Mystic Soul Sounds

Spreading Light and Awareness with
Sacred Vibrational Medicine. Sound Healing | Holistic Massage | Intuitive Energy Healing | Transformational Coaching

I am a Sound Alchemist and Energy Healer offering vibrational medicine for Relaxation, Healing, and Transformation of the mind, body, and spirit. My instruments include
Quartz Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, voice, guitar, percussion, chimes, and flute, which are used to create an immersive and intuitively shaped soundscape to help you drop into a deeply meditative state and tune into your inn

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 19/08/2024

Today I dove into my insecurities that show up in conversations with others.
I often get triggered into experiencing feelings of inferiority, smallness, self-doubt, and lack of confidence when talking to someone who supposedly has “their s**t together”.

This activates my programs of people pleasing and “sucking up” to be seen as equal or to prove my worth.
As a result of this my need for validation gets louder and louder. It’s as if I don’t truly believe that I can be great and successful if there isn’t someone there to tell me.
As if I need others in order to see for myself how bright I shine.
A lack of self-worth and trust in myself.

Although I was aware that I am still running these programs to some extent, it surprised me that a mere memory of a conversation I had months ago triggered all this to resurface. It reminded me that there is still some deeper work to do.

So I allowed myself to feel into this wound and was guided back to my early teens.
An insecure child, wanting to belong, to be liked, and seeing herself as ugly, unlikable, and even a burden to others. Getting rejected and falling into victimhood and self-pity, into powerlessness. I tried so hard to fit in that I couldn’t see myself for who I was.
I gave my power away to others and failed to CONNECT to the powerful divine soul that I am because I learned that love, safety, and acceptance come from the outside.
At an even deeper level this reflects an upbringing that was focused on gaining approval and love that seemed conditional at times, that I had to work hard for.

I am not here to cast blame or judgement onto my caregivers, but to speak truth about how our society has developed into embodying powerlessness instead of knowing how to connect to our innate power, and unknowingly passing this on to the next generation.
Like many others, I was not taught this. And then we get sent out into the world feeling the need to prove ourselves in order to feel safe and accepted.

Once I had identified this wound I was able to hold my teenage self in this pain.
And while holding her and letting her feel and love love love all the pain coming up with the dismissal, rejection, smallness, and inferiority she experienced, I also connected her to her light.
Here she saw that she doesn’t need to fight to be seen anymore, that she can instead spend this energy on giving LOVE to herself, on establishing SAFETY WITHIN and ACCEPTING HERSELF. That the only true sense of belonging is the CONNECTION with herself, where she can feel safe, worthy, and powerful.

So here I am today, calling in more trust in myself, true connection with my inner sanctum, and also honouring for who I am without needing to change, adjust, or adapt to anyone else’s standards.

This is the power of this work.
If I pay attention, I get shown daily, in something as simple as a conversation, that there are still deep-rooted wounds that want to be healed. Triggers are way-showers that I am grateful for.Learning this level of self-awareness is one of the keys to healing at this deeper level.

If you want to learn more about this work or are interested in coaching so you can free yourself from the programming that is holding you back, send me a DM or go to .

Sonic Soul Activation | Mystic Soul Sounds 13/08/2024

Hello gorgeous souls,

We are meeting again tomorrow evening for a transformational journey through sound and vibration.

If you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your body and mind this is for you. Vibration helps mobilise energies on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level and creates a space of peace and grounding in which we can connect with our true self.
Mama cacao will also be part of the session to support you on this journey.

Only a few spaces left, bookings essential.
Tickets on a sliding scale from $25-$40.

Sonic Soul Activation | Mystic Soul Sounds Join into this immersive 90min Group Sound Journey including cacao - Experience deep meditative rest, activate your body's innate self-healing abilities, and connect to your heart and inner wisdom.


Hanging out in the space of "not knowing" isn't always super fun.

In our society we have learned to focus on our mind as the solver of all problems and give little attention to our intuition.
We externalise a hell of a lot and often end up in a space of desperation and helplessness if we "can't figure it out".

What if I told you that you've always been guided by your intuition in some way or form, even if you're not fully aware of it.
All answers are within. If we can practice trust, presence, and patience we can connect to that inner voice, our intuition.

Take a breath. Be still. Connect to your heart. And listen.

I've been called very loudly to grow this connection over the last few weeks and to build my trust in my heart's guidance.
It's been a wildly empowering journey!!

If you are interested in learning more about the work I've been doing to free myself from my toxic programming
If you are ready to dive into healing yourself on this deeper level,
feel free to reach out to me via dm or visit

Sonic Soul Activation | Mystic Soul Sounds 28/07/2024

Last Monday group sound healing session tomorrow before we switch to Wednesday evenings!!!

There are still a few spaces remaining.
Join us to recalibrate and renew ✨

Get your ticket here

Sonic Soul Activation | Mystic Soul Sounds Join into this immersive 90min Group Sound Journey including cacao - Experience deep meditative rest, activate your body's innate self-healing abilities, and connect to your heart and inner wisdom.

Sonic Soul Activation | Mystic Soul Sounds 07/07/2024

3 open spaces for tomorrow's Sound Bath with Cacao ✨
Is one of them yours?


Book here

Sonic Soul Activation | Mystic Soul Sounds Join into this immersive 90min Group Sound Journey including cacao - Experience deep meditative rest, activate your body's innate self-healing abilities, and connect to your heart and inner wisdom.

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 05/07/2024

Do you truly know yourself?
Do you actually know how powerful you are?

Our programs often make us believe we are small, worthless, insignificant, unworthy, helpless, powerless, not good enough, etc... and with this stop us from reaching our highest potential.
Running these programs is human, but what we have to understand is that they were passed on to us lovingly and generously by our caregivers and society.

Underneath all this crap resides your divine soul. Pure, powerful, divine.
This is what you truly are at your core.

When we connect to our divine essence we can transmute all the bulls**t programming that's in the way of us being the best version of ourselves.

Start growing your power as the divine soul that you are.
Feel your divinity and fully step into your truest, brightest Self.

Not sure how to?
Reach out to me via DM if you'd like to learn more.

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 03/07/2024

For the longest time I ran programs of avoidance, resistance, and rejection of the pain that came forward for me.

I chose to dismiss, distract, use coping strategies (drinking, eating, watching TV, going out, exercising - you name it) to not have to feel it.

I'd suppress all emotions attached to the pain, refuse to show them to the outside world, put on a brave face, believing that this was showing "strength".
I learned this at a very young age, as many of us do.

Little did I know then that true power really is facing this emotional pain and wholeheartedly embracing it.
That this pain, this energy, is trying to communicate that there is something within, a wound at a deeper level, that wants to be healed.

What I was doing was suppressing the messages my higher self was sending me.
I was self-abandoning and showing up in unkind, unloving ways to myself in order to seem "strong" to people on the outside, and in order to fit in.

If we ignore and push away the pain, we can't heal the wound, and if we don't heal the core wound, the pain will continue to haunt us, the suffering will continue.
It's a cycle that can only be broken if we take responsibility for our pain and the wounds it is connected to.

If we allow ourselves to sit in presence with this pain, give it the loving attention it desires, FEEL IT AND LISTEN to the messages it has to share with us, we gain divine insight into our deepest wounds and get a true chance at healing them.

The most integral step in this process is being connected to the heart 💛
When we are connected to our soul and can feel and embody our true power, that's when transformational healing can occur.

This is something I had to learn and am so excited to share with you.
Are you ready to break the cycles of pain and suffering and start healing for real?
Do you want to gain deeper insight into your inner world, your programming and core wounds that are holding you back from reaching your highest potential?

Reach out to me with any questions 💛

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 03/07/2024

When we feel confused, stuck, or unsure.
When we consider millions of options, weigh the pros and cons, but can't come to a decision.
When we wonder why.....
..we are trapped in our mind 💥

We so heavily rely on our mind to "solve all our problems" these days because we have been conditioned by society to do so.
We overthink and ask others for advice.

When did we become so disconnected from our inner wisdom?
We have forgotten and aren't taught how to listen in and to connect to our inner voice, our soul, our higher self.
Instead we get told our mind is our greatest asset and to make sure we THINK about everything thoroughly.

I call bulls**t - I have put value to the stories my mind tells me for too long. Stories I've been programmed with by society and family; stories that run on repeat, that are self-destructive, harmful, unloving, untrue. And yet, for the majority of my life, I listened.

Until I learned about the power of my heart.
Until I learned to FEEL.
To tap into the divine aspects of myself that have been waiting to come online for oh so long.
The power of our own divine sight, our truest nature, our soul.

Our soul has all the answers.
Our soul is pure - free from human conditioning.
That's where we connect to THE TRUTH ✨

I've just finished the most incredible and transformative coaching certification program with and the amazing .
Boy it was challenging, it surely knocked me around, but only in the best of ways!

I learned to trust my heart's guidance, my own power as a divine soul in this human existence.
It is SO SO SO empowering!!

If you're interested in learning more about the power of your heart, check out MSU! I promise it'll change your life for the better.

Let me help you foster this connection with your heart 💛
🔥 Check out the meditation in my feed to experience what it means to drop into this sacred heart space of yours

🔥 Join one of my Group Sound Journeys, where I facilitate this gentle opening into the heart and connection to your higher self

🔥 Contact me for 1:1 coaching sessions, so you can heal for good and step into your highest potential in this lifetime here on earth


Thank you Jane 🙏

An honour to be weaving sound for you.


Winter Massage Special!!!! 🔥🔥🔥

90 minutes of pure Bliss.
This one is to awaken all your senses.

The divine scent of cacao butter, replenishing your skin.
The rich taste of ceremonial cacao, warming your heart.
The soothing sound of vocals and crystal bowls, helping you connect within.
The gentle touch of relaxation massage techniques, moving stagnant energy and nurturing tired muscles.

Let yourself be wrapped in a warm nurturing cocoon where your mind can rest and your soul re-energize.

Limited time offer 🔥
Find and book available spaces on my website:


I've had a couple of very very restful days.
I don't usually rest unless my body tells me to, and this time it told me very loudly that I need to stop with all the DOING and simply enjoy some rest. I was laying flat for the majority of two days.
So rest! Not for the sake of productivity (thanks for the reminder Shannon), but simply to rest, just because that is also part of our human nature. There's no need for a reason, but it's so crucial for a healthy and happy existence.

This song came through when I allowed myself to be in this space of feminine flow - processing emotions and tuning into the deeper parts of myself.

Powerful divine expression happens when we are in a space of presence, surrender, femininity, openness. In a space where the mind is quiet and the heart has time and space to speak.

Let this song be your reminder (and also mine! 😂) to take those time outs when they feel needed.
Reconnect with your power by simply being present with what is.

Much love 💛 and thanks for listening 🙏✨

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 03/06/2024

Thank you Sven 🙏

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 31/05/2024

Sonic Awareness is a big topic for me.
As someone very sensitive to sound, I assess my sonic environment a lot. If there is too much "disturbance" I remove myself.
Unfortunately not everyone is aware of the impact of environmental sound and vibrational frequencies on the body/mind/spirit.

There are "bad" sounds our there! And as much as we choose healthy foods, we need to also make a conscious choice to surround ourselves with healthy vibration and take ourselves away from detrimental ones - noise.

Are you aware of what frequencies you are exposing yourself to?
Do you recognize the impact of constant noise on your nervous system?

Sound researcher Joshua Leeds talks about sonic safety and sound awareness in his book 'The Power of Sound'.

It is my mission to spread awareness and educate about the impact of sound and vibration on all of us.
They influence us more than we can imagine!

Have you assessed your sonic environment recently?
Comment below 💛


This one touched my heart so deeply 💛

Word cannot express the gratitude I feel for the beautiful humans stepping into my space and vulnerably opening their hearts to receive the magic that is sound.

It is clear to me that I was called to step into this role as a sound healer to help humanity reconnect with their essence, heart, power, and inner guidance.

Thank you Alison for sharing your experience.
With deep gratitude 🙏

Photos from Mystic Soul Sounds's post 31/05/2024

Sound Healing & its effects and benefits on the brain.

For those of you curious to get a deeper understanding of what sound frequencies (specifically those of quartz crystal and tibetan singing bowls) can effect in our brain and why they are so beneficial for us.



5 spaces left for next Monday's Sonic Soul Activation - Group Sound Journey with Cacao.
Get your ticket before they're all snapped up ✨


Hello lovelies!

Apparently Meta/Facebook had a glitch and deleted all events that contain Humanitix links. They are working on a solution.....

In the meantime, if you'd like to book a space or two for any of my upcoming sound healing sessions, please go to Humanitix and search for the event or my host page.
Event would be found under:
Sonic Soul Activation - group sound journey
Host page is :
Mystic Soul Sounds

I will avoid posting any links until the problem gets resolved.
Much love 💛💛💛


Catch me at Flow Yoga Christchurch for an Intro to Sound Healing workshop this week.
This is part of Sadhana month and is a FREE 45min class in which I'll go into detail on the science of sound healing and the many benefits we can receive from this medicine on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of our being.
Of course you'll get the chance to experience sound in this session too!
So if you're new to sound healing and are interested in learning what it can do for us, or are simply keen to get a little taster of what it feels like to be bathing in sound and vibration, come join!
Thursday 10am-10.45am


Bookings are open for May and June! ✨

Book your Sound Healing - Holistic Massage - Reiki Energy Healing as a combination or individual session on my website:

I'm looking forward to supporting you on your journey to inner balance and wellbeing.


The next Sound Journey is happening during very special energies, on solar eclipse day, Monday 8th, at 6.30pm.

Have you been feeling the intense eclipse energies too?
Gain emotional and mental clarity by immersing in the sounds of the crystal bowls.

If you want to join us at this special time, follow the link below to book your space.


Are you in need of a timeout?
Feeling tense, stressed, or unbalanced?

I've certainly been feeling the intense energies we're in right now.
It's like everything is vibrating at a higher frequency.
Can you feel it in your body?
I'm feeling called to offer support and nourishment at a reduced rate this April.

Let me help you come into a state of ease, presence, and inner peace.
Enjoy a highly individualized and intuitive healing session that will leave you grounded and free of physical and emotional tension.
Combining Holistic Massage, Sound Healing and Reiki, I will meet you where you're at and with the intention to nurture and support you into a more joyful state of being.

Special rates for April only!
Bookings on my website

Raising Awareness | Humanitix 22/02/2024

Kia ora Otautahi,

The second workshop in the ~Empowering Wisdom Workshop Series~ has come to fruition!! ✨
This time a collaboration between my wonderful partner Karl and I.
We will be opening a fun filled and safe container for you to explore and dive more deeply into the ways we can raise our awareness and tune into our inner wisdom, which can help us live with more ease, understanding, and balance.
The tools that we will speak into are the medicine of cacao, subtle energies, as well as reflective writing, among some others for integration purposes - all aimed at helping us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves (the micro), and the world as a whole (the macro).
There are early birds up for $77 until 3rd March.
Afterwards tickets are $99 per person.
Please book ahead as there is very limited space.
All infos in the below link.


Raising Awareness | Humanitix Get tickets on Humanitix - Raising Awareness hosted by Mystic Soul Sounds. Pacific Road Home Studio, Pacific Road, North New Brighton, Christchurch 8083, New Zealand. Sunday 10th March 2024. Find event information.


Mama cacao has truly arrived in our home.
Abundance ✨ to bring in
Openness....... and so much more.

✨ All our events now integrate cacao to support you on your journey.

✨ We also have the trilogy - s magical blends - as well as pure PNG cacao for sale.
If you're feeling the call to bring this powerful medicine into your daily life, you can purchase some after any of our events.

Sonic Soul Activation group sound healing is happening this evening, 12th Feb, 6.30-8.00pm - link to the event in my bio.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Christchurch?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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FEELING our shit has been highly underrated in the past.Instead we were taught to push it aside, to avoid and suppress.B...
Regular sound bathing is medicine on all levels- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.Join our community of like-m...
My dear friend @shannonrosebennett said she played one of my reels in one of her yoga classes recently which honoured me...
Hanging out in the space of "not knowing" isn't always super fun.In our society we have learned to focus on our mind as ...
What it is that sets my massage apart from others 🔥Come see me for a HOLISTIC massage treatment.It is super important to...
A blessed lions gate everyone 💛 🦁A gentle reminder that you've got this! It's a potent time and can carry soooo much fru...
Who else is feeling the intensity?Which of the darker parts of your being are showing themselves for you right now?I've ...
Tune into this short voice transmission to help open the heart and clear your energy field ✨#voiceactivation #soundheali...
Post group sound healing session me time.I rarely pick up my instruments to bask myself in vibration these days.This has...
A little glimpse into today's healing.It continues to blow my mind how transformational this work is and how much power ...
I gave myself some time to sit with my anxiety today.It shows up pretty heavily when I take time to rest, and here's me ...



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