Studio MENG

Studio MENG Tao Training voor gezondheid en bewustzijn Studio MENG biedt trainingen en workshops op het gebied van gezondheid en persoonlijke ontwikkeling, vnl.

gebaseerd op het Taoïsme. De verbinding van de geest met het aardse lichaam vormt hierin het fundament. Tao Training combineert aspecten van o.a. Chi Kung, Tao Yin, Tai Chi Ch’uan en Nei Dan Gong met moderne wetenschap.

Photos from Studio MENG's post 16/07/2024

Wie heeft interesse in deze enorme ficus?
Zij gaat al jaren met me mee (komt oorspronkelijk nog uit Cursus Centrum de Ruimte - Witte de Withstraat) en het is met pijn dat ik haar moet laten gaan. Maar met het sluiten van Studio MENG kan ik haar gewoon niet meer kwijt...
Ik denk dat €110 inclusief pot en onderstel wel een heel aardig prijsje is?

Photos from Studio MENG's post 08/07/2024

So... this table is now for sale...
Original MENG table. (- If tables could talk...!)

Accomodates 10 peeps easily.
Does cost some.
DM for those seriously interested.

Photos from Studio MENG's post 08/07/2024

Saturday's closedown party of Studio MENG in The Hague was epic!!

Here Icatya Sedney getting us to move and sing, sharing her Bodyvoicing. Then Caroline Wiedenhof sharing some of her experience and insights of the MENG hexagram through movie and poetry. (Unfortunately no pics of the workshops of Robert van den Bos and Inge Maassen.)

Thanks all for sharing and participating so joyfully. It was a beautiful, intimate gathering that is sure to leave longlasting memories.

I was deeply touched by the generous donations of many, both present and absent. Thank you. Thank you very much!

Studio MENG will find new ways of sharing health and wisdom practices and bringing together people who are sincerly interested in such.

Blessings to all!


Onderhuur Den Haag
Appartement in Reinkenstraat
September t/m April


Things are virtuous when properly nourisehed.

This one I got as a present from the generous and kindhearted Sun family in Weibao Shan.

Directly related to the few monks living in this holy mountain in Yunnan, the Sun family ran a fairly big hotel in Weibao town. I stayed with them for a couple of days before, during and after my longer stay in the mountain temples in 2007. Uncle Sun was a prolific calligrafist who I ordered some artworks with.
This one then was a gift when I left them.
Having to shed a fair bit of my belongings, I will pass this one on to one lucky person this saturday!!

Studio MENG ex*****on sale this saturday!!!
Sharing soooo much cool stuff I almost wish it was mé who was getting settled again!



Sun Wukong, Monkey King
Cute 3D framed image

This one was actually gifted to me anonymously couple of years ago. Somebody just left this on the stairs towards the studio with the obvious reason of donating it.
No doubt these little presents spark joy for much more than that moment. It has been a cherished part of my Studio MENG office and later the hall. But now.... I gotta move.....

Studio MENG ex*****on sale this saturday!!!
Sharing soooo much cool stuff I almost wish it was mé who was getting settled again!


Read more about Sun Wukong and other monkey biz in previous posts :D


Studio MENG ex*****on sale this saturday!!!
Sharing soooo much cool stuff I almost wish it was mé who was getting settled again!

Huge poster Kagemusha, Akira Kurosawa. Original Filmhuis poster. Dmaged but still brutal!!!



Studio MENG ex*****on sale this saturday!!!
Sharing soooo much cool stuff I almost wish it was mé who was getting settled again!



2010 when I had just gotten the keys to what was to be Studio MENG


Wist jij dat Studio MENG sluit? Dat is, de fysieke ruimte in Den Haag moet dicht omdat het pand wordt verkocht. Mijn activiteiten zal ik voorlopig wel onder de naam Studio MENG (en MENG Elementair werk) voortzetten. Eerst online vanuit Bali en later vermoedelijk weer ergens live.

Om het afscheid van de studio kracht bij te zetten nodig ik jou uit om volgende week, 6 juli, het sluitingsfeest bij. te wonen.

Kom nog één keer genieten van de heerlijke ruimte. Drink een kop of glas met vrienden van MENG. Ervaar een mini workshop van één van de huidige gebruikers. En sla je slag in de unieke veiling van het interieur!

Mini workshops
(Elk max. 15 minuten. Volgorde nader te bepalen):
• Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing 'Zing met je lichaam'
• Inge Maassen: 'Tao vd 5 elementen' - met voice dialogue
• Robert van den Bosch en Deborah Goedewagen: 'Bewust Beter Bewegen'
• Caroline Wiedenhof: ‘Combining’, over het verbinden van filosofie, kunst, qi gong, veranderkunde, wanderlust en idealisme.

!!! Laat me ajb direct weten als je 6 juli langs wilt komen !!! (Dan weet ik ongeveer hoeveel chips ik moet halen!) -> [email protected]


Celebratory closedown party Studio MENG - July 6

=== Please give me a HEART SYMBOL if you think of coming! ===

(And only then: I wish to know roughly how much drinks I need to get!)

Just as we opened Studio MENG with a small party, I don't want to let the closing of MENG pass by lightly. Therefore, I would like to invite you to stop by on July 6 for a small, celebratory gathering.
Come enjoy the wonderful space one last time. Have a cup or glass with friends. Experience a mini workshop by one of Studio MENG's current users. And strike your bargain in the unique interior auction!
Celebratory closure
Studio MENG
Juli 6th 2024
14.00 - Walk-in
14.30 - Auction
15.30 - Mini workshops
17.00 - Drink/dance
18.00 - Finish
Everyone is welcome!
Mini Workshops:
(Each max. 15 minutes. Order to be determined):
Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing “Sing with your body”
Inge Maassen: Tao vd 5 elementen - met voice dialogue
Robert van den Bosch: Bewust Beter Bewegen
Caroline Wiedenhof: “Combining,” about connecting philosophy, art, qi gong, change science, wanderlust and idealism.

Auction interior:
Years marinated in the benevolent energy of Studio MENG: the interior represented more than its bare market value. With the closing of MENG, I am looking for a suitable destination for the following items, among others:

20 + Ikea folding chairs + matching square cushions
Air purifier
Refrigerator (table model)
Display cabinet
Flip-chart + paper
Wooden chest
Framed Quan Yin
Framed Neijing Tu
Framed Ba Gua
Framed calligraphy Shen
Framed calligraphy Chinese proverb “Ba xian guo hai, ge xian shen tong” (八仙過海, 各顯神通), which means “The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each revealing their divine powers,”
Pilate ball 12x
Plates, cutlery, glasses....
Lanterns kitchen 3x
Ceiling lamps 20x ?
Meditation cushions
Sport mats (black)
Natural rubber mats with cover blankets
Paint supplies
Large tea jugs
Chamberscreen painting forest ( ! )
Chinese boy and girl (on display cabinet)...
Planter boxes with fresh soil (9x)
...and more...

The auction is primarily to minimize throwing stuff in the trash. In addition, I would not mind getting a small return on my many investments. Especially in view of my current financial situation: now unable to work and soon without a workspace. Moreover, in September I hope to continue my training in Lotus Nei Gong in Indonesia. So the auction is also a benefit/fundraiser for my training there!

Photos from Studio MENG's post 24/06/2024

14 Dieprode zafu. Iets dikker model (16cm).
8 zo-goed-als-nieuw = €120
6 nieuw in verpakking = €120
Alle 14 = €200

Sla je slag bij de executie veiling van Studio MENG (Den Haag) op 6 Juli.
(Of doe een onweerstaanbaar bod via PM vóór die tijd 🙂

Celebratory closing Studio MENG - July 6
Just as we opened Studio MENG with a small party, I don't want to let the closing of MENG pass by lightly. Therefore, I would like to invite you to stop by on July 6 for a small, celebratory gathering.
Come enjoy the wonderful space one last time. Have a cup or glass with friends. Experience a mini workshop by one of Studio MENG's current users. And strike your bargain in the unique interior auction!
Celebratory closure
Studio MENG
Juli 6th 2024
14.00 - Walk-in
14.30 - Auction
15.30 - Mini workshops
17.00 - Drink/dance
18.00 - Finish
Everyone is welcome!
Mini Workshops:
(Each max. 15 minutes. Order to be determined):
Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing “Sing with your body”
Inge Maassen: Tao vd 5 elementen - met voice dialogue
Robert van den Bosch: Bewust Beter Bewegen
Caroline Wiedenhof: “Combining,” about connecting philosophy, art, qi gong, change science, wanderlust and idealism.


Prachtige schildering. Beschadigd.

Sla je slag bij de executie veiling van Studio MENG (Den Haag) op 6 Juli.
---- > Of doe een onweerstaanbaar bod via PM vóór die tijd 🙂
(Ik reageer alleen op serieuze boden)

Celebratory closing Studio MENG Den Haag - July 6
Just as we opened Studio MENG with a small party, I don't want to let the closing of MENG pass by lightly. Therefore, I would like to invite you to stop by on July 6 for a small, celebratory gathering.
Come enjoy the wonderful space one last time. Have a cup or glass with friends. Experience a mini workshop by one of Studio MENG's current users. And strike your bargain in the unique interior auction!
Celebratory closure
Studio MENG
Juli 6th 2024
14.00 - Walk-in
14.30 - Auction
15.30 - Mini workshops
17.00 - Drink/dance
18.00 - Finish
Everyone is welcome!
Mini Workshops:
(Each max. 15 minutes. Order to be determined):
Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing “Sing with your body”
Inge Maassen: Tao vd 5 elementen - met voice dialogue
Robert van den Bosch: Bewust Beter Bewegen
Caroline Wiedenhof: “Combining,” about connecting philosophy, art, qi gong, change science, wanderlust and idealism.


18 rubber (massage) ballen (doorsnee 5 cm.)

Sla je slag bij de executie veiling van Studio MENG (Den Haag) op 6 Juli.
Of doe een onweerstaanbaar bod via PM vóór die tijd 🙂
(Ik reageer alleen op serieuze boden)
Celebratory closing Studio MENG - July 6
Just as we opened Studio MENG with a small party, I don't want to let the closing of MENG pass by lightly. Therefore, I would like to invite you to stop by on July 6 for a small, celebratory gathering.
Come enjoy the wonderful space one last time. Have a cup or glass with friends. Experience a mini workshop by one of Studio MENG's current users. And strike your bargain in the unique interior auction!
Celebratory closure
Studio MENG
Juli 6th 2024
14.00 - Walk-in
14.30 - Auction
15.30 - Mini workshops
17.00 - Drink/dance
18.00 - Finish
Everyone is welcome!
Mini Workshops:
(Each max. 15 minutes. Order to be determined):
Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing “Sing with your body”
Inge Maassen: Tao vd 5 elementen - met voice dialogue
Robert van den Bosch: Bewust Beter Bewegen
Caroline Wiedenhof: “Combining,” about connecting philosophy, art, qi gong, change science, wanderlust and idealism.

Photos from Studio MENG's post 23/06/2024

Houten massage ballen
15 met doorsnee 3,5 cm.
10 met doorsnee 5,5 cm.

Sla je slag bij de executie veiling van Studio MENG (Den Haag) op 6 Juli.
Of doe een onweerstaanbaar bod via PM vóór die tijd 🙂
(Ik reageer alleen op serieuze boden)
Celebratory closing Studio MENG - July 6
Just as we opened Studio MENG with a small party, I don't want to let the closing of MENG pass by lightly. Therefore, I would like to invite you to stop by on July 6 for a small, celebratory gathering.
Come enjoy the wonderful space one last time. Have a cup or glass with friends. Experience a mini workshop by one of Studio MENG's current users. And strike your bargain in the unique interior auction!
Celebratory closure
Studio MENG
Juli 6th 2024
14.00 - Walk-in
14.30 - Auction
15.30 - Mini workshops
17.00 - Drink/dance
18.00 - Finish
Everyone is welcome!
Mini Workshops:
(Each max. 15 minutes. Order to be determined):
Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing “Sing with your body”
Inge Maassen: Tao vd 5 elementen - met voice dialogue
Robert van den Bosch: Bewust Beter Bewegen
Caroline Wiedenhof: “Combining,” about connecting philosophy, art, qi gong, change science, wanderlust and idealism.

Photos from Studio MENG's post 23/06/2024

12 x Pilatus/fysio ballen
Nieuw. In verpakking. En je krijgt er drie gebruikte ballen bij :)

Sla je slag bij de executie veiling van Studio MENG (Den Haag) op 6 Juli.
Of doe een onweerstaanbaar bod via PM vóór die tijd :)
(Ik reageer alleen op serieuze boden)

Celebratory closing Studio MENG - July 6
Just as we opened Studio MENG with a small party, I don't want to let the closing of MENG pass by lightly. Therefore, I would like to invite you to stop by on July 6 for a small, celebratory gathering.
Come enjoy the wonderful space one last time. Have a cup or glass with friends. Experience a mini workshop by one of Studio MENG's current users. And strike your bargain in the unique interior auction!
Celebratory closure
Studio MENG
Juli 6th 2024
14.00 - Walk-in
14.30 - Auction
15.30 - Mini workshops
17.00 - Drink/dance
18.00 - Finish
Everyone is welcome!
Mini Workshops:
(Each max. 15 minutes. Order to be determined):
Icatya Sedney: Bodyvoicing “Sing with your body”
Inge Maassen: Tao vd 5 elementen - met voice dialogue
Robert van den Bosch: Bewust Beter Bewegen
Caroline Wiedenhof: “Combining,” about connecting philosophy, art, qi gong, change science, wanderlust and idealism.

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Gezondheids- En Schoonheidsbedrijf in The Hague wordt?
Klik hier om uitgelicht te worden.

Video's (alles zien)

Jaartraining MANKRACHT - Tao van de Man
Tao van het Paard
De Tao van het Paard
Turtle and Water Buffalo



Helmersstraat 140
The Hague

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Vlietweg 15, Leidschendam
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Piet Heinstraat 98
The Hague, 2518CL

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𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘶𝘵 • 𝘓𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳 • 𝘒𝘢𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳

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