
God if I ever doubt myself remind me of my worth


Everything that goes round comes around.And once you are born in this universe,you will never leave here alive no matter your socio-econo-spiritual status,unless Christ comes back before then.Be guarded and restrained in whatever you do or say. In your actions or expressions, have posterity in mind...In addition, put yourself in other people's moccasins even as you act. This will help you understand the situation of those who then become victims or beneficiaries of your actions!


Always remember terms of office come to an end! If or when God grants you an opportunity and privilege of office serve humanely. See God in the people who appear before you for ministry. Understand and appreciate that where you are is merely a stage of play, and you must leave whether you like it or not, when the time comes. Seek to make a positive difference in the lives of the people you lead. When the story of there once lived a man or woman is written one day... what is it that you would want to be written about you during your tenure of office???!


The biggest dilemma across the length and breadth of this country is not skills.It is not lack of technology.It is not a death of systems.It is a desperate deficiency of ethics. From family, to school, to church, to office.Everywhere no ethics.Kenya is hailed as being 80% Christian.In fact, taking a cursory consideration, every Saturday or Sunday our churches are full to brim of people who profess Christianity. Christian teachings being very clear, you would expect better services charitably up to about 60%. However, experience has shown that the worst service points in this country are those where Christians are in charge.

Someone once told me,My friend,do not be fooled by the testimonies you hear in church and crusades.The most corrupt officers in this nation are the ones who claim to be Christians.Is the teaching of ethics in our churches and families so wanting that as a nation we have found ourselves in. A situation where nearly everyone is a thief merely waiting for an opportunity to pilfer?


Harman always stewed in utter indignation each time he passed the gates manned by Mordecai among others, and the man Mordecai would not genuflect before him as others did.

Harman concocted a plot to not only pulverize Mordecai,but indeed to also wipe Mordecai's kindreds.Harman went to King Ahaseurus and seduced the King into believing that Mordecai despised the King's authority. Harman cleverly urged the King into issuing a decree to wipe out an entire nation just to get back at Mordecai.
However,inside the palace Mordecai had communicated the nefarious agenda to Esther,his niece, whom he had brought up.

As Harman arranged his devices,Esther was preparing to entreat the King,her husband, as her nation got into prayer and fasting.As Harman appeared to gain ground on his plot.The Lord,courtesy of corporate prayer and Esther's pleadings,was disturbing King Ahaseurus peace.A record that testified of Mordecai favourably but that had long been forgotten suddenly came to the King's remembrance.

The story ends with Harman being guillotined in the gallows he had made for the annihilation of Mordecai and his people. Tables turn bwana!


Mum, even when some think you are the worst/ugliest mama,to me you are the most beautiful mum in the whole world.Like any other human being,I am under no illusion that you are perfect. However,for me you are the best gift.Without fear of contradiction,if men and women were challenged to queue behind mothers of their choice for trophy,I would cast my lot with you,more than a bazillion times.

Above all,you cooperated with God and against all odds allowed my existence.The world today knows me because in the very first place you struggled unto my survival.Mum,of course, depending on the perspective men and women will give you, their view of you will be the consequence of their attitude about you.However, be it as it may,for me you are the greatest mum,In writing this I have reminisced over and over a multiplicity of circumstances in my childhood that required the kind of sacrifices that only a mother could be entrusted with and be capable of pulling off, and mum you never came amiss!


Always remember that anybody can be a success.The bible says that there is profit in all labour.You have to ensure you are not a spectator in life. Make up your mind not to live on the sidewalks of life.To enhance your chances, get yourself a progressive mentor, get yourself a life coach.Sir Isaac Newton, a legendary mathematical physicist, once said, " If have seen this far, it is not by advantage of height, nor is it the acuteness of eyes.It is because i stood on the shoulders of giants." Look for a giant with a willing shoulder,and climb.As you do so make it a policy not to turn to people who have no character,who have no credentials and who have no experience for guidance, ensample and counsel.As you begin to experience flashes of success eschew pride, for it could sponsor your fall in no time.Forget not humble beginnings! Also forget not the people who stood with you when others simply walked away or ignored you!


Jeremiah 29:11
No eye has beheld,neither no ear perceived what I the Lord,am about to do.I alone knows the plans I have for you..... Things might look like they cannot change.I'd sworn never to again but the Lord says He has better plans for me. He knows why He let it happen the way it did. I've been hurt and swore never to love again but the Lord said get ready. Start window shopping for diapers and baby clothes. Start window shopping for gowns and wedding rings. Huu ni mwaka wa mapanuo


Let me say it again here: Genuine friendship is not for the fainthearted. If you have not gone through a proper crisis in this life you will never know the difference between a buddy, an acquaintance, a wayfarer, just a colleague, and a friend. When it matters most you will find that people you always thought were friends, were merely either buddies or acquaintances or even just wapita njia! You need double-distilled wisdom to know where your contacts lie on the graph of social relations! Real friendship is not a walk in the park. It requires extraordinary commitment of which very few have the belly to commit to. The sheer weight of sacrifice, comradeship, and camaraderie that friendship oftentimes requires is something that many would not subscribe to. Many that you all along thought were friends suddenly go quiet and disappear into thin air when you really need them.


2022,one hell of year,but which has at the same time obviously openned great opportunities,is surely coming to an end.I may not have attained the resolutions I made.In fact,in a vast many cases I missed by huge and ghastly margins.However,I will not give up.I will not stay on the couch of lamentation.I nstead,I promise to fight on.For the resolutions achieved or met,I will forever be thankful to Jehovah God.In 2023,I will add a few more resolutions.And as I do that,I will rearrange,repackage,
restrategize and reposition myself to attempt another blow to achieve missed targets.With even more commitment,focus and careful planning I will endeavor to work on my new resolutions. I will endeavor to ensure God remains at the center of every of my plans.Help me O Jehovah God.


A day ago I saw an article in the dailies penned by Mr. Waiganjo (Waiguru's husband)citing how parents should chase 18-year-olds from their homes. I was dismayed. This semi-octogenarians can misplace parents. Parenting in the 21st century is totally different from their era.

Back then, an 18 yr old could freely join the forces or join teachers' colleges where they get posted even before graduation and easily chat about their life trajectory. Millennials graduate with Actuarial science and come ride motorbikes (, all respect to riders)

I've seen parents stick and guide their kids to their early thirties and when those kids' stars shine, they change their family history in less than 5 years. I've seen parents chasing their kids out of their compounds at 18 only to come to bury them at 23 for crime on the land they would have sold to educate them.

You've heard of the saying "You'll never see a u-haul behind a hearse?" Yes, the lands, the houses, the salary, you will take them nowhere. Invest heavily in your kids. A well-behaved girl or boy deserves support until the gleam of their star regardless of their age.


When a man says he is ready to settle and is looking for a wife, he becomes attractive to everyone. Even his fellow men begin to respect him but when a woman says she's ready to settle and is looking for a husband, men feel scared and run away. Not because they don't want to get married but because a woman yearning for a husband will never reveal her true colours. That's why one woman would be begging you to marry her and you'd be begging another to marry you. Never marry a woman because you think "amekula shida sana hawezi sahau mahali nimemtoa". As soon as she settles, she will forget everything and reveal her true character.


I have wonderful memories of men and women who have positively impacted my past 28 years.I am a man of many inadequacies,but these fellows still risked and invested their confidence in me.I may not mention them by name for fear of ending up with an incomplete list.But deep inside of me,I am interceding before God for them.Gratitude isn't enough for the grace and goodness I have enjoyed from such people and so the best currency to pay them is to do good for God elsewhere in the lives of others 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Time moves so fast am 29 years What I have learnt in the intervening times of life is to always seek to inspire greatness in others and speak the truth without fearing anybody. No matter the circumstances of the people I encounter,I will always ensure you leave my presence with a changed,challenged and progressive mind.I have always asked God to make changing lives my way of life.When one day I retire from this earthly life, as I lie limp and motionless in my grave,I do not want to carry with me the things I should have left behind to advance the cause of humanity to the glory and honour of the Almight God.

That is my eternal prayer and pursuit.The rest to me are vanities upon vanities.


I always say that your mouth was not given to you just for food and trivial talk.It was granted you primarily to chart your course in life.Your life will tend to follow the direction of your words or language as confessed by your mouth.What you say is what you get.Holy Bible,somewhere in its pages records;With the heart a man believes but CONFESSION is made unto salvation.It also says,By the WORDS OF THY MOUTH thou shalt be SAVED and by the WORDS of thy MOUTH thou shalt be CONDEMNED.You either succeed or are ensnared by the words that you regularly confess.Your mouth is a very important instrument in determining the direction of your life. Be careful what words proceed through your mouth.Those with eyes let them read, those with even a modicum of intellect let them understand...


There is that humbling and defining moment in every man's life. It may tarry but must one day come.That day your phone will be taken,with or without password and given to your wife and the clothes you last wore.Then KUDUS will take you naked and allocate you a fridge for two weeks as your people prepare a befitting send-off.If you are a kisii like me,they take you on thursday afternoon, bring you home for a night vigil.They put you in the sitting room and your wife has to sit by you the entire time.My question is, the wife you are exalting today,is she the one who can pick your phone from the doctors?Is she the one who can pick your burial permit?Is she the one who can sit at the sitting room with you on that fateful day?


As you go out there in search of livelihood, remember that the greatest asset you ever have going into any challenge is yourself. Endeavor to work on Packing power into yourself, not in things! Invest in yourself so that whoever desires your ministry gets the best of you. Do not work on having, work on being. With who you are, you will have. Spend time sharpening your axe... spend time equipping yourself. Learn to work hard and smart that you may fight easy!


He who asks may be a fool for five minutes. However, he who doesn't ask is a fool for a lifetime. The more you ask the more you know or get. But it takes great practice, patience and wisdom to be really good at asking! Remember, every arrow that hits the BULL'S EYE is perhaps born out of some 100 misses. Therefore, the person who asks for what he wants at least has a chance of getting what he wants... Take note also that he who asks questions cannot avoid answers! Hence take your time to ask properly that you may obtain or secure right or proper answers.


God calls people at different stages in life and lifts them in different ways.There are those successful people who have everything.He calls them and gives them more blessings and material things but instructs them not to show off because the world already believes they have a lot,they hide their achievements to the glory of God.Then there is cleo who has been called from thee dungeons,from the pits of society,the reject of life who has nothing.He calls me and lifts me from stage to stage and glory to glory. At each stage He wants the world to know His transforming power working in me.So He expects me to testify every little thing He does to me.So when you see me posting things you feel are nonsense,leave me alone.To me it's the power of God working in me that am celebrating.


I'm tremendously persuaded that no situation in life is permanent! And no one except God has the capacity to declare a permanency of destiny on you. Relax!

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1Peter 5:7)
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.(Ephesians 2:10)

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ(Philippians 1:6)


Sometimes it's not unemployment that depresses people it's how their friends and family members treat them when they have no income...



Oh my heroes or heroines, who shall they ever be?! Jaduong Late Henry Machuka and Minwa Pauline Nyaboke you are my greatest HEROES of all time!You people literally laid your lives down for me to the end that God willing I might be what and who I am today. What a sacrifice to your only son?! What a love?! You two threw everything into the equation to give me the best you had. No greater love than this! YOU ARE MY SHUJAAS TODAY!
Bravo to all parents out there who sacrifice daily to ensure their children end well and survive the vagaries of life.Parenting is not easy, and it has no retirement!

I celebrate my family members;My love and my beloved 3 sisters.Life is sometimes so stressful that it is literally difficult to hold together without a strong support system back home. May God hugely bless them.

I celebrate all my friends.These are very worthy fellows around me.These are men and women who have always chosen to stay around even when it might have been unpopular.They supported me; the admonished me; I benefited from their
exhortations..Friendship is expensive and requires alot of sacrifice.To my friends out there you are also heroes today, and I celebrate you richly as such.

Lastly, I celebrate my detractors and some of mg Dad's Siblings who have written me off before and even now.These are extremely important people in the personal development equation.They have made it impossible for me to nurse or entertain the feeling of having arrived, in spite of the laurels I might have acquired.They have made it uncomfortable for me to sleep at the switch.They are part of the motivation I work so hard to live up to my potential.They are part of the reason I have to look inward and see how much more I can excavate. Indeed they are part of the reason God blesses me, in the spirit of Gen.29:31.....


Salvation without a little ujanja won't take you anywhere. Just the same way beauty without a little materialism won't take you anywhere. Beauty rarely comes with brains,so if you're beautiful get yourself a man who has brains. By brains I mean money. Money hates fools.


No Matter how many years it takes, I must change the situation at home....

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