Condor's Embrace - Holistic Healing

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Condor's Embrace - Holistic Healing, Alternative & holistic health service, Limerick.

-Quantum field psychology therapist
-Ancestral system connections/programs/traumas/health symptoms/addictions
-Cacao, Rapé, Kambo facilitator
-IET Energy healing
rus/end language


Price list

-Quantum psychology therapy (2.5-3hrs)
Can be done 1 to 1, in a group setting, and also online.
Online session is suitable for anyone who lives far or outside of ireland. Or if someone has a deep topic they wish to work on, yet experience big resistance. This type of session is done with a representative. (Session with a representative is 50% extra as a representative is also working on a process with you, for you)

This therapy is for those who have stubborn patterns, or many unresolved topics that have been opened with plant medicine or in general that you were aware of yourself for a long period of time. It is allowing us to go right to the root of the cause, the root of where & how those patterns have happened, to release it. We work with ancestral system and your own reincarnations, relationships, inner contacts - inner child, masc/fem, God, magic. We can also work on specific traumas, addictions, gambling, illness symptoms, excess weight, issues with money, business, and any other specific requests of your own that you wish to resolve.

-Integrated energy & reiki healing (1-1.5hr)
Can be done 1 to 1, or distantly. Distant work is set on late evening time frames suitable for both sides and where both are at the comfort space.

This healing therapy is suitable for anyone who is feeling out of balance, out of flow, blocked and disconnected. As we process daily situations and events throughout the day, we may get blocked up if we didn't process a certain emotion/feeling. Same for our past also. If there are emotional blockages stored within a body, this therapy will unblock those energy centers, clear your energetical field and rebalance you again. This process is a very gentle hand touch (or not) while you lie down. And it is your own energetical body that works with energies, releasing what you need to release. With this therapy it is also possible to highlight on any other stubborn areas that may be blocking you in your daily life that you may benefit to look into in a different approach. A much deeper rooted stories do need different tools to work with for a permanent result.

-Cacao & Rapeh (4-5hrs)
Private or group setting.
A gentle heart opening feminine plant medicine in a combination of rapeh, sacred to***co, masculine plant medicine. It will bring you on a gentle journey into the heart, yourself, your body. Guiding you to open up your heart to life away, for when we are closed, we can't experience much joy or love. The plant medicine teaches us how to reground with ourselves and move through life in a gentle flow like a river, teaches us how to release, embrace, give love, and self love. A space is share with Cacao & rapeh, meditation, and free flow movement with a integration chat in the end.
These space may include an I.E.T or quantum therapy tools if needed throughout the healing session.
(Health t&c applies)

-Kambo (10~3pm)
Private or group setting
This session is unlike others, work in a much different way, it is more physical, internal, cleansing your body, organs, gut, through lymphatic system, as well as balancing out your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is a deep cleanse of the body. Suitable for anyone who has been through hard experiences, addictions, low on energies, depressed. Removing any blockages, toxicity, bad energies, illnesses, panema, candida. As the plant medicine works on your body and your own spirit, bringing you into balance, after effects are - an elevated mood, energy levels, reduced stress, improved sleep, self love, appreciation to life and much more.
This session can also be combined with quantum therapy, where we work with a deeply rooted patterns first, where kambo then can clear the rest to help you integrate the new energies with an easier flow.
Kambo spaces include a nutritional meal after the session 😊
(Health t&c applies)

*Cacao or Kambo are available on weekends only



Mediador entre el cielo y la tierra, entre la materia y el espíritu, entre vivos y mu***os, lazo de unión del humano con El Padre Madre Creador, elemento que transporta las oraciones al ámbito de lo Divino, esa es la función del copal, a través del sahumador.

La resina de copal proviene del árbol del genero Bursera Bipinnata, en lengua Náhuatl recibe el nombre de copalquahuitl y la resina el de copalli.

La forma de extraer la resina no ha variado mucho, en el presente se sigue haciendo como en pasados tiempos. Se realizan cortes diagonales a lo largo del tronco, que coinciden con un corte vertical central, lo que permite que la resina escurra por el centro y caiga en una penca de maguey. Al ser el copal un elemento dúctil, toma la forma del recipiente que lo contiene, por ende el llamado copal santo o blanco, tiene forma de barra o flecha como le llaman algunos, en virtud de la forma alargada de la penca de maguey que lo ha moldeado.

El copal es muy apreciado desde el punto de vista místico y ritualistico, e incluso medicinal. Desde la época prehispánica se solía incluir el copal como uno de los tributos que deberían ser entregados al pueblo Méxica y era sumamente valorado.

La aromática esencia del copal, el olor grato que se desprende de esta resina, ha estado asociado a la Ofrenda Divina, a las grandes ceremonias. La clara búsqueda de conexión del ser humano con El Principio Creador Dador de la Vida, se pensaba que era propiciado por el humo blanco del copal.

Las volutas blancas que se producen al quemar el copal, son consideradas Divinas, reciben el nombre de Iztac Teteo (Dioses Blancos). El humo que asciende es una muestra evidente del dialogo que se esta llevando a cabo entre el cielo y la tierra. La columna de humo se transforma en el Eje del Mundo, en torno al cual giran el universo y sus criaturas, columna que transporta las oraciones y peticiones al cielo.

El copal es un material muy importante en usos rituales, el humo que asciende mientras el fuego transforma la esencia de las cosas, representa un lazo de unión, de comunicación entre el cielo y la tierra.
Se ha comparado al humo del copal y su perfume, a la misma alma que se eleva al plano divino.

Es importante hacer notar que en la cultura Mesoamericana, se consideraba que dentro de un ARBOL SAGRADO circulaban las fuerzas cósmicas, que habían dado origen al tiempo. El Árbol de Tamoanchan es el eje del cosmos. La resina del copal proviene de un árbol y esta es una sustancia inflamable. Cuando se quema el copal se produce una columna de humo blanco, un eje. Esta conjunción de elementos Árbol, resina, fuego, columna de humo, transformación, alude a la inmortalidad, a la ascensión a los cielos superiores, a la esencia divina de las cosas.

En el Antiguo Anahuac el copal simbolizaba la incorruptibilidad e inmortalidad. Su grato perfume es real pero inasible, por lo que representa el ámbito de lo espiritual. El humo, de acuerdo a este pensamiento, es el lugar por el cual transitan las animas.

El copal se guardaba en bolsas de algodón o de papel, existen incluso representaciones de deidades que portan su bolsa de copal. Ejemplos hay muchos, como la escultura de barro presente en el Centro Ceremonial de Cacaxtla, adosada a una almena que representa la dualidad hombre-dios. Se ve un personaje ataviado de Tlaloc, que en su mano izquierda sostiene una bolsa de copal y en la derecha un rayo. Durante determinadas fiestas rituales, la gente distinguida traía consigo una bolsa de papel con copal, llamada Icpatoxin.

Otra representación importante, es la de Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, grabada en una roca del cerro de la Malinche, en las cercanías de Tula. Se ve la figura rodeada por el emblema de la Serpiente Emplumada, aparece la fecha Ce Acatl, lleva su atuendo de sacerdote: una capa o xicolli y una bolsa de copal en su mano derecha.

En un uso terapéutico el copal sana las enfermedades producidas por el frió y la humedad, así como también calma los dolores de cabeza y la llamada estrangulación del útero. En el Antiguo Anahuac, a los niños se les colgaba una bolsita de algodón con una bolita de copal, como medida preventiva que evitaba enfermedades y la ciencia actualmente ha demostrado la acción antibacteriana de esta esencia natural. Además de que el aroma del copal penetra por la nariz y producen positivas reacciones en el sistema nervioso.
En otros usos el copal puede ser utilizado untado sobre la piel, como emplasto sobre fracturas y también para desinflamar. Alivia problemas asociados con las vías respiratorias y ciertas ronqueras. Aplicar una gota de copal caliente puede suprimir el dolor de un diente.

Indiscutiblemente que en las antiguas culturas de Mesoamérica, los olores estaban asociados con determinados pensamientos, sentimientos e incluso estados de salud. Se valoraban mucho los gratos aromas y se entendía que manifestaban un estado de armonía.

Otro uso ritual del copal, se llevaba a cabo en la elaboración de esculturas, hechas de la misma materia de copal, ya que cuando esta fresca la resina es moldeable y al secarse se endurece, es factible darle forma y que perdure. Estas esculturas se hacían como forma de dar tributo a la madre tierra a Tonatzin, a Tlazolteotl, o como las que aparecen en las ofrendas del Templo Mayor representado a Chicomecoatl, diosa del maíz y Chalchitlicue, diosa del agua.

También se han encontrado ofrendas consistentes en esferas o bolas de copal, en lagos y cenotes, e incluso acompañando a personajes distinguidos en sus tumbas.

Al ser quemado el humo blanco se asociaba con las lluvias, por lo que también se pensaba que de esta manera se honraba a Tlaloc y se empleaba para solicitar lluvia.

Es así que el COPAL y sus derivados como son la mirra (corteza del árbol de copal), el copal de goma, el copal blanco, lagrima y lagrimita de incienso, siguen vigentes en su concepto ritual y sanador de religar El Cielo con La Tierra, propiciando la armonía del cuerpo y el espíritu

Photos from Condor's Embrace - Holistic Healing's post 22/10/2023

Let's welcome Kambo Medicine 🐸🌿


Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does. ~Margaret Atwood

(Book: The Penelopiad [ad]


Andean Condor
They are one of the largest vultures, with a wing span reaching upto 10f (3m)
And are found on a rocky high altitude mountains of Andean mountains of North and south America.
Spirit bird of the cosmos, sky & sun. Conectected to the upper world, ancestors and the divine. Element of air. Representing courage, power & determination, creativity, just to name a few. Whats most majestic is a way they fly. When Condors meet a strong wind, they are not deterred. A Condor’s wings face those airstreams with confidence. As the wind change, so does the life. Using their power of wings at take of and set down. When in the air, they can glide with the wind without a single flap of wings for up to 5hours. Just trusting the wind.
A powerful message to take from this is to trust your own inner power to glide through any changes with minimal waste of energy or resistance to change. Giving all the trust into the divine to guide you.
As well as as the flying high with the spirits, another message it brings, that we also gotta come down to the ground. Ground those vibrations, manifest those messages, before soaring up into the sky again ✨️
As above, So below 💛
There is no separation.

Photos from Condor's Embrace - Holistic Healing's post 18/10/2023

Cacao & Rapeh medicines.

Both of these medicines come from amazon, gathered and prepared with sacred intentions to heal and reconnect us back to ourselves with a help of spirits of cacao or spirits of sacred to***co, some made with different medicinal plants, called rapeh.
Cacao- ceremonial grade Cacao comes from a plant which is also where purest chocolate comes from. Altho to make cemeronial Cacao, the process is different to conserve the max of its healing potential, and intentions are put into it during it by the tribes.
Cacao is a feminine spirit, it is gentle, and works on our hearts, opening our hearts, helping us to release stories or feelings that have our hearts closed from experiencing joy and love, opening us up to love and compassion. As well as grounding, taking us from the mind into the hearts. Back to ourselves, and the universe within us. Allowing us to hear our own hearts wispers, our own inner wisdom. It has many more other healing properties, calming our nervous system, improves mood, improves our sleep, its full of magnesium which also relaxes our muscle tensions and packed with rich vitamins, boosting ourselves with energy. It works magically on our physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies.
*post about rapeh to follow.


𝐘𝐚 𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐥os 𝐨𝐣𝐨𝐬:

𝐒ó𝐥𝐨 𝐩𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟í𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐨 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐧 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫. 𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐚. 𝐍𝐨 𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨 𝐪𝐮é 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐫á, 𝐧𝐢 𝐩𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐲𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐬ó 𝐲 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐫.

𝐋𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐳, 𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫, 𝐥𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝, 𝐥𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐝 𝐲 𝐥𝐚 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐬. 𝐀𝐩𝐫é𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐢.


The endless "should of/shouldn't of" list...
I mean, on a more simple view, without diving too deep into how it can affect us on a deeper levels.
Let's take for instance, I should clean the house. Or I should do the things on my to do list. Something we all go through every day. I should do this, I should do that. All that weight we carry.. yes those things may be that will help us grow, bring us whatever the outcome. Have ever noticed how it is also a game of a doer, of the mind, of the masculine? Have you ever allowed yourself to slow down, and rest, let the feminine side of you (the body) to recharge, regenerate, process, calm down, after all these "rat race - do do do".. have you observed how much you may be guilt tripping your own self at that moment of 5 min rest... you mind kicks in - I should be doing this and that. And get up again.
-Have you ever allowed yourself to do what your body is asking you for and really soak in it?
-Have you 2hrs free and feel tired? Let yourself to really rest. Melt yourself in that blanket. Guess what, we all know to clean up or whatever can be done in seconds or a few minutes..even quicker when we are rested.
-Have you had a rough few days or have been processing some emotions? Nurture yourself. Give yourself some care, what is it that you need? What can you do that is at a reach. (No, holidays are not always needed) as we need to learn how to move through things without burn out and going on holidays as an escape. (Tired after a holiday??)
Don't be so hard on yourself and listen to your body. Reconnect.
-Have you had that big project or a wish you've always wanted to do? Guess what. It's too, is just at the reach of you decision to do it. Let go of unimportant things, and make that 1st step, which creates momentum.
Reevaluate your own shoulds and shouldn'ts often!!! Majority of them is past conditioning that doesn't serve you good any more. Some of them is what you think you should be doing. And only a few, are the real ones, yet they look like - yes let's do it, I gotta do it. And these. These go with ease. Without beating yourself up.
More below..


- I.E.T -
Integrated energy therapy.
-Is a very gentle 1-1.5hr healing session where you lie down and let the energy work itself on the areas of your body. This treatment consist of gentle hands on the areas of your body like head, shoulders, sides of your ribs/stomac and above hip bone (sides) to work on the internal accumulated energy in those locations. As each organ represents each emotion/feeling, as well reaching out to chakras clearing the blockages.
-A bit of the inside the work information. Through out our life we go through events, we feel, and we leave a certain imprint of the events. Our bodies rememeber all that have happened, even when we were 2-4months old and even in our mom's belly. Certain events may have been hard for us to process due too many feelings all at once, or we simply didn't want to feel them. And closed off. Or werent ready. Yet it is all stored within our bodies, in the physical, in the mental & emotional bodies, weighing us down, or else blocking us from experiencing something new in life.
Integrated energy work helps us to open those blockages and release those feelings or stories at last. With imprint of new energies to take place in those areas. With use of energies with archangels, reiki and kundalini energies, all realigning us back to our natural flow of life. As we have always ment to be. Helping us to discover our own life's path/purpose.
-The after effect-
More at peace, calm mind, elevated energy levels, ease to release of emotions that you were not able to release before (depending on individual process), more active, inspired, creative, centered, productive, compassionate towards yourself and others, joy & lightness.
-This treatment can be done in person or distantly (each person at their comfort of their home)

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Te lo he dicho otras veces, pero hoy quiero repetírtelo: no estás aquí para agradar a nadie.

Estás aquí para realizarte, simplemente.

Deja a los demás en su mundo.

Que hagan lo que quieran.

Que digan lo que quieran.

Que piensen lo que quieran...

El camino lo marcas tú.

No te responsabilices de las vidas de los demás: tu única misión es alinearte contigo mism@ y hacer aquello que te está resonando.

Hacerlo ya.

Si alguien se enfada, que se enfade.

Si a alguien no le gustas, pasa de esa persona.

Si a alguien le gustaría que fueses otra persona, que la busque, porque claramente no eres tú.

Suelta a todo aquel que no te muestre resonancia y que solo te refleje mediocridad, expectativas infantiles y opiniones absurdas.

Con contundencia.

Sin remordimientos.

Prolongar esas relaciones e interacciones solo te va a traer más de lo mismo.

Y no.

No es tu misión ser "buen@", ni complacer a todos, ni que el otro esté "contento".

¿Quién te metió eso en la cabeza?

El otro ha de saber ayudarse a sí mism@ y no depender de tu ayuda.

Ni de que lo complazcas.

Es el principal responsable de su vida.

Si te vas responsabilizando de la vida de tod@s, al final la tuya quedará en segundo plano, y eso es precisamente lo que no viniste a hacer: arrinconarte por el "bien" de los demás.

Esa creencia has de erradicarla cuanto antes si deseas realizarte, pues ni te estás amando ni sabes amar.

Que no.

Que no viniste a que todos estén "bien", sino a transformarte TÚ.

A ser quien eres.

Suelta ya todo el peso que llevas a cuestas.

Todas las personas que te maniatan, que ponen caras raras, que sonríen delante y critican detrás, que viven para victimizarse y chismorrear en vez de colaborar.

Sal de ahí.

Hazlo ya.

Deja la culpabilidad a un lado.

El único "culpable" (responsable) es aquel que no se responsabiliza de su propia vida.

Que sigue mirando fuera.

Echando la culpa a nosequién.

Una y otra vez.

Tú ya no estás ahí.

No es ese tu lugar.

Lo sabes perfectamente.

Y si a estas alturas del texto aún quedan culpas, y remordimientos, y que eso de: "qué van a pensar los demás", es que sigues sin alinearte.

Sin amarte ni realizarte.

Hay creencias que has de revisar.

Libertades que has de ganar y lastres que has de soltar.

Recuerda: no es tu misión ayudar ni complacer a l@s demás, sino ayudarte a ti mism@ y que con tu ejemplo y tu luz los demás, si quieren, se puedan ayudar. ✨💛

Palabras de mi querido

Conversaciones de corazón a corazón.

Gracias por tu existir.✨🍀💫


Everything around you is alive 😊
Pine trees..
Just a few of their health benefits - coughs, chest phlegm, sinuses, headaches, regulating nervous system and blood, gut (acidity) and kidneys antiinflamateries.
Grounds, calms, gives sharpness and strenght.
Growth purpose is purely to grow tall, above other trees to reach and to soak up all the nutrients from the sun, the lower branches are snapped off to maintain the energy for growth rather than fullness. (For these particular trees anyways)
Fascinating 🙃🌿


On this healing path, it is so easy to fall into this "spiritual mind game" of being love and light. That we avoid the main point. To regain our own light, to heal, to reconnect with parts of ourselves, is to look into the darkness, into the shadow. We are in a huge avoidance if we think positive way to be is the only way forward. For we are both, light and shadow that is being brought to light.
Do you not like the person? Or what is he/she doing? Observe what is it that you don't like? Is the person behaves how you werent allowed or accepted to behave. For it is only the part of you that you havent accepted in yourself. Watch how then, you grow compassion and awerness in yourself, and that trigger dissapears. For you were never angry at the person. You were in conflict with your inner self. It's an opportunity for you to love and accept those parts of you.
Mirror work / shadow work, is an ongoing process. Without it, there is no growth.


What a man leads, his agendas, his programming, his line / tree, the woman will manifest it, bring it to life, consciously or unconsciously and vice versa.
The self work is just as important for men as it is for women. Both are needed to create a life. Invite yourself to do the work, For your current self, for the future generations, the future itself, to stop replaying, remanifesting the scenarios of our past into the future. Its been done. We came to not recreate it, but to create the new. We have our own blue print purpose for this life. Rewriting the history. & Responsibility of that, humbles. 🔥💜🌿

Photos from Condor's Embrace - Holistic Healing's post 18/09/2023

Healing with Kambo

Next dates
25th of September
14th of October

A day to let go, heal, reconnect with yourself, reconnect with your heart and body.


While Tsunu is waiting to be restocked, I still have Cacao rapeh available for those who wish to work with Rapeh medicine for their own healing 🙏


A new blend of rapeh, Jatoba, is due to arrive in a few days.
This, also, a powerful blend is more of a masculine kind of energy, very grounding, clearing, working on root, solar plexus, 3rd eye, throat and heart chakras. Bringing you clarity, balance, and a push when needed.
A set setting is recommended when working with this medicine.

Tubs sizes available in 10, 15, 20grams.

Yawanawa rapé.
Tsunu & Cacao available in 10g or 15g options ✨️💜🌿


Wilhelm Reich observeerde dat mensen met emotionele en psychische problemen ook chronische spanning hadden in hun spieren (in feite in het bindweefsel).

Verder onderzoek leidde hem tot de ontdekking dat dit allemaal te maken had met het autonome (vegetatieve) zenuwstelsel.

Chronische spanning en pijn zijn terug te leiden tot het niet meer kunnen spontaan reguleren van het sympathische zenuwstelsel (dat aanzet tot vechten en vluchten bij bedreiging).

Het corrolarium hiervan heeft te maken met het parasympathische zenuwstelsel. Daar waar het sympathische zenuwstelsel leidt tot spanning (‘aanspannen voor actie’), heeft het parasympathische zenwustelsel te maken met ontspanning en expansie. In de mate dat contractie door het systeem wordt vertaald als ‘veilig’, wordt expansie (het leven vertrouwen, het onbekende tegemoet gaan, dingen uitproberen...) meer en meer vertaald als 'onveilig'.

Contractie is het mechanisme achter pijn; expansie het mechanisme achter plezier.

De natuurlijke stroom van de levensenergie in het lichaam wordt ervaren als plezierig. Het is wat we identificeren als vitaal, levendig.

Dat is FLOW. In de mate dat de natuurlijke levensstroom wordt afgeremd door contractie in het bindweefsel, vermindert ook het vermogen tot plezier en avontuur.

Sterker nog plezier/avontuur/loslaten wordt meer en meer onbewust afgewezen als onveilig.

Reich ontdekte dat de staat van de energiestroom in het lichaam dus meer fundamenteel is voor de conditie van het menselijke organisme dan gedachten en emoties. Iemand die depressief is bijvoorbeeld kan zijn (haar) emotionele staat niet veranderen door positieve gedachten te denken. Hij (zij) dient zijn (haar) energiestaat te veranderen. De rest zal dan volgen.

Het kernprobleem van gedrag- en gezondheidsproblemen is de som van alle belemmeringen van de vrije energiestroom (spontane energie) in het lichaam.

Zonder het lichaam te begrijpen als een bio energetisch ecosysteem wordt alleen op secundaire, tertiaire, etc oorzaken gewerkt...

Het is de chronische weerstand in het organisme die de primaire oorzaken bevat van disharmonie OMDAT - bij meer en meer weerstand tegen de intelligente levensenergie - ook het ZELFORGANISEREND VERMOGEN van het menselijke ecosysteem met grote sprongen afneemt.

Meer en meer ‘externe’ ingrepen zijn dan (schijnbaar) nodig, maar ze lossen nooit het fundamentele probleem op: de verstoring van het zelforganiserend ecosysteem.

Wat is dan het doel van weerstand leren loslaten? Het is het herstel van onze natuurlijke flowstaat (en dus van onze spontaniteit, vitaliteit, creativiteit, levenslust, etc)! ‘In weerstand’ is ‘uit flow’. ‘In weerstand’ is ‘uit verbinding’. ‘In flow’ is ‘in verbinding’. Zodus...

Photos from Pachamama Shamanic Healing Ireland's post 01/05/2023

Pm for more information 🥰✨️

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Opening Hours

Monday 5pm - 9pm
Tuesday 5pm - 9pm
Friday 5pm - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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