Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI

Founded 1963. A major contributor to dentistry with over 5k Fellows, Members, Diplomates & Affiliates

The Faculty is responsible for the maintenance of the highest standards of postgraduate training in both Ireland and other centres around the world. With over 2,000 Fellows and Members globally, its international role, through the provision of programmes and examinations at Membership and Fellowship level, is expansive and encompasses, in particular, the Middle East and Gulf Region, New York, Sudan and Sweden.


We are pleased to announce a CBCT Level 1 Training Course for General Practitioners, which will take place on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 at RCSI.

This course will combine an online preparatory component covering the theoretical aspects of CBCT, with a full day in person practical component on the viewing, manipulation and interpretation of CBCT images.

The syllabus meets the Level 1 training requirements as described by the European Academy of DentoMaxillofacial Radiology and mandated by the Dental Council of Ireland.

Full details and registration at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/cbct-level1


We are pleased to announce the return of our hugely popular Practical Minor Oral Surgery Course, which will be delivered in a hybrid format.

The hands-on component will be held face-to-face on Saturday, October 12th 2024 at RCSI’s state-of-the-art academic and education building, located at No. 26 York Street, Dublin 2. Those taking the hands-on component will have access to our bespoke on-line preparatory component, which they can study at their leisure in advance.

Sessions Available: AM 08:00 - 12:30 or PM 12:30 - 17:00

Register now: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/mos

Spaces are limited.


We wish to congratulate Professor Robin O’Sullivan on his receipt of an Honorary Fellowship from the Faculty of Dentistry Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

An Honorary Fellowship is the highest award that the Faculty of Dentistry can confer.

The Dean, Professor Christopher Lynch, congratulated Professor O’Sullivan on his recognition, citing Professor O’Sullivan’s exceptional contributions to dentistry, dental, medical, surgical and healthcare education, his academic leadership, his dedication to his many students, and his dedication to the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Professor O’Sullivan served most recently at RCSI Bahrain

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/465-robin-osullivan


Congratulations to Prof. Robert Witton (Professor of Community Dentistry, Peninsula Dental School, UK) who was recently awarded an ad eundem Fellowship from the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI. Pictured with Prof. Christopher Lynch (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry).

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/464-conferring-july-2024


Congratulations to Prof. Gerry McKenna (Professor of Oral Health Service Research and Gerodontology, Queen’s University Belfast) who was recently awarded an ad eundem Fellowship from the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI. Pictured with Prof. Christopher Lynch (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry).

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/464-conferring-july-2024


Congratulations to Prof. Nicola Innes (Dean, School of Dentistry, Cardiff University) who was recently awarded an ad eundem Fellowship from the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI. Pictured with Prof. Christopher Lynch (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry).

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/464-conferring-july-2024


Congratulations to Dr Charlotte Eckhardt (Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of England) who was recently awarded an ad eundem Fellowship from the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI. Pictured with Prof. Christopher Lynch (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry).

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/464-conferring-july-2024


Congratulations to Dr Phillip Atkin (Consultant in Oral Medicine, University Dental Hospital, Cardiff, Wales) who was recently awarded an ad eundem Fellowship from the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI. Pictured with Prof. Christopher Lynch (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry).

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/464-conferring-july-2024


Congratulations to our 556 new Fellows, Members and Diplomates conferred at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland this week.

A special mention to Phillip Atkin, Charlotte Eckhardt, Nicola Innes, Gerry McKenna & Robert Witton, who were all awarded Ad Eundem Fellowships.

Read more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/news-events/464-conferring-july-2024


On Tuesday, June 11th, a group of Senior Maxillofacial Surgeons from the UK visited RCSI. Led by Mr. Stephen Walsh, they have a travelling club that visits overseas surgical centres to learn from the practices of their colleagues in other countries. During their visit, they were given a tour of the RCSI campus, including RCSI's state-of-the-art Simulation facilities based within No. 26 York Street. They also held some presentations in No. 26. The group had a wonderful day and are looking forward to visiting RCSI again very soon. The Faculty wishes to thank our fabulous Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland colleagues who helped to make this happen, especially Caoimhín O'Conghaile and Frank Donegan.


Please join us online for the second module of the Faculty’s Spring/Summer 2024 Paediatric Dentistry Specialty Programme. Access available on-demand now.

No matter where you are based in the world, we are pleased to provide you with the opportunity to join us. Subscribe as an Affiliate today to access the module free of charge: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/fellows-members/faculty-affiliate

Find details about the course at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/paediatric-dentistry-lecture-series


The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI.
Friday/Saturday, October 25th & 26th at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.


Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 16/05/2024

We are pleased to offer an online series of lectures specifically for candidates preparing for the MGDS RCSI Online Examination. The lecture programme which is based on the MGDS syllabus, offers access to 24 lectures held over 5 sessions and also includes two special interactive live Q&A events, with guest speakers Professor Chris Lynch (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI) and Mr Sean Sheridan (Chair of the MGDS RCSI Examination).

Take the next step in your dental career with the prestigious MGDS RCSI qualification from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

The next MGDS RCSI online examination will take place on October 1st, 2024. Applications are now open.

Candidates applying to sit the MGDS RCSI examination must hold an undergraduate dental qualification, be at least three years post-graduation, and be in possession of MFD RCSI, MFDS, or MJDF at the time of application.

Full details: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/examinations/general-examinations/mgds-examination


Our MasterClass in Endodontics is now fully booked. Join our waiting list at https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass

Further MasterClass dates will be announced soon including our ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY MasterClass.

The Faculty of Dentistry RCSI MasterClass Series offers unique, interactive learning with hands-on components, lectures and individual case discussions.

Further details can be found at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass


Congratulations to Kimon Divaris, Winner of the 2024 IADR Distinguished Scientist H. Trendley Dean Memorial Award | IADR - International Association of Dental Research

Kimon Divaris is a previous recipient of the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI's Edward Leo Sheridan Medal and co-presented the prestigious Sheridan Lecture at the Faculty's Annual Scientific Meeting in 2022.

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 26/04/2024

Take the next step in your dental career with the prestigious MGDS RCSI qualification from the College of Surgeons in Ireland.

The next MGDS RCSI online examination will take place on October 1st, 2024. Applications are now open.

Candidates applying to sit the MGDS RCSI examination must hold an undergraduate dental qualification, be at least three years post-graduation, and be in possession of MFD RCSI, MFDS, or MJDF at the time of application.

In an effort to support candidates, we are pleased to offer an online series of lectures specifically for candidates preparing to sit the MGDS RCSI online examination.

Full details: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/examinations/general-examinations/mgds-examination

RCSI appoints foundation Head of School of Dentistry 24/04/2024

RCSI appoints foundation Head of School of Dentistry Professor Albert Leung has been appointed Professor of Dentistry and foundation Head of the new School of Dentistry at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences. More ...

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 22/04/2024

Don't miss out... There are a limited number of spaces left for our Endo MasterClass which will take place at the College of Surgeons in Ireland on Saturday May 18th.

Endodontic treatment deals with the prevention and elimination of diseases of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues. This MasterClass led by Dr. Pat Cleary, will focus on the art and biological basis for successful endodontic treatment. The course will consist of short presentations followed by round table demonstrations and discussions.

Further details and registration can be found at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass


The Faculty of Dentistry RCSI’s MasterClass Series offers unique, interactive learning with hands-on components, lectures and individual case discussions.

Endodontic treatment deals with the prevention and elimination of diseases of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues.

The MasterClass in Endodontics (Saturday, May 18th at RCSI), led by Dr. Pat Cleary, will focus on the art and biological basis for successful endodontic treatment.

The course will consist of short presentations followed by round table demonstrations and discussions.

Limited enrolment.

Further details and registration can be found at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass


The Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's MasterClass Series offers dental practitioners an immersive interactive learning experience and is suitable for all experience levels, no matter what stage of career.

With a carefully crafted itinerary that includes interactive sessions, hands-on training, and engaging lectures, dental professionals can look forward to a fulfilling and enriching experience.

The best part? You'll be in the company of senior Teaching Faculty, giving you the unique chance to discuss your own cases from practice.

Through this outstanding Series, you gain the chance to not only elevate your practice, but also enhance your confidence and ability to deliver exceptional care to your patients.

Find out more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass


Please join us online for another season of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI’s Paediatric Dentistry Programme. The 1st module will be available on-demand worldwide from April 6th.

No matter where you are based in the world, we are pleased to provide you with the opportunity to join us. Subscribe as an Affiliate today to access the modules free of charge: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/fellows-members/faculty-affiliate

Find details about our courses at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/courses


We are delighted to offer an immersive full-day course on Clinical Photography in Dentistry, presented by Dr. PJ Byrne.

We recommend early booking for this limited enrolment hands-on course which will be held on Saturday September 28th at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland state-of-the-art academic and education building, located at No. 26 York Street in Dublin.

Learn more / register at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/photography

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 21/03/2024

Spaces are filling up fast for our MasterClass in Removable Prosthodontics which will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on Saturday April 6th.

This day-long interactive programme of removable prosthodontic principles and fundamentals, covers skills critical to providing excellent care in removable prosthodontics in practice. The pathway of the day is short lectures followed by hands on participation, putting these skillsets into practice. The tutors for the day will bring a wealth of experience in clinical and laboratory skills that can stand to you every day in practice. The Course will benefit all dental practitioner no matter what stage of career, in terms of introducing new concepts or reaffirming trusted methods. Mastering fundamental principles never goes out of fashion. The goal of the workshop is to provide strong review and application of skillsets that are required on a daily basis.

Learn more / register at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass

RCSI reaches collaborative curriculum agreement with Peninsula Dental School 01/03/2024

RCSI reaches collaborative curriculum agreement with Peninsula Dental School RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences has secured a long-term collaborative agreement with Peninsula Dental School (PDS), University of Plymouth to deliver a new undergraduate Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree programme. More ...

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 28/02/2024

Spaces are filling up fast for our MasterClass in Oral Surgery which will take place at the College of Surgeons in Ireland on Saturday March 16th.

This interactive programme offers dentists of all experience levels the opportunity to learn and practice the principles and techniques of dentoalveolar surgery. Participants will gain theoretical and practical experience for managing cases encountered in daily practice.

Learn more / register at: facultyofdentistry.ie/masterclass

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 28/02/2024

Please join us at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on Saturday April 6th for a very exciting day of Removable Prosthodontic Principles and Fundamentals covering skills critical to providing excellent care in Removable Prosthodontics in Practice.

The pathway of the day is short lectures followed by hands on participation, putting these skillsets into practice. The tutors for the day will bring a wealth of experience in clinical and laboratory skills that can stand to you every day in practice.

The Course will benefit all dental practitioner no matter what stage of career, in terms of introducing new concepts or reaffirming trusted methods. Mastering fundamental principles never goes out of fashion.

Learn more / register at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass


Dental Students: Join for free! By becoming a Student Affiliate you will gain exclusive access to the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI's online portal and receive benefits including preferential rates for events and access to educational resources.

Get access to our online CPD Learning Hub, plus 'My CPD' record management app for dentists and lots more!

Open to dental students worldwide!

Sign up at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/faculty-affiliate-join/faculty-affiliate-student/sign-up

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 20/02/2024

Dentists: Expand your knowledge and skills with our brand new MasterClass Series.

☑️ Interactive sessions
☑️ Hands-on training
☑️ Engaging lectures
☑️ Group case discussion

Find out more: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass

Photos from Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's post 16/02/2024

The Faculty of Dentistry RCSI’s MasterClass Series offers unique, interactive learning with hands-on components, lectures and individual case discussions.

Endodontic treatment deals with the prevention and elimination of diseases of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues.

The MasterClass in Endodontics (Saturday, May 18th at RCSI), led by Dr. Pat Cleary, will focus on the art and biological basis for successful endodontic treatment.

The course will consist of short presentations followed by round table demonstrations and discussions.

Limited enrolment.

Further details and registration can be found at: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/masterclass


We are pleased to announce a CBCT Level 2 Training Course for General Practitioners which will take place at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on Saturday March 2nd, 2024.

Pre-sale registration for this event is now open to those who attended the Level 1 course delivered at RCSI in October 2023. Please note that completion of a Level 1 CBCT course is required to attend this course.

General registration will open on February 7th 2024.

More details: https://facultyofdentistry.ie/postgraduate-programme/cbct-2024

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Videos (show all)

What past participants are saying about the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's MasterClass Series...Find out more: https://fac...
The Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI's MasterClass Series offers dental practitioners an immersive interactive learning experi...
Our MasterClass Series offers an unparalleled opportunity for dentists to expand their knowledge and skills. With a care...
Are you sitting exams in the near future? Are you looking for opportunity to ask questions and get the answers you need ...
Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland is delighted to announce a major new programme of...
We are pleased to announce the development of a new app for dentists to record, maintain and track their yearly CPD acti...
Many congratulations to all of our newest Fellows, Members and Diplomates who were conferred on December 4th, 2023 at th...
The Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland presents a number of awards to promote excellence i...
Professor Christopher Lynch (Dean) closes the Faculty's Annual Scientific Meeting 2023. Thank you to everyone in attenda...
Get ready... 1 day to go until #ASM2023Don't miss our flagship event of the year! Tickets: asm.facultyofdentistry.ieThe ...
Only 1 week to go until #ASM2023Don't miss out! Tickets: asm.facultyofdentistry.ieThe Faculty of Dentistry RCSI's Annual...
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Dentistry RCSI [Oct 27 - 28]Tickets: asm.facultyofdentistry.ieExpert speaker...




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