Graceful Healing

Graceful Healing

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Reiki Healing

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 24/05/2024

♐️Our Full Moon in Sagittarius gathering was so gorgeous last night!

Thank you so much to every lady that joined myself & Sarah in Circle. It was magical!

We tapped on creating more abundance of what we needed in our life be it joy, peace or clarity.

These woman prioritised themselves by filling their own cup!

Keep your eyes peeled for our next gathering!


🕯What fan's your flame?🕯

In life it is so easy to find ourselves not knowing who we are anymore or we can find ourselves in environments that smother our flame to the point its almost out.

Its still flickering though & when you have that realisation that you have abandoned your desires & needs to settle for what you think is right - the flame starts to get a bit stronger.

🔥And then you find yourself doing things that fan your flame & give that inner fire a stoke.

For me its:

🔥Watching Modern Family, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina & Stranger Things
🔥Walking in the rain
🔥wine & cheese
🔥realising that I deserve better
🔥new friendships evolving that nurture me

Whats yours?

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 06/05/2024

🥀How much of yourself did you have to bury before you rose again?

This question has sat with me all week & I've reflected ALOT on it...

I buried boundries,
I buried desires,
I buried my needs,
I buried my intuition,
I buried my worth,
I buried joy,
I buried pleasure,
I buried pain,
I buried suffering,
I buried valid worries,
I buried tears until they tumbled out & couldn't be stopped,
I buried my voice until roars came out of me that I didn't recognise,
I buried myself so deep I lost myself,
I was irrecognisable to myself & I didn't like who I was becoming.

Then I allowed myself to leave the environment that was the reason I had to bury myself because I listened to myself. I befriended these sad & lonely aches in my heart for connection with myself. Through the amazing practice of yoga I have really adapted a new way of life where I know I can rise again.

I hope you know you don't have to settle for people, jobs or environments that make you bury yourself so deep you need to rise again. If you do- bleieve me when I say there is so much support when you give yourself permission to recieve it 💐


Photos from Graceful Healing's post 17/04/2024

⚕️Yoga Retreat ⚕️

A week ago I came home from most regenerating & nourishing retreat as part of my YTT. It was held in Wexford by the most amazing teacher Clara & her partner Valera who provided us with Ayurvedic meals each day.

I started this course in October & every month I didn't think I'd make the training as I navigated life as a single Mam. I didn't even hold out hope for a week's retreat! But it all happened & my God was it worth asking for help. I had to put all that crap aside about finding it hard to ask for help & really believe I was worth advocating for.
That wasn't easy!!

The results of advocating for myself have been tremendous & I'll be forever grateful for the web of support that continues to weave its way around me, especially my parents who are diamonds.

Yoga truely is a medicine, as is eating well, snacking less, connecting with nature & other women. The people I have met during this course have been magic! We cried, we laughed, we danced, we sang, we walked, we sauna'd we took cold showers we cheered each other on &we talked & talked & talked more sh*te 😉 and of course we yoga'd 😆

Never in all my days have I been in a class with 2 other Nicola's. 3 is a magic number!

Its true- what you're focused on & thinking about is what you attract. What you consume effects you which includes content, people, food, drink, t.v, news ya get me. Make it worth it!

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 16/03/2024

🎂Entering year 39🎂

🧐The word to sum up Year 38 is REVEALING

🪞The choices you make all lead you to where you are. What you do with the experiences of life are your choice. How you percieve things is your choice.

🤯how others percieve things can be nothing other than a mind f@ . And there is nothing you can do about that only control your responses. VERY REVEALING!

1️⃣Prioritise yourself & the people who can support you through these responses. They will REVEAL themselves. You have to trust the process though. Scary AF I know....


🕸In doing that I have gained relationships that are so f@*king nourishing & supportive the loss is worth it. The more you stand up for yourself the uglier it gets but the web of support will gradually weave its way around you & the only question you will have is why you didn't trust the process sooner!

🤡do the scary thing
🤹‍♂️outsource what you can
🦁you're braver than you think
🐘you're stronger than you'll ever know
🎪You're the ringmaster in this circus of life


❤️ ❤️

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 08/03/2024

🏆Competition Time🏆

To celebrate all the gorgeous ladies who have supported us starting our Full Moon Workshops we would like to express our gratitude !!
ie & healingifting Sarah•Yoga•Kids Author•Playy a free space at our next Full Moon circle in the stunning surrounds of Jockey Hall in The Curragh

With Spring in the air we will be focusing on growth, renewal & rejuvenation.

These workshops are an incredibly supportive tool to get through the challenges life throws at us & we have both felt a transformation from the skills that we share & the magic of women gathering together. Lets rebuild the village

Are you in?

So to enter:
❤️like this post
👭tag your friend (every tag is an entry)
📣share to your stories tagging so I can graceful healingll be announced on Monday 11th so get tagging 😆

Good luck,
Nic & Sarah xx

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 26/02/2024

My word for 2024 was SUPPORT & wow is it delievering so far! Allowing myself to be supported allows me to support others. It opens you up. There's an acceptance with allowing yourself to be held. That is healing...

My favourite thing about community is UNITY. We all gathered for our own individual reasons, and we left feeling lighter, more empowered & with skills that can be brought home to use day in day out.

Keep your eyes on & my page for our next Full Moon workshop in March.



When you find yourself shocked, appalled & upset by somebody's actions, take it as an opportunity to applaude yourself that your moral compass is calibrated.

That you wouldn't disrespect somebody & behave in the same manner.

Congratulate yourself on your ability to have compassion & understanding that behind every action is an emotion.

Some people are just more emotionally intelligant than others.

We all know that person who says "at least you lost early" dont let them upset you for too long. Surround yourself with the people who say "I'm sorry for your loss" or "I can't imagine how hard this is for you, how can I help"

They're your people

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 09/10/2023

🦋Its baby loss awareness week

🌏When you are wondering how on Earth the world is still turning after your baby has died these are 3 things that helped me to move again

✨️Writing down every day what has made you happy, noticing if you smiled & recollecting if you laughed or not today & what made that happen helps to shift your mood. I started so small with this, appreciating the hot water I had, the care I recieved & how all of it was all in the nick of time.

🙌 I was so grateful I survived my pregnancy loss that I became the Holistic Practitioner I always wanted to be. Reiki energy healing reconnected me to my own inner strength, courage & ability. I now bring this to my clients too

🤌Tapping has been the glue that held me together during pregnancy loss & without having found this modality I don't know if I would have tried again & gotten through pregnancy after loss. Talking through your experience with the support of a tapping practitioner in a safe compassionate space is so transformative.

I went from being petrified of getting pregnant again to having a beautiful Homebirth. While being pregnant I was able to keep my fears of my baby dying under control knowing they were only thoughts & of course I had them after such a traumatic miscarraige. Tapping, Reiki & journelling really helped me to move forward in my life again with Grace & ease.

If you would like support during this difficult time of grief DM me Connect & we can arrange a free 20 mintue call to chat about ways we can work together

Let me know in the comments what support you used 🦋


🦋Its baby loss awareness week

🌏When you are wondering how on Earth the world is still turning after your baby has died these are 3 things that helped me to move again

✨️Writing down every day what has made you happy, noticing if you smiled & recollecting if you laughed or not today & what made that happen helps to shift your mood. I started so small with this, appreciating the hot water I had, the care I recieved & how all of it was all in the nick of time.

🙌 I was so grateful I survived my pregnancy loss that I became the Holistic Practitioner I always wanted to be. Reiki energy healing reconnected me to my own inner strength, courage & ability. I know brings this to my clients too

🤌Tapping has been the glue that held me together during pregnancy loss & without having found this modality I don't know if I would have tried again & gotten through pregnancy after loss. Talking through your experience with the support of a tapping practitioner in a safe compassionate space is so transformative.

I went from being petrified of getting pregnant again to having a beautiful Homebirth. While being pregnant I was able to keep my fears of my baby dying under control knowing they were only thoughts & of course I had them after such a traumatic miscarraige. Tapping, Reiki & journelling really helped me to move forward in my life again with Grace & ease.

Let me know in the comments what support you used 🦋


🧘‍♂️Permission to pause granted!

✋This is your invitation to slow down after a busy Summer.

A Wellness Circle is the perfect place for you to leave your mask at the door and get off your chest how you're really feeling.

This is an inspiring space for you to tap into your own intuition and listen to what you really need.

When we create this space for ourselves to maintain our own welbeing we enjoy the benefits of improving our mood, our sleep, we feel more motivated and this improves the relationships in our lives.

The most important relationship we have is the one we create with ourselves.

How do you maintain your wellbeing?

Join me on Sunday September 24th from 12.30-2pm for some Tea, Tapping & Meditation. DM me CIRCLE to secure your space!


Photos from Graceful Healing's post 09/09/2023

🤔This judgement of Mother's grief is not in any job description I have ever seen.

➡️This can really change the direction of a Mothers emotional & mental recovary after a miscarriage.

🔁These are the comments that play ON.A.LOOP when you are in the throws of grief after pregnancy loss or miscarraige.

🛑They slow you down to a halt & can cause you to withdraw from your friends, make you lose interest in holidays & make it really difficult to do anything other than go to work.

🥳Good news is all of this can change if you are willing to let it!

👣A step in the right direction is talking to someone who has lived experience & a professional skills. Having worked as a Nurse for over a decade I have sat with death many times & comforted those left behind.

I know a Wellness Circle works because it has been a huge part in healing mentally& emotionally from my own missed miscarraige.

If you would like to join me on Sep 24th to take your first step in getting unstuck DM me CIRCLE to secure your space

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 29/08/2023

🙋Have you decided you're tired of feeling sh*tty after your pregnancy loss?

🧭Have you gotten to that point in your pregnancy loss grief that you've had enough and KNOW it's time to start finding the old you again.

🤸‍♀️You're tired of staying in every weekend but don't know how to get your motivation back.

😊You want to be happy for your friend who's pregnant but you just don't know how to when you're still feeling so sad.

⏳You want to make some bit of time for yourself but you just don't know how to and feel a bit selfish doing it.

👀You feel like you should be "over" your pregnancy loss now as everyone else is and you can't bear the awkward silence when you do start talking about your miscarriage weeks later.

🌱My Women's Circle is a place where you can talk about all of these fears, frustrations so you can flourish in life again!

🔥My Women's Circle's are an incredible place to meet new people who are on your wavelength. It's not as "woo woo" as you think!

These women are not afraid to take time out for themselves. They know it is essential for their well being.

🌊When you maintain you're emotional needs it has a ripple effect so it will have a positive impact on your relationships. A simple stroll with your partner may move mountains in your relationship!

If you would like to join me at my next Women's Circle on September 24th at 12.30-2pm in the gorgeous grounds of DM me CIRCLE to secure your space.


Photos from Graceful Healing's post 25/08/2023

🫣Anxiety after miscarriage can rise to an ALL TIME HIGH🫣

💼My client was just managing to go to work and had no motivation to do anything else.

😕She was feeling distant from her friends.

😔She felt responsible for her miscarriage & that it was affecting her relationship.

🙋‍♀️We can all relate to that sense of guilt for our partner am I right?

🤳After just ONE session with me she is feeling motivated to go for romantic forest strolls with her hubby 🥰

🏆This is a HUGE step in the right direction! Healing both herself and seeing the ripple effect this has on her marraige too!

This is a win win situation!

If you would like support to feel motivated in life after pregnancy loss DM me READY & we can arrange a free 30 min connection call to chat about what packages will suport you best ❤️‍🩹

Nic 💫

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 22/07/2023

Making time for yourself is not lazy or a luxury, it is essential!

When we are stripped of our roles as Mother, partner, sister, daughter, friend, colleague and return back to ourselves we can gain clarity on our thoughts and where in our life we may be unhappy.

Ladies who attend my women's circle have found this space to be the antidote to anger, irritability, frustration, resentment, rage, sadness, loneliness and unhappiness.

This is a space for you to gather with like minded ladies in a safe space to explore & navigate the twists and turns that life may bring. We can inspire and support each other as we fully reconnect with ourselves in the stunning surrounds of Aluna Yoga Studio in Kildare town this Sunday 23/7/23 at 12.30p.m-2pm

PM me CIRCLE if you would like to secure your space

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 12/07/2023

⭕23rd July Women's Circle⭕

I have found a Woman's Circle to be the antidote to:





Sadness, you get me!

Women's Circles are an AMAZING way to create a space of peace and tranquillity for yourself.

You don't have to be a partner, Mother, daughter, sister, friend or foe to anyone during this time. It is simply for YOU.

Join me on July 23rd at 12.30-2pm for some deep rest and replenishment.

DM me CIRCLE if you would like to join us and reconnect to yourself.


⭕️Feeling too sensitive & too emotional after your pregnancy loss and like you should be over it?⭕️

🫣Are you using alcohol, food or just keeping busy to distract you from how your really feeling?

😒Deep down are you so jealous of seeing other pregnant women because your heart & womb just yearn to carry a baby?

🫤Are you dreading that baby shower you know is coming because you just wish it was your turn?

😌These are all normal responses to have when you've experienced miscarriage & pregnancy loss?

🤔How do I know? Because I've been there. I've been that absolute mix of delighted for my friend who's had a baby but devo that I'm not holding my own newborn baby.

🙌I found Reiki & Tapping to be the most supportive tools. Especially when I commited myself to a monthly women's circle. It was the best investmebt I ever made in myself.

🍷I saved my wine money for a more holistic method of coping & the ripple it had in my family unit was incredible.

🧘‍♀️I was able to be a much calmer parent, a more tolerant wife & felt I could face the world (particularly anyone pregnant!)

⭕️I'm holding space on Sunday 23rd July & August 27th at 12.30-2pm for you to rest & recieve the benefits of EFT & Reiki meditations. There will be an optional sharing Circle.
Investment 1 Circle €44 or 2 circles for €66

I'd love to see you there 🥰

DM CIRCLE to secure your space 🙂

Photos from Graceful Healing's post 09/02/2023

Recently, have you been feeling like your energy is draining?

Everyone has their own challenges in life, some are greater than others. What can help is a good nights sleep, but sometimes even that does not feel like it brings the energy back.

Life does, and will get overwhelming at times, and when this happens, you need to take a step back, make some time to connect to yourself and recharge.

Most of us will hold onto the worry, stress and grief, whatever life brings. Its the same as wearing really heavy layers of clothes all day long. They drag and weigh you down and become so uncomfortable until you make that decision to take them off.

Your energy level is connected to your Intuition, decision making and senses which try and work behind the scenes. When your energy is low, all of your senses become dull and hazy.

So what can you do? How can you better yourself? I use a unique approach of Emotional Freedom Technique and Reiki healing to help you release the stress and lighten the load. This combination will help you restore your energy and create more balance that can lead to clarity, positivity, improved sleep, immune support, pain relief and much more.

Tou can learn more about Reiki Rahanni and Emotional Freedom Technique on my website and if you feel like reaching out for help, please DM or email me at [email protected]


If you or a loved one is engaged this may be of support to them xx

It's Wellness Wednesday!!

Hi I'm Nichola, one half of Sensational Events , while also a Reiki & E.F.T practitioner.

➡️ When did planning a Wedding become so stressful?
➡️Why aren't I feeling more excited about this?
➡️When did everyone become so opinionated about my choices?-It's my day!
➡️Why aren't they happy for me?

If these are questions you've asked yourself, I can help you bring back the joy and excitement again. I can help you work through this natural and normal downside to planning your wedding.

Check out my YouTube video and see how Emotional Freedom Technique can help you.

Feel free to DM me at Graceful Healing for more information or help.



We've 5 pairs of tickets for the Wedding Journal Show Live in January to Giveaway!

Winners will receive:

• 1 pair of Wedding Journal Show Live tickets in the Convention Centre Dublin, 14th & 15th of January 2023.

• A choice of a bridal wellness box or personalised champagne flutes for the bridal party!

• All entrants will receive a gift from us!

How to enter:
•Like this post
• Follow .ie and .ie
• Tag two friends who you're nuts about!

This giveaway starts on 28/12/22 and ends on 7/1/23.

A winner will be chosen randomly and notified via

Best of luck!
Nichola & Paul


The story behind my new venture "Graceful Healing".

In 2019 I had a missed miscarraige and we lost Angel Grace ,it was a deeply sad time in my life. I was trying to establish a career as an Agency Nurse. The last shift I worked as a Nurse was the shift I started to miscarry on. It wasn't just my baby that died that day but a way of living, not being fully happy or satisfied with what I was doing. Being so stressed all the time, my kids missing me while I was gone for 2 days working. So much heartache. It needed to end, and so I went to work in playschool. I had more time with my family. I started going for Reiki with my sisters encouragment and I instantly fell in love with it. I had always wanted to be a Holistic Therapist but was talked out of it by the career guidance counsellor in Transition Year. So here I am, honouring myself and my dreams!
This image for me is a great visualisation of what happened following our angel Grace's passing. I started to pray again, to my Nannies, Granda's my big Sister Gillian, my friend Sinead and asked them to give me something to show me I would be ok. I'd go for a walk and see feathers on the ground. This gave me great faith and hope again.
What we are thinking & feeling ripples out to those around us whether we like it or not. I needed this ripple effect of healing for myself & my family. From all my years of Nursing, the one thing I learnt is you have no idea what is around the corner and life is short. So why not LIVE IT! My family and I have all benefitted from Reiki as it helps to aid relaxation of the nervous system which reduces anxiety, improves sleep therefore improving your immune system. Who doesn't want that?
Water is a fantastic healing tool! It helps to release toxins held in your body & regulates your nervous system which can give you clarity. In the hardest times there is always hope and that will ripple out.
Thanks to for the Reiki level 1&2 Attunement, to for helping me divorce my shell I've been hiding in & for the belief that if I write it down I can make it happen!

Like, follow and share my page

Feel free to DM me for distance Reiki healing to arrange an appointment.

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29 Ridgewood Manor

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm
Sunday 8am - 8pm

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