RUMA - Integrative Therapy & Birthwork

Somatic Release Therapy ~ Yoga ~ Naturopathic Nutrition ~ Bodywork โœจ๏ธ
Pregnancy & Post Partum Care ๐ŸŒธ
Gatherings & Events
Adventure Getaways


Somatic Release sessions offer your body the space to safely let go of what it's ready to no longer hold. โœจ๏ธ

Throughout our lives, many of us haven't learned how, haven't been allowed to or haven't felt safe to express our emotions and feelings around our experiences.

For many of us, we learned from a young age that vulnerability was weakness, that our feelings weren't valid, that our experiences did not impact us.

In society, we have been taught to shut down, to repress, to ignore, to numb, to push inwards all that can be perceived as negative, too painful, uncomfortable or challenging for others to deal with.

For many, instead of being taught how to process and release our traumatic or difficult experiences, instead we were taught how to bury them within, how to become busy, productive, the fixer or the high achiever.

When we have not had practices and support in processing and releasing these experiences, they get buried and stored within our bodies.

Our bodies are brilliant, they are incredible. They can hold so much, they can build extravagant walls to attempt to protect us, they can repress, bury, hide to try and keep us safe from feeling.

But our bodies can only hold so much for so long until we start to get sick.

Trapped trauma, pain or unprocessed emotions can manifest on all the layers, physical, mental and spiritual and makes us sick.

Somatic Release sessions invite the body in to a space of softening and surrender, where it can begin to unravel and unwind, feeling safe enough to let go bit by bit of what is no longer serving us.

Bringing us towards a more peaceful, spacious and comfortable inner environment. ๐Ÿ’œ


Weekly yoga classes at Our Space, Rathnew ๐Ÿ’œ

Both classes are gentle, focused on nervous system support and suitable for all levels.


Any questions, please reach out ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope to see you in class๐Ÿ’ซ

Ruth โœจ๏ธ


Hello lovelies,

I have recently returned to Ireland after living abroad for the past few years and have re-established my business here in Rathnew, Wicklow.

I am an integrative therapist offering both private and group sessions in a variety of holistic therapies and yoga classes.

As a new client welcome offer as I re- build, I am offering a special deal with a big discount on select treatments in exchange for a google review.

Full body holistic massage โ‚ฌ20 (usually โ‚ฌ90)

Somatic release session โ‚ฌ40 (usually โ‚ฌ120)

You can find more information on my work below at:

If you are interested in availing of this offer, please follow link below and book using "Special Offer" option.

Any questions/further information, please reach out via email:
[email protected].

I Look forward to welcoming you in to clinic soon.

Ruth โœจ


Next women's gathering Saturday 28th Sept ๐Ÿ’ซ

These gatherings offer you the opportunity to relax, release, feel nourished, and connect with likeminded women.

When women gather, magic happens. A large part of this is feeling safe and seen in a supportive, and accepting container, and being provided with the space to be heard and deeply understood.

This beautiful 2 hour gathering will include:

Guided meditation journey
Somatic movement practice
Space to share
Journalling prompts
Herbal tea & snacks
Sound bath

This gathering occurs just after Autumn Equinox, and will be centred around reflecting on gratitude and abundance from the summer months and preparing to shift inwards towards the slower, darker months.

Limited spaces are available for this gathering to ensure an intimate, secure space. ๐Ÿ’›

Bookings available through link in bio & below:

Reach out with any questions.

I look forward to welcoming you.

Ruth โœจ๏ธ


A foundational principle of naturopathy is the use of food as medicine.

Food is one of nature's many wonderful gifts to us, it is our source of nutrition, warmth, nourishment and contains powerful healing properties.

Food, real food, is medicinal.. it is potent, and is one of the most important and incredible things we need for optimal health and longevity.

Yet, so much of what is currently deemed as "food" barely fits the criteria of real food.

Our current food system is heavily controlled by pre-packaged, hightly processed convenience "foods" with little to no nutritional value, creating inflammation rather than healing within our bodies.

Tuning into our diet and making supportive changes is one of the fastest and simplest ways we can support our health.

It does not need to be complicated. You do not need to be a chef, or have all the time in the world to meal prep.

Start simple.

- Reduce your consumption of processed, pre packaged and high sugar foods.

- Add in more whole foods : fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, organic meats.

- Check out your water source, and implement a water filter where necessary.

- Eat foods that grow locally if possible.

- Adjust your diet to eating in more alignment with the seasons: warming, hearty soups and stews in winter, lighter, cooling foods in summer.

- Tune in to how your body feels when you eat different foods. Tune into which foods give you energy and make you feel vibrant, and notice which foods make you feel tired, sluggish, irritable or uncomfortable.
Your body is a powerful guide.

Remember that your body is your home for this precious and wonderful life, and consider what an honour it is to look after it ๐Ÿ’›


I've said it before and I'll say it again..
Magic occurs when women gather!

There is something so deeply powerful and palpable when you sit with a group of women.

For generations, women have been shut down, suppressed, told to be quiet, be less, say less, do more.

Women have been pitted against each other and seperation and division has been created..


Because when you remove a woman's support system, her village, her tribe, her people.. she becomes disempowered, she becomes submissive, quieter, lower, she begins to lose herself.

When a woman is given the space to speak, to be heard, to be seen, to be held in all of her vulnerability, all of her shadows, all of her magnificence..

When she is given permission to speak without being silenced, and held without expectation...

She surrenders, she softens, and she drops deeply into her feminine essence.. the well of her most powerful and potent creative energy.

When women are gifted the space to be in this place together, pure magic and wonder occurs.

You could light the world on fire with the brightness contained within women standing in their power.

When women gather and feel truly at home around other women, healing occurs rippling back generations.

It cracks us open and allows us to begin to heal our sister wounds, our mother wounds, our witch wounds.

This healing is carried out to our friends, our families, our partners and children.

It is felt. It is beautiful.

When is the last time you felt truly safe and supported in a group of women?

Women's gatherings offer you a space free of judgement, free of pressure to be a certain way, and invites you to arrive exactly as you are and to allow yourself to be seen, heard and witnessed in whatever capacity feels supportive for you.


Yoga classes offer you the opportunity to step out of the busyness and demands of daily life, and be guided back into connection with yourself.

They invite you to become present with your breath and your body and to allow the mind to slow through gentle guided rhythmic movements and moments of stillness.

Yoga is not only the practice of Asanas (poses), but is in making the space to connect with yourself on a deep level. In taking the time to be present within the bounds of your physical form and offer yourself the opportunity to shift, release, move and just be.

My yoga classes are focused on nervous system support, providing you with the opportunity to get in tune with yourself, your own breath, your own body and offering you postures and movements which cultivate a feeling of inner stillness and softness.

You will receive guidance throughout and classes contain meditations to ground the body and calm the mind.

All classes are suitable for beginners and provide a space of gentle nurturing and an opportunity for you to truly surrender and be held within your practice.

Tuesday evening restorative 5.45-6.45pm
Wednesday morning flow 7am-8am

Booking link in bio โ™ฅ๏ธ


Physical touch is deeply soothing to our nervous systems and healing on a visceral level.

Human beings require non sexual touch to function optimally, and it is no surprise that a lack of physical touch contributes to loneliness, depression and an overall feeling of emptiness.

We are primed for connection, love and belonging and we deeply desire feeling connected and supported by our fellow humans.

Touch is an incredibly powerful sense, and I find when working with clients the level of tension and stress that can be dissipated simply through bodywork alone is incredible.

We are deeply sensitive beings, and for many of us, touch is a sense which brings about many complex and convoluted feelings.

Many of us are starved of supportive, loving and present touch, and unfortunately for many, this lack has been present since we were babies ๐Ÿ˜ข

How many times have you heard that babies who are held too much will become spoiled?
In fact, the research shows that babies and children whos needs are consistently met without stress, they become more secure and able to move out into and experience the world with a solid grounding and sense of safety and regulation.

A sense of safety and nervous system regulation are two elements I take very seriously in working with my clients.

When we feel safe, secure and regulated, we are able to relax, to let go and to allow healing to occur.

Bodywork sessions available through link in bio ๐ŸŒบ


How many times have you went to bed with solid intentions of what your morning/day looks like only to wake up feeling negative/demotivated/low in energy and instead spend hours in bed, procrasting or scrolling though your phone..

I have been there so many times!

Our minds can either be our most powerful ally, or the cruellest bullies.

At times, it can feel like our minds are sabotaging us! As of all of our good intentions, positive plans and ideas are squashed by a heaviness, a negative mindset, thoughts that loop of why we shouldn't even bother, or shouldn't even try.
It can feel as if we have lost control of our minds as they bombard us with negativity, criticism and cruel thoughts.

For years, I allowed these mind games to absolutely control my life. I felt completely at the mercy of what thoughts I would wake up with and how my day would be dictated.
It took me a long time, a lot of therapy, healing and practice to learn how to manage and cope with overwhelming thoughts, negative loop spirals and a nasty internal dialogue!

These days, most of the time I feel I have agency over my thoughts and when they do spiral, I feel much better equipped to pull myself back, slow myself down and focus on something more helpful and positive.

Over the years, I have found that the best and quickest way to shift out of this loop is to move from the mind by dropping in to the body.

Shaking, jumping, running on the spot, getting outside for a fast walk, climbing a hill, swimming, practising a yoga sequence.

Any of these practices act like a stop gap or a mental reset to snap out of the loop and focus on the sensations of my body, the ground beneath my feet and the world existing outside of myself.

Movement and body intention has this magical ability to change how we feel and perceive things.
It has this incredible and powerful way of getting us out of our heads and into our hearts.

It is somatic. It is divine.

The next time you wake up feeling less than motivated, low in energy or sense that negative thinking creeping in, I invite you to put your phone down, roll your body out of bed and move instead.
Start small and feel the power unfold ๐Ÿ’ซ


The beauty industry has a lot to answer for and constantly bombards women with the message of buying more, using more, needing more.

From elaborate skincare routines, to fancy (toxic) fragrance filled perfumes, to special shampoos and conditioners to fake tanner, a bag full of makeup products.. the list goes on!

These products that so many women are exposed to daily are full to the brim of toxic chemicals attacking our hormones, our reproductive systems, our brains and increasing the toxic load of the body contributing to cancer.

This is not about being a hippy or switching to natural products as a trend, this is quite literally about the health and wellness of yourself and future generations.

Around 1 in 6 women are now facing fertility struggles.
This number has increased exponentially over the years and continues to rise.
This is no coincidence.

Worldwide, we are exposed to more toxins and chemicals than ever before.

So what can you do ?

- Read the ingredients in the products you are using.

- Research any of the ingredients you can't understand and learn about their side effects.

- Make the switch to natural, low toxic products that are safe and supportive to your health.

- Dig a little deeper to understanding that these companies creating these products make an absolute fortune by keeping you reliant on them, needing more and more to fix or offer solutions to issues that are created by the very same products.

You cannot thrive and live a fulfilling life in a sick body/mind.

Looking after your health means looking into the areas which may be negatively impacting you and making that change for the sake of yourself and your families ๐Ÿ’œ

Photos from RUMA - Integrative Therapy & Birthwork's post 13/08/2024

I am very excited to share with you the first sacred women's gathering here in Ireland ๐Ÿ’•โœจ๏ธ

Women's gatherings are a beautiful space for you to show up completely as you are and have the opportunity to be seen, heard and witnessed without pressure, expectation or the need to be anything other than exactly as you are.

It is a potent, powerful container where women are free to be completely themselves and are offered the security in connecting with a group of women without judgement or falsities.

A space to receive guidance, sacred practices and nourishing space holding, and the opportunity to share and be truly heard.

Each sacred gathering I have held has been such a powerful and magic experience and it feels so beautiful to be bringing those home to the women of Wicklow ๐Ÿ’œ

Spaces are limited, bookings essential.

To book:
Or search for 1 september in the classes section of

I am so looking forward to sitting in circle with you ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒž

Ruth โœจ๏ธ


A life without adventure is missing the point.

I've always been an adventure seeker, craving the unknown, exciting, wonder filled places the world has to offer.

Freedom is one of my highest values, and adventure fulfils this need for freedom in a huge way.

Adventure reminds me what life is all about. It reminds me that we have one precious life and so little time to live it.

While I've never lost my sense of adventure or longing for freedom, there have been many times throughout my life where the motivation and energy to seek adventure and fun has been hard to find.

Relational stress, mental health challenges, financial worries, a busy/stressful lifestyle, unresolved trauma, difficult circumstances..
All of these things can severely limit how we are able to show up and be motivated to experience life.

I've had many times where I've had to dig deep to re find the motivation and energy to get out and be in the world.

Adventure.. the very thing which can provide a boost of motivation, energy, a new way of viewing the world and our lives, can be the very thing that is unattainable when we are effected by any of the above.

Feels like a bit of a catch 22, which can be disheartening in itself.

Adventure doesn't need to be the huge trips, the extreme adventure sports, or moving to the other side of the world.

Adventure can be as simple as taking a different route home, pulling in at a random park and taking 30 minutes to walk around and allow space to wander and experience something new.
It can be looking at maps of all there is to offer in a 20minute drive and picking a random spot to explore.
It can be finding somewhere to eat by walking around and seeing what looks good rather than endless online research to find the perfect spot.

Adventure can be anything you make it, getting out and immersing yourself in the world ๐ŸŒŽ


Purpose ๐Ÿ”ฎ is a theme which comes up often in client sessions, and I see time and time again how a lack of purpose brings a dullness, darkness and sense of confusion and numbness to life.

As human beings, in many ways, we are incredibly complex, and in others, we are very simple.

We are all searching for our purpose in life, for the thing that makes our heart beat faster and our breath speed up.

Searching for a reason, a meaning, a why.

Life brings us so many challenges, painful moments, difficult emotions, hurdles to overcome and roadblocks popping up, it can be easy to slip in to a heaviness or feeling that life is not moving in your favour..

It can be easy to lose motivation, positivity and begin to forget what the point is at all.

Without a strong felt sense of purpose, things can get dark pretty quickly.

A big part of my work with clients is in supporting to work through the layers and shift that which is preventing you from finding and feeling in to your deepest, truest purpose.

Witnessing this shift and unlocking in my clients brings me the purest joy, and sense of alignment to my own purpose ๐Ÿ’›

Purpose brings clarity and a direction in which to move.

How connected to your purpose are you feeling? ๐Ÿ’ซ


New yoga classes starting next week Tuesday 13th August at Our Space, Rathnew ๐Ÿ’œ

Both classes gentle and suitable for all levels.


Any questions, please reach out ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hope to see you there๐Ÿ’ซ

Ruth โœจ๏ธ


Home ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒฒ

It has now been 2 weeks since I landed back to my homeland in Ireland and wow.. what can I say.. it has been a full and intense transition!

I feel as if I've lived months worth of life experiences and tumultuous times in the past 2 weeks!

I've had multiple drives across the country, family health crises, emergency hospital trips, meetings, work opportunities, birthdays, house moves and more!

Something that I have learned BIG time so far in 2024, is that we absolutely never know what life has in store for us..

This year has shown me that what you think you knew for sure can change in an instant. That nothing is permanent, and that the more you expect life to constantly surprise you and throw curve balls in your path and the better you can learn to move with the ever changing current rather than against, the more peace you will find.

Amongst the chaos and challenges, I have also been able to recalibrate back into what life looks like here, drop back in to the beat of the land and exhale, and begin to set up and establish my business.

Within challenges, there is always positives.
Within chaos, there is always stillness.
Within cracking and breaking, there is always light.

This is the polarity and wonder of life. ๐Ÿ’œ

Client bookings will be available from my new space from next week, and online appointments are always still available for both new and existing clients โœจ๏ธ

Le Grรก (with love),
Ruth โœจ๏ธ


Hello my loves,

As mentioned and promised, I have decided to set up an online Women's Gathering while I am home in Ireland for those who wish to stay connected and have this monthly space to share and be ๐Ÿ’—

The first of our monthly gatherings is on Monday 22nd July at 6pm Sydney time and will be held on zoom so you can create a little nest and join from the comfort of your home ๐Ÿค—


Any questions as always, reach out.

I hope to see you there โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซ


I am thrilled to say I now have availability for in person sessions in Wicklow town.

Appointments Available:
Somatic Therapy
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy
Massage Therapy

Bookings open for July & August.

Contact me for enquiries.
[email protected]

Photos from RUMA - Integrative Therapy & Birthwork's post 23/06/2024

What an honour it was to be part of such a special day for Birth Wellness Festival this year ๐Ÿ’œ

We had an incredible line up of speakers, wise women, birth workers, mothers and fathers sharing story, education and experience.

Thank you!

To the wonderful Sali , who's vision and capacity to create magic was the catalyst to bring all of this to life. ๐Ÿ’ซ

To everyone else who put so much time, effort and passion into bringing it all together โค๏ธ

And to everyone who attended and brought so much to the day ๐Ÿซถ


Hello lovely ladies ๐Ÿ’—

Our next women's gathering is on 24th June 5.45pm.

Sitting in sacred circle with other women is a potent, and deeply healing experience and invites you to come as you are and be seen , heard and witnessed exactly as you without judgement. ๐Ÿ’ซ

It offers a space for you to bring anything you feel called, to make space to go inwards and reflect, and some powerful practices to support you on your journey ๐Ÿซถ

Spaces are limited for these gatherings to ensure everyone feels comfortable and has the space to be heard if you choose. ๐ŸŒธ

Bookings :

Reach out with any questions ๐Ÿฆ‹

I hope to see you there.

Ruth ๐ŸŒป


Hello lovely ladies ๐Ÿ’—

Our next women's gathering is on the 30th May 5.45pm.

Sitting in sacred circle with other women is a potent, and deeply healing experience and invites you to come as you are and be seen , heard and witnessed exactly as you without judgement. ๐Ÿ’ซ

It offers a space for you to bring anything you feel called, to make space to go inwards and reflect, and some powerful practices to support you on your journey ๐Ÿซถ

Spaces are limited for these gatherings to ensure everyone feels comfortable and has the space to be heard if you choose. ๐ŸŒธ

Bookings :

Reach out with any questions ๐Ÿฆ‹

I hope to see you there.

Ruth ๐ŸŒป

Photos from RUMA - Integrative Therapy & Birthwork's post 21/05/2024

I was called to co- facilitate this event as pregnancy loss is extremely close to my heart.
I have seen too many times, and experienced first hand the lack of knowledge, understanding, care and support around women experiencing pregnancy loss and the intense physical, mental and spiritual repercussions for this lack of adequate care and acknowledgement.

I know and trust the depth of healing that can occur when this loss and grief is honoured and treated with the care and reverance it deserves, and when women are properly supported to feel and honour their experience.

This retreat day serves as a bridge between a woman and her experience.
In circle, through connection and acknowledgement, we mourn, and we heal.

Tickets :

Afterpay available ๐Ÿ’—

I am honoured to hold this space for you โœจ๏ธ


Somatic Therapy is a body-centered therapy focusing on the connection of the mind & body and uses various techniques and modalities to become aware of and shift that which is stored within the body for deeper healing.

There is a beautiful place for talk therapy, and I believe that awareness and comprehension of what we are experiencing is the most potent first step on our journeys.

However, talk therapy has its limitations, and unfortunately, we can get trapped in a loop of over analysis, continously disecting our emotions and thought processes and re-telling and experiencing our traumas over and over again in an attempt to move past them.

Somatic Therapy is the practice of bringing the body into the mix. In developing a felt sense of how our emotions, life experiences, traumas and triggers appear within our bodies and how we can utilise body based awareness and powerful modalities to shift and process these through and out of our bodies for lasting change.

In supporting my clients, I work with traditional counselling in combination with breathwork, sound therapy, massage, yoga and energy work to offer sessions which support the mind, body and soul and offer an integrative theraputic approach.

Somatic Therapy sessions are available both in person and by distance. ๐ŸŒผ

Booking link in bio.


If you're new here, welcome! Allow me to introduce myself.๐ŸŒผ

My name is Ruth. I am a somatic therapist, naturopathic practitioner and sacred space & ceremony facilitator. โœจ๏ธ

When working with clients, I utilise elements of counselling, energy work, nutrition, TCM principles, yoga, massage and sound therapy, which combined, offers an integrative approach to whole being health and wellness. ๐Ÿ’›

I work heavily within the birth-continuum and support women and their families on the journey from pre-conception to post partum, including those navigating loss and grief. ๐Ÿชป

I'm a proud mnรก na hร‰ireann, and am deeply attuned to mama nature, the elements and the ways of my ancestors.

I am a deep feeling, highly sensitive person which has been both a blessing and a curse throughout my life.
To feel and experience the world, and complexities of being human with such depth comes with big highs, and big lows!

Hence, I have learned over the years the vast importance of utilising mind/body/spirit practices to remain grounded, shift blocks through the physical body and move through this world with more ease.

I have spent the past 4 years in deep reverence to holistic health and wellness and am continuously seeking deeper learning and open to the unfolding of inherent knowledge and understanding.

I do not claim to know it all, or even close! I do not intent to be some sort of guru or healer that will fix or your life... Because you are not broken. You are whole as you are.

I work in collaboration with my clients to move you towards a more fulfilled and integrated self. I offer an environment which allows the gentle unravelling and winding back together all the layers of you that are seeking support and nourishment.
I offer a space for you to be seen, heard and witnessed exactly as you are, and the tools and supports to guide you back in to allignment to your most authentic self.

More information can be found on my website

If you feel called to connect or work with me, bookings are available through link in bio. ๐Ÿ’ซ


Sharing a little information about this year's Birth Wellness Festival with Sali Heart and Soul of Wellness on our exciting birth talk circles which will cover a wide range of topics from pregnancy, birth, postpartum , women's health and storytelling.

We have an incredible line up of wonderful speakers who have a wealth of knowledge in the birth and women's health space and we can't wait to share this information and space with you this year ๐Ÿ’›

This year's festival is going to be absolute magic !

Tickets :

Hope to see you there ! ๐Ÿ’“๐ŸŒž


Join us and some like minded women for an intimate afternoon learning all things natural perfume and making our own toxin-free scents and the most lux face serum to take home.

Come along and find your own inner alchemist and play with some lush essential oils.

You don't need any perfume making experience, just bring yourself ( and a friend if you like) and get ready to get creative and have a some fun together.

10 people per class limit.

Book tickets here ๐Ÿ’—*1xtkuc6*_ga*MTQwNjgyMDg0NC4xNzE1MjQ0Nzkx*_ga_LHKW5FR9N6*MTcxNTI0ODU1OC4yLjEuMTcxNTI1MjYyOC40NC4wLjA

Photos from Embraced In Care's post 09/05/2024

For the month of May, I am offering a $40 discount on initial appointments! ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿค—

The past few months have been challenging for so many, and what I am finding both in session and conversation in my personal life of late is that we are all needing some extra support and nourishment! ๐Ÿ’ญ

This is my little way of offering some extra TLC and inviting you to step into session with more accessibility. ๐Ÿ’—

This discount can be used for either in person or online sessions booked in the month of May. (Appointment can be for May/June) ๐Ÿ’ซ

Clinic location: Tweed Heads South.

Bookings: ๐Ÿซถ

I look forward to sitting with you soon ๐ŸŒผ


I am so excited to share this event with you ๐Ÿ’œ

Journey Towards Winter is a deeply nourishing half day retreat where you will be guided through soothing practices designed to ground the body, mind and spirit, slow down and support the nervous system as we prepare for the cooler , darker, quieter months of winter. ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿฆ‹

This will be one of the last events I am running in Australia until 2025 ๐Ÿซถ
So if you have been wanting to join an event or group experience with me now is the time ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•

Tickets :

I can't wait to share this space with you ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿฅฐ

Ruth โœจ๏ธ

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Find yourself a man that can do both ๐Ÿ’๐ŸฅณIf you're not here for wedding content , bare with me for a few days ๐Ÿคฃ this was t...
Bringing Ceremony & Ritual to all of life ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’›The evening before our wedding, I gathered my bridesmaids & my Mum and reque...
I was so blessed to facilitate a very sacred ceremony today to honour a special mama's first year of being a mother ๐Ÿซถ๐ŸŒผTh...
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A little morning card pull from one of my favourite decks ๐Ÿ’— I love tapping into card guidance as a tool for tuning in ๐Ÿ˜Š



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