Dr R. Cannataro Nutrizionista

Ho sempre nutrito una passione per la nutrizione! Mi piace pensare alla dieta come un abito sartoria


Inizio questo nuovo percorso con un società di grandi ambizioni ed uno staff di altissimo livello, finalmente con i colori rossoblù addosso!!

🥗 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐞̀ 𝐢𝐥 𝐧𝐮𝐨𝐯𝐨 𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐮̀

Il comunicato ✍️ urly.it/310mrw


Nella meravigliosa e caratteristica location di Fuscaldo (CS) per il festival delle , a parlare delle qualità di questo pesce tipico del Mar Tirreno in particolare calabrese, ricco di omega3, poco contaminati, in quanto pesce piccolo, ma a causa delle difficili condizioni ambientali, ricco di vitamina B12 e creatina, rendendolo uno vero superfood!
Grazie all'organizzatrice per avermi invitato, insieme alla presenza della mia compagna di vita e sempre di divulgazione scientifica. Dovrebbe essere unondegli alimenti della Dieta Mediterranea 74.


Lunga chiacchierata con Valter Molea, responsabile U19 della nazionale di canottaggio, nella splendida location di Lorica (CS), speriamo sia il preludio di una bella collaborazione, con la prof .74 ed il master Sports Analytics di


Our last paper points out that some microRNA could pass through the digestive system and so possibly act as nutrients, it is a new fascinating vision, that could explain better the action of vegetables or derivatives such as honey on human health.

Thanks to all co-authors: , Ilori Amos Olobukumni, Maria Cristina Caroleo, .74, and Paola Tucci


In the beautiful location of Lorica (CS), with the significant support of dr Natascia Straface at the FISImeeting, with two sessions: one about nutrition and nutritional supplementation, and the second one, more practical, about performance and body composition evaluation.
Thanks to the regional committee for inviting us!
DBSS International


È ormai una piacevole abitudine intervenire come docente nei Master di Linfologia di , ancora a sottolineare il ruolo fondamentale della nutrizione nella gestione di linfedema e lipedema; modulazione dell'infiammazione senza escludere alcun alimento a priori.

Grazie al dr Boccardo per avermi invitato.

Photos from Dr R. Cannataro Nutrizionista's post 07/06/2024

Very intense and productive 3 days in Istanbul at ; I had two oral presentations, one to point out again the fundamental role of nutrition in managing lipedema and lymphedema and the other to share our new results on miRNA profile on lipedema; on poster to purpose a dietetic pathway characterized by keto diet low carb diet, using keto diet after surgery; I acted as chair in an exciting section on lipedema.
Finally, the chance to meet colleagues from all over the world!
Sandro Michelini, , Alberto Onorato, Philip Kruppa

Thanks to .dr.pinarborman and .francesco for inviting me and for the excellent organization of the event


It was a pleasure to have this meeting, which strengthened my collaboration with the , which started one year ago.
It was nice seeing the conference room full and the participants interested and involved. As Dr Pagani underlined, this age must provide tools that promote a correct eating style, support the growth and development of boys and, consequently, their performance; perhaps train future champions, but undoubtedly healthy men!


No, non vi preoccupate non voglio ridurlo come l'amico al centro!! Ma è ormai da qualche anno che ho il piacere di seguire una persona, prima che un artista, eccezionale come , certo non è facile saltellando per l'Italia o stressato per nuove produzioni, ma riusciamo comunque ad ottimizzare un percorso calandolo nella sua realtà!


Torno con enorme piacere nelle aule che mi hanno laureato per tre volte a nell'ambito del corso di Scienza della Nutrizione per il corso di Biochimica della Nutrizione ad analizzare i metodi di valutazione della composizione corporea, sottolineando pregi e difetti ma ricordando che tutte sono delle misure indirette, quindi fondamentale capire come lo strumento restituisce il risultato per analizzarlo in maniera critica.


Passo con piacere dalla sede di quella che ritengo una delle migliori aziende di integratori d'Italia e non solo! in particolare l'anima di questa bella realtà con il quale collaboro a vari livelli da più di 15.....e pensare che tutto è iniziato con una mia critica ad un prodotto!!! Open mind!!

Master “Sports Analytics - Valutazione e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni sportive" 17/04/2024

Un grande piacere averlo realizzato! Grazie a tutti i partecipanti

Master “Sports Analytics - Valutazione e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni sportive" Conclusa la prima edizione


The first edition of the first-level Master Sports Analytics concludes.

I thank the commissioners Vincenzo Pezzi, Enrico Spadafora, and Claudio Savaglio, who proclaimed the students today.
It was a stimulating year, as I was co-director with Prof Erika Cione and interacted productively and stimulatedly with students and colleagues.
I thank all the other teachers who made this course of the highest interest: Adriano Di Paco Aldo Chiari Preparatore Fisico, Matteo Levi Micheli, Davide Zottola, Paolo Spicuglia, Paolo Arnaboldi, Luca Pagani, Alessia Fazio, Ivan Casaburi, Diana Amantea, Daniela Bonofiglio, and Francesco Valentini.

Special thanks to the rector's sports delegates, Piero Guido and Giuseppe Pellegrino, and other scientific committee members, Giancarlo Fortino and Gianluigi Greco.

We especially thank our sponsors that supported us: AKERN srl Hosand tech VALD Performance Euleria Health MDurance.it CISM - Comitato Italiano Scienze Motorie

Photos from Dr R. Cannataro Nutrizionista's post 09/04/2024

In the beautiful city of Trieste for an interesting update on lymphology, specifically to underline the importance of nutrition in the management of lymphedema and lipedema: no food should be avoided a priori, but a valid and long-lasting nutritional plan must be built "around" the patient!

Thanks to dr Onorato and for the excellent organization!
And to all the speakers that made this event a great chance to share opinions and ideas.
, Christian Ure, Manuel Cornely, .francesco , AlessandroBusetto, Katarina Vojvodic, Luigi Maria Galantucci,


At the end of our usual meeting at ; from evaluations of all the national teams, we noticed general improvements, evaluating vectorial bioimpedance and fat percentage via stratigraphy; as always, a highly stimulating environment and true teamwork! Plus, two excellent results from the senior national team, actually looking back maybe it could have even gone better!

Particular thanks to whose coordination work is decisive, in addition to the very valid technical support and our "mister" Michele Marcolini.
Then to all the MFA staff Angelo Petrelli, Mario Capece, Karl Attard, William Panzetti, Fabrizio Attanzio, David Fenech, and Emerson Farrugia, just to name some.
And to my team: and .74.


At webinar on World Lymphedema Day with Centro Coordinamento Malattie Rare, Italian Lymphoedema Framework e
To the patient's side, trying to answer to "hot topics" on it.
Thanks to for inviting me


Nella splendida cornice della Sala Autorità allo Stadio Olimpico di Roma ad assistere al resoconto sull'Osservatorio sullo Sport, un'occasione per confrontarsi sul futuro dello sport in Italia e per incontrare vecchi e nuovi amici.5
Grazie a Giuseppe Fragapane di per avermi invitato.


In the iconic online newspaper , I talk about pre-workout nutrition, what is better, and when to have it.
Thanks to Eugenio Spagnuolo for inviting me.



Beginning the new year with our first paper on Current Molecular Pharmacology by again on nutrients and cognitive performance; here we give an idea of one of the most promising: creatine! There is still so much to investigate on this interesting and promising topic.


Thanks to my co-authors, and Jasper Okoro Godwin Elechi, and our Lab's Head .74 .


I am happy to share the Special Issue I have the pleasure of conducting with , .74 , Maria Cristina Caroleo, , on nutrition.
We want to stimulate the publication of new papers regarding the wonderful world of microRNAs, which has only been "open" for 20 years, so we are probably only at the beginning of discovering all their features!



Another exciting day at the Master Course Sports Analytics , with and the very welcome visit of .5 , who supported us with
Today, dr Chiari talked about electromyography applied to performance evaluation, showing how this tool cuold be useful.
Thanks to .it for the support.
Thanks to for hosting us in the practical lesson.

Management of a High-Level Breaststroke Swimmer with Celiac ... : Current Sports Medicine Reports 09/12/2023

Our last paper on Current Sports Medicine Report by Wolters Kluwers and American College of Sports Medicine, on the Management of a High-Level Breaststroke Swimmer with Celiac Disease, shows how it is possible to have great results in sports even with celiac disease, but having great attention on natural gluten-free foods and right supplementation, paying particular attention to hematocrit. Creatine, vitamin B12, and Omega3 fish oil are beneficial.


Thanks to all co-authors: Gabriele Morucci, Luca Moni, Marta Malorgio, Larisa Ryskalin, Marco Gesi, Matteo Levi Micheli, Erika Cione Erik
DBSS International

Management of a High-Level Breaststroke Swimmer with Celiac ... : Current Sports Medicine Reports An abstract is unavailable.


I have a new role as an Associate Editor in Nutrition; Sport and Exercise Nutrition Section, thanks to the board considering me. I want to welcome my group of selected reviewer members, I hope we can give our contribution to the journal.
.74 , , Ali Ali Redha, Konstantinos Prokopidis, Bernardo Innocenti,Robert Percy Dr. med. Marshall, MMA, Tim Ziegenfuss, Ph.D., CSCS, FISSN, Athos Trecroci.



Almost all of you have read a scientific study, but how many have "lived" how it was born?
Here, I want to present how we turned notes written on paper into reality!
Built a team: Erika Cione, Diego A. Bonilla Ocampo, Diana Marisol Abrego, Matteo Levi Micheli, Davide Zottola.
The study wants to apply the ketogenic diet to strength training, not to prove that it can be better, but to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain good results in strength and hypertrophy even in keto.
- We took blood samples to test the classic biochemical-clinical parameters and a panel of cytokines and microRNAs to evaluate the results innovatively.
- We carried out bioimpedance AKERN srl and stratigraphy Hosand tests to evaluate shape condition and body fat.
- We carried out the maximal (1RM) tests on the three basic exercises
- We carried out tests on the CMJ and deadlift with VALD Performance
Then, we began the journey with a training protocol based on cluster sets.
With the support, not in every day or meal of foods specially developed for the ketogenic diet, Kleaf
Thanks to the Prince Gym & Fitness that hosted us for testing and the Eden fitness 2022 that provided us with participants and training supervision.
In particular, Nutrizionista Dott. Antonio Grimaldi is a subject of the study but also part of the team!
Thanks also to Galascreen Laboratory, Laboratori Medical, and the Università della Calabria , that, via the Master Sports Analytics supported us.
DBSS International


Almost all of you have read a scientific study, but how many have "lived" how it was born?
Here, I want to present how we turned notes written on paper into reality!
Built a team: .74, Diego A. Bonilla Ocampo .vald, Diana Marisol Abrego Guandique, Matteo Levi Micheli.
The study wants to apply the ketogenic diet to strength training, not to prove that it can be better, but to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain good results in strength and hypertrophy even in keto.
- We took blood samples to test the classic biochemical-clinical parameters and a panel of cytokines and microRNAs to evaluate the results innovatively.
- We carried out bioimpedance l and stratigraphy tests to evaluate shape condition and body fat.
- We carried out the maximal (1RM) tests on the three basic exercises
- We carried out tests on the CMJ and deadlift with
Then, we began the journey with a training protocol based on cluster sets.
With the support, not in every day or meal of foods specially developed for the ketogenic diet, Kleaf
Thanks to the that hosted us for testing and the EDEN Fitness Studio that provided us with some elements.
In particular who is a subject of the study but also part of the team!
Thanks also to Galascreen Laboratory, Laboratori Medical, and the , that, via the Course Master Sports Analytics supported us.


It was a very intense and stimulating weekend at the Sports Analytics master's degree at the
On the first day, a very valid professional, for example of talked about biomechanics and posturology; and thanks also to the support of .health , he showed how to perform analysis.
Second and third days with , who talked simply and scientifically about cardiopulmonary assessments of which he is one of the leading experts in Italy; we then tested the CPET evaluation in the lab and the field by comparing it to a new tool for evaluating the ventilatory rate.
Two giants in their field, but two people of exceptional humanity!

Thanks to and for hosting us.


Our newly released paper on cognitive function and nutrients, this time original research highlighting the positive effect of beetroot standardized extract on focus and memory, was published in the European Journal of Nutrition by


Thanks to all co-authors: Maria Grazia, BernardoInnocenti, .74 , luca gallelli, Giovanbattista De Sarro, and



We are working on a fascinating topic: cognitive performance and nutrition; here, our systematic Review published on Brain Sciences by focuses on the possible effect of Beta-Carotene, alone or combined with other nutrients.

Suddenly, having attention from the audience!

Thanks to , Luisa Bonet, Maria Cristina Caroleo, Paola Tucci, Juan Ribot, and .74

Photos from Dr R. Cannataro Nutrizionista's post 21/10/2023

My class at Sports Analytics master course at talking about nutrtional supplements from manufacturing to rational and scientific use. Second day with one of the most important expert of bioimpedance.

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Chi sono

Ho sempre nutrito una passione per la nutrizione!!

Si ed in effetti visto che nel periodo che va dai 13 ai 16 ero anche abbastanza sovrappeso, posso dire di essere stato il primo paziente di me stesso...

Ho iniziato il mio percorso di studi con la laurea in Ingegneria Chimica, ma ben presto ho scoperto che era troppa ingegneria e poca chimica... intanto oltre a praticare vari sport, calcio e calcio a 5 in particolare, ho iniziato a coltivare la mi altra passione, l’allenamento con i pesi, ottenendo il diploma di istruttore ed iniziando a lavorare in palestra, più tardi ne avrei avuto una mia.

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