Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA

Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija (Lithuanian Atlantic Treaty Association - LATA)


Dr. Sandis Šrāders officially closed the Conference on Russia 2023. See you in Tartu on 7-8 March 2024!

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Leah Scheunemann during the panel discussion "Russia's Difficult Journey towards a Stable and Normal Future".

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Atlantic Council

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Dr. Igor Gretskiy during the panel discussion "Russia's Difficult Journey towards a Stable and Normal Future".

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Roger Moorhouse during the panel discussion "Russia's Difficult Journey towards a Stable and Normal Future".

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Dr. Juris Binde, President, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons, during the panel discussion "Navigating the Intersection of Digital Transformation, Global Influence, and Russian Narratives"

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Amb. Batu Kutelia, Member of the Board at the Atlantic Council of Georgia, during the panel discussion "Navigating the Intersection of Digital Transformation, Global Influence, and Russian Narratives"

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Dr. Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova
Head of Riga Stradins University China Studies Centre, Head of the Asia program at the Latvian Institute of International Affairs during the panel discussion "Navigating the Intersection of Digital Transformation, Global Influence, and Russian Narratives"

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 03/03/2023

Jānis Sārts, Director at NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence during the panel discussion "Navigating the Intersection of Digital Transformation, Global Influence, and Russian Narratives"

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing


We return to the afternoon part of with a discussion "Navigating the Intersection of Digital Transformation, Global Influence, and Russian Narratives"

Join us ONLINE:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing


"Everything that is going on is about survival of Putin’s regime and himself personally. Putinists feed their population with pleasure of being powerful, they need to do it forewer, and they have to also prove it. If they stop, the regime and perhaps Russia itself will collapse. From this point of view Russia has no other choice than to rebuild their military might, their industry. The factories will be converted, they have enough raw materials, they have enough weaponry in their stocks."
- Jānis Garisons, State Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Latvia 🇱🇻


Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing


The conference continues with the second panel discussion "Russia's Military Resurgence - A Closer Reality Than Anticipated".
Join us ONLINE:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing


"The countries that are deeply involved in the war, as Russia is, will use everything they have to survive. Putin is a rational criminal actor. This needs to come to account for perceived risk, effort or cost, and potential reward calculations."
- LTC Dainius Paškevičius, Lithuanian Armed Forces 🇱🇹

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Lietuvos Karinės oro pajėgos / LTU Air Force


"What I hear is that he Russian military power is gone. This is wrong. We have to be extremely precise"
- COL Margo Grosberg, Estonian Defence Forces 🇪🇪

Live NOW:

Baltic Defence College Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association


: The second day of the conference starts with a panel discussion "Exploring Power beyond Nuclear Military Might".

Join us ONLINE:

Baltic Defence College Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA)Eesti NATO Ühing Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association

Photos from Baltic Defence College's post 02/03/2023

Great first day of ! Read a summary in the Baltic Defence College post.

❗️ fruitful discussions and active debates continue tomorrow at 9 am! Follow us online:


Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija (LATA) Ukrainos-Rusijos karo fone aktyviai prisideda prie humanitarinės pagalbos tiekimo už savo laisvę kovojančios valstybės gyventojams.

Šiuo metu drauge su Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija ir VU Santaros klinikomis LATA organizuoja 1-no sugedusio Greitosios pagalbos automobilio sutvarkymo ir išgabenimo į Ukrainą projektą. Šis projektas gimė gavus iš Rogatino miesto tarybos (Ivano-Frankivsko srities) prašymą būtent tokios prasmingos labdaros, skirtos gyvybių gelbėjimui ir psichologinės savijautos, kai kiekvieną dieną žūva ne tik valstybės gynėjai, bet ir civiliai gyventojai, gerinimui. Rogatino miesto mero prašyme akcentuojamas gyvenvietėje esantis didelis kiekis karo pabėgėlių, iš kurių 1/3 sudaro vaikai. LATA sąskaitoje esančių lėšų nebeužtenka jau nebe pirmam mūsų organizacijos įgyvendintam labdaros projektui skirtam karo niokojamai valstybei. Atsižvelgdami į tai, kad labdaros ir paramos teikimą reglamentuojantys teisės aktai sudaro galimybes visuomeninėms organizacijoms, kokia ir yra LATA ir kurioms suteiktas paramos gavėjo statusas (LATA paramos gavėjo statusas suteiktas jau 2004-07-26 pagal juridinių asmenų registrą), gauti labdarą ir paramą, drįstame prašyti Jūsų paremti šį mūsų organizacijos koordinuojamą projektą ir pagal turimas galimybes finansinę paramą pervesti į Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrijos (kodas 191928216) banko sąskaitą Nr. LT317044060001199430, AB SEB Vilniaus Bankas, Gedimino pr. 12 Vilnius LT-01103 su prierašu „Greitajai pagalbai“. Kiekvienas Jūsų pervestas Euras yra Labai svarbus. Savo ruožtu įsipareigojame Jūsų paramą panaudoti pagal paskirtį – automobilio remontui, kurui iki paramą gausiančio Rogatino miesto, o jei paramos surinksime daugiau, tai visą ją panaudosime medikamentų ir medicininių priemonių pirkimui, kurie bus nugabenti sutvarkytu greitosios pagalbos automobiliu. Apie šio projekto įgyvendinimą informuosime visus paramą skyrusius subjektus ir paskelbsime mūsų administruojamoje Fecebook paskyroje ir tinklalapiuose - (

Photos from Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA's post 06/07/2022

Congratulations all with Coronation Day!

On this festive day, Šiauliai airbase organizes ‘22 to commemorate the 18th anniversary of Lithuania joining the NATO alliance.
Sharing a couple of moments from this celebration and the presentation of Bayraktar drone for Ukraine that was crowdfunded by Lithuanians.


‼️Read the new NATO :

Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Eesti NATO Ühing Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association


supports and joining 🇫🇮🇸🇪🇹🇷
The ratification process within member states will begin.

supports and joining 🇫🇮🇸🇪🇹🇷
The ratification process within member states will begin.
Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA Atlantic Forum Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association


Public Forum starts in one hour. Don't miss it!

Watch it :

Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Eesti NATO Ühing Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association NATO

Photos from Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka's post 26/05/2022

Vakar įvyko diskusija „Ar karas turi taisykles?“. Dėkojame visiems atvykusiems už aktyvų dalyvavimą. Taip pat partneriams ELSA Lithuania, Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka.

‼️ Diskusijos vaizdo įrašą galite rasti čia:


Stebėkite diskusiją "Ar karas turi taisykles?" gyvai:


summarise of the Three Seas Initiative Civil Society Forum
Connecting states, regions and societies: debating, innovating and acting

Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Eesti NATO Ühing Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA)


‼️ Today 🇫🇮 and 🇸🇪 simultaneously handed in their official letters of application to join NATO

❝This is a good day, at a critical moment for our security.❞

🇫🇮 and 🇸🇪 simultaneously handed in their official letters of application to join .

The letters were conveyed by the Finnish Ambassador to NATO Klaus Korhonen and respectively, the Swedish Ambassador to NATO Axel Wernhoff, to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Alliance’s Brussels headquarters


"Russia has started a new trend of potential expansion of NATO, that we did not predict happening at this time" - Dr. Alina Polyakova, President and CEO of the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

- in case you missed it, you can follow up in here:

Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Latvian Transatlantic Organisation


"I think actually the most important tool we have is a free and independent press, journalists that are asking the difficult questions, checking their sources and criticizing people like me."- Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General

- in case you missed it, you can follow up in here:

Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association



SAVE THE DATE 👉The Rīga Conference 2022
📅21-22 October

Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association


LIVE: Panel with Camilla Guldahl Cooper & Agata Kleczkowska, moderated by Ingrid Handeland
YATA Norway invites you to Nordic Security Conference 2022

Atlantic Treaty Association Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Forum Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA Latvian Transatlantic Organisation YATA Kristiansand YATA Oslo YATA Bergen


📢Second day of the just started. Join us online:

YATA Norway Eesti NATO Ühing Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association


HAPPENING NOW: YATA Norway invites you to the Nordic Security Conference 2022 to view a livestream available on website and social media.
Atlantic Treaty Association Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Forum Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlanto sutarties Lietuvos bendrija - LATA YATA Kristiansand YATA Oslo YATA Kristiansand Nordic Security Conference 2022


"In the traditional warfare, people are not visible actors. We are getting hurt, we die, but we are not active actors. In the hybrid threats it is otherwise - each of us is active actor, we are being targeted and it is upon us to resist!" - Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Professor ofSecurity Studies, The Arctic Universityof Norway (UiT)

YATA Oslo Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Eesti NATO Ühing Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Atlantic Treaty Association


Join online! Nordic Security Conference 2022


This year's topic of the Nordic Security Conference 2022 is "Hybrid Threats: Implications for Nordic Security in the 21st Century."

❗️The conference will be streamed on YATA Norway page🎥

Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association Youth Atlantic Treaty Association


NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg launched his annual report for 2021 :

Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Eesti NATO Ühing Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Latvian Transatlantic Organisation Atlantic Treaty Association

Mobile uploads 30/03/2022

June 29th & 30th a new will take place in 🇪🇸 and this the logo! NATO Atlantic Treaty Association


Sveikinu 🇱🇹 sulaukus narystės NATO pilnametystės!

Jau 18 metų esame stipriausio pasaulyje karinio-politinio Aljanso valstybė narė. Mus vienija solidarumas, esminis įsipareigojimas kovoti vienas už kitą ir už tas vertybes, kurios vienija bei daro mus nenugalimais. Šiandiena mūsų narystės Aljanse brandos atestatas yra aplaistytas už savo laisvę kovojančios Ukrainos 🇺🇦 krauju ⚔🩸, liejamu ir už mus. Ar mes tai pagaliau suprasime ir deramai įvertinsime, juk NATO tai ne tik savigyna, bet ir vertybių apgynimas, jų išsaugojimas ateities kartoms. Už tai esame atsakingi dabar.

dr. Audrius Skaistys
LATA pirmininkas

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Videos (show all)

"Russia has started a new trend of potential expansion of NATO, that we did not predict happening at this time" - Dr. Al...
"I think actually the most important tool we have is a free and independent press, journalists that are asking the diffi...
Su Vasario 16-ąja!


Gedimino Prospektas 1

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Sėlių 18
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Antakalnio Gatvė 84A
Vilnius, 10204

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Vilnius, LT-01108

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Vilnius - svetainė, skirta informuoti apie artėjančius renginius, vakarėlius, įvykius, susijusius su gatvės šokių kultūra. Įvairūs konkursai, prizai, stovyklos, akcijos.

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Vytenio Gatvė 54
Vilnius, 03229

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Vilnius, 01128

Skaidrumo ir antikorupcijos iniciatyvos

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Gedimino Prospektas 56B
Vilnius, 01110

Maltos ordino pagalbos tarnyba – organizacija, teikianti pagalbą vargstantiems, vienišiems žmonėms.