrong with the Chinese writing system. The Chinese characters, they argued, were too cumbersome to learn, blocking the channels of communication, obstructing mass literacy, and impeding scientific progress. What had sustained a civilization for more than two millennia was suddenly recast as the root cause of an ongoing cultural su***de. China needed a new script to survive in the modern world.
Codes of Modernity explores the global history of Chinese script reforms—efforts to alphabetize or simplify the writing system—from the 1890s to the 1980s. Examining the material conditions and political economy underlying attempts to modernize scripts, Uluğ Kuzuoğlu argues that these reforms were at the forefront of an emergent information age. Faced with new communications technologies and infrastructures as well as industrial, educational, and bureaucratic pressures for information management, reformers engineered scripts as tools to increase labor efficiency and create alternate political futures.
Kuzuoğlu considers dozens of proposed scripts, including phonetic alphabets, syllabaries, character simplification schemes, latinization, and pinyin. Situating them in a transnational framework, he stretches the geographical boundaries of Chinese script reforms to include American behavioral psychologists, Soviet revolutionaries, and Central Asian typographers, who were all devising new scripts in pursuit of informational efficiency. Codes of Modernity brings these experiments together to offer new ways to understand scripts and rethink the shared experiences of a global information age.

Speaker’s Short Bio:
Dr. Kuzuoğlu is an Assistant Professor of History at Washington University in St. Louis. He works at the intersection of science and technology studies and media studies to explore the social and political history of information technologies in China and the world. His first monograph, Codes of Modernity: Chinese Scripts in the Global Information Age (New York: Columbia University Press, 2023), examines the political economy of information in China through a history of Chinese script reforms––the effort to alphabetize and simplify the writing system––from the 1890s to the 1980s.








張維玲從2016年開始從事地方史的研究,以福建莆陽(介於福州與泉州之間)為研究區域,這是一個誕生了蔡襄、蔡京的地方。目前在《新史學》、《漢學研究》、Journal of Song Yuan Studies等期刊發表了若干篇論文,未來希望能寫成一本英文專書。探究的課題包括地方學術與理學的關係、地方政府與地方士人、地方社會的關係,以及中央政府與地方士人的長期互動。





是次論壇為研究生學術會議,歡迎本系PhD、MPhil和MA研究⽣積極參與投稿。會議組委會將從所有投稿中挑選八⾄十篇論文,並邀請獲選論文作者參與論壇。有意參與論壇的同學,請於2024年3⽉8⽇或之前把論文郵⾄[email protected]。郵件主題請標明:“2024中華文化論壇報名”。

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The Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology Clear Water Bay
Hong Kong

Our mission is to improve the effectiveness of economic policies and programs by providing high quality research insights.

CPDC - Career Planning & Development Centre of HKNYC CPDC - Career Planning & Development Centre of HKNYC
325-329 Lai Chi Kok Road Shamshuipo Kowloon
Hong Kong

Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education - Career Planning and Development Centre (CPDC)

EF English Centers Kwun Tong EF English Centers Kwun Tong
Hong Kong

In here, you can happy to share what you learnt with other students. Also you can keep in touch with our centre's teachers^^

HKU Business School - MBA HKU Business School - MBA
Room 204, Block B, Cyberport 4, 100 Cyberport Road
Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong and its prestigious MBA programme is a major participant in, and contributor to, the business culture of Hong Kong and mainland China.

Centre for the Humanities and Medicine (HKU) Centre for the Humanities and Medicine (HKU)
Room926, 9F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University Of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong

The Centre for the Humanities and Medicine was established in 2009 as a joint initiative between the

香港浸會大學新聞系 Department of Journalism, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學新聞系 Department of Journalism, Hong Kong Baptist University
10/F, Lee Shau Kee Communication And Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, 5 Hereford Road, Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong

Journalism was the first course offered by the Department of Communication when it was founded in 19

Xu Beihong Arts Committee Fine Arts Public Exams 徐悲鴻藝術委員會公共美術等級考試 Xu Beihong Arts Committee Fine Arts Public Exams 徐悲鴻藝術委員會公共美術等級考試
Unit 1802, Park Commercial Centre, 180 Tung Lo Wan Road, Tin Hau
Hong Kong

Xu BeiHong Arts Committe Renmin University of China . Art Forum Exam Ctr - ctr of Public Exam

Miniopoliz Enotes Education Centre - MongKok Miniopoliz Enotes Education Centre - MongKok
Hong Kong

We know how important it is to find a learning you really trust and a centre that exceeds your expectations. That’s why we’re here! License No: 600903

HKBU Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISEM) HKBU Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISEM)
8/F, Wing Lung Bank Building, 34 Renfrew Road, Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong

The Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISEM) Concentration of the BBA (Hons) Degree Programme meets the needs of e-Business revolution taken place in Hong Kong and the ...