The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum

The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum

First Holocaust History Museum in Latvia.


Cienījamie apmeklētāji!
Sakarā ar Pesaha svētkiem 23., 24., 29., un 30. aprīlī Rīgas Geto un Latvijas holokausta muzejs nestrādās. Atvainojamies par sagādātajām neērtībām.
Gaidām Jūs jebkurā citā dienā. Sveicam Jūs Pesaha svētkos!


Dear visitors!
Due to the Passover (Pesach) celebration, the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum will be closed on 23, 24, 29, and 30 of April. Most sincere apologies for the discomfort.
We will be happy to see you on another day. Happy Passover!


Cienījamie apmeklētāji!
Informējam, ka valsts svētku dienās Rīgas geto un Latvijas holokausta muzejs strādās:
Piektdienā, 29.martā, no 10:00 līdz 16:30;
Svētdienā, 31. martā, no 10:00 līdz 18:00:
Pirmdienā, 1. aprīlī., no 10:00 līdz 18:00.

Mēs priecāsimies Jūs redzēt!


Dear visitors!
We inform you that on public holidays the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum will work:
Friday, March 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.;
Sunday, March 31, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:
Monday, April 1., from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

We will be glad to see you!

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 28/12/2023

Despite cold weather and winter holidays, people are coming, and we are happy.
Also we see that common number of visitors started to recover after Covid19 pandemia. Then RGM as well as other museums had significant loss of visitors per year.
We are very grateful to the all people who visited or plan to visit us. With your interest you inspire us to grow further, to provide you better service, new exhibitions and information.
See you in 2024!


Ziemas brīvdienās Rīgas geto un Latvijas holokausta muzeja darba laiks būs šāds: 24., 25. un 26.decembrī muzejs būs atvērts no 10:00 līdz 18:00. Muzejs būs slēgts 31.decembrī un 1.janvārī.

Priecāsimies Jūs redzēt mūsu darba laikā!

Ar cieņu,
muzeja komanda

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 14/12/2023

Šodien Rīgas geto un Latvijas holokausta muzeju apmeklēja ļoti īpašais viesis - Latvijas prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs.
Muzeja komanda no sirds pateicās prezidenta kungam par šo godu, veltīto laiku un izrādīto interesi!

Foto autors: Dāvis Doršs, Valsts prezidenta kanceleja.


Hag Hannuka Sameah!


Gatavojam jaunu izstādi "Melnraksti" kura būs pieejamā sākot no 15.decembra.

Pārskata izstāde ir jauns mūsu muzeja darbības formāts. Gadu garumā mums tiek vēstīti stāsti, rādītas fotogrāfijas, mums atnes artefaktus un arhīvos mēs atrodam jaunus, agrāk nezināmus vai maz zināmus faktus, notikumus un liecības.

Un mēs nolēmām ar jums padalīties tajā, kas tika atklāts, uzzināts un atrasts šajā gadā.

Šī izstāde ir īpaša – tā nav pilnīga un pabeigta, tā ir kā nebeidzamais stāsts. Tie ir dzīvi un patiesi stāsti, kuros mēs atklājam savu nezināšanu un rādām šos stāstus tā, kā tos saņēmām no apmeklētājiem, draugiem un kolēģiem. Dažkārt mēs sniedzam savu komentāru atradumiem, bet vēstījumu autorība pieder tiem, pateicoties kuriem, mēs uzzinājām šos nezināmos vēstījumus.

Šajā izstādē jūs ieraudzīsiet 10 stāstus, kas muzeja darbā piedzīvoti viena gada laikā. Vācija, Francija, Polija, Ungārija, Lietuva – pavedieni no šīm valstīm savijas ar Latvijas ebreju likteņiem. Kā tieši? Mēs aicinām jūs to uzzināt

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 08/12/2023

Vakardien, 7.decembrī otrās Rumbulas akcijas gadadienas priekšvakarā Latvijas nacionālās bibliotēkas Draugu telpā tika prezentēta grāmatas "Latvijas ebreju vēstures materiālu kopojums" izdevums latviešu valodā kā arī karte "Holokausta piemiņas vietas un tematiskie muzeji Rīgā".
Pasākums notika pateicoties Latvijas Kultūras ministrijas finansiālajām atbalstam.


Biedrība “Šamir” un Rīgas geto un Latvijas holokausta muzejs aicina uz grāmatas “Latvijas ebreju vēstures materiālu kopojums” izdevuma latviešu valodā prezentāciju
Grāmata “Latvijas ebreju vēstures materiālu kopojums” ir vēsturisku publikāciju krājums. Tās tikušas izdotas XIX gadsimta vidū – XX gadsimta sākumā vācu valodā un jidišā. Īpašu vērtību šiem pētījumiem piešķir tas, ka autori izmanto vairākus vēsturiskus
avotus, kas nav saglabājušies līdz mūsdienām. Krājums atbilst zinātniska izdevuma kritērijiem: tajā ir vairāki pielikumi, iekļauti izvērsti komentāri par tekstos sastopamajiem jēdzieniem un personām, kā arī tabulas, rādītāji un Latvijas rabīnu izdoto grāmatu titulvāku attēli. Visi krājumā ietilpstošie darbi savu zinātnisko vērtību nav zaudējuši arī šodien, tādējādi kļūstot pieejami gan plašām zinātniskajām aprindām, gan visiem lasītājiem, kuri interesējas par vēsturi.
Pasākumā tiks prezentēta arī sagatavotā karte “Holokausta piemiņas vietas un tematiskie muzeji Rīgā” latviešu un angļu valodās. Kartē tiek pirmoreiz apkopota informācija par iepriekš mazzināmām
holokausta vietām Rīgā un apkaimēs.
Izdevumu prezentācija notiks Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā 7. decembrī plkst.16.00 “Draugu telpā”.
Pasākums notiek Ebreju kultūras dienu Eiropā ietvaros. Izdevumi nāk klajā ar Kultūras ministrijas, fonda “Uniting” un privāto sponsoru finansiālu atbalstu.



Tuvojas piemiņas dienas, kad pieminēsim ebreju masu slepkavošanas akcijas upurus Rumbulas mežā 1941. gada . 30.novembrī un 8.decembrī tika nogalināti aptuveni 25 000 ebreju, kuri iepriekš dzīvoja Rīgas geto.

Tāpēc 30.novembrī Rīgas geto un Latvijas Holokausta muzejs būs atvērts līdz plkst.20.

Šajā dienā darbosies 3 gidi, tādēļ, ja pirms vai pēc svecīšu iedegšanas pie Brīvības pieminekļa, vēlies apmeklēt muzeju, vai arī pie piemiņas sienas ar mirušo vārdiem vēlies aizdegt sveci, vai ja vēlaties tikai atnākt un noklausīties stāstus, mēs ar prieku gaidīsim Jūs ciemos.


The days of commemoration of the action in the Rumbula forest are approaching - on November 30 and December 8, about 25,000 Jews were killed there, who had previously lived in the Riga Ghetto.

Therefore, on November 30, the Museum of the Riga Ghetto and the Holocaust in Latvia will be open until 20:00.

There will be 3 guides on this day, so if before or after lighting the candles near the Freedom Monument, you would like to visit the museum, or if you would like to light a candle near the wall with the names of the dead, or if you just would like to come and listen to the stories, we will be glad to meet you.

Photos from Žaņa Lipkes memoriāls/ Žanis Lipke Memorial's post 25/10/2023

The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum Team stands with Israel.


Ebreju svētkos Sukots, 01.10., 08.10 Rīgas Geto un Latvijas Holokausta muzejs nestrādās. Atvainojamies par sagādātajām neērtībām. Gaidām Jūs jebkurā citā dienā.
In light of the Jewish religious holiday Sukkot, the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum will be closed on 01/10, 08/10. We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing You on any other day.

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 21/09/2023

Thirteen years ago, the grounds of forgotten 19th-century stables in Riga witnessed a unique transformation. Here, driven by the passion of Rabbi Dr. Menachem Barkahan and his team of the Shamir Association, the Riga Ghetto Museum, first in the post-Soviet space, was established. By September 21, 2010, the International Day of Peace, these grounds bore witness to the unveiling of the original exposition, centered on the Big Memory wall, a memorial to the Jews who perished on the Latvian soil. On that momentous day, voices of many guests were heard, including the then Latvian Minister of Culture, Ints Dālderis, and Alexander Bergmann, a Holocaust survivor renowned for his memoirs "Subhuman’s Notes".

Since that historic moment, our museum has evolved in both scale and scope. Spanning the alley between Krasta and Maskavas streets, our space has guested far over 200,000 visitors. From local school students to foreign tourists, some have traversed continents specifically to find us, to see the names of their relatives, to contemplate and to tell. The narrative has also grown richer; what began as an account of the Riga Ghetto now encompasses the broader Latvian Holocaust, situating local tragedies within a pan-European context.

As we mark our 13th anniversary, we're graced by the unwavering support from both the Municipal and National governmental initiatives. This partnership fuels our ambition for the future, with a major reconstruction on the horizon. This dream project aims not just to modernize our space but also to ensure that our museum continues to serve as a bridge between past and future generations.

As we reflect on our journey, we are filled with immense gratitude for those that have been with us every step of the way, and those who supported us no matter the challenge.

Photos from the museum opening on 21 September, 2010; as well as condition Before and Now.


Dear Friends!

The Jewish New Year 5784 starts on 15th of September, at sunset. This is not the ordinary calendar date. We wait for Rosh Hashanah (the New Year) with the hope that all our troubles, sorrows and misfortunes will disappear as if they’d never existed. We hope that in the New Year, nothing will darken or sadden our days.

Rosh Hashanah is a Judgement Day for all G-d’s creatures. On this day, every being passes in front of the eyes of G-d and everyone’s destiny that of every being is determined. Every one of us must evaluate his past on this day, regret mistakes and shameful deeds committed, and realize how much good may still be done. Let the upcoming year bring you and your loved ones a blessing of good health, prosperity and joy.

Wishing you a sweet New Year,

Chairman of the Jewish religious society “Shamir”, Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum, International European Tolerance Center
Rabbi Dr. Menachem Barkahan

Dārgie draugi!

Ebreju Jaunais 5784. gads sākas 15. septembrī saulrietā. Tas nav parastā diena kalendārā. Mēs gaidām Roša Hašanu (Jauno gadu) ar cerību, ka visas mūsu problēmas, skumjas un nelaime pazudīs, it kā tās nebūtu nekad pastāvējušas. Mēs ceram, ka Jaunajā gadā nekas neapmācīs vai neskumstīs mūsu dienas.

Roša Hašana ir Dieva radīto būtņu tiesas diena. Šajā dienā katrs radījums iziet Dieva acu priekšā un katra radījuma liktenis tiek noteikts. Katram no mums šajā dienā jānovērtē pagātnē paveiktais, jānožēlo pieļautās kļūdas un kaunpilnie darbi, jāsaprot, cik daudz laba vēl var izdarīt. Lai tuvojošais gads Jums un Jūsu mīļajiem nes veselības, bagātības un prieka svētību.

Novēlu Jums saldu Jauno gadu,

Ebreju reliģiskās sabiedrības “Šamirs”, Rīgas Geto un Latvijas Holokausta muzeja, Starptautiskā Eiropas Tolerances centra priekšsēdētājs
Rabīns Dr. Menahems Barkahāns

Дорогие друзья!

Еврейский Новый 5784-й год начинается 15 сентября на заходе солнца. Это не простая календарная дата. Мы ждем Рош ха-Шану (Новый год) с надеждой, что все наши проблемы, горести и несчастья исчезнут, как если бы их никогда не было. Мы надеемся, что в Новом году ничто не омрачит и не огорчит наши дни.

Рош ха-Шана - это День Суда для всех созданий Б-га. В этот день каждое существо проходит перед глазами Б-га, и судьба каждого определяется. Всем из нас следует в этот день оценить свое прошлое, пожалеть о допущенных ошибках и позорных поступках, и осознать, сколько добра еще можно совершить. Пусть наступающий год принесет вам и вашим близким благословение хорошего здоровья, процветания и радости.

Желаю вам сладкого Нового года,

Председатель еврейского религиозного общества "Шамир", Музея Рижского гетто и Холокоста в Латвии, Международного Европейского Центра Толерантности,
Раввин Др. Менахем Баркан.

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 12/09/2023

Dear visitors!
In light of the Jewish tradition Shabbat, the operating hours of the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum on Fridays will be shortened. The opening hours in the main season change with daylight saving time. The precise closing time is displayed in the photo below. We offer our most sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 11/09/2023

Last week, a group from Germany visited the Museum under the auspices of the DGB Bildungswerk NRW (DGB-Bildungswerk NRW e.V.) Seminarreise program. They have received a guided tour from the Chairman of the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum, Rabbi Dr. Menachem Barkahan. Of all the museum's exhibits, the German visitors were particularly drawn to the Tree of Hope. This monument honoring those who saved Jews, with each leaf bearing the name of a Righteous among the Nations. Unfortunately, was damaged during construction works. As a result, restoration efforts are ongoing, which involved the removal of some leaves for pavement repair and leveling.

Days after their visit, the German guests generously returned with a donation from their entire group. We're profoundly thankful to our friends from Germany for this thoughtful gesture. Their contribution will aid in restoring several leaves of the Tree of Hope.

We appreciate the support from everyone!

If you're interested in assisting with the restoration of the Tree of Hope monument or providing financial aid to the museum, kindly send us a private message or use requisites in our website for donation.

The yellow star in the N**i era - European Jewish Congress 01/09/2023

On September 1, 1941, Jews living in Germany were required to wear a yellow Star of David, serving as a tool to stigmatize, humiliate, segregate, and control Jews.
Before that "following the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, the Jewish badge was introduced, although there was no general order. A variety of badges were worn in different regions during the short time between the German invasion and the mass killing of Jews throughout the Soviet Union.

Then, on September 1, 1941, Reinhard Heydrich decreed that all Jews in the Reich six years of age or older were to wear a badge which consisted of a yellow David Star on a black field to be worn on the chest, with the word "Jew" inscribed inside the star in German or in the local language. This applied to all German Jews and Jews in Germany's annexed territories: Alsace, Bohemia-Moravia and the Warthegau (the German-annexed territory of western Poland)."
Text: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The yellow star in the N**i era - European Jewish Congress On September 1, 1941, Jews living in Germany were required to wear a yellow Star of David, serving as a tool to stigmatize, humiliate, segregate, and control Jews.

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 24/08/2023

80 years and one day ago, the "Tēvija" newspaper reported on the establishment of the Riga Ghetto. The only permitted publication in occupied Latvia solemnly announced the alienation of an entire people. It took just a few weeks of propaganda for tens of thousands of Latvian citizens to be labeled as the "non-Latvian element" and "accomplices of Bolshevism." They were swiftly excluded from the economy, society, culture, city, and country, and from the ranks of the civilized – A***n – peoples. Now all that remained was to exclude them from the realm of humanity.

The photo:
1,2) Clipping from the newspaper "Tēvija. 23.08.1941, 3 page";
3)The blocks marked in black are designated for the resettlement of all Jews in Riga;
4) This scene outside the Jewish shop shows that they can't maintain order even among themselves. While some stand in line, others try to enter the shop without queuing (Since special shops have been set up for Jews in their district, Jews are forbidden to enter all markets in Riga);
5)Inscription in German and Latvian: Jews are forbidden to enter the market.

Source: Newspaper "Tēvija" 23.08.1941, 3 page

Liepājā atrasti jauni grāvji ar nacistu nošauto ebreju mirstīgajām atliekām 21/08/2023

In Liepāja, Latvia, a research expedition is underway to investigate the mass executions of Jews during WWII. Using evidence from a 1941 film by a German sailor and geo-radar techniques, the team discovered potential mass graves near the Liepāja lighthouse and the Līvas cemetery. The cemetery revealed suspicious mounds without tombstones, hinting at burial sites. Meanwhile, the footage captures mass killings in the same areas the team is investigating. The research continues, as the full extent of the tragedies that occurred during the N**i occupation remains to be thoroughly documented.

Liepājā atrasti jauni grāvji ar nacistu nošauto ebreju mirstīgajām atliekām Speciālistu komanda no ASV veica padziļinātus pētījumus masu nošaušanas un apbedījumu vietās, kā arī Līvas kapsētā. Tika apstiprināts, ka Šķēdes kāpās atrodas visgarākais – 250 metru – grāvis ar nošau...


Looking back at the event "Steps of Life" Shamir Association organized on the 4th of July - Day of Commemoration of Genocide against the Jews in Latvia.
We cordially thank all the participants: relatives of Holocaust victims and survivors, Latvian parliament and Riga council deputies, their excellencies ambassadors, honor guests and Riga citizens who came to participate in the ceremony.

The longest version can be found in youtube (follow the link: )

The event was co-financed by the Riga City Council Department of Education, Culture and Sports within the framework of the Society Integration Program.
The event was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Latvia.

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 10/08/2023

We are pleased to announce that 3 new virtual tours are available on our platform You can view it by clicking the link in our profile's header.

New tours accessible are:

“Closed Borders” is an exhibition about the migration crisis in the Pre-war period of Latvian history. It tells of diplomatic conferences on European issues and how the First Latvian Republic dealt with Jewish migrants from Austria and Germany, who sought their refuge in Latvia.

The installation “Idol” was created by the American sculptor Emil Silberman and his brother Gabriel, an electrical engineer, descendants of Holocaust Jewish survivors. The installation was created by hand and was done from scratch on location.

From Dust and Ashes is an exhibition dedicated to the organization Beitar, which was founded in Riga in 1923 and had branches across Europe. The exhibition features copies of rare photographs and documents and of flags of Beitar's Latvian branches.


79 years ago, on August 1, 1944, the Uprising broke out in Warsaw. It lasted 63 days and was the largest single military effort taken by any European resistance movement during World War II.

The story of the Uprising is inseparably entwined with the story of the German N**i Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. Both during the Uprising and after its suppression, Germans deported over 500 000 inhabitants from Warsaw as part of the repressive action. About 13 000 of those people, including babies, children and elderly people, were deported to Auschwitz.

Their fate is told in our online lesson:

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 06/07/2023

We received photos from the "March of the Living" by Harald Elceris. We express our gratitude to him for sharing with us. We invite you to send us your own photographs and tag us in your pictures and stories.

Let's remember history together!

Photos from the event on July 4, 2023 © Haralds Elceris Photographer

Photos from The Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum's post 06/07/2023

On July 4, 2023, the "March of the Living" event took place, commemorating the memory of the deceased Latvian Jews. Over 100 individuals attended the event, including relatives of the victims, descendants of the survivors, ambassadors, and officials from Latvia, as well as residents of Riga and international guests. Several notable speakers delivered speeches, including Her Excellency Mrs. Sharon Rappaport Palgi, the Ambassador of the State of Israel; Anna Radivilova, US embassy's chief of the political economic section; Michel Gourary, the descendant of a Holocaust victim and Director of the European March of the Living Network; Chairman the Board of Trustees of the Holocaust Documentation Center and Memorial Collection Public Foundation Dr Andor Grosz; Igor Rajevs, Deputy of Latvian Parliament; Menachem Sela, a relative of Latvian Jews murdered in the Holocaust and Leonid Brainin, a descendant of Latvian Jews, Holocaust Survivors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who participated in this solemn memorial event.

The event was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Latvia.
The event was co-financed by the Riga City Council Department of Education, Culture and Sports within the framework of the Society Integration Program.

Photos from the event on July 4, 2023 © Sergejs Budanovs


Dear visitors,
On May 26th, we celebrate Shavuot - the day of the giving of the Torah. In light of this, the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum will not be open on this day.
We look forward to welcoming you on other days!

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Videos (show all)

Grāmatas “Latvijas ebreju vēstures materiālu kopojums” izdevuma latviešu valodā prezentācija
Looking back at the event "Steps of Life" Shamir Association organized on the 4th of July - Day of Commemoration of Geno...
Pieminot Rumbulu




Lastādijas Iela 14A (entrance From Vilhelma Purvīša Street)

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

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9 Mazais Balasta Dambis
Riga, 1048

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Riga, LV-1050

всемирная культурно-историческая энциклопедия людей,

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Kr. Barona Iela 3 Dz. 5
Riga, 1050

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Riga, 1010

Etnomuzejs "Cepures Pasaule"