Edward Cullen

Clinic Fantozzi for Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery


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Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty
Tummy Tuck
A sagging, out of shape abdomen can make you self-conscious and uncomfortable, particularly when wearing certain styles of clothing. Some people have trouble affecting this area through diet and exercise. Thanks to abdominoplasty, better known as tummy tuck, these individuals can achieve the tight and toned abdomen that they desire.

Depending on the age and weight, men as well as women will experience sagging of the abdomen over time. With drastic weight loss, an excess of loose skin will usually add to this. After pregnancy, it might also be hard for women to tighten and flex their abdomen region. The goal of abdominoplasty is to tighten abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdominal region. Even stretch marks can be removed during the procedure. In the following menu you can find more information on abdominoplasty. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

During the surgery subcutaneous fat and excessive skin are being removed. If necessary the abdominal muscle can also be tightened. The complexity of the surgery depends on the localization of the fatty tissue, if this concerns only the area beneath the belly button it is relatively easier as opposed to when the area above the belly button is also included. Since the abdominal skin is literally being manipulated and adjusted, the belly button itself is also repositioned during the surgery. In order to keep visible scarring at a minimum, the incision will be made in the bikini area so you will be able to show off your new bikini body without any insecurities.

In some cases abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction of the upper tummy or the sides of the belly. You can read more about liposuction on this page. Regardless of the extent of your abdominoplasty, you can rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of the procedure. Abdominoplasty procedures involve general anesthetic and take about two hours.
During the first consultation Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the possible down-time, temporary limitations and aftercare trajectory after the surgery. To secure the quality and results of the treatment, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. In order to further enhance the results, Clinic Fantozzi will also design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual if desired. In the case of tummy tuck procedures this might entail the advice to undergo several connective tissue massage or lymphatic drainage treatments.
Total Packages for our International Clients
Clinic Fantozzi has a couple of focus points, amongst which is offering optimal service. This also goes for the total packages we offer to our international clients. With these packages we will arrange your stay in Rome from flight to hotel and of course the surgery itself. We deem it of utmost importance that we can meet your every need and that you can undergo your surgery as carefree as possible. On this page you can find more information about all the services which are included in our total packages. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to reserve a total package, please contact us.


Liposuction enables the removal of stubborn accumulated fat. The body sometimes accumulates an excessive amount of fat in certain areas due to the influence of hormones. These accumulations of fat can be disproportional to the rest of the body and are typically unresponsive to diet and exercise. For women the typical trouble areas are the hips, thighs, belly and upper arms. On men this occurs more around the loins, belly and neck. To this end, people have been using this technique for years as a way to sculpt and shape the body and to reduce those fatty pockets. In the following menu you can find more information on abdominoplasty. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

As the word implies, liposuction literally entails suctioning fat. Modern liposuction techniques, also known as soft-liposculpture, is much less intrusive on the tissue within the treated area. This results in short recovery times and high quality results. Since the removed adipocytes, or fat cells, will not be able to regenerate or come back in any way, the problem of fatty pockets is permanently solved by liposuction. To further enhance the results it is however advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and clean eating after the surgery.

Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, while the time depends on the extent of the treated area. In some cases multiple areas will be treated and while it is very tempting to have everything treated during one surgery, there is also a limit to what the body can endure. To this end multiple sessions might be scheduled. Regardless of the extent of your liposuction, you can rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of the procedure.
During the first consultation Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the possible down-time, temporary limitations and aftercare trajectory after the surgery. To secure the quality and results of the treatment, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. In order to further enhance the results, Clinic Fantozzi will design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual. To promote more natural results, smooth body contours of the treated area and better healing, multiple sessions of connective tissue massages or lymphatic drainage treatments can be advised after liposuction.
Total Packages for our International Clients
Clinic Fantozzi has a couple of focus points, amongst which is offering optimal service. This also goes for the total packages we offer to our international clients. With these packages we will arrange your stay in Rome from flight to hotel and of course the surgery itself. We deem it of utmost importance that we can meet your every need and that you can undergo your surgery as carefree as possible. On this page you can find more information about all the services which are included in our total packages. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to reserve a total package, please contact us.
Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery there are a lot of decisions to be made, this ranges from size to type of implants and their placement. The first consultation is thus very important, since this will enable you to discuss all the different aspects of breast augmentation with Dr. Fantozzi. He will discuss your aesthetic wishes and subsequently advise you which method of treatment will let you meet those wishes in the best way possible. By making use of the unique anthropometric techniques that were developed by Dr. Fantozzi himself, this can even be scientifically calculated. This technique involves measuring the distance between the breasts and other parts of the body, through which perfect harmony can be reached. Furthermore you will be informed on the results you may expect, possible downtime and temporary limitations after the surgery. You can rest assured that you will always receive honest and professional advice during this consultation.


Brachial (Arm) Lifting
With age the upper arm becomes increasingly flabby and flaccid, which especially holds true for women over 40. This occurs because the skin loses elasticity and volume, while simultaneously the muscles weaken. After significant weight loss, excessive skin on the bottom side of the upper arm can be an undesired side effect as well. Unfortunately it usually proves very hard to change the appearances of this with exercise. Since the arm is a particularly visible part of the body, this might lead to the decision to have this surgically corrected. In the following menu you can find more information on brachial lifting, also known as arm lifting. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

Brachial lifting is a surgical procedure that removes loose skin and excess fat from the upper arm. This way the arm will look more youthful, toned and regains its definition. Dr. Fantozzi is the absolute expert on this field and he has even developed his very own surgery technique for brachial lifting, called the balanced triple-vector technique. In 2014 he has also published an article about this technique in the renowned European Journal of Plastic Surgery. With Dr. Fantozzi’s expertise you can hence rest assured that you will receive the highest quality results and a safely performed procedure, while minimizing the development and visibility of scar tissue. The procedure involves light anesthesia and takes about one hour. Regardless of the extent of the surgery, you can rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of the procedure.
During the first consultation Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the possible down-time, temporary limitations and aftercare trajectory after the arm lifting surgery. To secure the quality and results of the treatment, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. In order to further enhance the results, Clinic Fantozzi will design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual.
Total Packages for our International Clients
Clinic Fantozzi has a couple of focus points, amongst which is offering optimal service. This also goes for the total packages we offer to our international clients. With these packages we will arrange your stay in Rome from flight to hotel and of course the surgery itself. We deem it of utmost importance that we can meet your every need and that you can undergo your surgery as carefree as possible. On this page you can find more information about all the services which are included in our total packages. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to reserve a total package, please contact us.
Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery there are a lot of decisions to be made, this ranges from size to type of implants and their placement. The first consultation is thus very important, since this will enable you to discuss all the different aspects of breast augmentation with Dr. Fantozzi. He will discuss your aesthetic wishes and subsequently advise you which method of treatment will let you meet those wishes in the best way possible. By making use of the unique anthropometric techniques that were developed by Dr. Fantozzi himself, this can even be scientifically calculated. This technique involves measuring the distance between the breasts and other parts of the body, through which perfect harmony can be reached. Furthermore you will be informed on the results you may expect, possible downtime and temporary limitations after the surgery. You can rest assured that you will always receive honest and professional advice during this consultation.


Body Lipofilling
Get ready for summer with our Lipo-Filling special! When the body contours are out of balance, this can make you very insecure about your appearance. The refined techniques of Lipo-Filling, also known as fat grafting, are being more and more appraised within the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery. This procedure has the unique advantage of restoring the aesthetic harmony of your body by making use of your own body fat, as it involves transferring fat from a part of your body to the face via injection. The idea behind this is to place back what was naturally there, to attain the most natural results. Since the tissue is retrieved from your own body it is a completely safe procedure with the risk of rejection, inflammation and allergic reaction being eliminated. In April we will have a special 20% discount as to get you ready for that bikini body in no time!

Due to this safe application, durable and natural results it is Clinic Fantozzi’s preferred method when it comes to filling techniques. For body procedures, Lipo-Filling is mostly used for breast- or gluteal augmentation and even hand fat grafting. The latter technique was developed by Dr. Fantozzi himself and restores the youthfulness of the hands. Besides body procedures, it is also used for facial procedures in order to add volume to the face and maintain a more youthful, refreshed appearance. It is a true form of anti-ageing treatment. In the following menu you can find more information on body lipo-filling. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

During the procedure, fat will be transferred from the body to the face. In order to realize this, first fat will be retrieved from a part of the body where there is a so-called excess. Subsequently this is filtered and placed back on the desired location. This is done right under the skin in order to create contour, volume and durable skin improvement. Regardless of the extent of the surgery, you can rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of the procedure. Body lipo-filling involves light anesthesia, while the duration of the procedures depends on the extent of it.
During the first consultation Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the possible down-time, temporary limitations and aftercare trajectory after the surgery. To secure the quality and results of the treatment, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. In order to further enhance the results, Clinic Fantozzi will design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual. To promote more natural results, smooth body contours of the treated area and better healing, multiple sessions of connective tissue massages or lymphatic drainage treatments can be advised after body lipo-filling.

Body Lipofilling
Get ready for summer with our Lipo-Filling special! When the body contours are out of balance, this can make you very insecure about your appearance. The refined techniques of Lipo-Filling, also known as fat grafting, are being more and more appraised within the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery. This procedure has the unique advantage of restoring the aesthetic harmony of your body by making use of your own body fat, as it involves transferring fat from a part of your body to the face via injection. The idea behind this is to place back what was naturally there, to attain the most natural results. Since the tissue is retrieved from your own body it is a completely safe procedure with the risk of rejection, inflammation and allergic reaction being eliminated. In April we will have a special 20% discount as to get you ready for that bikini body in no time!

Due to this safe application, durable and natural results it is Clinic Fantozzi’s preferred method when it comes to filling techniques. For body procedures, Lipo-Filling is mostly used for breast- or gluteal augmentation and even hand fat grafting. The latter technique was developed by Dr. Fantozzi himself and restores the youthfulness of the hands. Besides body procedures, it is also used for facial procedures in order to add volume to the face and maintain a more youthful, refreshed appearance. It is a true form of anti-ageing treatment. In the following menu you can find more information on body lipo-filling. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

During the procedure, fat will be transferred from the body to the face. In order to realize this, first fat will be retrieved from a part of the body where there is a so-called excess. Subsequently this is filtered and placed back on the desired location. This is done right under the skin in order to create contour, volume and durable skin improvement. Regardless of the extent of the surgery, you can rest assured that Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of the procedure. Body lipo-filling involves light anesthesia, while the duration of the procedures depends on the extent of it.

See Before & After Photos*
*Due to the nature of the photos in this page, by clicking on the “See Before & After Photos” button you agree that you are over 18 and accept the viewing of images that can hurt your sensibility.

During the first consultation Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the possible down-time, temporary limitations and aftercare trajectory after the surgery. To secure the quality and results of the treatment, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. In order to further enhance the results, Clinic Fantozzi will design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual. To promote more natural results, smooth body contours of the treated area and better healing, multiple sessions of connective tissue massages or lymphatic drainage treatments can be advised after body lipo-filling.

Total Packages for our International Clients
Total Packages for our International Clients
Clinic Fantozzi has a couple of focus points, amongst which is offering optimal service. This also goes for the total packages we offer to our international clients. With these packages we will arrange your stay in Rome from flight to hotel and of course the surgery itself. We deem it of utmost importance that we can meet your every need and that you can undergo your surgery as carefree as possible. On this page you can find more information about all the services which are included in our total packages. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to reserve a total package, please contact us.
Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery there are a lot of decisions to be made, this ranges from size to type of implants and their placement. The first consultation is thus very important, since this will enable you to discuss all the different aspects of breast augmentation with Dr. Fantozzi. He will discuss your aesthetic wishes and subsequently advise you which method of treatment will let you meet those wishes in the best way possible. By making use of the unique anthropometric techniques that were developed by Dr. Fantozzi himself, this can even be scientifically calculated. This technique involves measuring the distance between the breasts and other parts of the body, through which perfect harmony can be reached. Furthermore you will be informed on the results you may expect, possible downtime and temporary limitations after the surgery. You can rest assured that you will always receive honest and professional advice during this consultation.


The most visible signs of ageing can be seen on the face. While there are many techniques to reduce or even reverse those signs, Rhytidectomy or facelifting is the best option when the skin has lost its elasticity and the overall appearance of your face makes you look older than you like. Due to renewed techniques, facelifting is now a less intrusive procedure than it used to be. It is used to reduce facial wrinkles, remove a double chin, and reduce deep skin folds and sagging cheeks. In order to obtain even better results and create more harmony with regards to the restored youthfulness, facelifting is often coupled with blepharoplasty – better known as eyelid correction. You can find more information about this procedure on this page. In the following menu you can find more information on facelifting. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to make an appointment, please contact us.

There are different types of facelifting. A complete facelift includes the whole face and sometimes the neck-area as well. Due to this the face, neck and jawline will regain a youthful appearance. It is also possible to opt for a partial facelift, where a specified part of the face is excluded from the treatment. During the surgery, Dr. Fantozzi removes excess skin- and fat tissue and tightens underlying muscle. Thanks to rapidly improving technology, many facelifting techniques are now available that produce more natural-looking results with greatly reduced scarring. The incisions can usually be made behind the ears and in the area of the hairline, which makes them practically invisible. Besides that, the surgery as well as the recovery period is much shorter. No matter which method is selected, Dr. Fantozzi and his highly-skilled team will make no concessions when it comes to the quality and safety of your surgery. Most facelift procedures are completed in approximately 2 hours, however the exact time will depend on the selected method of facelifiting. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and sedation.
During the consultation Dr. Fantozzi will inform you on the expected down-time and temporary limitations after the facelifting procedure, as the extent of this will depend on the selected method of surgery. To secure the quality and results of the surgery, we will schedule an appointment for a check-up following the procedure. To further enhance the results Clinic Fantozzi will also design a personal after-treatment course for each unique individual. In the case of facelifting this might entail the advice to undergo several connective tissue massage or lymphatic drainage treatments.
Total Packages for our International Clients
Clinic Fantozzi has a couple of focus points, amongst which is offering optimal service. This also goes for the total packages we offer to our international clients. With these packages we will arrange your stay in Rome from flight to hotel and of course the surgery itself. We deem it of utmost importance that we can meet your every need and that you can undergo your surgery as carefree as possible. On this page you can find more information about all the services which are included in our total packages. In case you would like our professional advice or if you would like to reserve a total package, please contact us.
During a first non-committal consultation, Dr. Fantozzi will discuss all the different aspects of the procedure. He will discuss your aesthetic wishes and subsequently advise you which method of treatment will let you meet those wishes in the best way possible. Furthermore you will be informed on the results you may expect, possible downtime and temporary limitations after the surgery. You can rest assured that you will always receive honest and professional advice during this consultation.


Dr. Fabio Fantozzi
Dr. Fabio Fantozzi received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Rome’s “La Sapienza” University, one of the oldest and most esteemed universities in Europe. He also completed his residency in general surgery at this distinguished university. Dr. Fantozzi went on to complete a plastic surgery residency with Professor Ivo Pitanguy at Carlos Chagas University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – the oldest plastic surgery college in the world. This unique training gave Dr. Fantozzi hands-on experience that many other schools do not provide and has led to the opportunity to work with some of the leading surgeons in the field of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

The reason Dr. Fantozzi chose to enter world of plastic surgery is partly due to his father being a doctor as well. As he chose to follow his footsteps, he has always followed his drive to help others. With plastic surgery he aims to make people feel confident about themselves and have the beauty they feel within reflected on the outside as well.

Dr. Fantozzi’s unwavering dedication to quality client care and safety, and his reputation for producing exceptional results, is what has made our practice one of the leading cosmetic surgery facilities in Italy. Dr. Fabio Fantozzi is known among his clients as a doctor who is communicative, thoughtful and highly skilled. He will go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that they are well cared for and satisfied with their results. He takes the time to listen to each client to gain a better understanding of their desires and expectations. People from all over the world come to Dr. Fantozzi to benefit from his unique training and medical expertise.

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